Acción Psicológica ISSN: 1578-908X [email protected] Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia España

CARLOS GÓMEZ, JUAN THE EMERGENCE OF EYE CONTACT AS AN INTERSUBJECTIVE SIGNAL IN AN INFANT : IMPLICATIONS FOR MODELS OF EARLY SOCIAL COGNITION Acción Psicológica, vol. 7, núm. 2, julio-, 2010, pp. 35-43 Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia Madrid, España

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JUAN CARLOS GÓMEZ / ACCIÓN PSICOLÓGICA , julio 2010, vol. 7, n. o 2, 35-43. ISSN: 1578-908X 35



JUAN CARLOS GÓMEZ School of Psychology. University of St.Andrews [email protected]

Abstract Introduction

This paper argues against both lean and Ever since the beginnings of research on ear - rich interpretations of early social cognition ly social interaction and communication in in - in infants and apes using as an illustration the fants, there has been a theoretical tension be - results of a longitudinal study comparing the tween those willing to explain the complexity emergence of joint and tool use pat - uncovered in adult-infant interaction as the re - terns in an infant gorilla. In contrast with tool sult of rich underlying cognitive abilities (e.g., use (where well-formed manipulations result - Bretherton et al., 1981), and those willing to ed in near perfect rates of reward obtention) propose leaner accounts of infant social cogni - the emergence of well-formed acts of commu - tion (e.g., Shatz, 1983). A similar tension exists nication with eye contact not only had no ef - among comparative researchers when trying to fect upon the rewards obtained, but increased explain the complexity of non- primates the proportion of “explicit denials” of requests. social interaction and the degree of similarity It is argued that this suggests eye contact is between human and non-human social cogni - learned and used as an intersubjective signal tion: some defend lean accounts, others rich ac - of communicative intentionality and not counts of primate social cognition. Paradoxical - through simple associative mechanisms of re - ly it is not infrequent that a lean approach ward contingency detection. However, it is towards non-human animals is accompanied by also argued that rich interpretations of early a rich approach towards human infants social cognition are not needed to explain the (Tomasello et al., 2007). In this paper I build development of communicative and intersub - upon earlier proposals (Gómez, Sarriá, and jective intentions. Tamarit, 1993; Gómez, 2007) to explore a “bal - anced”, intermediate approach to the social cog - nitive skills of infants and non-human primates. Key Words Lean approaches typically try to explain what infants or primates do (e.g., gaze following Intentional communication, eye contact, or pointing behaviours) as simple instances of joint attention, intersubjectivity, tool use, goril - trial and error learning and associations be - las. tween behaviours and outcomes with no or little

Artículo recibido: 26/4/2010 Artículo aceptado: 10/6/2010 04_Gomez.qxp 30/9/10 16:40 Página 36

