VolumeVolume 29, 27, No. No. 1 4 February, 2016 be a call to reconsider the priorities Worship in February of our lives. On March 2, “The Case The first Sunday in February of the Mission Doughnut,” shows is the last Sunday of Epiphany, also that God is with us in some surpris- called Transfiguration Sun- WELCOME ing ways and through unusual peo- day. February 14 is the First Sun- GROW ple. On March 9, “Lenten Love,” il- SERVE IN CHRIST day in Lent. lustrates how the love of God that TELEPHONE Lenten Midweek Meals we proclaim during Lent encour- 314-962-6011 FAX And Services ages our love for one another and 314-962 -4810 The Lenten season begins on March 16, “Moldy Bread,” reveals a surprising way in which God has E-MAIL with Ash Wednesday, February
[email protected] 10th. The men of the church will been at work in the baker of the provide us with a complete pancake bread throughout the series of WEBSITE plays. WWW.CHRISTWG.ORG supper at 6:00 p.m. in the Fellow- ship Hall. All are invited to this Each play requires several WORSHIP SCHEDULE actors. Please contact Pastor Penny SUNDAY AT supper; a freewill offering will be 8 & 10:30 A.M. taken. Supper will be followed by an if you are interested in being in one CHILDCARE Ash Wednesday service at 7:00 or more of these plays. Memoriza- 7:45 TO 11:45 A.M. p.m. including the Imposition of tion is not required. Ashes and Holy Communion.