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Cox and Co.’s Post Office Directory 1857 Ref. AU2020

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To MEET the annual requirements of such an important City as Sydney, we now introduce the second number of the SYDNEY POST OFFICE DIRECTORY. The volume contains some 300 pages, and we flatter ourselves for fullness and accuracy of detail, style of production, and important information, it will do more than bear comparison with any of its annual competitors for public patronage. While tendering our grateful acknowledgments for the very liberal support bestowed upon our first SYDNEY DIRECTORY, we avail ourselves of the oppor- tunity of making a few remarks illustrative of our position at the commence- ment of the undertaking. In the first place, the tendency to frequent change of locality and residence, so natural to the inhabitants of a rising Colonial City, a tendency strengthened by the discovery of Gold in so many neighbouring localities, seemed to render anything approaching to accuracy impossible. This difficulty, however, a careful examination of our two volumes will show to have been in a great measure imaginary, the tendency being coun- teracted by the wonderful prosperity of our great city, rendering our citizens less nomadic. The confessed difficulty of collecting the requisite informa- tion was another considerable obstacle which, however, our readers being the judges, was fully overcome by the valuable assistance of gentlemen experi- enced in such work, and to whom we would cordially express our acknowledgments. We say it with no small degree of pride and gratitude, the SYDNEY POST OFFICE DIRECTORY met with an amount of success which far exceeded our most sanguine expectations. The Press met us with most favourable editorial notices ; the commercial world accepted our volume as a standard work: and encomiums poured in from all quarters, seldom received by proprietors of any new publication. Our measure of success was indeed full. Thus stimulated, we have redoubled our exertions in the production of the present volume, which appears under the special patronage of Her Majesty's Postmaster-General, who, fully recognising the necessity both of the existence and accuracy of such a work as the present, has allowed the various Letter- Carriers of the General Post Office to collect the information which now appears in our pages. IV PEEFACE. Yet, with all thege circumstances in favour of our DIRECTORY, it becomes us still to claim the indulgence of the Public for any slight errors which may appear, since, however great the amount of care which may have been taken in producing such a volume as this, errors do creep in, and we are candid enough to admit that time and experience are requisite before we can arrive at perfection. In giving forth the present edition, the Proprietors take upon themselves to correct any imperfections that may appear, and they would solicit the kind co-operation of the Public, by being furnished with " alterations or removals," at the earliest possible moment, at their Establishment, No. Ill, George Street, the Post Office Authorities having rendered them material assistance in the production of their Work, but are in no way answerable for any inac- curacies that may occur. In the present edition the Street Directory will be found muc" enlarged, the Trades' Directory has been carefully revised, and the alphabetical arrangement greatly extended; the Government Directory will be found correct, even amid the changes incidental to Responsible Government; the whole of the Ecclesiastical Establishments are given, as well as a detailed list of Charitable Institutions, Public Boards, and a complete compendium of the Postal Arrangements throughout the Colony. J. COX & CO. Proprietors. Ill, George Street, January 1, 1857. CONTENTS.

PAGE PAGE Abercrombie street .... 1 Campbell lane ..... 15 Ditto lane .... 1 Ditto place ..... Id Albion street ..... 1 Carter street 15 Ditto west 2 Castlereagh street .... 15 Albion Wharf 2 Cecil place, Chippendale ... 18 Albert place 2 Charles street, Woolloomooloo . . 18 Albert street, Woolloomooloo . . 2 Charles street 19 Albert street, Circular Quay ... 2 Charlotte place 19 Alfred street, Circular Quay ... 2 Chippen street 19 Alfred street, Woolloomooloo . . 2 Chapel lane 20 Ann street, Woolloomooloo ... 3 Church hill ...... 20 Ann's place 3 Clark's buildings ..... 20 Anwin street 3 Cleveland street 20 Arthur street ..... 3 Clarence street 20 Arthur place 3 Clarence lane . . . . .22 Argyle street ..... 3 Clarke street 22 Argyle place 3 Clyde street 22 Athlone place . .... 4 Circular Quay . . . . .22 Adelaide place, Surry hills ... 4 College street . . . . 