Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -


Listing All Traditional Latin Masses and Traditional Resources for North America

23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition

Compiled by Fr. M.E. Morrison

Annual Use Fee for 2018 A small Annual Use Fee applies to your use of the eBook Directory. This small fee allows us to continue publication of the Directory and has not been raised since 1994. If you have chosen to use this eBook, please submit the required Annual Use Fee of $10.00 to the National Registry of Traditional Latin Masses via the PayPal "Make a Donation" box at If you need to use a paper check or cash, mail it to the Registry's address on page 3 of the Directory. This Annual Use Fee entitles you to use, on any machine you own, the current year's Original Edition and Monthly Revised Editions. This small Annual Use Fee entitles you to view, download, and print pages of the eBook for your own personal use, but not to edit, copy, publish, or otherwise distribute the eBook, in whole or in part, for any purpose.


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

Official Traditional Catholic Directory Listing All Traditional Latin Masses and Traditional Resources for North America

Copyright  2018 Fr. M.E. Morrison

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

Effective with the 12th Annual Edition (2007), the Official Traditional Catholic Directory is being issued only in eBook (Adobe Acrobat PDF) format, which is resident by default on most computers. This format allows the Registry to revise the Directory monthly instead of annually. Printed copies, if desired, can be obtained by printing out the PDF file. To view, download, or print the current Monthly Revised Edition of the Directory , see

Listing or omission does not necessarily imply approval or disapproval of or by any of the persons or organizations listed herein. All listings are at the discretion of the compiler. The National Registry operates independently of any Newchurch diocese, religious society, or other web site.

Published under the Auspices of the National Registry of Traditional Latin Masses E-mail: [email protected], Web: 21128 Baker Road, Castro Valley, CA 94546-5735

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Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -


A complete list of Traditional Latin Masses was maintained after the by Mr. Radko Jansky in his Catholic Traditionalist Directory (last published in 1989) and then by Fr. Francis LeBlanc in his Directory of Tridentine Latin Masses (last published in 1992). Since 1994 the only authorized successor to these two pioneering works, the National Registry of Traditional Latin Masses, maintains, updates, and publishes monthly the Official Traditional Catholic Directory, Listing All Traditional Latin Masses and Traditional Resources for North America.

Official Catholic Directory of Traditional Latin Masses (Paperback) 1st Edition (1994-1995): November 1994, ISBN 1-883511-05-4 2nd Edition (1997): June 1996, ISBN 1-883511-07-0 3rd Edition (1998): November 1997, ISBN 1-883511-10-0 4th Edition (1999): February 1999, ISBN 1-883511-12-7 5th Edition (2000): December 1999, ISBN 1-883511-14-3 6th Edition (2001): December 2000, ISBN 1-883511-15-1 7th Edition (2002): November 2001, ISBN 1-883511-16-X 8th Edition (2003): November 2002, ISBN 1-883511-17-8 9th Edition (2004): November 2003, ISBN 1-883511-18-6 10th Edition (2005): July 2004, ISBN 1-883511-19-4 Official Traditional Catholic Directory 11th Edition (2006): August 2005 ISBN 0-595-36834-4 (paperback), 0-595-81247-3 (eBook) 12th Edition (2007) : November 2006, with Monthly Revised Editions 13th Edition (2008): January 2008 (eBook), with Monthly Revised Editions 14th Edition (2009): January 2009 (eBook), with Monthly Revised Editions 15th Edition (2010): January 2010 (eBook), with Monthly Revised Editions 16th Edition (2011): January 2011 (eBook), with Monthly Revised Editions 17th Edition (2012): January 2012 (eBook), with Monthly Revised Editions 18th Edition (2013): January 2013 (eBook), with Monthly Revised Editions 19th Edition (2014): January 2014 (eBook), with Monthly Revised Editions 20th Edition (2015): January 2015 (eBook), with Monthly Revised Editions 21st Edition (2016): January 2016 (eBook), with Monthly Revised Editions 22nd Edition (2017): January 2017 (eBook), with Monthly Revised Editions 23rd Edition (2018): January 2018 (eBook), with Monthly Revised Editions

ISBN 1-4243-2148-4, ISBN-13 978-1-4243-2148-3 (eBook)


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -


This directory is the authorized successor to Fr. Francis LeBlanc's Directory of Tridentine Latin Masses , last published in 1992 from Arizona, as well as Mr. Radko Jansky's Catholic Traditionalist Directory , last published in 1989 from St. Louis. We acknowledge the pioneering work of these precedessors. Mr. R.G. Woods designed the covers for the paperback edition, which we continue to use in the eBook versions.


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -



Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

MASS SITES IN THE UNITED STATES BY STATE, IN ZIP-CODE ORDER .....46 PUERTO RICO (00900-00999) ...... 46 MASSACHUSETTS (01000-02799) ...... 46 RHODE ISLAND (02800-02999)...... 48 NEW HAMPSHIRE (03000-03899) ...... 48 MAINE (03900-04999) ...... 50 VERMONT (05000-05999) ...... 51 CONNECTICUT (06000-06900) ...... 51 NEW JERSEY (07000-08999) ...... 53 NEW YORK (10000-14900)...... 55 PENNSYLVANIA (15000-19600) ...... 61 DELAWARE (19700-19999) ...... 66 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA (20000-20500) ...... 66 MARYLAND (20600-21900) ...... 67 VIRGINIA (22000-24699) ...... 68 WEST VIRGINIA (24700-26899) ...... 70 NORTH CAROLINA (27000-28999) ...... 70 SOUTH CAROLINA (29000-29999) ...... 72 GEORGIA (30000-31900) ...... 73 FLORIDA (32000-34999) ...... 74 ALABAMA (35000-36999) ...... 80 TENNESSEE (37000-38500) ...... 80 MISSISSIPPI (38600-39799) ...... 82 KENTUCKY (40000-42799) ...... 82 OHIO (43000-45899) ...... 84 INDIANA (46000-47900) ...... 88 MICHIGAN (48000-49999) ...... 91 IOWA (50000-52899) ...... 95 WISCONSIN (53000-54999) ...... 96 MINNESOTA (55000-56799) ...... 99 SOUTH DAKOTA (57000-56799) ...... 102 NORTH DAKOTA (58000-58899) ...... 103 MONTANA (59000-59999) ...... 103 ILLINOIS (60000-62999) ...... 105 MISSOURI (63000-65899) ...... 110 KANSAS (66000-67999) ...... 113 NEBRASKA (68000-69399) ...... 115 LOUISIANA (70000-71499) ...... 115 ARKANSAS (71600-72899) ...... 117 OKLAHOMA (73000-74999) ...... 118 TEXAS (75000-79999) ...... 119


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

COLORADO (80000-81699)...... 122 WYOMING (82000-83199) ...... 125 IDAHO (83200-83899) ...... 125 UTAH (84000-84799) ...... 126 ARIZONA (85000-86599) ...... 126 NEW MEXICO (87000-88499) ...... 129 NEVADA (88900-89899) ...... 130 CALIFORNIA (90000-96699) ...... 131 HAWAII (96700-96899) ...... 139 OREGON (97000-97999) ...... 140 WASHINGTON (98000-99499) ...... 141 ALASKA (99500-99999) ...... 143 MASS SITES IN CANADA BY PROVINCE, IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER OF CITY ...... 145 ALBERTA ...... 145 BRITISH COLUMBIA ...... 146 MANITOBA ...... 148 NEW BRUNSWICK ...... 149 NEWFOUNDLAND AND LABRADOR ...... 149 NOVA SCOTIA ...... 149 ONTARIO ...... 150 PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND ...... 154 QUEBEC ...... 154 SASKATCHEWAN ...... 157 MASS SITES IN MEXICO BY STATE, IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER OF CITY ...... 158 AGUASCALIENTES ...... 158 BAJA CALIFORNIA NORTE ...... 158 BAJA CALIFORNIA SUR ...... 158 CAMPACHE ...... 159 CHIAPAS ...... 159 CHIHUAHUA ...... 159 COAHUILA DE ZARAGOZA ...... 160 COLIMA ...... 160 DISTRITO FEDERAL ...... 160 DURANGO ...... 161 ESTADO DE MÉXICO ...... 162 GUANAJUATO ...... 162 GUERRERO ...... 162 HIDALGO ...... 163 8

Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -



Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -


Sunt aliqui, qui vos conturbant et volunt convertere evangelium Christi. Sed licet nos aut angelus de caelo evangelizet vobis praeterquam quod evangelizavimus vobis, anathema sit. (Galatians 1:7-8)

The National Registry of Traditional Latin Masses is pleased to offer you the Official Traditional Catholic Directory: Listing All Traditional Latin Masses and Resources for North America . The Traditional Latin Mass is the perpetually approved Roman Catholic Mass as it existed before the introduction of radical changes in the decade before and after the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965). This Directory is the only comprehensive source for all Traditional Latin Masses regularly and publicly celebrated and for associated traditional resources. In its categorical listings, the Directory also informs its readers about which Masses that claim to be traditional are actually to be shunned as "pseudo- traditional" and invalid. The Registry avails itself of sources in the public domain, as well as information provided directly by our readers. The Registry operates independently of any Newchurch diocese, or religious society, or other web site. Inaccuracies are bound to occur in a large listing such as this, which by its nature is subject to significant change. Although the Registry has made a reasonable effort to provide a current and accurate list, the Registry cannot perform an individual verification of each listing. Thus, the accuracy of this list is ultimately the responsibility of the individual celebrants and site representatives, as well as our readers, who should report to the Registry any additions, corrections, and deletions. Finally, on behalf of all traditional Catholic faithful, the Registry again expresses its gratitude to all traditional Catholic priests who have courageously, and often at great personal sacrifice, heeded St. Paul's Apostolic admonition: State et tenete traditiones (2 Thessalonians 2:15). Many of these priests have been offering the fully Traditional Latin Mass under the authority of Apostolic Tradition, the dogmatic Council of Trent, and the infallible Papal Bull of Pope St. Pius V, from before the Protestantizing changes of the 1950s.


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -


The Registry, in operation since 1994, maintains a comprehensive list by sponsoring organization of the regularly and publicly scheduled fully Traditional Latin Masses of the Roman Rite (sometimes inaccurately termed “Tridentine”) in North America, as well as contacts for Mass sites outside North America. For informational purposes it also lists partially Traditional Latin Masses (so-called "modernized" forms of 1956, 1960, and 1962), so that they can be distinguished from the fully Traditional Latin Masses. The Registry also lists traditional Catholic organizations, seminaries, religious orders, lay societies, periodicals, suppliers, retreats, and schooling, in addition to general information on traditional liturgy and practice. An eBook edition of the list is published annually in January, with monthly revised editions, as the Official Traditional Catholic Directory: Listing All Traditional Latin Masses and Traditional Resources for North America. These editions are made available courtesy of the TRADITIO Traditional Roman Catholic Network in the Official Traditional Catholic Directory department at


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -


According to Roman Catholic Tradition, the Traditional (pre-Vatican II Roman Rite, “Tridentine”) Latin Mass in all its essentials was passed on by St. Peter, the first pope, to the Church. The Apostles themselves, according to St. Ambrose, worked at its elaboration. It reached its complete perfection with Popes St. Damasus (fourth century) and St. Gregory the Great (sixth century). As the great liturgical scholar, Fr. Adrian Fortescue, wrote, this Mass is:

the most venerable in all Christendom, with a history of unbroken use far longer than that of any Eastern rite, there being no doubt that the essential parts of the Mass are of Apostolic origin.

“The Most Beautiful Thing This Side of Heaven” When we attend this Mass, we are directly connected with Our Lord, with the Apostles themselves, with the Saints and Martyrs who died for the privilege of attending this Mass, and with all the Catholic faithful from the first century up to the present day. This Mass developed over the centuries into a perfect art form, as well as worship. It has always been known for its beauty, reverence, and mystery. It has inspired authors and poets, Saints and sinners, popes and peasants. Within the space of an hour, it can inspire spirituality through the flow of graces otherwise unattainable.

What Is the Traditional Latin Mass? The Mass is a sacrifice, an act by which the Church gives to Almighty God, officially and in the name of all, the worship that is due to Him alone. In the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, Jesus Christ, through the ministry of the priest, offers Himself to God in an unbloody manner under the appearances of bread and wine. Christ enables us through Himself to adore God in a suitable manner, to thank Him worthily for all His favors, to render Him full satisfaction for sin by the offering of the sacrifice of Calvary, and to address to Him our needs.


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

What to Expect at the Traditional Latin Mass For those who have never before participated at a Traditional Latin Mass, the formality and elaborate ritual of this Mass may at first seem unfamiliar. There is an atmosphere of prayer and quiet reverence among the people in the pews as they participate, interiorly, in the Sacred Mysteries. Before Mass silence is kept to show respect for the Real Presence of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament, Which is reserved in the tabernacle at the center of the altar. The crucifix above the altar reminds the congregation that the Sacrifice of the Cross and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass are one and the same. The lighted candles on the altar symbolize Christ as the Light of the World. The priest and the congregation together face the tabernacle and altar where the Mass is offered. The Mass is celebrated in Latin, the official language of the Roman , used as a liturgical language in the West since as early as the first century. The unchanging nature of the Latin language has preserved the orthodox doctrine of the Mass, handed down from the the Apostles and the early Church Fathers. The congregation uses prayerbooks, called missals, which have the Latin text accompanied by its vernacular translation. The faithful receive Holy Communion on the tongue while kneeling out of reverence. Communion is given only under the species of bread with the words (translated from the Latin): “May the Body of our Lord Jesus Christ preserve your soul unto life everlasting. Amen.” A Mass in which the priest recites the prayers is called a Low Mass. A Mass in which the priest and choir sing parts of the Mass and use a more elaborate ceremonial is called a High Mass. The Gregorian chant (plainsong) used at High Mass is the ancient music of the Roman Catholic liturgy, named after Pope St. Gregory I (590-604), who codified the existing chant melodies.


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -


“Quo Primum is no 'merely ecclesiastical law' (can. 11) that can be revoked, but has been enacted into law and declared Ex Cathedra to be irreformable, and is therefore a solemnly defined moral doctrine which is also of itself infallible and irreformable (DB 1819). Quo Primum has been infallibly declared to be irreformable because the rite of Mass codified (canonized) in the Tridentine Missal is the 'received and approved rite' (the rite of Sacred Tradition) [ Iniunctum nobis ] of the Roman Church that has been 'handed down by the Holy Roman Church' ( a sacrosancta Romana Ecclesia ... tradita ) [ Quo Primum ]. The statutes of Quo Primum , therefore, pertain to Divine Law insofar as they constitute a particular application of the divine law that has been expressed in its general formulation in the Tridentine Profession of Faith [ Iniunctum nobis ].” Fr. Paul L. Kramer, B.Ph., S.T.B., M.Div., A Theological Vindication of Roman Catholic Traditionalism (Nazareth, India: Apostle Publications, [1997]).

Pius Bishop Servant of the Servants of God

For a Perpetual Memorial of the Matter

Upon Our elevation to the Apostolic throne, We gladly turned Our mind and energies, and directed all Our thoughts, to the matter of preserving incorrupt the public worship of the Church; and We have striven, with God's help, by every means in Our power to achieve that purpose. Whereas amongst other decrees of the Holy Council of Trent, We were charged with revision and re-issue of the sacred books, to wit, the Catechism, the Missal, and the Breviary; and whereas We have with God's consent published a Catechism for the instruction of the faithful and thoroughly revised the Breviary for the due performance of the Divine Office, We next, in order that the Missal and Breviary might be in perfect harmony, as is right and proper (considering that it is altogether fitting that there should be in the Church only one appropriate manner of Psalmody and one sole rite of celebrating Mass), deemed it necessary to give Our immediate attention to what still remained to be done, namely the re- editing of the Missal, with the least possible delay. We resolved accordingly to delegate this task to a select committee of scholars; and they, having at every stage of their work and with the utmost care collated the ancient codices in Our Vatican Library and reliable (original or amended) codices from elsewhere, and having also consulted the writing of ancient and approved authors who have bequeathed to us records relating to the


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition - said sacred rites, thus restored the Missal itself to the pristine form and rite of the Holy Fathers. When this production had been subjected to close scrutiny and further amended, We, after mature consideration, ordered that the final result be forthwith printed and published in Rome, so that all may enjoy the fruit of this labor; that priests may know what prayers to use, and what rites and ceremonies they are to observe henceforward in the celebration of Masses. Now therefore, in order that all everywhere may adopt and observe what has been delivered to them by the Holy Roman Church, Mother and Mistress of the other churches, it shall be unlawful henceforth and forever throughout the Christian world to sing or to read Masses according to any formula other than that of this Missal published by Us; this ordinance to apply to all churches and chapels, with or without care of souls, patriarchal, collegiate, and parochial, be they secular or belonging to any religious Order, whether of men (including the military Orders) or of women, in which conventual Masses are or ought to be sung aloud in choir or read privately according to the rites and customs of the Roman Church; to apply, moreover, even if the said churches have been in any way exempted, whether by indult of the Apostolic See, by custom, by privilege, or even by oath or Apostolic confirmation, or have their rights and faculties guaranteed to them in any other way whatsoever, saving only those in which the practice of saying Mass differently was granted over 200 years ago simultaneously with the Apostolic See's institution and confirmation of the Church, and those in which there has prevailed a similar custom followed continuously for a period of not less than 200 years; in which cases We in no wise rescind their prerogatives or customs aforesaid. Nevertheless, if this Missal which We have seen fit to publish be more agreeable to these last, We hereby permit them to celebrate Mass according to its rite, subject to the consent of their bishop or prelate, and of their whole Chapter, all else to the contrary notwithstanding. All other churches aforesaid are hereby denied the use of other missals, which are to be wholly and entirely rejected; and by this present Constitution, which shall have the force of law in perpetuity. We order and enjoin under pain of Our displeasure that nothing be added to Our newly published Missal, nothing omitted therefrom, and nothing whatsoever altered therein. We specifically command each and every patriarch, administrator and all other persons of whatsoever ecclesiastical dignity, be they even Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church or possessed of any other rank or preeminence, and We order them by virtue of holy obedience to sing or to read the Mass according to 15

Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition - the rite and manner and norm herein laid down by Us, and henceforward to discontinue and utterly discard all other rubrics and rites of other missals, howsoever ancient, which they have been accustomed to follow, and not to presume in celebrating Mass to introduce any ceremonies or recite any prayers other than those contained in this Missal. Furthermore, by these presents and by virtue of Our Apostolic authority We give and grant in perpetuity that for the singing or reading of Mass in any church whatsoever, this Missal may be followed absolutely, without any scruple of conscience or fear of incurring any penalty, judgment or censure, and may be freely and lawfully used. Nor shall bishops, administrators, canons, chaplains, and other secular priests, or religious of whatsoever Order or by whatsoever title designated, be obliged to celebrate Mass otherwise than enjoined by Us. We likewise order and declare that no one whosoever shall be forced or coerced into altering this Missal and that this present Constitution can never be revoked or modified, but shall for ever remain valid and have the force of law, notwithstanding previous constitutions or edicts of provincial or synodal councils, and notwithstanding the usage of the churches aforesaid, established by very long and even immemorial prescription, saving only usage of more than 200 years. Consequently it is Our will, and by the same authority We decree, that one month after publication of this Our constitution and Missal, priests of the shall be obliged to sing or to read the Mass in accordance therewith; others south of the Alps, after three months; those who live beyond the Alps, after six months or as soon as the Missal becomes available for purchase. Furthermore, in order that the said Missal may be preserved incorrupt and kept free from defects and errors, the penalty for non-observance in the case of all printers resident in territory directly or indirectly subject to Ourselves and the Holy Roman Church shall be forfeiture of their books and a fine of 100 gold ducats payable by that very fact to the Apostolic Treasury. In the case of those resident in other parts of the world, it shall be automatic excommunication and other penalties at Our discretion; and by Our Apostolic authority and the tenor of these presents, We also decree that they must not dare or presume either to print or to publish or to sell, or in any way to take delivery of such books without Our approval and consent, or without express permission of the Apostolic Commissary in the said parts appointed by Us for that purpose. Each of the said printers must receive from the aforementioned Commissary a standard Missal to


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition - serve as an exemplar and agree faithfully therewith, varying in no wise from the first impression printed in Rome. But, since it would be difficult for this present Constitution to be transmitted to all parts of the world and to come to the notice of all concerned simultaneously, We direct that it be, as usual, posted and published at the doors of the Basilica of the Prince of Apostles, at those of the Apostolic Chancery, and at the end of the Campo dei Fiori; moreover, We direct that printed copies of the same, signed by a notary public and authenticated with the seal of an ecclesiastical dignitary, shall possess the same unqualified and indubitable validity everywhere and in every country that would attend the display there of Our present text. Accordingly, no one whosoever is permitted to infringe or rashly contravene this notice of Our permission, statute, ordinance, command, direction, grant, indult, declaration, will, decree and prohibition. Should any person venture to do so, let him understand that he will incur the wrath of Almighty God and of the blessed Apostles Peter and Paul. Given at St. Peter's, Rome, in the year of Our Lord's Incarnation one thousand five hundred and seventy, on the fourteenth day of July in the fifth year of Our Pontificate.

[John Warrington Translation]


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -


“The following statement has existed in the introductory pages of the Missale Romanum since the first printed edition in 1474 (the printing press having been invented in 1455). It is founded on a tract entitled Ordo Missae written by John Burchard, later Master of Ceremonies to Pope Innocent VIII (1484-1492) and Pope Alexander VI (1492-1503), from which the first printed edition of the Missale Romanum was formalized a decade or so later. Since the De Defectibus decree concerns a matter of faith - the validity of the Sacrament of the Most Holy Eucharist - it is universal, immutable, and infallible.” Fr. Paul L. Kramer

V.1 - Defects of the Form

Defectus ex parte formæ possunt contingere, si aliquid desit ex iis quae ad integritatem verborum in ipsa consecratione requiruntur. Verba autem consecrationis, quæ sunt forma huius Sacramenti, sunt hæ: Hoc est enim Corpus meum. Et: Hic est enim Calix Sanguinis mei, novi et æterni testamenti: mysterium fidei: qui pro vobis et pro multis effundetur in remissionem peccatorum. Si quis autem aliquid diminueret, vel immutaret de forma consecrationis Corporis et Sanguinis, et in ipsa verborum immutatione verba idem non significarent, non conficeret Sacramentum. Si vero aliquid adderet, quod significationem non mutaret, conficeret quidem, sed gravissimo peccaret.

Defects may arise on the part of the form if anything is missing from what is required for the completeness of the words in the Consecration itself. Now the words of the Consecration, which are the form of this Sacrament, are: Hoc est enim Corpus meum. And: Hic est enim Calix Sanguinis mei, novi et aeterni testamenti: mysterium fidei: qui pro vobis et pro multis effundetur in remissionem peccatorum . Now if the priest were to shorten or change anything from the form of the Consecration of the Body and the Blood, and by the change of words the words did not mean the same thing, he would not confect the Sacrament. If, on the other hand, he were to add anything that did not change the meaning, he would confect, but he would be committing a mortal sin.


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The traditional days of fast, partial abstinence, and (complete) abstinence from meat as observed in the United States since 1952 are as follows. Abstinence. All persons over seven years of age must abstain. This means that they may not take fleshmeat, meat gravy, or meat soup at all on days of complete abstinence, which are all Fridays (except on holydays of obligation), Ash Wednesday, Holy Saturday (until noon), and the Vigils of the Immaculate Conception and Christmas. By the decree of the Sacra Congregatio Concilii , dated December 3, 1959, the fast and abstinence of the Vigil of Christmas may, at the option of the individual, be anticipated on December 23. They may take meat, but only at the principal meal, on days of partial abstinence, which are Ember Wednesdays and Saturdays, and the Vigils of Pentecost and of All Saints' Day. Fast. All persons over twenty-one and under fifty-nine years of age must fast. This means that on a fast day they may have only one principal or full meal and two smaller meals. They may eat meat at this principal meal, except on days of complete abstinence. At the two smaller meals they may not have meat, but they may take sufficient food to maintain their strength. However, these two smaller meals together should be less than a full meal. Eating between meals is not permitted, but liquids, including milk and fruit juices, may be taken any time on a fast day. The days of fast are the weekdays of Lent including Holy Saturday (until noon), the Ember Days, and the Vigils of Pentecost, the Immaculate Conception, All Saints' Day, and Christmas (or December 23). Those not bound to fast may eat meat as often as they wish, except on days of complete abstinence (when it may not be eaten at all), and on days of partial abstinence (when it may be eaten only at the principal meal). When a person's health or ability to work would be seriously affected by fasting or, in even rarer cases, by abstaining, a traditional priest/confessor should be consulted to determine whether the law obliges. In granting these concessions, the bishops urged the faithful:  to attend daily Mass during the period of fast and abstinence [if this is not possible, one might say all or part of the Divine Office, the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary, or the Most Holy Rosary]  to receive Holy Communion often  to take part more frequently in exercises of piety


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

 to give generously to works of religion and charity  to perform acts of kindness toward the sick, the aged, and the poor  to practice voluntary self-denial  to pray more fervently Eucharistic Fast. The fast to be observed before the celebration of Mass or the reception of Holy Communion is traditionally, from the early Church, a strict fast from all solid food and beverages, including water, from midnight preceding Mass. In 1956, Pope Pius XII limited the period of time for the observance of the Eucharistic fast before the celebration of Mass or the reception of Holy Communion, which some traditional Catholics follow, to three hours from solid food and alcoholic beverages, and to one hour from non-alcoholic beverages, not including water. In allowing this limitation, however, the pope stated: “We earnestly exhort the priests and faithful who are able to do so to observe the venerable and time-honored form of the Eucharistic fast before the celebration of Mass and the reception of Holy Communion” (Motu Proprio Sacram Communionem ), that is, the strict fast from midnight.


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -


An indulgence is a plenary (complete) or partial remission of the debt of temporal punishment due for the consequences of sin. Even after sin has been forgiven in the Sacrament of Penance, there is a debt of justice to be paid for the residual harm done. For example, if one has spread a calumny about another, the harm done to the person's reputation continues as a result of the sin, even when forgiven in the Sacrament of Penance. Whatever temporal punishment due that has not been satisfied in this life by a commensurate degree of prayer, fasting, and good works offered to Almighty God in reparation must be remitted in Purgatory. From the writings of the Saints and private revelation, it appears that most souls leave this life with a large debt of temporal punishment to be remitted in Purgatory. Traditionally, the degree of the debt of sin remitted is indicated relatively in terms of days or years (e.g., 40 days). This indication does not refer to the number of days or years in Purgatory, since time as we know it does not exist there. Rather, the figure indicates the relative remission of so much of the debt of temporal punishment as would be remitted by performing the ancient canonical penances for the equivalent period. Indeed, the ancient penances were quite severe, for example, the exclusion from church and heavy penances for the entire Lenten period of forty days for those guilty of significant public sins. In effect, the indulgences for meritorious works are an absolution of temporal punishment beyond the usually minimal penances that are nowadays required in the Sacrament of Penance. The Church, from the treasury of the merits of Christ and His Saints, provides for the remission of temporal punishment through indulgenced prayers, fasting, and good works. Usually, such remission may be applied to oneself or to the Holy Souls in Purgatory. For all indulgences, one must have the right intention, be in the state of grace, and fulfill the prescribed good work. The seven requirements for the gaining of a plenary indulgence are:  The intention of gaining the indulgence.  The state of sanctifying grace, with the required reception of the Sacrament of Penance within eight days either before or after the day to which the indulgence is attached. This confession suffices for the gaining of all indulgences during this period.  The fulfillment of the prescribed good work.


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

 Holy Communion on the eve of the day or within its octave. Holy Communion once received suffices for gaining several indulgences on the same day, each of which requires the reception of Holy Communion. If as a result of long illness or some other physical impediment, a person is unable to receive the prescribed Holy Communion, the confessor may substitute some other pious work.  Visit to a church.  Vocal Prayer. The prescribed prayers must be vocal, that is, the lips most move, and the words must be at least mouthed silently. Therefore, mental prayer is not sufficient, unless the contrary is expressly stated.  Prayers for the Pope's Intention. The pope's intention comprises the exaltation of Holy Church, the propagation of the Faith, the extirpation of heresies, concord among Christian rulers, and the welfare and tranquillity of the Christian people (Benedict XIV, Inter Praeteritos ). If no set prayers have been prescribed for the intention of the pope, it is sufficient to recite one Pater , one Ave , and one Gloria Patri (six of each for the Toties Quoties indulgence on All Souls Day and on the Sunday following).


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -


(We do not include pseudo-traditional clergy such as those of the Newchurch or of the Neo-SSPX after 1992.)

Bp. John Hesson, O.S.B., of Paulsboro, New Jersey (ob. 08/26/17) Bp. Robert McKenna, O.P., of Monroe, Connecticut (07/08/27-12/16/15) Fr. Joseph Melito, of Glendale, California (ob. 09/07/15) Fr. Paul Trinchard, of New Orleans, Louisiana (04/15/1932-08/23/2015) Fr. Charles Mercereau, of New Brunswick, Canada (ob. 01/15/13 at 92) Bishop Louis Vezelis, OFM, of Rochester, New York (01/29/1930-01/01/2013) Fr. Martin Father Stepanich, OFM (ob. 11/18/2012) Fr. Raymond Dunn, SJ, (ob. 06/03/2012) Fr. Timothy Hopkins (ob. 11/02/2011) Msgr. Charles Jackson, of Bradenton, Florida (ob. 03/18/2011) Abbot Leonard Giardina, of Cullman, Alabama (11/08/1922-01/07/2011) Founder of Christ the King Traditional Benedictine Catholic Abbey in 1985 Fr. George de Jesus-Marie (Abbé de Nantes) (04/03/1924-02/15/2010) Fr. Enrique Rueda (ob. 12/14/2009) Fr. Robert Stemper, SJ (12/17/1926-09/25/2009) Br. Francis, MICM, of Richmond, New Hampshire (07/19/1913-09/05/2009) Fr. Francis Clifford, of South Weymouth, Massachusetts (ob. 03/07/2009) Fr. Mario Blanco, of Washington (ob. 10/14/08) Fr. Roy Randolph, ORCM/SSPV (ob. 01/2008) Fr. Richard Rego (ob. 07/30/2007) Fr. Anthony Wojtus, of Cedar Grove, West Virgina (ob. 07/16/2007 at 76) Fr. Harry Marchosky, (10/08/23-12/11/07) Fr. Peter Rofrano, SAC (ob. 05/19/2007) Fr. Lawrence Brey (ob. 11/26/2006) Fr. Eugene Heidt (08/31/1933-10/20/2006) Fr. Francis LeBlanc (ob. 09/28/2006 at 82) Fr. Rama Coomaraswamy (03/1930-07/19/2006) Msgr. Charles Moss (1930-07/09/2006) Fr. Carl Pulvermacher, OFMcap (ob. 05/29/2006) Fr. Gregory Hesse (ob. 01/25/2006)


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

Fr. Richard Ahearn, S.V.M. (ob. 10/11/2005) Fr. James Wathen, of Evansville, IN (11/06/1932-11/07/2005) Fr. Gommar DePauw, of Westbury, NY (10/11/1918-05/06/2005) Founder of the Catholic Traditionalist Movement (CTM) in 1964 Fr. James Gordon, of Houston, TX (ob. Summer 2004) Fr. Paul Wickens, of West Orange, NJ (ob. 07/08/2004) Fr. John Quinn, Lake Zurich, IL (ob. 02/28/2004) Fr. Raphael Guzzo (ob. 01/12/2004) Msgr. Robert Hupp (ob. 08/29/2003) Fr. Charles Fiore, FSSP, of Madison, WI (ob. 02/18/2003) Fr. Terry Marks, of Richmond, VA (ob. 01/30/2003) Fr. Salvatore Franco, of New York (ob. 12/17/2002) Fr. Charles Poirier, SR, of Melbourne, Florida (ob. 11/29/2002) Fr. Frederick Schell, of Granada Hills, CA (1916-09/28/2002) Fr. Edward Morgan, of Frankfort, IL (ob. 02/28/2002) Fr. William Van Breda, OSA, of Pennsylvania (ob. 01/20/2002) Fr. Gerard Leicht, SsCc, of Hawaii (ob. 01/2002) Fr. Jerome Talloen, SJ, of Oklahoma (ob. 12/15/2001) Fr. Edward O'Connor, CSsR, of Arizona (ob. 07/19/2001) Fr. Andrew Jeffers, of Terra Haute, IN (ob. 06/10/2001) Fr. James Milano, of El Paso, TX (ob. 05/2001) Fr. John Keene, of Massachusetts (ob. 02/28/2001) Fr. Robert Carpenter, SVM (ob. 06/27/2000) Fr. (07/23/1921-07/27/1999) Fr. Alfred Kunz (ob. 03/04/1998) Msgr. Charles Donahue, of Arcadia, CA (04/14/1927-12/23/1995) Fr. Francis Fenton (ob. 08/03/1995) Founder of the Orthodox Roman Catholic Movement in 1970 Fr. James Stacy, SVM (ob. 11/16/1994) Bp. J. Vida Elmer (1912-03/30/1993) Fr. Thomas Ross, OFM (ob. 03/02/1993) Fr. Victor Mroz, OFM Conv./ORCM, (01/29/1915-04/28/1992) Archbishop (11/29/1905-03/25/1991) Founder of the Society of St. Pius X in 1970 Fr. Placid White, OSB (11/08/1898-09/21/1989) Bp. George Musey, of Forest Hill, Texas (09/14/1928-03/29/1992)


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -


"The Independent Voice of Traditional Roman Catholicism since 1994" First Site on the Internet for Traditional Roman Catholics More Readers than Any Other Traditional Roman Catholic Site Over 11,000,000 Readers since Its Founding

Ask the Fathers Booksales Confraternity of Saint Michael DAILY COMMENTARIES FROM THE TRADITIO FATHERS (Lively Commentary on Church News from the Traditional Perspective) Fr. Denis Fahey Archive (provided by the Fr. Dennis Fahey Project) Gregorian Chant (provided by the St. John Schola) Holy Cards, California Missions & Stations of the Cross Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics) Novus Ordo Service Photo Gallery OFFICIAL TRADITIONAL CATHOLIC DIRECTORY (Provided by the National Registry of Traditional Latin Masses) Papal Photo Gallery Prayers for the Living and Deceased Special Features (Articles, Reviews, Sermons, Other) Traditional Catholic Priests Wanted and Available Traditional Latin Mass, Divine Office & Sacraments Traditional Liturgical Calendar

The TRADITIO Fathers, several traditional Roman Catholic priests, provide answers by E-mail to inquiries on topics pertaining to traditional Roman Catholicism, including theology, the Bible, Church history, the Latin language, liturgy (especially the Traditional Latin Mass), and music (especially Gregorian chant). Send your question in an E-mail to [email protected] . The Fathers extract for their Daily Commentaries department general issues from some of these messages, rewrite them, and anonymize them, to form the basis of providing unique, lively, often bitingly satirical commentary (after the fashion of St. Jerome, St. Thomas More, and other Saints of the Church), 25

Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition - from half a century's observation of the Church both pre-and post-Vatican II, on current events in the Catholic Church from the traditional perspective. TRADITIO was determined by a statistical survey to be the most popular traditional Roman Catholic web site on the internet, almost twice as frequently accessed as the next web site, a book and tape sales site, and almost four times as frequently as the Neo-SSPX site, which placed a distant third. TRADITIO was selected by the editors of the Encyclopædia Britannica as one of the best on the internet when reviewed for quality, accuracy of content, presentation, and usability. TRADITIO was also selected to receive the Catholic Award and the Mary Award (Holland). Periodically TRADITIO offers for sale used traditional Catholic books and compact discs that are typically hard to find and not listed on auction sites. Anyone may bid on the lots offered in a “silent” auction in the Booksales department. However, if you have an active interest in purchasing such books and wish to be placed on the special E-mail list for notification of booksale announcements, simply send your name and E-mail address to [email protected] .