36 JUAN CARLOS GÓMEZ / ACCIÓN PSICOLÓGICA , julio 2010, vol. 7, n. o 2, 35-43

insight into the causal links that connect those fants, reflect complex cognitive skills, including behaviours with their outcomes (other people’s an understanding of what others can see and reactions). For example, the gaze following re - what they can know and ignore. For example, action (looking at the same target as others) has Tomasello et al. (2007) propose that infants use been found to be a universal of primate social pointing in a way essentially similar to how cognition (Gómez, 2005). However, authors like adults do. They attribute to infants an ability to Povinelli and Eddy (1996) suggest that in non- understand the informative and communicative human primates it is either a reflex reaction or a intentions behind their own pointing and the blindly learnt habit devoid of any understanding pointing of others. In support of this interpreta - of the other’s gaze as implying any sort of visual tion they present findings like the following. experience of an object. A similar lean approach When 12 month-old infants point out an inter - was defended by Moore (2008) for gaze follow - esting event to someone else, they are not happy ing in human infants. According to him, infants if the person simply attends, gesticulates or might simply be learning that turning in the emotes to them: they require that the person at - same direction as others usually leads to finding tends to and emotes about the object they are something of interest. No need of invoking early pointing at (Gómez et al., 1983; Tomasello et al., theories of mind or complex social cognition 2007). Moreover, when requesting an object with for explaining this. However, an experiment by a pointing gesture, 12 month-old infants may Moore himself suggests that there is more to not be satisfied if they get the object by chance. gaze following than simple associative learning. For example, if the person looks at the wrong Corkum and Moore (1998), working with 8-9 object and gives them the right one, they typi - month-old infants who had not yet learned to cally insist and repeat their request, as if what follow gaze on their own, tried to teach them they need is to be understood , not just to get a re - gaze following responses with selective rein - ward. Tomasello et al. (2007) argue that results forcement in an experimental setting. A group of like these suggest that infant communication in - children consistently found a reinforcing event volves a sophisticated understanding of commu - if they looked in the same direction as an exper - nicative intentions, including an understanding imenter; however, a second group found the re - of what is jointly known or intended. inforcing event only if they looked in the direc - These same authors defend, however, that tion opposite to where the experimenter looked. non-human communication even among the If gaze following is learned through simple as - great apes, our closest relatives, may be much sociation, this group of children should have simpler. For example, when and learned to look in the direction opposite to the other apes point to request food or objects from adult. However, they were completely unable to others, they might be acting just on the basis of learn this reverse, unnatural contingency, their desire to make others do things without a whereas children in the normal gaze following true grasping of what others understand and group learned easily to follow the gaze of the know, and especially without entering into true adult. Even more surprisingly, children in the joint attention and action. At most, apes may un - reverse contingency group spontaneously derstand that others have individual intentions learned to follow gaze in the natural direction, about objects, but not communicative intentions. despite never being rewarded for doing so. Gaze direction is not just an arbitrary stimulus: there In a commentary on the above paper seems to be something intrinsically directional (Gómez, 2007) I have defended the need to find in gaze that tightly constraints what can be an alternative “balanced” interpretation of what learned and how it is learned. The rules of sim - is involved in early social cognition, both for ple associative learning did not apply here. apes and human infants. I propose that behav - iours like gaze following and pointing can be Rich interpretations posit that behaviours interpreted as involving a mentalistic under - like gaze following and pointing (a more active, standing of behaviour, but one that occurs at intentional way of making others look to or act the level of intentionality , not at the level of un - upon an object), appearing or well established by derstanding the representational mind. In this the end of the second year of life in human in - sense, communicative intentions and shared 04_Gomez.qxp 30/9/10 16:40 Página 37

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knowledge need not require complex represen - a zoo nursery setting. One of the findings was tations of the type “I know that you know what I that, among other gestures, the infant gorilla want” “or “we jointly and mutually know X”, developed a set of “contact gestures” consisting but rather representations of aboutness and mu - of taking people by their hand to places or tak - tual aboutness , which, in turn, cannot be ex - ing the hand of people to objects she wanted plained neither in human infants nor in apes as them to manipulate (Gómez, 1989, 1990). This simple associative behaviours. gesture seems to be ideally suited to assess the notion of communication as “social tool use”. In what follows, I will present empirical evi - Since the observational data collected contained dence against lean interpretations of ape com - also observations on the development of tool munication (their use of eye contact and mutual use, it is possible to make a direct comparison attention to regulate interaction with ), of the emergence of tool use as object manipu - but instead of concluding that ape social behav - lation for problem solving and social commu - iour demands a rich cognitive interpretation, I nicative strategies in similar problem solving will be defending a “balanced” model midway contexts. The findings I will be discussing here between the rich and the lean. correspond to the period when Muni was be - tween 6 and 30 months of age 1. In problem solv - ing contexts, physical tool use emerged before Comparing tool use and communica - the use of communicative strategies. I will start tion: a case study therefore discussing this. In lean interpretations it has been frequently suggested that infant communication or ape communication is a form of social tool use How Muni learned to use tools (Bard, 1990) in which the tool happens to be effectively another animate being. Although the term “so - cial tool” is sometimes used metaphorically, oth - The key for successful tool use (for exam - er times it is used with the suggestion that the ple, using a stick to obtain an out of reach ob - same underlying cognitive processes might be ject or placing a pole or a box such that it can be responsible for communication and tool use in used as a “ladder” to reach an object) consists of infant development. This hypothesis has been applying to the tool a force appropriate to its essentially discarded for human infants, because weight and the movement one is trying to pro - no correlation exists between the development voke, orienting this force in the appropriate di - of tool use and the emergence of intentional rection and for the necessary time and upon the communication (Sarriá y Rivière, 1991). How - correct part of the target and the intermediary ever, the parallelism is still frequently suggested objects. While the object is being moved in the for ape communication, given its “selfish” and desired direction, one must typically monitor protoimperative nature. the relative positions of means and ends and In the 1980s I conducted a longitudinal make adjustments to the force and direction of study on the emergence of communication and the tool as a function of the position of the ob - early cognitive development in a hand-reared ject and the final goal. Checking looks at the gorilla (Muni) interacting with human adults in tool, object and goal are typically part of this

