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"The Crescent" Student Newspaper, September 21, 1995

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• PEACE SUPPER. MAN • M r . p o s i t i v e . . . •SIXPENCE... Did you miss the peace supper, The latest abum from Doesn't this guy look just like you missed the 60's? Sixpence much more than a positive to you? Get a Dig our coverage on page 8. "mess." Reiuieiu by Matt load of his "positive" Barker on page 7. vibes on page 4.

SEPT. 21, VOL. GVIII 1995 Crescent ISSUE 4 "The relentless purstiit of truth, in Christ."

charge of it. The results are stricter rules, a new point system and hopefully, a re newed interest in B.J. as a class-wide competition. The new policy really isn't made up of anything new, just things that had been forgotten. For ex ample, in the early 1900's, students, after capturing B.J., were required to bring W r i t e r s N e e d e d him back to campus within Do you like stale donuts 24 hours. That rule had and cold coffee? Then been forgotten, but now, The Crescent staff is the under the new policy and place for you. We are new rules, it is once again looking for xvriters and in effect. Several other rules a r t i s t s t o b e o n o u r are finding the light of day staff. Applications are again under the new policy, available in The which will hopefully ensure Crescent office, located a good experience for ev in the communication The Bruin Jr. travelled to Australia this summer with JRS Abroad. Front: Denise Krause. Chad Kinnett. eryone involved. hallway, or call Lori Mills, Bruin JR. Patrick Bennett. Emily Bergman. Holly Rice, Mandy Wright, Travis Doughty, Katy As some of you may re extension 4103. Anderson. Back: David Peintsma. Joe Robergs, Shannon Smith. Matt WUber, Brian Schmidt. call, when we last saw B.J., he was securely in the lov S e m e s t e r A b r o a d ing hands of what is now Programs New rules for old Bruin jr. tradition the Junior class. It may be Oct. 15 is the deadline for of interest that B.J. left the students to apply for the KARIN KLINGER quickly grew up and started tending townspeople. nation for a short while this Latin America, Middle East, ASCGFC Vice President summer with a trip to the and Russia Studies programs causing problems in some of B.J. has come a long way The long anticipated arrival the neighbors' chicken houses. since his early days. GFC stu land down under! That's for spring semester. For of an old (very old) favorite is The dilemma was solved dents have managed to wrestle right, he made a trip with further information, see Mark several B.J. hides to death and one of the Juniors Abroad Weinert, director of overseas nearly here! Bruin Junior, af by a local butcher with a fectionately referred to as B.J. promise that the bear's hide have had to replace them all in groups and ended up down study, ext. 2673. in most cases, is ready to be could be preserved for the order to continue the tradition. under. But, after a nice little flashed again. This decades- new school museum. After Today, B.J. is a leather teddy- vacation, B.J. has returned Study Abroad old tradition may still be many faithful years in the bear, of sorts. He has been con to the U.S. and is ready for Scholarships structed to be tugged on, another year of wear and National Security Education somewhat of a mystery to all museum, B.J.'s hide lost its at of the new students here, but t r a c t i v e c h a r m s a n d w a s s e n stepped on, buried, thrown, tear. Program (NSEP) an exciting event for returning tenced to death by incinera kicked, and so on...and yet sur Perhaps B.J. will remain scholarships are designed for students. tion in the school's boiler vive. in the capable and proven undergraduates who seek a Most students are unaware room. However, the students Some have stated that it is hands of the Junior class year o/ international study. of just how long this tradition had other plans and managed time to move on, and leave the The study must be in (which I, of course, am a has survived. It actually all to rescue (or kidnap as some tradition behind. Others have countries outside Western proud member); or maybe started in 1887 when a local have called it) B.J. from his cer argued that it is one of the few the Freshmen class will Europe and include foreign hunter and his son shot and tain demise. That year, it is traditions we have left and so make a strong showing on language study. For further killed a bear and later found said that B.J. made a special must continue. Inasmuch as t h e i r fi r s t b o u t f o r o w n e r information and applications, her cub. The hunting team the Bruin Junior policy is in the see Mark Weinert, ext. 2673. prank appearance at a com ship; then again, the Sopho brought the cub home to be a munity gathering and appar hands of the students, your mores may reign; or the student government has taken Seniors...who knows! G u i t a r L e s s o n s pet. Unfortunately, the bear ently scared several of the at Interested in taking lessons? Available for private six- and 12-string guitar lessons. Over 25 years experience Appeal hearing held in Klages Dining Hail final step in allowing Friedman addressed in his teaching and performing. ANDREW MILLER Sumitomo, also known as STX, Discount to GFC students. Staff Writer. The Crescent INSIDE appeal was that certain mea Contact Chris White at 538- to build in Newberg. The sures be taken with regards to 8983. Sid Friedman, a Newberg T A X B R E A K : S u m i t o m o plant, which would be built on water usage, waste water, air resident in the area where w a n t s a t a x b r e a k b e f o r e a 1 9 0 - a c r e fi e l d b e h i n d t h e pollution, traffic, and hazard they decide to build their o u s m a t e r i a l s . ID Cards Sumitomo Sitix Corp. hopes to Fred Meyer Store, would bring $912 million dollar plant. more than 700 jobs to the area. The ID card station zuill be build a $912 million silicon Duane Cole, the city man PAGES set up in the KFOX hallway wafer manufacturing plant, is In addition to Newberg, STX ager, stated in the Oregonian concerned with the Newberg are necessary to mitigate is also considering other sites that "the city's long-range for this fall semester at the in the U.S., including property following times: Monday, Design and Review negative impacts with traffic, plans.. .[are looking] to attract 1:10-2:50 p.m.; Tuesday, committee's approval of the public health & safety, natural in Phoenix. a big clean employer. " One complaint that many 1:10-1:50;and plant citing that they "failed to resource depletion and envi Cole said that even with ensure compliance with. . . ronmental hazards." STX opponents had was that low wages, "at least Sumitomo Thursday, 10:40 a.m.-12:20 The appeal, if accepted, of the 434 jobs available in the is offering benefits, including p.m. At these times both new zoning provisions dealing and replacement cards can be with traffic, public health & would overturn a decision plant's first building phase, health care, and that's better then many of the service in made. For further safety, natural resource deple made by the City of Newberg 301 would have an entry level tions and environmental haz to approve a Design Review wage of $14,000 a year reach dustry jobs springing up along information, contact Shelley ards." application for Sumitomo, a ing a ceiling of $26,000. There Tapia, ext. 2311. Friedman stated in his ap faction of the Japanese based are only 38 positions for engi neers or administrators carry Please turn to peal to the Committee that Obayashi Corporation. SUMITOMO, Page 5 Continued on Page 5 "evidence in the record indi Approval of the Design Re ing wages above $28,000. cated that further conditions view application would be the Another concern which THECRESCEmLTHURSDAVlSE^^ PA G E 2

