VIBHA Vocational, VIBHA CBR & ASHA – 2009-10

Vibha & ASHA – Annual Report 2009-10

Background of the programme: -

Rajasthan Mahila Kalyan Mandal (RMKM) known for its work which it is doing for mentally retardation children since last 20 years in district. In this region RMKM is the only organization working in the field of Mental Retardation and associated disabilities on an inclusive education pertain. When we started work in this field, people were unaware of causes of mental retardation, parents used to hide their children from society and they used to feel that these children are useless and are a burden on them and that giving birth to such children is because of their past sins. People didn't have understanding about mental retardation and they were unable to distinguish between mentally ill and mental retardation and these children were known as "Gela" meaning unsound mind. Parents and community members were unaware about the real causes of mental retardation.

Pre-primary, primary, secondary, prevocational & vocational children about 15 years of age with mild & moderate retardation coming under prevocational & vocational group. In these group children are trained in prevocational skills such as time, money concept, adaptive skills and vocational trade, which will help them to, became independent. These children are mostly make paper bag, greeting cards, rakhi, candles etc. and all these are seasonal trade and the paper bag market is very limited hence, these children get very less share.

Most of special schools are situated in city hence children from rural area are not able to get the facility from school & they are deprived from training and education. In spite of their potential lack of resources arrest their development in the villages. On other hand hearing impaired, visually impaired, mild and moderate M. R. are neglected in terms of enrolment in special employment exchange and provision of rehabilitation services.

This poses a challenge to the society to evolve strategies for their rehabilitation.

It is difficult to bring them towards fully equipped institutional services, but by bringing services for them near their place making, we can cater to a large number of disabled persons in rural area. Hence, this project is planned. A vocational training centre would be set-up at Chachiyawas village, Block Shrinagar, . Here organisation has built up its own school & has spare for vocational training centre that will ideally suit both rural and urban area children. Total 32-children with special need are getting training in this training centre from age group above 15 years. This centre is situated 11 km away from main city and 4 km away from district maternity hospital.

As this is the third year of the project Swavlamban ki disha Main “Daksh” and we have faced mixed kind of experiences with the children. Some of the children has shown a great improvement and leanings and also some of the children have performed very poor.

This annual report is keeping the all inputs and outputs which RMKM have got from the project during this project period.

Background -

VIBHA & ASHA are supporting the RMKM for its initiatives in the field of disability. With the kind support from VIBHA & ASHA we are running Daksh – Vocational Training Center and Community Based Rehabilitation programme in Ajmer district. The detailed backgrounds of both the projects are described followingly.

Since last 7 years RMKM is working with the VIBHA and because of VIBHA RMKM is now able to serve many more children with special needs. The service was started with only one unit of vocational training but however the time was passed the need of the children get increased and VIBHA supported us to fulfill the need of the CWSN through its DAKSH Vocational Training Center. In the first year we started stationary unit and wooden unit. In this we appointed instructors and also provided them trainings for manufacturing the products. Firstly we identified the product which could be develop by our special children and also kept in mind which could get good sale from market. In the second year of the project we started Deco unit and Vermin compost unit too in our Daksh VTC.

Today these 4 units are working properly only because of support from VIBHA. But for sustainability we will be needed more continuous support and good market linkages. It will give us support in strengthening our work for long time. Today Daksh have been created its own identity in the field and people are also accepting its products.

There were many more other children who were seeking help from RMKM. Because of some reasons they were not able to get any kind of services. For providing the services to this vulnerable part of the community VIBHA came forwarded for support. With VIBHA we also got kind hand from ASHA and extended CBR programme in Ajmer city as well as in rural area. By CBR programme we are directly providing services to CWSN at their door step.

RMKM is not only providing the services of CBR but also we are making linkages with government schemes. The main reason behind this linkage is to provide overall benefit to the children by various schemes. This resulted our good repo among the community.

Venture location:

The school cum vocational center is situated in 3.3-Acre land, at Chachiyawas village Block Shrinagar, Ajmer district. It is well connected with road, electricity and water facility, having lots of open space and pollution free environment.