1 Muni was wild-born in Equatorial Guinea. She had been wounded by poachers and given to the Zoo for veterinary treatment. After recovery, she was hand-reared by persons in the nursery environment of the Zoo ac - cording to typical hand-rearing routines (Fritz and Fritz, 1985), which include extensive contact with adult hu - mans who act as surrogate attachment figures and some human infant-like routines, such as bottle feeding and occasionally nappy and cloth wearing, as well as access to a variety of toys. Researchers were integrated as part of the team of people taking care of the gorilla. Muni spent her first year in the zoo in daily contact with human adults (about 8 hours per day). After that she was integrated into a group with other orphan gorilla infants of similar ages, but she continued to enjoy a few hours of contact with humans a few days per week (see Gómez, 1992, for more methodological details). 04_Gomez.qxp 30/9/10 16:40 Página 38

38 JUAN CARLOS GÓMEZ / ACCIÓN PSICOLÓGICA , julio 2010, vol. 7, n. o 2, 35-43

Figure 1. Development of the ability to successfully use tools to solve problems between september 1980 (age 9 months) and March 1981 (age 15 months). Results are presented in 15 days intervals, except those corresponding to 1981 which are presented in 1 month intervals. They show percentage of tool using attempts that were successful.

Failure Success

100% 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 15 1 15 1 15 1 15 1 15 1 15 1 1 1 31 VI I VII I VII I IX IX X X XI XI XI I XI I I II II I II I 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 81 81 81 81

adjustment process. For example, when trying in using them as inanimate objects that she to lean a pole on the wall to be able to climb on tried to move mechanically in the required di - it to reach the latch of a door, Muni would look rection (13 months of age), as if they were just alternately to the pole, the wall and the latch one more manipulable object. This later gave position while groping until a stable position rise to gently suggesting the desired movement close enough to the latch was found. and waiting for the humans to execute it on their own (20 months of age), which was fol - Muni perfected her tool using skills slowly lowed by making eye contact while gently lead - but steadily. As shown in figure 1, her first at - ing the humans and/or their hand to the appro - tempts at using tools were completely unsuc - priate object or location (29 months of age). cessful and only little by little, week after week, This has been described in detail in Gómez she gained in mastery and reached a success (1990, 1991, 2004). Muni, therefore, passed level of 90%. This increase in successful tool through a number of stages in the development manipulation (from 0% to 90% in five months) of her idiosyncratic contact gesture —taking reflects how the gorilla learned from experience people by the hand or taking the hand of people how best to handle tools in relation with other to objects 2. objects and substrates. The key element in the development of these gestures was their coordination with eye con - How Muni learned to recruit people’s tact patterns. Indeed I suggested that it is this help in solving problems coordination that confers communicative in - tentionality to the behaviours displayed by the Muni’s first attempts at recruiting humans to gorilla (Gómez, 1991). This point was supported help her solve a problem seemingly consisted by the fact that some children with , who

2 Contact gestures were not Muni’s only way of interacting with humans. She also offered objects or ex - tended her arm in a sort of pointing gesture, as ways not only of requesting help with problems or actions lead - ing to extrinsic rewards, but also to regulate cooperative interactions of the type described by Hubley and Tre - varthen (1979) as “secondary intersubjectivity” (Gómez, in press). 04_Gomez.qxp 30/9/10 16:40 Página 39

