POLLING DISTRICT REVIEW 2018 The following is the Returning Officer’s submission as part of the consultation process on the Polling District Review 2018. The Returning Officer is required to make a submission on both the existing polling stations and the polling stations that would likely be used based on any proposed polling places. Any person wishing to make their views known on the boundaries of polling districts or of existing polling places or the creation of new polling places, should do so in writing to Melanie Long , Council Offices, Whitwick Road, Coalville, Leicestershire LE67 3FJ or by e-mailing
[email protected] by no later than Friday, 3 August 2018. RETURNING OFFICER’S REPORT Current polling places schedule with comments and recommendations GREEN No changes made to polling place RED Changes made to polling place Current Polling Places Schedule Ward Polling Electorate Polling Place/ Station Recommendation District Appleby ABA 1009 Church Hall, Church Street, Appleby No adverse comments on station location or facility. Magna Recommend no change to use of premises as a polling station. ABB 110 Old Schoolroom, Chilcote No adverse comments on station location or facility. Recommend no change to use of premises as a polling station. ABC 30 Church Hall, Church Street, Appleby No adverse comments on station location or facility. Magna Recommend no change to use of premises as a polling station. ABD 262 C of E Primary School, Main Street, One comment received and alternative premises identified and Snarestone checked out. Limited parking but low electorate. Recommend change to Parish Church. ABE 175 Church Hall, Newton Road, Swepstone No adverse comments on station location or facility.