
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE News Release [email protected] Maria Zack 770-318-3868

America Needs a Leader Who Speaks With Clarity

GOP front runner has made yet another round of outrageous comments that were subsequently walked back by his campaign staff. Given Mr. Trump's highly volatile personality and outspoken nature, it is highly doubtful that a President Trump would be any more apt to speak with clarity when commanding our military, standing with our allies or leading the free world by example. The most recent comments to be dialed back include Mr. Trump's assertion that there should be some form of punishment for women who have abortions. Trump spokesperson Katrina Pierson dismissed it the following day as "a complete misspeak," and Trump's son, Donald Jr., came to his father's defense claiming it was taken out of context. Trump himself had to admit that he may have misspoken.

One of Trump's more popular positions is his strong stance on Syrian refugees, stating if he wins the presidency Syrian refugees "are going back." However, when asked by Bill O'Reilly in September if the U.S. should take in Syrian refugees, Mr. Trump's answer was simple - on a humanitarian basis "you have Illustration: Ramon Garcia / Stand for Principle to."

Perhaps the most worrisome of all are the mind-boggling comments to the Times suggesting that both Japan and South Korea develop nuclear weapons in order to protect themselves, while at the same time claiming to be against nuclear proliferation. His comments sparked outrage around the world, including the aforementioned countries where they publicly denounced the comments and their desire to acquire nukes. If that weren't bad enough, during a CNBC Town Hall, when questioned by Chris Matthews, Trump asserted he would not rule out using nuclear weapons in Europe. In Europe.

When asked about Trump's clarity problem, Stand For Principle CEO Maria Zack stated, "Whether he is unable to clearly express his beliefs or simply doesn't understand the issues, it's obviously a big problem. We need a leader with clear, concise, consistent messages - messages that are targeted to not only the American people but also our allies and our enemies. We cannot bet our future on a man who continues to makes outrageous statements and doesn't seem to have a grasp on the world in which we live."

"I certainly understand the appeal of Donald Trump. People are fed up with do-nothing politicians and they're attracted to the Trump "take-no-prisoners" rhetoric. But when you peel back the spray-tanned layers of tough talk and insults, there is very little political substance there. Even worse, there is a clear lack of understanding when it comes to foreign policy and the U.S. constitution, among other things," Zack continued. "Mr. Trump may be a very successful real estate developer, but his lack of self-control and his self-aggrandizement coupled with his very limited world knowledge would make him an extremely dangerous president."

At a recent CNN Town Hall, Trump openly mocked Sen. Ted Cruz for pausing between sentences while speaking. Perhaps it would serve Mr. Trump well to pause prior to opening his mouth.


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