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Labour/Le Travailleur

An Index to Labour/Le Travail, Volumes 51 and 52, 2003

Volume 53, 2004


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Éditeur(s) Canadian Committee on Labour History

ISSN 0700-3862 (imprimé) 1911-4842 (numérique)

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Citer cet article (2004). An Index to Labour/Le Travail, Volumes 51 and 52, 2003. Labour/Le Travailleur, 53, 361–380.

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Biomedicine and alternative healing systems in America: issues of class, race, ethnicity, and gender: book review. Hans A. Baer. Labour I Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): p339-40 ANDERSON, Bridget ABORIGINAL self-determination Doing the dirty work? The global realities of Tragedy of progress: Marxism, modernity and domestic labour; book review. the Aboriginal question; book review. David Labour/Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): p343 Bedford and Danielle Irving. ANDERSON, Ellen Labour /Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p267-71 Judging Bertha Wilson: law as large as life; ABORTION clinic workers book review. Safety devices and measures Labour / Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): Secrecy and safety: health care workers in p295-7 abortion clinics. Sarah Todd. Labour / Le ANGUS, Charlie Travail no 52 (fall '03): p353-61 - and Palu, Louie ACTIVISTES politiques Mirrors of stone: fragments from the Porcupine Voir Political activists Frontier, book review. Biographie Labour I Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): Voir Political activists - Biography p279-81 ACTIVISTS, Political. See PoUtical activists ANISEF, Paul ADMINISTRATION, Public. See Public - and others administration Opportunity and uncertainty: life course AFRICA experiences of the class of '73; book review. See also Paul Anisef. and others. South Africa Labour / Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): History p287-9 Africans and the Industrial Revolution in ANT1POVERTY activism England: a study in international trade and South Africa economic development; book review. Joseph We are the poors: community struggles in E. Inikori. post-Apartheid South Africa; book review. Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p318-20 Ashwin Desai. AKERS, Peter, jtauth Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p332-4 Reconsidering the collective impulse: formal ANTIRACIST activism organization and informal associations Promise and a way of life: white antiracist among workers in the Australian colonies, activism; book review. Becky Thompson. 1795-1850. Michael Quinlan and others, il Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p307-10 tab graph bibliog. Labour / Le Travail no 52 APPAREL industry. See Clothing industry (fall '03): pl37-80 ARGENTINA ALBERTA See also See also Women - Social conditions - Argentina Pottery industry - Alberta ARTISTS, Canadian ALFORD, C. Fred History and criticism Whistleblowers: broken lives and organization Modernity and post-colonialism: The heart of power; book review. the empire (1909) by F.M. Bell-Smith. Ellen Labour I Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): L. Ramsay, il bibliog. Labour I Le Travail no p321-3 52 (fall '03): p207-20 ALTERNATIVE medicine ASSIMILATION (Sociology) Social aspects Tragedy of progress: Marxism, modernity and 362 LABOUR/LE TRAVAIL

ASSIMILATION (Sociology) (cont'd.) BLYTON,Paul,jtauth the Aboriginal question; book review. David Realities of work 2d ed; book review. Mike Bedford and Danielle Irving. Noon and Paul Blyton. Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p267-71 Labour /Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p343-6 AUSTRALIA BOLIVIA See also Social conditions Working classes - Australia Teetering on the rim: global restructuring, daily life and the armed retreat of the Bolivian state; book review. Lesley GilL B labour / Le Travail no 51 (spring *03): p344-5 BAER, HansA. BOLSHEVISM. See Communism Biomedicine and alternative healing systems in BONTHIUS, Andrew America: issues of class, race, ethnicity, and Patriot War of 1837-1838: locofccoisro with a gender: book review. gun? bibliog. Labour / Le Travail no 52 (fall Labour / Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): •03): p9-43 p339-40 BOOK lists. See Bibliography BAKER, Maureen BOOK reviews Families, labour and love: family diversity in a Africans and the Industrial RevoWan in changing world: book review. England: a study in international trade and Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p279-81 economic development Joseph E. Inihxi. BANGLADESH labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p3!8-20 See also Against the grain: foresters and politics in Nova Women - Employment - Bangladesh Scotia. L. Anders Sandberg and Peter Clancy. BANTING, Keith G., editor labour / Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): p345 Nonprofit sector in Canda: rules and Agnes Heller: socialism, autonomy and the relationships; book review. Keith G. Banting, postmodern. Simon Tormey. ed. Labour / Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): Labour /Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): p346 p336-9 BARGAINING. See Collective bargaining Alberta pottery industry, 1912-1990: a social BEDFORD, David and economic history. Anne Hayward. - and Irving, Danielle labour / Le Travail no 51 (spring "03): Tragedy of progress: Marxism, modernity and p»I-3 the Aboriginal question; book review. Beyond service: state workers, public policy and Labour /Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p267-71 die prospects for democratic adnuuiiaaaon. BELISLE, Donica Greg McElligott. Toward a Canadian consumer history, bibliog. Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p257-9 Labour / Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): Bienfait: die Saskatchewan miners' straggle of pl81-206 '31. Stephen L. Endicott. BELL-SMITH, F.M. Labour/ Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p253-6 about Biomedicine and alternative healing systems in Modernity and post-colonialism: The heart of America: issues of class, race, ethnicity, and the empire (1909) by F.M. Bell-Smith. Ellen gender. Hans A. Baer. L. Ramsay, il bibliog. Labour / Le Travail no Labour / Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): 52 (fall '03): p207-20 p339-40 BIBLIOGRAPHY Blood, sweat, and cheers: sport and die making See also of modem Canada. Colin D. HowelL Labour history - Bibliography Labour I Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): BIENFAIT strike, 1931 p297-9 Bienfait: die Saskatchewan miners' struggle of Bread winning: New Zealand women and die '31; book review. Stephen L. Endicott. state. Melanie Nolan. Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p253-6 Labour/U Travail no 52 (fall '03): p351 BIOGRAPHY Clothed in integrity: weaving just enteral See also relations and the garment industry. Barbara Educators - Biography Paleczny. Historians - Biography Labour/LeTravailno 51 (spring'03): p343 Lesbians - Biography Comrades and partners: the shared lives of Letters Grace Hutchins and Anna Rochester. Janet Philosophers - Biography Lee. Political activists - Biography Labour / Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): Social activists - Biography P313-I5 Women judges - Biography Constant turmoil: the politics of industrialized BLACK, Errol life in nineteenth-century New England. - and Mitchell, Tom Mary H. Blewett. Square deal for all and no railroading: historical Labour/ Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p350 essays on labour in Brandon; book review. Corporation as family: die gendering of Labour / Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): corporate welfare, 1890-1930. Nikki Maadel. p274-6 £a*our/I* Travail no 52 (fair03):p295-7 ' BLACK actors and actresses Cultures of opposition: Jewish immigrant Paul Robeson in Canada: a border story. Laurel workers. . 1881-1905. Sefton MacDowell. il bibliog. Labour / Le Hadassa Kosak. Travail no 51 (spring '03): pl77-221 Labour I Le Travail no 51 (spring TJ3): BLEWETT, Mary H. p307-9 Constant turmoil: the politics of industrialized De français à paysans: modernité et tradnion life in nineteenth-century New England; book dans le peuplement du Canada français. review. Leslie Choquette. Labour /Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p350 Labour / Le Travail no 52 (automne '03): BLUE collar workers. See Labour p283-4 ABSTRACTS 363

BOOK reviews (cont'd.) Robert Wright. Digital divide: civic engagement, information Labour /Le Travail no 52 (tall '03): p275-7 poverty, and the Internet worldwide. Pippa In the company of diamonds: De Beers, Noms. Kelinzee and the control of a town. Peter Labour/U Travail no 52 (fall -03): p339-41 Carstens. Direct action: memoirs of an urban guerrilla. Labour I Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p329-31 Ann Hansen. Initiation à la negotiation collective. Jean Labour / Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): Sexton. p289-91 Labour I Le Travail no 52 (automne '03): Disorderly people: law and the politics of p346-7 exclusion in . Joe Hermer and Janet Interesting times: a twentieth century life. Eric Mosher, eds. Hobsbawm. Labour I Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall TO): p3l4-l6 p293-5 IWA in Canada: the life and times of an Divided minds: intellectuals and the civil rights industrial union. Andrew Neufeld and movement. Carol Polsgrove. Andrew Parnaby. Labour / Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): Labour / Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): p319-21 p27I-2 Dog days: James P. Cameron vs. Max Job training charade. Gordon Later. Shachtman in the Communist League of Labour/ Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p303-5 America, 1931-1933. Judging Bertha Wilson: law as large as life. Labour I Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): Ellen Anderson. p298-301 Labour I Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): Doing the dirty work? The global realities of p295-7 domestic labour. Bridget Anderson. Korean workers: the culture and politics of class Labour/Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): p343 formation. Hagen Koo. Duquesne and the rise of steel unionism. James Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p336-8 D. Rose. Labor geographies: workers and die landscape Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p294-5 of capitalism. Andrew Herod. Earthly necessity: economic lives in early Labour I Le Travail no 51 (soring '03): modern Britain. Keith Wrightson. p333-5 Labour I Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p350 Limits of rural capitalism: family, cnkme, and Education and democracy: the meaning of markets in Montcalm, Manitoba. 1870-1940. Alexander Meiklejohn. Adam R. Nelson. Kenneth Michael Sylvester. Labour / Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): Labour I Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): p323-5 p281-2 End of marriage: individualism and intimate Making of die Chinese industrial wuikpUx: relations. Jane Lewis. state, revolution, and labour management. Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p323-4 Mark Frazier. Families, labour and love: family diversity in a Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p335-6 changing world. Maureen Baker. Mirrors of stone: fragments from nie Porcupine Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p279-8l Frontier. and Louie Palu. Fields of protest: women's movements in India. Labour / Le Travail no 51 (spring "03): RakaRay. p279-81 Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p348 Mouvement familial au Québec. 1960-1990: une Fighting for the union label: the women's politique et des services pour les familles. garment industry and the ILGWU in Denise Lemieux et Michelle Comean. Pennsylvania. Kenneth Wolensky and Nicole Labour / Le Travail no 52 (automne '03): Wolensky. p277-9 Labour/he Travail no 52 (fall '03): p290-2 Mouvements sociaux. Antimo L. Farro. For home, country and race: constructing, Labour I Le Travail no 52 (automne '03): gender, class and Englishness in the p341-3 elementary school, 1880-1914. Stephen Nation for all: race, inequality and politics in Heathorn. twentieth century . Alejandro de la Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p350 Fuente. From the folks who bought you the weekend: a /ij*OBr/i«7'rava/7no52(fall '03):p3I0-12 short illustrated history of labor in the United Never far away: the Auschwitz chronicles of States. Priscilla Murolo and A.B. Chitty. Anna Heilman. Anna Heilman. Labour /Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p288-9 Labour/ Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): p344 Gaia's wager: environmental movements and Never going back: a history of queer activism in the challenge of sustainability. Gary C. Canada. Tom Warner. Bryner. Labour /Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p28l-3 Labour I Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): New parapolice: risk markets and commodified p340-2 social control. George Rigakos. Gender in the legal profession: fitting or Labour / Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): breaking the mould. Joan Brockman. p335-6 Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p261-3 No plaster saint: the life of Mildred Osterhout Global construction of gender: home-based Fahrni. Nancy Knickerbocker. work in the political economy of the 20th Labour I Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): century. Elisabeth Prugl. p282-4 Labour / Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): Nonprofit sector in Cauda: rules and p330-2 relationships. Keith G. Banting, ed. Heroines and history: representations of Labour/Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): p346 Madeleine de Verchères and Laura Secord. Not automatic: women and the Left in the Colin M. Coates and Cecilia Morgan. forging of the Auto Workers' Union. Sol Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p284-7 Dollinger and Genora Johnson. Hip and trivial: youth culture, book publishing Labour / Le Travail no 51 (sprine "CM: and the greying of Canadian nationalism. p310-ll 364 LABOUR/LE TRAVAIL

