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This file is fully searchable (read search tips page) Archive CD Books Australia exists to make reproductions of old books, documents and maps available on CD to genealogists and historians, and to co-operate with family history societies, libraries, museums and record offices to scan and digitise their collections for free, and to assist with renovation of old books in their collection. Cox and Co.’s Sydney Post Office Directory 1857 Ref. AU2020 Navigating this CD To view the contents of this CD use Acrobat Reader’s forward and back buttons to browse through the pages, alternatively use the INDEX bookmark to search for specific information and then use the bookmarks and Acrobat’s page buttons (or slide bar) to go to the relevant page. Use Acrobat Reader’s bookmark functions to jump to highlighted sections. To activate bookmarks click on “Window” and then “Show bookmarks” (or press F5) Searching this CD This book has been formatted to be searchable using Adobe Acrobat Reader. • Adobe Reader 6 or later is recommended for more advanced searching capability within a file or across multiple files. • Generally 95% - 99% of the words can be searched. Where the original type was poor the words may not be recognized for searching. • For more detailed explanation and tips to get the best search results click here The technical advancements that allow this searching bring a wonderful finding aid but there is still no substitute for reading the book! Copyright ©2004 Archive CD Books Australia Pty Ltd. All Rights Reserved For more books on CD from Archive CD Books Australia, see the web pages at www.archivecdbooks.com.au BY AUTHORITY. UNDER THE OF IMMEDIATE AND HER MAJESTY'S SPECIAL POST-MASTER PATRONAGE GENERAL. oi ^ublkvdtovt. COX AND CO.'S SYDNEY POST OFFICE DIRECTORY, 1837, CONTAINS STREET DIRECTORY, TRADES' DIRECTORY, COMMERCIAL DIRECTORY, LAW DIRECTORY, AND GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL DIRECTORY, ECCLESIASTICAL ESTABLISHMENTS, CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS AND PUBLIC BOARDS. ALSO, A COMPLETE COMPENDIUM OF THE ^crangmnrts t]»g]Mt PUBLISHED BY COX AND CO. (PKOPRIETORS), BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, 111, GEORGE STREET. LONDON AGENTS:—SIMrKIN AND MARSHALL, PATEENOSTEE EOW. PREFACE. To MEET the annual requirements of such an important City as Sydney, we now introduce the second number of the SYDNEY POST OFFICE DIRECTORY. The volume contains some 300 pages, and we flatter ourselves for fullness and accuracy of detail, style of production, and important information, it will do more than bear comparison with any of its annual competitors for public patronage. While tendering our grateful acknowledgments for the very liberal support bestowed upon our first SYDNEY DIRECTORY, we avail ourselves of the oppor- tunity of making a few remarks illustrative of our position at the commence- ment of the undertaking. In the first place, the tendency to frequent change of locality and residence, so natural to the inhabitants of a rising Colonial City, a tendency strengthened by the discovery of Gold in so many neighbouring localities, seemed to render anything approaching to accuracy impossible. This difficulty, however, a careful examination of our two volumes will show to have been in a great measure imaginary, the tendency being coun- teracted by the wonderful prosperity of our great city, rendering our citizens less nomadic. The confessed difficulty of collecting the requisite informa- tion was another considerable obstacle which, however, our readers being the judges, was fully overcome by the valuable assistance of gentlemen experi- enced in such work, and to whom we would cordially express our acknowledgments. We say it with no small degree of pride and gratitude, the SYDNEY POST OFFICE DIRECTORY met with an amount of success which far exceeded our most sanguine expectations. The Press met us with most favourable editorial notices ; the commercial world accepted our volume as a standard work: and encomiums poured in from all quarters, seldom received by proprietors of any new publication. Our measure of success was indeed full. Thus stimulated, we have redoubled our exertions in the production of the present volume, which appears under the special patronage of Her Majesty's Postmaster-General, who, fully