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GREGORIAN CHANT Provided to the National Registry by the St. John Schola

Gregorian Chant and Scholae The ancient music of the Roman liturgy used for the Hours of the Divine Office and the Traditional Latin Mass is known as Greogrian chant (plainsong), after Pope St. Gregory I (590-604), who codified the existing chant melodies. The priest and schola sing the appointed parts of the Mass at a Missa Cantata (Sung Mass), High Mass (a more solemn form of the Missa Cantata including incensation), or Missa Solemnis (Solemn Mass, in which a celebrant, deacon, and subdeacon celebrate). A schola is a group of men trained to sing the chant (in convents, this may be a group of women).

"A Traditional Chapel Sings Gregorian Chant" CD Series Although there are many recordings made in recording studios, or sometimes in larger churches or monasteries with professional or dedicated choirs, there are few, if any, recordings made by the average small lay choir, chanting what can actually be attempted in the smaller churches, chapels, and oratories, to which the Sacred Chant can be a great addition in the traditional Roman liturgy, not as mere secular performance, but in the actual religious setting for which it was composed, the Traditional Latin Mass and Divine Office of the classical Roman Rite.

The St. John Schola for Gregorian chant is, therefore, recording a CD series consisting of live recordings of the type of chant pieces that may be used at traditional churches and chapels. It makes no pretense to being professional, but to what is achievable, with a little work, by the average small lay choir. The hope is that this series will serve as a practical guide for the wider use of Gregorian chant in the traditional Roman Catholic liturgy. Supporting music sheets and booklets are available to accompany the recordings and aid small choirs in using Gregorian chant for the traditional liturgy.


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

Volume I: Christmas Matins of the Divine Office-An Abridgement (December 2006) Volume II: First Mass of Christmas (December 2006) Volume III: Fourth Sunday after Epiphany (January 2007) Volume IV: Pentecost (May 2007) Volumes I-IV: Box Collection Volume V: Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost (September 2007) Volume VI: Fourth Sunday after Easter (February 2008) Volume VII: Basilica of Sts. Peter & Paul (January 2009) Volume VIII: Cantus Populares -Popular Chants (December 2009) Volumes V-VIII: Box Collection Volume IX: Holy Week and Easter (February 2011) Volume X: Feast of the Precious Blood (January 2013)

To order volumes in the growing library of St. John Schola chant CDs, contact:

ChantCD 367 Stagecoach Hill Drive 28

Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

Seguin, TX 78155 (830) 914-6890

$9.99 + $5.00 shipping for single CDs $29.99 + $8.00 shipping for the Four Volume Set


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -


The layout of the fields in each listing is as follows. Because inaccuracies are bound to occur in a large listing such as this, which by its nature is subject to significant change, it is advisable to contact the Mass site to confirm the information before planning to visit. Readers are requested to supply the Registry with any updates or advise the Registry if the site does not fit the definition indicated.

 Church, Chapel, or Mission Name  Address, City, State or Province, ZIP or Postal Code. These are Mass locations, not mailing addresses. Please do not send unsolicited mail to these addresses. ZIP Codes are provided for geographical identification only.  Celebrant, Contact Information (telephone, facsimile, E-mail, web site)  Sponsoring Organization, Mass Days and Times

CMRI indicates a Mass under the auspices of the Congregation of Mary Immaculate Queen ( Congregatio Mariae Reginae Immaculatae ). Calendar & Rubrics: Traditional Latin Mass and Divine Office, as before the "modernizing" revisions of 1960, and 1962, but including the revisions of 1956 (e.g., the "modernized" Holy Week). Principles: “Since John Paul II has manifestly taught heresy, promoted oecumenism and fostered interfaith worship, he clearly cannot be recognized as a successor of St. Peter in the primacy” (Theological Position of the Congregation of Mary Immaculate Queen , revised July 1, 1997). Independent indicates a Mass by a priest professing traditional Roman Catholicism, not including Old Catholicism or Eastern Orthodoxy, and operating independently of any local diocesan bishop, but without being associated with one of the larger traditional organizations specifically broken out in these listings (viz., CMRI, SSPV, Neo-SSPX). Calendar & Rubrics: Usually the true Traditional Latin Mass and Divine Office, as before the Protestantizing/modernizing revisions of 1956, 1960, and 1962, depending upon the individual Mass site. Principles: Operates by virtue of Church-supplied jurisdiction in accordance with the provisions of Canon 209 (1917)/Canon 144 30

Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

(1983) and under the theological principle of epikeia arising from the state of urgent necessity in the Church ( v. Fr. Paul L. Kramer, B.Ph., S.T.B., M. Div., A Theological Vindication of Roman Catholic Traditionalism ). Newdiocese indicates a service held under the auspices of a diocese of the Newchurch of the New Order and using the half New Order (Novus Ordo) Vatican II Mass of 1962+, aka erroneously as the "Extraordinary" service, which is most certainly not the Traditional Latin Mass, but a corrupted, modernized version of it. This category includes services held under the auspices of New Order organizations, such as the Fraternity of St. Peter ( Fraternitas Sacerdotalis Sancti Petri-FSSP ) and the Institute of Christ the King, High Priest ( Institutum Christi Regis, Summi Sacerdotis-ICRSS ). Calendar & Rubrics: The Protestantized Mass of 1962+, as revised in 1956, 1960, 1962, and beyond. Principles: Uses the invalid New Order service of 1969 as its "Ordinary" service. WARNING. All Newchurch diocesan services, whether in Latin or in the vulgar tongues, are invalid under the principles of traditional Catholic theology and should, therefore, be scrupulously avoided by the faithful under pain of Sacrilege. Moreover, the "Extraordinary" service is not the Traditional Latin Mass. Furthermore, the unavailability of a Traditional Latin Mass is never a justification to attend the invalid Protestant-Masonic- Pagan New Order service. For further information, see the chapter Warning against Pseudo-traditional Services . NSSPX ("Neo-SSPX") indicates a Mass under the auspices of the Neo-Priestly Society of St. Pius X ( Societas Sacerdotalis Sancti Pii Decimi ). Calendar & Rubrics: The Modernized Mass and Divine Office of 1962, as revised in 1956, 1960, and 1962, and at some sites with elements of the invalid New Order service of 1969. Principles: Since at least 2000 the NSSPX has been abandoning the traditional principles of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre's original SSPX and has been officially moving toward affiliation with the invalid New Order sect. For further information, see the chapter Warning against Pseudo-traditional Services . SSPV indicates a Mass under the auspices of the Priestly Society of St. Pius V ( Societas Sacerdotalis Sancti Pii Quinti ). Calendar & Rubrics: The true Traditional Latin Mass and Divine Office, as before the "modernizing" revisions of 1956, 1960, and 1962. Principles: “There is certain and sufficient evidence to assert, as a legitimate theological opinion, that anyone who publicly professes the conciliar [New Order] religion does not legitimately hold any position of authority in the Catholic Church” ( A Statement of Principles in a Time of Crisis , revised 1988). 31

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When choosing a Traditional Latin Mass site, normally you should make a choice in the following order of preference to have access to the most traditional Roman Catholic Mass and Sacraments.

Note that these icons are applied by SPONSORING ORGANIZATION, NOT BY INDIVIDUAL SITES, on the basis of degree of the ORGANIZATION'S affinity to the fully Traditional Latin Mass. See the chatper Warning against Pseudo-traditional Services .

RECOMMENDED 1. Independent. These sites are not formally associated with the New Order sect or any other organization (e.g., Neo-Society of St. Pius X). In this situation, you are most likely to get the Traditional Latin Mass and traditional Catholic Faith. Many of these sites use the fully Traditional Latin Mass before the "moderizations" starting in 1951. 2. Society of St. Pius V. These sites use the fully Traditional Latin Mass before 1951. 3. Congregation of Mary Immaculate Queen. These sites use the Traditional Latin Mass with just the 1951-1956 changes, but not the later ones from 1957 to 1962.

NOT RECOMMENDED SOME SITES POSSIBLY INVALID AND UNTRADITIONAL 4. Neo-Society of St. Pius X ("Neo-SSPX, NSSPX"). These sites have been associating increasingly with the New Order sect since 2000. Reports of corruptions imported from the invalid New Order service (e.g., the use of unordained New Order presbyters, eucharistic ministresses, hosts from the New Order services, and other corruptions have been reported).

NOT RECOMMENDED INVALID AND UNTRADITIONAL 5. Newdiocese. All services associated with Newchurch dioceses (Newdioceses), whether in Latin or in the vulgar tongues, are invalid under the principles of traditional Catholic theology and should, therefore, be scrupulously avoided by the faithful under pain of Sacrilege. Since the 32

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invalid Protestantized New Ordinal of 1968, Newchurch has not ordained priests in the Sacrament of Holy Orders "to offer the sacrifice of the Mass for the living and the dead," but has merely "installed presbyters to preside over the assembly of the people." Even when the not-fully-traditional ordination rite of 1962 is used by Newchurch, the consecrating bishop has not been validly consecrated as a bishop under the traditional Sacrament of Holy Orders, but merely "installed" in the Protestantized rite of 1968.

Eastern Rites are not a viable option for Latin Rite Catholics. Not only are they not the proper canonic rite for western-rite Catholics but also truly Catholic and Apostolic Eastern rite sites are very few and far between, much harder to find than Traditional Latin Masses. Almost all of them have been corrupted by the invalid New Order service or have otherwise abandoned their Apostolic form.


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Traditional Catholics should scrupulously Diocesan sites, which are not allowed to offer the Traditional Latin Mass, but must offer one of the following pseudo- traditional services:

1. the defective Vatican II Mass of 1962 as subsequently modernized by the New Order sect to the present day 2. the defective or invalid Vatican II Mass of 1962 as subsequently modernized with elements of the invalid New Order (Novus Ordo) service of 1969 3. the invalid Vatican II "Latin Mass," which is the invalid New Order (Novus Ordo) service of 1969, partly or totally in Latin

These services are most definitely not the Traditional Latin Mass, although they may be falsely advertised as such, or as a "Latin Mass," an ambiguous term that includes anything from the invalid Novus Ordo service in Latin to the fully Traditional Latin Mass.

Since Protocol 1411 of July 3, 1999, issued by the Vatican's Congregatio pro Divino Cultu , organizations using the Protestantized Mass of 1962+ have been forced into a direct collaboration with the invalid Novus Ordo service. These pseudo-traditional services also deviate in one or more ways from the traditional Catholic practices (in force even in 1962), such as:

 using Novus Ordo presbyters (indicated as Presb. in the listings) merely "installed to preside over the assembly" under the invalid Protestantized New Ordinal of 1968 instead of using priests ordained under the valid traditional Ordinal "to offer Mass for the living and the dead"; some of these sites use presbyters installed under the invalid New Ordinal of 1968 by Novus Ordo "bishops" never consecrated under the valid traditional Ordinal (virtually all clergy in the New Order sect have never been traditionally ordained and therefore have no power to offer validly the Traditional Latin Mass, but only the invalid Novus Ordo service) 34

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 using modifications introduced after 1962, such those of 1964 or those of 2007 ( )  "oecumenizing" the ancient prayer of Good Friday for the Jews  mixing in elements of the invalid Novus Ordo service  using the New Calendar, the New Lectionary, or the new rubrics of 1964 or later  using a church building where the Novus Ordo service is also held, thus profaning the altar  giving "communion" in the hand  mixing New Order cookies and traditional Hosts in the tabernacle  using lay "ministers" and "ministresses"  using "altar girls"  enforcing standing rather than kneeling at the Canon or when receiving "communion"  eliminating the traditional Collect prayers and the Leonine prayers after Low Mass  transferring or eliminating traditional holydays  holding Saturday "anticipated" services instead of Mass on the Lord's Day  virtually abolishing the traditional Eucharistic fast and traditional days of fast and abstinence


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -


Sede-vacantism, the opinion that the papacy is currently vacant on account of adherence to the heresy of the Modernism and the New Order, amounts to a merely personal opinion on the part of someone that involves applying certain principles of Roman Catholic theology to a specific factual situation. It is not a doctrinal issue, as a sede-vacantist certainly accepts the Roman Catholic dogma on the papacy as defined at Vatican I. A personal opinion of sede-vacantism has no impact on the validity of the true Mass, Sacraments, and Faith. It is not heretical or schismatic. Traditional Catholic theologians of the past indicate various ways by which an official decision could be made. Thus, sede-vacantism was considered at least a theoretical possibility by even Doctors of the Church.

In practice, traditional Catholics are minimally affected by the issue. Traditional Catholics are not going with the "New Mass," the "New Sacraments," the "New Morality," and the "New Theology," no matter who is pope, because that would be an offense against God Himself and a violation of the Apostolic Deposit of Faith. Any pope who would dare to violate the constitution of his papal office is acting outside his authority, and such acts are thus null and void anyway, according to the dogmatic decree Pastor Aeternus of Vatican I.

What a particular priest's opinion about an individual pope (as opposed to the doctrine on the office of the papacy itself) is, does not impinge on the traditional Mass, Sacraments, or Faith. Those are set in Catholic doctrine and Tradition, no matter who the pope is or is not.

After all, the Deposit of Faith does not belong to the pope. It is the Church's treasure of truth that has been taught during twenty centuries. The pope is obligated to transmit it faithfully and exactly to all those under him. He is not free to do anything he pleases. Nor can we follow his error and change God's truth, just because the one who is charged with transmitting it is weak and allows error to spread around him. Remember that dogmatic council Vatican I found that some 40 of 260 popes had at one time or another personally taught error. One pope was excommunicated. One pope was deposed from office. Catholics must remain faithful to the Roman Catholic Church and the papacy of two thousand years, not novelties that have been taught for just the last forty years.


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

Traditional Catholics should be looking for a site where the unadulterated Traditional Latin Mass and Sacraments are offered and where the traditional Roman Catholic Faith is preached. In the end, if you have a priest who professes the traditional Roman Catholic Faith, celebrates exclusively the Traditional Latin Mass, and administers the traditional Sacraments, support him, help him, be loyal to him, pray for him. You have a very special gift for which hundreds of thousands of traditional Catholics around the world are praying ceaselessly.


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -


First and foremost, the unavailability of the true mass, the Traditional Latin Mass, is never a justification to attend the invalid, Protestant-Masonic- Pagan Novus Ordo (New Order) service or the untraditional Vatican II "Latin Masses" that are associated with it. To do so would be mortally sinful according to the teaching of the Church.

The New Order service is no more a "Mass" than a Protestant service, after which it is fabricated. Nor is "reverence" a criterion. The Methodists are quite reverent, yet no true Catholic would go to their service.

Second, consult the current month's edition of this Directory. Search here for the "recommended" Traditional Latin Masses in your area. Very often traditional Catholics are unaware that there is one in their own backyard until they consult this Directory. This Directory also distinguishes between true Traditional Latin Masses and untraditional Vatican II "Latin Masses."

Third, try to worship at the true Mass, even if it is only once or twice a year. The graces you are receiving there are incalculable, augmented by your devotion in making a special effort to be present. A person can gain infinite treasures of grace at one Traditional Latin Mass than at any number of invalid New Order services, which offer not grace at all, but condemnation.

Fourth, in the history of the Church, most Catholics never had the blessing of worshipping at a Mass every Sunday. So, if you are in a position of not having a Traditional Latin Mass at which to worship every Sunday, first of all tend to your own soul by the time-tested practices for Catholics in that situation. Practice the habits of trying to elicit Perfect Contrition and partaking of Spiritual Communion until you have the opportunity to receive the true Sacrament of Penance, even if that be a period of years.

Fifth, after you have established regular traditional practices for the sake of your own soul, then try to build a traditional Catholic community slowly in your area. That may start by being two people saying the Rosary together, reading spiritual


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition - works together and discussing them, studying the Propers of the Missal, or any of many other spiritual practices.

Sixth, once a small community has been formed, check this Directory and the TRADITIO Traditional Roman Catholic Network ('s Traditional Catholic Priests Available department for priests nearby and invite one of them to say Mass for you. Even if it is only a couple of times a year, that is two times more than you have now.


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -


RECOMMENDED: This icon represents a Mass by an independent traditional Catholic priest or organizations that is fully traditional.

NOT RECOMMENDED OR CONDEMNED AS INVALID AND UNCATHOLIC: This icon represents a service associated with a Newdiocese of the Newchurch of the New Order or with the Neo-SSPX, which is negotiating to become part of that Newchurch. These sites must be avoided by true Catholics. Particularly in the case of services listed as Newdiocese and celebrants listed as Presbyter, one can assume the service to be invalid. See the chapter Warning against Pseudo-Traditional Services above.

Note that these icons are applied by organization, not by individual sites, on the basis of degree of affinity to the fully Traditional Latin Mass. See the chapters How to Choose a Traditional Latin Mass and Warning against Pseudo-traditional Services .


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -


PR 00900-00999 0 1 0 0 0 MA 01000-02799 1 12 2 0 1 RI 02800-02999 1 1 1 0 0 NH 03000-03899 1 2 6 0 1 ME 03900-04999 1 3 0 0 0 VT 05000-05999 0 0 0 0 0 CT 06000-06900 0 7 6 0 1 NJ 07000-08999 0 11 3 0 1 NY 10000-14900 0 24 11 5 7 PA 15000-19600 1 19 7 2 5 DE 19700-19999 0 1 2 0 0 DC 20000-20500 0 2 0 0 0 MD 20600-21900 0 5 0 1 0 VA 22000-24699 0 9 4 0 2 WV 24700-26899 0 2 2 0 0 NC 27000-28999 0 10 2 0 3 SC 29000-29999 0 2 2 0 0 GA 30000-31900 1 3 2 0 1 FL 32000-34999 0 16 16 3 5 AL 35000-36999 1 3 0 0 0 TN 37000-38500 0 7 4 0 2 MS 38600-39799 0 0 0 0 0 KY 40000-42799 0 6 8 0 2 OH 43000-45899 4 10 5 2 3 IN 46000-47900 0 9 6 0 3 MI 48000-49999 2 16 7 1 5 IA 50000-52899 0 6 5 1 1 WI 53000-54999 1 6 6 0 4 MN 55000-56799 1 8 8 3 7 SD 57000-57799 0 2 0 0 2 ND 58000-58899 0 1 1 0 2 MT 59000-59999 5 1 1 5 2 IL 60000-62999 0 22 12 1 2 MO 63000-65899 1 8 2 1 4 41

Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -


KS 66000-67999 2 5 5 0 2 NE 68000-69399 3 2 0 0 0 LA 70000-71499 0 7 7 0 1 AR 71600-72899 1 0 0 0 1 OK 73000-74999 2 3 0 0 0 TX 75000-79999 0 8 8 0 8 CO 80000-81699 7 2 8 0 3 WY 82000-83199 0 1 0 0 0 ID 83200-83899 1 2 4 0 3 UT 84000-84799 0 0 0 0 1 AZ 85000-86599 3 6 4 0 2 NM 87000-88499 1 2 1 0 2 NV 88900-89899 0 2 3 0 2 CA 90000-96699 4 25 23 0 9 HI 96700-96899 0 3 0 0 2 OR 97000-97999 1 3 1 0 3 WA 98000-99499 4 5 10 0 1 AK 99500-99999 0 2 0 0 1 TOTAL 700 50 313 205 25 107 % 100% 7% 45% 29% 4% 15%


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AB 0 3 1 1 6 BC 0 3 1 0 10 MB 0 0 1 0 1 NB 0 0 2 0 0 NL 0 1 2 0 0 NS 0 0 6 0 0 ON 1 9 7 0 9 PE 0 0 2 0 0 QC 0 4 5 0 6 SK 0 1 0 0 3 TOTAL 101 1 24 37 1 38 % 100% 1% 24% 37% 1% 37%


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Aguascalientes 0 0 0 0 0 Baja California 2 0 2 0 0 Norte Baja California 0 0 1 0 0 Sur Campache 0 0 0 0 0 Chiapas 0 0 0 0 1 Chihuahua 2 0 1 0 2 Coahuila de 0 0 1 0 1 Zaragoza Colima 0 0 1 0 1 Distrito 0 0 3 0 2 Federal Durango 1 0 0 0 1 Estado de 0 0 4 0 0 México Guanajuato 0 0 0 0 1 Guerrero 4 0 0 0 1 Hidalgo 0 0 0 0 0 Jalisco 2 1 7 0 3 Juarez 0 0 1 0 1 Michoacán de 0 0 0 0 0 Ocampo Morelos 1 0 4 0 1 Nayarit 0 0 0 0 0 Nuevo León 1 0 2 0 2 Oaxaca 0 0 1 0 1 Puebla 0 0 0 0 1 Queretaro de 0 0 1 0 0 Arteaga Quintana Roo 0 0 0 0 1 San Luis 0 0 0 0 1 Petosi Sinaloa 0 0 0 0 0 Sonora 2 0 0 0 0 44

Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

Tabasco 0 0 0 0 0 Tamaulipas 0 0 0 0 1 Tlaxcala 0 0 0 0 0 Veracruz- 1 0 0 0 5 Llave Yucatan 0 0 1 0 2 Zacatecas 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 76 16 1 30 0 29 % 100% 21% 1% 40% 0% 38%


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -


The following are Mass locations, not mailing addresses. Please do not send unsolicited mail to these addresses.

Puerto Rico (00900-00999)

Parroquia San Jorge San Juan, PR 00901 No celebrant announced Newdiocese, 1st SU 3 pm

Massachusetts (01000-02799)

St. John the Evangelist Church 833 Main Street, Agawam, MA 01001, Presb. Tomasz Pawel Parzynski, (413) 786-8105, [email protected] Newdiocese, 1st/2nd/4st SU 5 p.m.

Our Lady of Guadalupe Chapel of Sacred Heart Church 435 E St., Holyoke, MA 01040, No celebrant announced, (413) 532-4282, [email protected] Newdiocese, 1st SU 2 pm

St. Mark's Church 400 West St., Pittsfield, MA 01201 Presb. Romasz Parzynski, (413) 447-7510, [email protected] Newdiocese, 3rd SU 3 pm

St. Monica Church 212 Lawrence St., Methuen, MA 01844 No celebrant announced, (978) 683-1193 46

Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

Newdiocese, many W 7 pm

St. Adelaide Church 712 Lowell St., Peabody, MA 01960 No celebrant announced, (978) 535-1985 Newdiocese, SU 1 pm (4th SU High), Holydays 7:30 pm, 1st SA 9 am

St. Joseph Church 49 Woodland St., Fitchburg, MA 01420 No presbyter announced, (978) 345-7997, fax 345-7678 Newdiocese, SU 12:30 pm, Holydays

St. Ann House Convent Chapel 254 Still River Rd., Still River, MA 01467 No celebrant announced, (978) 456-8017, Newdiocese, SU 9:30 am

Immaculate Heart of Mary Chapel of St. Benedict Center 252 Still River Rd., Still River, MA 01467 No celebrant announced, (978) 456-3221, fax 456-9052 Newdiocese, SU 7:30 & 9 am, M-SA 7:30 am

St. Catherine of Siena Chapel 237 Lexington St., Woburn, MA 01801 No celebrant announced, (508) 643-3199, [email protected] NSSPX, SU, 10 am

Mass Site Hampton Inn, 25 Middlesex Turnpike, Billerica, MA 01821 No celebrant announced, (978) 262-9977 Independent (Traditional Resistance), no schedule announced

Sacred Heart Church 321 S. Broadway, Lawrence, MA 01843 (978) 686-7921, [email protected], Independent (Dominican), SU 10 am, Holydays and M-SA varies


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

Holy Cross Cathedral 1400 Washington St., Boston, MA 02118 No celebrant announced, (617) 542-5682, fax 542-5926 Newdiocese, SU 11 am

Mary Immaculate of Lourdes Church 270 Elliot St., Newton, MA 02464 Presb. Charles Higgins, Newdiocese, SU 10:30 am, M/W/F 12:30 pm, TH/TH 5:30 pm, SA 9 am

St. Francis Xavier Church 347 South St., Hyannis, MA 02601 Presb. Andrew Johnson, (508) 775-0818, 771-5940 Newdiocese, SU 1 pm

Rhode Island (02800-02999)

Regina Angelorum House 28 Greenwood Ave., Coventry, RI 02816 No celebrant announced Independent, no schedule announced

St. Anne Mission Chapel 85 Tanner Ave., Warwick, RI 02818 (relocating) Frs. Benedict Hughes & B. Welp, (617) 913-1483, [email protected] CMRI, SA twice monthly

Holy Name of Jesus Church 99 Camp St., Providence, RI 02906, Presb. Joseph Santos, fax (401) 272-4616, [email protected] Newdiocese, SU 11 am

New Hampshire (03000-03899)

St. Patrick Church


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

29 Spring St., Nashua, NH 03060 No celebrant announced, (603) 882-2262, fax 577-9817 Newdiocese, 3rd/5th SU, 3 pm

Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church 290 Main St., Salem, NH 03079 (617) 913-1483, CMRI, SU 9:30 am

Mass Site 73 Gilford Ave., Laconia, NH 03246 No celebrant announced Independent (Traditional Resistance), no schedule announced

Immaculate Conception Roman Church 500 Morrill St., Gilford, NH 03249 No celebrant announced NSSPX, no schedule announced

Our Lady of Sorrows Chapel 33 Shaker Rd., Northfield, NH 03276 No celebrant announced, (603) 440-3895, [email protected] Independent (Traditional Resistance), SU 9:30 am

St. Anne Chapel Ellsworth Hill Rd., Wentworth, NH 03282 Fr. Christy D'Cruz, (603) 764-5218, 764-9268 Independent, 1st/2nd/4th/5th SU 9:30 am, 3rd SU 1 pm

St. Margaret Mary Church 35 Arch St., Keene, NH 03431, No celebrant announced, (603) 352-1311, fax 358-5250 Newdiocese,3rd/5th SU, 3 pm

Notre Dame des Neiges (Our Lady of the Snows) Chapel N. Shore Rd., Granite Lake, Munsonville, NH 03457 No celebrant announced, (603) 847-3361, 847-3362


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

Independent, 3rd SU 1 pm (every SU July & August)

Immaculate Heart of Mary Chapel of St. Benedict Center 95 Fay Martin Rd., Richmond, NH 03470, Fr. David Phillipson, (603) 239-6485, [email protected] Independent (Feeneyite), SU 7:30 & 9:30 am, Holydays, M-SA 7:30 am

Mass Site 447 Bradford Rd., Newport, NH 03773 No celebrant announced, (603) 863-5851 Independent, periodically

Maine (03900-04999)

Immaculate Conception Cathedral Chapel 307 Congress St., Portland, ME 04101 Presb. James Nadeau, (207) 773-7746, fax 879-5547 Newdiocese, SU 12 noon, Holydays 5:15 pm

St. Theresa's Church 25 Church St., Oakland, ME 04347 Fr. Christopher Gronenthal, (617) 913-1483, CMRI, SU 4 pm, Holydays

Sts. Peter & Paul Basilica 27 Bartlett St., Lewiston, ME 04240 No celebrant announced, Newdiocese, SU 8 am

St. Patrick Church 380 Academy Hill Rd., Newcastle, ME 04553 Presb. Stephen Mulkern, (207) 563-3240 Newdiocese, 2nd SU 12:30 pm


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

Vermont (05000-05999)


Connecticut (06000-06900)

St. Mary Church 544 Main St., New Britain, CT 06051 No celebrant announced, (860) 229-4894, Newdiocese, SU & Holydays 4 pm

St. Lawrence Mission South Windsor Firehouse, 1175 Ellington Rd., South Windsor, CT 06074 Fr. John Pfeiffer, (860) 644-5799 Independent (Traditional Resistance), SU 8:30 am

Our Lady of the Rosary Church 15 Pepper St., Monroe, CT 06468, Fr. Adan Rodriguez, (203) 261-8290, [email protected] Independent, SU 10 am, M-SA 8 am

Our Lady of Sorrows Church 378 Spring St., Orange, CT 06477 Fr. Bernard Champagne, (203) 795-5076, [email protected] Independent, SU 7 am, 9 am (High) & 7 pm, Holydays & M-SA 9 am

(Old) St. Bridget of Kildare Church 75 N. Moodus-Leesville Rd., Moodus, CT 06469 Presb. Gregoire Fluet, (860) 873-8623, [email protected] Newdiocese, SU 12 noon, Holydays vary

St. Stanislaus Church 9 Eld St., New Haven, CT 06511 No celebrant announced, (203) 562-2828, [email protected] Newdiocese, SU 2 pm (High semimonthly), Holydays vary


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

Sts. Cyril & Methodius Church 79 Church St., Bridgeport, CT 06608 Presb. Joseph Pekar, (203) 333-7003 Newdiocese, SU 10:15 am (High)

Immaculate Conception Church 74 W. Main St., Waterbury, CT 06702 No celebrant announced, Newdiocese, SU 6 pm

Mass Site Best Western Plus, 11 Stony Hill Rd., Danbury, CT 06801 No celebrant announced Independent (Traditional Resistance), 8:30 am

Mass Site 16 Senga Rd., Norwalk, CT 06850 No celebrant announced, (203) 831-9601 (& fax), [email protected] Independent (Traditional Resistance), SU 7 pm

St. Mary Church 669 West Ave., Norwalk, CT 06850 No celebrant announced, (203) 866-5546, Newdiocese, SU 9:30 am (High), W 7 pm, SA 9 am

Christ the King Mission 209 Tackora Trail, Ridgefield, CT 06877 Fr. Villot, (203) 431-0201 NSSPX, SU 7:15 & 9 am, Holydays 7:30 am & 7:30 pm, M-SA 7:15 am

Sacred Heart Church 37 Schuyler Ave., Stamford, CT 06902 Presb. Sherman Gray & John Pikulski, (203) 324-9544 Newdiocese, 1st SU 2:30 pm

St. Mary Church 566 Elm St., Stamford, CT 06902 No celebrant announced 52

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Newdiocese, SU 11:30 am

New Jersey (07000-08999)

St. Anthony of Padua Mission 103 Gould Ave., N. Caldwell, NJ 07004 Fr. Jean de L'Estourbeillon, (973) 228-1230 NSSPX, SU 7:30 & 10 am, SA 9 am, Holydays 10 am & 7:30 pm, 1st F 6 pm