Objectives: -

A) DAKSH – Vocational Training Center

(1) Provide vocational training to the rural & urban disable person matching the job characteristic with their functional potentialities.

(2) To equip the learners with skills and knowledge for vocational training, work place behavior, work related skills, safety precautions, social behavior, and communication skills for integration within the community.

(3) Make provision of working opportunities as result they can earn their livelihood.

(4) To bridge the gap between productions and marketing by directly marketing the articles.

(5) To develop an understanding about mental retardation and an attitude of sensitivity and empathy towards the mentally retarded.

B) Community Based Rehabilitation Programme

1) To provide preventive, promotive and rehabilitative services to Mentally Challenged children. 2) To provide vocational assistance & training to the mentally challenged children. 3) To educate and trained mentally challenged children with their mother’s support. 4) To motivate mothers for mentally challenged children’s training and rehabilitation. 5) To sensitize family about the need of the mentally challenged children and to help the child in his/her development as per his/her potentials. 6) To implement out reach and comprehensive community based rehabilitation programme in nearby areas of proposed area. 7) To provide equal rights to the special children as equal with the normal children. 8) To generate biased free atmosphere for the special as well as normal children.

Target for the Programme

Mental retardation refers to substantial limitation in present functioning. It is characterized by significantly sub-average intellectual functioning existing concurrently with related limitations in two or more of the following applicable adaptive skills areas:

² Communication ² Self care ² Home living ² Social skills ² Community use ² Self direction ² Healthy & safety ² Functional academics ² Leisure and work

One of the assumptions of this definition is "with appropriate supports over a sustained period, the life functioning of the persons with mental retardation will generally improve. The aim of vocational education is to provide age appropriate training and supports to change the substantial limitation in present functioning by identifying, a suitable job, providing intensive training with reasonable remuneration and promising a better quality of life of person with mental retardation."

Specific adaptive limitations often coexist with strengths in other adaptive skills or personal capabilities. Therefore, the criteria for selection for vocational education are not the I.Q. but the present level of functioning.

This methodology retarded helping to involved various category children in vocational training like category of Mild & Moderate retarded children along with physical disabled having various disability especially (orthopedic).

Success stories because of VIBHA & ASHA

We have requested VIBHA to provide Physio/Speech therapist for our CBR and Day care programme because most of our children in CBR and Day care are needed therapeutic intervention for their better development. VIBHA accepted our request and provided us Physiotherapist. Because of therapist rate of child development is increasing which is directly helping us to work better with the children.

I made Diaries for you

Case study – Sankalp Gokhle, is an 18 year old Child with Special Needs. He was born normally but because of continuous illness and fever his physical development was slow. Year by year when he was growing his physical growth was slow as well as he was suffering from behavioral problem. He was not able to sit at one place for more then 15 minutes. He used to talk with himself only. By consulting his problem with Doctor they referred Sankalp in Minu Manovikas Mandir 3 years before. After assessment we prepared the programme for him. By doing

hard work today he is now able to sit in one place for long time. After seeing his development and skills we enrolled him in our Stationary unit in July 2009. Today he is supporting the instructor in counting and folding the paper, stitching the cloths but needs help. He is also able to pasting and cutting the paper. RMKM is working on his overall development and trying to make him independent so that he could live his life independently.

Growth chart - Sankalp Gokhle, Pre Vocational, July 2009- April 2010

Case Study : I am a Gold Medalist Too Dipesh Jain: Dipesh is 16 year old child who was enrolled in July 2009 in Minu Manovikas Mandir, Chachiyawas. After doing assessment we enrolled him in our Pre vocational class. When he was enrolled in school we found him facing behavior problem and he was also hyper active. He had also taken admission in normal school but because of his problems they disallowed him for the school. Then his parents enrolled him in our center. At the time of admission he was not able to do his buttoning and

unbuttoning, he used to take help for toilet, as well as his vocational and educational level was nil.

After assessment we prepared his programme and started working with him. Slowly but he started taking interest in day to day activity of the center. He also participated in many activities of the center like 15th August, 26th January and many others. He also participated in the special Olympic games and also won 1st prize at State level. After seeing his development we enrolled him in our Stationary unit. Today he is able to count the papers, cut and fold the papers, as well as he is also able to run the Paper cutting machine. Today he is able to prepare the complete diary by doing all tasks like cutting, counting, pasting and stitching. His family is also very happy by seeing his development. Now Dipesh does his daily routine work at his own as well as he also support his parents in their work.