22, 23 Bank Street 4 Collins street 23 Bank court 4 Cooper street . . . . .23 Barrack street . .... 4 Conlon's buildings. . . . .23 Barkers street 5 Corfu street ...... 23 Barkers lane 5 Craig end ...... 23 Bathurst street 5 Crescent street . . . .23 Bates' lane 6 Cribbslane 23 Bay street, Woolloomooloo ... 0 Crown street 23 Bedford street ..... 6 Crown street, Surry hilla ... 24 Belvoir street 6 Crown lane 26 Bellevue street 6 Crown road 20 Bent street 6 Cumberland street .... 26 Belgrave terrace 7 Cuthill's lane 28 Bligh Street 7 Cypress lane ...... 28 Bloomfield street 7 Dale street 28 Bourke street 7 Dal ton's lane ..... 28 Ditto Little .... 9 Daily's yard 28 Botany street 9 Davidson's lane 29 Bournes place 10 Darling street 29 Brisbane street 10 Davy street 29 Bridge street 10 Davis's, off Ferry lane .... 29 Brougham street 11 Delany's square 29 Brougham place 12 Denham street 29 Broughton place 12 Denison terrace . . . . .29 Brown's lane ... . .12 Devonshire street .... 29 Brown Bear lane ..... 12 Ditto terrace 30 Buckingham street .... 12 Dixon street ..... 30 Bull's Yard 12 Domain terrace 30 Bunkers hill 12 Dowling street 30 Burton street 13 Druitt street ...... 31 Burraphore street .... 13 Duke street, Woolloomooloo . . 31 Burdekin terrace .... 13 Duncan street 32 Callaghan's lane 13 Durand's alley 32 Cambridge street 13 Earl street 32 Campbell street 14 Edward street 32 VI CONTENTS. PAGE PAGE Edward lane 33 Macquarie street . . . . 66, 67 Elizabeth street 33 Macquarie place 67 Elizabeth place 36 McElthone place 68 Elizabeth terrace 37 McLeay street ..... 68 Erskine street 37 Macquarie lane 67 Essex street 37 Maguire's place 68 Essex lane 37 Maiden lane 68 Exeter place 37 Malcolm's lane 68 Ferry lane 38 Margaret street 68 Fitzroy street 38 Margaret place 69 Flemming's court 38 Margaret lane 69 Flood's lane 38 Market street . . . . .69 Forbes street ... . .38 Market Wharf 70 Fort street, Upper and Lower . . 39 Market lane 70 Foster street . . • . . .40 Market, The 71 Fowlers square 40 Markink's place 71 Foveaux street 40 Marlborough street 72 Francis street 40 Marlbdrough terrace .... 72 Francis street, Little .... 40 Mary street 72 Fraser's lane 41 Marshall street 72 Frederick's "place 41 McGrath's lane 72 Gaddise's buildings .... 41 May's lane ...... 72 Gas street 41 Middle street 72 George street 41 Miles street 73 George street, Little .... 50 Miller's road .73 Globe street 50 Morrison street 73 Gloucester street 50 Moore's road . . . .73 Gloucester terrace . . . .51 Miller's point Wharf .... 73 Goulburn street 51 Maouri lane 73 Goulburn street," Little .... 52 Munn street. 73 Green's place 52 Napoleon street 73 Gipps street 52 Newtown road 73 Hay street 52 Nichols street 74 Harris street 52 Norton street ..... 74 Harnett street 52 O'Contell street 74 Harrington street 52 Palmer street 74 Hamilton lane 53 Parramatta street 76 Hanson's buildings .... 53 Paradise place 77 Hancock's yard 53 Park street 77 Henrietta street 53 Parker street 78 High Holborn street .... 53 Payne's yard 78 Hill street 54 Pitt street 78 Holt street 54 Phillip street . . . . .83 Hoskin's place 54 Pottinger street 84 Hunter street .... .54 Premier terrace 84 Hunter street, Little .... 55 Princes street 84 Hunt's buildings 56 Queen street 85 Hutchinson street .... 56 Queen's place 86 Jacques Wharf 56 Queen's place, Lower .... 86 Jamison street 56 Richmond terrace 86 Jamison lane 56 Riley street 86 Jenkin street 57 Riley place 88 Jilk's buildings 57 Robey's buildings 88 John street 57 Robin Hood lane 88 Judge street, Woolloomooloo . . 57 Roxburgh place 88 Junction street 58 Rutland street 88 Junction lane 58 Sarah Ann street 88 Kent street 58 Seal street 89 Kensington street . . . .61 Sea View terrace 89 King street 62 Sell's place 89 Lansdown street 63 Shelly street 89 Levey street 64 Short street 89 lime street 64 Slip street 89 Linden place 64 Smith street 89 Liverpool street 64 Smith's terrace 89 Lyons terrace 66 South Head road . . . . .89 CONTENTS. rn PAGPAGE PAGE Spring street , 91 Professions and Trades in E, 161 to 165 Stanley street 91 S, 165 to 171 Steam Mill street 92 T, 171 to 174 Stephen street 92 U, 174 Sussex street 92 V, 174 to 175 Sussex court 95 W, 175 to 180 Surry street 95 Y, 180 Swan street 95 Z, 180 Surrett's lane 95 Taylor's row 96 Taylor's Wharf 96 Tegg's row 96 Classification of Trades. Tippoo terrace 96 Accountants, agents, architects and Union street 96 surveyors, artists, Assurance offices 181 Union Wharf 97 Attorneys, auctioneers. . . 182 Valentine's lane 97 Bakers, banks, barbers, hairdressers, Victoria street 97 &c...... 183 Victoria terrace ..... 97 Barristers, basket makers, bellhangers, Victoria place ..... 98 biscuit manufacturers, blacksmiths. 184 Wallis's lane 98 Blacking manufacturers, block and Washington street..... 