St. Anthony of Padua Oratory 1360 Pleasant Valley Way, West Orange, NJ 07052 Presb. Andreas Hellmann, ICR, (973) 325-2233, fax 325-3081 Newdiocese, SU 7:30, 9 & 11 am (High), Holydays 9 am & 7 pm, weekdays vary

St. Lucy Church 19-26 Ruggiero Plaza, Newark NJ 07104 No celebrant announced, (973) 484-4899, [email protected] Newdiocese, SU 9 am

St. Anthony of Padua Church 457 Monmouth St., Jersey City, NJ 07302 (201) 653-0343 No celebrant announced Newdiocese, SU 9 am, Holydays 5:30 pm

Our Lady of Fatima Chapel 32 W. Franklin Ave., Pequannock, NJ 07440 Presb. A. de Boisse & Fisher, FSSP, (973) 694-6727 (& fax) Newdiocese, SU 7, 9, 11 am & 5 pm, M-SA varies

Our Lady of Victories 150 Harriot Ave., Harrington Park, Hillsborough, NJ 07640 No celebrant announced, (201) 768-1706, fax 768-3962 Newdiocese, SU 8:15 am

St. Catherine Church


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

5 Shore Acres Ave., Middletown, NJ 07748, Presb. D. Hesko, (732) 787-1318, fax 787-6139, [email protected] Newdiocese, SU 9 am (1st SU High), Holydays

Holy Cross Church 30 Ward Ave, W. Rumson, NJ 07760, No celebrant announced, (732) 842-0348 Newdiocese, SU 7 pm, W 12 noon

Mass Site Sparta Ambulance Hall, Upper Level, 14 Sparta Ave., Sparta, NJ 07871 No celebrant announced, (703) 759-4555, [email protected] Independent (Traditional Resistance), SU 12:30 pm

Mater Ecclesiae Church 261 Cross Keys Rd., Berlin, NJ 08009, Presb. Pasley, (856) 753-3408, fax 753-2671, [email protected] Newdiocese, SU 8:30 & 11 (High), M-SA varies

St. Mary the Virgin Chapel 1520 S. Delaware St., Paulsboro, NJ 08066, Frs. Bachtiger et al. , (856) 456-4232, [email protected] Independent, 9:30 am or 5 pm

St. Peter Church 43 W. Maple Ave., Merchantville, NJ 08109 No celebrant announced, (856) 663-1373, Newdiocese, SU 12 noon

St. Nicholas of Tolentine Church 1409 Pacific Ave., Atlantic City, NJ 08401 Presb. Thanh Pham, (609) 344-1040 Newdiocese, SU 8:45 am (High)

Blessed Sacrament Shrine Chapel 52 W. Somerset St., Raritan, NJ 08869 Presb. John Doran, (973) 722-1489


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

Newdiocese, SU 11 am

New York (10000-14900)

St. Agnes Church 143 E. 43rd St., New York, NY 10017 Presb. McBride, (212) 682-5722 Newdiocese, SU 11 am

Church of the Holy Innocents 37th Street & Broadway, New York, NY 10018 No celebrant announced Newdiocese, SU 10 am, M-F 6 pm, SA 1 pm

St. Christopher Mission Chapel Soldiers' Club, 283 Lexington Ave., 2nd Fl., New York, NY 10016 Fr. Kevin Robinson, (212) 697-8561 NSSPX, SU 1:30 pm

Our Lady of Mount Carmel Shrine Church 448 E. 116th St., New York, NY 10029 Presb. John Halborg, (212) 534-0681 Newdiocese, SU

Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church 627 E. 187th Street, Bronx, NY 10458, Presb. James Miara, (718) 295-3770, fax 367-2240 Newdiocese, SU 8:30 am

Immaculate Conception Church 199 N. Broadway, Sleepy Hollow, NY 10561 Presb. Richard Munkelt, (914) 277-3368, [email protected] Newdiocese, SU 3 pm, Holydays

Sacred Heart Church 229 Willet Ave., Port Chester, NY 10573


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

Presb. Peter Gelsomino, (914) 939-1497 Newdiocese, SU 8:30 am

St. Eugene Church 707 Tuckahoe Rd., Yonkers, NY 10710 No celebrant announced, (914) 961-2590, Newdiocese, SU 10:30 am

Our Lady of Peace Church 522 Carroll St., Brooklyn, NY 11215 Presb. Mario Portella, (718) 836-0804 Newdiocese, SU 8:30 am

Our Lady of La Salette Church 46-44 204th St. (at 47th Ave.), Bayside, NY 11361 Fr. Jesé Milagrosa, (718) 281-1617, [email protected] Independent, SU 10 am & 7 pm, M-F 7 pm, 1st SA 11 am

Mass Site La Guardia Airport, Terminal B, Conf. Rm. 3870, E. Elmhurst, NY 11371 No celebrant announced, (917) 502-6415 Independent (Traditional Resistance), SU 7 pm

St. John Cemetery Chapel 80-01 Metropolitan Ave., Middle Village, NY 11379 No celebrant announced, (718) 894-4888 Newdiocese, 2nd/4th SU 9 am

St. Laudislaus Church 18 Richardson Pl., Hempstead, NY 11500 No celebrant announced, (516) 489-0368, [email protected] Newdiocese, SU 9 am

Ave Maria Chapel 210 Maple Ave., Westbury, NY 11590 Fr. John Evangelista, (516) 333-6470, fax 333-7535, Independent, SU 9 am, Holydays & 1st SA 9:30 am


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

St. Michael the Archangel Church 900 Horseblock Rd., Long Island, Farmingville, NY 11738 Frs. James Doran & Patrick Goche, (631) 736-6515 NSSPX, SU 8 & 10 am, 1st F 7 pm, 1st SA 9 am

St. Matthew Church 35 N. Service Rd., Dix Hills, NY 11746 No celebrant announced, (631) 499-8520, Newdiocese, SU 9 am (chapel), Holydays 10:30 am (church)

St. Pius V Church 8 Pond Place, Oyster Bay Cove, NY 11771 Bps. Joseph Santay & , (516) 922-5430, SSPV, SU 7, 8:30 (High) & 11 am, Holydays 8 am & 8 pm, 1st F 8 pm

St. Pius V School Oyster Bay Cove, NY 11771 Bps. Joseph Santay & Clarence Kelly, (631) 351-0116 SSPV, M-F 11:20 am

Mass Site 105 Round Swamp Rd., Huntington, NY 11743 No celebrant announced Independent (Traditional Resistance), SU 5:30 pm

St. Isidore Church 622 Pulaski St., Riverhead, NY 11901 No celebrant announced, (631) 727-2114, [email protected] Newdiocese, SU 3:30 pm

St. Michael Chapel & Shrine 507 Rt. 9W, Glenmont, NY 12077 Fr. Joseph Collins, (518) 462-2016 Independent, SU 10 am

St. Joseph Church 416 Third St., Troy, NY 12180 57

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Presb. Edward Sipperly, (518) 274-6720 Newdiocese, SU (Missa Cantata), Holydays 6:30 pm, MWF 12 noon

St. Joseph Novitiate 1275 Hearts Content Rd., Round Top, NY 12473, Bp. Joseph Santay & Clarence Kelly, (518) 622-9833 SSPV, SU 8&10 am, M-SA 7 am,[email protected]

Sacred Heart/Our Lady of Mount Carmel Shrine 442 Fairview Ave., Hudson, NY 12534 Fr. Joseph Collins, (518) 828-8775,[email protected] Independent, SU & Holydays

St. Joseph Church 9 Lafayette Pl., Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 No celebrant announced, (914) 452-2333. fax 452-6686 Newdiocese, SU 12 noon

North American Martyrs Chapel 100 Boulevard St., Glens Falls, NY 12801 Fr. Philip Pazat, (518) 747-4101, 632-5679 NSSPX, SU 5 pm

St. Nicholas Chapel Rt. 1, Box 258, Constable, NY 12926 Fr. Michael Jarecki, (603) 239-4420 Independent, no schedule announced

Mass Site 2044 State Rt. 11, N. Bangor, NY 12966 No celebrant announced Independent (Traditional Resistance), SU 6:30 pm

Our Lady of Fatima Chapel Holiday Inn Express Airport, 5418 S. Bay Rd., North Syracuse, NY 13212 No celebrant announced, (315) 303-5421, [email protected] Independent (Traditional Resistance), SU 10 am


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

St. Mary Church 103 7th St., Oswego, NY 13126 Presb. Stephen Wirkes, (315) 343-3953 Newdiocese, SU 1 pm

Basilica of the Sacred Heart 927 Park Ave., Syracuse, NY 13204 Presb. Peter & William Gleba, (315) 422-2343, fax 422-2344 Newdiocese, SU 4 pm

Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God Church 450 Wilkinson St., Syracuse, NY 13204 Fr. Timothy Pfeiffer, (315) 422-8127, 696-8802, fax 422-8127 NSSPX, SU 7:30 & 10 am, F 11:30 am

Mother Seton Chapel of Our Lady of Lourdes Church 2 Barton Ave., Utica, NY 13501 Presb. Ralph Federico, (315) 733-8276 Newdiocese, SU 9 am

St. Thomas More Church 738 Roberts St. @ Sunset Ave., Utica, NY 13502 No celebrant announced, (315) 797-8434 SSPV, 1st/3rd/4th/5th SU 12:30 pm

Mass Site Bonnie Castle Resort & Marina, 31 Holland St., Alexandria Bay, NY 13607 No celebrant announced Independent (Traditional Resistance), SU 9:30 am

St. Mary Church 66 Court St., Canton, NY 13617, Presb. Papp, (315) 386-2543, [email protected] Newdiocese, SU (1st High) 12:15 am

St. Therese Chapel 68 County Route 55, Potsdam, NY 13676 59

Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

No celebrant announced, (315) 328-4040 NSSPX, SU 9 am, SA 8 am

St. Athanasius Church 406 Shady Dr., Endwell, NY 13760 Fr. Philippe Pazat, (607) 785-0290 NSSPX, SU 4 pm

St. Vincent de Paul Church 165 Clifton Blvd., Vestal, NY 13850 No celebrant announced, (607) 722-3988 Newdiocese, SU 8:30 am

St. Thomas the Apostle Church 4536 St. Paul Blvd., Irondequoit, NY 14617 No celebrant announced, (585) 342-2323 Newdiocese, SU 11:15 am (temporary)

St. Anthony of Padua Church 160 Court St., Buffalo, NY 14202 Presb. Secundo Cassarotto, CS, (716) 854-2563, fax 854-2564 Newdiocese, SU 9 am, Holydays 7:30 pm

Our Lady of the Rosary Church 231 McKinley Parkway, Buffalo, NY 14220 No celebrant announced, (716) 823-7176, 753-7611 NSSPX, SU 9 am

Our Lady Help of Christians Church 4125 Union Rd., Cheektowaga, NY 14225 Presb. Richard Jesionowski, (716) 634-3420 Newdiocese, SU 1:30 pm, Holydays vary

St. Bridget Church 14 Mark St., Rochester, NY 14605 Presb. Matt Fasnacht, (585) 454-4236, Newdiocese, 1st SU 4 pm


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

Holy Name of Mary Chapel 588 Winton Rd. N., Rochester, NY 14610 No celebrant announced, (585) 288-6354 SSPV, SU 8:30 am, Holydays 8 am, 1st SA 5 pm

Immaculate Heart of Mary Chapel (formerly St. Francis of Assisi Chapel) 3376 Mt. Read Blvd., Rochester, NY 14616 Bp. Louis Vezelis, OFM, (585) 621-1122 Independent, no schedule announced

St. Patrick Church 109 W. Main, Fillmore, NY 14735, Presb. Dennis Mancuso & Paul Schnacky, (585) 567-4172 Newdiocese, SU 1 pm

Pennsylvania (15000-19600)

Mass Site Hampton Inn Airport, 8415 University Blvd., Moon Township, PA 10518 No celebrant announced Independent (Traditional Resistance), SU 6 pm

Our Lady of Fatima Church 175 McMichael Rd., Carnegie, PA 15106 (412) 276-2558, 295-9372, fax 256-1948 NSSPX, SU 7:30 & 10 am (Cantata), 1st F, 7 pm, 1st SA 6 pm

Holy Family Church 1200 Ligonier St., Latrobe, PA 15650, No celebrant announced, (724) 539-9751, 539-8044, [email protected] Newdiocese, SU

St. Boniface (Holy Wisdom) Church 2208 East St., Pittsburgh, PA 15212,


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

Presb. James Dolan, (412) 231-1116 Newdiocese, SU 8 & 11 am, 1st F/Holydays 7 pm, SA 9 am

St. James Chapel 326 S. Main St., Pittsburgh, PA 15220 No celebrant announced, 412/875-6323, [email protected] NSSPX, no schedule announced

St. Joseph the Protector Chapel 928 St. Clair Way, Greensburg, PA 15601 Fr. M. Gabriel Ward, FBA, (724) 853-8151, [email protected] Independent, SU & Holydays

Sacred Heart Mission New Castle, PA 16101 Fr. David Sansone, SVM, (304) 255-6020 Independent, SU & Holydays

St. Bernadette Church 222 Renner St., Saegertown, PA 16433 No celebrant announced, (724) 659-4664 Newdiocese, SU 11:30 am

St. Ann Church 921 East Ave., Erie, PA 16501 No celebrant announced, (514) 452-4832, fax 453-2275 Newdiocese, SU 9:30 am

St. Michael Church 6366 W. Lake Rd., Erie, PA 16505 Fr. Helmuts Libietis, (814) 835-6748 NSSPX, SU 5 pm

Queen of Peace Church 907 Sixth Ave, Patton, PA 16668, Presb. Ananias Buccione, OSB, (814) 674-8983 Newdiocese, SU 11 am (1st/3rd SU High), Holy Days 11 AM or 7 PM


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

St. Lawrence Chapel of St. Patrick Cathedral 110 State St., Harrisburg, PA 17101, Presb. Frank Parrinello, FSSP, (717) 232-2169, [email protected] Newdiocese, SU 8, 10 am (High), M/TU/TH/F 7:30 am, W 7 pm, SA 9 am

St. Michael the Archangel Church 1943 Craley Rd., Windsor, PA 17366 Fr. Gabriel Tetherow, (717) 758-3947, [email protected] Independent, SU, 9 am (High), M-F 6 pm, SA 9 am

St. Joseph Church 2935 Kingston Rd., York, PA 17402, No celebrant announced, (717) 755-7503, fax 757-1900, [email protected] Newdiocese, SU-F 6 am

Sts. Peter & Paul Mission 129 S. Beaver St., York, PA 17408, Fr. Smauel Waters, (717) 792-2789 Independent, SU/SA, 9 am, Holydays 8:30 am & 6 pm, M-F 8:30 am

St. Anthony of Padua Church 501 E. Orange St., Lancaster, PA 17602 Presb. Pang Tscheou, (717) 394-0669, Newdiocese, SU 1:30 pm (High)

Visitation Church 1614 W. Southern Ave., S. Williamsport, PA 17702 Fr. Joseph Greenwell, (570) 322-0216, 322-6175 SSPV, 1st/5th SU 6 pm, 3rd SU 5 pm

Carmel of Jesus, Mary & Joseph 430 Monastery Rd., Elysburg, PA 17824 No celebrant announced, (570) 672-2937 Newdiocese, SU/SA 8 am, M-F 7 am

St. Joseph Church W. Main & Richard Sts., Girardville, PA 17935 63

Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

No celebrant announced, [email protected] Newdiocese, last SU

Holy Nativity Church 423 W. Moorestown Rd., Rt. 512, Nazareth, PA 18064 No celebrant announced, (570) 992-2341, (610) 863-6049 SSPV, SU and Holydays

St. Stephen of Hungary Church 510 W. Union St., Allentown, PA 18101 No celebrant announced, (888) 697-9714 Newdiocese, 8 am

Our Lady of Grace Church 750 N. Vine St., Hazleton, PA 18201 No celebrant announced, (570) 454-8797 Newdiocese, no schedule announced

Presentation Mission Conyngham, PA 18219 Fr. John Trough, (330) 784-8025 CMRI, monthly

St. Gregory Academy Chapel Griffin Rd., Elmhurst, PA 18416 Presb. Mario Portella, FSSP, (570) 842-8112, fax 842-6713 Newdiocese, SU & Holydays 10 am, M-SA varies

Sacred Heart Church 228 Route 590, Greeley, PA 18425 Presb. George Jeffrey, (570) 832-4275, 685-7952 Newdiocese, SU 10 am

St. Michael Church 1703 Jackson St., Scranton, PA 18504, [email protected] Presb. Gismondi & Magiera, FSSP, (570) 961-1205, fax 961-2284 Newdiocese, SU 8 (Cantata) & 10:15 am, M-SA varies


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

Child Jesus Chapel 62 Broad St., Pittston, PA 18640 Fr. Gonzalez, (570) 825-7233, 655-4734 NSSPX, 1st-3rd SU 4:30 pm, 4th/5th SU 10 am

Rectory Chapel of St. Albert the Great 212 Welsh Rd., Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 Presb. Francis Sariego, (215) 947-3500 Newdiocese, 1st F 7 pm, 1st SA 9 am

Mass Site 2811 West Chester Pike, Broomall, PA 19008 No celebrant announced Independent (Traditional Resistance), no schedule announced

St. Jude Chapel 1402 E. 10th St., Eddystone, PA 19022 Fr. John Young, (610) 872-5384 NSSPX, SU 8 & 10 am, SA 5:30 pm, 1st F 7 pm

Our Lady of Consolation Church 7051 Tulip St., Philadelphia, PA 19135, Presb. Burke, Daniel Kehoe & Sangermano, (215) 333-0442, fax 333-2884 Newdiocese, SU 1 pm

St. Edmund Church 2130 So. 21st St., Philadelphia, PA 19145 No celebrant announced, (215) 334-3755, fax 334-2081 Newdiocese, no schedule announced

Our Lady of Lourdes Church 63rd St. & Lancaster Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19151 No celebrant announced, Newdiocese, SU 9:30 am

Our Lady of Mount Carmel Chapel


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

406 Fairfield Rd., Plymouth Meeting, PA 19401 Presb. Charles Sangermano et al., (610) 275-0958, Newdiocese, SU 11:30 am

Delaware (19700-19999)

Mass Site 138 Independence Blvd., New Castle, DE 19720 No celebrant announced, (703) 759-4555, [email protected] Independent (Traditional Resistance), no schedule announced

Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal Chapel Inn at Wilmington, 300 Rocky Run Pkwy., Wilmington, DE 19803 No celebrant announced, (302) 479-7900, [email protected] Independent (Traditional Resistance), SU 4 pm

St. Patrick Church 1414 King St., Wilmington, DE 19801 Presb. Breslin, (302) 652-0743, fax 652-7678 Newdiocese, SU 10:30 am

Holy Cross Church 631 S. State St., Dover, DE 19901 Presb. Michael Darcy 302 674-5787 Newdiocese, 3rd SU 3 pm

District of Columbia (20000-20500)

Immaculate Medal Shrine of St. Mary Mother of God (Old St. Mary) Church 727 5th St. N.W., Washington, DC 20001 Presb. Harbert, Pope, Grimm & Harris , (202) 289-7770, 289-7771, fax 408-1989 Newdiocese, SU 9 am, 2nd SU (Sept.-June), 5 pm, Holydays 7 pm, 1st SA 9 am


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

Copley Crypt 37th & O Sts. N.W., Washington, DC 20057, [email protected] Presb. Stephen Fields & William Farge, S.J. (202) 687-4300, fax 687-5217 Newdiocese, SU 11:30 am, W 5:30 pm

Maryland (20600-21900)

St. Francis de Sales Church 7185 Benedict Ave., Benedict, MD 20612 Presb. Saverio Vitturino, (301) 274-3416, [email protected] Newdiocese, SU 11 am

(Old) St. John the Evangelist 9700 Rosensteel Ave., Silver Spring, MD 20910 Presb. Fritz, Olszyk & Rigdon, (301) 301 589-1857, [email protected] Newdiocese, SU 8 am

St. John Neumann 9000 Warfield Rd., Gaithersburg, MD 20882 No celebrant announced, (301) 977-5492 Newdiocese, SU 1:30 pm

St. Alphonsus Shrine 114 Saratoga St., Baltimore, MD 21201 Presb. Kieffer, FSSP, (410) 685-6090 Newdiocese, SU 11:30 am (1st/3rd Cantata), Holydays 7 pm

St. Mary Church 224 W. Washington St., Hagerstown, MD 21740 No celebrant announced Newdiocese, SU 2 pm

St. Hilary Church 3823 2nd St., Brooklyn, MD 21771 Fr. William Jenkins, (410) 795-4317 SSPV, SU


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Virginia (22000-24699)

Holy Trinity Church 8213 Linton Hall Rd., Gainesville, VA 20155 No celebrant announced, (703) 753-6700, Newdiocese, SU 12:30 pm

St. John the Apostle Church 101 Oakcrest Manor Dr. N.E., Leesburg, VA 20176 No celebrant announced, (703) 777-1317, fax 771-9016 Newdiocese, 1st SU 10:30 am

St. Michael Church 7401 Saint Michaels Ln., Annandale, VA 22003 No celebrant announced, (703) 256-7822, Newdiocese, SU 6:15 am

St. John the Beloved McLean, VA 22101 No celebrant announced Newdiocese, SU 12 noon, M 7:30 pm

St. Athanasius Church 9201 Leesburg Pike, Vienna, VA 22182 Frs. Ronald Ringrose & Ortiz, (703) 759-4555, [email protected] Independent, SU 7, 9 & 11 am, Holydays 6, 9 & 12 noon, M-SA varies

St. Lawrence Martyr Church 6222 Franconia Rd., Alexandria, VA 22310 Presb. Christopher Mould, (703) 971-4378, 971-5363 Newdiocese, SU 12:30 pm

Mass Site 2541 Maycrest St., Roanoke, VA 24012 Fr. Juan Ortiz, (540) 521-6445, (703) 965-1003


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Independent, 1st SU 12:30 pm

St. John the Baptist Church 123 W. Main St., Front Royal, VA 22630, Presb. Jerome Fasano, (540) 635-3780, fax 635-2683, [email protected] Newdiocese, SU 12:30 pm, M 7 am, W 6:30 pm

Holy Comforter Church 208 East Jefferson St., Charlottesville, VA 22902 Presb. Joseph Lukyamuzi, (434) 295-7185, [email protected] Newdiocese, SU 2nd/4th 3 pm

Our Lady of Fatima Chapel 5217 Futura Ave., Richmond, VA 23231 Fr. Christopher Pieroni, (804) 222-3530, NSSPX, SU 10 am

St. Joseph Church 828 Buford Rd., Richmond VA 23235 FSSP, (804) 342-1319, Newdiocese, SU 8:30 & 11 am (High) & 4:30 pm, M-SA varies

St. Augustine Chapel 12083 Smith Neck Rd., Carrollton, VA 23314 Fr. Daniel Ahern, (757) 357-5213, Independent, 3 SU per month, time varies

St. Benedict Church 521 McCosh Dr., Princeton Halls, Chesapeake, VA 23320 Presb. Nichols, Nix & Forte, FSSP, (757) 543-0561, Newdiocese, SU 7:30 am, 10 am (High) &12 noon, Holydays and M-SA varies

Immaculate Conception Mission Holiday Inn Executive Center, 5655 Greenwich Rd., Virginia Beach, VA 23462 Fr. Christopher Pieroni, (757) 426-3185 NSSPX, SU 4 pm


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Syon Abbey Copper Hill, VA 24079 Fr. Francis Nugent Independent (Traditional Benedictine), SU 10:30

West Virginia (24700-26899)

Our Lady of Mercy Chapel 219 S. George St., Charles Town, WV 25414, No celebrant announced, (304) 724-6995, [email protected] Newdiocese, SU 10:15 am, M-F 7 am, 1st F 7 pm

St. Basil Church 116 Sunrise Ave., Beckley,WV 25801, [email protected] Bp. Patrick Taylor, SVM, (304) 255-6020 Independent, SU 10 am, M-SA varies

Our Lady of Lourdes Chapel 25 Chapel Rd., Wheeling WV 26003 Fr. Leo Carley, (330) 644-3526 Independent, SU 12:30 p.m.

St. Patrick Catholic Church 210 Center Ave., Weston, WV 26452 Presb. George Manjadi, (304) 269-1767, [email protected] Newdiocese, 2nd SU 6 pm

North Carolina (27000-28999)

St. Benedict the Moor Church 1625 E. 12th St., Winston-Salem, NC 27101 Presb. Eric Kowalski, (336) 786-8147 Newdiocese, 2nd/4th SU 1:30 pm


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Our Lady of Grace Church 2205 W. Market St., Greensboro, NC 27403 Presb. Eric Kowalski, (336) 274-6520, Newdiocese, SU 1:30 pm

Website: St. Joseph Church 512 W. Wainman Ave., Asheboro, NC 27203 Presb. Christopher Davis, (336) 629-0221, Newdiocese, W 6 pm

Old St. Mary Church 215 E. Mulberry St., Goldsboro, NC 27530 Fr. Dominique Bourmaud, (919) 736-0096 NSSPX, 1st/3rd/5th SU 5:30 pm

Holy Redeemer Church 1841 N. White St., Wake Forest, NC 27587 Fr. Dominique Bourmaud, (919) 363-8055 NSSPX, 2nd/4th SU 5:30 pm

Mass Site Zebulon, NC 27597 No celebrant announced, (919) 269-6704, [email protected] Independent (Traditional Resistance), SU 5 pm

Sacred Heart Cathedral 226 Hillsborough St., Raleigh, NC 27603 Presby. Mark Betti, (919) 832-6030, Newdiocese, 1st SU 4:30 pm

Our Lady of Perpetual Help 328 Hammon St., Rocky Mount, NC 27804 Presby. Tim Meares, (252) 972-0452, Newdiocese, SU 6 pm, SA 8 am

St. Dorothy Church 148 Saint Dorothys Ln., Lincolnton, NC 28092, Presb. Matthew Buettner, (704) 735-5575, fax 735-3113 71

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Newdiocese, TH noon

Mass Site 2533 Lakeview Cir., Matthews, NC 28105 No celebrant announced Independent (Traditional Resistance), SU 9 am

St. Anthony of Padua Church 108 Horseshoe Bend Beach Rd., Mount Holly, NC 28120 Fr. Dominique Bourmaud, (704) 827-8676 NSSPX, SU 7:30 & 10 (High) am, SA 11 am

St. Ann Church 3635 Park Rd., Charlotte, NC 28209 Presb. Timothy Reid, (704) 523-4641, Newdiocese, SU 12:30 pm (Cantata), W 6 pm

Sacred Heart Church U.S. Highway 421 and McKay Ave., Dunn, NC 28334 Presb. Paul Parkerson, (910) 891-1972, Newdiocese, SU 12 pm, Holydays 12:15 pm or 6:30 pm, W 6:30 pm, 1st SA 10am

St. Mary Church 412 Ann St., Wilmington, NC 28401, No celebrant announced, (910) 762-5491, [email protected] Newdiocese, last SU 7 pm

South Carolina (29000-29999)

Christ the King Church 736 Camp Ground Rd., Columbia, SC 29203 Bp. M. Bruno, OFM Conv., (803) 261-4040, [email protected] Independent, 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 5th SU 3 pm

Holy Family Chapel


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

1600 Bacons Bridge Rd., Summerville, SC 29485, Bp. M. Bruno, OFM Conv., (843) 875-9368, [email protected] Independent, SU 10:30 am, Holydays 7 pm, M-SA varies

Stella Maris Church 1204 Middle St., Sullivans Island, SC 29482 Presb. Lawrence McInerny, (843) 883-3108, fax 883-3160 Newdiocese, SU 5:30 pm, 1st F 4 pm

Prince of Peace Church 1209 Bushy Creek Rd., Taylors, SC 29687, [email protected] Presb. Christopher Smith, , (864) 268-4352 Newdiocese, SU/TU-F 12 noon

Georgia (30000-31900)

St. Michael Chapel 715 Hardscrabble Rd., Roswell, GA 30076 Fr. Christopher Danel, (770) 992-8171, 474-3182 NSSPX, SU 10 am (High)

St. Francis de Sales Church 587 Landers Dr., Mableton, GA 31026, [email protected] Presb. Denis Bouchard, FSSP, (404) 948-6888 (& fax) Newdiocese, SU 9 & 11:30 am, Holydays, M-SA varies

St. Joseph Church 830 Poplar St., Macon, GA 31201 Presb. Allan McDonald Newdiocese, TU 5 pm

Mass Site La Quinta Inn, 3944 River Dr., Macon, GA 31210 No celebrant announced Independent (Traditional Resistance), SU 7 pm


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

Christ the King Chapel Savannah, GA 31401 Fr. W Craig Hosch, SVM, 912/996-4117, [email protected] Independent, opening pending

St. John the Baptist Cathedral 222 E. Harris St., Savannah, GA 31401 No celebrant announced, (912) 233-4709, [email protected] Newdiocese, SU 1 pm (Cantata)

St. John Damascene Mission Ball Ground, GA 30107 Fr. Michael Oswalt, (770) 818-6040 CMRI, 1st SU, 6:30pm

Florida (32000-34999)

Our Lady of Sorrows Chapel 1610 N. Temple Ave. (US 301), Starke, FL 32091 No celebrant announced, (352) 367-8596, [email protected] SSPV, 2nd/4th SU 9 am

Immaculate Conception Church 121 E. Duval St., Jacksonville, FL 32201 Presb. David Nix, (904) 359-0331, fax 356-8133, Newdiocese, SU 8 am, 1st F 8:30 am

St. Michael the Archangel Church 1950 Bartram Rd., Jacksonville, FL 32207 Fr. Thomas Brooks, (904) 725-5470 NSSPX, SA-SU 9 am, F 6 pm

St. Patrick's Church 601 Airport Center Dr. E., Jacksonville, FL 32218 Presb. Christopher Liguori, 904/768-2593, 768-2251F, Newdiocese, 1st SA 10 am


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

St. Joseph's Church 11757 Old St. Augustine Rd., Jacksonville, FL 32258 No celebrant announced, (904) 268-5422, Newdiocese, SU 11:15 am

Holy Trinity Missionary Chapel 1375 Braaschville Rd., Saint Johns, FL 32259 Fr. John Gustino, SVM, (904) 770-2114 Independent, SU 9:30 am

Immaculate Heart of Mary Mission 401 Timberlane Rd., Tallahassee, FL 32312 Fr. Louis Montelongo, (407) 841-5878, [email protected] Independent, 1st/3rd SA 4 pm (not a Sunday Mass)

St. Stephen Church 900 W. Garden St., Pensacola, FL 32501 Presb. Hector Perez, (850) 432-9362 Newdiocese, SU 10:30 am

Our Lady of Sorrows Chapel of Atonement 180 Eileen Ave., Altamonte Springs, FL 32714 No celebrant announced, OSJ, (407) 869-8590 Independent, SU 2 pm, 1st SA 9 am, Holydays 10 am

St. Filumena Church 1008 S. Eustis St., Eustis, FL 32726 No celebrant announced, (352) 589-6110 Independent, SU

Immaculate Heart Chapel of Holy Innocents Religious Hermitage 40500 Maggie Jones Rd. Paisley, FL 32767 Fr. R. Pensenstadler, (352) 669-5312, [email protected] Independent, SU, 1st F/SA/Holydays 9 am

Our Lady of Pillar Chapel Sanford, FL 32771 75

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No celebrant announced, (321) 275-8911, [email protected] Independent (Traditional Resistance), no schedule announced

St. Thomas More Priory 550 Riverview Ave., Sanford, FL 32771, Fr. Thomas Brooks, (407) 872-1007 NSSPX, SU 9 am

All Souls Church 301 W. 8th St., Sanford, FL 32771 No celebrant announced Newdiocese, SU 5 pm

Sacred Heart Church 1018 36th St., Orlando, FL 32805 Fr. Louis Montelongo, (407) 841-5878, [email protected] Independent, SU 8, 10 am, 12:30 & 6 pm, Holydays & TU-SA varies

Holy Family Chapel 3385 Wickham Rd., Melbourne, FL 32935 Fr. Gregory Safreed, Independent, SU 9 & 11:30 am, Holydays 9 am & 7 pm, M-SA 9 am

Mary, Virgin of the Poor Chapel 7200 N. Wickham Rd., Melbourne, FL 32940 Fr. Raymond Olinger, [email protected] Independent, no schedule announced

Mission Women's Club, 1524 21st St., Vero Beach, FL 32960 No celebrant announced, Independent, SU 10 am

St. Paul the Apostle Church 2700 N.E. 36th St., Lighthouse Point, FL 33064 Presb. Frederick Brice, (954) 943-9154, fax 943-1954 Newdiocese, 1st/3rd SU 1 pm


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

Our Lady of Sorrows Church 4801 W. Flagler St., Miami, FL 33134 Bp. William Greene, OSA, (305) 447-8911 Independent, SU 8:30 & 10 am, 12:45 & 6 pm, M-F 12:15 pm, SA 11 am