Growth Chart

List of Children employed till July 2010

Rajasthan Mahila Kalyan Mandal Chachiyawas Ajmer List of Student Linkage with Employment SR# Name of Students 1 Ismil Khan 2 Faruq Khan 3 Mohit Sharma 4 Dinesh Sankhala

5 Rajendra Kumar 6 Sunil Shau 7 Susheel Tailor 8 Deep Chand Munot 9 Tanuja 10 Sunil Lohia 11 Govind 12 Pankaj Banjara 13 Ummed 14 Ramdev Singh 15 Shrawan Bansal 16 Lokesh 17 Dinesh 18 Ankush Arora 19 Poonam Chand 20 Mohit Solanki 21 Susheel Tailor 22 Ankush Arora 23 Jagdish Nagar 24 Koushal 25 Sachin Sharma 26 Poonam Chand 27 Manoj Kumar Goyal 28 Prem Singh 29 Deni Demonik 30 Lokendra Singh 31 Sanjay Kalara 32 Mohammad Irfan 33 Manish Jayaswal 34 Ravi Chandalia 35 Vishal Chandalia

Activities at a glance under DAKSH & CBR:

This year of the project has started showing some of the outcomes of our efforts and most of the activities have been done continuously with specific objectives. Some of our students have shown extremely good development and some of also shown tranquil development.

This year we have organized many main activities for the programme. We have also organized employment counseling for providing the placement for the children. RMKM have also organized some of the exposure visits to the children for their overall development. It has given

1. Athens USA Special Olympic selection news : this year RMKM have achieved new zenith in its work. RMKM is the founder member of Special Olympic in Rajasthan. For organizing special Olympics RMKM and 4 other organizations have approached the central government and since year 2000 we are organizing Special Olympic at zonal, district and state level. In the month of March 2010 we got a good news of our 2 students are selected for International Special Olympic which will be held on next year in Athens USA. This is the biggest achievement of the RMKM and its work which we do for the overall development of the children with special need.

2. Samarth Inauguration – With the financial support from Japan embassy RMKM have constructed Samarth Residential Hostel for CWSN. Inaugural function of this centre was organized on 18th November 2009. And we were highly honored with the presence of Mr. Gokai Inada, First Secretary, Embassy of Japan for the inauguration. We have 28 boys and 6 girls in this hostel.

3. State level Best NGO Award : - On 3rd december2009 organization has elected For the Award of state level BEST NGO working in the field of mental retardation BY Ministry of Social Justice & Welfare department, Govt. Of Rajasthan. State Minister has given the memento, Certificate and cheque of Rs. 10000 to RMKM in a State level public function.

From left Mr. Khillimal Jain, Disability Commissioner, Rajasthan, Mr.

Ramkishor Saini State minister, Minister of Social Justice & Welfare

Department, Ms. Kshama Kakade, Chief Functionary, RMKM. Ms. Malvika Pawar, Principal Secretary (IAS), Social Justice & Empowerment department, Govt. Of Rajasthan. Mr. Pram Kumar, Commissioner (IAS), Social Justice & Empowerment department, Rajasthan

4. Special Olympic : Sports activities are the regular activity of the schools. For encouraging the children as well as for exposure RMKM sends them in Special Olympics. This year our children have participated in 6 special Olympic organized at Block, District, Zonal and National Level. Our students have also won prizes in National Level Special Olympics.

From right on chair Former Central

Railway Minister Mr. Lalu Prasad Yadav with RMKM staff and students during Patna Special Olympic.

5. Vermin Compost training : - This year RMKM have organized training on vermin compost making for the Children with Special Needs. For providing the employment opportunity for the children we organized this training. Totally 20 children attended this training. The training was on practical basis and Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) Ajmer provided us the technical support in the training.