\' »NI ■ \t ; .N r-*, ^ •'i mmjyj 1 ^The Crescent MISSION STATEMENT: Homosexuality: Still an issue cepted_ by i ;God c r Ras p r aan l l . alter t o : "We, the student newspaper, desire to he a voice for the students, a voice that DIRK BELLAMY naWe lifestyle. (Recall, for Staff Writer. The Crescent instance that our word sod carries an informative message that expresses integrity and professionalism." omy' comes from the name PATRICK A. JOHNSON, Editor-in-Chief As all of you know, there of a city destroyed by God CAROLYN M. WADLOW, Assistant Editor LETHA A. TAWNEY, Advertising Director has recently been a bit of a stir in the Business depart for its immorality). With JONATHAN G. HAYS, A & E Editor MATTHEW B. OPITZ, Sports Editor ment. To recap. Professor that said, I will address PHILIP S. EWERT, Photo Editor ANITA A. CIRULIS, Staff Advisor Christians who have no L CARL WIEGAND, Layout/Design Editor Rick Polley left George Fox College last spring. Re problem with homosexual ELIZABETH M. PHARES, Feature Editor MICHAEL J. SLIVKOFF, Layout/Design ity. , cently he reported that it It seems clear to me from M. JAYLENE WECKS, Copy Editor ANDREW J. LINVILLE, Copy Editor was due to conflict between The Crescent encourages reader response and participation through "Letters to the Editor." his sexual preferences and reading various Biblical Letters should be typewritten and no longer than 250 words. Letters must be signed and may the college's required life passages that homosexuals be edited for length, spelling and clarity. The Crescent will not publish material that may be are to be treated lovingly style statement. but their lifestyle is not to considered obscene or libelous. The Crescent reserves the right to refuse publication of any I am decidedly not going be accepted or embraced. letter. Send letters to The Crescent, SUB Box E. The deadline for "Letters to the Editor" is to write about this particu Justifying homosexuality Friday the week before the following issue. lar topic, as it is close to the hearts of some on campus. by proclaiming that 'God Instead, my topic is the at loves everyone just the way titudes of Christians to they are' is unacceptable. ward homosexuals. Read I Corinthians 6:9-11. Mairiott deserves respect I have had a lot of time I would also like to say to think about this issue in that there seems to be a dis MATT CRAWFORD your food card each time you dine. The idea is tinct difference between Staff IVriter, The Crescent that if you don't like what's being served, you can my twenty years on earth. My conclusion, after much how Christians are to react Many of the people who eat here at our lovely turn around and go eat somewhere else. This way deliberation, is that the to the sins of the world and Marriot food service have mixed opinions about you don't have to spend a lot of money on food majority of Christians are the sins of Christian breth the food that is served. A large majority of the you don't really want to eat. well meaning but mis ren. people that eat here don't really have too many Sure, you'll say we are forking out 18 thousand Christ showed a great smackers for this place so we better get good food. guided concerning homo good things to say about the food, and it is those sexuality. deal of love to prostitutes people that I aim this at. Well, you're wrong. By your definition, good food I shall first address those and tax collectors merely means cooked the way you like, seasoned the way First off, you people would probably find fault who believe homosexuality encouraging them to 'go in a five star restaurant! Secondly, I am tired of you like, and the temperature the way you like it. is somehow a much worse and sin no more.' He was listening to all your moaning and complaining Well, it is just a little too complicated to serve a sin than any other. These not as kind with those who about how bad the food is or that there is never few hundred or so people food prepared to people tend to instantly pretended to be holy even anything to eat. Thirdly, now here's a revelation, everyone's various tastes. Basically, they are giv condemn homosexuals to as they continued to sin-the if you don't like the food don't eat it! ing you the foundation for the meal; it is up to the fiery pits of hell with most obvious example is Now for all those negative food slanderers 1 you to put on your little finishing touches. out so much as compas the Pharisees. have some tips for you. Why don't you do some Of course, you're probably still as stubborn sion. By doing this, these about the food as you were before, so now I will For instance, if I meet a ho thing constructive for a change and fix the prob Christians, in a sense, pro mosexual person who does lem if the food is bothering you. I'm sure the de spew forth my parental words to the wise or not- c l a i m t h e m s e l v e s m o r e so-wise. There are countries where people are con not pretend to have a Chris lightful staff would be more than willing to lis holy than homosexuals. If tian background, I should ten to you. stantly wondering where their next meal is com you are in this category, I treat that person in the most The key here is to talk to the people in charge, ing fi-om, so why don't all you people do every would encourage you to one abig fevor and justbe quiet. Whynotbe thank loving way possible — not because if you don't nothing will get changed. read Luke 6:37-42. Expressing your opinion is a simple idea that you ful that you have so much that you can sit around condemning or ostracizing. should have learned in grade school, but you and gripe about the quality of the food! Homosexuality may be a If I meet a homosexual sin, but we are all sinners have to teU it to someone who actually cares. I In closing, I would like to say that ft'om conver person who proclaims to be — please remember that a Christian, on the other for one don't, but the people working at Marriot sations with friends at other campuses, we really when dealing with and do. do have a better meal provider than most. hand, as a Christian I am Another idea, for those who just can't seem If all this still doesn't change your mind, then I speaking about this topic. commanded to correct and Do not misunderstand to stomach the food, would be to get one of the am sorry your mommy can't be here to cook for instruct him/her in the me, though. I do not believe special options the food service offers. Get a debit you. Until then, grow up and take it like an adult, that homosexuality is ac- ways of righteousness (I card that takes a certain amount of money out of you don't always get what you want. Corinthians 5:9-12). Understanding the Opposite Sex }f\a.{evex...