BOOK reviews (cont'd.) p274-6 Opportunity and uncertainty: life course State and revolution in Cuba: mass mobilization experiences of the class of '73. Paul Anisef, and political change, 1920-1940. Robert and others. Whitney. Labour / Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p312-14 p287-9 Surviving poverty in medieval Paris: gender, Pacific Press: the unauthorized story of ideology, and the daily lives of the poor. Vancouver's newspaper monopoly. Marc Sharon Farmer. Edge. Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p327-9 Labour I he Travail no 51 (spring '03): Sweatshops: the globalization of the U.S. p291-3 apparel industry. Ellen Israel Rosen. Party people, communist lives: explorations in Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p292-4 biography. John Mcllroy and others, eds. Talking about identity: encounters in race, Labour I Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): ethnicity and language 2d ed. Carl Janet and p325-7 Adrienoe Shadd, eds. Politics of resentment: British Columbia Labour/ Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p265-7 regionalism and Canadian unity. Philip Teetering on the rim: global restructuring, daily Resnick. life and die armed retreat of die Bolivian Labour / Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): p345 state. Lesley Gill. Portuguese Women in : Gender, Labour / Le Travail no 51 (spring '(B): Immigration and Nationalism. Wenona Giles. p344-5 Labour /Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p271-3 Tragedy of progress: Marxism, modernity and Power to choose: Bangladeshi women and the Aboriginal question. David Bedford and labour market decisions in London and Danielle Irving. Dhaka. Naila Kabeer. Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p267-71 Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p349 Transformation of Edinburgh: land, property Promise and a way of life: white antiracist and trust in the nineteenth century. Richard activism. Becky Thompson. Rodger. Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p307-10 labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p324-7 Public enterprise revisited: a closer look at the Unauthorized entry: die truth about Nazi war 1954-79 UK labour productivity record. criminals in Canada, 1946-1956. Howard Christafis H. Iordanoglou. Margolian. Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p320-3 Labour/U Travail no 52 (fall '03): p349 Public sector pay determination in the European Watching China change. Robert Cosbey. Union. Robert Elliott, and others, ed. Labour / Le Travail no 51 (spring "0Sjc Labour / Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): p345 p327-30 Race, space, and the law: unmapping a white We are the poors: community straggle* in settler society. Sherene H. Razack, ed. post-Apartheid South Africa. AshwinDesai. Labour / Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p332-4 p299-301 When whites riot: writing race and violence in Race on the Une: gender, labor, and technology American and South African cultures. Sheila in the Bell System, 1880-1980. Venus Green. Smith McKoy. Labour I Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p331-2 p305-7 Whistleblowers: broken lives and organization Rainbow quest: the folk music revival and power. C. Fred Alford. American society, 1940-1970. Ronald D. Labour / Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): Cohen. p321-3 Labour I Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p301 -3 Whose Detroit? Politics, labor, and race in a Realities of work 2d ed. Mike Noon and Paul modem American city. Headier Ann BIyton. Thompson. Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p343-6 Labour I Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): Reconstruction in the cane fields: from slavery p3U-13 to free labor in Louisiana's sugar parishes: With these hands: die hidden world of nagraat 1862-1880. John C. Rodrigue. farm workers today. Daniel Rothenberg. Labour I Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): Labour / Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): p317-19 p315-17 Regulating girls and women: sexuality, family, Women on die job: transitions in global and the law in Ontario, 1920-1960. Joan economy. Ann Eyerman. Sangster. Labour /Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p2S9-6l Labour / Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): Women's legal strategies in Canada. Radha p284-6 Jhappan, ed. Scènes de la vie en rouge: l'époque de Jean Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p263-5 Corbin, 1906-1944. Andrée Levesque. Working hard and making do: surviving in small Labour / Le Travail no 51 (printemps '03): town America. Margaret K. Nelson. p272-4 Labour/Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): p344 Sit down and drink your beer: regulating World turned: essays on gay history, politics and Vancouver's beer parlours. Robert Campbell. culture. John D'Emilio. Labour /Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p273-5 Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p305-7 Soul by soul: life inside the antebellum slave You don't always get what you pay for. the market. Walter Johnson. economics of privatization. Elliott D. Sclar. . Labour /Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): p344 Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p350 Sport, leisure and culture in twentieth century BORIS, Eileen Britain. Jeffrey Hill. - and Deghili, Francesca Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p316-18 Nonstandard work, nonstandard workers: review Square deal for all and no railroading: historical article. Labour / Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): essays on labour in Brandon. Errol Black and p221-34 Tom Mitchell. BOUCHER, Nancy B. Labour / Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): ABSTRACTS 365

-- and Cruikshank, Ken regionalism and Canadian unity; book War on squatters, 1920-1940: Hamilton's review. Philip Resnick. boathouse community and the re-creation of Labour / Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): p345 recreation on Burlington Bay. il bibliog. CANADIAN artists. See Artists, Canadian Labour I Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): CANADIAN Committee on Labour History p9-46 Conferences BRANDON, Manitoba Minutes / Procès-verbal: Annual Meeting, History Canadian Committee on Labour Histroy, Square deal for all and no railroading: historical Halifax, 31 May 2003. Labour I Le Travail essays on labour in Brandon; book review. no52(falT03):p383-7 Errol Black and Tom Mitchell. CANADIAN history. See Canada - History Labour I Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): CANADIAN Kttrainrr. See Literature, p274-6 Canadian BRITAIN. See Great Britain CANADIAN National RaBway Co BROCKMAN.Joan Industrial relations Gender in the legal profession: fitting or Employment security and job loss: lessons from breaking the mould; book review. Canada's National Railways, 1956-1995. Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p261-3 Leslie Ehrlich and Bob Russell, bibliog. BRONFENBRENNER, Kate Labour / Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): Hard bargaining. Labour / Le Travail no 52 pi 15-52 (fall '03): p361-4 CANADIAN National Railways. See Canadian BRYNER, Gary C. National Railway Co Gaia's wager: environmental movements and CANADIENS-FRANÇAIS en Ontario the challenge of sustainability; book review. Voir French Canadians in Ontario Labour I Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): Histoire p340-2 Voir French Canadians in Ontario - History BURR, Christina CAPITALISM Some adventures of the boys: Enniskillen History Township's "foreign drillers", imperialism, Great Britain and colonial discourse, 1873-1923. il bibliog. Labour history as the history of multitudes: The Labour / Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): many-headed hydra: the hidden history of the 047-80 revolutionary Atlantic. Marcel van der BY LAWS. See Law Linden. Labour I Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p235-43 CARSTENS, Peter In die company of diamonds: De Beers, Kelinzee and die control of a town; book CAMERON, James P. review. - and Shachtman, Max labour I Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p329-31 Dog days: James P. Cameron vs. Max CHANGE, Social. See Social change Shachtman in the Communist League of CHILD labour America, 1931-1933; book review. History Labour / Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): Nonstandard work, nonstandard workers: review p298-301 article. Eileen Boris and Francesca Degiuli. CAMPBELL, Alan, jt editor Labour lie Travail no 52 (fall '03): p221-34 Party people, communist lives: explorations in CHILDREN biography; book review. John Mcllroy and See also others, eds. Youth Labour / Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): Employment p325-7 5« Child labour CAMPBELL, Robert CHINA Sit down and drink your beer: regulating See also Vancouver's beer parlours; book review. Industrial relations - History - China Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p273-5 Social change - China CANADA CHITTY,A.B„jtairth See also From the folks who bought you the weekend: a Alberta short illustrated history of labor in the United Manitoba States: book review. Priscilla Murolo and Nova Scotia A.B. Chitty. Ontario Labour I Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p288-9 Quebec CHOQUETTE, Leslie History De français à paysans: modernité et tradition 1534-1763, French régime dans le peuplement du Canada français: De français à paysans: modernité et tradition compte rendu. dans le peuplement du Canada français; Labour / Le Travail no 52 (automne '03): compte rendu. Leslie Choquette. p283-4 Labour / Le Travail no 52 (automne '03): CIVIL rights p283-4 See also Rebellion, 1837-1838 Minority women - Civil rights Patriot War of 1837-1838: locofocoism with a Women - Equal rights gun? Andrew Bonthius. bibliog. Labour / Le CIVIL rights movement Travail no 52 (fall '03): p9-43 History CANADA Divided minds: intellectuals and the civil rights Voir Canada movement: book review. Carol Polsgrove. Histoire Labour I Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): Voir Canada - History p3I9-21 CANADA and British Columbia CIVIL servants. See Government employees Politics of resentment: British Columbia 366 LABOUR/LE TRAVAIL