JUAN CARLOS GÓMEZ / ACCIÓN PSICOLÓGICA , julio 2010, vol. 7, n. o 2, 35-43 39

display hand-taking contact gestures similar to Figure 2. Types of response given by those found in Muni, however fail to coordinate humans to acts performed by the gorilla to them with eye contact behaviours (Phillips et recruit their help in problem solving. al., 1994). Columns show the percentage of positive (active help), neutral (no response) or However, contact gestures are ideal candi - negative (active denial) responses given to dates to be considered as by-products of asso - each type of request. Surprisingly, well- ciative learning or social tool use based upon formed acts of communication (ritualized physical attempts at spurring humans into ac - actions with eye contact) are not more tion. The use of eye contact in communication effective in provoking positive responses, can be construed as a simple case of stimulus but they provoke more active denials. discrimination in an operant learning scenario, where making eye contact is both an effective way of spurring others into action and a dis - Negative Type of re spon se criminant stimulus signaling the availability of Neutral the other. Maybe Muni discovered by chance by hu man the usefulness of looking humans into their Positive eyes, thereby making it more likely that they would respond positively to her demands? 100% Could these behaviours be just instances of so - 90 cial tool use (in the literal sense) devoid of any 80 understanding of communicative intentions? A way of addressing this question is to have a look 70 at the impact that incorporating eye contact had 60 on the communicative efficiency of Muni in 50 problem solving situations. 40 30 20 Comparing physical and social tool use 10 0 Human used Ritualized RituUsoaliz ed When we compare the development of “so - as physical actions actions with cial tool use” with the development of physical instrument Eye Contact tool use in terms of increase of effectiveness in reaching the final goal, the surprising finding In physical tool use there was a steady in - is that in social tool use there is no such in - crease in the proportion of successful problem crease. Figure 2 shows the proportion of gorilla solving reflecting manipulative mastery. In con - acts that resulted in a positive reaction from the trast, when using people, the many changes that human (i.e., complying with the request or in - occur in the acts used by the gorilla (action rit - tended effect; dark part of the columns) in prob - ualization and schematization, and coordina - lem solving contexts. In figure 2 unsuccessful tion with joint attention behaviours, such as eye reactions are further subdivided into “neutral” contact and gaze alternation) do not result in an (the person does not react helping the gorilla, al - increase in success —whatever the action, the though she may allow her to act, for example human helps only in less than 40% of the time. climbing up him/her) and “negative” (not only the human fails to help, but also actively inter - This is due to the fact that, during the first venes to prevent the effect, e.g., fastens more phase, when Muni clumsily dragged and tried to tightly the cage’s latch after the gorilla requests climb upon people, humans would nonetheless to be taken out or makes the negative reaction react helping her (as one typically does with explicit, gesturing and saying “No” as a way of children) independently of how communica - demonstrating unwillingness to comply). tively inept her attempts were. Of course, hu - 04_Gomez.qxp 30/9/10 16:40 Página 40

40 JUAN CARLOS GÓMEZ / ACCIÓN PSICOLÓGICA , julio 2010, vol. 7, n. o 2, 35-43

man help depended upon a number of con - But of course this is not the whole story. straining factors, such as the object of the re - There is an important change in the way people quest. If a forbidden food, or the precious note - react to well-formed communicative requests book of the researcher were the targets of the with joint attention: a dramatic increase in ac - gorilla, no help was given. Once Muni devel - tive negatives versus neutral or non-committal oped her joint attentional and intentional ways reactions. This increase in “actively negative” of making requests, the same constraints ap - reactions would appear to be highly paradoxi - plied, and only requests that were pertinent and cal. Is well-formed communication a less effi - permissible would be responded to positively. I cient way of social problem solving? How can know of no study investigating this issue with we then explain the progressive development of human children, but I predict that negatives will increasingly complex communicative proce - probably be as high as in this gorilla study. dures that replace their tougher, literally more manipulative earlier counterparts? If efficiency Tool use and people use are fundamentally is measured only in terms of obtaining the de - different. Physical instruments are radically sired reward, well-formed communication different to social instruments. The reaction of makes no difference. But if we consider in the physical tool depends upon the skill of the which way the reward fails to be obtained, a manipulator in exploiting the object proper - key difference emerges: when not conceding the ties. The reaction of the person, however, de - reward, humans changed from just ignoring pends ultimately upon her will and assessment non-communicative or hardly communicative of the situation. The will of people around attempts, to explicitly denying a communicative Muni remained curiously unaltered over time. request. Now, denying is a communicative act: it If we measure their compliance with requests, involves, first of all, acknowledging that a re - this was completely unconnected with the go - quest has been made, for example by attending rillas increasing sophistication in communica - to the gorilla and making eye contact and other tive behaviour (see Figure 3 for a direct com - facial, vocal, and verbal reactions; this is then parison). followed by a “negative”, i.e., further gestures, vocal, facial, and verbal reactions, that may in - Figure 3. Direct comparison of the effect of volve reference to the object (e.g., the door not increasing skill and complexity in tool to be opened) gaze alternation, and even in cas - manipulation and human interaction upon es where the reward must definitely not be ob - the rate of success in problem solving tained by the gorilla, taking preventive mea - situations (percentage goals attained). sures, like tightening the door latch. Whereas tool use becomes increasingly effective with time, communicative Communication by the gorilla engenders strategies keep a similar success rate communication by the human independently of independently of their sophistication. how much the gorilla understands of the hu - man negatives: probably nothing of the verbal content, but much of the emotional content ex - I-8 1 VIII -8 1 V-82 person object ritualized eye co nt ac t pressed in the face, voice and gestures. If the 100% gorilla just tries to drag the human to a door 90 Using objects she wants open, the human might just resist 80 as tools and get free of the gorilla’s grip. However, when 70 the gorilla requests with attention contact, the 60 human says “No” and acts “No” in face to face 50 communication with the gorilla. 40 As ki ng peo ple for help 30 20 10 The eyes in the tool 0 1 15 1 15 1 15 1 1 1 31 X X XI XI XII XII I II III III Eye contact is a key element in identifying 80 80 80 80 80 80 81 81 81 81 acts as communicative. In eye contact one is 04_Gomez.qxp 30/9/10 16:40 Página 41

