ITIONAL PROPERTY TAXES LOOM AS MEANS OF PAYING HIGHWAY BONDS i 1 PATRONIZE THENE KPOST FIRST 1. -------4 "GIRLS' ENACT Over 200 Attend Newark Rotary DEMOCRATS STATE" HISTORIC Club's "Charter Night" Monday DOWN BILL APRIL 29 JOURNEY 22 Organizations 'I FOR STATE - Attend; 'ViJHams Miss Catherinc Cerenlony Held Pl'incipal Speaker I TO SETTLE Park To Act At Old College Lcvy Con I't Secs As Governor Following Delay ~i~~~l~~I:~~so~~~F~s~~~~l~~~~ , Th Senator George S. Williams, of Jump In County e. Department of Delaware, An old carriage, drawn by four Millsboro, told 200 Rotarians '1I1d I American Legion Auxiliary, will horses, arrived in Newark yester- their guests .at the Newark Rotary I Tax Rate Of 15c; sponsor the second annual "Gi rls' doy afternoon, m arking the 150th Club's "Charter Night," held in Old State" on Saturday, April 29. In anniversary of George Washing- College Monday night. Reccsses Endcd Cooperation with the various other ton's histori c journ y from Mount "I am glad to leave Washington departments of the National Ot'gan- Vernon to New York for his !naug- and come here where I can spend Following unexpected r cesscs ization, this work is carried on as ural as lhe first president of the some time with real fo lks, among this week, both houses of the Gen- a part of the Americanism program United States. In the coach were men who do not pay attention to ral Assembly re-eonvened at t l of the Legion and ils Auxiliary. three men, impersonating George IT r . "th . o'clock this morning in an attempt The idea of the movement is to Washington, Charles Thomson, and ~oe~Ii'~:~ : ;~l~f ' ~~~tr~~t I :~~~rno l : c~~: I to complete the affairs of the pro- acquaint girls of high school age Colonel David Humphreys. ti nued. In conclusion, he congrat- longed cUlTent session on Friday. with the vari ous functions of the Art"ival DelaYCll ulated the Middletown club for its This is the 70lh legislative day, ot: stale government, the method of Arrivul here was delayed by an efforts in forming the local organi- ten days ovel' lhe limit for which nominati ng and electing eandi- unforseen accident when one ot the za ti n. members draw salary and expenses. dates of the various parties ,elc. horses sli pped while crossing the Greetings Extell{lCll The House of Representatives ad- Elections wi ll be held in 32 schools bridge at Havre de Grace, Md. The Thomas Newnam, president of journed on Mo nday, while the Sen- throughout the stale and each in- Ca ravan was met at the town 1 ;'~ lt s lion. J . Wallace Woodford the sponsoring body, welcomed the lite adjourned Tuesday, both to re- stitution will send 0 candidate for by the University of Delaware h?nd Mayor of Dover loca l club into Rotary while Samuel convene this morning. It is thought the House, one for the Senate, and and escorted to the college gates. Engle Burr, head of the New Caslle that calendars will be cleared in an attache. • "ere, George Washington and his Rotary organization, stated that he both houses today und tomorrow, Ie islnlive commit- The allocati on of the senators and compa n,~o n s were received at "Old DOVER TO was glad to have it as a ,neighbor. Dr. P. K. Musselman prior to' a recess of 10 days .when g , According to the announcement representatives will be the same as Coll ege ~y a gro ~p of fiv e students Greetings was extended from Governor R. C. McMullen Wi ll be secllOns of our made thiS week, Dr Mitchell , so n of under our present state government. of the ullIverslty, .'mpersonaltn& Dr Prof. Clarence A Short, presldC'nt of $200 GIVEN permitted to study legislati on that . d t Dr S C Mitchell former preSident D H V Hilt J ohn EWlllg, preS ident of the board the SelbYVi lle club' Roydon C has been passed. altogether deprn en on of 'the UllIverslty' of D I . h . r . 