檔案編號︰WTSDC 20/220 Pt
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Minutes of the 23rd Meeting of the HKSAR Third Term of Wong Tai Sin District Council (Summary Translation) Date: 5 July 2011 (Tuesday) Time: 2:30 p.m. Venue: Conference Room, Wong Tai Sin District Council, 6/F, Lung Cheung Office Block, 138 Lung Cheung Road, Wong Tai Sin, Kowloon Present: Chairman: Mr. LI Tak-hong, MH, JP Vice-chairman: Mr. WONG Kam-chi, MH, JP Wong Tai Sin District Council Members: Mr. CHAN Lee-shing Ms. CHAN Man-ki, Maggie Mr. CHAN On-tai Mr. CHAN Wai-kwan, Andie Mr. CHAN Yim-kwong, Joe Mr. CHOI Luk-sing, MH Mr. CHOW Ching-lam, Tony, MH Mr. CHUI Pak-tai Mr. HO Hon-man Mr. HO Yin-fai Mr. HUI Kam-shing Mr. KAN Chi-ho, BBS, MH Ms. KWOK Sau-ying Mr. LAI Wing-ho, Joe Mr. LAM Man-fai, JP Dr. LAU Chi-wang, James, BBS, JP 20110718-3_DC[M23].doc 1 Mr. LEE Tat-yan, MH Mr. MOK Chung-fai, Rex, MH Mr. MOK Kin-wing Mr. MOK Ying-fan Dr. SHI Lop-tak, Allen, MH, JP Mr. SO Sik-kin Mr. TO Kwan-hang, Andrew Dr. WONG Kam-chiu, MH Mr. WONG Kwok-tung Mr. WONG Kwok-yan Mr. WONG Yat-yuk Mr. YUEN Kwok-keung Absent with Apologies: Mr. WU Chi-wai, MH In attendance: Mr. Wilson FUNG Executive Director, Corporate AA ) Re.: Item Development ) III(i) Ms. Ivy CHAN General Manager, Corporate AA ) Development ) Mr. YIU Tze-leung Community Services Secretary TWGHs ) Re.: Item Mr. TSENG Wei-yen, Director Urbanage International ) III(ii) William Limited, Architects ) Ms. WONG Fung-yee Assistant Community Services TWGHs ) Secretary (Youth and Family ) Services) ) Ms. YIU Yan-yee Programme Coordinator TWGHs ) (Family and Youth Counselling) ) Mr. TAM Po-lam Senior Property Officer TWGHs ) Mr. YUE Chi-kin, Eric District Planning Officer / PlanD ) Kowloon ) Mr. SHIU Wai-chuen, District Officer (WTS) WTSDO William, JP Ms. NG Wing-yin, District Commander HKPF 20110718-3_DC[M23].doc 2 Clara (Wong Tai Sin) (Ag.) Ms. Lily NG District Social Welfare Officer SWD (Wong Tai Sin/Sai Kung) Ms. TAM Kwai-fan, Senior Engineer / 6 (Kowloon) CEDD Irene (Ag.) Mrs. SUNG CHEUNG Chief Manager/Management HD Mun-chi (Wong Tai Sin, Tsing Yi, Tsuen Wan and Islands) Mr. AU Siu-fung, Chief Transport Officer / Kowloon TD Kelvin (Ag.) Ms. LI Yat-fung, Kathy District Environmental Hygiene FEHD Superintendent (Wong Tai Sin) (Ag.) Mr. LAM Hok-hay, District Leisure Manager LCSD George (Wong Tai Sin) Mr. CHUNG Chan-yau, Senior Executive Officer WTSDO Patrick (District Management) Mr. TING Tin-sang Senior Liaison Officer 1 WTSDO Ms. Phyllis PANG Senior Liaison Officer 2 WTSDO Suk-wah Miss HONG Siu-yin, Executive Officer WTSDO Ivy (District Council) 4 Secretary: Ms. LAM Pui-fun, Senior Executive Officer WTSDO Maggie (District Council) Opening Remarks The Chairman welcomed everyone to the 23rd meeting of the Wong Tai Sin District Council (WTSDC), especially Executive Director, Corporate Development Mr. Wilson FUNG and General Manager, Corporate Development Ms. Ivy CHAN of Airport Authority Hong Kong (AA) who attended the meeting for agenda item III(i). 2. The Chairman welcomed the newly appointed District Social Welfare Officer (Wong Tai Sin/Sai Kung) Ms. Lily NG of Social Welfare Department (SWD), District Commander (Wong Tai Sin)(Ag.) Ms. Clara NG of Hong Kong Police Force (HKPF), Chief Transport Officer/Kowloon (Ag.) Mr. Kelvin AU of Transport Department (TD) and District Environmental Hygiene Superintendent (Wong Tai 20110718-3_DC[M23].doc 3 Sin)(Ag.) Ms. Kathy LI of Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD); as well as Senior Engineer (Ag.), Ms. Irene TAM of Civil Engineering and Development Department (CEDD) who stood in for Chief Engineer Mr. LO Kam-yan Anthony, who was unable to attend the meeting due to other official commitments. 3. The Chairman informed Members that Mr. Rex MOK and Dr. WONG Kam-chiu had been awarded the Medal of Honour by the Chief Executive. Two awardees shared their joy with the meeting. 4. Members noted that Mr. WU Chi-wai was unable to attend the meeting due to other commitments. 5. Members were informed that a suggested schedule for discussion were tabled and raised no objection to it. I Confirmation of the Minutes of the 22nd Meeting of the Wong Tai Sin District Council held on 17 May 2011 6. The minutes of the 22nd meeting of WTSDC held on 17 May 2011 were confirmed without amendment. II Progress Report on Matters Arising from the 22nd Meeting of the Wong Tai Sin District Council (WTSDC Paper 46/2011) 7. Members noted the paper. III(i) Hong Kong International Airport Master Plan 2030 (WTSDC Paper 47/2011) 8. The Chairman welcomed Executive Director, Corporate Development Mr. Wilson FUNG, and General Manager, Corporate Development Ms. Ivy CHAN of Airport Authority Hong Kong (AAHK). 