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not simply looking at the other, but at a very is due to the request not having reached its des - special part of the other —the eyes. When using tination and therefore must simply be repeated instruments there is gaze alternation between (maybe after calling the attention of the other) the tool and the reward. For example, Muni or must be abandoned, or made in a different would visually gauge the distance between the way. The effect of making eye contact is not me - end of a pole and its target destination. From a chanical or quantifiable in terms of reward ob - social tool use perspective one could argue that tention. It is an expressive or intersubjective ef - looks at the other follow the same logic: check - fectiveness. Looking at someone while gesturing ing if the social tool is acting in the right direc - has the effect of making the other look and ges - tion. However this would only explain gaze al - ture back at you, and what matters then is not ternation between the target and the relevant only if you obtain or not your goal, but the in - parts of the acting human, usually his hands or tersubjective relation with the other. his legs. Why did the gorilla (and why do human infants) include looks at the eyes of the person (and gaze alternation between eyes and target) if Conclusions the eyes themselves perform no action on the target and looking into the eyes had no effect As with the cases discussed in the introduc - upon the ultimate resolution of the problem? tion (the impossibility of teaching infants A lean interpretation would be that the eyes “counter gaze following” or the insistence of of the other could act as a discriminatory stim - infants on “being understood” and not just ob - ulus associated with the probability of the other taining a reward), the emergence of well acting in response to a request. After all only if formed acts of communication in this infant the others are attending to the gestures they can gorilla is not related to learning the contingen - react to them; also, humans like eye contact and cies of reward delivery. The game of social in - maybe they are more willing to respond when teraction and communication is played on a looked at in the eyes. This would be similar to different ground. The introduction of eye con - having a red light in a Skinner box that, when tact and mutual attention brings the interac - turned on, signals that food will be delivered if tion between gorilla and human into the realm the lever is pressed. Rats quickly learn to press of what Trevarthen called intersubjectivity (Hub - only if the light is on, and maybe even to press a ley and Trevarthen, 1979; Gómez, 1998). Lean different lever to turn the light on (the equiva - interpretations of the associative type cannot lent of calling the attention of someone). How - explain the development of early communica - ever one would expect these operants to be tion and social interaction. But this does not learned only if they do make a difference in the mean that we must accept rich interpretations proportion of rewards obtained. If the light is in terms of sophisticated, adult-like theory of not predictive of a higher probability of reward, mind skills. and turning the light on makes no difference to Eye contact and its associated patterns (mu - the probability of getting the reward, then why tual facial and vocal expressions) are behaviours incorporating all these new, costly patterns of specialized in fulfilling ostensive functions (in behaviour? the sense of Sperber and Wilson, 1986), i.e., sig - In the developmental trajectory of Muni nalling that one is acting with a communicative there was a lack of relation between making eye intention. Although communicative intentions contact and increasing the probability of get - can be construed and understood in very com - ting the reward in a problem solving situation. plex ways as implying mutually embedded, Looking at the eyes had no effect whatsoever higher-order intentional relations (“wanting on the ultimate success of a request, but it did someone to understand that one wants him to upon the way in which she failed to gain the re - understand...”), it is also possible to understand ward. The effect of making eye contact was, them, in their first ontogenetic and phylogenet - first, an increase in the probability of being told ic manifestations, as more primitive forms of if the reward was going to be given or not. This second-person intentional relations. Mutual gaze has the benefit of clarifying if the lack of success used in referential communication (pointing to 04_Gomez.qxp 30/9/10 16:40 Página 42