recognising the necessity both of the existence and accuracy of such a work as the present, has allowed the various Letter- Carriers of the General Post Office to collect the information which now appears in our pages. IV PEEFACE. Yet, with all thege circumstances in favour of our DIRECTORY, it becomes us still to claim the indulgence of the Public for any slight errors which may appear, since, however great the amount of care which may have been taken in producing such a volume as this, errors do creep in, and we are candid enough to admit that time and experience are requisite before we can arrive at perfection. In giving forth the present edition, the Proprietors take upon themselves to correct any imperfections that may appear, and they would solicit the kind co-operation of the Public, by being furnished with " alterations or removals," at the earliest possible moment, at their Establishment, No. Ill, George Street, the Post Office Authorities having rendered them material assistance in the production of their Work, but are in no way answerable for any inac- curacies that may occur. In the present edition the Street Directory will be found muc" enlarged, the Trades' Directory has been carefully revised, and the alphabetical arrangement greatly extended; the Government Directory will be found correct, even amid the changes incidental to Responsible Government; the whole of the Ecclesiastical Establishments are given, as well as a detailed list of Charitable Institutions, Public Boards, and a complete compendium of the Postal Arrangements throughout the Colony. J. COX & CO. Proprietors. Ill, George Street, January 1, 1857. CONTENTS. PAGE PAGE Abercrombie street .... 1 Campbell lane ..... 15 Ditto lane .... 1 Ditto place ..... Id Albion street ..... 1 Carter street 15 Ditto west 2 Castlereagh street .... 15 Albion Wharf 2 Cecil place, Chippendale ... 18 Albert place 2 Charles street, Woolloomooloo . 18 Albert street, Woolloomooloo . 2 Charles street 19 Albert street, Circular Quay ... 2 Charlotte place 19 Alfred street, Circular Quay ... 2 Chippen street 19 Alfred street, Woolloomooloo . 2 Chapel lane 20 Ann street, Woolloomooloo ... 3 Church hill ...... 20 Ann's place 3 Clark's buildings ..... 20 Anwin street 3 Cleveland street 20 Arthur street ..... 3 Clarence street 20 Arthur place 3 Clarence lane . .22 Argyle street ..... 3 Clarke street 22 Argyle place 3 Clyde street 22 Athlone place . .... 4 Circular Quay . .22 Adelaide place, Surry hills ... 4 College street . 22, 23 Bank Street 4 Collins street 23 Bank court 4 Cooper street . .23 Barrack street . .... 4 Conlon's buildings. .23 Barkers street 5 Corfu street ...... 23 Barkers lane 5 Craig end ...... 23 Bathurst street 5 Crescent street . .23 Bates' lane 6 Cribbslane 23 Bay street, Woolloomooloo ... 0 Crown street 23 Bedford street ..... 6 Crown street, Surry hilla ... 24 Belvoir street 6 Crown lane 26 Bellevue street 6 Crown road 20 Bent street 6 Cumberland street .... 26 Belgrave terrace 7 Cuthill's lane 28 Bligh Street 7 Cypress lane ...... 28 Bloomfield street 7 Dale street 28 Bourke street 7 Dal ton's lane ..... 28 Ditto Little .... 9 Daily's yard 28 Botany street 9 Davidson's lane 29 Bournes place 10 Darling street 29 Brisbane street 10 Davy street 29 Bridge street 10 Davis's, off Ferry lane .... 29 Brougham street 11 Delany's square 29 Brougham place 12 Denham street 29 Broughton place 12 Denison terrace . .29 Brown's lane ... .12 Devonshire street .... 29 Brown Bear lane ..... 12 Ditto terrace 30 Buckingham street .... 12 Dixon street ..... 30 Bull's Yard 12 Domain terrace 30 Bunkers hill 12 Dowling street 30 Burton street 13 Druitt street . .31 Burraphore street .... 13 Duke street, Woolloomooloo . 31 Burdekin terrace .... 13 Duncan street 32 Callaghan's lane 13 Durand's alley 32 Cambridge street 13 Earl street 32 Campbell street 14 Edward street 32 VI CONTENTS. PAGE PAGE Edward lane 33 Macquarie street . 66, 67 Elizabeth street 33 Macquarie place 67 Elizabeth place 36 McElthone place 68 Elizabeth terrace 37 McLeay street ..... 68 Erskine street 37 Macquarie lane 67 Essex street 37 Maguire's place 68 Essex lane 37 Maiden lane 68 Exeter place 37 Malcolm's lane 68 Ferry lane 38 Margaret street 68 Fitzroy street 38 Margaret place 69 Flemming's court 38 Margaret lane 69 Flood's lane 38 Market street .
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