98 mast makers, boarding and lodging Waterloo street ..... 98 houses. .... 185 Wattle street 99 Boat builders, boiler-makers, bonnet- Wellington street .... 99 makers, book-binders, booksellers, Wentworth street .... 99 and stationers . . . 186 Wentworth place .... 99 Bootmakers. . . . 187 & 188 William street 100 Brass-finishers, brewers, bricklayers, William street east, Woolloomooloo 101 and brickmakers . . . 189 William street north, Upper . 101 Brokers and agents . . . 190 William street south, Upper . 101 Builders, carpenters, and joiners. 191 to 194 Wilmot street ..... 101 Butchers. . . . .194 Wilton street 101 Carcase butchers . . . 195 Wilton place 101 Coach, cab, and dray proprietors, candle Wilton lane 101 and soap makers, cane workers, car- Windmill street vers and gilders, chair makers . 196 Wood's lane Clergymen, chandlers, chemists and Woolloomooloo street .... druggists, chimney sweeps, china Wylde street, Woolloomooloo and earthenware dealers, civil engi- Wynyard street neers, cloth manufacturer, clothiers Wynyard square and outfitters, coach builders 197 Wynyard lane Coach painters, coach smiths, coach York street trimmers, coal merchants, coffee York place roasters and grinders, combmaker, Yurong street confectioners and pastry cooks, con- tractors, conveyancers . . 198 Coopers, compositors, copper smiths, cordial manufacturers, cork cutters, Alphabetical Arrangement commences at— curriers, cutlers . . . 199 PAGE Dealers . . . 199 to 202 Professions and Trades in A, 106 to 108 Dentists, distillers, drapers . . 202 B, 108 to 115Draughtsmen, dress makers, and mil- C, 116 to 123 liners .... 203 D, 123 fo 127Dyers, eating • houses and dining- E, 127 to 128 rooms, engineers, engravers and F, 128 to 131 lithographers, fancy dealers, farriers 204 G, 131 to 134Fishmongers, flour, corn, and hay H, 134 to 140 dealers, founders, fruiterers furni- I&J, 140 to 142 ture brokers and dealers . . 205 K, 142 to 143Gardeners, gas fitters, ginger-beer and L, 143 to 147 soda-water manufacturers, glass M, 147 to 153 cutter, gold assayer, grinders, grocers 206 Mac, 153 to 156Greengrocer, gun smiths, harness N, 156 to 157 makers and saddlers, hatters . 208 „ „ O, 157 to 158Hay dealers, herbalist, horse dealers, P, 158 to 161 hotels, hosiers, importers, iron- Q, 161 mongers, jewellers, lamp makers, Viii CONTENTS. PAGE law stationers, leather cutters and net makers, surveyors, sugar refi- grinders, libraries, lightermen . 209 ners, surgical instrument makers, Livery stables, lithographers, lock- tailors .... 225 smiths, lodging-houses, lucifer Tanners, timber merchants, tin match manufacturers, maltsters, workers, tobacconists, tool makers, marine surveyors, masons and stone toymen and fancy dealers • 227 cutters. . . . .210 Jewellers, umbrella makers, under- Millwrights, mathematical and nau- takers, upholsterers and cabinet- tical instrument makers, mattrass makers .... 228 makers, machinists, medal and die Veterinary surgeons, warehousemen, sinkers, merchants and importers. 211 washerwomen and laundresses, Mid wives, millers, milliners, moulders, watchmakers and jewellers. 229 music sellers . . . 213 "Weavers, well sinkers, wharfingers, Naturalists, newspapers and periodi- wheelwrights, whitesmiths, window cals, nurseryman . . . 214 blind manufacturers, wine and Oil and colourmen, optician, organ- spirit brokers, wine and spirit mer- builders, outfitters (ladies'), paper chants, wire workers, wool brokers, rulers (machine,), painters, paper- sorters, and others, wool jambers, hangers, glaziers, and plumbers . 215 zinc workers. 230 Pastrycooks, pawnbrokers, perfumers, physicians, and surgeons . . 216 Pianoforte manufacturers, plasterers, picture frame makers, plumbers, Colonial Government (depart- polishers, potters, poulterers . 217 ments) 232 to 237 Printers, professors . . • 218 Police . 237 Publicans . . .218 to 222 Law department, Supreme Court 238 Publishers, registry offices, restau- Boatmen's fares. 239 rants, sail makers . . . 222 Hackney carriage stands and fares . 240 Lawyers, schoolmasters and mistresses 223 Commissioners of Supreme Court, Law Schools, sculptors, seedsmen, ship arrangements, Supreme Court holi- and anchor smiths, ship builders days, Medical Board, Ecclesiastical and shipwrights, shinglers and Establishments 241 to 242 slaters, ship brokers and agents . 224 Educational establishments 243 to 244 Ship chandlers, ship owners, shirt Societies 244 to 246 makers, shoe makers, slaters, smiths, Companies 247 to 249 soap makers, soda-water manufac- Banks 250 to 251 turers, solicitors, stationers, stay Steam Boat Companies 252 and corset makers, steam saw-mills, New Marriage Act 253 to 255 stevedores, stonecutters, straw bon- Post Office Department 255 to 263 SYDNEY POST OFFICE DIRECTORY. 1857.