42 JUAN CARLOS GÓMEZ / ACCIÓN PSICOLÓGICA , julio 2010, vol. 7, n. o 2, 35-43

an object or, in the case of the gorilla discussed Acknowledgements here, taking hands to ask someone to act upon an object) captures the main properties of the The findings reported in this paper were part Gricean structure of communication (Gómez, of a wider project conducted at Madrid Zoo. We 1994, 1996, 2004). It signals out the existence of thank the director and staff of the Zoo for per - mutual, shared attention: it is a sign of each mission to work at their facilities and their close participant overtly attending to the attention of collaboration. The project was partly funded by the other. When one tries to put this in words, a a CAICYT grant awarded to José Linaza, with - complex, mutually embedded structure results out whom “project Muni” could not have been (“you attend to me attending to you attending to completed. me... attending to X”). However, this pattern of mutual attention is achieved without these com - plex computations. It is a form of second-person References intentionality that precedes metarepresenta - tional embeddedness (Gómez, 1996, 1998, 2004, Bard, K. A. (1990). “Social tool use” by free-ranging in press). If ostension is interpreted in meta- orangutans: a piagetian and developmental per - representational terms, the problem of mutual spective on the manipulation of an animate ob - knowledge demands complex cognitive mecha - ject. In S. T. Parker & K. R. Gibson (Eds.), “Lan - nisms capable of computing higher-order inten - guage” and intelligence in monkeys and apes: tionality relations. However, if ostension is in - comparative developmental perspectives (pp. 356- terpreted in terms of intentionality (in the 378). Cambridge, Mass.: Cambridge University original Brentanian sense of relations of about - Press. ness), then ostension becomes mutual about - ness that is computed by a specialized mecha - Bretherton, I., McNew, S., & Beeghly-Smith, M. nism more closely comparable to an emotion (1981). Early person knowledge as expressed in —the emotion of ostension— than to cognition gestural and verbal communication: when do in - (Gómez, 2009, 2010). fants acquire a “theory of mind”? In M. E. Lamb & M. R. Sherrod (Eds.), Infant Social Cognition The failure of simple conditioning or asso - (pp. 333-373). Hillsdale, N. J.: Lawrence Erlbaum ciative paradigms to account for elementary Associates. social cognitive skills does not mean that learn - Corkum, V., & Moore, C. (1998). The origins of joint ing does not play a role in the development of visual attention in infants. Developmental Psy - skills such as gaze following, mutual gaze, or chology, 34(1), 28-38. communicative gesturing. The crux of the mat - ter is what is learned and how it is learned. Fritz, J., & Fritz, P. (1985). The hand-rearing unit: Simple associative contingency models fail to management decisions that may affect chim - take into account the perceptual and cognitive panzee development. In C. E. Graham & J. A. constraints governing learning in infants and Bowen (Eds.), Clinical management of infant great other apes; for example, the perception of an il - apes (pp. 1-34). N. York: A. R. Liss. lusory “line of gaze” or the elicitation of those Gómez, J. C. (1990). The emergence of intentional “ostensive emotions” in eye to eye contact. Ear - communication as a problem-solving strategy in ly social cognition hinges upon the perception, the gorilla. In S. T. Parker & K. R. Gibson (Eds.), understanding, and experience of relations of “Language” and intelligence in monkeys and intentionality in the Brentanian sense of rela - apes: comparative developmental perspectives tion of aboutness connecting agents and ob - (pp. 333-355). Cambridge, Mass.: Cambridge Uni - jects (Gómez, 2008, 2009). This, I propose, is versity Press. an evolutionarily more primitive and basic form of mentalism that offers the possibility Gómez, J. C. (1991). Visual behavior as a window for of developing “balanced” models of early so - reading the minds of others in primates. In A. cial cognition in development and evolution Whiten (Ed.), Natural Theories of Mind: Evolu - avoiding the shortcomings of lean and rich tion, development and simulation of everyday models. mindreading (pp. 195-207). Oxford: B. Blackwell. 04_Gomez.qxp 30/9/10 16:40 Página 43

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