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Columbia College Chicago Digital Commons @ Columbia College Chicago Columbia Chronicle College Publications 10-25-1982 Columbia Chronicle (10/25/1982) Columbia College Chicago Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Journalism Studies Commons This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. Recommended Citation Columbia College Chicago, "Columbia Chronicle (10/25/1982)" (October 25, 1982). Columbia Chronicle, College Publications, College Archives & Special Collections, Columbia College Chicago. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the College Publications at Digital Commons @ Columbia College Chicago. It has been accepted for inclusion in Columbia Chronicle by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Columbia College Chicago. ,' ""'' ~ ~\ /4~ This calculator thinks business. The TI Student Business Analyst~ If there's one rhing undcrgrad lr all means you spend less of rhe package. You also ger business students have always time cakularing, and more a book rhar follows most needed, th is is ir: an affordable, rime learning. One keystroke business courses: the Business husiness'()riented calculator. rakes the place of many. Anuh-lt Guidebook. Business The Student Business Analyst. The cakularor is just part professors helped us wr ite it, Its huilr·in business formulas to hdp vou ger rhe mosr our let you perform complicated of cakulawr and dassr<Xlm. finance, accounting and A p<m·t·rful combination. statistical funciions- rhc ones Think business. ~ ~ rhar usunlly require a lot of With the Srudenr ' .. ~VJ time and a stack of reference Business Analyst. hooks, like present apd future valut• calculations, amortiza· TEXAS vo~v~ rions and halkxm payments. INSTRUMENTS 'X:-~ 00t-~, o-~ l••.,.:"l,,,.fn•llun••IU• «..~ CJ0<::- '' \" ·. For the sake of humanity The presentation fo Nobel Peace lion lor an unconditional lreeze ol Prizes for work against the pro nuclear weapons; a movement liferation of nuclear arms was a which Is reaching all walks ol llle, welcome event. It underscores on throughout the nation ; a move an international front the Im ment which brings a common portance of discussion concerning sense approach to the Insanity ol the production and deployment of lurther nuclear development. these deadly weapons. Ollen, government does not res The award winners, Alfonso Gar pond to the needs or wishes ol the cia Robles, of Mexico, and Alva society: when it doesn't, citizens Myrdal of Sweden have spent their must stand up to the challenges lives in the pursuit of peace. Both which lace the country or lace the served the world by exploring the realities ol such policy il it Is not nuclear issue In an educational and challenged! diplomatic manner. The reality ol nuclear conlronta While we're overjoyed to see this tion Is death! The administration's development. the battle is not over. concept ol protecting citizens !rom Many Americans are still indif such a calamity Is absurd. The on ferent to the threat of nuclear war: ly protection Is total elimination ol lndlf!erence which could spell the the evil and deadly Ioree ol nuclear end ol humanity. arms. Voters in Illinois have a chance The Reagan administration to set a mandate lor the total would lead us to believe that lur lreeze and lurther manulaclure ol ther development ol these weapons nuclear arms. Legislation ol this ol destruction Is needed to nature has been adopted In many preserve the peace and freedom areas throughout the United which we so deeply cherish. States. It Is lime lor the citizens ol However, more and more ollicials Illinois to have their voice heard and members ol the armed forces throughout the Midwest and In are calling this expansion deadly Washlngton. and unwarranted. For the sake or America, lor the The oval office chooses to ignore sake or humanity, we urge adop Letters to the editor the wishes ol the majority ol tion or the nuclear lreeze resolu Americans who support the resolu- tion. Dear Editor, Change!" This letter Is addressed to the Could we have some speclllcs, students ol Columbia College who, please? You reler to "an ad along with many of their fellow ministration." Well, whose?