Abercrombie Street, 7 Thomas Markin, baker From Parramatta-street to Cleveland-street. 8 Joseph Bass, mariner 9 Eichard Eay, tallow chandler EAST SIDE. 10 Mrs. Haffey 1 Alfred Neal 11 Mrs. Smith 3 Charles Williams, carcase butcher 12 Henry Claig, fisherman 5 William Bryant, brickmaker 7 Vacant Albion Street, Allotments from Hutcliinson-street to Elizabeth-street. 45 Vacant 47 James Calder, builder Elizabeth-street. 49 John Sutherland, builder NORTH SIDE. Allotments 2 James Wilson, labourer Here Bank-street intersects. 4 Vacant Allotments 0 George Young, dealer 63 Vickers Moyse, clerk, Kent Brewery 8 Mrs. Madden Allotments Opening to Bourke-street. C9 Mrs. Sheppard Crown-street. Allotments 73 Thomas Grimwood, miller Biley-street Allotment Eight houses unfinished WEST SIDE. 26 Vacant 28 James Ward, dealer St. Benedict's School 30 William Miller, cooper Allotments 32 Allotment Here Levy-street intersects. 34 James McCrossen—dppletree Hotel Paddock Allotments 36 Vacant Here Bank-street intersects. 38 Nicholas Leader, government clerk Christopher Crane 40 Eobert Burning, carpenter William Morris, blacksmith 42 Thomas Byatt, painter Vacant 44 Eichard Whitehead, painter John Brent, stonemason 46 Edward Grover, carpenter Charles Wright, carpenter 48 Hugh Mitchell, drayman 50 Eobert Henson, bricklayer 52 Elizabeth Hayes Abercrombie Lane, 54 John Einley, painter Off George-street, 56 John Evans, painter 1 George Bawn, licensed waterman 58 John Jacobs, collector 2 James Bice, licensed waterman 60 Thomas Jones, joiner 3 William Warren, dealer 62 Eichard Cross, dealer 4 Frank Hunter, labourer 04 Jane Cherry, grocer 5 William Winstanly, licensed waterman 66 John Wilcox, painter 6 Henry Farrell, licensed waterman 68 Joseph Gregory, bricklayer A 10G Aar ALPHABETICAL All



Adams, John, storekeeper, 39 Riley street AARON, ISAAC, M.D. surgeon, 125 Castlereagh Adams, George, 15 Bunker's hill street Adcock, Mrs. St. John, teacher of piano forte Aaron, Mark, dealer, 3 Browne's place and singing, Evandale House, Pitt-street, Abbott, Thomas K. secretary General Post Redfern Office, 136 Bourke street Addison, George, printer, 22 Cooper street Abbott, William, 300 Crown street Adnum, William, coppersmith and iron- Abbott, Nicholas, general dealer, shed C monger, 121 George street Market Adrain, Charles, auctioneer, 123 Pitt street Abbott, Thomas, builder, 56 Stanley street Adrain, C. auctioneer, 9 King street Abby, William, boot and shoe maker, 7 Hun- Advocate, the People's, newspaper office, 5 King ter-street street east Aberdeen, Mary, 109 Bourke street Agars & Stabler, merchants, 18 Kent sti'eet Abitze, Jean, saddler, 12 Robey's buildings Agar Mary, dress maker, 3 Arthur's place Able, Mrs. nurse, 141 Cumberland street Agnew, Rev. P.P. chaplain to Her Majesty's Abrahams, Abraham, shopkeeper, 316 Pitt gaol, immigration chaplain, P.R. Victoria street cottage, Glenmore road Abrahams, Abraham, druggist and seedsman, Aharne, Matthew, wheelwright, 81 Goulburn 289 George-street street Abrahams, Joseph^ confectioner, 396 George Ahern, A. plasterer, 9 Bay street street Ahern, Cornelius, joiner, &c. 15 Cooper street Abrahams & Meyers, general dealers, 402 and Ahern, Robert, gardener, Macquarie lane 404 George street Ainsworth, John, broker and commission Abrahams, Charles, merchant, 64 William agent, 8 Charlotte place street Aitken, Rev. Thomas, Scots' Church, 58 Eliza- Abrahams, Joseph, toy and fancy warehouse, beth street 57 King street Aitken, John, M.D. 560 George street Absolom, John, general dealer, 118 Kent street Aitken, Eliza, 136 Clarence street Acheson, William, merchant, 1 York street Aitken, George C. grocer, 34 South Head road Acheson, William, ship joiner, Shelly street Aitken, William, plumber, 12 Pitt street Acheson, John, butcher, 346 George street Aitkens, Mrs. teacher, 224 Elizabeth street Acheson, James, butcher, 175 South Head Albion wharf, Sussex street, foot of Market road street Ackroyd, G. F. clerk, Sydney Insurance Co. Allardice, Archibald, 152 George street P.E. North Shore Allan, John, engraver, 69 Yurong street Adams, Thomas, carpenter, 89 Kent street Allan, Benjamin, carpenter, 160 Crown-street Adams, Francis, grocer, &c. 91 and 101 Eliza- Allen, Henry, earthenware and glass dealer, 4 beth street King street Adams, John, grocer, 502 George street Allen, Thomas, agent, 47 King street Adams, William, general dealer, 140 Clarence Allen, William, & Co. grocers, 42 Park street street Allen, Maxwell, clerk, 14 Campbell street Adams John, painter, 317 Sussex street Allen, William cork cutter 46 Bank street 232 COLONIAL GOVERNMENT.