6. Awareness Programmes : From 29th December 2009 to 3rd January 2010 RMKM organized Mobile exhibition and puppet shows in 27 identified places in rural as well as urban area. The main objective of these awareness programmes was to make wider awareness on disability. We also get good response from the community and we identified 4 new children with special need through these awareness programmes.

7. Employment counseling : - For providing the employment opportunity to the children with special need we have organized 3 employment counseling one at Ajmer center and the 2 at Beawer center. In these employment counseling we have invited the employer from the different fields. Through this we tried to change their mentality regarding the CWSN. All employers had the thinking that these CWSN are not able to do any work but after attending this counseling session every one was so surprised by seeing the CWSN doing work. From these 2 sessions we have placed 7 children in different companies/trades.

8. Awareness Programmes for Pre Natal, Post Natal and neo natal : on 7th May 2010 RMKM have organized awareness programme on Pre Natal, Post Natal and neo natal. In this function we have called the parents of our school children as well as journal community. In this function more then 100 people participated. We have provided them information about the disability, identification of disability and reasons of disability. Our all children participated in this function.

9. Exposure visit : this year we have organized 2 exposure visits for our children one in Pushkar and Budha Pushkar and second is on Sai Baba temple and Anasagar lake in Ajmer. In this exposure our special as well as Normal children participated. Before organizing the visit we have planned the objectives of the visit which are as follows Social

development, Educational development, Behavioral Development. In social children came to know how to walk in main market, while taking out shoes in front of temple we also explained the reason of it, how to take Prasad and Charnamrit from the priest. In education we made them aware about the importance of Pushkar in the Hindu society, holy place, Brahma temple etc. In behavioral we saw some changes like they were walking together, friendly behavioral among the children improved, Confidence of walking in the market improved, Patience like waiting for the refreshment and standing in a queue. These visits also help to deliver the message about CWSN and Inclusive education within the Community.

DAKSH Vocational Training Center

List of trainees/Instructors unit vise : - Rajasthan Mahila Kalyan Madal, Chachiyawas, Ajmer

List of Trainees in DAKSH Vocational Training Center

Year 2009 - 10

Name of Day Care Name of Vocational Center SR# Name of Unit SR# Instructor SR# Name of Trainees

1 Wood Craft Unit-I 1 John Mohammad 1 Pawan

2 Kartarmal Mourya 2 Rodmal

3 Sanwaran Singh Rawat 3 Mukesh Mehra

4 Laxman

5 Suresh

6 Ajeet

7 Tarun

8 Jitendra

9 Sunil

10 Vijendra

11 Deep Chand

2 Vermi Compost Unit 4 Mr. Kush Sharma 12 Sanjay Sharma

13 Manoj Satrawala

14 Sankalp Minu Manovikas Mandir, Chachiyawas, Dist.-Ajmer

15 Vivek

3 Stationary Unit 5 Nepal Singh Rawat 16 Gaurav Bhajwani

6 Manoj Goyal 17 Sankalp Gookhle

18 Mukesh Jat

19 Hari Mohan Meena

4 Deco Craft Unit 7 Usha Satrawala 20 Rakesh Sharma

8 Twinkle Mahawar 21 Tarun Rathore

22 Deepchand

23 Anurag

24 Manoj Satrawala

25 Jitendra

26 Rodmal

27 Ajeet

28 Mukesh

6 9 29 Wood Craft Unit -II Ram Niwas Bhavesh Arora

30 Chetan Verma

31 Kailash

32 Sunil Sahu Beawar, Dist.. -Ajmer Beawar, Dist.. Sanjay Special School,

1. List of exhibitions/fairs attended : – during this year 2009-10 RMKM have participated in the following exhibitions and shares.

