[email protected] Tel: 011-26172672 Fax:01l-26103100 .N.(\ •••. f.:dV ~ For Web Circulation only (.rwt~ ~. 'lmflRU) ~ EMPLOYEES' PROVIDENT FUND ORGANlSAlION (Ministry fA Labour • EmpIovment, Govl fA India) \I)••• 1f1'f ~ I Head Oft'ke ~ t-d'T~. 14-~ 1I5IIn' •• ~ ~-11O 066. BhaYishyaNtdhl Bhawan, 14, BhikaiJi Cama Place, New Delhl-ll0 066. No.Coordl9(2)2012IInter-state. Consultative bOdi~ Dated: 22.01.2014 To . ~)13rg 22 JAM LU14 All Addl. Central PF Commissioners, All Regional PF Commissioners, In-charge of the Regional Offices/Sub Regional Offices. Subject: Invitation to the Rajya Sabha Members in the official functions to be held under various Union Ministriesl Departments. Sir, Please fmd enclosed herewith a copy of Ministry of Labour & Employment, Government of India letter No. Z-ll 022/1 (7)/20 13-Coord dated 24th December, 2013 on the subject cited above for taking appropriate necessary action at your end. Yours faithfully, Enclosure: As above. ~~ AddLCentral P.F.Commis'sioner (Compliance) Tel: 011-26172672 c:lrkslmisc./etterlmisc.letter.doc Email:
[email protected] Tel: 011-26172672 Fax:011-26103100 4cNia •••. f.dIf ~ For Web Circulation only (1JIq'lt't~ ~,'lm'r~) , I EMPLOYEES' PROVIDENT FUND ORGANISATION &. _ (Ministry fA Labour ErnpIovment, Govt fA Indla) "111If ~ I Headomce • ~*~. 14-~1IIiT'U •• ~W-II0066. Bhavishya NIdf1I Bhawan, 14, Bhllciljl cama Pfac:e, New Delhi -110 066. No.Coord/9(2)20121Inter-state.Consultativebodi~ Y' Dated:a01.2014 To 2 L JAN lUJ. All Addl, Central PF Commissioners, All Regional PF Commissioners, In-charge of the Regional Offices/Sub Regional Offices.