· Americans, shall have the op Mayor BY.rne's? Sheriff Elrod's? portunity this coming election day, President Reagan's? I'm going to Nov. 2, to lilt their voices In sup assume, lor the sake of lllustra· port ol a sane choice lor lion, that your reference Is to the humankind - to cast one's vote In policies of President Reagan. I'd MANAGING EDITOR I lavor of a freeze on the testing, Maryanne Cius·tino appreciate a few !acts to substan I . production and deployment by tl~e your charges. ~ both the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. of CITY EDITOR In what way(s) has the Reagan nuclear weaponry in a world so Mark Mer.dorf saturated and overburdened with administration disregarded the ol mass destruction that poor? The elderly? The working weapons class (whatever that Is?) What ASSISTANT EDITORS By Mark Merzdorf Investment In military expen babies die for lack of nourishment speclllc Improvements do you an laura Alonso For those Americans who ditures, contrary to a belle! held by while the arsenals of overkill vomit Kenneth Green believe In a strong defense at any on the earth from their very ex ticipate, should the voters turn out many, Is not beneficial to the In record numbers In Novmeber? cost, the report published by the growth of the economy. The cess. Whom do you suggest we cast our ARTS/ ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR Council on Economic Priorities onslaught of dollars thrust Into a We, the Concerned Faculty, Allyson Buckley provides some insight Into a policy Stall...ol Columbia College ask the ballots for to e!lect these changes? staggering economy fuels Infla Or do you even care, as long as our which may be more dangerous to tion, reduces technological com students of Columbia College to act vote Is against candidates current· society than the threat or Com petition, and serves to produce as responsible and mature citizens ADVERTISING DIRECTOR munism. machinery which Is never consum by undertaking two tasks: ly In olflce? And, most Interesting Mike Levin Much discussion has centered on First, during the week preceding of all, just who are some of the ed by the economy which It Ignites. ol this "small group of the Reagan form of fiscal balance; Why then, does the Reagan ad· election day, request of your members people and corporations" who sup the concept of shifting social pro ministration support such a teachers In each and every class to STAFF grams to the state and local levels policy? Perhaps the lear ol the Red take a lew minutes out from posedly control our government? Patrice Allen while slashing many existing army marching across our shores. "business as usual" and devote Frankly, I'm not certain exactly Sondra Brigandi federal programs to the bone. All More aptly, the llnancial gains this time to a discussion ol the what the point of this rambling Daryle Edmond heap of generalities Is. I do, of this done In the name of stability which will be reaped by delense merits ol the "Freeze Resolution" Dwayne Hayden and national security. contractors and limited technology In order that one may be better In· however, suggest this: II you want As the recent headlines have Industries which are struggling to lormed on the lssue(s) at hand to endorse speclllc candidates lor Jolene Jones claimed, the federal budget dellclt turn a prolll during the depression. when you vote on Nov. 2. speclllc reasons, fine. But, a Cynthia Keenan is Increasing, not 5ubsldlng. Statistics Indicate that countries Second, VOTE! general party backlash, which Is Jon Kashycke Reagan and his cohorts have which spend a greater portion ol Fraternally, what you seem to be advocating, Is Karin McGrier dramatically shilled the budget their gross national product on Concerned Faculty ... not the stuff ol which good Peter Rindskopf away from human services, and In delense, have slower rates ol Louis Silverstein, Convener editorials are made, and Is certain turn, have accelerated defense economic growth. Adding to the ly not a constructive answer to the Darryl Robinson spending to unprecedented levels. problem is the !act that such Dear i':dltor, nation's troubles. James Schmidt What the administration did not economic " overloading" precludes I'm writing with regard to your Yours truly, Diane Scott plan on, given Its novel experiment private expansion. Dollars which recent editorial titled, "Vote For A Hugh James Carla Spann with supply side economics, was a could be Injected Into other areas larry Wellington slgntflcanl Increase In unemploy· or the industrial sector end up In ment resulting In greater federal defense weapons, never Increasing Jody Waldman outlays In social areas. That, employment, or luncllonlng as a The Columbia Chronicle CIRCULATION coupled with massive expenditures consumable good. Peter Rindskopf In defense related areas has push In addition to the economic pro· welcomes comments, criti ed the deficit far beyond anyone's blems Inherent to such policy, PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR expectation. America Is faced with a tradeofl ol Ale ander Taylor President Reagan plans to In· delense spending and the social cisms, and reactions from crease defense spending by 52.8 and ecological losses which accrue FACULTYAOVI OR percent during the next tlve years. from budget culling. The Depart readers . Letters are subject to Le Brownlee Expansion of this degree will ex ment of Energy has been stripped cud by the money spent on the en· of Its budget, precluding much editing. All .material subm itted tire period of the VIetnam war by needed conservation and energy THE COLUMBIA CIIRONICLE e percent.