Rajasthan Mahila Kalyan Mandal, Chachiyawas, Ajmer

Participation in Exhibition During the year 2009-10

SR# Name of Exhibition Place Duration Total sale

1 Shilpotsav New Delhi 9-10 September 2009 Rs. 1785

th th 2 Shilpotsav, Delhi Haat New Delhi 25 September to 5 October Rs. 570 2009 3 Exhibition cum Sale Nasirabad 12 October 2009 NIL

th nd 4 Pushkar Mela – Gandhi Shilp Pushkar 26 October to 2 November Rs. 5060 Bazar 2009 th nd 5 Shilp Gram – Hast Shilp Mela Pushkar 29 October to 2 November Rs. 2155 2009

NIL 6 Parents Milan Samaroh, RMKM Ajmer 10th November 2009

7 SBBJ Bank Workshop Jaipur 25th November 2009 NIL

8 Banglore Exhibition Bangalore 5th to 10th December Rs.210

9 Ajaymeru Craft Mela Ajmer 12th to 18th January 2010 Rs. 21567

10 Sale through ARUNIM New Delhi During the year Rs. 15619

Vocational Trades for the project: -

1. Woodcraft Unit : the product which are manufactured in this unit are getting good response from the community. The success of woodcraft unit can be measured by its total sale during the last year. Because of support from ARUNIM we have also manufactured few new products in this unit. We have 15 children with special need in this unit, 11 in MMM Chachiyawas and 4 in SSS Beawer. This year we have sold Rs. 9,325 product from this unit by participating in various exhibitions and fairs.

2. Stationary Unit : the most successful unit is Stationary unit. The file folders and executive file folders are highly appreciated by the general community as well as other organizations. This year we have launched few more new designs in Executive file folders.

Though last year District collector has also issued a letter to all the government departments to purchase the files folder from RMKM but we haven’t got good response from the departments. Many times we did contact with departments but haven’t got good order from them. Only few of the government departments have given us the order which was also too low in quantity. At present 4 CWSN’s are getting training in this stationary unit. During the year we have sold Rs. 19,210 products from this unit.

3. Deco Craft Unit : in this unit totally 8 children are getting training from our 2 instructors. We have not launched any new product in this unit in this year and we have focused mainly on greeting card making. Greeting cards have good demand in the market and most of the children have the adequate eligibility for card making so we have provided training with special emphasis on card making to the children with special need.

4. Vermin Compost unit : This year we have organized a residential training on Vermin compost making for the 20 disabled children from Ajmer and Beawer. This training was organized at our Chachiyawas Center. We have also organized a exposure visit to Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Ajmer for guiding us on making good vermin compost.

At present 4 CWSN’s are getting training in this Vermin compost unit.

Visits : On 17th December 2009 Ms. Zankhana Patel, Programme Manager Vibha visited RMKM. The main objective of the visit was to review the programme activities of RMKM. During her visit she visited CBR programme and interacted with 6 CBR children and their family. She also discussed about the programme as well as the role which parents play in the programme. She also motivated parents to support the CBR programme so that the result could also be improved.

Our Products : Through DAKSH Vocational Training Center RMKM is manufacturing these products.

S.# Code Number Name of Articles Unit Price (Rs.)

01 W.R.A. 01 Rolling Acrobat / Rolling Clown 115.00 02 W.C.D. 02 Cat & Dog show piece (Single) 60.00 03 W.P. 03 Wooden Parrot show piece (Single) 60.00 04 W.P.S. 04 Pen Stand 60.00 05 W.B.T. 05 Ball Toss 60.00 06 W.X. 06 Xylophone 115.00 07 W.J.S.S. 07 Jigsaw Square Set (6 piece with Panel) 220.00 08 W.J.T.S. 08 Jigsaw Triangle Set (6 piece with Panel) 220.00 09 W.J.C.S. 09 Jigsaw Circle Set (6 piece with Panel) 220.00 10 W.J.A.S. 10 Jigsaw Apple Set (4 piece with Panel) 75.00 11 W.P.S. 11 Pillar Set (17 piece with Panel) 440.00 12 W.C.T.S. 12 Christmas Tree Set (7 piece with stand) 135.00 13 W.T.G. 13 Ten Gram (7 Pieces with Panel) 135.00 14 W.E.S. 14 Elephant Set 155.00 15 W.P.S. 15 Pair Set with stand 100.00 16 W.N.B.S. 16 Needle - Button Set 40.00 17 W.S.L.M. 17 Shoe Lace Model 60.00 18 W.N.D.S. 18 Number Digit Set (1 to 9) 60.00 19 W.M.B.B. 19 Math Balance Beam 190.00 20 W.C.P.S. 20 Cuboid Puzzle Set 60.00 21 W.Q.P.S. 21 Questionnaire Puzzle Set 250.00 22 W.J.A.S. 22 Jigsaw Alphabet Set with Panel (A to Z) 155.00 23 W.J.N.D.S. 23 Jigsaw Number Digit Set with Panel ( 1 to 9) 150.00