St. Philomena National Shrine 1621 S.W. 6th St., Miami, FL 33135, No celebrant announced, (305) 644-1400, [email protected] NSSPX, SU 9:30 & 11 am, M 7 am, F 7 pm, SA 10 am

San Francisco & Santa Clara Mission 402 NE 29th St., Miami, FL 33137 No celebrant announced Newdiocese, SU & Holydays 9 am

Our Lady of Peace Church 2121 So. Seacrest Blvd., Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Fr. William Jenkins, (954) 214-5019 SSPV, 1st-4th SU 5 pm, occasionally M

Mass Site 5400 Griffin Rd., Davie, FL 33314 No celebrant announced, (786) 281-9581 Independent (Traditional Resistance), no schedule announced

Our Lady of Victory Church 4590 S.W. 65th Ave., Davie, FL 33314 Fr. Joseph Dreher, (954) 792-3162, fax 667-3201 NSSPX, SU 8 am

Queen of the Holy Rosary Priory Chapel 4827 Coconut Rd. S., Lake Worth, FL 33461 No celebrant announced, (954) 792-3162 NSSPX, SU 11:30 am

Holy Spirit Church


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

1000 Lantana Rd., Lantana, FL 33462 No celebrant announced, (561) 585-5970, Newdiocese, SU 2 pm

Mass Site 1242 Acadia Harbor Pl., Brandon, FL 33511 No celebrant announced Independent (Traditional Resistance), no schedule announced

Immaculate Heart of Mary Chapel 2404 Stuart St., Tampa, FL 33605, Fr. Emilio Fattore, (813) 248-4460, 787-6465, [email protected] Independent, SU 8:20, 10, 12 noon

Epiphany of Our Lord Church 2510 East Hanna Ave., Tampa, FL 33680 Fr. Edwin Palka, (813) 234-8693, fax 238-5060, Newdiocese, SU 7:30, 10:30 (High), M-SA 9 am, Holydays

Our Lady’s Chapel of St. Jude the Apostle Cathedral 5815 5th Ave. N., St. Petersburg, FL 33743 Presb. Vega, (813) 347-9702 Newdiocese, 12:30 pm

Resurrection Church 8121 Cypress Lake Dr., Fort Myers, FL 33919 Presb. James Fryar & J. Nolan, (785) 845-1731 Newdiocese, SU 2 pm

Our Lady Queen of Angels Chapel 376 Prospect Ave., Fort Myers, FL 33905 Fr. Matthias, (239) 694-8755, [email protected] NSSPX, SU 4 pm

St. Agnes Church 7775 Vanderbild Beach Rd., Naples, FL 34120, Presb. James Fryar & J. Nolan, FSSP, (239) 592-1949,


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

Newdiocese, SU 8 am

Ave Maria Oratory Ave Maria, FL34142 No celebrant announced, (239) 324-3903 Newdiocese, SU 8 am, TU/TH 7:30 during school year

Christ the King Church 1900 Meadowood St., Sarasota, FL 34231, Presb. James Fryar & J. Nolan, FSSP, (971) 924-2777 Newdiocese, SU 8:30 & 10:30 am, M-SA 9 am

Our Lady Queen of Peace 6455 SW St. Rt. 200, Ocala, FL 34476 Presb. James Frayer & J. Nolan, (785) 845-1731 Newdiocese, 2nd/4th SU 6 pm

Most Holy Trinity Chapel 1000 Spring Lake Hwy., Brooksville, FL 34602 Bp. Sanborn, (352) 799-0541, [email protected], Independent, SU 9 & 10:30 am, M-F 7:10 am, SA 9 am

St. Theresa Church 1107 Commercial Way, Spring Hill, FL 34606 Presb. Francis Ferrara, (352) 683-2849 Newdiocese, SU 6:30 am, Holydays vary

Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima & St. Cajetan Shrine 10360 Atlanta Ave., Brooksville, FL 34614 Fr. James Wright, (352) 596-5541, [email protected] Independent, SU 8 & 10 am, M-F 7:30 am, SA 8 am

St. Martin de Porres Church 2555 N.E. Savannah Rd., Jensen Beach, FL 34957 Presb. Marco De Leon, (772) 334-4214, [email protected] Newdiocese, SU 12:30 pm


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

Alabama (35000-36999)

Blessed Sacrament Roman Church 1460 Pearson Ave, Birmingham AL 35211 Presb. Jim Booth, (205) 758-9840, Sundays 10:45 AM (Low Mass, High Masses occasionally) Newdiocese, 1st SA 8:45 am

St. Benedict Church 1139 U.S. 231, Laceys Spring, AL 35754 Fr. Gregory Drahman, (402) 571-4404 CMRI, SU 9:30 am, Holydays 6 pm

Our Lady, Help of Christians Church 1201 Kingsbury Ave S.E., Huntsville, AL 35801 Presb. Alan Mackey, (256) 801-9157, Newdiocese, SU 8 am (Low), 10 am (High), M-SA varies

Christ the King Monastery 5060 County Road 1635, Cullman, AL 35058 No celebrant announced, (256) 796-5515 Newdiocese, SU 7 & 10 am, M-SA 7:30 am

Tennessee (37000-38500)

Corpus Christi Chapel 130 Old Liberty Pike, Franklin, TN 37064 Fr. Gregory Post, (615) 791-8776 NSSPX, 1st/3rd SU 8:30 am, 5th SU 5:30 pm, SA before 1st/3rd SU 6 pm

Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary 1227 7th Ave. N., Nashville, TN 37208 Presb. Clare Hendricks, (615) 256-2729, Newdiocese, 3rd SU 12:30 pm

St. Catherine of Siena Church 80

Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

319 Cayce Ln., Columbia, TN 38401 No celebrant announced, (931) 388-3803, Newdiocese, 2nd/4th SU 4 pm

Mass Site 6001 Old Hickory Blvd., Ste. 350, Hermitage, TN 37076 No celebrant announced, (615) 809-6279 Independent (Traditional Resistance), SU 12 noon

Immaculate Heart of Mary Chapel Hampton Motel, 1821 Holiday Dr., Athens, TN 37303 Fr. Neal Webster, (865) 693-1889, [email protected] Independent, SU 9:15 am

St. John the Evangelist Priory 300 Locke Ln., Benton TN 37307 (423) 338-2328,, [email protected] Independent, occasionally

St. Therese of Lisieux Church 900 Clingan Ridge Dr., Cleveland, TN 37311 Presb. P.J. McGinnity Newdiocese, 2nd/4th SU 3 pm

Holy Ghost Church 1041 N. Central Ave., Knoxville, TN 37917 Presb. John Orr, (865) 522-2205, Newdiocese, SU 1:30 pm (Cantata)

Our Lady of Lourdes Chapel 88 Madrid Ct., Knoxville, TN 37919 Fr. Neal Webster, (865) 693-1889, [email protected] Independent, SU 12:30 pm

St. Cecilia Roman Church 28 Peebles Rd., Memphis, TN 38109 Fr. Gregory Post, (901) 755-5545


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NSSPX, 2nd/4th/5th SU 10 am

Blessed Sacrament Church 2564 Hale Ave, Memphis TN 38112 Presb. Kevin Bravata, (901) 452-1543, Newdiocese, SU 8:30 am, TU/TH 6:15 am, F 3:15 pm

Church of the Nativity 5955 St. Elmo, Bartlett, TN 38135 No celebrant announced, (901) 382-2504, [email protected] Newdiocese, SU 9 am

St. Catherine of Siena Church 3019 Cayce Ln., Columbia, TN 38401 Presb. Clare Hendricks, (931) 388-3803, Newdiocese, 2nd SU 6 am, 4th SU 4 pm

Mississippi (38600-39799)


Kentucky (40000-42799)

St. Catherine of Alexandria Church 174 N. Main St., New Haven, KY 40051, No celebrant announced, (502) 549-3152, [email protected] Newdiocese, SU 1 pm

Our Lady of Mount Carmel Chapel 1730 N. Stillwell Rd., Boston, KY 40107 Fr. Joseph Pfeiffer, (502) 549-3531, [email protected] Independent (Traditional Resistance), SU 10 am

St. Martin of Tours Church 639 S. Shelby St., Louisville, KY 40202, [email protected]


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

Presb. Roberts, (502) 582-2827 Newdiocese, SU 12:30 pm, TU/TH 7:15 am

St. John the Baptist Church 452 N. 26th St, Louisville, KY 40212 No celebrant announced, (502) 509-4301, [email protected] Independent, SU & Holy Days 10 am, M-SA

Our Lady of the Pillar Chapel 4049 S. 5th St., Louisville, KY 40214 Fr. Gavin Bitzer, (502) 363-3157, [email protected] Independent, SU 9 am, M-SA

St. Benedict Church 1240 Matha Ave., Louisville, KY 40215 Fr. Brendan Dardis, (502) 549-3531, 368-1975, NSSPX, SU 3 pm, M 8 am

St. Peter Church 153 Barr St., Lexington, KY 40507 Presb. Val Young, FSSP, (859) 219-3212, [email protected] Newdiocese, SU 4 pm, M-SA 7 am

Mass Site 114 Summit Dr., Covington, KY 41015 No celebrant announced Independent (Traditional Resistance), SU 8:30 am

Mass Site 2312 Joyce Ave., Newport, KY 41071 No celebrant announced Independent (Traditional Resistance), SU 9:30 am

St. Bernard Church 401 Berry St., Dayton, KY 41074 No celebrant announced, (859) 261-8506, Newdiocese, SU 4 pm


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

Holy Family Priory 2750 Beaver Rd., Union, KY 41091 Fr. Gavin Bitzer, (859) 485-7264, fax 485-1406 Independent, SU 5:30 am

St. Joseph Mission Union, KY 41091 Fr. Joseph Noonan, OFM Independent, 3rd SU 9:30 am

Our Lady of the Assumption 472 Beaver Road, Walton, KY 41094 Frs. Adam Purdy, Joseph Horvath & Patrick Mackin (859) 485-3800 NSSPX, SU 9 am, 2nd/4th/5th M 8 am, SA 6 pm, 1st F 6 pm

All Saints Church 62 Needmore St., Walton, KY 41094, No celebrant announced, (859) 485-4476, fax 485-6476, [email protected] Newdiocese, SU 9:15 am

Our Lady of the Caves Highway 31W, Horse Cave, KY 42749 No celebrant announced, (270) 651-5263, 786-1188 Newdiocese, SU 12 noon

Ohio (43000-45899)

St. Margaret Mary Chapel 1000 Scioto St., Urbana, OH 43078 Fr. James Thielen Independent, SU 10 am

Holy Family Church 584 W. Broad St., Columbus, OH 43215 Presb. Kevin Lutz, (614) 221-4323


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Newdiocese, SU 9 am (High)

St. Anthony of Padua Mission 2586 Billingsley Rd., Columbus, OH 43235 Fr. James Thielen Independent, SU 2 pm

St. Joseph Church 628 Locust St., Toledo, OH 43604 Presb. Poggemeyer, (419) 255-5556 Newdiocese, 2nd & Last SU 11 am, TH 6 pm (Cantata)

St. Stephen Church 1930 W. 54th St., Cleveland, OH 44102 Presb. Bede Kotlinski, OSB, (216) 631-5633 Newdiocese, SU 9:30 am (High), W 6:30 pm

Immaculate Conception Church 4129 Superior Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103 Presb. Bede Kotlinski, OSB & Jeff Weaver, (216) 431-5900 Newdiocese, SU 8 am (Low) & 12 noon (High)

St. Therese of the Child Jesus Church 6637 Sprague Rd., Parma, OH 44133 Fr. William Jenkins, (440) 842-4402 SSPV, SU 8:30 am

St. Peregrine Church 22953-65 Detroit Rd., Westlake, OH 44145 Fr. Isaac Delmanowski, (440) 333-3139 (voice/fax) NSSPX, SU 8 10 am, SA 6 pm, 1st F 7 pm, 1st SA 9 am

St. Sebastian Church 476 Mull Ave., Akron, OH 44230 Presb. Paul Kleines, (330) 836-2233, Newdiocese, SU 1 pm


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

Immaculate Heart of Mary Chapel 2935 Chenoweth Rd., Akron, OH 44312 Fr. Leo Carley, (330) 644-3526 Independent, SU-SA 9 am

Sacred Heart of Jesus Church 450 Dennison Ave., Akron, OH 44312 Fr. John Trough, (330) 784-8025, [email protected] CMRI, SU 8:30 am

Our Lady of Sorrows Church 525 Lawrence Ave., Girard, OH 44420 Fr. Gerard Beck, (330) 545-0307, 533-4492 NSSPX, SU 4 pm, M 11:30 am

Queen of the Holy Rosary Church 291 Scoville Dr., Vienna, OH 44473 Presb. J. Valentine & S. Allen, FSSP, (330) 856-4204, fax 856-9587 Newdiocese, SU 8 & 10 am, M-F 7:30 & 9 am, SA 9 am & 5 pm

St. Mary Church 726 First St. NE, Massillon, OH 44646 No celebrant announced, (330) 833-8501, 833-3359 Newdiocese, 4th SU 5 pm

Queen of Angels Convent - Our Lady of Fatima Chapel 245 N. Buckeye St., Wooster, OH 44691 Fr. Gabriel Ward, FBA, (330) 262-6205, [email protected] Independent (Franciscan), SU & Holydays 3 pm, M-SA 5:30 am

Our Mother of Perpetual Help Church 4955 Annapolis-DeKalb Rd., Sulphur Springs, OH 44881 Fr. John Trough, (419) 562-1985 CMRI, SU 1 pm

Infant of Prague Chapel 6397 Holloway Drive, Liberty Township, OH 45044, Fr. Bernard Hall, (513) 435-1726, [email protected] 86

Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

Independent, SU-SA 10 am & 5 pm

No celebrant announced, (513) 739-5890 Infant of Prague Chapel 6397 Holloway Drive, Liberty Township, OH 45044, Fr. Bernard Hall, (513) 435-1726, [email protected] Independent, SU-SA 10 am & 5 pm

6397 Holloway Drive, Liberty Township, OH 45044, Fr. Bernard Hall, (513) 435-1726, [email protected] Independent, SU-SA 10 am & 5 pm

St. Gertrude the Great Church 4900 Rialto Rd, West Chester, OH 45069, Bp. D. Dolan, Frs. A. Cekada, C. McGuire, S. McKenna (513) 645-4212 Independent, SU 7:30, 9 (High), 11:30 am & 5:45 pm., M-SA varies

Old St. Mary Church 123 E. 13th St., Cincinnati, OH 45202 Fr. Valentine Young, (513) 721-2988 Newdiocese, M-SA 7:15 am

Immaculate Conception Church 2300 Robertson Ave., Norwood, OH 45212 Frs. William Jenkins & Joseph Greenwell, (513) 731-8771, 731-8773 SSPV, SU 7 & 8:45 am (High), M-F 10:45 am (school year)

Sacred Heart Church 2733 Massachusetts Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45225 Presb. Herbert Raterman, SJ, (513) 541-4654 Newdiocese, SU 11:30 am, Holydays 7:30 pm

St. Therese the Little Flower Church 500 W. Mulberry St., Lebanon, OH 45036, Fr. John Trough, (616) 970-1188, [email protected] CMRI, 1st & 3rd SU 9 am, 2nd/4th/5th SU 6 pm, Holydays vary


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

Holy Family Church 140 S. Findlay St., Dayton, OH 45403 Presb. Mark Wojdelski, FSSP, (937) 938-6098, Newdiocese, SU 8 am (Low) & 10:30 am (High), Holydays 7 am & 7 pm

Our Lady of Good Counsel Church 8616 North Dixie Dr., Dayton, OH 45414 No celebrant announced, (937) 890-2111, NSSPX, Last TH 6:30 pm

St. Clare Mission Chillicothe, OH 45601 Fr. Charles McGuire, (614) 424-6278, (938) 653-5431 Independent, SU

Most Holy Trinity Church 477 Dewey St., Wheelersburg, OH 45694 Fr. Gabriel Lavery, (330) 784-8025 CMRI, SU 6:45 pm twice monthly, Holydays 8 am

Indiana (46000-47900)

Elizabeth Ann Seton Chapel 10655 Haverstick Rd., Carmel, IN 46032 No celebrant announced, (317) 846-3850, fax 846-3710, [email protected] Newdiocese, SU 5 pm

St. Joseph Chapel 245 W. Broadway St., Greenwood, IN 46142, No celebrant announced, (317) 888-2030, fax 882-8443 NSSPX, SU 10 am, M-SA sometimes

Shrine of Our Lady of Good Remedy 10879 N. State Route 39, Lizton, IN 46149 Fr. Paul Petko, (317) 457-2482, [email protected] Independent, SU 9 am, TU-SA 8 am


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

Holy Rosary Church 520 Stevens St., Indianapolis, IN 46203 Presb. C. Ryan McCarthy, (317) 636-4478 Newdiocese, SU 11:30 am, M-SA varies

Carmelite Monastery Chapel 1625 Ridge Rd., Munster, IN 46321 Presb. Jacek Palica, (219) 838-7111, [email protected] Newdiocese, SA 5 pm (not a Sunday Mass)

St. Stanislaus Kostka Church 1506 Washington St., Michigan City, IN 46360 Presb. John Hogan Newdiocese, SU 12:30 pm, W 7 pm, 1st F 8 am

Mass Site Route 1, Box 51, San Pierre, IN 46374 No celebrant announced, OSJ, (219) 828-5088 Independent, no schedule announced

Our Lady of the Rosary Shrine 1719 Atchison Ave., Whiting , IN 46394 No celebrant announced, (219) 659.7535 Independent, no schedule announced

St. Stanislaus Bishop & Martyr Church 415 North Brookfield St,, South Bend, IN 46628, Presb. John Fritz, FSSP, (574) 233-1217, [email protected] Newdiocese, SU 7:30 am (Low) & 10 am (Cantata), M-SA varies

Our Lady of Perpetual Help Mission 458 W. Walnut St., Nappanee, IN 46650 Fr. John Young, (574) 773-2770, fax 773-5849 NSSPX, SU 3 pm

Sacred Heart Church 1020 Capitol Ave., Fort Wayne, IN 46806 89

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Presb. Daniel Leeuw & Tom Shoemaker, (219) 744-2519 Newdiocese, SU 11:30 am (1st/2nd High), Holydays 7 am

St. John Fisher Chapel 3333 Tillman Rd., Fort Wayne, IN 46816 Fr. John Young, (219) 447-5085 NSSPX, SU 9 am, SA 4:30 pm (not a Sunday Mass)

Our Lady of Guadalupe Mission Logansport, IN 46947 Fr. Ronald Brown, (847) 533-9721, [email protected] Independent, SU monthly

St. Louis Church 13 E. Saint Louis Pl., Batesville, IN 47006, (812) 934-4404 No celebrant announced Newdiocese, 1st/3rd SU 5 pm

St. Cecilia Church 17440 St. Marys Rd. (State Road 229), Oak Forest, IN 47012 Presb. Gerard Saguto, FSSP, (765) 647-0310, Newdiocese, SU 7:30 & 10:30 am, Holydays 7 am & 7 pm, M-SA varies

St. Paul Chapel 629 E. Louisiana St., Evansville, IN 47711 Fr. Gavin Bitzer, [email protected] Independent, SU 3 pm

Sts. Mary and John Church 613 Cherry St., Evansville, IN 47713 Presb. Benny Checko, (812) 425-1577 Newdiocese, SU 2 pm

St. Ann Church 612 Wabash Ave., Lafayette, IN 47905 Presb. David Hasser, (765) 742-7031, fax 429-5690 Newdiocese, 4th SU 5 pm


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Mass Site Capaul's Funeral Home, 8216 Ida West Rd, Ida, MI 48140 No celebrant announced, (734) 269-3575 Independent (Traditional Resistance), no schedule announced

Michigan (48000-49999)

Mass Site 1827 Mansfield, Birmingham, MI 48009 No celebrant announced Independent (Traditional Resistance), SU 9 am

Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Church 16414 Fourteen Mile Rd., Fraser, MI 48026 Fr. Oscar Saavedra, (586) 979-1272, Independent, SU 8 & 10:30 am (High), M-SA, 1st F 7:30 pm

St. Joseph Church 28049 School Section Rd., Armada, MI 48062 Frs. Goldade, McMahon & Wailliez, (586) 784-9511, fax 784-8070 NSSPX, SU 7 & 9:30 am (also M-SA during school months)

St. Stephen Church 18800 Huron River Dr., New Boston, MI 48164 No celebrant announced, (734) 753-5268, 753-4305, fax 753-5828 Newdiocese, SU 2 pm

Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church 976 Pope John Paul II Ave., Wyandotte, MI 48192, No celebrant announced, (734) 284-9135, fax 284-1367 Newdiocese, 4th SU 8 am

Sts. Cyril & Methodius Church Sterling Heights, MI 48310 No celebrant announced Newdiocese, SA 6 pm (not a Sunday Mass)


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St. Joseph Church 3521 4th St., Wayne, MI 48184, Fr. Francisco Radecki, (734) 729-8228, [email protected] CMRI, SU 7:30, 9:30 & 11:45 am

St. Josaphat Church 691 E. Canfield Ave., Detroit, MI 48201, No celebrant announced, (313) 831-6659, [email protected] Newdiocese, SU 9:30 am (Cantata), Holydays 7 pm (Cantata), M 7 pm

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Grotto Church 13770 Gratiot Ave., Detroit, MI 48205, Presb. Eduard Perrone, (313) 372-0762, fax 372-2064, [email protected] Newdiocese, SU & Holydays 9:30 am, M-SA 7:30 am (designated to be closed)

St. Joseph Church 1828 Jay St., Detroit, MI 48207 No celebrant announced, Newdiocese, 4th SU 12 noon

St. Anne Church 23310 Joy Rd., Redford, MI 48239 Fr. Michael Goldade, (313) 534-2121, 937-9730, fax 784-8070 NSSPX, SU 7:30 & 9:30 am, SA 11 am, 1st F 7 pm

St. Dominic Chapel 765 N. Hickory Ridge Rd., W. Highland, MI 48357 Bp. Robert Neville, (248) 889-2394 Independent, SU 9 am

Immaculate Conception Church 814 W. Nepessing St., Lapeer, MI 48446 Presb. Michael Zuelch, (810) 664-8594, 664-4564 fax, Newdiocese, last SU 12:30 pm (High), TH 8:45 am

St. Matthew Church 92

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706 Beach St., Flint, MI 48502 Presb. Louis Madey, (810) 232-4148, [email protected] Newdiocese, SU 3 pm

St. Dominic Savio Chapel 7095 Kochville Rd., Freeland, MI 48603 Fr. Daniel Ahern, (989) 692-0029, [email protected] Independent, SU 9:30 am

Infant of Prague Church 112 S. Van Buren St., Bay City, MI 48708 Fr. Jaime Pazat De Lys. (989) 892-5936 NSSPX, 2nd/4th SU 3 pm

St. Mary Church 939 Charlotte Ave., Kalamazoo, MI 49048 Presb. David Grondz, (269).342-0621, [email protected] Newdiocese, SU 10:30 am, F-SA 8 am

St. John Bosco Church Mattawan, MI 49071 Presb. Camporese Newdiocese, 3rd SU 1 pm

St. Mary Church Paw Paw, MI 49079 Presb. Camporese Newdiocese, 3rd SU 1 pm

St. Joseph Church Adoration Chapel 220 Church St., St. Joseph, MI 49085, Presb. Harold Potter, 269/983-1575, [email protected] Newdiocese, SA 10 am

Mass Site 512 Francisco Rd., Union City, MI 49094 Bp. Neal Webster, (865) 693-1889, [email protected]


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Independent, 2nd M 6 pm

St. Joseph Church 705 N. Waterloo Ave., Jackson, MI 49202 Presb. Robideau, (517) 784-0343, fax 784-5411 Newdiocese, SU 12 noon

Sts. Peter & Paul Chapel 11400 Brighton Hwy., Brooklyn, MI 49230 (603) 524-9499, (920) 336-8852 Independent, SU monthly

St. Joseph Shrine 8743 US-12, Brooklyn, MI 49230 No celebrant announced, (517) 467-2183, fax 467-4285 Newdiocese, 1st SA 9 am

Most Holy Rosary Church 314 E. Main St., Middleville, MI 49333 Fr. Gerard McKee, (269) 795-9030, [email protected] CMRI, SU 8 am

St. Margaret Mary Church 11352 Brown St., Allendale, MI 49401 Fr. Michael Goldade, (616) 895-5890, [email protected] NSSPX, SU 2:30 pm

Sacred Heart Church 156 Valley Ave. S.W., Grand Rapids, MI 49504 Presb. Edward Hankiewicz, (616) 459-8362 Newdiocese, SU & Holydays 12:30 pm

Holy Rosary Church 3919 Gatzke Rd., Cedar, MI 49621 Presb. Donald Libbey, (231) 228-5429, fax 228-5529 Newdiocese, SU 12:45 pm


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Our Lady of Fatima Church 5037 Co. Hwy. 633, Grawn, MI 49637 No celebrant announced, (231) 947-4568 SSPV, 4th SU

Sacred Heart Church 2342 Valley Rd., Mancelona, MI 49659 Fr. Steven Soos, (231) 587-8515, 588-7811 NSSPX, SU 8 am

Our Lady of the Snows Chapel Murner & Parmater Rds., Gaylord, MI 49735 Fr. Daniel Ahern, (989) 786-4595, [email protected] Independent, alternate SU, occasional weekdays

St. Anthony of Padua Church 310 Iron St., Gwinn, MI 49841, : Presb. John Boyle, (906) 346-5312, fax 346-3040, [email protected] Newdiocese, no schedule announced

Iowa (50000-52899)

Humility of Mary Church 23775 Chestnut Cir., Beech, IA 50301 Fr. Thomas Mroczka, (515) 288-4213 SSPV, 1st/3rd SU 4:30 pm

St. Anthony Church 15 Indianola Ave., Des Moines, IA 50315, No celebrant announced, (515) 244-4709, [email protected] Newdiocese, SU 8:30 am

St. Peter Church Highway 9, Osage, IA 50461 Presb. Ray Atwood, (641) 982-4239 Newdiocese, 5th SU 10:45 am


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St. Philomena Mission Best Western Motel, 214 Washington Ave., Waterloo, IA 50701 No celebrant announced, (641) 435-2506 NSSPX, 2nd/4th SU 10:30 pm

Epiphany Cathedral 1011 Douglas, Sioux City, IA 51105 Presb. McCoy, (712) 255-1637 Newdiocese, SU 7:30 am

St. Francis Xavier Basilica 104 3rd St. S.W., Dyersville, IA 52040 Presb. Ray Atwood & Edward Petty, (319) 875-7325, fax 875-8716 Newdiocese, SU 12 noon

St. Anthony Church 417 N. Main St., Davenport, IA 52801 No celebrant announced Newdiocese, SU 4 pm

Wisconsin (53000-54999)

Our Lady of the Rosary Church 4088 Memorial Dr., Waubeka, WI 53021 Fr. Bernard Colussy, OFM (262) 692-2913 Independent, SU 9:30 am

St. Pius V Chapel 425 Grand Ave., Mukwonago, WI 53149 Fr. James Trummer, (414) 363-4650, (537) 662-2130 NSSPX, SU 8 am (Low) & 10:30 (High), SA 9 am, Holydays

St. Stanislaus Church 524 W. Historic Mitchell St., Milwaukee, WI 53204 Presb. Oliver Meney, ICR, (414) 226-5490, Newdiocese, SU 8 & 10 am, M-F varies, SA 8 am


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St. Hugh of Lincoln Church 2401 S. 12th St., Milwaukee, WI 53215 Fr. Ercoli, (414) 645-1525, Independent, SU 9 am, Holydays, 1st F varies

St. Mary of Pine Bluff Church 3673 County Highway P, Cross Plains, WI 53528, No celebrant announced, (608) 798-2111, fax 798-2112, [email protected] Newdiocese, SU 7:30 pm

St. Norbert Church 8944 County Rd YRoxbury, WI 53583 Presbyter Miguel Galvez, (608) 643-6611 Newdiocese, SU 11 am

St. Therese Chapel 6039 Baltes Rd., Waunakee, WI 53597 Fr. Andrew Dwyer, (608) 831-7565, 831-6359 NSSPX, SU 9 am, 1st SA 6 pm

St. Michael Chapel 1784 Chapelle Rue, De Pere, WI 54115 No celebrant announced, (920) 336-8852 NSSPX, SU 6:30 & 8:30 am, Holydays 4:30 & 7 pm, M-SA

Mass Site Angelica Town Hall, N3285 County Road C, Pulaski, WI 54162 No celebrant announced Independent (Traditional Resistance), SU 5:30 pm

Our Lady of the Rosary Church Mountain View Care Center, 2400 Marshall St., Wausau, WI 54401 No celebrant announced, (920) 538-0730, [email protected] Independent (Traditional Resistance), SU 10:30 am

St. Patrick Oratory


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

211 N. Maple Ave., Green Bay, WI 54303 Presb. Denis Buchholz, (920) 437-9660, [email protected] Newdiocese, SU 8 & 10 am, Holydays 8 am & 6 pm, M/W-SA 8 am, TU 7 pm

St. Mary Oratory 408 Seymour St., Wausau, WI 54403, [email protected] Presb. R. Schmitz & von Menshengen, ICR, (715) 842-9995, Newdiocese, SU 8 & 9:30 am, M-TU/F-SA 8 am, W 7 am, TH 7 pm

Mass Site 650 Pearl St., Rib Lake, WI 54470 No celebrant announced Independent (Traditional Resistance), SA 2 pm

Our Lady of Victory Church N. 11190 17th Ave., Necedah, WI 54646 No celebrant announced, (608) 565-7551 NSSPX, SU 4 pm

St. Francis of Assisi Church 2001 S. Main St., Necedah, WI 54646 Presb. Hector Moreno, (608) 565-2488 Newdiocese, SU 11 am

Our Lady of Grace Church Seneca, WI 54654 Carlos Borja, (402) 571-4404, CMRI, SU 8 am

Our Lady of the Angels Radisson, WI 54867 Fr. Bernard Colussy, OFM, (262) 692-2913 Independent, no schedule announced


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

Minnesota (55000-56799)

St. Augustine Church 302 5th Ave. N., S. St. Paul, MN 55057 Presb. Raymond Zweber, (651) 451-1212 Newdiocese, SU 11:30 am (High alternate SU), Holydays/1st F

St. Mary Church 423 5th St. So., Stillwater, MN 55082 No celebrant announced, Newdiocese, 4th SU 12 noon

St. Agnes Church 548 Lafond Ave., St. Paul, MN 55103 Presb. John Ubel, (651) 293-1710, [email protected] Newdiocese, SU 10 am (High)

Immaculate Heart of Mary Chapel 875 Manomin Ave., St. Paul, MN 55107 Fr. Brendan Dardis, (651) 224-5944 NSSPX, SU 7:30 & 10 am, SA 10 am, 1st F 7 pm, 1st SA 7:30 am

St. Anne Church 2445 County Rd. E., White Bear Lake, MN 55110 Fr. Thomas Mroczka, (651) 426-0084, SSPV, SU 8 & 10 am, Holydays 7:30 am

All Saints Church 435 4th St. NE, Minneapolis, MN 55413 Presb. Peter Bauknecht & Simon Harkins, FSSP, (612) 379-4996 Newdiocese, no schedule announced

Mass Site 6044 W Broadway Suite 3, Minneapolis, MN 55428 No celebrant announced Independent (Traditional Resistance), SU 9 am


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Mass Site 11782 Valley Creek Rd., Woodbury, MN 55129 No celebrant announced Independent (Traditional Resistance), SU 10 am

St. John the Evangelist Church Rochester, MN 55901 No celebrant announed Newdiocese, 1st SU 4 pm

Our Lady of the Rosary Chapel 5820 Viola Rd. N.E., Rochester, MN 55902 No celebrant announced, (507) 282-4498, 287-6594 SSPV, 3rd SU 5 pm

St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary Chapel 1208 Archbishop Lefebvfre Ave., Dillwyn, VA 23936 Fr. Yves le Roux, (507) 454-8000, fax 454-8044, NSSPX, SU 7:30 & 10 am, M-SA 7:15 am

St. Boniface Chapel Rt. 9 Box 120, Mankato, MN 56001 No celebrant announced, (507) 385-1120 SSPV, 2nd/4th SU 2 pm

Sts. Peter & Paul Church 105 N. Fifth St, Mankato, MN No celebrant announced, 507/388-2995, Newdiocese, SU 4:15 pm

Holy Family Chapel 10679 182nd St., Belle Plaine, MN 56011 Fr. Jorge Diaz, (952) 873-2582 NSSPX, SU 3 pm

St. Alphonsus Liguori Oratory Main St. & White Ave., Alpha, MN 56111 Fr. Jerome Verdick, (507) 847-2939 100

Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

Newdiocese, SU 8:15 am, M/W/TH/F 8:30 am, SA 8:15 am

Our Lady of Ransom Oratory 323 Ave. & 109 St., Guckeen, MN 56111 Fr. Jerome Verdick, (507) 847-2939 Independent, SU 10:45 am

