

Chief Economist Assistants 01 Commission Priorities and Tobias MAASS Pierre REGIBEAU Director-General Strategic Coordination Agata MAZURKIEWICZ Adviser Antitrust CE.1:Empirical analysis in complex CE.2: Economic analysis in Olivier GUERSENT merger and antitrust cases merger, antitrust and Astrid COUSIN HR Business Correspondent State aid cases Harold NYSSENS 1) Svend ALBAEK Pierre REGIBEAU f.f. Claes BENGTSSON (Deputy to the Director) Principal Adviser: Ex-post economic evaluation Thomas DEISENHOFER

Adviser State aid Deputy Director-General Adviser Antitrust Deputy Director-General Deputy Director-General Pascal SCHLOESSLEN Adviser Mergers MERGERS & Cartels Henri PIFFAUT* Dirk VAN ERPS ANTITRUST STATE AID Olivier GUERSENT f.f. Linsey MCCALLUM Carles ESTEVA MOSSO

A G R Policy and Strategy H Inge BERNAERTS Cartels Horizontal Management Maria JASPERS State aid: General Scrutiny and Maria VELENTZA Enforcement Adviser Consumer Liaison Ales MUSIL G/1 Cartels I Karl SOUKUP Corinne DUSSART-LEFRET A/1 Antitrust case support and (Deputy to the Director) R/1 Registry and Transparency Glykeria DEMATAKI policy G/2 Cartels II H/1 Infrastructure and Regional aid Sophie MOONEN Hubert DE BROCA Brigitta RENNER-LOQUENZ R/2 Finance and Internal Compliance A/2 Mergers case support and H/2 R&D&I, IPCEI Sari SUURNAKKI G/3 Cartels III (Deputy to the Director) policy Claudia DE CESARIS and environment Inge BERNAERTS f.f. Demos SPATHARIS (Deputy to the Director) R/3 Information technology G/4 Cartels IV Leontina SANDU A/3 State aid case support and Gerald MIERSCH policy H/3 Fiscal aid Karl SOUKUP f.f. R/4 Better Regulation,Planning and Internal Koen VAN DE CASTEELE G/5 Cartels V Control, European Semester Flavio LAINA H/4 Enforcement and Monitoring Téa BROMS A/4 European Competition Kristine LILJEBERG Network and Private R/5 Communications Policy Enforcement H/5 Tax Planning Practices Julia BROCKHOFF Anna VERNET Max LIENEMEYER (Deputy to the Director) H/6 Agriculture and Fisheries Gereon THIELE A/5 International Relations Eddy DE SMIJTER Task Force Third- Country Subsidies


Markets and cases IV Markets and cases I Markets and cases II Markets and cases III Markets and cases V Basic Industries, Manufacturing Energy and Environment Information, Communication and Financial services Transport, Post and and Agriculture Anna COLUCCI Media Maria VELENTZA f.f. other services Guillaume LORIOT Paul CSISZAR Henrik MORCH

B/1 Antitrust C/1 Antitrust:Telecoms D/1 Antitrust F/1 Antitrust Energy, Environment Payment systems Anna COLUCCI f.f. Hanna ANTTILAINEN E/1 Antitrust Transport , Post and other services Barbara BRANDTNER Pharma and Health Daniel BOESHERTZ B/2 State aid I C/2 Antitrust: Media services Friedrich Wenzel BULST D/2 Antitrust Nicola PESARESI Financial services Rainer BECKER F/2 State aid Transport Christina SIATERLI (Deputy to the Director) Jean BERGEVIN C/3 Antitrust: IT, Internet and Consumer E/2 Antitrust (Deputy to the Director) electronics D/3 State aid: Financial institutions I Consumer goods, Basic B/3 State aid II Nicholas BANASEVIC Peer RITTER f.f. industries,Agriculture and F/3 State aid Christof LESSENICH (Deputy to the Director) Manufacturing Post and other services D/4 State aid: Financial institutions II Natalia LAZAROVA Monique NEGENMAN (Deputy to the Director) B/4 Mergers C/4 State aid Peer RITTER Anna COLUCCI f.f. Krzysztof KUIK F/4 Mergers D/5 State aid: Financial institutions III E/3 State aid Andrea BOMHOFF Henrik MORCH f.f C/5 Mergers Industrial restructuring Annemiek WILPSHAAR Eduardo MARTINEZ RIVERO D/6 Mergers C/6 Antitrust: E-commerce and data Alberto BACCHIEGA (Deputy to the Director) E/4 Mergers economy Paul CSISZAR f.f. Thomas KRAMLER 1) seconded Managers and Advisers: - L. BONOVA seconded to the Vestager Task Force - A. WINTERSTEIN seconded HoU - H. PIFFAUT seconded to the FR comp. Authority - M. PIERGIOVANNI seconded to the Cabinet Vestager