GOVERNOR'S ESTABLISHMENT. Regiment Commanding Her Majesty's His Excellency Sir William Thomas Denison, Land Forces in . Knight, Commander of the Most Honorable Broadhurst, Edward, of Sydney, Barrister-at- , Governor-General in and Law. over all Her Majesty's Colonies of New Busby, Alexander, of Cassilis. South Wales, Van Diemen's Land, Victoria, Comrie, James, of Sydney. South Australia, and Western A ustralia; and Dickenson, His Honor John Nodes, Judge of Captain General and Governor in Chief of the Supreme Court. the Territory of New South Wales and its Dickson, John, of Rockbrook, near Sydney. Dependencies, and Vice Admiral of the Docker, Joseph, of Thornthwaite, near Scone. 8am e. Faithful, William Pitt, of Springfield, near Private Secretary, Alfred Denison. Goulburn. Aide de Camp, Laurence H. Scott, Captain Fitzgerald, Robert, of Springfield, Darling- 11th Regiment. hurst. Hill, George, of Sydney. EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. Holden, George Kenyon, of Sydney. Hood, Thomas Hood, of Talgai, Darling President, His Excllency Sir William Thomas Downs. Denison, K.C.B., Governor-General. Jenkins, Robert Pitt, of Bomballa, Vice President, Edward Deas Thomson. Johnson, Robert, of Brooksby, near Sydney. Members, M.L.C.'s James Macarthur ; Stuart Jones, David, of Sydney. Alexander Donaldson ; William Montagu Knox, Edward, of Sydney. Manning ; John Bayley Darvall ; George Lethbridge, Robert, of Sydney, Captain R.N. Eobert Nicholls ; Thomas Holt; Charles Lord, Francis, of St. Leonard's. Cowper; James Martin; Robert Campbell; Lutwyche, Alfred James Peter, of Sydney. Terence Aubrey Murray ; Henry Watson Macnamara, John, of Sydney. Parker j Edward Deas Thomson ; and John Merewether, Francis Lewis Shaw, of Sydney. Hay. Mitchell, James, of Sydney. Clerk of the Council, Edward Christopher Montefiore, Jacob Levi, of Sydney. Mere wether. Norton, James, of Sydney. Clerk, John M. Cashman. Riddell, Campbell Drummond, of Sydney. Extra Clerk, Biscoe. Riley, Charles, of the North Shore. Messenger, Peter Henderson. Office Keeper, Smith, Henry Gilbert, of North Harbour. Hannah Pope. Spain, William, of Sydney. MINISTRY. Stephen, the Honorable Sir Alfred, Knight, President. Colonial Secretary and Registrar of Records Therry, His Honor Roger, Judge of the of New South Wales, The Honorable Henry Supreme Court. Watson Parker. Thomson, the Honorable Edward Deas, C.B. Attorney General, Honorable William Mon- Tooth, Robert, of Sydney. tagu Manning. Towns, Robert, of Sydney. Solicitor General, Honorable John Bayley Walker, James, of Wallerawang. Darvall. Want, Randolph John. Colonial Treasurer, and Collector of Internal Warren, Alexander. Revenue of New South Wales, Honorable Stuart Alexander Donaldson. OFFICERS OF THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. Secretary for Lands and Public Works, Hon- orable John Hay. President of the Legislative Council, His Honor Sir A. Stephen, Knight, Chief MEMBERS LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. Justice. A'Beckett, Arthur Martin, of Sydney. Chairman of Committees, George Allen. Alexander, John, of Sydney. Clerk of the Legislative Council, William Mac- Allen, George, of Toxteth Park, near Sydney. pherson. Berry, Alexander, of Crow's Nest,near Sydney. Clerk Assistant, F. Eldershaw. Bligh, James William, of Sydney. Usher of the Black Rod, E. Lockyer. Bloomfleld, Henry Keane, Colonel of the 11th Clerk of Records arid Accounts, J. M. Bate. ECCLESIASTICAL. 241 John Gurner, South Head Road and George- Bathurst, March Oth, June 8th, September street. 7th, December 7th. Henry Burron Bradley, Glenmore Eoad and Goulburn, January 12th, April 10th, July 13th, George-street. and October 12th. Augustus Carter, Castlereagh-street and Maitland.—February 9th, May 11th, August Judges' Chambers. 15th, November 10th. George Pownall, Eedfern and Castlereagh- Parramatta, February 16th, May 18th, August street. 17tb, November ICth. Samuel Raymond, Waverley and Supreme Court. SUPREME COURT HOLIDAYS, FOR 1857. Robert Hamilton Sempill, Devonshire-street January 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 17th, 21th, 26th, and Judges' Chambers. and 27th. Gustavus Birch, Supreme Court. March 16th, 17th, and 18th. F. W. Perry, Official Assignee, Elizabeth- May 25th. street. June 20th. H. C. Beverly, Darlinghurst. July 18th, 20th, and 21st. September 28th and 29th. COMMISSIONERS OF THE SUPREME COURT OF December 25th, 30th, and 31st. NEW SOUTH WALES FOR TAKING AFFI- DAVITS, &C, RESIDING OUT OF THE JURISDICTION OF THE COURT. Melbourne.