Mass Site 8060 20th Ave., Benson, MN 56215 Fr. Joseph Pfeiffer, (303) 549-3047, [email protected] Independent (Traditional Resistance), SU 2 pm

Holy Innocents School Chapel 5913 County Rd. 137, St. Cloud, MN 56301 No celebrant announced, (612) 253-6759 (& fax) Independent, SU 9 am

St. Robert Bellarmine Church 430 8th Ave. S., St. Cloud, MN 56303 Fr. Christopher Leith, (320) 255-0255, 573-2409 NSSPX, SU-M 8 am, 1st F 7 pm

Immaculate Conception Church 313 28th Ave. N., St. Cloud, MN 56303 Frs. Brendan Hughes & Nino Molina, (320) 251-3461, fax 251-6014 CMRI, SU 7 & 9:45 am, M-TH & SA 8 am, F 6 pm

Mass Site 27734 State 27, Long Prairie, MN 56347 No celebrant announced, (320) 732-8103 Independent (Traditional Resistance), SU 7:30 am

Sacred Heart Church Pine St., Flensburg, MN 56347 Presb. Arthur Hoppe, (320) 836-2954 Newdiocese, SU 10:30 am


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Sacred Heart Novitiate 540 W. 8th St., Browerville, MN 56438 Fr. Michael Johnson, (320) 594-2944 NSSPX, SU 7:30 am, M-SA 7:15 am

St. John Vianney Chapel Hwy. 71 at County Road 48, Round Prairie, MN 56438 No celebrant announced, (320) 732-4274 NSSPX, SU 7 & 9 am, M-SA 8 am

Chapel Good Samaritan Home, 172 Summit Ave., W. Blackduck, MN 56630 No celebrant announced, (303) 549-3047, [email protected] Independent (Traditional Resistance), SU 2 pm

Immaculate Heart Chapel Rt. 1, Box 5A, Brooks, MN 56715 No celebrant announced, OSJ, (218) 698-4253 Independent, 3rd SU 10 am

Our Lady of Sorrows Chapel 600 E. Roberts St., Crookston, MN 56716 Fr. Christopher Darby, (701) 775-6528 NSSPX, SU 2 pm

South Dakota (57000-56799)

Sacred Heart Chapel of St. Joseph Cathedral 521 N. Duluth Ave., Sioux Falls, SD 57104 Presb. Martin Lawrence, (605) 336-7390, [email protected] Newdiocese, SU 10:30 pm, Holydays 7:30 pm

Our Lady of the Snows Chapel E. 4th St., Crookstown, SD 57106 Fr. Francis Gallagher, (605) 336-9720, 336-8940 NSSPX, 2nd/4th SU 8:15 am


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

Immaculate Conception Church (Old Cathedral) 522 Columbus Ave., Rapid City, SD 57707, [email protected] Presb. Chris Hathaway, ICR, (605) 341-1578, fax 341-8751, Newdiocese, SU 10 am, M-SA 8 am

Sts. Peter & Paul Mission 2108 Elk Vale Rd., Suite 4, Rapid City, SD 57701 Fr. Francis Gallagher, (605) 341-4476 NSSPX, 2nd SU 4:30 pm

North Dakota (58000-58899)

St. Mary Cathedral 604 Broadway, Fargo, ND 58102, No celebrant announced, (701) 235-4289, fax 235-2986 Newdiocese, SU 2 pm

St. Michael Church 210 5th Ave. N.W., Mandan, ND 58554 Fr. Francis Gallagher, (701) 667-2863 NSSPX, 1st/3rd SU 10 am

Spirit of Life Church 801 First St S.E., Mandan, ND 58554 Presb. William Ruelle, 701/663-1660, Newdiocese, F 5:30 pm

Guardian Angels Mission HC 1 Box 32, Manning, ND 58630 Fr. Jorge Diaz, (701) 483-0395 NSSPX, 1st/3rd SU 2 pm

Montana (59000-59999)


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

St. Martin de Tours Church 2814 S. Pompey's Rd., Pompeys Pillar, MT 59064 Fr. Martin Skierka, (406) 875-2280, [email protected] SSPV, 1st/3rd SU 4:30 pm, M-SA

Mass Site Billings, MT 59101 No celebrant announced, (406) 967-2000 Independent, no schedule announced

St. James the Greater Mission Great Falls, MT 59401 Fr. Benedict Hughes, (406) 453-7058, [email protected] CMRI, SU monthly

Immaculate Heart of Mary Church 2200 Smelter Ave., Black Eagle, MT 59414 Fr. Martin Skierka, (406) 452-9021, , SSPV, SU & Holydays 9 am, M-SA 10 am

St. Theresa Mission 2200 Smelter Ave., Black Eagle, MT 59414 Fr. Martin Skierka, (406) 452-9021, SSPV, W 5:30 pm

Holy Cross Church 449 Hoback St., Helena, MT 59624 Fr. Martin Skierka, (406) 449-3701 SSPV, 2nd/4th SU/last SA 1 pm, 1st SA 9 am

St. Joseph Mission 58 Ruby Mountain Rd., Clancy, MT 59634 Fr. Benedict Hughes, (406) 457-0096, [email protected] CMRI, SU monthly

Our Lady of Fatima Mission Best Inn & Conf. Center, 3803 Brooks St., Missoula, MT 59801


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

Fr. Benedict Hughes, (208) 687-0290, [email protected] CMRI, 4th SU 1 pm

Holy Shroud Church 204 Clyde St., Missoula, MT 59802 Fr. Martin Skierka, (406) 728-5886 SSPV, 2nd/4th/5th SU 5 pm

St. John the Baptist Church 16680 Main St., Frenchtown, MT 59834 Presb. Kevin Kristofferson, (406) 626-4492, fax 626-1970 Newdiocese, 1st SU 11 am

Our Lady of the Bitterroot Chapel 4th & B Sts., Victor, MT 59875 Fr. Dennis McDonald, (406) 777-1052, [email protected] NSSPX, 1st/3rd SU 4 pm

Our Lady of Sorrows Mission Kalispel, MT 59901 Fr. Bernard Welp, (406) 755-7663 CMRI, 4th SU 4:30 pm

Immaculate Conception Chapel Foys Canyon Rd., Kalispell, MT 59901 Fr. Patrick Crane, (406) 755-0050, 261-2199, 881-2000 NSSPX, 1st/3rd SU 9 am

Illinois (60000-62999)

St. Pius V Shrine 30 Miller Rd., Lake Zurich, IL 60047 Fr. Neville Monteiro, (847) 438-4909, Independent, SU 8 & 10:30 am, Holydays 7:30 pm, M-SA varies

St. Peter Church 105

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27551 Volo Village Rd. (W. Hwy. 120), Volo, IL 60073 Presb. Dennis Kolinski et al., (631) 514-4647, [email protected] Newdiocese, SU 12:15 pm, Holydays 8 am

St. Lambert Church 8148 N. Karlov Ave., Skokie, IL 60076 Presb. Richard Simon & Ronald Plomillo, (847) 673-5090, Newdiocese, SU 1st SU 5 pm

St. Peter Church 2118 Main St., Spring Grove, IL 60081 Presb. Steven Lange, (815) 675-2288, Newdiocese, SU 12:30 pm

Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Chapel 205 Fulton St., Elgin, IL 60122, Fr. Ronald Brown, (847) 508-9513, fax 608-7931, [email protected] Independent, SU 10 am, M-F 8 am, SA 9 am

St. James Mission 2207 Russell Rd., Winthrop Harbor, IL 60096 Bp. Anton-Thai Trinh, OFM Trad., (682) 201-8146 Independent, occasionally 1st SU 9 am

Sts. Peter & Paul Church 5N939 Meredith Road, Virgil, IL 60151 Presb. Perfecto Vasquez, (630) 365-6618, Newdiocese, SU 12:30 pm

St. John Vianney Church 46 N. Wolf Rd., Northlake, IL 60164 Presb. Thomas Refermat et al., (708) 562-0500, Newdiocese, SU 10 am

Christ the King Shrine 27 W. 631 Beecher St., Winfield, IL 60190, Fr. Anthony Leonardo, (630) 690-3520&fax, [email protected]


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Independent, SU 10 am, Holydays 7pm, TH 6:30 pm, 1st F 7:30 pm

Mass Site Evanston, IL 60202 No celebrant announced, (847) 338-0794 Independent (Traditional Resistance), SU 5:30 pm

Our Lady Immaculate Church 410 Washington Blvd., Oak Park, IL 60302 Fr. Michael Goldade (708) 524-2408, fax 524-0753 NSSPX, SU 7:30 & 10 am, SA 6 pm, 1st F 7:30 pm

St. Odilo Church 2244 East Ave., Berwyn, IL 60402 Presb. Anthony Brankin & Juan Carlos Gavancho, (708) 484-2161 Newdiocese, SU 1 pm

Our Lady of Mount Carmel Chapel 1445 128th St., Lemont, IL 60439 Fr. David Hewko, (630) 257-1995, [email protected] Independent (Traditional Resistance), SU 10 am

Holy Angels Church 180 S. Russell Ave., Aurora, IL 60506, Presb. Martin Heinz, (630) 897-1194, fax 897-1370, [email protected] Newdiocese, SU 8 am

Mother of Perpetual Help Chapel 439 Thoria Ct., Batavia, IL 60510 (630) 879-2117 Independent, no schedule announced

Sts. Peter & Paul 36 N. Ellsworth St., Naperville, IL 60540 Presb. Thomas Milota, (630) 718-2108, Newdiocese, SU 5:30 pm


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St. Mary of Perpetual Help Church 1039 W. 32nd St., Chicago, IL 60608 Presb. Donald Craig, (773) 927-6646, Newdiocese, SU 8:30 am

St. Gabriel Church 45th St. & Lowe Ave., Chicago, IL 60609 Presb. James Merold & Richard Creagh, (773) 268-9595, Newdiocese, W 6:30 pm

St. John Cantius Church 825 N. Carpenter St., Chicago, IL 60622 No celebrant announced, (312) 243-7373, fax 243-4545, Newdiocese, SU 7:30 & 12:30 pm, Holydays vary

Shrine of Christ the King (formerly St. Gelasius/St. Clare Chapel) 6415 S. Woodlawn Ave., Chicago, IL 60637 Frs. M. Schmitz & Talarico, ICR, (773) 363-7409, [email protected] Newdiocese, SU 8 am & 10 am (High), M,W-SA 8 am, TU 6:30 pm

St. Daniel the Prophet 5300 S. Natoma Ave., Chicago, IL 60638 Presb. John Noga, (773) 586-1223, Newdiocese, 2nd SU 5 pm

St. Thomas More Church 2825 W 81st St., Chicago, IL 60652, Presb. Charles Fanelli, (773) 436-4444, [email protected] Newdiocese, SU 12 noon, Holydays 12:10 pm, SA 7:30 am

Sacred Heart Mission American Legion Hall, Chicago, IL 60654 No celebrant announced, (708) 425-4351 SSPV, 2nd/sometimes 5th SU

Mass Site Airport Chapel T2, O'Hare Airport, Chicago, IL 60666


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Chicago, IL No celebrant announced Independent (Traditional Resistance), SU 5:30 pm

St. Joseph Chapel 1005 14th Ave., Rock Falls, IL 61071 Fr. Frank Slupski (815) 589-4324 Independent, SU 10 am

St. Mary Oratory 517 Elm St., Rockford, IL 61102 Presb. Brian Bovee, ICR, (815) 965-5971, fax 965-6029 Newdiocese, SU 7 & 9 am, M-F 6:45 am & 12:05 pm, SA 8 am

Regina Caeli Mass Site 2030 S. 5th St., Rockford, IL 61104, No celebrant announced, (815) 414-6323 Independent, SU 9 am

St. Valentine Church 1109 Pulaski St., Peru, IL 61354 Presb. William Gardner, (815) 223-0315, Newdiocese, SU 12 noon

St. Mary Church 1319 Sixth St., Peru, IL 61354 Presb. William Gardner, (815) 223-0315, Newdiocese, M 5:30 pm

Mass Site Eagle Summit Community Church, 204 Spring St., Colona, IL 61231 Bp. Frank Slupski, (309) 799-8442 Independent (Traditional Benedictine), SU 10:30 am

St. Mary of the Woods Church 407 Walnut St., Princeville, IL 61559 Presb. Richard Soseman, (309) 385-4370,


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Newdiocese, SU 7:15 am

St. John the Baptist Church 110 E. Ash St., Fairbury, IL 61739 Presb. Scott Archer, (815) 692-2555, [email protected] Newdiocese, SU 11 am

St. Isidore Mission 317 W. Cedar St., Saybrook, IL 61770 Fr. Charles McGuire, (309) 475-2200 Independent, 3rd/4th SU 11 am

Notre Dame de La Salette 5065 Olivet Rd., Georgetown, IL 61846 Fr. Michael McMahon, (217) 662-2172 NSSPX, most SU 9:30 am

Holy Family Church 116 Church St., Cahokia, IL 62206 Presb. Martin O'Keefe, SJ, (314) 633-4400, [email protected] Newdiocese, SU 9 am (2nd/4th SU Cantata)

St. Rose of Lima Church 1009 N. 8th St., Quincy, IL 62301, Presb. Arnaud Devillers & Robert Fromageot, FSSP, (217) 222-2511 Newdiocese, many SU 8 (Low) & 11 (High), M-SA 12:10

St. Katharine Drexel Church 722 S. 12th St., Springfield, IL 62703 Presb. Isaacson, Thelander & Mann, (217) 744-0578 Newdiocese, 3rd SU 11 am, no schedule announced

Missouri (63000-65899)

St. Peter's Chains Mission Comfort Inn, 3610 W. Outer Rd., Arnold, MO 63010


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No celebrant announced, 314-428-9086 SSPV, 1st/3rd SU 8:30 am

St. Mary of the Assumption Church 1126 Dolman St., St. Louis, MO 63104, Frs. Frank Kurtz, Scott Gardner & Christopher Pieroni, (314) 436-4544 NSSPX, SU 7:30 & 10:00 am, M-SA varies

St. Cecilia Chapel 5418 Louisiana Ave., St. Louis, MO 63111 No celebrant announced, (314) 351-1318, Newdiocese, M 6:30 am

Little Flower of St. Therese Church 1264 Arch Terr., Richmond Heights, MO 63117 Presb. James Rodis, (314) 645-1445, Newdiocese, SU 9:15 am

St. Francis de Sales Oratory 2653 Ohio Ave., St. Louis, MO 63118, Presb. Weiner, Avis & Ueda, ICR, (314) 771-3100, fax 771-3295 Newdiocese, SU 8 (Low) & 10 am (High), Holydays, M-SA varies

Sts. Gregory the Great & St. Augustine of Canterbury Oratory 530 S. Mason, Creve Coeur, MO 63141, Presb. Bede Price & Ambrose Bennet, OSB, (800) 638-1527, (314) 434-2557 Newdiocese, SU 7:30, 9 & 11:00 am, M-SA 7:30 am

St. Barnabas Church 1400 N. Main St, O'Fallon MO 63366 Presb. Raymond Hager, (636) 240-4556, Newdiocese, SU 10 am

Old St. Patrick Oratory 806 Cherry St., Kansas City, MO 64106 Presb. William Avis, ICR, (816) 931 5612, [email protected] Diocese 8 am & 10:15 am (High)


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St. Vincent de Paul Church 3106 Flora Ave., Kansas City, MO 64109 Fr. Jean Violette, (816) 923-6411 NSSPX, SU 8 & 10:30 am, M-SA varies, 1st 8 am & 7 pm

St. Joseph's Chapel 519 Milwaukee St., Birmingham, MO 64161 No celebrant announced, (816) 807-0607 Independent (Traditional Resistance), no schedule announced

St. Mary Magdalene Chapel 1200 N. Clark, Mexico, MO 65265 Fr. Crane, (573) 581-7545 NSSPX, SU 4 pm

Mass Site Fair Play, MO 65649 Presb. A. Van der Putten, FSSP, (785) 256-4727, [email protected] Newdiocese, no schedule announced

St. Gregory the Great Mission Springfield, MO 65802 No celebrant announced, (417) 869-7494 CMRI, SU monthly

Queen of All Saints Chapel 1116 N. Jefferson Ave. Springfield, MO 65802 Fr. Dean, (417) 862-0994, 866-2353 NSSPX, SU 5 pm

St. Agnes Cathedral 533 S. Jefferson Ave., Springfield, MO 65806, Presb. Jeffrey Fasching, (417) 831-3565 Newdiocese, SU 2:30 pm, TU-F 12:30 pm


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Kansas (66000-67999)

St. Rose Philippine Duchesne Church 5035 Rainbow Blvd., Westwood, KS 66205, Presb. John Fongemie & Justin Nolan, FSSP, (913) 236-0005 Newdiocese, SU 7 & 9 (Low) & 11:30 (High), M-SA varies

Mass Site 29800 Low Water Rd., Alma, KS 66401 No celebrant announced Independent (Traditional Resistance), SU 7:30 am

St. Mary's Mission 1436 100 Road, Delia, KS 66418 No celebrant announced, (785) 771-2329, [email protected] Independent (Traditional Resistance), SU 8 am

St. John Vianney Church 14631 Waterman Crossing Rd., Maple Hill, KS 66507 Presb. A. Van der Putten, FSSP, (785) 256-4727, [email protected] Newdiocese, SU 8 & 10 am, M- SA 8 am

Mass Site Potawatomi Community Bldg., 806 Nishnabe Trail, Rossville, KS 66533 No celebrant announced, (785) 437-2260, 771-2329 Independent (Traditional Resistance), SU 8:30 am

St. Mary Academy & College Assumption Chapel 200 E. Mission St., St. Marys, KS 66536 Fr. John Fullerton, (785) 437-2471, NSSPX, SU 6, 7:30, 9 (High), 11, 12:15, M-F 6 & 7:30 am, SA 7:30 & 9 am

Mass Site George J. Perry Memorial Armory, 5th St., St. Marys, KS 66536 Frs. David Hewko & Joseph Pfeiffer, (303) 549-3047, [email protected]


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Independent, SU 7 am

Sacred Heart Chapel Topeka, KS 66603 Bp. Mark Pivarunis, (402) 571-4404, [email protected] CMRI, SU 6 pm monthly

St. Joseph Church 227 Van Buren St., Topeka, KS 66603 Presb. Michael Irwin, FSSP, (785) 256-4727, fax 256-4115 Newdiocese, SU 11 am

St. Anthony Church 256 N. Ohio Ave., Wichita, KS 67202 Presb. Crary, (316) 269-4641 Newdiocese, SU & Holydays 8 am

Mary Immaculate Church 1704 S. Sante Fe, Wichita, KS 67211 Fr. James Pazat, (316) 269-2383, 265-3027 NSSPX, 2nd/4th SU 3 pm

Our Lady of Guadalupe Chapel 1626 S. Broadway, Wichita, KS 67211 Fr William Rauh, SVM (316) 409-1445 Independent, SU 10 am, M-SA 8 am

St. Francis Xavier Church 504 Main St., Seward, KS 67576 Presb. Rene Guesnier, [email protected] Newdiocese, SU 11 am, SA 8:30 am

St. Philomena Chapel Gorham, KS 67640 No celebrant announced, (402) 571-4404, [email protected] CMRI, SU 4 pm monthly


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Nebraska (68000-69399)

Immaculate Conception Church 2708 S. 24th St., Omaha, NE 68108 Presb. John Brancich & Terrance Gordon, FSSP, (402) 342-1074 Newdiocese, SU 7 (Low) & 10 (High), M-SA 7 am et al.

Mary Immaculate Church 7745 Military Ave., Omaha, NE 68134 Bp. Mark Pivarunas, (402) 571-4404, fax 571-3383, [email protected] CMRI, SU 8 & 10 am

St. Francis of Assisi Church 1145 South St., Lincoln, NE 68502 Frs. C. Hathaway & C. Rippenger, FSSP, (402) 477-5145, fax 477-5159 Newdiocese, SU 8 & 10:30 am (High), M-F 7:15 am & 5:15 pm, SA 8 & 9 am

St. Theresa Church Hwy. 281, O'Neill, NE 68763 No celebrant announced, (402) 336-4703 CMRI, SU 6 pm

Mass Site Elba, NE 68835 No celebrant announced, (308) 863-2149 CMRI, SU occasionally

Louisiana (70000-71499)

Our Lady of Grace Chapel 2552 Kentucky Ave., Kenner, LA 70062 Fr. Greig Gonzales, (504) 466-2117 NSSPX, SU 7:30 & 9:30 am, 1st F/SA

Our Lady of LaSalette Priory 1775 N. Columbia St. #2880, Covington, LA 70434 115

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Fr. M. Pierre, SBbS Independent, SU-SA

Sacred Heart of Jesus Church 28088 Main St., Lacombe, LA 70445 Presb. Kyle Dave, (985) 882-5229, fax 882-9034 Newdiocese, SU 12 noon

Christ the King Church 510 N.W. Evangeline Thwy., Lafayette, LA 70501 Fr. Francis Miller, OFM, (337) 261-1225, Independent, SU 9 am, TU/TH/F 7:30 am, W 12 noon, SA 8 am

Our Lady of Fatima Mission Cornerstone Village, 308 Sidney Martin Rd., Lafayette, LA 70507 Frs. Bernard & Joseph, OFM, (414) 445-4800, (318) 237-3040 Independent, 3rd SU 9 am

St. Leo IV Church 7166 Roberts Cove Rd., Rayne, LA 70578, No celebrant announced, (337) 334-5056 Newdiocese, SU 12 noon

St. Philomena Chapel Holy Ghost Friary, 314 Vincent Rd., Morse, LA 70559 Fr. George McLaughlin, CSSp, (337) 785-0303, [email protected] Independent, SU 7:30 & 10 am, TU-SA 7:30 am

Our Lady of the Rosary Chapel 1184 Hwy. 178, Opelousas, LA 70570 Bp. , (337) 543-2215 Independent, SU 9 am bimonthly

Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception 935 Bilbo St., Lake Charles, LA 70602 Presb. Ronald Vaughn, Rommel Tolentine & Nathan Long, (337) 436-7251 Newdiocese, SU 2 pm (5 pm DST), Holydays


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Our Lady of the Assumption Chapel Chapel 6470 Gulf Beach Hwy., Cameron, LA 70631 No celebrant announced, (337) 762-3365 Newdiocese, 1st SA 8:30 am

St. Peter the Apostle Church 1210 Main St., Hackberry, LA 70645 Presb. Rommel Tolentino, (337) 762-3365 Newdiocese, SU 7 am, M 6 pm

St. Agnes Church 749 East Blvd., Baton Rouge, LA 70802, No celebrant announced, (225) 383-4127, fax 383-4154, [email protected] Newdiocese, SU 9:30 am

Our Lady of Sorrows Chapel 3475 N. Sherwood Forest Blvd., Baton Rouge, LA 70814 Fr. Morel, (225) 272-0289 Independent (Traditional Resistance), SU 8 am, 1st F 6 & 10 am, SA

Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament Priory 750 Florida St. #706, Baton Rouge, LA 70821, Fr. M. Eugene, (225) 343-7227, 343-7953 Independent, SU-SA

St. Patrick Church 601 Florida Ave., Ferriday, LA 71334 Presb. Louis Sklar, (318) 757-3834 Newdiocese, SU 1 PM

Arkansas (71600-72899)

Queen of the Miraculous Medal Mission 201 S.W. 3rd St., Bryant, AR 72022 Fr. Gregory Post, (501) 753-6601


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NSSPX, 2nd/4th SU 4:30 pm

St. Francis of Assisi Chapel Evening Shade, AR 72532 Fr. Gregory Drahman, (870) 368-5620 CMRI, SU monthly

Oklahoma (73000-74999)

Our Lady of Mount Carmel Chapel Edmond, OK 73003 Fr. Gregory Draham, (405) 340-3173 CMRI, SU 9 am

St. Michael Chapel 4703 N. McMillan Cir., Bethany, OK 73008 Presb. Howard Renski, FSSP, (405) 440-9168, fax 782-0767 Newdiocese, SU 9, 11 am & 5 pm, M-F 7 am, SA 8:30 pm

St. Augustine Church - St. Peter Church 1720 E. Apache, Tulsa, OK 74110 Presb. Peter Byrne, FSSP, (918) 425-0486, fax 425-2077, fax 425-2077 Newdiocese, SU 8:45 am & 1 pm, M-TH 12 noon, F 6 & 7 pm, SA 8 am

Our Lady of Fatima Mission Fitzgerald Ivy Chapel, 1402 South Boulder Ave., Tulsa, OK 74119 Fr. Timothy Geckle , (918) 851-2856 CMRI, SU 1:30 pm, Holydays

Our Lady of the Annunciation Monastery of Clear Creek 5804 W. Monastery Rd., Hulbert, OK 74441, No celebant announced, (918) 772-2454, fax 772-1044 Newdiocese, SU 7 & 10 am (High)


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Texas (75000-79999)

Mater Dei Church (also at Discalced Carmelite Monastery & Rose Clinic) 2030 E. Highway 356, Irving, TX 75060, Presb. Thomas Longua & Phil Wolfe, FSSP, (972) 438-7600, fax 438-1055 Newdiocese, SU 7:30, 9 (High) & 11:30, M-SA varies

St. Thomas Aquinas Church 6303 Kenwood Ave., Dallas, TX 75214, Presb. Libone, FSSP, (214) 821-3360 Newdiocese, SU 7:30, 9, 11 am, 12:45, 5, 7:30 pm, M-SA varies

Oratory of the Immaculata 7715 Longbow Ln., Arlington, TX 76002, Fr. A. Marie, OSB, SSCR, (817) 264-7541,[email protected] Independent, SU & Holydays 9 am, M-F 6 am, SA 8 am

St. Mary of the Assumption Church 509 Magnolia Ave., Fort Worth, TX 76104, Presb. Thomas Longua, [email protected] Newdiocese, SU 5:30 pm (2nd/4th Cantata)

Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church 3900 Scruggs Dr., N. Richland Hills, TX 76180 Fr. Bourmaud, (817) 284-4809, 268-3307 NSSPX, SU 12 noon, 1st F 7 pm

St. Joseph Mission Denton, TX 76227 Fr. Spray et al., [email protected] Independent, SU 10 am

Our Lady of Fatima Church 209 Peach St., Sanger, TX 76266 Fr. Bourmaud, (940) 458-7344, (972) 420-6604 NSSPX, SU 8 am, 1st SA 5 pm ,


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Sacred Heart Chapel 303 Hunter John Dr., Copperas Cove, TX 76522 Bp. Anton-Thai Trinh, OFM Trad., (682) 201-8146 Independent, 1st/3rd/5th SU &Holydays 5 pm, 2nd SU 3 pm (occasionally)

San Saba Mission Rollins Brook Hospital, 608 N. Key Ave., Rm. 5, Lampassas, TX 76550 Bp. Anton-Thai Trinh, OFM Trad., (682) 201-8146 Independent, 2nd SU 10 am (occasionally)

St. Louis Church 2001 N. 25th St., Waco, TX 76708 Presb. John Guzaldo, (254) 754-1221, Newdiocese, SU 7:30, 9:30, 11:30 am, 5:00 pm

Annunciation Church 1618 Texas St., Houston, TX 77003, (713) 222-2289, Presb. James Golasinski, [email protected] Newdiocese, SU 8 am (Cantata), TU-TH 12:10 pm

St. Michael the Archangel Chapel 24001 Aldine Westfield Rd., Spring, TX 77373 Fr. Simonot, (281) 376-5845 NSSPX, SU 4 pm, 1st SA 9 pm

St. Jude Shrine 3101 N. Main, Stafford, TX 77477 Fr. Campbell, (832) 512-9993(281) 499-1813 Independent, SU, M, W, F 10 am, 1st F 7:30 pm, 1st SA 10 am

Queen of Angels Church 4100 Hwy. 3, Dickinson, TX 77539 Fr. Frank Kurtz, (281) 337-2508 NSSPX, SU 7:30 & 10 am, M-F 7:30 am, M 11:15 am, SA 8 am

Our Lady of Lourdes Church 1600 N. Main, Vidor, TX 77662


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Presb. Paul Sumler, (409) 769-2865, fax 769-2864 Newdiocese, SU 11:30 am

Mission 367 Stagecoach Hill Dr., Seguin, TX 78155, Bp. Gerardo Zendejas, (830) 914-6894, [email protected] Independent (Traditional Resistance), SU 7 am & 8:15 am

St. Pius X Church 3303 Urban Crest Dr., San Antonio, TX 78209 No celebrant announced, (210) 824-0139, Newdiocese, SU 12:10, SA 8 am, 1st F 8 am

St. Joseph's Chapel 7815 Orland Park, San Antonio, TX 78213 Fr. Stephen Zigrang, (210) 525-0334, NSSPX, SU 7:30 & 10 am (2nd/4th SU High), SA 6:30 pm (not a SU Mass)

Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Mission Adoration Chapel Holiday Inn, 5549 Leopard St., Corpus Christi, TX 78408 Fr. Stephen Zigrang, (361) 854-8176 NSSPX, 3rd SU 4:30 pm

St. Jude Thaddeus Church 505 S Ironwood, Pharr, TX 78577, No celebrant announced, (956) 781-2480 Newdiocese, SU 8 am

St. Francis of Assisi Mission Wyndham Garden Hotel, 3401 S. I-35 Hwy., Austin, TX 78741 No celebrant announced, (512) 439-9702, 439-9703 NSSPX, 2nd/4th SU 4 pm

Corpus Christi Church 1114 30th St., Lubbock, TX 79411 Fr. Joseph Noonan, OFM, (806) 744-6363, [email protected] Independent, 1st/2nd/4th/5th SU 9 am, usually M-F 6:30 am


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Ven.Maria de Agreda Mission El Paso, Texas 79901 Frs. David Hewko & Joseph Pfeiffer, (915) 867-6946, 740-0893 Independent (Traditional Resistance), no schedule announced

Jesus & Mary Roman Chapel 1400 W. Yandell Dr., El Paso, TX 79902 Fr. Jorge Diaz, (915) 544-7385 NSSPX, SU 8 & 10 am, M-F 7:15 am, SA 8 am

Colorado (80000-81699)

Our Lady of Victory Chapel 2566 Sable Blvd., Aurora, CO 80011 Fr. Eugene Berry, (303) 364-8040, Independent, SU 8 & 10 am, Holydays 8 am & 7:00 pm

Our Lady of the Snow Church 4101 Lamar St., Wheatridge, CO 80033 Fr. Gabriel Lavery, (303) 425-7051, CMRI, SU 8 am, TH/SA 8 am, 1st F 6:30 pm

Our Lady of Mount Carmel 353 S. Split Rock Rd., Bennett, CO 80102 No celebrant announced, (303) 478-1011, [email protected] Independent (Traditional Resistance), SU 7 pm

Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church 5612 S. Hickory St., Littleton, CO 80120, Presb. James Jackson, FSSP, (860) 703-8538, [email protected] Newdiocese, SU 7:30, 9 & 11 am (High), M-SA 7 & 8:30 am

St. Isidore the Farmer Church 32100 E. Colfax Service Rd., Watkins, CO 80137, Fr. Dennis McDonald, (303) 344-9300, [email protected]


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NSSPX, SA/SU 9 am, M-F varies

Mass Site Fairfield Inn & Suites, 6851 Tower Rd., Denver CO 80249 No celebrant announced, (303) 319-3488 Independent (Traditional Resistance), SU 8:30 am

John XXIII University Chapel 1220 University Ave., Fort Collins, CO 80521 Presb. David Nix, (970) 484-3356, Newdiocese, SU 12 noon

Annunciation Chapel 290 E. County Rd. 56, Fort Collins, CO 80524 (970) 484-4868 NSSPX, SU 2 pm

Immaculate Conception Church 228 11th St., Burlington, CO 80807 No celebrant announced, (719) 346-0379 CMRI, SU 6 pm

Mary Help of Christians Church 500 Columbine St., Fountain, CO 80817 No celebrant announced, (719) 205-1434, CMRI, SU 1 pm

St. Cyril of Alexandra Chapel Le Clarion Hotel, 314 West Bijou St., Colorado Springs, CO 80905 Fr. Eugene Berry, (303) 364-8040, (719) 471-8680, Independent, SU 4 pm (2 per month)

Servants of the Holy Family Chapel 8528 Kenosha Dr., Colorado Springs, CO 80908 Fr. Anthony Ward, (719) 884-0029, [email protected], Independent (Discalced Carmelite), SU 8 am, M/TU/W/F/SA varies


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Immaculate Conception Church 626 Aspen Dr., Security, CO 80911 Presb. Thomas Fritschen, FSSP, (719) 382-0121 Newdiocese, SU 9 am, Holydays 6:30 pm & 8 am, M-F varies

St. Philomena Mission Trinidad, CO 81074 No celebrant announced, (970) 901-6341 CMRI, SU monthly

Holy Innocents Church 119 West Colorado Ave., Trinidad, CO 81082 Fr. Raleigh, 720/443-9063, 303/807-3948, [email protected] Independent, 12 noon