JEREMY LLOYD tell him how good he is. And Such as: "It's so cute how Bob al Staff Writer, The Crescent when shopping, doiu^ agree that ways tries to set the cat on fire with It has come to my attention an outfit makes her hips look big. aerosol hair spray and a lighter." that many of you people out There are, of course, exceptions Law #3 (For men) - Women are there are having a h^d time un to this rule. Men who don't like compulsive thieves. Often when derstanding the opposite sex. I sports are usually mechanically you're in a relationship with a think that I can help. Through an inclined, and women who don't woman, she will borrow some of intricate study of relationships, like shopping tend to be dead. your clothes. This may seem cute performed mostly by watching Law ^ (For women) - Men at first, but be careful. Lwe Connection, I have come up don't throw underwear away. In For instance, you could be to with a few basic laws of nature fact, we will wear a pair of our gether with a girl for a couple of that might help solve this age old favorite briefe orboxers until there months. In that time, she will dilemma: is nothing left but a small patch stealfiiily accumulate a CD, your Law #1 - Men like sports and of cloth hanging down from ffie favorite sandals, and various women like shopping. The ori elastic strap. Most men sort out clofiiing items. And then at the be gin of this phenomenon can be tlieir underwear by which decade ginning of tlie summer she will traced all the way back to prehis it was purchased in. completely leave you, never talk toric times, when men would About now you are probably to you again, and not give you engage in athletic activities such wondering why 1 even brought your stuff back, causing your as hunting for food. Women, due this disturbing subject up. I'm not friends to scream, "Stop complain to early cultural roles and a lack sure myself, but 1 think it was to ing about the sandals, Jeremy! Let of good malls, would be forced show that guys do weird things. the sandals go!" But you can't let to stay in tlie cave and order from We like to blow stuff up, watch them go because —^SLAP!!! — the home shopping network us Ba\/walch, and yes, keep our un Thanks. I needed that. ing ancient Visa cards. derwear for life. There's much more advice To impress a member of the Eventually, to mentally cope that I'd like to give you. But I have opposite sex, simply do one of with this behavior, females in to go sort my underwear now. It these activities with ^em. Just re vented the word "cute" to de seems that ffie 1980's pile is get member, wiien playing sports. scribe any sucli strange activities. ting mixed in with the '90's. THE CRESCENT, THURSDAY SEPT. 21,1995 PAGES

- • 1 • • . > •A Y',' \-i IBfaj vJ y. rd Con: Sumitomo will harm water supply TORREY lindbo and the one that would di of certain chemicals that they else will be putting toluene, hy benefit to working in this fac Guesr tVrifer. GFC Alumni rectly affect you, is water. keep on hand in case of an drofluoric acid, hydrochloric tory would be that you could Toward the end of the past Sumitomo needs fresh water emergency. acid, and many other acids still live in the apartment you school year, a large silicon wa (from wells) for the manufac Newberg's fire department down their drains. If problems lived in off-campus (since ter manufacturing plant ap turing of their silicon chips. is unable to respond to hazard occur with toxin levels, that's all you'll be able to af Sumitomo has projected to use ous material (hazmat) fires or Sumitomo will not be held re plied to set up a faculty occu ford), and you'll still be eligible 2.4 million gallons per day by spills, so Tualitin's team would sponsible, since they are pass for food stamps. pying the 300 acres Fred Meyer. their Phase II production, have to be contacted. Yet, ing the responsibility on to the Even thou^ many of these sistedcompany, that they be Sumitomo, given a 40% in which they claim won't hap Tualitin's hazmat crew claims sewage plant. concerns may not dir^tly a^ct tax break in order to grace the pen until 1999, and they have that if a fire occurs, NO LIVES The waste water will also in you, some do. So exercise your also mentioned a Phase III WILL BE SAVED. They won't clude all of the toxins which right to drink clean water and Newberg area with their pres which wUI happen within ten risk it. would have been causing air swim in a river that doesn'tneed ence. Through efforts from years. Phase I is supposed to The problem with water use pollution, since the plant will more pollutants. Stand up and be many concerned citizens, that tax break was denied by the city only use 990,750 gallons a day, comes when we look at the av be using air scrubbers to keep heard! Write a letter to: Newbeig yet the corporation backed out erage daily water use of the plant visibly pollution-free. Planning Commission 414 E. 1st council, yet Sumitomo decided of an agreement which would The air scrubbers will take the street Newbeig, OR 97132 to come anyway. Newberg _ 2.2 million gallons/ limit them to 1 million gallons day versus the peak daily wa ter usage — 5.5 million gal I W«iar Avaraga Daily U»«a« ' Nawt>«n) | lons/ day. The following graph I Wilof Mmhniun Oafly Usag* : Nawbfp j shows how the peak water us age will increase with the city's projected population growth, and how Sumitomo (STX) will affect that. The graph shows that Newberg will be using their Q A maximum available water by L - 1 9 9 6 - - 1 9 0 9 . - 2 0 0 1 • - 2 0 0 3 - - 2 0 0 5 - - 2 0 0 7 - - 2 0 0 0 - - 2 0 1 1 - - 2 0 1 3 - - 2 0 1 5 - >-3 2011, and that is without O YEAflS Sumitomo. With Sumitomo, Nj S

