Intermediate Graphic Design Art 3330
UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON | SCHOOL OF ART | GRAPHIC DESIGN Fall 2015 Intermediate Graphic Design Art 3330 Tuesday/Thursday Associate Professor Cheryl Beckett Contact | | Time 8:30–11:30 AM Monday/Wednesday Associate Professor Fiona McGettigan Contact | | Time 8:00–11:00 AM Typography : Research + Classification Study 1. Ed Benguiat (over 600 typefaces including Bookman, and ITC Ben- Due Monday August 31/Tuesday Sept 1 guiat) 1. 2. Morris Fuller Benton (America’s most prolific type designer, having Having been assigned one of the type designers to the left, research their completed 221 total typefaces, including: Franklin Gothic, Century typefaces and their work, their process and their design philosophy. Present Schoolbook, News Gothic, Bank Gothic) the work, the context and any other relevant narratives along with representa- 3. William Addison Dwiggins (36 completed typefaces including Electra, tions of their contribution to the world of type design. Caledonia, Metro) 4. Frederic Goudy (90 completed typefaces including: Copperplate, Present the work of the assigned type designer (5 min. max.) Goudy Old Style, Berkeley Oldstyle) Include: 5. Chauncey H. Griffith (34 typefaces including Bell Gothic, 1937; 1. A brief statement about the designer and their work specifically Poster Bodoni, 1938) related to their typographic contribution 6. Jonathan Hoefler (Knockout, Hoefler Text, Gotham, Archer, Sentinel, 2. 5 images of their work with particulars about their typeface design, partner with Tobias Frere-Jones) classifications and application. 7. Robert Slimbach (Minion, Adobe Garamond, Utopia, Garamond Premier) You may present digitally (screen) or on the wall.
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