Our Lady of the Rosary 8648 Highway 172, Ignacio, CO 81137 No celebrant announced, (970) 884-9026 Independent, 2nd SA 9 am

Mass Site 13644 Road 18, Cortez, CO 81321 No celebrant announced, (303) 909-6699, [email protected] Independent (Traditional Resistance), no schedule announced

St. Joseph Church 59350 Carnation Rd., Olathe, CO 81425 Fr. Louis Jurado, (970) 323-0243, fax 323-8600 CMRI, SU 8 & 10 am

St. John Vianney Chapel 3424 Kerns Dr., Clifton, CO 81520 No celebrant announced, (970) 434-2213 CMRI, SU twice per month


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Wyoming (82000-83199)

Chapel 163 Leedy Dr., Lander, WY 82520 No celebrant announced, (307) 332-4803 Newdiocese, SU 5 pm

Idaho (83200-83899)

Our Lady of Guadalupe Chapel 221 W. Elm St., New Plymouth, ID 83655 (208) 888-9631 NSSPX, SU 6 pm

St. Joan of Arc Chapel 723 N. 11th Street. Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 Fr. Chad Ripperger, FSSP, (208) 660-6036, Newdiocese, SU 8, 9:30 am (Cantata) & 12 noon, 5 pm, M-SA 6:30 am

Our Lady of Good Success Chapel 3327 Lark Ave., Post Falls, ID 83854, No celebrant announced, (208) 437-1289, [email protected] Independent (Traditional Resistance), SU 10 am

St. Dominic School Chapel 5450 W. Riverview Dr., Post Falls, ID 83854 Fr. Morgan, (208) 773-2231 Independent, no schedule announced

Immaculate Conception Church 495 Lincoln St., Post Falls, ID 83854 Frs. Patrick Crane, (208) 773-7442, fax 773-8070 NSSPX, SU 7, 8:30 & 10 am (High), M-SA varies

Our Lady of Good Success Mission Templins Resort & Conference Center, 414 E. 1st Ave., Post Falls, ID 83854 125

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Fr. Richard Voigt, (303) 549-3047, [email protected] Independent, occasionally SU 8 am, F 7 pm, SA 8 am

Mass Site 3327 W. Lark Ave., Post Falls, ID 83854 No celebrant announced Independent (Traditional Resistance), SU 8 am

Mary Immaculate Queen Church 15384 N. Church Rd., Rathdrum, ID 83858 Frs. Hughes & Short, (208) 687-0290, fax 687-3362, [email protected] CMRI, SU 7 & 9 am

Mass Site Golden Spike Clubhouse., Rathdrum, ID 83858 No celebrant announced Newdiocese, SU 8 & 10:30 am

St. Joseph Mission HC-04, Box 126, St. Maries, ID 83877 Fr. Leo Boyle, (208) 245 4671 NSSPX, 2nd/4th SU 4 pm

Utah (84000-84799)

Our Lady of Fatima Mission Crystal Inn, 2254 City Center Ct., W. Valley City, UT 84119 (801) 596-0707, 779-1777 NSSPX, 2nd/4th/5th SU 5:15 pm

Arizona (85000-86599)

Mater Misericordiae Mission 1537 West Monroe St., Phoenix, Arizona 85007 Presb. Joseph Terra, FSSP, 602/253-6090, [email protected]


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Newdiocese, SU 7, 9, 11 (Cantata) am, M-SA varies

Our Lady of Sorrows Church 750 E. Baseline Rd., Phoenix, AZ 85040 Frs. M. Stafki, Robinson, Crane, Hufford, Scott, (602) 268-7673, fax 276-9609 NSSPX, SU 7 & 10 am, M 11:15 am, TU-F 7:15 am, 1st F 6:30 am, SA 8 am

Mass Site LSCA, 3117 N. 16th St., Suite 100, Phoenix, AZ 85016 No celebrant announced, (602) 469-4469 Independent (Traditional Resistance), SU 10:30 am

Our Lady of Quito Church 9009 S. 18th St., Phoenix, AZ 85040 Fr. Terence Finnegan, (602) 268-7311 Independent, SU 8:30 am & 7 pm, M-SA varies

Queen of the Holy Rosary Church 2533 W. Myrtle, Phoenix, AZ 85051, Fr. Ephrem Cordova, (602) 244-8765, fax 267-0813, [email protected] CMRI, SU 9 am, TU-SA 11:15 am

All Saints Church 1534 N. Necker Rd., Mesa, AZ 85205 Presb. Kenneth Fryar, FSSP, (480) 985-7655, fax 396-0837 Newdiocese, 1st SU 6:30 am

St. Anthony Chapel Embassy Suites, 4400 S. Rural Rd., Tempe, AZ 85282 No celebrant announced, (602) 469-4469 Independent (Traditional Resistance), SU 4:30 pm

Our Lady of the Sun Church 12546 W. Peoria Ave., El Mirage, AZ 85335, Bp. Sanborn & Fr. Federico Palma, (623) 974-4133 Independent, SU & SA 9 am, M-F 8 am


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Infant of Prague Mission 2099 E. River Rd., Tucson, AZ 85704 Fr. Ephrem Cordova, (520) 571-9173, [email protected] CMRI, SU 5 pm

St. Gianna Oratory of Holy Family Church 338 W. University Blvd., Tucson, AZ 85705, Presb. William Avis, ICR, (520) 883-4360, fax 578-6076 Newdiocese, SU 8:30 & 10 am, M/TU/W/F/SA 8 am, TH 7 pm

St. Philomena Mission 2099 E. River Rd., Tucson, AZ 85718 No celebrant announced, (928) 536-2915 CMRI, SU 5 pm

Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Chapel 16 W. Cherry Ave., Flagstaff, AZ 86001 Presb. Kenneth Fryar Newdiocese, 2nd SU 8 am

Mission Santa Maria 12028 E. Turquoise Cir, Dewey, AZ 86327 Fr. Mark Stafki et al., (928) 899-1241 NSSPX, SU 3 pm

St. Cecilia Mission 850 Main St., Clarkdale, AZ 86324 Presb. Kenneth Fryar, FSSP, (928) 639-0511 Newdiocese, SU 9 am, M-SA 8 am

St. Margaret Mary Church 1691 N. Oatman Rd., Bullhead City, AZ 86442 Presb. Peter Dobrowski, (928) 758-7117 Newdiocese, 2nd SU 3 pm (except June and July)


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New Mexico (87000-88499)

San Miguel Mission 401 Old Santa Fe Trail, Santa Fe NM 87501 No celebrant announced, (505) 470-9889 Newdiocese, SU 2 pm

St. Gertrude the Great Albuquerque, NM 87101 Fr. Lawrence Palma, (352) 238-3982, Independent, monthly

San Ignacio Church 1300 Walter St. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87102 Presb. Carlos Gonzales, (505) 243-4287 Newdiocese, SU 12 noon

Sts. Peter and Paul Church 5800 Ouray Rd. NW, Albuquerque, NM 87120 Fr. Ronald Bibeau, (505) 833-2051, 994-0483 NSSPX, SU 8:30 am, AM, M-SA 7:30 am, 1st F 6 pm

Our Lady of Sorrows Mission Farmington, NM 87401 Fr. Julian Gilchrist, (970) 323-5057 CMRI, 2nd SU

Our Lady of Guadalupe Monastery 142 Joseph Blaine Rd., Silver City, NM 88061 Fr. Cyprian, OSB, (505) 388-9279, [email protected] NSSPX (Benedictine), SU 7:30 & 9:30 am, M-SA 6 & 9:30 am

Mass Site 247 Stone Ranch Rd., Portales, NM 88130 No celebrant announced, (575) 309-9652, [email protected] Independent (Traditional Resistance), SU 10 am


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Nevada (88900-89899)

St. Rose Hospital Chapel Henderson, NV 89011 No celebrant announced Newdiocese, 1st SU 2 pm

St. Joseph Church 131 N. 9th St., Las Vegas, NV 89101, Fr. Courtney Krier, (702) 384-1223, 596-5041 Independent, SU 8 & 10 am, 12 noon, 7 pm, Holydays, M-SA 8 am

Our Lady of Victory Church 1575 E. Windmill Ln., Las Vegas, NV 89123 No celebrant announced, (702) 361-5605 NSSPX, SU 7:30 & 10 am

Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Church 1460 W. Antelope St., Silver Springs, NV 89429 Fr. Matthew Howard, (775) 450-3799, [email protected] Independent, 2nd/4th SU 9 am

St. Thomas Chapel Funeral Home, 833 N. Edmonds Dr, Carson City, NV 89701 (775) 887-9145 NSSPX, 1st/3rd SU 3:30 pm

Holy Spirit Mission - St. Rose Church 695 Hwy. 395 N., Washoe Valley, NV 89704 Presb. Cyril Apassa, (775) 851-1874, [email protected] Newdiocese, SU 8:30 am, Holydays & 1st F 6:30 pm, 1st SA 9 am

Mass Site Carlin Inn, Rm. 211, 1018 Fir St., Carlin, NV 89822 No celebrant announced, (775) 754-6110 Independent (Traditional Resistance), M 4 pm


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

California (90000-96699)

St. Michael the Archangel Mission St. Isidore Historic Plaza, 10961 Reagan St., Los Alamitos, CA 90720 Bp. Thomas Sebastian, SSCR, (818) 786-2540, [email protected] Independent, 2nd SU

Maria Stella Maris Mission 3600 Gaffey St., Angel's Gate Park, San Pedro, CA 90731 Fr. Brian Hawker, (310) 548-4706 NSSPX, SU 8 am

Sts. Peter & Paul Church 515 W. Opp St., Wilmington, CA 90744 No celebrant announced, (310) 834-5215 Newdiocese, 1st/2nd/4th/5th SU 6:30 am, 3rd SU 9 (High)

Our Lady of the Angels Church 1100 W. Duarte Rd., Arcadia, CA 91006 Fr. Brian Hawker, David Nichols & Chas. Ward, (626) 447-1752 NSSPX, SU 7:30 & 10 am

Holy Family Church 30188 Mulholland Hwy., Agoura Hills, CA 91301 Fr. Ray Steichen, SDB, (760) 247-0057 Independent, SU-SA 12:30 pm

Queen of Angels Church 24244 Newhall, Santa Clarita, CA 91322, Fr. Dominic Radecki, (661) 255-9849, [email protected] CMRI, SU 8, 11 am & 5 pm, M 8:30 am, TU-SA 8 am

St. Patrick Mission Northridge Womans Club, 18401 Lassen St., Northridge, CA 91325 Frs. Perez et al. , (714) 635-0510, [email protected], Independent, SU 9:30 am


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

St. Catherine of Siena 18115 Sherman Way, Reseda, CA 91335 No celebrant announced, (818) 343-2110 Newdiocese, 2nd SU 7 pm

St. Francis of Assisi Oratory Chapel 16826 Saticoy St., Van Nuys, CA 91406, Bp. Thomas Sebastian, SSCR, (818) 786-2540, [email protected] Independent, SU 10 am, TU-SA 8 am, 1st F 7 pm

Mass Site 11816 Lemay St., North Hollywood, CA 91606 No celebrant announced Independent (Traditional Resistance), no schedule announced

San Secondo d'Asti 250 N. Turner Ave., Ontario, CA 91761 Presb. Paul Schmidt, (909) 390-0011, Newdiocese, SU 10:30 am, SA 6:30 am

Sacred Heart of Jesus Mission 19850 E. Colima Rd., Walnut, CA 91789 No celebrant announced, (909) 861-6628 Independent, SU 9:45 am, Holydays 7 pm, M-SA varies

St. Therese of Lisieux Church 1100 E. Alhambra Rd., Alhambra, CA 91801 Presb. Robert Bishop, (626) 282-2744, Newdiocese, SU 1 PM (High)

Our Lady of Fatima Chapel 2104 E. Division St. at "U" St., National City, CA 91910 No celebrant announced CMRI, M-SA

Regina Coeli Confraternity Chapel 4225 Sunnyhill Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 No celebrant announced, (760) 729-4822 132

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Independent, SU 6 pm, M 7 pm

St. Mary Church 1160 S. Broadway, Escondido, CA 92025, Presb. Rich Perozich, (760) 745-1611, [email protected] Newdiocese, SU 3:30 pm

St. Margaret of Scotland Church 4300 Oceanside Blvd., Oceanside, CA 92056 Presb. Cavana Wallace, (760) 941-5560, Newdiocese, SU 6 pm

Regina Coeli Confraternity Chapel Villa Vista Mobile Estates #66, 2970 S. Santa Fe Ave, San Marcos, CA 92069 No schedule announced, (760) 729-4822 Independent, no schedule announced

Our Lady of Fatima Church / Naval Training Center Chapel Liberty Station Market Place, 2881 Roosevelt Rd., San Diego, CA 92106 Fr. Gerald McKee, (619) 244-8766, (616) 558-5381, CMRI, SU 9 am, 1st SA 9:30 am

Mass Site 4514 Max Drive, San Diego, CA 92115 No celebrant announced Independent (Traditional Resistance), SU 9 am

St. John Bosco Mission Liberty Station North Chapel, 2881 Roosevelt Rd., San Diego, CA 92106 No celebrant announced, (858) 433-0353, NSSPX, SU 4 pm

St. Anne Church 2337 Irving Ave., San Diego, CA 92113, Presb. Gismondi et al., FSSP, (619) 239-8253, [email protected] Newdiocese, SU 7:30, 9, 11:05 am, 12:30, 6 pm, M-SA varies


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Sacred Heart Church 43775 Deep Canyon Rd., Palm Desert, CA 92260, Fr. Donald Craig, (760) 346-6502, 773-4873 fax Newdiocese, SU 2:30 pm

Our Lady of the Desert Mission Ingleside Lodge, 55747 Mt. View Trail, Yucca Valley, CA 92284 No celebrant ann'd., (760) 228-1180, [email protected] Independent, most SU

Sacred Heart Church Apple Valley CA 92307 Fr. Raymond Steichen, SDB, (760) 247-0057 Independent (1962 Vatican II rite), SU 7:30 & 9 am

St. Joseph and Immaculate Heart of Mary Church 1090 W. Laurel St., Colton, CA 92324 Frs. Mark Stafki & David Gillilan, (909) 824-0323 NSSPX, SU 7:30 & 10 am

Our Lady of Lourdes Chapel 16010 Boyle Ave., Fontana, CA 92337, Fr. Gerard McKee, (909) 829-0997, [email protected] CMRI, SU 2 pm

St. Joseph Mission Needles, CA 92363 Fr. Courtney Krier, (702) 384-1223, 596-5041, [email protected] Independent, SU 4 pm

Blessed Sacrament Chapel 66011 Cambria Rd., Phelan, CA 92371 Fr. David Nichols, (760) 868-1128 NSSPX, 1st/3rd SU 3 pm

St. Thomas More Church 51 Market Pl., Irvine, CA 92626 No celebrant announced, (949) 551-8601, 134

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Newdiocese, 2nd SU 12 noon

Mass Site Back Bay Conference Center, 3415 Michelson Dr., Irvine, CA 92612 No celebrant announced Independent (Traditional Resistance), SU 10 am

St. John the Baptist Church 1015 Baker St., Costa Mesa, CA 92626, No celebrant announced, (714) 540-2214 Newdiocese, SU 12:30 pm, 1st TH 6:30 pm

St. Mary by the Sea Church 321 10th St., Huntington Beach, CA 92648 (714) 536-6913, [email protected], Newdiocese, SU 12 noon, Holydays 7 pm

Mass Site Laguna Hills Community Cen., 25555 Alicia Pkwy., Laguna Hills, CA 92653 No celebrant announced Independent (Traditional Resistance), no schedule announced

San Juan Capistrano Mission Basilica - Serra Chapel 31522 Camino Capistrano, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 No celebrant announced, (949) 234-1360, Newdiocese, SU 8 am, 1st SU 6:30 pm

Mass Site Norman P. Murray Center, 24932 Veterans Way, Mission Viejo, CA 92692 No celebrant announced Independent (Traditional Resistance), SU 9 am

John Paul II Polish Center 3999 Rose Dr., Yorba Linda, CA 92886 No celebrant announced, (714) 996-8161 Newdiocese, SU 7 am


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Our Lady Help of Christians Church 9621 Bixby Ave., Garden Grove, CA 92841, Frs. Patrick Perez et al., (714) 635-0510, [email protected] Independent, SU 7:30 & 10 am, 12:30 pm, M-SA 8 am

St. Thomas Aquinas College Chapel 10000 N. Ojai Rd., Santa Paula, CA 93060 Presb. Cornelius Buckley SJ et al., (805) 525-4417, Newdiocese, SA/SU 7:15 am, M-F 7 am (all during school year only)

Our Mother of Perpetual Help Mission 2839 Alamo St., Simi Valley, CA 93065 Fr. Matthew Howard, SSCR, (818) 786-2540, [email protected] Independent, 2nd SU 10 am

St. Michael Church 1030 Brundage Ln., Bakersfield, CA 93304 No celebrant announced, (661) 867-2488 NSSPX, SU 12:30 pm

St. Paul the Apostle Church 800 Bello St., Pismo Beach, CA 93449, Fr. Michael Bell, (805) 773-2219, [email protected] Newdiocese, SU 12:30 pm

Immaculate Heart of Mary Church 1746 Locust St., Rosamond, CA 93560 Fr. Dominic Radecki, (661) 256-2163, 269-4943, [email protected] CMRI, SU 5pm

Queen of all Saints Mission Chapel 3585 W. Beechwood Ave Suite 103, Fresno, CA 93711 Fr. Federico Palma, (352) 238-3983, [email protected] Independent, SU & Holydays 5 pm

St. Anthony Church - Guadalupe Chapel 5770 N. Maroa Ave., Fresno, CA 93704 Presb. John Coehelo-Harguindeguy, (559) 439-0124, 136

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Newdiocese, SU 3:30 pm

Mass Site 3904 Merritt Dr., Traver, CA 93673 Frs. Raymond Ruscitto & Prasad, (559) 897-5550 Independent, SU 9 am (sometimes Cantata)

St. John's Oratory (Fishermen's & Seamen's Memorial Chapel) Pier 45-B (Jefferson & Taylor), San Francisco, CA 94133, (510) 582-2118 Fr. M. Morrison, [email protected], Independent, SU Terce & Mass 9:30 am, Holydays 6:30 pm

Blessed Sacrament Chapel 1150 Mellus St., Martinez, CA 94553 Fr. Thomas Zapp, (925) 228-9852, Independent, SU 8 & 10

Carmelite House of Prayer 20 Mount Carmel Dr., Oakville, CA 94558 No celebrant announced, (707) 944-2454 Newdiocese, M-F 9 am

Carmelite House of Prayer 20 Mount Carmel Drive, Oakville, CA 94562 No celebrant announced, Newdiocese, M-F 9 am, SA 12 noon

Holy Family Mission 1241 Niebaum Ln., Rutherford, CA 94573 Presb. Mark Kristy, O.C.D., (707) 255-6412, [email protected] Newdiocese, SU 12 noon

St. Louis Bertrand Mission 651 Sonoma Blvd., Vallejo, CA 94590 No celebrant announced Newdiocese, SU & Holydays 8 am


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Sacred Heart Church 680 College St., Hollister, CA 95023, Presb. Nicholas Millich, [email protected], Newdiocese, SU 10:30 am (High)

St. Aloysius Gonzaga Retreat Center Chapel 19101 Bear Creek Rd., Santa Cruz, CA 95033 Fr. Jacques Emily & David Nichols, (408) 354-7703, fax 354-7369 NSSPX, SU 10 am, M-SA 7:15 am

St. Patrick Church 19399 E. Hwy. 120, Ripon, CA 95366 No celebrant announced, (209) 836-2133, Newdiocese, SU 6:30 am

St. Mary of the Angels church 900 S. Oak St., Ukiah, CA 95482 No celebrant announced, (707) 462-1431, Newdiocese, SU 2:30 pm

St. Michael Church 4524 Garfield Ave., Carmichael, CA 95608 No celebrant announced, (916) 486-4961, 487-7273 NSSPX, SU 8 & 10 am

St. Stephen the First Martyr Church 5461 44th St., Sacramento, CA 95820 Presb. R. Novokowsky et al., FSSP, (916) 455-5114. Newdiocese, SU 8:30 & 10:30 am (High), 1 pm, M-SA varies

St. Joseph Church 1791 Marshal Rd., Vacaville, CA 95687 No celebrant announced, (707) 447-2354, Newdiocese, SU 2 pm

St. Therese Church 369 E. 8th Ave., Chico, CA 95926


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(530) 899-7700 NSSPX, 1st & 3rd SU 10 am

Our Mother of Sorrows Chapel 2201 Gold St., Redding, CA 96001 Fr. James Dolan, (530) 241-2163 Independent, SU 9 am

Hawaii (96700-96899)

St. Peter Chanel Mission Borthwick Hawaii Funeral Home, 570 Kinoole St., Hilo, HI 96720 No celebrant announced, (808) 959-6475 NSSPX, 1st/3rd/4th/5th SU 8 am, 2nd SU 3 pm

Maria Lanakila Church 712 Wainee St., Lahaina, HI 96761 No celebrant announced, (808) 661-0552 Newdiocese, 1st/2nd SU 3 pm

Holy Rosary Church 954 Baldwin Ave., Paia, HI 96779 No celebrant announced, (808) 579-9551 Newdiocese, 3rd/4th/5th SU 10 am

Blessed Sacrament Church 2124 Pauoa Rd., Honolulu, HI 96801 Presb. Francis Nguyen, (808) 531-6980, [email protected]

Newdiocese, SU 10 am, 1st SA 11 am

Our Lady of Lourdes Mission 1527 Keeaumoku St., Honolulu, HI 96822 No celebrant announced, (808) 597-8424 NSSPX, 2nd SU 8 am


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Oregon (97000-97999)

St Mary, Star of the Sea Church 1465 Grand Ave., Astoria, OR 97103 No celebrant announced, (503) 325-3671 Newdiocese, SU 1 pm

Our Lady of Fatima Church 4530 S.W. Garden Home Rd., Portland, OR 97219 Fr. Stephen De Lallo, (503) 246-6212, 538-7919 NSSPX, SU 8 & 11 am

St. Birgitta Church 11820 N.W. St. Helens Rd., Portland, OR 97231 Presb. Joseph Browne, CSC, (503) 286-3929, [email protected] Newdiocese, SU 8 am (cantata last SU), 1st F 7:30, 1st SA 8 am

Infant Jesus of Prague Mission Elmira Grange, 88764 Sprague St., Veneta, OR 97437 No celebrant announced, (541) 731-6632, [email protected] Independent (Traditional Resistance), SU 9 am

St. Thomas Becket Chapel 25269 E. Bolton Rd., Veneta, OR 97487 Frs. Daniel Cooper, C. Hunter, C. Brandler & T. Burfitt, (541) 935-8608 NSSPX, SU 9 am, M-F 7:15 am, SA 8 am

Saint Therese Chapel 12371 Keno Worden Rd., Keno, OR 97627 Fr. Christopher Hunter, (541) 884-3158 NSSPX, 1st SU 10 am

St. Francis of Assisi Church 494 NW Lava Rd., Bend, OR 97701 No celebrant announced,, [email protected] Newdiocese, 3rd SU 2 pm (High)


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Chapel 1051 S.W. Helmholtz Way, Redmond, OR 97756 Fr. Casimir Puskorius, (541) 548-6416, [email protected] CMRI, 2nd SU

Washington (98000-99499)

Corpus Christi Church 204 6th Ave. N, Edmonds, WA 98020 No celebrant announced, (425) 771-9208 NSSPX, SU 7:30 & 9:30 am, Holydays 7 pm, 1st F/1st SA/SA

St. Joseph Chapel Josephinum Hotel, 1902 2nd St., Seattle, WA 98101 Fr. Gerard Saguto, FSSP, (206) 448-8500 Newdiocese, SU-SA 7 am

Holy Family Church 9622 20th Avenue S.W., Seattle, WA 98106 No celebrant announced, (206) 767-6220, faxx 767-0374 Newdiocese, TU 7:30 pm

Holy Redeemer Chapel 11824 10th Ave. S.W., Burien, WA 98146 Fr. Carlos Ercoli, (206) 299-1522 Independent, SU 8 & 10:30 am

Mass Site Hampton Inn & Suites, 18850 28th Ave. S., SeaTac, WA 98188 No celebrant announced, Independent (Traditional Resistance), SU 9:30 am

St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church 110 S. 5th St., Mount Vernon, WA 98273 Fr. Carlos Ercoli, (206) 299-1522 Independent, SU 5:30 pm


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

Our Lady of the Precious Blood Chapel 8050 161st St. NW, Gig Harbor, WA 98329 No celebrant announced, (253) 851-2187, [email protected] Independent (Traditional Resistance), SU 12 noon

St. Philomena Mission Sequim, WA 98382 Fr. Michael Anaya, (253) 535-9477, [email protected] CMRI, 2nd SU 5 PM

St. Mary Church 757 138th St. S., Tacoma, WA 98444, Fr. Michael Anaya, (253) 535-9477, [email protected] CMRI, SU 8 & 10:30 am, TU-SA varies

Mass Site 5010 E. Rasor Rd., Bellfair, WA 98528 No celebrant announced Independent (Traditional Resistance), no schedule announced

Sts. Peter & Paul Church 3422 Portland Ave., Tacoma, WA 98404 Presb. Ken Baker, SJ, (253) 507-5861, fax 507-5863 Newdiocese, SU 5 pm, 1st F 12 noon

St. Louis Marie de Montfort Mission Kennewick, WA 99336 No celebrant announced, (509) 734-3040 CMRI, 2nd SU 5 PM

St. Rose of Lima Church Ephrata, WA 98823 No celebrant announced Newdiocese, SU 2:30 pm

Immaculate Conception Church


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Mabton, WA 98935 No celebrant announced Newdiocese, 4th SU 4 pm

Mass Site Quality Inn, 2327 N. Madison Rd., Liberty Lake, WA 99016 No celebrant announced Independent (Traditional Resistance), SU 3:30 pm

Mass Site 700 W. 7th Ave., #801, Spokane, WA 99204 Fr. Ted Bradley Independent, no schedule announced

Our Lady of Guadalupe Church 3914 N. Lidgerwood St., Spokane, WA 99207, Fr. Kevin Vaillancourt, (509) 489-6602, [email protected] Independent, SU 9 am, M-SA varies

Carmel of the Holy Trinity 4027 S. Wilbur Rd., Spokane, WA 99206 Fr. Morgan, (208) 773-2231, 777-9750 Independent, SU-SA 8 am

St. Michael Church 8500 N. St. Michael's Rd., Spokane, WA 99217, Frs. Casimir Puskorius et al., (509) 467-0986, [email protected] CMRI, SU 8 & 10:30 am, 5 pm

St. Joseph Church 520 S. Garfield, Kennewick, WA 99336 Presb. Richard Sedlacek, (509) 586-3820 Newdiocese, 1st/3rd SU 4 pm

Alaska (99500-99999)


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

Holy Family Cathedral 5th Ave. & H St., Anchorage, AK 95501 No celebrant announced, (907) 276-3455, Diocese (Dominican), 1st SA 12 noon

St. Therese, Patroness of Alaska Chapel 7653 Cranberry St., Anchorage, AK 99506 Fr. Christopher Hunter, (907) 349-2042 NSSPX, 4th SU 8:30 & 10 am, Holydays

Sacred Heart Cathedral St. Therese of Lisieux Chapel 2501 Airport Way, Fairbanks, AK 99709 Presb. Norman Pepin, SJ, (907) 474-9032, Newdiocese, SU 10 am


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

MASS SITES IN CANADA By Province, in Alphabetical Order of City


Mass Site Columbus Manor Auditorium, 40-11A St NE, Calgary, Alberta No celebrant announced, (403) 735-3336 Independent (Traditional Resistance), SU 11 am

St. Denis Church 4718 Worcester Dr. S.W., Calgary, AB, Frs. Leo Boyle, Stephen DeLallo & Emanuel Herkel, (403) 233-0331 NSSPX, SU 7:15 & 10 am, M-SA 7 am

St Edmund Church 13120 116 Street NW, Edmonton, AB Presb. Philip Creurer, FSSP, (587) 454-1622 Newdiocese, SU 3 pm, TU-TH 7:30 am, F 7:30 pm, SA 8 am

St. Theresa Mission Lethbridge, AB No celebrant announced, (403) 328-0627 SSPV, 5th SU & last W

St. Patrick Church Medicine Hat, AB No celebrant announced, (403) 526-2265 Newdiocese, SU 1st3rd SU 6:30 pm

Chapel Peace River, AB No celebrant announced, (780) 332-1381 NSSPX, SU monthly

St. Anne Mission Redcliff, AB 145

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No celebrant announced, (403) 548-3468 NSSPX, SU 4 pm monthly

Our Lady of Sorrows Church 5036 51st St., Rocky Mountain House, AB No celebrant announced, (403) 845-6347 NSSPX, SU 9:30 am

Mass Site North Ridge Lodge, 21 Mont Clare Pl., St. Albert, AB No celebrant announced, (403) 452-2570 NSSPX, 1st/3rd/4th SA 6 pm & SU 10 am

St. Vincent Church St Vincent, AB Fr. David Bernard, (780) 290-2285 Newdiocese, SU 10:30 am

St. Francis Xavier Mission Sundre, AB No celebrant announced, (403) 233-0031 NSSPX, SU 4 pm monthly

British Columbia

St. Ann Church 33333 Mayfair Ave., Abbotsford, BC Presb. Erik Deprey & Daniel Geddes, FSSP, (604) 255-5026, fax 255-5027 Newdiocese, SU 4:30 pm

St. Joseph Defender of the Church Chapel Coghlan Community Hall #6795, 256 St., Aldergrove, BC Fr. P. Girouard, [email protected] Independent (Traditional Resistance), SU 10 am, M-SA 7:15 am

Mass Site


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

Kelowna, BC No celebrant announced NSSPX, no schedule announced

Holy Name Chapel 157 Cahilty Crescent, Kamloops (Rayleigh), BC No celebrant announced, (250) 578-8675 NSSPX, every other SU 2 pm

Christ the King Church 22630 48th Ave., Langley, BC No celebrant announced, (604) 533-3358, 882-0011 NSSPX, SU 9 am

Our Lady of Good Counsel Church 4334 Jungle Pot Rd., Nanaimo, BC No celebrant announced, (250) 758-3430 NSSPX, SU 11 am

Chapel 724 Victoria St., Nelson, BC No celebrant announced, (250) 352-2607 NSSPX, TU 7:30 pm April-October

St. Joseph Chapel Oliver, BC No celebrant announced, (250) 495-7519 NSSPX, every other SU 2 pm

Chapel Port Hardy, BC No celebrant announced, (250) 949-7968 NSSPX, SU occasionally

Holy Family Church 4851 Beatrice Street, Vancouver, BC, Presb. Erik Deprey & Daniel Geddes, FSSP, (604) 255-5026, fax 255-5027


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Newdiocese, SU 9 (Cantata), 11 am & 4:30 pm, M-SA varies

Our Lady Queen of Peace Church 3016 37th St., Vernon, BC Frs. D. Boulet & Emanuel Herkel, (250) 545-3516, 542-5170 NSSPX, SU 9 am, weekdays vary

St. Ann Academy Chapel 835 Humboldt St., Victoria, BC No celebrant announced, (888) 806 8844, (250) 390 0807 NSSPX, last SU 4 pm

Our Lady Queen of Peace Church Victoria, BC No celebrant announced Newdiocese, SU 12 noon

Chapel Williams Lake, BC No celebrant announced, (250) 398-5539 NSSPX, no schedule announced


Mass Site 4022E Road 96, N. Winnipeg, MB No celebrant announced Independent (Traditional Resistance), SU 6 pm

Our Lady of the Rosary Church 480 McKenzie St., Winnipeg, MB Frs. Gerard Rusak and Raymond Lillis, (204) 589-4524 NSSPX, SU 9:30 am

Mass Site Teulon, MB


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

No celebrant announced, (204) 861-2266, 338-5147, [email protected] Independent (Traditional Resistance), no schedule announced

New Brunswick

Notre-Dame-de-Joie Mission 1974 Route 34, Lakeville, NB, Fr. Pierre Roy, (506) 855-3387, [email protected] Independent (Traditional Resistance), SU (3/mo.), M-SA

Mission Reine des Anges Villegiature Deux-Rivieres, 100 Rue Deux-Rivieres, Tracadie-Sheila, NB Fr. Pierre Roy, (506) 395-9469, [email protected] Independent (Traditional Resistance), SU monthly

Newfoundland and Labrador

Holy Rosary Church Portugal Cove, NL No celebrant announced, (709) 895-6722 Newdiocese, SA 10 am

St. Athanasius Mission Ramada Hotel, 102 Kenmount Rd, St. Johns, NL, Fr. Daniel Ahern, (709) 800-7414, (989) 692-0029, [email protected] Independent, SU bimonthly

Mass Site Caul's Funeral Home, 84 Lemarchant Rd., St. John's, NL Fr. Pierre Roy, (709) 738-4020, [email protected] Independent (Traditional Resistance), SU bimonthly

Nova Scotia


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

Our Loving Mother Mary, the Mystical Rose, Chapel Amherst, NS Fr. Daniel Ahern, (902) 667-9390, [email protected] Independent, SU bimonthly

St. Paschal Baylon Mission 3 Brentwood Estates, Amherst, NS, Fr. Pierre Roy, (902) 661-1179, [email protected] Independent, no schedule announced

Queen of Martyrs Mission 26 Alex Terrace, Antigonish, NS, Fr. Pierre Roy, (902) 968-0399, [email protected] Independent, SU every 4 mos.