we will be out of well water just / Avdrago Day 0 O Avarage Oay w/STX after the turn of the century, O Total Water Availabiiily s i n c e a l l o f o u r w e l l s a r e i n - 1 9 9 S . . 1 9 9 7 - - 1 9 9 9 - - 2 0 0 1 - - 2 0 0 3 - - 2 0 0 S . . 2 0 0 7 - - 2 0 0 9 - - 2 0 11 - - 2 0 1 3 - - 2 0 1 5 - Marion Co., and they have said YEARS The original presentation for a day. we can't drill any more. the future Sumitomo plant con Part of the compromise The best part about running which Sumitomo backed out of out of water is the Rani collec H Maximuin Day veyed that they were going to B Max. Oay w/STX tor. This is a horizontal "well" be very giving to the commu included agreeing not to release Oloial Waiar Avallabllliy nity and favorable for the en heavy metals into their waste drilled under the Willamette, vironment; however, things water or any other toxins in lev w h i c h s u c k s w a t e r d o w n sound a bit different now that els that would require the sew through the sediment. This is toluene, a carcinogen which What I would really like ev they won't be saving a few mil age plant to treat the water all right if you don't know how also which causes liver damage eryone to do is write a note to Ed lion dollars. As a resultagroup. longer or differently than nor contaminated the river is. by inhalation (Churchill's Stevens. Asking him to recon of citizens has joined together mal. We would also like them My favorite part is that the Medical Dictionary), and other sider his position on Sumitomo, to take a stand, making sure to agree to reimburse the sew collection site would be just airborne contaminants and he is supposed to be a represen that Newberg remains the safe age treatment plant if any of the down river from the Smurfit take them to the sewage treat tative of the views held by the community that it is. bacteria used in current treat Newspaper Plant and the sew ment plant. college, even though he may be You are probably thinking ment of sewage are killed by age treatment plant. I haven't Beyond these issues comes giving people his personal opin that you only attend school substances introduced into the yet mentioned that Sumitomo the one that concerns me most. ion. here, and that this plant will not sewer by Sumitomo. plans to pump out all of their A man I respect greatly from You need to act quickly, but affect you; but it will. The pur Hazardous materials, espe acidic waste water through the college is encouraging this if you are concerned at all about the place where you pose of this letter is to give you cially the very flammable tolu Newberg's sewage. corporation to come simply be the facts about what this plant ene. are going to be used in the Waste water is going to be cause he feels that college drink water 9 months out of the w o u l d r e a l l y m e a n t o making of the silicon wafers. handled by the sewage treat graduates might feel the need year, then stand up for yourself Since these materials are neces ment plant. Sumitomo plans to to take a job paying less a year and for Newberg this week. Newberg, and therefore to the than it costs for a year's tuition Thank you very much for your George Fox community. sary, we would like to ask pay for sewage just like normal The first concern we have. Sumitomo to limit the amount residents, even though no one at tlris fine institution. The only support. Pro: Sumitomo will benefit the community RICH WALOREN only exists to treat waste, but, from a hand slap to multi- storage facility guidelines, pygmy goats running loose. most importantly, to operate in million dollar fines. They do secondary containment, 7. The planning commission Plannining Commissioner. Newberg was instrumental in getting the black! n o t w a n t e i t h e r a s w e c a n double wall approved con In doing my research as a If an under capacity exists pull their permit. tainment, etc. Brutscher road access off of planning commissioner to for treatment, it is the city's 3. Before Sumo discharges This will be done in review 99W for a main entrance, in stead of going down grant Sumo a permit to pro purpose to make the plant waste into the sewer system, by expert knowledge from ceed forth with their building more efficient by selling addi they have to remove the solid Tualitin Valley Fire-rescue' Springbrook and turning on program, I have uncovered the tional capacity for new particles and other contami who happen to have one of Fernwood. This was not sup following facts, which I feel growth, houses, business, or nates on site. This solid waste the most current, competent posed to be available until the the citizens of Newberg are ig industry. This over capacity has to have a permit, put into hazardous materials teams on start-up of phase II. The plan norant of. exists today. permitted containers, picked the west coast! This knowl ning commission with the help I feel in my heart that this 2. Many people thought up by a permitted company, edge will be invaluable for the of Sumo addressed the prob ignorance came from city that their babies were going hauled by permitted trucks, safety of this site. lems and concerns of the com fathers, who, not intention to glow in the dark due to to a permitted landfill. They 6. Sumo, because of its size munity very adequately. ally, just did not get this in Sumo's discharge into the cannot go bury this in the and the quantity of materials My heartfelt thanks to all creek. stored on site, comes under planning members who stuck formation to the public, so sewer system. Not so. Sumo it out and perservered, work that everyone can see how must submit a plan to the 4. The capital improve superfund amendment reau all this monkey motion ac ments required for Sumo will thorization act (SARA) Ttle ing together to reach a consen city, detailing sewage dis 111. Because of this, the plan sus, to make this happen. It tually works. I thank God charge, so our water treat be financed by them. These ment personnel can see what are wastewater plant im ning commission required says in the scriptures to "pray for Sid Friedman, who that a hazardous materials re for the peace of Jerusalem," raised objections and ques measures they need to take to provements, new wells and a reservoir, and associated pip sponse team is located on site Psalms 122:6. I, also, will in tions that needed to be ad comply with our DEQ per and is staffed by Sumo. clude the peace of Newberg, let mit, which allows our dis ing or plumbing. A new 3 dressed or were a P"myy million gallon reservoir is be Again, this staff will be us all work together toward the issue, for which I looked for charge into the river. "betterment" of Newberg. As a ing added to the 8 million gal trained and coordinated by Sumo gets their wastewa our fire department and Tuf- ter permit from the city. Also lon capacity that already ex place to live, grow and prosper. ^"I'sewer facilities were built ists. R experts. This will be a first Last, but not least, I thank to increase capacity for Allen in place, requirements for line of defense before our fire Sumo for their patience, an discharge monitors, alarms, 5. Planning members re Fruit. Allen Fruit at the time of quired a condition whereby department and Tuf-R would swering our questions of fear their shutdown used approxi- bells and whistles along with the city fire department will be called. As the fire chief says and uncertainty, and for their matelv 400,000 gallons per our own personnel who will be instrumental in design and "It is easier to take care of a giving on some of the issues. I take random samples of dis- believe in my heart that they day This is a little more than construction of Sumo facili one thousand pound el Sumo will use in their first charge. If Sumo exceeds ties. This will include fire pro ephant locked in a building, will be a great addition to the these discharge parameters ve^ of operation. A sewer- tection, containment of spills. than ten little 100 pound community. water treatment plant not they could get anywhere THE crescet^ PAGE 4