CLANCY, Peter, jt auth biography; book review. John Mcllroy and Against the grain: foresters and politics in Nova others, eds. Scotia; book review. L. Anders Sandberg and Labour I Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): Peter Clancy. p325-7 Labour/Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): p345 COMPANY towns CLOTHING industry South Africa Clothed in integrity: weaving just cultural In the company of diamonds: De Beers, relations and the garment industry; book Kelinzee and the control of a town; book review. Barbara Paleczny. review. Peter Carstens. Labour /Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): p343 Labour/ Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p329-31 Fighting for the union label: the women's COMPENSATION. See Wages and salaries garment industry and the ILGWU in CONFERENCES Pennsylvania; book review. Kenneth See also Wolensky and Nicole Wolensky. Canadian Committee on Labour History - Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p290-2 Conferences Globalization Feminist labour studies - Conferences Sweatshops: the globalization of the U.S. CONSUMERISM apparel industry; book review. Ellen Israel History Rosen. Toward a Canadian consumer history. Donica Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p292-4 Belisle. bibliog. Labour / Le Travail no 52 CN. See Canadian National Railway Co (fall '03): pl81-206 COATES, Colin M. CORBIN, Jean - and Morgan, Cecilia about Heroines and history: representations of Scènes de la vie en rouge: l'époque de Jean Madeleine de Verchères and Laura Secord; Corbin, 1906-1944; compte rendu. Andrée book review. Levesque. Labour I Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p284-7 Labour / Le Travail no 51 (printemps '03): COHEN, Ronald D. p272-4 Rainbow quest: the folk music revival and CORPORATE welfare American society, 1940-1970; book review. Corporation as family: die gendering of Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p301-3 corporate welfare, 1890-1930; book review. COLLECTIVE bargaining Nikki Mandel. Initiation à la negotiation collective; compte Labour /Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p295-7 rendu. Jean Sexton. CORPORATIONS, International Labour / Le Travail no 52 (automne '03): History p346-7 Profits iiber allés'. American corporations and See also Hitler, review article. Jacques R. Pauweisi. Industrial relations bibliog. Labour / Le Travail no 51 (spriag Labour unions •03): p223-49 Strikes CORRESPONDENCE. See Letters COSBEY, Robert Hard bargaining. Kate Bronfenbrenner. Labour Watching China change; book review. /Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p361-4 Labour / Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): COMEAU, Michelle, jt auth p327-30 Mouvement familial au Québec, 1960-1990: une CRITICS and criticism politique et des services pour les familles; See also compte rendu. Denise Lemieux et Michelle Drama critics and criticism Comeau. Subhead History and criticism , e.g. Artists, Labour / Le Travail no 52 (automne '03): Canadian - History and criticism p277-9 CRUIKSHANK, Ken, jt auth COMMUNISM War on squatters, 1920-1940: Hamilton's Reuther the Red? Nelson Lichtenstein. Labour I boathouse community and die re-creation of Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): p223-45 recreation on Burlington Bay. Nancy B. See also Boucher and Ken Craikshank. il bibliog. Marxism Labour / Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): History p9-46 United States CUBA Dog days: James P. Cameron vs. Max See also Shachtman in the Communist League of Political change - Cuba America, 1931-1933; book review. History Labour / Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): State and revolution in Cuba: mass mobilization p298-301 and political change, 1920-1940; book COMMUNIST League of America review. Robert Whitney. Dog days: James P. Cameron vs. Max Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p312-14 Shachtman in the Communist League of Social history America, 1931-1933; book review. Nation for all: race, inequality and politics in Labour / Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): twentieth century Cuba; book review. p298-301 Alejandro de la Fuente. COMMUNIST Party of Canada Labour/ Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p310-12 History CULTURAL assimilation. See Assimilation Scènes de la vie en rouge: l'époque de Jean (Sociology) Corbin, 1905-1944; compte rendu. Andrée CULTURAL studies Levesque. When whites riot: writing race and violence in Labour / Le Travail no 51 (printemps '03): American and South African cultures; book p272-4 review. Sheila Smith McKoy. COMMUNIST Party of Great Britain Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p331-2 History Party people, communist lives: explorations in ABSTRACTS 367

D E DARK Ages. See Middle Ages ECONOMIC history DEGIULI, Franceses, jt auth See also Nonstandard work, nonstandard workers; review Edinburgh, Scotland - Economic history article. Eileen Boris and Francesca Degiuli. ECONOMIC sustainabiiity. See Sustainable Labour/U Travail no 52 (fall '03): p22l-34 development DE LA FTJENTE, Alejandro EDGE, Marc Nation for all: race, inequality and politics in Pacific Press: die unauthorized story of twentieth century Cuba; book review. Vancouver's newspaper monopoly; book Labour /Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p310-12 review. DE LA RIVA, Paul Labour / Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): Mine de rien: les Canadiens français et le travail p29I-3 minier à Sudbury, 1886-1930. Labour / Le EDINBURGH, Scotland Travail no 51 (printemps '03): p276-9 Economic history D'EMILIO.John Transformation of Edinburgh: land, property World turned: essays on gay history, politics and and trust in die nineteenth century; book culture; book review. review. Richard Rodger. Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p305-7 Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p324-7 DENATIONALIZATION of industry. See EDUCATION, Public See Public education Privatization of nationalized industry EDUCATORS DES A I, Ash win Biography We are the poors: community struggles in Education and democracy: die meaning of post-Apartheid South Africa: book review. Alexander Meiklejohn; book review. Adam Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p332-4 R. Nelson. DETROIT, Michigan Labour I Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): Social history p323-5 Whose Detroit? Politics, labor, and race in a EHRLICH, Leslie modern American city; book review. Heather - and Russell, Bob Ann Thompson. Employment security and job loss: lessons from Labour I Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): Canada's National Railways, 1956-1995. p311-13 bibliog. Labour I Le Travail no 51 (spring DEVELOPMENT, Sustainable. See '03): pi 15-52 Sustainable development ELLIOTT, Robert, and others, editor DIAMOND mines and mining Public sector pay determination in die European South Africa Union; book review. Robert Elliott, and In the company of diamonds: De Beers, odiers. ed. Kelinzee and the control of a town; book Labour/Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): p345 review. Peter Carstens. EMIGRATION et immigration Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p329-31 Voir Immigration and emigration DIRECT Action Histoire Direct action: memoirs of an urban guerrilla; Voir Immigration and emigration - History book review. Ann Hansen. Québec (Province) Labour I Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): Voir Immigration and emigration - History - p289-91 Quebec DISPUTES, Labour. See Labour disputes EMPLOYER employee relations. See Industrial DOLLINGER,Sol relations - and Johnson, Genora EMPLOYMENT, Nonstandard. See Not automatic: women and the Left in the Nonstandard employment forging of the Auto Workers' Union; book EMPLOYMENT security. See Job security review. ENDICOTT, Stephen L. Labour I Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): Bienfait: die Saskatchewan miners' straggle of p310-ll '31 ; book review. DOMESTIC employees. See Household Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall *03): p253-6 employees ENVIRONMENT DRAMA, French Canadian See also See also Environmental movement Drama, French Canadian - History and Subhead Environmental aspects under criticism various subjects, e.g. Forest products History and criticism industry - Environmental aspects Modulating popular culture: cultural critics on ENVIRONMENT, Work. See Work Tremblay's Les Belles-Soeurs. Michèle environment Martin, il bibliog. Labour / Le Travail no 52 ENVIRONMENTAL movement (fall '03): pl09-35 Gaia's wager environmental movements and DRAMA critics and criticism the challenge of sustainabiiity; book review. Social aspects Gary C. Bryner. Quebec Labour / Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): Modulating popular culture: cultural critics on p340-2 Tremblay's Les Belles-Soeurs. Michèle EQUAL rights for women. See Women - Equal Martin, il bibliog. Labour / Le Travail no 52 rights (fall '03): pl09-35 EUROPEAN federation. See European Union DRAMATIC criticism. See Drama critics and EUROPEAN UNION criticism See also DRAPER, Alan Government employees - Salaries. No retreat, no surrender: concessions, resistance, allowances, commissions, fees, etc - and the end of the postwar settlement; review European Union article. Labour / Le Travail no 51 (spring '03):p251-63 368 LABOUR/LE TRAVAIL