0 oway, sate super- of trustees of the Newark Academy ENTERTAIN Bryan head of th ~ Wilmlllgton Additional property taxes loom in to get th II produce to submitted hiS resignatl~,a;sa lae~so c~~ ~te~d e l~t;~fl~~bli:u S~I,:~~~:~~;~t D~f in 1789; Professor Wilham 'lnomp- . o r g~ n;zalton; Ralph E Springer, each of the three counltes to pro- d - the best that the a te professor of polttical economy schools III thc 'ci ty POf Wilmlllgton son, rector ~ f the ~ca d e my at that ON MAY 6 Ardmore, P o., governor of the 179th NEW CENTER duce revenue to meet maturing r03 s . a t Johns Ho killS Universit He ' . ' time, and thlee tUtOIS dlstnct; Edward S Thomas, presl- hi ghway Improvement bonds and afford-arc n~c('ssat Y ;~ Wi ll cease t e~c h ing there w~h the ~~ve ~ ' ven thell approval and Will Charles Th o m~ so n was a merr. ber dent of the West Grove-Avondale state aid roads bonds durlllg the farmers arc to se end of the academiC yeal', Sept- opel ate III the movement. of the Academys board of tlustees ___ Club, and Wilham H PIPPIll, head , --- , next ft scalb'enl1lum This lsa result ,II a proftl (m~(' r I It IS the hope of the offiCials of fo r many years and at the out- H T B of lhe Elkton, Md, orgal1lzati on LIons' Donation of the defeat III the Scnate on Mon- or ElTort A native of Georgetown, Ky , Dr. ~he American ~eglO n Auxlltary that bre.lk of t he ~ evo lutl o n was serving olnes 0 e Dr Paul K. Musselman, comman- day of lhe bill which would have ;h'::~7::~- ''''~'''''. lil.""y ears of efTort to get Mitchell studied at J ohns Hopklll s a l~ eleclton state oITlc.ers will be as the board s secl:etnry. Tho,:,son Th , 0 del' of the J . Alli son O'Daniel Post Starts MOVelllcnt authorized the state to pay oil' thes cOl~nttes ven from 191 4 to 1919 Hc was made an plc s ~nt 111 Dover on AP1l1 29, togeth- was still a nembel of lhe boal el III 10wn pen No. 10, American Legion, the only ~ut bonds mud IIlstruclor III pohlteal economy III cr With the. pat li amentartan of both the yenr, 1789: and when he nccon:- F . I t ' one present attired III a tuxedo, F()I"f P lay c:rl'Olln d The Levy Court of N~w CasUe of Kent ,md Sus- ' I tt btl the House and the Senate to gUide pan led Washlllgton on the preSI- 01 l).SpeC lOll 'jpologlzed for the manner III \H lch r' \. b Coul1ty meetlllg In Wilmington on I k . h c a er Y ~Cl r J ecamc a n as~ ,t:Ja e th l ' th d] t i t' t ' I 1 . f r; l . t parllcu ar, now In 1922, and became and associate e g il s 111 e proper procee lli'e (en -e ec s rlump lel Journey ro;n ___ the rest of the group was dressed. .11 t.~- - Tuesday, IIldicated that the tax rate surfdced, all- professor III 1927 He IS 46 years of slate government Mount Vernon to New York, I , For the seventh consecutive year In a mOte sel'I OUS vein, he pOlll ted EX lsUQM y as a dream III the might have to be Increased from 35 are to lh m old The Legion w ill also sponsor n Without 0 doubt talked to the "reat Dover WIll be "at home" to the out that the Legion was not onl y a mlllds l( Ii, , hopeful committee cents on the $100 to the legal lunit , Ihal lhen hlgh- "Boys' State" to be carried out III ~na.n .aboul hiS alma ;nater III New- many who Wish to nvall themselves war. but a peace-hm organization wo l"i<ers to~ ~Ulan ~ yenr ,. a of 50 cents . YET ALL THEY the same manner as the "GIrls' ark ~s they l ode fl om Elktoll to of the privllcge of seeing this hls- Clubs were represented from 22 supervised P ,\d t Ot C h l l ~1 en Democrats ShU Balk . S 0 g State" In the election for repre- W~,lm:n g~on. " torlC town in ItS beautiful spring Cities. Atlanttc City, Berlin, BI ioge- leaped towat:d I ''!'uesdaY.l1I ht Th defeat of the bond bill w~ s system " f Dela- C UT Isentatlves and senators III the vorl- Washington was fellcllated Ullon b d f . h h I ton Camden MoOtestown Palmyra- when the Lions "cW'IIIewol k ap- due to the refusal of the Democraltc completed as ous hi gh schools, both the boys und ~' S ('I('cllnn to the., preslde?cy by ~~\h ~~e ~"' haOcc~~~,~~;cl~ u s~~PI~~~~ RI~erto n, P~mberton , P I ~as;ntvllle, PIO_ _ all . approtCifrt!<!". 9.{ $200 mlllortty members to vote for It be- parties h,lve lately PAGEANT girls Will participate III the vottng Rector Thompson, and Secre- II h ddt· Salem VlI1 ela:-td New Jersey Dov- The action, taken at Qle ~!t lOn cause It r equired a three-fourths . It is the hope of the Legion: ~~r~i~~~s~~~'o~~as ;~~c~~i~~ ~x~.e ~~~s.
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