—John Denham Pinnock, Registrar of the Supreme Court; Henry Jacomb; William Gibbes, Solicitor; Hamilton F. MEDICAL BOARD OF NEW SOUTH WALES. Stephen, Solicitor; John Alfred Porter, Prothonotary. President, James Mitchell. Geelong.—Thomas Hamlet Taylor, Solicitor ; Members, John Dobie, R.N.; B. O'Brien, M.D.; Edward Sandford, Solicitor. H. G. Douglass, M.D.; R. Greenup, M.D.; Portland.—James Blair, P.M. D. M. McEwan, M.D.; J. M'Farlane, M.D.; Beechworth.—W. C. J. Parry. H. G. Alleyne, M.D.; Charles Nathan. Hobart Town.—Charles Butler, Solicitor; Ro- Secretary, Joseph Burgon. bert Pitcairn, Solicitor; William Sorrell, Registrar of Supreme Court. Launceston.—William G. Sams, Under Sheriff. Auckland.—Thomas Outhwaite, Supreme Court. Hongkong.—William Gaskell, Solicitor. CHURCH OF . Lord Bislwp of Sydney and Metropolitan of Australasia, FREDERICK BARKER, D.D. Archdeacon of Cumberland, Venerable William 1857. Cowper, D.D. SYDNEY GOAL DELIVERIES.—Six; commencing Chaplains, Rev. Robert All wood, B.A.; and on the first Monday in February, April, Rev. Edward Synge, M.A. June, August, October, and December. Canons of St. Andrew's Cathedral, Rev. Wil- SITTINGS FOR CAUSES.—Six ; commencing on liam Horatio Walsh, M.A.; Rev. Robert the second Monday in February, April, Allwood, B.A. June, August, and October ; and on the St. Phillip's, W. Cowper, D.D. (Archdeacon third Monday in November. of Cumberland), and G. W. Richardson, TERMS.—Six; commencing on the fourth Mon- Curate, Deacon. St. Peter's, Cook's River, day in February, April, June, August, and Thomas Steele, L.L.D. North Shore October; and on the second Monday in and Lane Cove, William Branwhite Clarke, December. M.A. Christ Church, Wm. Horatio Walsh, VACATIONS.—The " Long Vacation " com- M.A. Canon. St. James's, Robert All-wood' mences on Christmas Day, and ends on B.A., Canon, and G. Gurney, B.A., Curate' 31st January. The July, or " Short Vaca- Deacon. Camperdown, Charles Campbell tion " commences on the 17th, and ends on Kemp. St. Mark's, Alexandria, George the 31st of that month. Fairfowl Macarthur. Ashfield and Enfield, CIRCUITS.—Gaol Deliveries commence— Thomas H. AVilkinson. St Andrew's, George Bathurst, March 10th and September 21st. King, M.A. Chippendale, Alfred Hewlett Brisbane, January 19th, May 18th, and Sep- Stephen, B.A. Glebe, William Macquarie tember 21st. Cowper. Holy Trinity, Forster Ashwin, Goulburn, March 23rd and September 28th. B.A. Darlinghurst, Thomas Heyden, B.A! Maitland, March 9th and September 14th. Ditto Gaol, and Chaplain to Immigrants* GENERAL AND QUARTER SESSIONS Commence. Phillip P. Agnew. Surrey Hills. Hulton Sydney, on the fourth Monday in every S. King. Paddington, Thomas' Wilson. month. Cockatoo, John Pendrill. Q POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT. 261


Post Towns. Time of Departure Time of Arrival at Time of Departure Time of Arrival from Sydney. Post Towns. for Sydney. at Sydney.

Western Roads. Avisford . S & M at 5 p.m. W and F at noon S and Th at 2 p.m. W and M at 8 a.m. Bathurst Daily Su ex. at 5 p.m. Daily at 4 p.m. Daily at 8 a.m. Daily Su ex. at 8 a.m. Baulkham Hills Do. Daily Su ex. at 7 p.m. Daily Su ex. at 6 a.m. Do. Bowenfells . Do. Daily at 7 a.m. Daily at 5 p.m. Do. Bundaburra [M at 5 p.m. F at 4 p.m. S at 6 a.m. Th at 8 a.m. Canowindra Do. Th at 6£ p.m. Su at 1 p.m. Do. Carcoar .. . M Wand Sat 5 p.m.., Th S and Tu at noon M W. and F. at noon jTh S and M at 8 a.m. Cowra S at 5 p.m. Tu at 6£ p.m. W at 1 p.m. M at 8 a.m. Dubbo .. M and fat 5 p.m. Tu evg. and S at noon VV and Su at noon F and M at 8 a.m. Fish River Creek] F at 5 p,m. M at 6 p.m. M at 7 a.m. T at 8 a.m. Guyong .. M W and F at 5 p.m.., M ThandS at 11 a.m. Tu F and Su at 1 p.m, FMandW. at 8 a.m. Hartley .. Daily Su ex. at 6 p.m. Daily M ex. at 6 p.m. Daily M ex. at 6 a.m Daily Su ex. at 8 a.m. Louisa Creek . S at 5 p.m. W at 2 p.m. Th at noon M at 8 a.m. Luddenham , Molong .. . M and F at 5 p.m. M and Th at 6 p.m. .. Tu and F at 6 a.m. .. F and M at 8 a.m. Mudgee .. S M and W at 5 p.m... Tu Th and S at 0 p.m. ;Su W and F at 6 a.m.jS M and Wat 8 a.m. Mundooran Sat 5 p.m. Th at noon F at noon Wat 8 a.m. O'Connell M and F at 5 p.m VI and Th at noon .. AI and Th at 4 p.m. .. M and Tat 8 a.m. Orange ., M WandF at5p.m... M Th and S at 2 p.m. Tu F and Su at 10 a.m , F M and W at 8 a.m. Parramatta L'wice a day Su ex. a1 ~"wice a day Su ex. 1""1 Dlaily Su ex. at (5.