heterogeneous spectrum of Digital Humanities re- search. • Black Box and reproducibility. As Hasibi et Enhancing Domain-Specific al. (2016) recently remarked, the TagMe Entity Linking in DH RESTful API remains a black box, as it is im- possible to check whether it corresponds to Federico Nanni the system described in the original paper.
[email protected] Not knowing the reliability of the system University of Mannheim, Germany limits its use for distant reading analyses, i.e. quantitative studies that go beyond text ex- Yang Zhao ploration.
[email protected] • Language Versions. Currently, TagMe is University of Mannheim, Germany only available in English, German and Italian but does not support other widespread lan- Simone Paolo Ponzetto guages such as Chinese, Arabic, Spanish, and
[email protected] French, which are essential for enhancing its University of Mannheim, Germany use in the DH community. • Infrequent Updates. TagMe has been ini- Laura Dietz tially created on the English 2009 version of
[email protected] Wikipedia and it has been updated only University of New Hampshire, United States of America twice (summer 2012, summer 2016). Imag- ine a setting where a scholar intends to ana- lyze a collection of mainstream news on the Middle East: before the most recent update For the purpose of information retrieval and text the system was not able to detect mentions exploration, digital humanities (DH) scholars have ex- of “Al-Nursa Front”, the former Syrian amined the potential of methods such as keyphrase ex- branch of al-Qaeda. traction (Hasan and Ng, 2014) and named entity • Wikipedia as Knowledge Base.