24 24 __ 90.00 W.J.M.S. Jigsaw Mathematical (+, , X, ÷) Symbol Set with panel 25 W.J.I.M. 25 Jigsaw Map with panel 200.00 26 W.J.R.M. 26 Jigsaw Rajasthan Map with panel 190.00

27 W.A. 27 Abacus with stand 170.00 28 W.D.S. 28 Duck Show Piece 25.00 29 W.S.G.S. 29 Solid Geometrical Shapes 125.00 30 W.C. 30 Clock Model 125.00 31 W.G 31 Glider Model 150.00 32 W.H.C.S. 32 Hindi Consonant Set 200.00 33 W.G.S. 33 Geometrical Shapes 250.00 34 S.S.P. 01 Slip Pad (Made from Hand Made Paper) 12.00 35 S.D.S 02 Diary Small (Made from Hand Made Paper) 25.00 36 S.D.B 03 Diary Big (Made from Hand Made Paper) 40.00 37 S.D.L.C. 04 Diary with Lather Cover (Made from Hand Made Paper) 110.00 38 A.F. 01 File Folder 70.00 39 L.P.S. 19 Pen Stand 60.00 40 M.F.P.S. 01 Flower Pot Small 25.00 41 M.F.P.L. 02 Flower Pot Large 50.00 42 M.F.P. 03 Flower Pot (Made from Ice-Cream Sticks) 50.00 43 Stationary Writing/Note Pad (Made from Handmade Paper) 100.00 44 Stationary Note Pad (Made from Liner Paper) 7.5” X 9.25” 40.00

45 Stationary Executive File Folder 90.00

46 Wood Craft Communication Board 800.00 47 Wood Craft Pen Stand 50.00

48 Wood Craft Mobile Stand 50.00

49 Wood Craft Jigsaw Puzzle (Peacock, Dog, Parrot, Cow & Sun Flower) 125.00

New Product Launch in the Current Year : 2009-10

This year ARUNIM had organized 9 days workshop for woodcraft unit. Through this our artisan came to know about few more products. The list of the new product is as follows :

Unit Name SR # Name of Articles Amount

Wood Craft 01 Spray Tray (Size – Small, Big) Small – 200 Big – 230 Wood Craft 02 Jigsaw Tray(Size – Small, Medium, Big) Small – 200 Medium– 210 Big – 230 Wood Craft 03 Tea Coaster Box 150

Wood Craft 04 Tea Coaster set 80 Wood Craft 05 Jigsaw Paper Napkin Holder 105

Wood Craft 06 Jigsaw Paper Napkin stand 100

Wood Craft 07 Jigsaw Puzzles 75

Rural CBR report

In Rural CBR we are providing services to 36 children with special need (CWSN). The detail of the children is as follows : -

1) Sex vise distribution : As mentioned we are working with 36 CWSN in rural area. Out of these 36 children 23 are mail and 13 are female. They belong to rural background.

2) Caste vise distribution : out of these 36 children 2 children belongs from General community, 32 children belongs from OBC and 2 children are from SC.

3) Age wise enrollment : Out of these 36 children from rural area we have 5 children in the age group of 0 to 6 years, 12 children from 7 to 10 years, 10 children from 11 to 14 years, 7 children from 15 to 18 years and 2 children are above then 18 years.

4) Parents occupation : in rural area there are very few opportunity for employment. The major occupation of the families is agriculture but because of continuous draught in central Rajasthan agricultural activity has been come to an end. Most of the families are either migrating from the village or doing some other labor work. Our of 36 children’s parents 20 parents are doing labor work for earning the food.

10 parents are doing agricultural related work and 2 parents are doing small privet work for their daily living. Only 4 parents have their fixed government job.