r 99 ri J

Men to battle "Whits,, . .i^e . Bruins R r u i n s managed m a r to that the Mjck Harmon

MATT OPITZ The Bruins 'g" c'e'^pl^ay P"" throw in and the Sports Editor. The Crescent B r u i nwent s on t h to i s win g1 otoo. a l The George Fox men's soc Harmon h°P« ^,ound for cer team is looking to improve will upon a 5-2 preseason when shot blanks and ^ HI V feel good that it they begin conference play r a n w i l d j ^ s w e r e Just vyti baby this Friday against Whitman. ""TX gan;f wfnner. but it On Saturday, they will face ^ rL first goal this season 1 MATT OPITZ last year and are hungry Whitworth. Both schools rf r>e it kinda opens the flood Spoils Editor, The Crescent for a playoff appearance carry decent programs and gates and sets the tone for the after being denied last they should give the Bruins a rest of the season. Okay, I think that it is year. They started out good look at what conference about time for a positive the year fast and then play is IS going going to be to like. be like. untiluntil about seven seven minutes le article. What! Yes, there hit a little slow spot, but are positive aspects look for them to con about GFC athletics and tinue their winning Women's soccer hits drought» 1 - J m a v b e it is time for those to be „r,.lpss troubled offense may be the ways. Byron Shenk other game was a scorel fact t^Amy Maas has brought to attention. knows how to motivate MATT OPITZ There is something very t i e t o b e e n s i c k a n d h i s t e a m . Sports Editor, The Crescent started the The volleyball team Christy Gross special and consistent Where has all the offense streak off by here at Fox, year after started out the year in h a s b e e n i n gone? This is the question beating year. Winning teams, great fashion, smashing that the women's soccer jured. The Bru George Fox 2 ins start confer plain and simple. Division III Hamline. team is asking themselves to 1. Then Look at the cross E i t h e r t h e B r u i n s w e r e after being shut out the last came the game ence play this country team first of all. pretty impressive or three games. They will have weekend At the Bear Fete tourna against H a m l i n e w a s t e r r i b l e one week to try and figure Concordia and against ment two weekends and I would prefer to out what has gone wrong then two road Whitman and ago, the women's team believe the former. They before battling Whitman on games. Port Whitworth and came in first and the lost a tough match men came in second. Friday. land State it is critical that against Pacific but The women started the Okay, so big deal, it isn't jumped all they do well in the first time that this impressed me with their year out great taking the o v e r t h e B r u these home determination to come hrst two games and looking has all happened. Well, ins winning 3 back, and come back like they were going to be a games. The look at all the factors. to 0 0 and and last last Bruins face a six game road they did, almost win team to be reckoned with. The women won the weekend, Puget Sound shut after this weekend and race despite missing ning the match. They However, the Bruins then them out 1 to 0. ^ant to head into it did bounce right back went on to lose three out of two All-Americans, One reason for the q_2 in conference play. and destroy Lewis & their next four, and the Rebekah Ulmer and Clark. Here is a team Brooke Barton. Think that was basically about how big their rebuilt last year and margin of victory would they look like a very have been if those two Volleyball team prepares cohesive group. Steve had run. The men came Grant has his team in second despite not poised to improve on to host tournament having their All-Ameri last year's .500 record. can Erik Gibson. The Five teams, all with MATT OPITZ depth on both teams & Clark. The Lady Bruins eas forth tmtil the Boxers eventu winning traditions, Sports Editor, The Crescent compliments Coach Wes and more importantly, ily handled Lewis & Clark ally pulled away, 11-15,15-7, Cook's recruiting all have expectations It's toumey time this week winning in four sets, 15-2, IS 15-4, 11-15, and 15-12. The methods. of successful seasons. end at George Fox. Some of IS, 14-16, and 15-8. Bruins showed that they are T h e m e n ' s s o c c e r I believe this says a the Northwest's best teams George Fox got off to a not going to back down from team did not carry as l o t f o r o u r a t h l e t i c will battle each other at the rough start in conference play, any situation. high as expectations as department. The GFC volleyball tournament, losing the opener to the Pacific The Bruins will be facing they have in the past. c o a c h e s h a v e d o n e a n including the third ranked Boxers. The Bruins won the This would seem right tough teams in the tourna excellent job of re team in the nation. Western first set but the Boxers came ment which begins on Friday seeing as how they only cruiting and rebuild Oregon. roaring back to win the next the 22. Western Oregon, have three returning two. Then, lead by Joanna starters. It is a year for ing and have main George Fox finds itself Willamette and Central Wash tained the winning ranked third in their pool, their younger players to Lofgren and Michelle Nelsen, ington have all received top ^mentality on their with the number one seed be the Bruins pounded their way seeds. Other teams include gain some experience. teams. Once the to a win in the fourth set. The But look at the start ing Western Oregon. The women are coming off a fifth set was rally point and Linfleld, St. Martins, Southern they have gotten off to. expectation of win Oregon, Concordia, Western ning goes away, it strong showing against Lewis the scoring went back and Losing only twice, one Baptist, Pacific, Albertson's to Central Washington, takes an awful long and Eastern Oregon. The Bru a team that they have t i m e t o r e c o v e r i t . ms meet up with St. Martins beaten twice this year Nobody wants to first at 12:15 on Friday. already. Manfred Tschan expect their school to lose all the time, and has done a tremendous Wanted: teen companion for twc we don't have to. The job preparing a young, coaches have created a developmentally disabled males. inexperienced team. well respected pro T h e w o m e n ' s s o c c e r Shedule?■ may & 2:30-5p.M.vary. per hour team is playing their gram here, and I don't UOE call 538-9729. usual style, although see it eroding any time & MEDICAL*' c K N 1 li r f^bonda Phillips. they are having a little soon. So Congrats trouble. They have coaches. Kudos to you those returning from and your teams. • Professional Medical Services. he BarbeTH^e (behind -I T) IS missing It's barber • Open 7 days a week. pole. Reward for informa How would you FAST FUNDRASER - RAISE • Walk-ins always welcome. tion. Contact Stiirley at like to attend S500 IN 5 DAYS-GREEKS. 538-677.^ GROUPS, CLUBS, GFC sporting MOTIVATED INDIVIDUALS. events and get 537-9600 FAST, EASY - NO paid for It!? Call write Sames, FINANCIAL OBLIGATION Matt Opitz at (800)862-1982 EXT. 33 Justone block south of 99W, Behind Burger King X4103 Contact Mat Opitz at 4103 THE CRESCENT, THURSDAY, SEPT. 21,1995 PAGES