(5.3: 0 &|Dly Su ex. at 8 a.m. & 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. .. a.m. and 6 p.m. 11 a.m 1 p.m. Peel F S and Tu at 5 p.m... M W and V at 10 a.m. Tu Th and S 1.30 p.m. F M and T at 8 a.m. Penrith .. Daily Su ex. at 5 p.m. Daily Su ex. at 9 p.m. Daily Su ex. 3.30 a.m. Daily Su ex. at 8 a.m. Prospect Do. Do at 6-40 p.m. Do. at 5.50 a.m. Do Pure Point M at 5 p.m. F at uoon S at noon W at 8 a.m. Rylstone SM and Wat 5 p.m.., Tu Th and S at noon Su W and F at noomis M and W at 8 a.m. Richardson's Pt. Mat5 p.m. .. Fat 11a.m. S at 1 p.m. fw at 8 a.m. Richmond Daily Su ex at 5 p.m. Daily at 9 a.m. M W & Fat 3 p.m., &|Dail.. y Su ex. at 8 a.m. Tu Th & S at noon Rockley .. W at 5 p.m. S at noon Tu at noon F at 8 a.m. Running Stream SM and Wat 5 p.m.., M W and F at 6 p.m... M Th and S at 6 p.m. S M and W at 8 a.m. Ryde .. Daily Su ex. at 9 a.m. Daily Su ex. at 11 a.m.IDaily Su ex. 8.30 a.m. Daily Su ex. at 11 a.m. St. Alban's S at 5 p.m. Su at 5 p.m. Su at 6 p.m. Tu at 8 a.m. St. Mary's Daily Su ex. at 5 p.m. Daily at 8£ p.m. Daily Su ex. at 4 a.m. Daily Su ex. at 8 a.m. Sofala F S and Tu at 5 p.m.., M Wand Fat 3 p.m... Tu Th and S at 9 a.m. F M and Tu at 8 a.m. Stoney Creek .. F at 5 p.m. Tu at 3 p.m. Th at 7 a.m. M at 8 a.m. Tambaroora Do. W at 4 p.m. |M at 8 a.m. F at 8 a.m. Tuena W at 5 p.m. Su at 8 a.m. M at noen .. Do Wellington .. M and F at 5 p.m. . Tu at 2 and F at 4 p.m- M and Th at 0 a.m. .. F and M at 8 a.m. Windsor .. Daily Su ex. at 5 p.m. |Daily Su ex. at !)£ p.m Daily Su ex. 3.30 a.m. Daily Su ex. at 8 a.m. Wilberforce M W and S at 5 p.m.., Tu and Th at 2 p.m. &' T u & Th at 2.30 p.m. Tu VV and F at 8 a.m. Su at 10| a.m, & M at 8 a.m. Wiseman's Ferry s at 5 p.m. Su at 2^ p.m. .Mat 10 a.m. ,. Tu at 8 a.m. Southern Roads. Albury ., Tu and F at 5 p.m. .. S and Tu at 6 a.m. . Th and Su at noon M & Th at 8 a.m. Appin Daily Su ex. at 5 p.m. Daily at 4 a.m. |Daily at 7 p.m. Daily Su ex. at 8 a.m. Balranald Tu at 5 p.m. : Th at 3 p.m, F at noon M at 8 a.m. Bega F at 5 p.m. W at 3| p.m. S at 6 a.m. Fat8 a.m. Berrima .. Daily Su ex. at 5 p.m. Daily Su 9 a.m. |Daily S ex. at 11 a.m. Daily Su ex. at 8 a.m. Bin along.. Tu and F at 5 p.m. .. Th and Su at 2 p.m. .. M and F at noon M & Th at 8 a.m. Binda ., Th and M at 5 p.m. .. S and W at 5 p.m. M and Th at 6 a.m. W and S at 8 a.m. Bodalla .. F at 5 p.m. T at 6 p.m. M at noon F at 8 a.m. Bombala.. Tu and F at 5 p-m. .. Tu and S at 11 2.m. .. Su andTh at 6 a.m. .. F and W at 8 a.m. Braidweod Tu F and S at 5 p.m... Tu Th & Su at 1 p.m. M W and S at 8 a.m.i W F and M at 8 a.m. Bungendore Do. Do at 10 a.m M W and S at 10 a.mJ Do Bungonia Tu Th and S at 5 p m. Tu Ih and S at 8 a.m. Tu Th and S at noon;Th S and Tu at 8 a.m. Burrowa .. F at 5 p.m. M at noon Th at 1 p.m. M at 8 a.m. Camden .. Daily Su ex. at 9 a.m Dly S ex. at 11.30 p.m. Dly Su ex. at 6.30 a.: Daily Su ex. at 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. & Su ex. at3 p.m... & 8 ex. at 7 p.m. and noon Campbelltown Do. Dly Su ex. at 9.30 p.m Do do 3 p.m. &8.15a.m]D do and 1.15 p.m. M and That 11 a.m... W and S at 8 a.m. Collector.. Th and M at 5 p.m. .. S and W at 11 a.m. .. Tu and Su at 9 a.m. .. F and W at 8 a.m. Cooma Tu and r', at 5 p.m. ., F and M at noon Daily at 9 a.m. Daily Su ex. at 8 a m. Dapto iDaily Su ex. at 5 p.m ' Daily at 1.30 p.m. S at 8 a.m. & Tu 9 a.m.'M and Th at 8 a.m. Deniliquin |Tu and F at 5 p.m. ., M 4 p.m. and F 10 a.m Daily S ex. at 2 a.m. Daily Su ex. at 8 a.m. Goulburn Daily Su ex. at 5 p.m. Daily Su ex. at 5 p.m p' and M at 5 p.m. M and Th at 8 a.m. Gundagai Tu and F at 5 p.m. ., S and Th at 10 p.m. . M and Th at 8 a.m. .. VV and S at 8 a.m. Gundaroo Th and M at 5 p.m. ., S and W at 2 p.m. .. 3 Tu and Th at 3 p.m M. Th and S at 8 a.m. Gunning.. Tu F and S at 5 p.m... Su & Th at 2 a.m. and I'u Th and S at 6 a.m W F and M at 8 a.m. Tu noon K and M at 9 p.m. M and Th at 8 a.m. Jamberoo M W and Fat 5 p.m... Tu Th and S at 5 p.m Cu Th and S at 5 a.m. W F and M at 8 a.m. Jugiong .. Tu and F at 5 p.m. .. Su and Th at 3 p.m. .. Dly Su ex. at 5.30 a.m. Daily Su ex. at 8 a.m. and 11 a.m. and noon Kiama M W and F at 5 p.m.,, Tu Th and S at 6 p.m I'll at 10 a.m. AI at 8 a.m. JONES & JAMES, MILITARY AND NAVAL TAILORS AND DRAPERS, 47, Hunter Street, Sydney. JOSIAH SIEE, Ship and Commission Agent.