EUROPEAN War, 1939-1945. See World War, Canadians in Ontario 1939-1945 FRANK, David EYERMAN, Ann Progressive tradition in Canadian literature: Women on the job: transitions in global Progressive Heritage: the evolution of a economy; book review. politically radical literary tradition in Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p259-61 Canada. Labour I Le Travail no 52 (fall •03): p245-51 FRAZIER, Mark Making of the Chinese industrial workplace: state, revolution, and labour management; FAHRNI, Mildred Osterhout book review. about Labour/Le Travail no 52 (faB. '03): p335-6 No plaster saint: the life of Mildred Osterhout FREE time (Leisure). See Leisure Fahrni: book review. Nancy Knickerbocker. FRENCH CANADIAN drama. See Drama, Labour I Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): French Canadian p282-4 FRENCH CANADIANS in Manitoba FAMILY and state. See Family policy History FAMILY policy Limits of rural capitalism: family, culture, and History markets in Montcalm, Manitoba, 1870-1940; Quebec book review. Kenneth Michael Sylvester. Mouvement familial au Québec, 1960-1990: une Labour / Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): politique et des services pour les familles; p28l-2 compte rendu. Denise Lemieux et Michelle FRENCH CANADIANS in Ontario Comeau. History Labour I Le Travail no 52 (automne '03): Mine de rien: les Canadiens français et le travail p277-9 minier à Sudbury, 1886-1930. Paul De la FAMILY sociology Riva. Labour / Le Travail no 51 (printemps Families, labour and love: family diversity in a •03): p276-9 changing world; book review. Maureen FRISCH, Michael Baker. Working-class public history in die context of Labour /Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p279-81 deindustrializatkm: dilemmas of authority. FARMER, Sharon and die possibilities of dialog. Labour / Le Surviving poverty in medieval Paris: gender, TravailmtSl (spring'03):pl53-64 ideology, and the daily lives of the poor; book review. Labour /Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p327-9 FARRO, Antimo L. Mouvements sociaux; compte rendu. GARDNER, Margaret, Jt aath Labour / Le Travail no 52 (automne '03): Reconsidering the collective impulse: formal p341-3 organization and informal associations FASHION Industry. See Clothing industry among workers in die Australian colonies, FEDERATION of Europe. See European Union 1795-1850. Michael Quintan and others, il FEMALES, Gay. See Lesbians tab graph bibliog. Labour / Le Travail no 52 FEMALES, Human. See Women (fall '03): pl37-80 FEMINIST labour studies GARMENT industry. 5« Clothing industry Conferences GASHER,Mike,jtauth Brothers and sisters: gender and the labour Mass communication in Canada 4th ed. movement. Franca Iacovetta. Labour / Le Rowland Lorimer and Mike Gasher. Labour Travail no 52 (fall '03): p364-7 /Lt Travail no 51 (spring '03): p303-5 FEMMES dans les syndicate GAY activism Voir Women in labour unions Never going back: a history of queer activism in Traitements, indemnités, commissions, Canada; book review. Tom Warner. honoraires, etc Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall *03): p281-3 Voir Women in labour unions - Salaries, GAY culture allowances, commissions, fees, etc World turned: essays on gay history, politics and Québec (Province) culture; book review. John D'Emilio. Voir Women in labour unions - Salaries, Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p305-7 allowances, commissions, fees, etc - Quebec GAY women. See Lesbians FOLK music GENDER identity. See Identification History (Psychology) Rainbow quest: the folk music revival and GILES, Wenona American society, 1940-1970; book review. Portuguese Women in Toronto: Gender, Ronald D. Cohen. Immigration and Nationalism; book review. Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p301-3 Labour I Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p271-3 FOREIGN population. See Immigration and GILL, Lesley emigration Teetering on the rim: global restructuring, daily FOREST products industry life and the armed retreat of die Bolivian Environmental aspects state; book review. Nova Scotia Labour / Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): Against the grain: foresters and politics in Nova p344-5 Scotia; book review. L. Anders Sandberg and GLOBALIZATION Peter Clancy. See also Labour /LeTravail no 51 (spring '03): p345 Clothing industry - Globalization FRANCE GOVERNMENT. See Public administration See also GOVERNMENT administration. See Public Paris. France administration Women - Employment - France GOVERNMENT employees FRANCO-ONTARIENS. Voir French Salaries, allowances, commissions, fees, ABSTRACTS 369

GOVERNMENT employees (cont'd.) of capitalism; book review. etc Labour / Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): European Union p333-5 Public sector pay determination in the European HEROES and heroines Union; book review. Robert Elliott, and Heroines and history: representations of others, ed. Madeleine de Vercheres and Laura Secord; Labour/Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): p345 book review. Colin M. Coaxes and Cecilia GOVERNMENT housing projects. See Morgan. Housing projects, Government Labour/Le Travail no 52 (tall '03): p284-7 GREAT BRITAIN HILL, Jeffrey See also Sport, leisure and culture in twentieth century Capitalism - History - Great Britain Britain; book review. Labour productivity - Great Britain Labour/Le Travail BO 52 (fall '03): p3l6-18 Leisure - Great Britain HISTORIANS Popular culture - Great Britain Biography Public education - History - Great Britain Interesting tunes: a twentieth century life; book Women - Employment - Great Britain review. Eric Hobsbawm. Social history Labour /Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p3l4-16 Earthly necessity: economic lives in early HISTORY modem Britain; book review. Keith See also Wrightson. Africa - History Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p350 Biography GREEN, Venus Brandon, Manitoba - History Race on the line: gender, labor, and technology Capitalism - History in the Bell System, 1880-1980; book review. Child labour - History Labour / Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): Civil rights movement - History p305-7 Communism - History GREGORY, Abigail Communist Party of Canada - History - and Windebank, Jan Communist Party of Great Britain - History Women's work in Britain and France. Labour / Consumerism - History Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p350 Corporations, International - History Cuba-History Economic history H Family policy - History Folk music - History HAMILTON, Ontario French Canadian» in Manitoba - History Social history French Canadians in Ontario - History War on squatters, 1920-1940: Hamilton's Heroes and heroines boathouse community and the re-creation of Historians recreation on Burlington Bay. Nancy B. Housing projects, Government - History Boucher and Ken Cruikshank. il bibliog. Immigration and emigration - History Labour I Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): Industrial relations - History p9-46 Jews in the United States - History HANSEN, Ann Labour unions - History about Liquor laws and regulations - History Direct action: memoirs of an urban guerrilla: Montcalm, Manitoba - History book review. Ann Hansen. Porcupine region, Ontario - History Labour / Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): Public education - History p289-91 Radicalism - History HA Y WARD, Anne Slavery - History Alberta pottery industry, 1912-1990: a social Squatter settlements - History and economic history; book review. Steel industry - History Labour I Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): Sudbury, Ontario - History p301-3 Vancouver, British Columbia - History HEATHORN, Stephen Work at home - History For home, country and race: constructing, Working classes - History gender, class and Englishness in the Historiography elementary school, 1880-1914; book review. Heroines and history: representations of Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p350 Madeleine de Vercheres and Laura Secord; HEILMAN, Anna book review. Colin M. Coates and Cecilia about Morgan. Never far away: the Auschwitz chronicles of Labour/Le Travailao 52 (fall '03): p284-7 Anna Heilman; book review. Anna Heilman. HISTORY, Oral. See Oral history Labour/Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): p344 HISTORY, Social. See Social history HELLER, Agnes HOBSBAWM, Eric about about Agnes Heller: socialism, autonomy and the Interesting times: a twentieth century life; book postmodern; book review. Simon Tormey. review. Eric Hobsbawm. Labour / Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): Labour/Le Travail no 52 (Ott '03): p314-16 p336-9 HOLOCAUST, Jewish (1939-1945) HERMER, Joe, editor Personal narratives Disorderly people: law and the politics of Never far away: the Auschwitz chronicles of exclusion in Ontario; book review. Joe Anna Heilman; book review. Anna Heilman. Héritier and Janet Mosher, eds. Labour /Le Travail no 51 (spring 03):p344 Labour / Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): HOMELESS, The p293-5 Laws, legislation, regulations, etc HEROD, Andrew Disorderly people: law and the politics of Labor geographies: workers and the landscape exclusion in Ontario; book review. Joe 370 LABOUR/LE TRAVAIL

HOMELESS, The (cont'd.) and colonial discourse, 1873-1923. Christina Hermer and Janet Mosher, eds. Burr, il bibliog. Labour I Le Travail no 51 Labour / Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): (spring '03): p47-80 p293-5 INDUSTRIAL disputes. See Labour disputa HOUSEHOLD employees INDUSTRIAL relations Doing the dirty work? The global realities of Realities of work 2d ed; book review. Mike domestic labour; book review. Bridget Noon and Paul Blyton. Anderson. Labour/ Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p343-6 Labour /Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): p343 See also HOUSING projects, Government Canadian National Railway Co - tatotrial See also relations Regent Park Housing Project, Toronto Collective bargaining History Labour disputes "Ripped off" by the system: housing policy, Labour unions poverty, and territorial stigmatization in Strikes Regent Park Housing Project, 1951-1991. History Seàn Purdy. il tab graph bibliog. Labour I Le China Travail no 52 (falP03): p45-108 Making of the Chinese industrial workplace: HOWELL, Colin D. state, revolution, and labour management; Blood, sweat, and cheers: sport and the making book review. Mark Frazier. of modern Canada; book review. Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p335-6 Labour / Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): INDUSTRIAL Revolution p297-9 Africans and the Industrial Revolution in HUMAN resources management England: a study in international trade and Realities of work 2d ed; book review. Mike economic development; book review. Joseph Noon and Paul Blyton. E. Inikori. Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p343-6 Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p3I8-20 HUTCHINS, Grace INFORMATION technology about Social aspects Comrades and partners: the shared lives of Digital divide: civic engagement, iataiiulion Grace Hutchins and Anna Rochester; book poverty, and the Internet worldwide; book review. Janet Lee. review. Pippa Norris. Labour I Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall 03):pJ3Ml p313-15 INIKORI, Joseph E. Africans and the Industrial Revolutioa • England: a study in international trade aad economic development; book review. Labour/ Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): pJlg-20 IACOVETTA, Franca INSTITUTIONS, Non-profit Brothers and sisters: gender and the labour Nonprofit sector in Canda: rules and movement. Labour / Le Travail no 52 (fall relationships; book review. Keith G. Banting, •03): p364-7 ed. IDEAS, History of. See Intellectual history Labour I Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): p346 IDENTIFICATION (Psychology) INTELLECTUAL history Talking about identity: encounters in race, Divided minds: intellectuals and the civil rights ethnicity and language 2d ed; book review. movement; book review. Carol Polsgrove. Carl James and Adrienne Shadd, eds. Labour I Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): Labour I Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p265-7 p319-21 IDENTITY, Role. See Identification INTERNATIONAL businesses. See (Psychology) Corporations, International IDENTITY, Sex. See Identification (Psychology) INTERNATIONAL corporations. 5« IDENTITY (Psychology). See Identification Corporations, International (Psychology) INTERNATIONAL Ladies' Garment Waters' I.L.G.W.U. See International Ladies' Garment Union Workers' Union Fighting for the union label: die women's IMMIGRANTS, Women. See Women garment industry and the ILGWU ia immigrants Pennsylvania; book review. Kcaneth IMMIGRATION and emigration Wolensky and Nicole Wolensky. See also Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall 03): p290-2 Women immigrants INTERNATIONAL Woodworkers of America History IWA in Canada: the life and times of an Quebec industrial union; book review. Andrew De français à paysans: modernité et tradition Neufeld and Andrew Pamaby. dans le peuplement du Canada français; Labour / Le Travail no 51 (spring *03): compte rendu. Leslie Choquette. p271-2 Labour / Le Travail no 52 (automne '03): INTERNET p283-4 International aspects INDIA Digital divide: civic engagement, infwwlion See also poverty, and the Internet worldwide: book Women's organizations - India review. Pippa Norris. INDIVIDUAL and society Labour I Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p339-4l End of marriage: individualism and intimate Social aspects relations; book review. Jane Lewis. Social activism and the Internet; review article. Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p323-4 Peter J. Smith. Labour I Le Travail no 51 INDONESIA (spring '03): p265-9 Personal narratives IORDANOGLOU, Christafb H. Some adventures of the boys: Enniskillen Public enterprise revisited: a closer look at the Township's "foreign drillers", imperialism, 1954-79 UK labour productivity record; book ABSTRACTS 371

