The Definitive History Of
The Definitive Histony of PERE UBU PERE UBU/Â Krrus;, Ik.,,,rtrnd LrughDer li!!d: llrt PLuza, 3200 DURATION: Sctien)Ùer'75 li S,,,trrnll r, Thur,J5 r'rlr.'1, d.,,, û'r.r'",1 L,uur',, - PER!;ONNE!: for the Dirrpose oI recordirg a s.lI_l).oduced slr,glc The Totn He.n[n: guilrr, b!ss. vrrious nrusiciâDs àgrctd to wo!k togerher on this prolecL Srôtl Kr rùss: drums. for two lelsons: l. ); Nobody was donrg anything else of Peter I Â!gtù!e!: guita., bass. dny sr(,.rfirJ[ce, !rd, 2. ), lr wrs JËrp.d ut'on Uy rll AlIen Rav€nstine: sYnthesizer. rniulved lhJr rhis t,rrr,.ulJr Éroui,rns ot lrlenr mtBhr resulr David Thonas: vocÀls. in unique husic. There were .o plans to perform "live. Tim Wright: guitar, bass. In more optimistrc nronrênrs Il wâs rnraËineo lhts drnLPint nri(hl conlinue to work loAelhcr rn(urn,rlly for th t RECORDINCS: of;ecording, but there was a reluctance to conrmit oneselJ "30 Seconds Over Tokyo'7"Heatl of Drrkness": to ânother band iô Cleveland given the unlavorible Hea.thân HR_101. conditions unde. which one wouid hâve to opelate. NOTES: The record wâs. oriaiûally, planned to be "Final Most Cleveland bands, it se€ms, we.e broken up io Sorution"/"30 Seconds Over Tokyo. " Both had been *.ilten l9?5- ând ro\lârds lhe end of lhe suntmer there was verv end pcrlorm.d by lhe Thomâs-LauËtu,er group !hâr'hrd Lltl; â.rivirv- Cerrrin musicràns lound thcmselves rec;nrlv splrt ('Tokyo'L,.l bePn wrilren by Thoma.
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