5) Family Income : Though most of the parents are doing small labor and agricultural work so their family income is also too low to run their family. Out of 36 families only 2 families have more then Rs. 10000 per month income, only 3 families have Rs. 5000 to 10000 per month. But 31 families are earning less then Rs. 5000 per month for their family.

6) Parents Educational Status : in rural India education status is too low. Though the villagers are now getting the importance of education and for this they are also

enrolling their children in schools. But if we see the education status of parents then we will find that out of 36 parents 29 mothers are illiterate and 6 fathers are illiterate. 5 mothers and 23 fathers have received the education till primary classes. 2 mothers and 3 fathers have received the education till middle class. Not single mothers have received education till secondary level. Only 3 fathers have received the education till secondary level.

7) Siblings status : in rural area the family size is higher in compare of urban area. If we see our children sibling status then we will found 8 children have at least 1 brother or sister in their family. 14 children have 2 B/S, 10 children have 3 B/S, 4 children have 4 B/S in their family.

8) Therapy Services to CBR Children : in disability most of CWSN are always needed continuous therapy services. This year RMKM have also started therapeutic intervention in CBR also. In this we are providing physio and speech therapy to the CWSN. IN this we are providing therapy services to 30 children, 15 in Physio and 15 is speech.

9) Child enrollment : One of the major responsibilities of CBR worker is to identify the new children with special need so that we can provide our services to maximum number of children. For

identifying new children our CBR worker always do contact with Anganwari centers because in rural area Anganwari centers are the place for women and children. Thee Anganwari centers keep the record of children and pregnant and lactating women. By doing contact with Anganwari centers we have identified 1 children in rural area. And by communicating with parents of special children as well as with general community we have identified 3 children with special need.

10) Govt. scheme benefited : RMKM always try to provide all services to its children therefore we also interlinked them with various government schemes which are available for the CWSN. This practice helps the parents of CWSN to avail the government services also. This year we have made 2 medical certificates of the children, 4 bus passes, 4 railway passes and 3 Niramaya Health card.

Urban CBR :

1. Sex vise distribution : with the support from VIBHA & ASHA RMKM is serving 165 children with special need through its CBR programme. Since last year we were facing problem of children drop out as well as few of our parents were not supporting our programme. So we revised our children after communicating with the parents. After revising the list we finally got 165 children. Totally 39 children got drop out from the programme. Out of these 165 children 122 are male and 43 are female.

2. Caste vice distribution : the below chart is showing the caste vice distribution of our CBR children. Out of 165 children we have 74 CWSN from heneral community, 36 CWSN from OBC, 33 CWSN from SC and 22 CWSN are from ST category.

3. Religion vice distribution : RMKM belives in service delivery weather the children belongs to from any religion. This atitude help us to serve better to the community. Out of total 165 children we have 150 CWSN from Hindu, 12 CWSN from Muslim, and 3 CWSN from Christian community.

4. Age vice distribution : more then 50% children are above then age of 18 years. 23 children are in between the age of 15 to 18 years, 23 children are in between 11 to 14 years. 18 children are in between the age of 7 to 10 years. 17 children are in between the age of 0 to 6 years. We always try to identify the CWSN in the early age so that we could provide them services soon as well as counseling to parents for their child development.

5. Family income : monthly income of 101 families is less then Rs. 5000 per month. 44 families have monthly income of Rs. 5000 to Rs. 10000 per month. 11 families have their monthly income in between Rs. 10000 to Rs. 15000. And only 09 families have their monthly income more then Rs. 15000.

6. Family occupation : out of the 165 families 50 parents are doing hard labor work for earning the money. 35 parents are doing privet job or work for earning the money. 32 parents are doing small other work for their family. Only 48 parents have government job.

7. Sibling status : 13 CWSN are the only son or daughter of their parents. 24 CWSN are having atleast 1 sibling, 50 CWSN are having 2 siblings, 42 CWSN are having 3 siblings, 21 CWSN are having 4 siblings and 15 CWSN are having either 5 or more then 5 siblings in their family. Because of big number of family parents faces a lot of problem in providing the all services to the CWSN.