Our Lady of the Assumption Mission Atlantic Funeral Home, 771 Main St., Dartmouth, NS Fr. Pierre Roy, (506) 227-1571, [email protected] Independent (Traditional Resistance), SU monthly

St. Monica Mission Halifax, NS Fr. Daniel Ahern, (902) 455-6459, (989) 692-0029, [email protected] Independent, SU bimonthly

Mass Site North Sydney, NS, Fr. Pierre Roy, (506) 227-1571, [email protected] Independent (Traditional Resistance), SU every 4 mos.


Mass Site Best Western Plus, 161 Chisholm Dr., Milton, ON Fr. David Hewko, (905) 875-3818 Independent (Traditional Resistance), SU 10 am


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

St. Therese of the Child Jesus Chapel 324 McIntyre Dr., Dryden, ON No celebrant announced, (807) 937-6631 NSSPX, every 3rd SU 6 pm

Holy Family Foundation 5146 Perth Line 44, RR2, Gadshill, Ontario Fr. James Kosek, (519) 393-6855, (630) 347-6327, [email protected] Independent, 1st/3rd SU 9:30 am

Mass Site Best Western Plus, 161 Chisholm Drive, Milton, ON No celebrant announced, (416) 992-7174 Independent (Traditional Resistance), SU 9 am

St. Mary Pro-Cathedral 146 Park St. N., Hamilton, ON Pres. Joseph Sach, (905) 527-4216 Newdiocese, 1st/3rd SU 2:30 pm

Chapel Kenora, ON No celebrant announced, (807) 547-2015, 547-2746 NSSPX, no schedule announced

St. Anne Church 268 East Ave., Kitchener, ON No celebrant announced, (519) 745-5302, fax 745-3324 Newdiocese, 1st SU 2:30 pm, 2nd-5th SU 1 pm

Our Lady of Victory Church 1715 Dundas St. E., London, ON N5W 3E1, Fr. Bernard Uttley, (519) 659-9477, fr. [email protected] CMRI, SU 9 am

Our Lady of Good Success Chapel Italian Canadian Club of Milton, 104 Tremaine Rd., Milton, ON 151

Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

Fr. David Hewko, Independent (Traditional Resistance), SU 8 am

Canadian Martyrs Church 364 Regent St., Orillia, ON No celebrant announced, (416) 251-0499, (705) 721-0581 NSSPX, SU 5 pm

Mass Site Ottawa, ON, Fr. Pierre Roy, (506) 227-1571, [email protected] Independent (Traditional Resistance), quarterly

St. Anne Church 528 Old St. Patrick St., Ottawa, ON Presb. Erik Deprey & Jacques Breton, FSSP, (613) 565-9656, fax 565-9514 Newdiocese, SU 8:30 & 10:30 am, 6:30 p.m., M-TH 7 am, F 7 am & 7:30 pm

Holy Ghost Portuguese Community Centre 115 Echo Dr., Ottawa, ON No celebrant announced NSSPX, SU 5 pm

St. Catherine's Mission 20 Walters Ct., St. Catharines, ON, Fr. Pierre Roy, (905) 688-6298, [email protected] Independent (Traditional Resistance), SU bimonthly

Holy Face of Jesus Church 181 Lake St., St. Catharines, ON No celebrant announced, (905) 704-0038 NSSPX, SU 10 am

Queen of Angels Oratory 75 Rolls Ave., St. Catharines, ON Presb. Father Hearty, FSSP, (905) 680-0447, fax (905) 937-4826 Newdiocese, SU 8:30 & 10:30 am, M-TH 7 am, F 7 am & 7:30 pm, SA 8 am


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

St. James Chapel of St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception Cathedral 279 Johnson St., Kingston, ON K7L 1Y5 No celebrant announced, (613) 546-5521, fax 546-1947, [email protected] Newdiocese, 1st SU 3 pm

St. Therese Church 2559 Kingston Rd., Scarborough, ON Presb. Liam Gavigan, (416) 261-7498 Newdiocese, SU 1 pm

St. Patrick Church 91 Church St. E., Schomberg, ON Presb. Liam Gavigan, (416) 261-7498 Newdiocese, SU 9 am

St. Philomena Mission Holiday Inn, 50 Brady St., Sudbury, ON No celebrant announced, (800) 461-1144, (705) 524-2243 NSSPX, 4th SU 6 pm

Transfiguration Church 11 Aldgate Ave., Toronto, ON Fr. Arnaud Rostand, (416) 503-8854 NSSPX, SU 8 & 10:30 am, M-SA varies

St. Vincent de Paul Church 263 Roncesvalles Ave., Toronto, ON Presb. Jonathan Robinson, COrat., et al., (416) 535-7646, 532-2879 Newdiocese, SU 9:30 am

Mass Site Wilmot, ON No celebrant announced, (416) 251-0499 NSSPX, 2nd SU

Mass Site


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

Filipino Community Centre, 935 Northwood St., Windsor ON No celebrant announced, (226) 347-7231, (519) 257-0354 Independent (Traditional Resistance), SU 9:30 am

Assumption Church 350 Huron Church Rd., Windsor, ON, No celebrant announced, (248) 250-2740, [email protected] Newdiocese, SU 2 pm

Sacred Heart of Jesus Church 520 Ontario St., Wyoming, ON No celebrant announced, (416) 251-0499 NSSPX, 1st/3rd SU 5 pm

Prince Edward Island

Star of the Sea Mission Hotel Econolodge, 20 Lower Malpeque Rd., Charlottetown, PE Fr. Pierre Roy, (506) 227-1571, [email protected] Independent (Traditional Resistance), SU monthly

St. Pascal Baylon Mission Summerside, PE Fr. Daniel Ahern, (902) 436-3790, [email protected] Independent, SU bimonthly


Chapelle Marie-Reine 393 Rue Louise, St. Francois de Beauce, Beauce, QC No celebrant announced, (418) 837-3028 NSSPX, SU 5 pm

Mass Site Salle Communautaire 48 Chemin du Domaine, Beaumont, QC


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

No celebrant announced, (418) 808-5235, [email protected] Independent (Traditional Resistance), SU 7 pm

St. Bernard Church 1830 DesFlamants, Becancourt (Gentilly), QC Fr. Bernard Diamond Independent, SU 10 am, M-SA varies

Mass Site 555 Boulevard Gouin Ouest, Montreal, QC Fr. Pierre Roy, (506) 227-1571, [email protected] Independent (Traditional Resistance), SU monthly

Mission Ste. Irénée de Lyon 3044 Delisle, Montreal, QC, Presb. Garrick Huang, FSSP, (514) 389-1956, [email protected] Newdiocese, 8:45 am (High), SA 9 am, 1st F 7 pm

St. Joseph Church 166 Rue Dante, Montreal, QC No celebrant announced, (514) 270-1324 NSSPX, SU 10 am, SA 11 am

Sts. Cyril & Methodius Slovak Church 7187 Second Ave., Montreal, QC, No celebrant announced, (514) 721-1551, fax 376-7837 Newdiocese, SU 9 am

Mission Notre-Dame-des-Bois Rt. 212, Notre-Dame de Bois, QC No celebrant announced, (819) 888-2292 Newdiocese, SU 9 am

Mass Site 3282 Rang Nord Est, Saint-Charles-de-Bellechasse, QC Fr. Pierre Roy, (418) 887-5058, [email protected] Independent (Traditional Resistance), SU monthly


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Priory Saint Pie X 905 Rang Saint Matthieu, Shawinigan-Sud, QC Fr Roger Gueguen, (819) 537-9696, fax 537-6562 NSSPX, SU 10 am & 5 pm

Église de Notre-Dame-de Lourdes Church 1024 Rue McManamy, Sherbrooke, QC No celebrant announced, (819) 821-0115, 569-7550 NSSPX, SU 10 am

Église de Saint-Zephirin-de-Stadacona 1450 Avenue Francois-1er, Quebec, QC No celebrant announced, FSSP, (819) 888-2292 Newdiocese, SU 9 am

Residence du Precieux Sang 69 Rue Saint Louis, Quebec-Levis, QC No celebrant announced, (418) 837-3715, fax 835-5954 NSSPX, SU-SA 11 am

Ecole de Sainte Famille 10425 Boulevard de la Rive-Sud, Quebec-Levis, QC No celebrant announced, (418) 837-3028, fax 837-7070 NSSPX, SU 10 am, M-SA 7:45 am (7:15 am during school)

Mass Site Saguenay, QC, Fr. Pierre Roy, (506) 227-1571, [email protected] Independent (Traditional Resistance), SU quarterly

Mass Site Sherbrooke, QC, Fr. Pierre Roy, (506) 227-1571, [email protected] Independent (Traditional Resistance), SU quarterly


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -


Chapel St. Michael Hall, 134 13th Ave., Regina, SK No celebrant announced, (306) 522-9472 NSSPX, every 3rd week

Our Lady of Fatima Chapel S.W. Main St., Village of Welwyn (Regina), SK No celebrant announced, (306) 733-2134, 645-4568 NSSPX, 2nd SU

Chapel Saskatoon, SK No celebrant announced, (306) 373-5770 NSSPX, SU monthly

Our Lady of Czestochowa Church 301 Avenue Y So., Saskatoon, SK Presb. Bronislaw Kartanowicz, (306) 382-2878, 374-4428 Newdiocese, SU 9 am, F 5:15 pm


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

MASS SITES IN MEXICO By State, in Alphabetical Order of City



Baja California Norte

Iglesia de la Santa Cruz Ensenada No celebrant announced, (61) 76-11-40, 76-54-08 CMRI, no schedule announced

Iglesia Nuestra Señora del Rosario Tijuana Fr. Ángel Iñiguez González, (664) 969-6472 CMRI, no schedule announced

Mass Site Tijuana No celebrant announced, (664) 900-4690 Independent, no schedule announced

Mision Santo Domingo Calle Francisco Villa # 2634, Colonia Chilpancingo, Tijuana, BC Fr. Manuel Martinez, (664) 626-1388 Independent, SU 9 am

Baja California Sur

Iglesia de Cristo Rey La Paz No celebrant announced, (612) 125-5066 158

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Independent, no schedule announced




Misión de la NSSPX Callejón San Juan Sabinito 169, 29090 Tuxtla Gutiérrez Frs. Lawrence Novak, Gerard Falarcunna & Ernesto Cardozo, (961) 124-09-66 NSSPX, no schedule announced


Santuario Guadalupano Peral 553-Bis, 31250 Cd. Juarez Fr. Luis Márquez Salcido, (16) 15-25-39 CMRI, no schedule announced

Capilla San José Sicómoro 1507, 31100 Chihuahua No celebrant announced, (614) 421-61-11 NSSPX, 2nd/4th SU, 7 pm

Iglesia San Miguel Arcángel Zootecnia 12001, 31453 Chihuahua No celebrant announced, (614) 434-1657 CMRI, no schedule announced

Capilla Cristo Rey y Sacerdote Saturno 1535, Fracc. Satélite, 32543 Cuidad Juárez Fr. P. Tague, (915) 544-73-85 NSSPX, no schedule announced


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Misión Christo Rey Samaniego 1403 Fr. René Trincado, [email protected], [email protected] Independent (Traditional Resistance), SU 9:30 am, M-SA 6:30 pm

Coahuila de Zaragoza

Capilla del Sagrado Corazón Bravo Norte 564, Zona Centro, 25000 Saltillo Frs. Lawrence Novak, Gerard Falarcunna & Ernesto Cardozo, (844) 414-96-86 NSSPX, SU 10 am

Misión del Sagrado Corazón Santiago Rodríguez, 1106 Saltillo Fr. René Trincado, [email protected], [email protected] Independent (Traditional Resistance), no schedule announced


Capilla Sagrado Corazón de Jesús Antonio Montes Sur 65, 28130 Tecomán Frs. Salvador Velásquez Fuentes & Adán Rodríguez Independent, no schedule announced

Capilla San Felipe de Jesús Plutarco Elias Calles 283, 2800 Villa de Alvarez Frs. Jorge Amozurrutia Silva & Fidel Puga Cuevas, (312) 313-30-38 NSSPX, 2nd/4th SU 5:30 pm

Distrito Federal

Capilla Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe Miguel Schultz, 91, 06470 México D.F.


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Frs. M. Trejo Cortés, D. Lethu, E. Blandón & G. Magaña, (55) 5547-4324 NSSPX, SU 11 am & 7 pm

Convento de las Minimas Franciscanas del Perpetuo Socorro de María Xochiquetzal 249, 07010 México D.F. No celebrant announced, (55) 5577-2901 NSSPX, SU 8 am

Iglesia de San Pío V Izcoatl Mz. 21 Lt. 16, 07010 México D.F. Fr. Alfonso Verduzco, (55) 5781-9391 Independent, no schedule announced

Iglesia de San Juanita de los Lagos Camino a las Águilas, 07140 Gustavo A. Madero, México D.F. Fr. Francisco Ruiz Abarca Independent, no schedule announced

Mass Site Santa Mónica #24, Col. Del Valle, Centro, 03100 Mexico D.F. Fr. Hugo Ruiz Vallejo, (55) 2145-1914, [email protected] Independent (Traditional Resistance), no schedule announced


Iglesia Nuestra Señora del Carmen Ciudad Lerdo No celebrant announced, (618) 732-02-48 CMRI, no schedule announced

Priorato San Benito Río Grijalva 834, Fracc. El Bosque, 35048 Gómez Palacio Frs. Lawrence Novak, Gerard Falarcunna & Ernesto Cardozo, (871) 723-21-44 NSSPX, SU 9 am


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Estado de México

Capilla San Pedro y San Pablo Ampl. Avila Camacho #3, 56620 San Pablo Atlazalpan, Chalco Fr. Cosme Lozano Tonche, (55) 59-88-71-44 Independent, no schedule announced

Oratorio de la Santísima Trinidad Allende 10 esq. Victoria, 56620, San Pablo Atlazalpan, Chalco Bp. José Antonio Rodríguez López, (55) 59-88-52-83, 044-55-19-08-14-23 Independent, no schedule announced

Capilla de El Calvario (San Marcos) Miguel Hidalgo #2, 56990 Ecatzingo Bp. José Rodríguez López, Frs. Sixto Machaca Fernández & Juan Henault Independent, no schedule announced

Capilla de Nuestra Señora del Santo Rosario Av. Plaza de las Tres Cultura #100, 57139 Nezahualcoyotl Fr. Juan Henault, (55) 26-17-11-20 Independent, no schedule announced


Capilla Nuestra Señora del Rosario Perla esq. Fray Juan de Zumárraga, Fracc. Guadalupe, 37380 León Frs. Jorge Amozurrutia Silva & Fidel Puga Cuevas, (477) 776-20-24 NSSPX, no schedule announced


Templo de la Divina Providencia José Valdés Arévalo 29, 39300 Acapulco Frs. Carlos Muñoz Caselin & Vásquez Torres, (744) 482-13-62, 483-46-32 CMRI, no schedule announced 162

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Iglesia Poniente 8 #1507, Barrio La Villa, 41100 Chilapa de Álvarez No celebrant announced, (956) 475-06-63 NSSPX, no schedule announced

Convento de Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe Julián Bravo, Dos Caminos, Chilpanciango de los Bravo No celebrant announced, (745) 477-30-74 CMRI, no schedule announced

Iglesia de Santiago Apóstol Julián Bravo, Dos Caminos, Chilpanciango de los Bravo Fr. Martín Gómez Bravo, (744) 482-1362, 483-46-32 CMRI, no schedule announced

Iglesia Inmaculado Corazón de Maria 40194 Huitziltepec Fr. Román Parra, (74) 70-55-37 CMRI, no schedule announced




Capilla Inmaculada Concepción Av. Guadalupe 187, 44500 Guadalajara Frs. José Becerra Rodríguez & Manuel Odríz Ramírez, (33) 36-47-27-09 Independent, no schedule announced

Capilla María Auxiliadora Arista 1069, Zona Centro, 44260 Guadalajara Frs. Manuel Hernández & Dario Perez, (33) 36-13-27-21


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

Independent, SU, M-SA 7 pm

Capilla San Atanasio Arista 1974, 44600 Guadalajara Frs. Jorge Amozurrutia Silva & Fidel Puga Cuevas, (33) 38-25-33-54 NSSPX, no schedule announced

Convento San Jose (Nuns of Obra Mariana Carmelitana) Francia #1266, Col. Moderna, 44190 Guadalajara, No celebrant announced, (33) 36-19-68-26 CMRI, SU 8 & 9:30 am, 7 pm, M-SA 7 am & 7 pm

Convento Santa Teresa (Fathers and Friars of Obra Mariana Carmelitana) Francia #1262, Col. Moderna, 44190 Guadalajara Frs. Juan de Jesus, Bernardo & Angel, (33) 12-04-86-57 CMRI, no schedule announced

Capellanía de san Pedro Apóstol Tapalpa 56, 44110 Guadalajara Frs. Kenneth Fryar & Jonathan Romanoski, FSSP, (33) 36-47-82-41 Newdiocese, no schedule announced

Iglesia Francisco Villa 36, 47190 San Ignacio Cerro Gordo Frs. Jorge Amozurrutia Silva & Fidel Puga Cuevas, (348) 716-04-01 NSSPX, no schedule announced

Capilla Santa María Magdalena Tlajomulco de Zúñiga No celebrant announced Independent, no schedule announced

Seminario en un pueblo llamado San Lucas Evangelista Tlajomulco de Zuñiga No celebrant announced Independent, no schedule announced


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Iglesia San José Chiapas s/n esq. Agua Blanca, 45408 Tonalá No celebrant announced Independent, no schedule announced

Capilla de Cristo Rey Ejido de San Nicolás de los Belenes, poblado Río Blanco, 45134 Zapopan Bp. Luis Madrigal Madrigal Independent, no schedule announced

Misión de la Sociedad de Jesús y de María Gómez de Mendiola, 269 Col. Oblatos, 44700 Guadalajara Frs. Salvador Velásquez Fuentes & Adán Rodríguez, (33) 36-19-09-17 Independent, no schedule announced

Capilla San Rafael Arcángel Bravo 287, 49600 Zapotiltic Frs. Jorge Amozurrutia Silva & Fidel Puga Cuevas, (341) 414-04-27 NSSPX, no schedule announced


Misión Santa María Reina Ciudad Juarez Fr. René Trincado, [email protected], [email protected] Independent (Traditional Resistance), no schedule announced

Capilla Cristo Rey y Sacerdote 1535 Fracc. Satélite, Saturno No celebrant announced, (915) 544-7385 NSSPX, no schedule announced

Michoacán de Ocampo



Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -


Iglesia San Mateo Apóstol Plaza Principal, 62840 Atlatlaucan Fr. José Cruz Méndez, (735) 351-40-80, 351-40-22 CMRI, no schedule announced

Iglesia del Señor de la Expiración Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz #1, 62736 Cocoyoc Fr. Jaime Siordia Portugal, (735) 356-65-65, 356-16-45 Independent, no schedule announced

Capilla de Nuestra Señora del Carmen Cuauixtla, Cuautla Fr. Pedro Toledo Rosario Independent, no schedule announced

Iglesia 16 de Septiembre #308, 62440, Cuernavaca Fr. Manuel Joya Altamirano, (777) 310-13-27 Independent, no schedule announced

Misión de la NSSPX Adelfa 58, 62460 Cuernavaca Frs. M. Trejo Cortés, D. Lethu, E. Blandón & G. Magaña, (777) 320-15-61 NSSPX, 2nd SU 6 pm

Iglesia de San Andrés Apóstol e de la Virgen de los Milagros del Sacromonte Plaza Principal, Jumiltepec Frs. Sixto Machaca Fernández, (735) 141-38-33 Independent, no schedule announced


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Nuevo León

Misión del Señor de la Misericordia León No celebrant announced, (38) 25-33-54 NSSPX, no schedule announced

Misión Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe Monterrey Fr. René Trincado, [email protected], [email protected] Independent (Traditional Resistance), no schedule announced

Capilla del Auxilio Nocturno Sacramental Ocampo 257, Zona Centro, 64000 Monterrey Frs. Lawrence Novak, Gerald Falarcunna & Ernesto Cardozo NSSPX, no schedule announced

Mass Site Monterrey No celebrant announced, (81) 83-58-41-22 Independent, no schedule announced

Mision Santa Teresita del Nino Jesus Monterrey No celebrant announced, (818) 358-4122 Independent, occasionally


Iglesia de San Lucas 167

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Domicilio conocido, 68470 San Lucas Ojitlán Frs. Marcelo Cohetero Terán & Luis Armando Argueta Rosal Independent, no schedule announced

Iglesia San Nicolás Domicilio conocido, Barrio San Nicolás, 69800 Tlaxiaco Frs. Michel Boniface & Luis Jiménez Bautista NSSPX, no schedule announced


Misión San Ignacio de Loyola Río Bravo Sur 11, 72757 San Pedro Cholula Frs. Michel Boniface & Juis Jiménez Bautista, (22) 48-42-04, (55) 47-43-24 NSSPX, 1st/3rd SU 6 pm

Querétaro de Arteaga

Iglesia Hacienda Blanca, Amealco de Bonfil Fr. Feliciano Chávez Nolazco Independent, no schedule announced

Quintana Roo

Misión de la NSSPX Región 90, Manzana 45, Lote 20, Av. Lombardo Toledano, 77510 Cancún Frs. Arnaud Garderé & Juan Díaz Hernández, (998) 891-71-94 NSSPX, no schedule announced

San Luis Potosi

Misión San Luis 168

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San Luis Potosi Frs. M. Trejo Cortés, D. Lethu, E. Blandón & G. Magaña, (444) 811-67-75 NSSPX, 4th SU 7:30




Iglesia Inmaculado Corazon de Maria General Piña y Huepac #241, 83104 Hermosillo Bp. Martín Dávila Gándara & Fr. José Jiménez de Santiago, (662) 211-60-96 CMRI, no schedule announced

Seminario de los Sagrados Corazones de Jesus y Maria Domicilio conocido, Fracc. Campestre Real de Alamito, 83300 Hermosillo Fr. José Gutiérrez Hernández, (662) 2587-63-80 CMRI, no schedule announced




Capilla del Auxilio Nocturno Sacramental 257 Zona Centro, Monterrey No celebrant announced, (17) 23-21-44 NSSPX, SU 7 pm


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Capilla del Señor del Calvario Insurgentes s/n entre Cuauhtémoc y 5 de Mayo, 94442 Dos Rios, Atzacán Frs. Michel Bonfiace & Luis Jiménez Bautista NSSPX, no schedule announced

Capilla Nuestra Señora de los Dolores Dos Rios, Atzacán No celebrant announced, (55) 47-43-24 NSSPX, 3rd SU 8 am

Iglesia Nuestra Señora del Carmen 94442 Dos Rios, Atzacán Fr. Hernan Vergara Monroy, (271) 121-91-26, 045-271-711-58-51 CMRI, no celebrant announced

Priorato Beato Rafael Guízar y Valencia Calle 11 Sur #1114 esq. Oriente 24, Zona Centro, 94300 Orizaba Frs. Michel Bonfiace & Luis Jiménez Bautista, (272) 724-73-43 NSSPX, no schedule announced

Capilla del Sagrado Corazón 11 Sur, 1114 Orizaba, No celebrant announced, (96) 15-09-45 NSSPX, 3rd SU 11 am

Misión Beato Rafael Guízar y Valencia Encino Lote 31, 91014 Xalapa de Enríquez Frs. Michel Bonfiace & Luis Jiménez Bautista, (272) 724-73-43 NSSPX, no schedule announced


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Iglesia Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe Calle 15 #469 con 58-C, Fracc. Montejo, 97127 Mérida Bp. José Urbina Aznar, (999) 927-33-50 Independent, no schedule announced




Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -


For Traditional Latin Masses outside North America, the Official Traditional Catholic Directory lists contacts for as many other countries as possible, who can be contacted for information by those seeking Traditional Latin Masses in those countries. If you are a position to know all the Traditional Latin Mass sites in your country, you are invited to volunteer for this purpose and to be listed in the Directory. Those who would like to serve as contacts for any country or countries, should E-mail their listing information directly to the Registry for consideration.

Asia Nestor Carvalho P.O. Box 334, Panjim 403001, India +91 (0832) 246-2013 [email protected]

Cyril Yee 42 Jalan TK 5/23, Taman Mawar, 47100 Puchong, Selangor, Malaysia +60 (16) 361-9104 [email protected]

Fr. Joseph Pfeiffer 1730 N. Stillwell Rd., Boston, KY 40107, (303) 549-3047, [email protected]

Unio Sacerdotalis Marcelli Lefebvre (The Resistance) 1, Liègue ND, 85130 La Verrie, France +33 062-043-4432,

Australia Joe Omlor PO Box 650, South Perth 6951, WA, Australia [email protected]

Fr. Steven Hartley 172

Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

PO Box 540, Waterford 4133, Brisbane, Australia +61 (7) 0419712302

Fr. Joseph Pfeiffer (Traditional Resistance) 1730 N. Stillwell Rd., Boston, KY 40107, (303) 549-3047, [email protected]

Unio Sacerdotalis Marcelli Lefebvre (The Resistance) 1, Liègue ND, 85130 La Verrie, France +33 062-043-4432,

Europe - Eastern Fr. Arnold Trauner Weiner Leo utca 3, Doorbell #7, 1065 Budapest, Hungary [email protected],

Unio Sacerdotalis Marcelli Lefebvre (The Resistance) 1, Liègue ND, 85130 La Verrie, France +33 062-043-4432,

Europe - Western Congregatio Mariae Reginae Immaculatae 8500 N. St. Michaels Rd., Spokane, WA 99217 (509) 467-0986, fax 467-2425, [email protected],

Stephen Dumbrell 1 Irmar, 59 Cookham Rd., Maidenhead, Berkshire SL6 7EP, England +44 (1628) 636-806, fax 788-802 [email protected]

Unio Sacerdotalis Marcelli Lefebvre (The Resistance) 1, Liègue ND, 85130 La Verrie, France +33 062-043-4432,

India Unio Sacerdotalis Marcelli Lefebvre (The Resistance) 1, Liègue ND, 85130 La Verrie, France +33 062-043-4432, 173

Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

New Zealand Congregatio Mariae Reginae Immaculatae 8500 N. St. Michaels Rd., Spokane, WA 99217 (509) 467-0986, fax 467-2425, [email protected],

Unio Sacerdotalis Marcelli Lefebvre (The Resistance) 1, Liègue ND, 85130 La Verrie, France +33 062-043-4432,

Pacific Islands & Philippines Fr. Joseph Pfeiffer 1730 N. Stillwell Rd., Boston, KY 40107, (303) 549-3047, [email protected]

Unio Sacerdotalis Marcelli Lefebvre (The Resistance) 1, Liègue ND, 85130 La Verrie, France +33 062-043-4432,

South Africa Fr. William Topper P.O. Box 121, Napier 7270, South Africa. +27 (795) 561-549, +27 (0284) 233-256, [email protected]

South America Congregatio Mariae Reginae Immaculatae 8500 N. St. Michaels Rd., Spokane, WA 99217 (509) 467-0986, fax 467-2425, [email protected],

Monasterio San José Santa Sofía, Bovacá, Colombia [email protected],

Unio Sacerdotalis Marcelli Lefebvre (The Resistance) 1, Liègue ND, 85130 La Verrie, France +33 062-043-4432,

United Kingdom 174

Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

Church of Jesus Christ Divine Physician Kensington, London W8, UK [email protected]

Traditional Resistance 1730 N. Stillwell Rd., Boston, KY 40107, (303) 549-3047, [email protected]

Urbs Roma

Basilica Minor Sancti Eugenii Viale delle Belle Arte 10 No celebrant, announced, +39 (06) 320-0700, fax 320-1923 3rd SA, 10 am

Capella Adoratoria Basilicae Sanctae Mariae Majoris 42 Piazza di Santa Maria Maggiore No celebrant announced, +39 (06) 446-5836, 481-4287 Last W, 5 pm

Capella Sanctae Catherinae Sienensis 85 Via Urbana (near Basilica of St. Mary Major) No celebrant announced, NSSPX SU 11 am, TH 6:30 pm

Ecclesia Iesu et Mariae ad Cursum 45 Via del Corso (just south of the Piazza del Popolo) Presb. Vittorio Mazzuchelli & Raul Olazabal, ICR SU & Holydays, 10 am

Ecclesia Santae Mariae Luminis Trastevere (corner of Via della Lungaretta) No celebrant announced SU 11 am

Ecclesia Sancti Apollinaris ad Thermas Neronianas 49 Piazzi di Sant'Apollinare 175

Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

No celebrant, announced, +39 (06) 6816-4440 Thrice weekly

Ecclesia Sancti Gregorii Caementariorum 75A Via Leccosa (at cul-de-sac, on left after fresco of St. Gregory) Presb. John Berg, FSSP, +39 (06) 707-3689 M-SA 7 am, 1st F/SA 6:30 pm, Vespers & Benediction SU

Ecclesia Sanctissimae Trinitatis Peregrinorum Via dei Pettinari, 36-A No celebrant announced, FSSP M-SA 7 am & 6:30 pm, Holydays 9 & 10 am, 6:30 pm No schedule announced

Oratorium S. Francisci Xavierii Via della Caravita (off Via del Corso by Ecclesia S. Ignatii) Presb. Frank Quoex, ICR SU & Holydays 11:30 am

Oratorium Sancti Gregorii VII 13B Via Pietro della Valle (just behind the Castel Sant' Angelo) No celebrant announced, IMBC, +39 (06) 183-9335, fax 183-9334 1st/3rd/5th SU, 11 am

Ecclesia Sancti Joseph Via Francisco Crispi (near Piazza di Spagna) Presb. Ignacio Barreiro, +39 (6) 4201-0145, 3967-0239 SU 10:15 am, M-SA varies

Some historically interesting churches to consider visiting when in Rome are:  San Girolamo degli Schiavorri, St. Jerome's church  San Paolo alla Regola, where St. Paul wrote the four Epistles of the Captivity  Sant' Alfonso, where the famous icon Mater Maria Perpetui Succursus (Our Mother of Perpetual Help) is exhibited  Santa Maria della Concezione (Eglesia degli Cappucini), with its bone crypt and museum  Santa Maria in Ara Coeli, with its altar erected by the Roman Emperor Augustus after a vision of the Virgin and the Infant 176

Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

 Santa Maria Maggiore Basilica, with St. Jerome's and Pope St. Pius V's crypt-shrines  Santa Maria sopra Minerva, a Gothic-style church, rare for Rome, by the Piazza della Minerva with its charming miniature elephant obelisk statue by Gian Lorenzo Bernini (1598-1680)  Santa Sabina, the church of the Dominicans  Santo Gregorio Magno, the original site  Santo Sisto, a Dominican church in the old ecclesiastical style  Santi Cosma and Damiano Basilica, in the Forum Romanum

International Shrines

Prieure des Coeurs de Jesus et Marie 1 route de Paul, Lourdes, France Fr. Poutoix SU-SA

Chiesa della Misericordia via Barbaroux 41, Turino, Italy Presb. Oreste Bunino +39 (11) 521-5960, fax 521-5992, [email protected]


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -


Catholic Traditionalist Movement 210 Maple Ave., Westbury, NY 11590 Fr. John Evangelista, (516) 333-6470, fax 333-7535, Independent

Coalition in Support of P.O. Box 2071, Glenview, IL 60025 (847) 724-7151 (voice/fax), Diocese

Congregatio Mariae Reginae Immaculatae 8500 N. St. Michaels Rd., Spokane, WA 99217 (509) 467-0986, fax 467-2425, [email protected], CMRI

Foederatio Internationalis “” Via C. Battisti 2, 10123 Torino, Italy, [email protected] +39 (011) 562-3677, fax +39 (011)562-4460 Diocese

Fraternitas Sacerdotalis Sancti Petri Kirchstrasse 20, D-88145 Opfenbach-Wigratzbad, Germany +49 0838-5671, fax 8285-9531, [email protected] Diocese

In the Spirit of Chartres Committee P.O. Box 514, Carrollton, VA 23314 (757) 745-7129, [email protected], Independent

Institutum Christi Regis Summi Sacerdotis Villa Martelli, Via di Gricigliano 52, 50069 Le Siecli (FI), Italy (011) 55-830-9622, fax 55-836-3067, Diocese


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

League of Christ the King P.O. Box 678047, Orlando, FL 32867 [email protected] Independent (Traditional Resistance)

National Registry of Traditional Latin Masses 21128 Baker Road, Castro Valley, CA 94546 [email protected], Independent