W H AT ' S B R U I N Crescent purchases new equipment (Continued from Page One) AMY VARIN printing, therefore eliminating "We are going for more of a software, Aldus Pagemaker Writer, The Crescent the ten dollar charge for each USA Today type, visual look," 5.0 and Clarisworks the Cres Campus Tour Guides said Johnson. The Admissions Office is Someone once said that a picture published in the c e n t h a s a n u m b e r o f m o d e r n weekly paper. Readers of the Crescent can tools for the output of the pa- looking for friendly picture is worth a thousand words. It also used to be worth "Basically we will have two expect to see more pictures per. representatives to give campus to five years worth of free pic and photo essays in upcoming With the new euqipment tours. Call ext. 2247 if about ten dollars when pub lished in the Crescent. tures for the same price as one editions of the paper as the comes new headaches, how interested. "Last year we spent about year with out the scanner," Crescent staff takes advantage ever. "We have had some ma of their new technology. Business Club Meeting $3,500 dollars to publish pic Johnson explained. jor problems with computer The GFC Business Club is tures in the Crescent," Pat In addition to the new scan "Every week is a real learn equipment being moody," Johnson, Editor-in-Chief, ner, the Crescent also pur ing experience for us at the Johnson stated, "but overall having its first meeting chased a Power Macintosh Crescent. We are all learning we are happy with it." '^uesday evening at 7:30 p.m. in stated. the Hoover Lecture Hall. Paul With the support of AS- and software. With the new together instead of just com If anyone is interested in Anderson will speak on CGFC the paper invested that computer, which has a larger ing in each week and putting getting involved in the pro "Quakers: The Origimtors of money, about $3^00, this sum hard drive and CD Rom ca the paper out. We are learning duction of the Crescent they Modem Business?" This mer in the purchase of a new pacity, all paper layout has skills that will help us later in are encouraged to stop by the been eliminated. The Crescent Crescent office. "We are al meeting also will give everyone scanner. With that investment life," reflected Johnson. chance to hear some of the the Crescent will be able to is delivered to the printer on a With the introduction of the ways looking for help," new Adobe Photoshop 3.0 plans and ideas the Busitiess prepare their own pictures for disk, rather than on paper. pleaded Johnson. Club Juts.