I0RDANOGLOU, Christafls H. (cont'd.) Cultures of opposition: Jewish immigrant review. workers. New York City, 1881-1905; book Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p320-3 review. IRVING, Danielle, jtauth Labour I Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): Tragedy of progress: Marxism, modernity and p307-9 the Aboriginal question; book review. David Bedford and Danielle Irving. Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p267-71 I.W.A. See International Woodworkers of America LABOUR See also Child labour Industrial relations Labour unions JAMES, Carl, editor Migrant labour Talking about identity: encounters in race, Railroads - Employees ethnicity and language 2d ed; book review. Strikes Carl James and Adrienne Shadd. eds. Unemployment Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p265-7 Working classes JAMES, Daniel Education Dona Maria's story: life, history, memory and Unions and learning in a global economy: political history. Labour / Le Travail no 52 international and comparative perspectives. (fall '03): p349-50 Bruce Spencer, ed. Labour I Le Travail no JEWS in the United States 51 (spring '03): p332-3 History LABOUR, Migrant. See Migrant labour Cultures of opposition: Jewish immigrant LABOUR disputes workers, New York City, 1881-1905; book 5« also review. Hadassa Kosak. Collective bargaining Labour / Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): Strikes p307-9 United States JHAPPAN, Radha, editor Fighting for die union label: die women's Women's legal strategies in Canada; book garment industry and die ILGWU in review. Radha Jhappan, ed. Pennsylvania; book review. Kenneth Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p263-5 Wolensky and Nicole Wolensky. JOB security Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p290-2 Employment security and job loss: lessons from LABOUR education. See Labour - Education Canada's National Railways, 1956-1995. LABOUR geography Leslie Ehrlich and Bob Russell, bibliog. Labor geographies: workers and die landscape Labour / Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): of capitalism; book review. Andrew Herod pi 15-52 Labour / Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): JOB training. See Occupational training p333-5 JOHNSON, Genora, jt auth LABOUR history Not automatic: women and die Left in die Labour history as die history of multitudes: The forging of die Auto Workers' Union; book many-headed hydra: the hidden history of the review. Sol Dollinger and Genora Johnson. revolutionary Atlantic. Marcel van der Labour / Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): Linden. Labour / Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p310-ll p235-43 JOHNSON, Walter Bibliography Soul by soul: life inside me antebellum slave Recent publications in Canadian labour history / market; book review. Travaux récents en histoire des classes. Labour/Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): p344 populaires canadiennes. Michael Lonardo and Robert C.H. Sweeny, comps. Labour I Le Travailno 52 (fall '03): p369-81 Manitoba K Square deal for all and no railroading: historical KABEER, Naila essays on labour in Brandon; book review. Power to choose: Bangladeshi women and Errol Black and Tom Mitchell. labour market decisions in London and Labour / Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): Dhaka; book review. p274-6 Labour /Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p349 United Sûtes KNICKERBOCKER, Nancy From die folks who bought you die weekend: a No plaster saint: die life of Mildred Osterhout short illustrated history of labor in die United Fahrni; book review. States; book review. Priscilla Murolo and Labour / Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): A.B. Chitty. p282-4 Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p288-9 KOO, Hagen LABOUR management relations. See Industrial Korean workers: die culture and politics of class relations formation; book review. LABOUR negotiations. See Collective Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p336-8 bargaining KOREA, South LABOUR productivity See also Great Britain Working classes - Korea, South Public enterprise revisited: a closer look at the Social history 1954-79 UK labour productivity record; book Korean workers: die culture and politics of class review. Christafis H Iordanoglou. formation; book review. Hagen Koo. Labour/ Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p320-3 Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p336-8 LABOUR relations. See Industrial relations KOREA (Republic). See Korea. South LABOUR unions KOSAK, Hadassa Employment security and job loss: lessons from 372 LABOUR/LE TRAVAIL

LABOUR unions (cont'd.) (spring '03): p47-80 Canada's National Railways, 1956-1995. LEVESQUE, Andrée Leslie Ehrlich and Bob Russell, bibliog. Scènes de la vie en rouge: l'époque de Jean Labour I Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): Corbin, 1906-1944; compte rendu. pi 15-52 Labour / Le Travail no 51 (printemps '03): See also p272-4 Collective bargaining LEWIS, Jane International Ladies' Garment Workers' End of marriage: individualism and intimate Union relations; book review. International Woodworkers of America Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fell '03): p323-4 Strikes LICHTENSTEIN, Net» United Automobile Aerospace and Reuther die Red? Labour / Le Travail no 51 Agricultural Implement Workers of (spring '03): p223-4S America LIFE histories. See Biography History LINEBA UGH, Peter IWA in Canada: the life and times of an about industrial union; book review. Andrew Labour history as the history of multitudes: 77M Neufeld and Andrew Parnaby. many-headed hydra: the hidden history of the Labour I Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): revolutionary Atlantic. Marcel van der p271-2 Linden. Labour / Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): Officials p235-43 Reuther the Red? Nelson Lichtenstein. Labour / LIQUOR laws ami regulations Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): p223-45 History Political activities Sit down and drink your beer: regulating No retreat, no surrender: concessions, resistance, Vancouver's beer parlours; book review. and the end of the postwar settlement: review Robert Campbell article. Alan Draper. Labour / Le Travail no Labour /Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p273-5 51 (spring '03): p251-63 LISTS of publications. See Bibliography Women members LITERATURE, Canadian See Women in labour unions Political aspects LAFER, Gordon Progressive tradition in Canadian literature:. Job training charade; book review. Progressive Heritage: the evolution of a Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p303-5 politically radical literary tradition in LAW Canada. David Frank. Labour / Le Travail See also no 52 (fall '03): p245-51 Liquor laws and regulations LIVRES Subhead Laws, legislation, regulations, etc , Recensions e.g. Homeless, The - Laws, legislation, Voir Book reviews regulations, etc LONARDO, Michael, compiler LAWS. See Law Recent publications in Canadian labour history / LEE, Janet Travaux récents en histoire des classes Comrades and partners: the shared lives of populaires canadiennes. Michael Lonardo and Grace Hutchins and Anna Rochester; book Robert C.H. Sweeny, corn». Labour / Le review. Travail no 52 (fall '03): p369-81 Labour / Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): LONGITUDINAL studies p313-15 Opportunity and uncertainty: life course LEGAL status of women. See Women - Legal experiences of the class of '73: book review. status, laws, etc Paul Anisef, and others. LEISURE Labour I Le Travail no SI (spring '03): Great Britain p287-9 Sport, leisure and culture in twentieth century LORIMER, Rowland Britain; book review. Jeffrey Hill. ~ and Gasher, Mike Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p316-18 Mass communication in Canada 4th ed. Labour LEMIEUX, Denise /Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): p303-5 - and Comeau, Michelle LOUISIANA Mouvement familial au Québec, 1960-1990: une Social history politique et des services pour les familles; Reconstruction in the cane fields: from slavery compte rendu. to free labor in Louisiana's sugar parishes: Labour I Le Travail no 52 (automne '03): 1862-1880; book review. John G Rodrigue. p277-9 Labour I Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): LEROUX, Éric p317-19 Moindre mal pour les travailleuses? La Commission du salaire minimum des femmes du Québec; with English summary, bibliog. M Labour / Le Travail no 51 (printemps '03): p81-114 MACDOWELL, Laurel Sefton LESBIANS Paul Robeson in Canada: a border story, il Biography bibliog. Labour / Le Travail no 51 (spring Comrades and partners: the shared lives of •03): pl77-221 Grace Hutchins and Anna Rochester; book MANDEL, Nikki review. Janet Lee. Corporation as family: the gendering of Labour / Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): corporate welfare, 1890-1930; book review. p313-15 Labour/ Le Travail no 52 (tall '03): p295-7 LETTERS MANITOBA Some adventures of die boys: Enniskillen See also Township's "foreign drillers", imperialism, Brandon, Manitoba and colonial discourse, 1873-1923. Christina French Canadians in Manitoba Burr, il bibliog. Labour / Le Travail no 51 Labour history - Manitoba ABSTRACTS 373

