526 Die eerste 40 jaar van Orania The first 40 years of Orania BURGERT SENEKAL Navorsingsgenoot Eenheid vir Taalfasilitering en Bemagtiging Universiteit van die Vrystaat Suid-Afrika E-pos:
[email protected] Burgert Senekal BURGERT SENEKAL is sedert 2008 verbonde aan BURGERT SENEKAL joined the University of the die Universiteit van die Vrystaat en is tans ’n Free State in 2008 and is currently a research navorsingsgenoot by die Eenheid vir Taalfasili- associate in the Unit for the Facilitation and tering en Bemagtiging. Ná hy sy PhD aan die Empowerment of Languages (“Eenheid vir Taal- Universiteit van die Vrystaat in 2013 verwerf, fasilitering en Bemagtiging”). After obtaining a ondersoek hy inligtingstegnologie, grootdata en PhD from the University of the Free State in die netwerkwetenskap met spesifieke toepassings 2013, he focused, in his research, on information binne die Afrikaner se leefwêreld, veral met ’n technology, big data and the network community, klem op die Afrikaanse literatuurstudie. As NNS- with particular reference to applicability within gegradeerde navorser het hy reeds meer as 60 the Afrikaner way of life, as this concerns espe- artikels en drie boeke gepubliseer. cially the study of Afrikaans literature. In his capacity as a NRF-rated researcher, he has already published more than 60 articles, as well as three books. ABSTRACT The first 40 years of Orania The town Orania is uniquely determined by the fact that it is almost exclusively inhabited by white Afrikaans speaking South African citizens – for the purposes of this article to be simply referred to as “Afrikaners”. The establishment of such an exclusive enclave represents a unique and controversial phenomenon in South Africa about which much has already been published.