9. Mr. Wilson FUNG thanked WTSDC for the opportunity to introduce AAHK’s development plan for the next two decades. He made a PowerPoint presentation on the paper. On 2 June 2011, AAHK had published the Hong Kong 20110718-3_DC[M23].doc 4 International Airport Master Plan 2030 (Master Plan 2030) and started a three-month public consultation exercise. Highlights of Master Plan 2030 were as follows: (i) Background Since the inception of Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) in 1998, AAHK had invested HK$18 billion in various infrastructures. Through the updating of 20-year Master Plan and regular five-year review, AAHK aimed to set out the strategic direction of the airport’s future development. The first and the second Master Plans were published in 2001 and 2006 respectively. With the publication of Master Plan 2030, the third in the row, AAHK hoped to consult the public on the HKIA’s future development direction. HKIA was not merely a piece of transport infrastructure. In fact, HKIA also supported the four economic pillars of Hong Kong – financial services, trading and logistics, tourism and industry and commerce, and professional services by providing broad and efficient air traffic network. (ii) Service Demand for the Next 20 Years AAHK had spent three years to prepare Master Plan 2030, with the assistance of International Air Transport Association Consulting (IATA), which was responsible for assessing the service demand for HKIA in the next 20 years. It was revealed that the air traffic demand would reach about 97 million passengers, 8.9 million tonnes of cargo and 602,000 flight movements per year by 2030. In fact, HKIA handled 51 million passengers and 4.1 million tonnes of cargo in 2010, making it the busiest airport in the world in terms of freight throughput. (iii) Development Options AAHK proposed two development options: (a) Two-runway System The option did not build new runway, but AAHK suggested 20110718-3_DC[M23].doc 5 that apron and terminal concourse, automated people mover, baggage handling system, Terminal 1, roads and public transport facilities be improved. It was estimated the extension would cost HK$23.4 billion (in 2010 dollars). This option would enable HKIA to handle a maximum of 420 000 flight movements per year, with annual passenger and cargo throughput increased to 74 million and six million tones respectively. However, this option could not enable HKIA to handle the estimated air traffic demand in 2030, as its maximum runway capacity would be reached in around 2020. (b) Three-runway System This option involved a major infrastructural investment and the reclamation of 650 hectares of land in north of the existing airport island. A new runway and taxiway, as well as a new terminal concourse and apron, would be built. In addition, the automated people mover system would be extended to connect the new facilities with Terminals 1 and 2; whereas Terminal 2 would be converted to provide immigration clearance service. Moreover, the area between the two existing runways would be converted into a cargo apron, to improve HKIA’s cargo handling capacity. The estimated cost for this option was HK$86.2 billion (in 2010 dollars). After inception of the third runway and its associated facilities, HKIA would handle a maximum of 620 000 flight movements per year, and meet forecast annual passenger and cargo throughput of 97 million and 8.9 million tones by 2030 respectively. (iv) Comparison between the Two Options Master Plan 2030 compared the two options from five perspectives: (a) Air Connectivity: HKIA was one of the busiest airports in the world, 20110718-3_DC[M23].doc 6 connecting Hong Kong with about 160 destinations. In addition to meeting travellers’ needs, this extensive international air traffic network also secured Hong Kong’s position as an international commercial hub in the region. The following might happen if expansion of air traffic network was stopped: (1) Once the maximum runway capacity was reached, no more new airline could join the market. In addition, existing airlines might have to cancel certain less-profitable flights to provide flight slots, and they would not be able to introduce new destinations or increase frequency of existing routes. (2) When all flight slots were taken up, it would be difficult for HKIA to cope with operational delays flexibly due to weather or other unforeseen incidents. (3) About 30% of existing travellers were on transfer, thus any delay could make Hong Kong a less attractive international / Asian traffic hub. (4) The absence of new airlines and new destinations would limit travellers’ choice and thus they might have to pay more to travel. Hence, the local aviation industry’s competitiveness would be adversely affected. (b) Economic Benefits According to AAHK's estimation, Option 1 and Option 2 would generate a total of HK$432 billion and HK$912 billion ( both in 2009 dollars) in economic net present value (ENPV) over the next 50-year.