MANITOBA (cont'd.) MINES - Industrie. Voir Mining industry Rural conditions MINING industry Limits of rural capitalism: family, culture, and Mine de rien: les Canadiens français et le travail markets in Montcalm, Manitoba, 1870-1940; minier à Sudbury, 1886-1930. Paul De la book review. Kenneth Michael Sylvester. Riva. Labour I Le Travail no 51 (printemps Labour I Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): '03): p276-9 p281-2 See also MANPOWER development and training. See Strikes - Mining industry Occupational training Ontario, Northern MARGOLIAN, Howard Mirrors of stone: fragments from the Porcupine Unauthorized entry: the truth about Nazi war Frontier, book review. Charlie Angos aad. criminals in Canada, 1946-1956; book LomePahi. review. Labour / Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): Labour /Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p349 p279-81 MARTIN, Michèle MINORITY women Modulating popular culture: cultural critics on Civil rights Tremblay's Les Belles-Soeurs, il bibliog. Women's legal strategies in Canada; book Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): pi 09-35 review. Radha Jhappan, ed. MARXISM Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p263-5 Agnes Heller: socialism, autonomy and the MITCHELL, Tom, jt auth postmodern; book review. Simon Tormey. Square deal for all and no railroading: historical Labour I Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): essays on labour in Brandon: book review. p336-9 Errol Black and Tom Mitchell. Tragedy of progress: Marxism, modernity and Labour I Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): the Aboriginal question; book review. David p274-6 Bedford and Danielle Irving. MONOPOLIES Labour /Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p267-71 Pacific Press: the unauthorized story of MARXIST philosophy. See Philosophy, Marxist Vancouver's newspaper monopoly: book MARXISTS review. Marc Edge. Interesting times: a twentieth century life; book Labour / Le Travail no 51 (spring "03): review. Eric Hobsbawm. p29l-3 Labour /Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p314-16 MONTCALM, Manitoba MASS media History Mass communication in Canada 4th ed. Limits of rural capitalism: family, culture, and Rowland Lorimer and Mike Gasher. Labour markets in Montcalm, Manitoba, 1870-1940; /Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): p303-5 book review. Kenneth Michael Sylvester. See also Labour I Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): Newspapers p281-2 MCELLIGOTT, Greg MORGAN, Cecilia, jt auth Beyond service: state workers, public policy and Heroines and history: représentations of the prospects for democratic administration: Madeleine de Verchères and Laura Secord; book review. book review. Colin M. Coates and Cecilia Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p257-9 Morgan. MCILROY, John, editor Labour /Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p284-7 Party people, communist lives: explorations in MORGAN, Kevin, jt editor biography; book review. John Mcllroy and Party people, communist lives: explorations in others, eds. biography; book review. John Mcllroy and Labour / Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): others, eds. p325-7 Labour I Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): MCKOY, Sheila Smith p325-7 When whites riot: writing race and violence in MOSHER, Janet, jt editor American and South African cultures; book Disorderly people: law and the politics of review. exclusion in Ontario; book review. Joe Labour /Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p331-2 Hermer and Janet Mosher, eds. MEDIA. See Mass media Labour / Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): MEDIA studies p293-5 Mass communication in Canada 4th ed. MOUVEMENTS sociaux. Voir Social Rowland Lorimer and Mike Gasher. Labour movements /Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): p303-5 MOVIE actors and actresses MEIKLEJOHN, Alexander Paul Robeson in Canada: a border story. Laurel about Sefton MacDowell. il bibliog. Labour / Le Education and democracy: the meaning of TravailaoSl (spring '03): pl77-221 Alexander Meiklejohn; book review. Adam MUROLO, Priscilla R. Nelson. - and Chitty, A.B. Labour / Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): From the folks who bought you the weekend: a p323-5 short illustrated history of labor in the United MIDDLE Ages States; book review. Social aspects Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p288-9 Surviving poverty in medieval Paris: gender, ideology, and the daily lives of the poor, book review. Sharon Farmer. N Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p327-9 MIGRANT labour NAZI war criminals With these hands: the hidden world of migrant Unauthorized entry: the truth about Nazi war farm workers today; book review. Daniel criminals in Canada, 1946-1956; book Rothenberg. review. Howard Margolian. Labour I Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): Labour/ Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p349 p315-17 374 LABOUR/LE TRAVAIL

NEGOCIATIONS collectives. Voir Collective Job training charade; book review. Gordon bargaining Lafer. NELSON, Adam R. Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall 03): p303-5 Education and democracy: the meaning of OIL workers. See Petroleum workers Alexander Meiklejohn; book review. ONTARIO Labour / Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): See also p323-5 French Canadians in Ontario NELSON, Margaret K. Hamilton, Ontario Working hard and making do: surviving in small Porcupine region, Ontario town America; book review. Sudbury, Ontario Labour/Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): p344 Women - Legal status, laws, etc - Ontario NEUFELD, Andrew Women's history - Ontario - and Parnaby, Andrew ONTARIO, Northern rWA in Canada: the life and times of an See also industrial union; book review. Mining industry - Ontario, Northern Labour / Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): ORAL history p271-2 Working-class public history in die COMBU of NEW ENGLAND deindustrialization: dilemmas of authority Social history and the possibilities of dialog. Michael Constant turmoil: the politics of industrialized Frisch. Labour / Le Travail no 51 (spriag life in nineteenth-century New England; book •03): pl53-64 review. Mary H. Blewett. Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p350 NEW FRANCE - History. See Canada - History -1534-1763, French régime NEW YORK (City) PALECZNY, Barbara Social history Qodied in integrity: weaving just caharal Cultures of opposition: Jewish immigrant relations and the garment industry; hook workers, New York City, 1881-1905; book review. review. Hadassa Kosak. Labour/Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): p343 • Labour / Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): PALU, Louie, jtaoth p307-9 Mirrors of stone: fragments from die Poraasae NEW ZEALAND Frontier, book review. Charlie Angus and See also Louie Palu. Women - Equal rights - New Zealand Labour / Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): NEWSPAPER publishers and publishing p279-81 Pacific Press: the unauthorized story of PAN Europa movement. See European Union Vancouver's newspaper monopoly; book PARIS, France review. Marc Edge. Social history Labour I Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): Surviving poverty in medieval Paris: gender, p291-3 ideology, and the daily lives of die poor; NEWSPAPERS book review. Sharon Farmer. See also Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p327-9 Newspaper publishers and publishing PARNABY, Andrew, jt auth Publishing IWA in Canada: the life and times of an See Newspaper publishers and publishing industrial union; book review. Andrew NOLAN, Melanie Neufeld and Andrew Parnaby. Bread winning: New Zealand women and the labour I Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): state; book review. p271-2 Labour /Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p351 PARTI communiste canadien NON-PROFIT institutions. See Institutions, Voir Communist Party of Canada Non-profit Histoire NONSTANDARD employment Voir Communist Party of Canada - History Nonstandard work, nonstandard workers; review PAUWEISS, Jacques R. article. Eileen Boris and Francesca Degiuli. Profits iiber allés'. American corporations and Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p221-34 Hitler, review article, bibliog. Labour / Le NOON, Mike Travail no 51 (spring '03): p223-49 - and Blyton, Paul PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA. See Realities of work 2d ed; book review. China Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p343-6 PETROLEUM workers NORRIS, Pippa Personal narratives Digital divide: civic engagement, information Some adventures of die boys: Enniskillen poverty, and the Internet worldwide; book Township's "foreign drillers", imperialism, review. and colonial discourse, 1873-1923. Christina Labour /Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p339-41 Burr, il bibliog. Labour I Le Travail ao 51 NORTHERN Ontario. See Ontario. Northern (spring '03): D47-80 NOUVELLE FRANCE. Voir Canada - History PHILOSOPHERS - 1534-1763, French régime Biography NOVA SCOTIA Education and democracy: die meaning of See also Alexander Meiklejohn; book review. Adam Forest products industry - Environmental R. Nelson. aspects - Nova Scotia Labour I Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): p323-5 PHILOSOPHY, Marxist o Agnes Heller: socialism, autonomy and die postmodern: book review. Simon Tormey. OCCUPATIONAL training Labour I Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): Social aspects p336-9 ABSTRACTS 375