Tradesmen's Books made up, Rents and Debts collected. All applications addressed to Box 258, Post Office, Sydney, will receive prompt attention. ^HT Sole Agent in Sydney for Maxwell's Prime Mess Beef. A large Supply always on hand. P. ROYALL, Carpenter and Builder, No. 6, PAEEAMATTA STEEET, near the Railway Bridge.

LAND AND HOUSE AGENT. LIVERPOOL BAZAAR, for Sale and Purchase of every descrip- tion of Stock on Commission. HORSES TAKEN AT LIVERY. H. B. BEBESFOBD, Liverpool Getting around this CD

Navigating Archive CD Books CDs All Archive CD Books products can be navigated easily using the handy bookmarks on each CD. The table of contents in most original books, and the original book index where it exists, can provide additional ways of finding the information required.

Searching Text on Archive CD Books Australia CDs Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology has been developing over the years as a useful mechanism to convert images (as Archive CD Books pages are) into text which can be searched. The quality of the OCR can still vary, and hence the searchability can vary. Around 95% or 99% of the words in books with good type are searchable—or even higher with very good type. OCR is now a wonderful searching aid in many instances but there is still no substitute for reading the book!

Different Versions of Adobe Acrobat Reader Adobe Acrobat Reader 4 or later should be used. Adobe Reader 6 (as it is now named) in fact has considerably better searching options and is recommended. • Acrobat Reader v4 has both a “Find” and a “Search” tool. Those tools are two *totally* different things. Our CDs (that are searchable) work with the *FIND* tool • Acrobat Reader v5 has only a “Find” tool (not a “search” tool). Our CDs (that are searchable) work with the *FIND* tool. • Adobe Reader v6 has only a “Search” tool (not a tool labelled “Find”). HOWEVER — what is called “Search” is the same as the tool that used to be called “Find” Our CDs (that are searchable) work with the *SEARCH* tool

Tips For Searching and Getting More From the CD Books • update to Adobe Reader 6 for more versatile searching options, including the ability to bring up a list of all instances of the word you are searching for — across multiple files on a single CD in a single search request. • enter the MINIMUM number of characters needed to bring up the search results required. • use Adobe Reader 6 to do some trial searches to try to identify the characters that may be misread. These can show up in the extra text in the search results list (Adobe 6 only). A few minutes trial will help you to avoid using characters that are more prone to being misread, e.g. try entering “rederi” if you want “Frederick”, but find that the letters “F” “c” and “k” are sometimes misread. • use the “Match whole word” option to eliminate unnecessary items in your results list, e.g. to eliminate all the blacksmiths and tinsmiths etc when you only want the name Smith. • use the “Match case” option to eliminate all the occupations “smith” if you only want the name “Smith”. • don’t just search for names. Search the book for other names, places and subjects of interest: › look for others of the same name › look for others who lived in the same place or street › who was the postmaster or police officer in the town? › how often and at what time did the coach arrive in town? › what churches were there and what time were services held? › what other activities were there in the community? › look for others who had the same occupation of other interests • all of this and more may be available in a seemingly mundane book such as a directory. You can learn much of the background of life at the time, even if your ancestor is not listed there. • Many CDs have only one file, but some have the book content spread over several files. Adobe Reader normally searches in the file that is open at the time. If you wish to search ALL files at once choose the "All PDF documents in" option and select the CD drive or directory the files are in—Adobe Reader 6 only. ADOBE ACROBAT SEARCHING IS A WONDERFUL FIRST FINDING AID. BUT DO NOT RELY ON IT TO PICK UP ALL THE INFORMATION YOU WANT