Neo-Societas Sacerdotalis Sancti Pii Decimi Schwandegg, CH-6313 Menzingen, Switzerland +41 (41) 755-3636, fax +41 (41) 755-1444, [email protected] NSSPX

Roman Catholic Institute 1000 Spring Lake Hwy., Brooksville, FL 34602 (352) 799-0541, [email protected] Independent

Societas Sacerdotalis Apostolorum Iesu et Mariae 1 Chemin de la Petite Garde, 49240 Avrille, France Independent (Traditional Resistance)

Societas Sacerdotalis Christi Regis P.O. Box 8473, Van Nuys, CA 91409, (818) 786-2540, fax 786-2547, [email protected] Independent

Societas Sacerdotalis Sancti Pii Quinti P.O. Box 217, Oyster Bay, NY 11771, (516) 922-5430, [email protected], SSPV

Society of the Virgin Mary 116 Sunrise Ave., Beckley, WV 25801


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

(304) 255-6020, fax 255-4300, [email protected] Independent

St. John Schola for Gregorian Chant St. John's Oratory, Pier 45B (Jefferson & Taylor), San Francisco, CA 94133 (510) 582-2118, [email protected], Independent

St. Marcel Initiative 9051 Watson Road, Suite 279, Crestwood, MO 63126 (855) 476-2723, [email protected], Independent

Traditional Resistance 1730 N. Stillwell Rd., Boston, KY 40107, (303) 549-3047, [email protected] Independent (Traditional Resistance)

Unio Sacerdotalis Marcelli Lefebvre 1, Liègue ND, 85130 La Verrie, France +33 062-043-4432, Independent (The Resistance)


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -



Fraternite Notre Dame Seminary 502 N. Central Ave., Chicago, IL 60644 (773) 261-0101, [email protected] Independent

Immaculate Heart Seminary P.O. Box 56, Round Top, NY 12473 (518) 622-9833, [email protected], SSPV

Mater Dei Seminary 7745 Military Ave., Omaha, NE 68314 (402) 571-4404, fax 571-3383 CMRI

Most Holy Trinity Seminary 1000 Spring Lake Hwy., Brooksville, FL 34602 (352) 799-0541, [email protected], Independent

Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary P.O. Box 147, Denton, NE 68339 FSSP, (402) 797-7700, fax 797-7705, [email protected] Diocese

Our Lady of Mount Carmel Seminary 1730 N. Stillwell Rd., Boston, KY 40107 (303) 549-3047, Independent (Traditional Resistance)

St. Michael the Archangel Seminary 2030 Escobar Ave., Spring Hill, FL 34608 181

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(352) 683-9192 Independent

St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary 1208 Archbishop Lefebvre Avenue, Dillwyn, VA 23936 NSSPX

Religious Orders of Men

Apostolic Monastics 1055 22nd St., San Diego, CA 92102 (619) 338-9357, [email protected] Independent (Franciscan)

Brother Servants of the Sacred Heart P. O. Box 655, Pulaski, WI 54162 br.tchr Independent (Servants of the Sacred Heart)

Brothers of Our Lady of Reconciliation P.O. Box 120100, W. Melbourne, FL 32912 (321) 409-2642 Independent (Franciscan)

Brothers of St. Francis P.O. Box 5103, Lafayette, LA 70502 Fr. Bernard, no telephone announced Independent (Traditional Benedictine)

Brothers of the Annunciation of Mary 245 N. Buckeye St., Wooster, OH 44691 (330) 262-6205, [email protected], Independent (Franciscan)

Canons Regular of the New Jerusalem


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

219 S. George St., Charles Town, WV 25414, (304) 724-6995, [email protected] Diocese

Coenobium Beatae Mariae Virginis Immaculatae 7715 Longbow Ln., Arlington TX 76002, (817) 264-7651, [email protected] Independent (Traditional Benedictine)

Contemplatives of the Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary 5060 County Road 1635 Cullman, AL 35058, (256) 796-5515 Diocese

Conventus Sancti Ioannis Baptistae P.O. Box 462, Summerville, SC 29484 (843) 875-9368, Independent (Traditional Conventual Franciscans)

Dominican Fathers of Our Lady of the Rosary 765 N. Hickory Ridge Rd., Highland, MI 48357 No telephone announced Independent (Dominican)

Franciscan Brothers of Our Lady of Mercy Box 1005, Cabot, AR 72023 (501) 663-4900, [email protected] Independent (Franciscan)

Franciscan Brothers of the Immaculate Heart of Mary 50905 45th St. W., Lancaster, CA 93536 (661) 948-9334 Independent (Franciscan)

Franciscan Friars of the Sacred Heart 504 W. Broadway, Fulton, NY 13069 (315) 598-7687


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

Independent (Franciscan)

Hermitage of St. Joseph P.O. Box 37, Lemhi, ID 83465 No telephone announced Diocese (Carmelite Hermits)

Hermits of St. Bruno Immaculate Heart of Hermitage, 524 Sylvia Road, W. Melbourne, FL 32904 [email protected] Independent

Immaculate Heart Seminary Heart Content Rd., P.O. Box 56, Round Top, NY 12473 (518) 622-9833, [email protected], SSPV

Monks of the Annunciation of the Lord P.O. Box 401, Sybertsville, PA 18251 (570) 788-4466 Diocese

Monks of the Holy Family 4136 W. Avenue I, #3, Lancaster, CA 93536 (661) 718-2114 Independent (Traditional Benedictine)

Monks of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel 35 Road AFW, Powell, WY 82435 (307) 645-3310 Diocese

Opus Mariae Mediatricis P.O. Box 7879, Dallas, TX 75209 [email protected], Diocese


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

Order of Mount Carmel P.O. Box 191, Elmhurst, PA 18416 No telephone announced Independent (Contemplative)

Ordo Minimorum Dei (Servants of Our Lady of La Salette) P.O. Box 610309, Flushing, NY 11361 (718) 281-1617, fax 631-8751 Independent

Our Lady of Guadalupe Monastery 142 Joseph Blaine Rd., Silver City, NM 88061 Fr. Cyprian, OSB, (505) 388-9279, [email protected] NSSPX (Traditional Benedictine)

Our Lady of Philermos Monastery 300 Locke Ln., Benton TN 37307, [email protected] Independent

Priests & Brothers of the Congregatio Mariae Reginae Immaculatae 8502 N. St. Michael Rd., Spokane, WA 99217 (509) 467-0986, fax 467-2425, [email protected], CMRI

Queen of Angels Franciscan Monastery & Hospice RR 1 Box 41, New Rockford, ND 58356 (701) 947-2194 Independent (Franciscan)

Sacerdotal Christ 164 Denman Rd., Liberty, NY 12754 (845) 292-0425, [email protected] Independent

St. Joseph Junior Seminary 15384 N. Church Rd., Rathdrum, ID 83858


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

(208) 687-0290, fax 687-1153, [email protected] CMRI

St. Augustine Oratory 14 N.W. 48th Ave., Miami, FL 33126 (305) 442-8783, fax 444-9180 Independent (Augustinian)

Servants Minor of St. Francis 1124 Jackson St., Scranton, PA 18504 (570) 344-7442 Independent

Servants of the Holy Family 8528 Kenosha Dr., Colorado Springs, CO 80908 (719) 884-0029, fax 258-1301, [email protected], Independent

Society of Our Lady, Warriors of the Blessed Virgin 40500 Maggie Jones Rd., Paisley, FL 32767 (352) 669-5312, [email protected] Independent (Hermetic)

Society of the Holy Ghost 314 Vincent Rd., Morse, LA 70559 (318) 785-0303 (voice/fax) Independent

Society of the Virgin Mary 116 Sunrise Ave., Beckley, WV 25801 (304) 255-6020, [email protected] Independent

Socii Fratrinorum Christi Regis P.O. Box 8473, Van Nuys, CA 91409, (818) 786-2540, fax 786-2547, [email protected] Independent


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

Dominican Priests and Brothers of the Holy Face of Jesus 321 S. Broadway, Lawrence, MA 01843 (978) 686-7921, [email protected], Independent (Traditional Dominican)

Religious Orders of Women

Dominican Sisters of St. Joseph, Patron of the Universal Church P.O. Box 686, Andover, MA 01810 (617) 686-4005, [email protected] Independent (Traditional Dominican)

Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles 1400 N.E. 42nd Terrace, Kansas City, MO 64116 Fax (816) 455 2063, Diocese (Benedictine)

Carmel of Jesus, Mary & Joseph 9300 W. Agnew Rd., Valparaiso, NE 68065 (402) 704-8375 Diocese (Discalced Carmelites)

Carmel of the Holy Trinity 4027 S. Wilbur Rd., Spokane, WA 99206 No telephone announced NSSPX (Carmelite)

Carmelite Monastery of the Sacred Hearts 8528 Kenosha Dr., Colorado Springs, CO 80908 [email protected], Independent (Discalced Carmelite)

Daughters of Mary, Mother of Our Savior P.O. Box 205, Round Top, NY 12473 (518) 622-9833, [email protected],


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -


Dominican Sisters of Idaho 20274 W. Riverview Dr., Post Falls, ID 83854 (208) 773-7598 Independent

Dominican Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary 13501 Highland Rd., Hartland, MI 48353 (248) 719-6908 Independent (Dominican)

Dominican Sisters of Our Lady of the Rosary 765 N. Hickory Ridge Rd., Highland, MI 48357 No telephone announced Independent (Dominican)

Filiae Christi Regis P.O. Box 8473, Van Nuys, CA 91409, (818) 786-2540, fax 786-2547, [email protected] Independent

Franciscan Sisters of St. Joseph 11824 10th Ave. S.W., Seattle, WA 98146 [email protected], Independent

Holy Guardian Angels Convent 59350 Carnation Rd., Olathe, CO 81425 (970) 323-0198 CMRI

Little Company of the Immaculate Heart of Mary 2010 Escobar Ave., Spring Hill, FL 34608 (352) 585-1027, [email protected], Independent


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

Missionary Sisters of the Holy Ghost P.O. Box 589, Veradale, WA 99037 Independent

Our Lady of Mount Carmel Convent 147 Cottage St. #3, East Boston, MA 02128 (617) 913-1483 CMRI

Queen of Angels Convent 245 N. Buckeye St., Wooster, OH 44691 Fr. Gabriel Ward, FBA, (330) 262-2605, [email protected] Independent (Franciscan)

Oblatae Mariae, Reginae Apostolorum 1 Starrucca Creek Rd., Starrucca, PA 18462 (570) 727-3341, fax 727-3941, Diocese

Oblates of St. Gertrude 11144 Reading Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45241 (513) 769-5211 Independent

St. Michael's Convent 8502 N. St. Michael Rd., Spokane, WA 99217 (509) 467-0986, fax 467-2425, [email protected], CMRI

St. Mary's Convent 757 138th St. S., Tacoma, WA 98444 (253) 537-6281 CMRI

Servants of Our Lady of La Salette (Ordo Minimorum Dei) P.O. Box 610309, Flushing, NY 11361


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

(718) 281-1617, fax 631-8751 Independent

Sisters of the Congregation of the Mother of God 3715 286th St., Persia, IA 51563 No telephone announced CMRI

Sisters of the Passion & Cross P.O. Box 366, New Middletown, OH 44442 [email protected], Independent (Traditional Poor Clare Capuchin Contemplatives)

Sisters of St. Thomas Aquinas 12546 W. Peoria Ave., El Mirage, AZ 85335 (352) 428-9858, [email protected], Independent

Sisters of St. Thomas Aquinas 20120 Barnett Rd., Brooksville, FL 34601 (352) 799-0541, [email protected], Independent

Lay Societies

Block Rosary International P.O. Box 748, Waxhaw, NC 28173 (704) 843-0648, fax 843-0874, [email protected] Independent

Catholic Students United for the Faith 3220 S. 198th St., Seatac WA 98188 (206) 560-0101, [email protected] Independent


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

Lay Confraternity of Sts. Peter & Paul 6397 Holloway Dr., Liberty Township, OH 45044 (513) 435-1726, [email protected], Independent

Mancipia Immaculati Cordis Mariae St. Benedict Center, P.O. Box 627, Winchester, NH 03470 (603) 239-6485, Independent (Feeneyite)

Order of St. Dagobert 1856 W. Marshall St., Norristown, PA 19403 No telephone announced Independent

Third Order of Penance of St. Dominic/WSJC (Seculars) 321 S. Broadway, Lawrence, MA 01843 (978) 686-7921, [email protected], Independent (Traditional Dominican)

Third Order of St. Francis P.O. Box 1403, Providence, RI 02901 (401) 821-1686 Independent


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -


Traditional Catholic periodicals perticularly recommended are indicated in order of recommendation by the circled number.

 Four Marks P.O. Box 58, Ballantine, MT 59006, (406) 967-2000, [email protected], [email protected] Independent Monthly, $48

 Roman Catholic 2200 Smelter Ave., Black Eagle, MT 59414 (406) 452-9021, [email protected], SSPV Quarterly, $16.00

 Reign of Mary 8504 N. St. Michael Rd., Spokane, WA 99217 (509) 467-1077, [email protected], CMRI Quarterly, $14.00

Behold Thy Mother P.O. Box 589, Veradale, WA 99037 Independent Triannually, $16.00

Benedictine Notes 15378 N. Church Rd., Rathdrum, ID 83858 (203) 278-1571 Independent, [email protected] Monthly, donations accepted



Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

St. Benedict Center, P.O. Box 627, Winchester, NH 03470 (603) 239-6485, Independent (Feeneyite) Bimonthly, donations accepted

New England Catholic News P.O. Box 919, Norwood, MA 02062 (877) 510-7808, fax (781) 344-8928, [email protected] Independent (Traditional Resistance) Quarterly, donations accepted

Oportet Christum Regnare P.O. Box 678047, Orlando, FL 32867 [email protected] Independent Quarterly, $43.80

Our Lady of Tears 2518 Lemay Rd., #355, St. Louis, MO 63125 [email protected] Independent Monthly, donations accepted

Sacred Heart Newsletter P.O. Box 250, Clarksburg, OH 43115 [email protected], (740) 993-2189 Independent Monthly, donations accepted


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -


Because the selection is limited, we have listed some sites that are more “conservative” than “traditional.” We urge you to check out thoroughly any supplier you are contemplating doing business with.

Adrian Hamers Church Interiors 2 Madison Ave., Larchmont, NY 10538 (914) 834-7780, fax 834-0712,

All Catholic Books Books 5106 Roanoke Rd., Troutville, VA 24175 (540) 966-2554 fax, [email protected]

American Classical League Latin & Greek Instructional Book, Latin Vulgate Bibles Miami University, Wells Mill Drive, Oxford, OH 45056 (513) 529-7741, fax 529-7742, [email protected]

Apostolate of Our Lady of Siluva Scapulars P.O. Box 141476, Spokane Valley, WA 99214 (509) 217-2507, fax 922-4515, [email protected]

Art for the Catholic Restoration Ecclesiastical Art and Church Furnishings 16 Pitcherville Road, Hubbardston, MA 01452 (978) 632-8030, fax 632-8030, [email protected]

Bakko Company Vestments 303 S.W. 3rd Ave., Faribault, MI 55021 (507) 332-2887, [email protected]

BNZ Enterprises Used Books 194

Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

W2928 County Road G, Merrill, WI 54452 (715) 539-3637, [email protected]

Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers Latin & Greek Instructional Books & Classics 1000 Brown St., Wauconda, IL 60084, [email protected] (847) 526-4344, fax 526-2867,

Catholic Action Resource Center Books and Audiobooks P.O. Box 678047, Orlando, FL 32867 [email protected]

Catholic Art USA Prints and Gifts 2474 Walnut St., Suite 315, Cary, NC 27518 (919) 424-0625, sales

Catholic Audio-Video Religious Titles MP3 Audios, MP4 Videos of the Douay-Rheims Bible and Catholic Works [email protected]

Catholic Counterpoint Audiotapes, Videotapes of the Traditional Latin Mass P.O. Box 445, Broomall, PA 19008 (800) 539-9364, [email protected],

Church Connection Ecclesiastical Goods & Vestments 216 Cumer Rd., McDonald, PA 15057, [email protected] (866) 873-3735, fax (724) 746-2451,

Clergy Shop Clergy Supplies 1144 Coolidge Blvd., Suite A, La Place, LA 70068 (318) 269-1919, fax 269-9211, [email protected]


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

Catholic Research Institute Leaflets, Pamphets P.O. Box 589, Veradale, WA 99037

Catholic Treasures Audiotapes, Books, Handmissals, Videotapes 1823 Business Center Dr., Duarte, CA 91010, (800) 257-4893, fax (626) 359-6933, [email protected]

ChantCD Gregorian Chant CDs 367 Stagecoach Hill Dr., Seguin, TX 78155 (830) 914-6890, [email protected],

Confraternity Books Books, Breviary Online & Calendar-Pius X Rubrics 6397 Holloway Dr., Liberty Township, OH 45044 (513) 435-1726, [email protected],

Constance Wozny Hand Bookbinding Bookbinding and Restoration of Altar Missals and Bibles 8216 Princeton-Glendale Rd., #167, W. Chester, OH 45069 (513) 874-2665, [email protected],

Daughters of Mary Press Books and Music CDs P.O. Box 205, Round Top, NY 12473 (518) 622-9833, [email protected],

D.C. Riggott, Inc. Buys/Sells Church Accessories and Furnishings 3540 Neal Ave. S., Afton, MN 55001 (800) 479-8777, fax (651) 436-4769, [email protected]

Displays of Faith, Inc. Flags P.O. Box 1155, Wheaton, IL 60189 196

Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

Fax (630) 690-5836

Dolorosa Press Books 15-1 Kings Court, Camillus, NY 13031 (315) 407-1964,

Dominican Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Calendars-Pius X Rubrics 13501 Highland Rd., Hartland, MI 48353 (248) 719-6908

Editiones Familiae Sancti Hieronymi Vulgate Bible on CD, Living Latin 507 S. Prospect Ave., Clearwater, FL 33756 (727) 461-4234, [email protected]

Fraternity Publications Service Breviaries & Ordos - John XXIII Rubrics P.O. Box 196, Elmhurst, PA 18416, (570) 842-4000x401, fax 842-5141, [email protected]

Freitag Publishing Agnus Deis, Oils, Medals, Prayer Cloths, Relics, Scapulars 1118 W. Magnolia Blvd., Suite 205, Burbank, CA 91506 (818) 843-0542, fax (818) 972-3988

Garden Statues Garden Statues 620 E. Third Ave., Post Falls, ID 83854 (866) 448-8756, [email protected],

Holy Cross Publications Artworks, Books, Saramentals P.O. Box 84, Thompson, TX 77481 [email protected],

Holy Family School Productions 197

Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

Audiotapes, Videotapes 38 Langarth St. E., London, ON N6C 1Z1 (519) 433-8954

Immaculate Heart Mantillas Veils, Vestments P.O. Box 410901, Kansas City, MO 64141 (816) 861-2405,

Immaculate Heart of Mary Church Publications Calendars/Ordos/Missal Guides-Pius X Rubrics 2200 Smelter Ave., Black Eagle, MT 59414 (406) 452-9021,

Immaculate Heart of Mary Company Devotional Items, Statues, Statue Repair & Repainting W5590 St. Mary's Way, Necedah, WI 54646 (608) 565-2120

In the Spirit of Chartres Committee Audiotapes, Videotapes 600 W. Riverview Dr., Suffolk, VA 23434, [email protected] (757) 925-7904,

Jesus Passion Religious Articles & Gifts Ecclesiastical Goods, Metalware 153 County Rd. 441, Dayton, TX 77535 (877) 825-1223, [email protected]

King Richard's Religious Artifacts Antique and New Religious Artifacts (Altarware, Furniture, Vestments, Statuary) 1007 Union Center Dr., Alpharetta, GA 30004 (678) 393-6500, [email protected],

Koenig Traditional Cabinetry Wooden Church Furnishings P.O. Box 704, Fitzwilliam, NY 03447 (603) 239-4394, fax 239-4502 198

Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

LSL Enterprises Quality Imported Crucifixes, Icons, Prints, Statuary 709 Graydon Ave., Suite 5, Norfolk, VA 23507 (757) 478-6363, [email protected]

Loreto Publications Liturgical Books P.O. Box 603, Fitzwilliam, NH 03447, (603) 239-6671, fax 239-6127

MAETA Audiotapes, Books, Videotapes P.O. Box 6012, Metairie, LA 70009, (888) 577-4428, fax (504) 833-5272, [email protected]

Mark Stewart Calendars Calendars-Pius X Rubrics P.O. Box 611448 San Jose, CA 95161

Mary Immaculate Queen Center Devotionals, Handmissals, Calendars/Ordos-Pius XII Rubrics 8504 N. St. Michael Rd., Spokane, WA 99217 (509) 467-1077, fax (509) 467-1177, [email protected],

Mater Dei Books Books P.O. Box 1203, Laurel, MT 59044 (406) 628-7764, [email protected]

Maximus Scriptorius Publications Books on Church Latin P.O. Box 171, Bureau, IL 61315 churchlatin@gmail,

Modesty Veils Veils 199

Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

207 Schnitzler Dr., Theresa, WI 53091 (920) 488-2660,

Monastery Garments Traditional Monastic Habits and Clergy Apparel P.O. Box 7284, Santa Cruz, CA 95061, [email protected] (415) 412-6685, 297-9299,

Morning Star Audio & Video Audiotapes, Videotapes 8500 N. St. Michael Rd., Spokane, WA 99217 (509) 467-0986, fax 467-2425, [email protected],

Mother of Our Savior Catholic Goods & Refuge of Sinners Publishing Books, Ecclesiastical Supplies 5271 E. Mann Rd., Pekin, IN 47165 (800) 451-3993, [email protected],

Mueller-Kaiser Plating Co. Restoration & Maintenance of Sacred Vessels 5815 Hampton Ave., St. Louis, MO 63109 (314) 832-3553, [email protected]

Myriad Creative Concepts Altar Cards 14 Nassau St., Dayton, OH 45410 (937) 478-6247, [email protected]

Neri Publications Liturgical Books P.O. Box 7879, Dallas, TX 75209 (877) 902-0753, fax (801) 505-0631, [email protected]

Neumann Press Liturgical Books Rt. 2, Box 30, Long Prairie, MN 56347, (800) 746-2521, fax (320) 732-3858, [email protected]


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

Our Lady of the Sun Book Rack Books 12534 W. Peoria Ave., El Mirage, AZ 85335 (623) 583-1027, 583-1031

Our Lady's Book Service Books, Medals, Scapulars 17000 State Route 30, Constable, NY 12926 (800) 263-8160

Our Lady's Rosary-Makers Rosaries, Scapulars (free) 741 Sunshine Ct., Los Altos, CA 94022 (650) 969-0124, fax (650) 961-5818

Pax Books Liturgical Books Via Terenzio 35, 00193 Rome

Pax House Ecclesiastical Supplies, Vestments Apdo Postal 39-181, Guadalajara, Jalisco 44171, Mexico (523) 826-2657, fax (775) 659-5914, [email protected],

Philothea Press Books

Preserving Christian Publications Books PO. Box 221, Boonville, NY 13309 (866) 241-2762, [email protected],

Refuge of Sinners Traditional Catholic Publishing Books, Devotional Items, Ecclesiastical Supplies 7271 E. Mann Rd., Pekin, IN 47165 800/451-3993, [email protected]. 201

Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

Restorations Plus Restoration of Ecclesiastical Art and Church Statuary 5427 Virginia Ave., St. Louis, MO 63111, [email protected] (314) 481-3268,

Reviviscimus Press Books 408 4th St., Petaluma, CA 94952 [email protected]

Roman Catholic Sacramentals Sacramentals 12922 Olive St., Omaha, NE 68138 (877) 395-2320,

Roman Catholic Sacramentals Foundation Religious Supplies, Videos of the Traditional Latin Mass 12922 Olive St., Omaha, NE 68138 (402) 895-2000, [email protected]

Rosary Bay Bibles, Missals, Rosaries 3551 St-Charles Blvd, Suite 558, Kirkland, QC (514) 726-0766, fax 726-0766, [email protected],

Rosary Graphics Bumper Stickers, Rubber Stamps, Window Decals P.O. Box 73, St. Marys, KS 66536 (785) 437-2072

Sacred Heart Monastery Communion Breads 1910 Maple Ave., Lisle, IL 60532 (708) 969-7040

Sacrum Liturgical Linens and Vestments 202

Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

12534 W. Peoria Ave., El Mirage, AZ 85335 [email protected]

St. Anne Church Annual Missal Guides 2445 Country Rd. E., White Bear Lake, MN 55110 (612) 770-2921

St. Athanasius Bookstore Books 9201 Leesburg Pike, Vienna, VA 22182 (703) 759-4555, [email protected]

St. Augustine Institute Home-study Courses P.O. Box 627, Richmond, NH 03470 (603) 239-6912, [email protected],

St. Benedict's Casket Company Simple Wooden Caskets 708 92nd St., Monmouth, IA 52309 (319) 673-7482, [email protected]

St. Benet's Guild Vestments 312 W. Siebenthaler Ave., Dayton, OH 45405 (937) 278-1609, [email protected]

St. Bonaventure Publications Liber Usualis, Traditional Missals, Prayerbooks P.O. Box 2750, Great Falls, MT 59403 (406) 452-5452, fax 452-9752, [email protected],

St. Gregory Society Cards, Chant Recordings, Calendars-John XXIII Rubrics P.O. Box 891, New Haven, CT 06504 (203) 624-2751,


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

St. Joseph Novitiate Traditional Gregorian Chant and Hymn CDs P.O. Box 205, Round Top, NY 12473 (518) 622-9833, [email protected],

St. Joseph's Media Traditional Books, eBooks, CDs, and DVDs P.O. Box 186, Wayne, MI 48184

St. Lawrence Press Ordos - Pius X Rubrics 59 Sandscroft Ave., Broadway, Worcestershire WR12 7EJ, UK [email protected],[email protected],

St. Mary's Guild Ecclesiastical Goods, Metalware P.O. Box 785, Wyandotte, MI 48192 (734) 281-3082 (& fax),

St. Mary's Publishing Company Ecclesiastical Latin Texts 507 Terrace Wood Dr., St. Marys, KS 66536 (785) 437-0645

St. Michael's Purgatorian League Gregorian Masses, Mass Conscriptions for the Dead 8504 N. Saint Michael's Rd., Spokane, WA 99217 (509) 467-0986, fax 467-2425, [email protected],

St. Stephen's Book Exchange Religious Goods, Vestments 2861 S. La Cadena Dr., Colton, CA 92324 (909) 783-7628,

St. Stephen's Sacristy Buyers of Used Ecclesiastical and Liturgical Artifacts (804) 648-1098, [email protected] 204

Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary Audio Gregorian Chant Audiotapes, Compact Discs, Videotapes 21077 Quarry Hill Rd., Winona, MN 55987, (507) 454-2388, fax 454-8044, [email protected]

St. Veronica's Chapel Veils Veils 7903 Cliffbrook Dr., Suite 147A, Dallas, TX 75254 (972) 661-1914

Salve Regina Domestic and Roman Clergy Apparel & Vesture, Liturgical Items P.O. Box 50330, Staten Island, NY 10305 (800) 243-7557, fax (718) 442-6629, [email protected]

Scapular Guild Scapulars P.O. Box 45737 Philadelphia, PA 19149

Seraphim Company Calendars-John XXIII Rubrics P.O. Box 26600, Colorado Springs, CO 80936 (719) 495-0189

Servants of the Holy Family Calendars-John XXIII Rubrics 8528 Kenosha Dr., Colorado Springs, CO 80908 (719) 884-0029, fax 258-1301, [email protected],

Sisters of Carmel Badges, Chaplets, Religious Goods, Rosaries, Scapulars 8540 Kenosha Dr., Colorado Springs, CO 80908 [email protected],

Society for the Preservation of the Roman Catholic Heritage 205

Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

Church Artifacts and Vestments 840 Sunset Dr., Englewood, OH 45322 (937) 454-1900, 224-1900, [email protected],

The Bible Speaks (TBS) Latin-English Booklets for Mass, Divine Office, Benediction, Etc. P.O. Box 20051, 223 Rideau St., Ottawa, ON K1N 5Y5, Canada (613) 232-9829, [email protected]

Trade Greetings: "It's Better in Latin" T-shirts 532 Baltimore Blvd #308, Westminster, MD 21157 (410) 751-2664, fax 386-0929, [email protected]

Trademark Stationery Traditional Stationery 5589 Sorg Road, Winchester, OH 45697 (513) 232-8536, fax (513) 232-4029, [email protected]

Traditional Catholic Vestments Linens, Vestments 2301 W. Chestnut Avenue, Altoona, PA 16601

Veritas Press Calendars-Pius XII Rubrics, Handmissals P.O. Box 1704 Santa Monica, CA 90406-1704

Vita Fidei Vestments 3 Curtis St., Riverdale, NJ 07457 (973) 633-7709, fax (973) 633-7709

Waxen Moon Candle Studio Reed Candles for Holy Saturday 1850 Village South Rd., Suite 53, Olympic Valley, CA 96146 (530) 584-6006, fax 584-6007, [email protected], 206

Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

Weberdings Carving Shop Church Furnishings 1230 State Rd. 46 E., Batesville, IN 47006 (812) 934-3710, fax 934-3731,

Wick Company Decoration and Restoration of Church Furnishings and Interiors 2200 Smelter Ave., Black Eagle, MT 59414 (406) 452-9021


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -


St. Thomas Aquinas Summer Camp 2310 Robertson Ave., Norwood, OH 45212 Frs. Joseph Greenwell & Paul Baumberger, (513) 731-8771 SSPV

Vexilla Regis Association 8 Pond Pl., Oyster Bay Cove, NY 11771 (516) 922-5430 SSPV


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -


Higher Education Archbishop Fulton Sheen (1895-1979) was well known for his many books, radio and television appearances, and popular preaching. While teaching at the Catholic University of America for nearly 25 years and dealing with students, he noted with deep concern what was happening in Catholic education and the fact that many young people were losing the Faith since Vatican II (1962- 1965). His warning on higher education, given around 1967, was as prophetic as it was startling:

You are better off going to a state school where you will have the chance to fight for your Faith, than going to a modern Catholic university where you will have the new watered- down, Modernist version of the Faith spoon-fed to your unsuspecting minds, so that you will be apt to lose your Faith.

The best choice, when possible, is a conservative liberal arts college. The best major is Classics (Latin and Greek), which, in addition to giving the foundation for all secular and religious study, is usually one of the most conservative departments at any given institution. Institutions associated with the New Order and the “New Mass,” even when billed as “conservative,” should be particularly avoided, in accordance with the advice of Archbishop Sheen.

In addition to getting a thorough grounding in the classical languages, students should emphasize philosophy (particularly classical and mediaeval philosophy), music (particularly early and classical music), history (particularly ancient and mediaeval history), mathematics and the natural sciences, psychology and the social sciences (one must be careful here in choosing conservative courses), and oratory and rhetoric (sometimes called “Speech”).

Conservative liberal arts colleges that offer such programs include:

Emory University (Atlanta, Georgia): Hillsdale College (Hillsdale, Michigan):


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

Kindergarten through Grade 12 Traditional Catholic writer Patricius Anthony has remarked:

After a year teaching in a New Order “Catholic” school, I can strongly recommend that parents who are really concerned about their children's moral and intellectual development home-school their children.

Homeschooling Resources American Classical League Miami University, 422 Wells Mill Drive, Oxford, OH 45056 (513) 529-7741, fax 529-7742 [email protected],

Classical Liberal Arts Academy 1621 Stack Rd., Monroe, NC 28112 (704) 292-4144 [email protected],

Holy Cross Publications P.O. Box 84, Thompsons, TX 77481 [email protected]

Great Books Academy P.O. Box 11379, Bainbridge Island, WA 98110 (800) 521-4004, fax 515-5565 [email protected],

Little Flowers Family Press RR1 McDonalds Corners, ON K0G 1MO (613) 278-2618, fax (866) 869-0619 [email protected]

Memoria Press 210

Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -

4603 Poplar Level Rd., Louisville, KY 40213 (877) 862-1097, fax 300-7051 [email protected],

Our Lady of the Rosary School 1010 Withrow Ct., Bardstown, KY 40004 (502) 348-1338, fax 348-1943 [email protected],

Our Lady of the Sun Academy 12546 W. Peoria Ave., El Mirage, AZ 85335 (352) 428-9858 [email protected]

Queen of All Saints Academy 20120 Barnett Rd., Brooksville, FL 34601 (352) 428-0550 [email protected]

Sancta Familia Academy 1204 N. Harbor City Blvd., Melbourne, FL 32935 (321) 259-6464

Veritas Press Scholars Academy 1829 William Penn Way, Lancaster, PA 17601 (800) 922-5082, fax (717) 519-1978 [email protected],

Well-Trained Mind 18101 The Glebe Ln., Charles City, VA 23030 [email protected]


Official Traditional Catholic Directory - 23rd Annual Edition (2018) August 2018 Monthly Revised Edition -