POLICE, Private Government employees New parapolice: risk markets and commodified Political aspects social control; book review. George Rigakos. Beyond service: state workers, public policy and Labour I Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): the prospects for democratic administration; p335-6 book review. Greg McElligott. POLITICAL activists Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p257-9 Biography PUBLIC education Comrades and partners: the shared lives of History Grace Hutchins and Anna Rochester; book Great Britain review. Janet Lee. For home, country and race: constructing, Labour I Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): gender, class and Englishness in die. p313-15 elementary school, 1880-1914; book review. Scènes de la vie en rouge: l'époque de Jean Stephen Heathom. Corbin, 1906-1944; compte rendu. Andrée Labour/ Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p350 Levesque. PUBLIC service employees. See Government Labour I Le Travail no 51 (printemps '03): employees p272-4 PUBLICATION lists. See Bibliography POLITICAL change PURDY.Sean Cuba "Ripped off" by the system: housing policy, State and revolution in Cuba: mass mobilization poverty, and territorial stigmatization in and political change, 1920-1940; book Regent Park Housing Project, 1951-1991. il review. Robert Whitney. tab graph bibliog. Labour I Le Travail no 52 Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p312-14 (fall'03):p45-108 POLITICAL reform. See Political change POLITIQUE familiale Voir Family policy Histoire Q Voir Family policy - History QUEBEC Québec (Province) See also Voir Family policy - History - Quebec Drama critics and criticism - Social aspects - POLSGROVE, Carol Quebec Divided minds: intellectuals and die civil rights Family policy - History - Quebec movement; book review. Immtgràuoa and emigration - History - Labour I Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): Quebec p319-21 Women in labour unions - Salaries, POPULAR culture allowances, commissions, fees, etc - Great Britain Quebec Sport, leisure and culture in twentieth century QUEER activism. See Gay activism Britain; book review. Jeffrey Hill. QUINLAN, Michael Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p316-18 - and others POPULATION, Foreign. See Immigration and Reconsidering the collective impulse: formal emigration organization and informal associations PORCUPINE region, Ontario among workers in the Australian colonies, History 1795-1850. il tab graph bibliog. Labour / Le Mirrors of stone: fragments from the Porcupine Travail no 52 (fall '03): p!37-80 Frontier, book review. Charlie Angus and Louie Palu. Labour / Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): R p279-8l PORTUGUESE in Toronto RACE problems Portuguese Women in Toronto: Gender, Race, space, and die law: unmapping a white Immigration and Nationalism; book review. setuer society; book review. Sherene H. Wenona Giles. Razack,ed. Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p271-3 Labour I le Travail no 51 (spring '03): POTTERIES. See Pottery industry p299-301 POTTERY industry RACISM Alberta South Africa Alberta pottery industry, 1912-1990: a social When whites riot: writing race and violence in and economic history; book review. Anne American and South African cultures: book Hayward. review. Sheila Smith McKoy. Labour / Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p331-2 p301-3 United States PRIVATE police. See Police, Private When whites riot: writing race and violence in PRIVATIZATION of nationalized industry American and South African cultures; book You don't always get what you pay for: the review. Sheila Smith McKoy. economics of privatization; book review. Labour I Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p33l-2 Elliott D. Sclar. RADICALISM Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p350 History PRODUCTIVITY, Labour. See Labour Patriot War of 1837-1838: locofocoism wi* a productivity gun? Andrew Bonmius. bibliog. Labour / Le PRUGL, Elisabeth Travail no 52 (fall '03): p9-43 Global construction of gender: home-based RAILROAD workers. See Railroads work in the political economy of the 20th Employees century; book review. RAILROADS Labour I Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): See also p330-2 Canadian National Railway Co PUBLIC administration Employees See also Employment security and job loss: lessons from 376 LABOUR/LE TRAVAIL

RAILROADS (cont'd.) to free labor in Louisiana's sugar parishes: Canada's National Railways, 1956-1995. 1862-1880; book review. Leslie Ehrlich and Bob Russell, bibliog. Labour / Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): Labour I Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): p317-19 pi 15-52 ROSE, James D. RAILWAYS. See Railroads Duquesne and the rise of steel unionism; book RAMSAY, Ellen L. review. Modernity and post-colonialism: The heart of Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p294-5 the empire (1909) by F.M. Bell-Smith, il ROSEN, Ellen Israel bibliog. Labour / Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): Sweatshops: die globalization of die U.S. p207-20 apparel industry; book review. RAY, Raka Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p292-4 Fields of protest: women's movements in India; ROTHENBERG, Daniel book review. Widt diese hands: die hidden world of migrant Labour /Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p348 farm workers today; book review. RAZACK, Sherene H„ editor Labour I Le Travail no SI (spriag '03): Race, space, and die law: unmapping a white p315-17 settler society; book review. Sherene H. RURAL conditions Razack, ed. See also Labour / Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): Manitoba - Rural conditions p299-301 RUSSELL, Bob, jtauth READING Employment security and job loss: lessom from Hip and trivial: youth culture, book publishing Canada's National Railways, 1956-1995 and the greying of Canadian nationalism; Leslie Ehrlich and Bob Russell, bibliog. book review. Robert Wright. Labour I Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p275-7 pi 15-52 REBELLION of 1837-1838. See Canada - History - Rebellion, 1837-1838 REDIKER, Marcus about Labour history as the history of multitudes: The SAFE Streets Act, Ontario many-headed hydra: the hidden history of the Disorderly people: law and die pontics 0f revolutionary Atlantic. Marcel van der exclusion in Ontario; book review. Joe Linden. Labour I Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): Hermer and Janet Mosner, eds. p235-43 Labour / Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): REFORM, Political. See Political change p293-5 REGENT Park Housing Project, Toronto SANDBERG, L. Anders "Ripped off" by die system: housing policy, - and Clancy, Peter poverty, and territorial somatization in Against die grain: foresters and politics in Nova Regent Park Housing Project, 1951-1991. Scotia; book review. Sean Purdy. il tab graph bibliog. Labour I Le Labour /Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): p345 Travail no 52 (fall '03): p45-108 SANGSTER,Joan RESNICK, Philip Regulating girls and women: sexuality, family, Politics of resentment: British Columbia and die law in Ontario, 1920-1960; book regionalism and Canadian unity; book review. review. Labour I Le Travail no 51 (spriag '03): Labour/Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): p345 p284-6 REUTHER, Walter SCLAR, Elliott D. about You don't always get what you pay for die Reuther die Red? Nelson Lichtenstein. Labour I economics of privatization; book review. Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): p223-45 Labour I Le Travail no 52 (fan '03): pJ50 REVIEWS. See Book reviews SECOND World War. See Work! War, RIGAKOS, George 1939-1945 New parapolice: risk markets and commodified SECORD, Laura social control; book review. about Labour I Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): Heroines and history: representations of p335-6 Madeleine de Vercneres and Laura Secord; RIGHTS, CivIL See Civil rights book review. Colin M. Coates and Cecilia RIGHTS of women. See Women - Equal rights Morgan. ROBESON, Paul Labour/ Le Travail no 52 (tall '03): p284-7 about SERVANTS. See Household employees Paul Robeson in Canada: a border story. Laurel SETTLEMENTS, Squatter. See Squatter Sefton MacDowell. il bibliog. Labour / Le settlements Travail no 51 (spring '03): pl77-221 SEXTON, Jean ROCHESTER, Anna Initiation à la negotiation collective; compte about rendu. Comrades and partners: die shared lives of Labour I Le Travail no 52 (automne '03): Grace Hutchins and Anna Rochester; book p346-7 review. Janet Lee. SHACHTMAN, Max, jt auth Labour / Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): Dog days: James P. Cameron vs. Max p313-15 Shachtman in die Communist League of RODGER, Richard America, 1931-1933; book review. Transformation of Edinburgh: land, property Labour I Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): and trust in die nineteen» century; book p298-301 review. SHACK towns. See Squatter settlements Labour /Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p324-7 SHADD, Adrienne, jt editor RODRIGUE, John C. Talking about identity: encounters in race, Reconstruction in die cane fields: from slavery ethnicity and language 2d ed; book review. ABSTRACTS 377

SHADD, Adrienne, jt editor (cont'd.) Bruce Spencer, ed. Labour / Le Travail no Carl James and Adrienne Shadd, eds. 51 (spring '03): p332-3 Labour/U Travail no 52 (fall '03): p265-7 SPORTS SHANTYTOWNS. See Squatter settlements Social aspects SINGERS Blood, sweat, and cheers: sport and the asking Paul Robeson in Canada: a border story. Laurel of modern Canada; book review. Colin D. Sefton MacDowell. il bibliog. Labour I Le Howell. Travail no 51 (spring '03): pl77-221 Labour / Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): SLAVERY p297-9 History SQUATTER settlements Reconstruction in the cane fields: from slavery History to free labor in Louisiana's sugar parishes: War on squatters, 1920-1940: Hamilton's 1862-1880; book review. John C. Rodrigue. boathouse community and the re-creation of Labour / Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): recreation on Burlington Bay. Noacy B. p317-19 Boucher and Ken Cruikshank. il bmhog. Soul by soul: life inside me antebellum slave Labour I Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): market; book review. Walter Johnson. Labour /Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): p344 STATE and family. See Family policy SMITH, Peter J. STEEL industry Social activism and the Internet; review article. History Labour / Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): Duquesne and the rise of sted unionism: book p265-9 review. James D. Rose. SOCIAL action Labour /Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p294-5 Social activism and the Internet; review article. STREET people. 5» Homeless, The Peter J. Smith. Labour I Le Travail no 51 STRIKES (spring '03): p265-9 No retreat, no surrender concessions, resistance, See also and the end of the postwar settlement; review Antipoverty activism article. Alan Draper. Labour / Le Travail no Antiracist activism 51 (spring '03): p251-63 SOCIAL activists See also 5« also Bienfait strike. 1931 Social action Collective bargaining Biography Labour disputes No plaster saint: the life of Mildred Osterhout Mining industry Fahrni; book review. Nancy Knickerbocker. Bienfait: the Saskatchewan miners' snaggle of Labour I Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): "31 ; book review. Stephen L. Endicott. p282-4 Labour /Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p2S3-fi SOCIAL change SUDBURY, Ontario 5« also History Political change Mine de rien: les Canadiens français et le travail China minier à Sudbury, I886-1930. Paul De la Watching China change; book review. Robert Riva. Labour / Le Travail no 51 (printemps Cosbey. '03): p276-9 Labour / Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): SUGAR plantations p327-30 Reconstruction in the cane fields: from slavery SOCIAL conditions to free labor in Louisiana's sugar parishes: See also 1862-1880; book review. John C. Rodrigue. Bolivia - Social conditions Labour I Le Travail no 51 (spring *03): SOCIAL history p317-19 See also SUSTAINABLE development Cuba - Social history Gaia's wager environmental movements and Detroit, Michigan - Social history die challenge of sustainabibty, book review. Great Britain - Social history Gary C. Bryner. Hamilton, Ontario - Social history Labour / Le Travail no 51 (spring "03): Korea, South • Social history p340-2 Louisiana - Social history SWEENY, Robert C.R, jt compiler New England - Social history Recent publications in Canadian labour history / New York (City) - Social history Travaux récents en histoire des classes Paris, France - Social history populaires canadiennes. Michael Lonardo and Slavery Robert C.H. Sweeny, comps. Labour I Le Social movements Travail no 52 (fall '03): p369-«I SOCIAL movements SYLVESTER, Kenneth Michael Mouvements sociaux; compte rendu. Antimo L. Limits of rural capitalism: family, culture, and Farro. markets in Montcalm. Manitoba, 1870-1940; Labour / Le Travail no 52 (automne '03): book review. p341-3 Labour / Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): SOCIETY and the individual. See Individual p281-2 and society SYNDICATS. Voir Labour unions SOUTH AFRICA See also Antipoverty activism - South Africa Company towns - South Africa Diamond mines and mining - South Africa TAINTED blood scandal. See World War. Racism - South Africa 1939-1945 SOUTH KOREA. See Korea, South TECHNOLOGY, Information. See Information SPENCER, Bruce, editor technology Unions and learning in a global economy: TEENAGERS. See Youth international and comparative perspectives. 378 LABOUR/LE TRAVAIL