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Sounds Alexa's: A "low fat" gathering place Top Ten from the JOE thouvenel gourmet food with reasonable d e r a d o l l a r. Staf Writer, The Crescent prices. The menu includes an Not only is the atmosphere Films assortment of muffins, bagels pleasant, and the cost afford The top 10 films at city fromMy friends the and frenzy I walked of in and juices for breakfasts, but able, but most important is the t h e b o x o f fi c e f o r t h e Concerts coming to the from 11:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., quality of the items that are past weekend, includ Portland area: Springbrook Plaza and imme served. The resounding com ing the weekend's gross diately noticed the refreshing I'lT •Phidelity Jazz, Sept. 22, at ments reflect my opinion. and the total gross. The Coffee Cottage. **FREE** and relaxing atmosphere of "After I drank a few sips this European-style cafe: of my newly discovered 1. "To Wong Foo, Alexa's. Thanks for Everything! •Mary Chapin Carpenter, Located in Springbrook raspberry-coconut flip, I felt Sept. 23, 7:30 p.m. at LB Day Plaza between Thriftway and like my taste buds were hav Julie Newmar," Universal, Amphitheater. $9 million, $9 million, 1 Horizon Video. Alexa's is a ing a party in my mouth," said GFC sophomore Shan week. •Night Noise, Sept. 23, at the cafe committed to serving Aladdin Theater. $16 (advance) non Killeen. quality food without the abun "For being well priced, the 2. "Dangerous Minds," dance of high calorie, un •Clint Black and Suzy food is delicious, and healthy Disney, $4 million; $62.8 healthy fat. While only open too," said another customer. million, five weeks. Bogguss, Sept. 24, 7:00 p.m. at ing two months ago, Alexa's After experiencing this LB Day Amphitheater. boasts a full espresso bar with unique cafe, I realized that 3. "Mortal Kombat," •Ben Harper, Sept. 25,9:30 drinks ranging from a latte to Alexa's would be a great Newline cinemas, $3.8 a raspberry-coconut Flip, as p.m. at Berbati's Pan. $7 (ad place to meet a friend for million; $60.1 million, four well as menu of low-fat vance) lunch is served with menu l u n c h , s t u d y w i t h a n weeks. items(even fat free cheese items that include an assort espresso on hand, or an ideal •Charlie Nelson (ragtime cake, which is delicious). ment of salads and sand way to end an evening out 4. "The Prophesy," and blues) Sept. 29, at the Cof From the decorative art on wiches which each carry a with a special date. I thor Miramax, $2.8 million; fee Cottage. **FREE** the wall down to the unique price of under five dollars. oughly enjoyed Alexa's and $11.6 millions two weeks. salt and pepper shakers, There is even fat-free frozen would recommend it to •Bad Company, Oct. 1,8:00 A l e x a ' s c o m b i n e s l o w f a t yogurt for desert priced at un everyone. 5. "Desperado," Co p.m. at Memorial Coliseum. lumbia, $2.63 million; •Gurus Jazzmatazz, Oct. 2, $20.9 million, three weeks. 8:30 pm at La Luna. $10 (ad vance) 6. "The Tie That Binds," Disney, $2.62 mil •Blind Melon, Oct. 4, 9:00 lion; one week. p.m. at La Luna. $15 (advance) and their 'Beautiful Mess' 7. "The Last of the MATT BARKER This being their second al •Phish, Oct. 5, at Memorial savage of beasts, even the ones Dogmen," Sable, $2.52 Staff Writer. The Crescent bum, the group has experi at GFC. Coliseum, $20. million; one week. enced phenominal growth and It is difficult to compare If anyone saw the 10,CK)0 Ma has blossomed into a mature • S o u l A s y l u m a n d groups to one another, espe 8 . " A W a l k i n t h e niacs in concert before their band with the ability to cheer Radiohead, Oct. 9,7:00 p.m. at cially with Sixpence, but their Clouds," 20th Century the Salem Armory. $16.50 (ad break up, they might have seen up even the grayest of days, s o u n d s e e m s t o b e s i m i l a r t o Fox; $2.48 million; $42 vance) one of the best Christian bands without pom-poms. Their mu that of the 10,000 Maniacs and million, five weeks. on the music scene, opening for sic is envigorating, and makes the Cranberries, minus the •Midori and the Oregon them. The one"AAIilEEE" style Screaming. 9."National Lampoon's Symphony, Oct. 12, at the name of the happy For those who are afraid that Senior Trip," New Line; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall. band: Six- andthis soft groove ridden music $13-$43. $2.18 million; one week. pence thankful might damage their "Tuff None the to be •Bu^o Tom and Jennifer Guy" image, I have this ad 10. "The Usual Sus Richer. alive. In vice: what doesn't kill, only Trynin, Oct. 13, at La Luna. pects," Gramercy, $2.16 T h e i r l a t e s t addition, makes one stronger." $8.50. million; $8.6 million, four release. their Until next time, same "Bat- weeks. •Nancy Wilson, Oct 16, at T h i s B e a u choice of time," same "Bat-channel." the Arlene Schnitzer Concert tiful Mess, textures Hall. $27-$31. i s a t r e m e n used in d o u s C D . each •White Zombie, Oct. 22,7:00 "What song has p.m. at Memorial Coliseum. m a k e s t h i s a c a l m CD so ing effect •Nine Inch Nails and David on the Springbrook Plaza great?" you c Bowie, Oct. 25,7:30 p.m. at The most o 1100 Springbrook Rd. might ask. a Rose Garden Areira. 3 Well, for o 538-0441 starters, Leigh Bingham is a u •James Taylor, Oct. 31, at the Im7naniie[ CHristian Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall. snacker at lead vocals. Her voice RENT ONE $23. and the writing of G E T O N E F R E E combine to make creative, Je[(ozuslnp (of equal or lesser value) •Blues Traveler, Nov. 30, at imaginitive songs. She gives SUNDAYS (exp. Sept. 30) the Arlene Schnitzer Concert Slocum's lyrics life, as Tess Sunday School 10:00am L J Hall. $21.50 Service 11:00am Wiley, the rhythm guitarist, ech BIBLES • CHRISTIAN BOOKS • MUSIC • ESPRESSO BIBLES oes Leigh and gives them depth. WEDNESDAYS Service 7:00pm Band Practice 6:30pm YOUR When you need to see a doctor Youth Ministry 7:00pm I CHOICE... COLLEGE MINISTRY Christian Resource Center Consider: Sunday nights. Localecl in Tigard. Come to service and F R E E D C - Ta l k - " J e s u s F r e a k " find out! or... "Soundwave" CD - a collection of Christian artists. On campus contact: Liz#2, 701 E. First St. Newber Macy 2, ext. 3570 I While supplies last; wilh GFC I.D.; limit 1 per sludont 538-BOOK BIBLES • CHRISTIAN BOOKS • MUSIC • ESPRESSO • TEA • BIBLES & M E I > 1 r n • Professional Medical Services. Young 5 i Dairq • Open 7 days a week. Queen ' 'oirstules • Walk-ins always welcome. We Treat You