8. Parents education status : in urban area illiteracy is still a big problem. If we see the below chart we will found out of 165 parents 17 fathers are illiterate and 53 mothers are illiterate. 20 fathers and 27 mothers have received the education till primary level. 34 fathers and 31 mothers have received the education till middle class. 30 fathers and 24 mothers have received the education till secondary level. 24 fathers and 9 mothers have received the education till Sr. Secondary class and 40 fathers and 21 mothers are graduate.

9. Enrollment through : out of the total 165 CWSN 76 children were identified by the CBR worker by communicating with parents and general community. With the support from Anganwari centers we have identified 16 CWSN. Doctors have referred 5 CWSN to our centers. 21 CWSN were enrolled because of conversation of parents of CWSN. 47 CWSN were enrolled through community members. Because of CBR programme awareness level of community is increasing and they are referring children with special needs to our centers.

10. Govt. Schemes benefited : RMKM always provide assistant to all its children for availing the various government services for the disabled. This helps the family to serve and care better to CWSN. For these 165 children we have made 146 Medical Certificates, 5 astha card, 132 Rail Pass, 94 Bus Pass, 54 Guardianship and 65 Niramaya forms.

11. Physio & Speech service delivery : in CBR also we are providing speech and physiotherapy services to CWSN. In urban CBR 75 children are getting speech services and 64 CWSN are getting physiotherapy services.

Achievement of the programme :

1. Total Sale : during the year we have sold Rupees 44,214 products by participating in various exhibitions and fairs. Because of unavailability of market linkages this year we didn’t get success to participate in more exhibitions nor did we get good orders from other organizations. But we are focusing on improving our sale and we are also trying to get good orders from other organizations but because of unavailability of good marketing professional we are not getting success to sale high.

2. New products in Woodcraft unit : ARUNIM is providing its valuable support for improving the variety and quality of our products. This year ARUNIM have provided training to our woodcraft vocational trainer Mr. Jan Mohammad. In this training trainer have been trained in making some new products under woodcraft unit. We have also added these products in our product list. The list of new products has been mentioned above.

3. Therapeutic Intervention : this year RMKM have started therapeutic intervention in it CBR programme which really helped a lot in the development of the children. Because of getting different services children have also shown tremendous progress. Physio and speech therapist is providing regular services to our children. Most of our children are having speech and physio problem and because of these problems our whole programme was affecting. By starting these therapeutic services in the field children have shown good improvement.

4. Govt. Schemes benefited : RMKM always focused on providing the government services to the children. This always helps them to avail the medical or other services. By enrolling these children with various government schemes also empower their family to serve fairly to children with special need. This year government have launched Niramaya Health insurance scheme in which government is providing 100% free medical treatment to all the children.

5. New children identification : in CBR identification of the new children is very major and regular activity. For this CBR worker regularly do contact with Pediatrician, Anganwri centers and general community. They used to make them aware about the disability as well as they also discusses the available services for CWSN in schools or anywhere else. Parents counseling is the very important activity in CBR which motivates parent to enroll their child for availing the services.

With the kind support from Local Level Committee Ajmer RMKM had organized 2 days Multipurpose Disability Service Camp. In this camp we have served more then 474 children with special need. With the collaboration with district administration we have provided 232 disability certificates, 231 Railway concession pass, 86 bus concession pass and we have also registered 53 children with employment department. This camp was very successful in the history of Ajmer and RMKM. Totally 474 children and their families were benefited from this camp.

In this camp we have also interlinked children with special need with the various schemes by Social justice & welfare departments. In this we have filled 58 pension form of the CWSN, Student scholarship form for 12 children, and 27 Astha Card.

Future Vision :

1. Last year we had requested VIBHA to support a Marketing Executive Personal and it is really an Unavoidable need for sailing our product. Now we are able to produce much kind of products, so for a better sale we need one marketing professional who would be engaged only in marketing activities. Roles and responsibility of the marketing executive would be only sale of products, which have been made in our vocational training center. So we would be excepting the financial support from VIBHA to support in standing us on our base.

2. We have identified more then 40 children with special need and we are seeking support from VIBHA/ASHA for expansion of our field. If VIBHA could support one more CBR worker and other related expenses of the field then we will be more able to provide services in Pushkar city also.