THOMPSON, Becky Robert Campbell. Promise and a way of life: white antiracist Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): pD3-5 activism; book review. VAN DER LINDEN, Marcel Labour/U Travail no 52 (fall '03): p307-10 Labour history as the history of multitude»: The THOMPSON, Heather Ann many-headed hydra: the hidden history tf the Whose Detroit? Politics, labor, and race in a revolutionary Atlantic. Labour / Le Travail modern American city; book review. no52(faU'03):p235-43 Labour / Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): VERCHERES, Madeleine de p3U-13 about TODD, Sarah Heroines and history: représenta»™» of Secrecy and safety: health care workers in Madeleine de Verchères and Laura Secord; abortion clinics. Labour / Le Travail no 52 book review. Colin M. Coates and Cecilia (fall '03): p353-61 Morgan. TORMEY, Simon Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall 03): a«4-7 Agnes Heller socialism, autonomy and the postmodern; book review. Labour / Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): w p336-9 TRADE unions. See Labour unions WAGES and salaries TRAINING, Occupational. See Occupational See also training Subhead Salaries, allowances, ciiu—"unions, TREMBLAY, Michel fees, etc , e.g. Government emptavees - about Salaries, allowances, commissions, fees, Modulating popular culture: cultural critics on etc Tremblay's Les Belles-Soeurs. Michèle WALKOUTS. See Strikes Martin, il bibliog. Labour / Le Travail no 52 WARNER, Tom (fall '03): pl09-35 Never going back: a history of queer activa» in Canada; book review. Labour /Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p2H-3 u WHISTLE blowing Whistleblowers: broken lives and orgaantion UNCONTROLLED settlements. See Squatter power, book review. C. Fred Alford. settlements Labour / Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): UNEMPLOYMENT p321-3 Political aspects WHITNEY, Robert Job training charade; book review. Gordon State and revolution in Cuba: mass in iilinMi nfirrn Lafer. and political change, I920-I940t book Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p303-5 review. UNIONS, Trade. See Labour unions Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): |3i2-14 UNITED Automobile Aerospace and WILSON, Bertha Agricultural Implement Workers of America about Not automatic: women and the Left in the Judging Bertha Wilson: law as large as life; forging of the Auto Workers' Union; book book review. Ellen Anderson. review. Sol Dollinger and Genora Johnson. Labour I Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): Labour / Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): p295-7 p310-U WINDEBANK, Jan, jt auth Reuther the Red? Nelson Lichtenstein. Labour I Women's work in Britain and France. Abigail Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): p223-45 Gregory and Jan Windebank. Labour / Le UNITED Automobile Workers. See United Travail no 52 (fall '03): p350 Automobile Aerospace and Agricultural WOLENSKY, Kenneth Implement Workers of America -and Wolensky, Nicole UNITED STATES Fighting for the union label: die «••en's See also garment industry and the 1LGWU in Collective bargaining - United States Pennsylvania; book review. Communism - History - United States Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p299-2 Labour disputes - United States WOLENSKY, Nicole, jt auth Labour history - United States Fighting for die union label: die —en's Louisiana garment industry and die ILGWU in New England Pennsylvania; book review. Kenneth Racism - United States Wolensky and Nicole Wolensky. Working classes - United States Labour/ Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p290-2 UNITED STATES of (Europe). See European WOMAN. See Women Union WOMEN URBAN guerrillas See also Personal narratives Heroes and heroines Direct action: memoirs of an urban guerrilla; Lesbians book review. Ann Hansen. Minority women Labour I Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): Employment p289-91 Women on die job: transitions in global' U.S.A. See United States economy; book review. Ann Eyermaa. Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p259-61 See also Household employees Women in labour unions VANCOUVER, British Columbia Bangladesh History Power to choose: Bangladeshi woaant and Sit down and drink your beer: regulating labour market decisions in London and Vancouver's beer parlours; book review. Dhaka; book review. Naila Kabeer. ABSTRACTS 379

WOMEN (cont'd.) Brockman. Labour/U Travail no 52 (fall '03): p349 Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p261-3 France WOMEN minorities. See Minority women Women's work in Britain and France. Abigail WOMEN workers. 5"« Women - Employment Gregory and Jan Windebank. Labour / Le WOMEN'S history Travail no 52 (fall '03): p350 Race on the line: gender, labor, and technology Great Britain in die Bell System, 1880-1980; book review Women's work in Britain and France. Abigail Venus Green. Gregory and Jan Windebank. Labour I Le Labour / Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): Travail no 52 (fall '03): p350 p305-7 Equal rights Ontario Race on the line: gender, labor, and technology Regulating girts and women: sexuality, family, in the Bell System, 1880-1980; book review. and the law in Ontario, 1920-1960: book Venus Green. review. Joan Sangster. Labour I Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): Labour / Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): p305-7 p2844 5« also WOMEN'S organizations Women - Employment India Women - Legal status, laws, etc Fields of protest" women's movements in India; New Zealand book review. Raka Ray. Bread winning: New Zealand women and the Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p348 state; book review. Melanie Nolan. WORK at home Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p351 «story Legal status, laws, etc Global construction of gender: home-based Women's legal strategies in Canada; book work in the political economy of the 20th review. Radha Jhappan, ed. century; book review. Elisabeth Prugl. Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p263-5 Labour I Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): See also p330-2 Women - Equal rights WORK environment Ontario Women on die job: transitions in global Regulating girls and women: sexuality, family, economy; book review. Ann Eyerman. and the law in Ontario, 1920-1960; book Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): 02S9-6I review. Joan Sangster. WORK stoppages. See Strikes Labour I Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): WORKERS. See Labour p284-6 WORKER'S education. See Labour - Education Social conditions WORKERS' organizations See also Reconsidering die collective impulse: formal Women - Legal status, laws, etc organization and informal associations Argentina among workers in the Australian colonies, Doila Maria's story: life, history, memory and 1795-1850. Michael Quinlan and others, il political history. Daniel James. Labour / Le tab graph bibliog. Labour / Le Travail no 52 Travail no 52 (fall '03): p349-50 (fair03):pl37-80 WOMEN, Gay. 5« Lesbians WORKERS' Unity League WOMEN, Minority. See Minority women Bienfait: die Saskatchewan miners' struggle of WOMEN immigrants '31; book review. Stephen L. Endicon. See also Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p253-6 Immigration and emigration WORKING classes Social aspects See alio Portuguese Women in Toronto: Gender, Labour Immigration and Nationalism; book review. History Wenona Giles. Working-class pnbbc history in the context of Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p271-3 deindustrializatioa: dilemmas of aamority WOMEN in labour unions and the possibilities of dialog. Michael Not automatic: women and the Left in the Frisch. Labour / Le Travail no 51 (spring forging of the Auto Workers' Union; book '03):pl53-64 review. Sol Dollinger and Genora Johnson. Australia Labour I Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): Reconsidering die collective impulse: formal p310-ll organization and informal associations Salaries, allowances, commissions, fees, among workers in the Australian colonies, etc 1795-1850. Michael Quinlan and odwrs. il Quebec tab graph bibliog. Labour / Le Travail no 52 Moindre mal pour les travailleuses? La (fall '03): pl37-80 Commission du salaire minimum des femmes Korea, South du Québec, with English summary. Eric Korean workers: die culture and politics of class Leroux, bibliog. Labour I Le Travail no 51 formation; book review. Hagen Koo. (printemps '03): p81-l 14 Labour/ Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p336-8 WOMEN in trade unions. See Women in labour United States unions Working hard and making do: surviving in small WOMEN judges town America; book review. Margaret K. Biography Nelson. Judging Bertha Wilson: law as large as life; Labour/Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): p344 book review. Ellen Anderson. WORKING conditions. Physical. See Work Labour I Le Travail no 51 (spring '03): environment p295-7 WORLD War, 1939-1945 WOMEN lawyers Profits iiber allés1. American corporations and Social aspects Hitler, review article. Jacques R. Pauweiss. Gender in the legal profession: fitting or bibliog. Labour I Le Travail no 51 (spring breaking the mould; book review. Joan •03): p223-49 380 LABOUR/LE TRAVAIL

WORLD War II. 5« World War, 1939-1945 WRIGHT, Robert Hip and trivial: youth culture, book publishing and the greying of Canadian nationalism; book review. Labour/U Travail no 52 (fall '03): p275-7 WRIGHTSON, Keith Earthly necessity: economic lives in early modern Britain; book review. Labour/U Travail no 52 (fall '03): p350

YOUTH See also Children Attitudes Hip and trivial: youth culture, book publishing and the greying of Canadian nationalism; book review. Robert Wright Labour/Le Travail no 52 (fall '03): p275-7