Part time work 537-9600 available. I 'I OFF HAIRCUTS We can work around Coll for on oppointment with DeVonne. Just one block south of 99W, Behind Burger King. your schedule. '5 OFF PERMS AND COLORS THE CRESCENT THURSDAY, SEPT 21,1995 PAGES

W H AT ' S B R U I N Seaman speaks at Peace Supper

KARA Fours (Continued from Page Five) God. Staff Writer. The Crescent Dr. Beaman tied in the "Let the peace of Christ "solid Quaker connection" K F O X D J ' S WA N T E D rule in your hearts, since as to the Pentecostals. A Have you ever wanted to be members of one body you Quaker man, Arthur Sidney on the radio? Sign up to be a were called to peace..." Clibborn, married the KFOX DJ! Time slots are C o l o s s i a n s 3 : 1 5 . daughter of the founding still open. Contact Brian Van On Tuesday, September general of the Salvation Kleefat the KFOX office, 12, an intimate crowd of Army, taking her name, extension 4107. twenty gathered to hear Dr. thereby becoming Booth- Clibborn. Jay Beaman, professor of Math Lab Hours He left the Salvation Need help with those terrible Sociology at George Fox College speak at the first Army after promotmg di Hank Helsabeck math Peace Supper of the year. vine healing and pacifism, classes? Checkout the Math Dr. Beaman spent four which General Booth felt Lab. Monday through years researching at Iowa State w a s d i v i s i v e . B o o t h - Thursday 7p.m. to 11p.m. and teaching at Tabor College Clibborn then joined the Pentecostal movement and Tuesday and Thursday prior to coming here two years 2:30p.m. to 4:S0p.m. in EHS ago. "I was interested in teach strategically became part of 125. Say "Hi" to Sara. ing at George Fox because of the early leadership during their commitment to peace World War I. Bike Trip Coming Up The next Peace Supper making," Beaman recalls Join in the fun during the In 1989 he published a will be held in the Cap and campus Bife Trip on book, Pentecostal Pacifism: Gown Room from 6-8 pm September 29. Contact Don The Origin. Development on Tuesday, October 24. The Cossel at extension 2514 for and Rejection of the Pacifis- soup dinner will be $3.00 or more information. tic Belief among the Pente- Marriott trays can be costal.s. This is the topic Dr. brought in. The Supper is Over the Edge Cancelied Beaman spoke on, and more sponsored by the Center for Peace Learning and orga Over the Edge is cancelled specifically. Pacifism this week due to the All nized by the director, Ron among Pentecostal's during Mock. The Center was de Campus Retreat. It will t h e W o r l d W a r I e r a . resume ne.xt week at the same Most Pentecostals have signed to help people with time and place. If you have now rejected pacifism, but conflict management and o f f e r s a m i n o r i n P e a c e any questions contact Noah during the early 1900's Chris Gilson.for The Crescent Studies. There will be seven Stella at extension 4108. their belief stood strong. Dr. Jay Beaman speaks at the first Peace Supper of the year. "How can you love people Peace Suppers this year, one every month except for Student vs. Faculty/Staff and evangelize them, shar questioned. The early Pen the nation and government. tecostals believed in a com December. Softball Game ing the word of God, if you They believed in a commit- ment to the kingdom of Students square off against are at war with them?" they mitment higher than one to the hated faculty and staff coj>> Softball team on September 28. For more information I. j©t Live Music... contact Monte Wilber at IjL, . , ^ .-J, , ' * - • extension 4102. P e a n u t s & J a m Every Friday night, 8:00 - 10:00 W o m e n ' s S e l f D e f e n s e Courses Make crossing the canyon at Sept. 22"^^ - "No Talk Back Blues." Sam a little less stressful. Sept. 29^*^ - "Charlie Nelson - ragtime blues" Take a self defense course Interested in playing? Contact Steve at the Cottage starting October 16-20. For more information contact ■.V ■■■ Delu^e.iyii(ji-Suiles withj^ Timothy Commins at extension 3842. MBE M A I L B O X E S E T C r ■' SatellitejV'whh'f^rerriiurri Channels Send your submissions OuidOQrPooi.fhmorSpa, for 'What's Bruin to The . ■* ' 'Cagna & Steam-Rpom We Can Do It For You ! Crescent, SUB Box E, by ' - ; fjreq^ntinenta! Br^kfast Friday for the following Postal & Business Services edition. FreeibsXtoday Newspaper □ 24 Hr. Private Mailbox Service with. Street Address HjgQn-Srhoking Rooms □ Office Supplies ii.. eeting Room □ Business Cards & Stationary □ Copies - 24 Hr. Service Av^able □ Telephone Message Service

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