Of Donating Alumni by Region

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Of Donating Alumni by Region Fall 2006 investor report 2005–2006 Seeding Growth Donations flowed into Thunderbird during the past year, more than $6 million in all. They arrived in dramatic $1million gifts, in donations of computers and hotel rooms, in pesos, euros, yen and dollars, and in a steady stream from alumni around the world. How did Thunderbird invest those gifts? thunderbird : investor report : 2006 4 Agenda Homing Thunderbirds More than 360 alumni came out for Homecoming. Making history The School’s 60 years are captured in a newly released book. Soccer save Students raise funds to buy soccer equipment for Iraqi children. Faculty in Africa Thunderbird profs lead seminar for aid workers in South Africa. Alumni ambassadors Volunteers spread the word and bring in new students. Act local Students donate time and talents to metro Phoenix charities. 10 Seeding Growth During the past year, more than 4,000 alumni, along with many other friends of Thunderbird, gave the School more than $6 million, gifts that were invested in promising students, world-class faculty and innovative academic programs. Here’s a closer look at who gave what, and how Thunderbird has channeled those generous gifts. On the Cover Growth for a non- 17 Roster of donors profit institution Planned and major gifts Donations flowed in from the Council of 100 and the Legacy Society, which have directed generous, long-term gifts to the School . like Thunderbird Thunderbird Annual Fund Annual donations of $500 to more than $100,000 can only happen allow the School to allocate funds to the areas of greatest need. when it has the Consistent annual donors Hundreds of alumni, models of stewardship, have given assistance and donations annually for at least 10 years and, in many cases, a lot longer. financial support of Corporate and foundation gifts The corporations that gave to Thunderbird during people who believe the year read like a Who’s Who of international business. in its mission to Alumni gifts by class year High percentages of participation per class year tell educate global corporations and other funders the value our graduates place on their experience. leaders who create Other contributors It is not only direct beneficiaries of a Thunderbird education who sustainable pros- give, but friends, faculty, staff and in-kind donors who support the School. perity worldwide. 25 Profiles of giving Living legacy For 28 years, Dick Snell has worked with remarkable dedication on Thunderbird’s Board of Trustees, and in leaving has been named Trustee Emeritus. Career found After years in banking and telecom marketing, Chrysanthe George Sawyer ’81 saw an opportunity when it came: culture-based marketing. Moving intelligence Alejandro Espinal ’95, president of Miami-based AF International Inc., wants to be the most well-known delivery man in the world. Peace dividend A stint with the Peace Corps usually comes before working on an advanced degree at Thunderbird, but not for Courtney Zukoski ’96. Grapes of wealth Reared in a trailer on an Oklahoma dirt farm, Jerry Nichols ’97 understands the value of a dollar. Just ask his clients if you have any doubt. Reaching out Ellen Chang ’00 found that her circle of friends greatly expanded after she started organizing dinners for the Detroit Chapter of the Alumni Association. Time of your life Nikola Boehm ’04 helped set up a scholarship so that others would have the same transformative experience she did at Thunderbird. 42 Volunteer leadership THUNDERBIRD GLGLOBOBALAL FFAMILAMILYY ENTERPRISEENTERPRISE PRPROGRAMOGRAM March 3-6, 2007 | Royal Palms Resort, Phoenix, Arizona Are you prepared to operate your family enterprise on a global scale? Designed to prepare family enterprises to effectively manage growth, establish successful governance strategies, and ensure continuity across generations of family leaders, this innovative program will address vital leadership issues of family firms and is a timely and relevant forum of peers from around the world who have a global presence or are interested in developing one. Family Enterprise participants an The teaching team includes an understanding of the challenges interdisciplinary faculty recognized facing family-owned businesses who worldwide for their innovative wish to operate on a global scale. teaching methods, global best business practices and close ties to With more than 60 years of GLOBAL FACULTY business and industry leaders. experience educating and training Leading the charge are Thunderbird globally-astute business leaders faculty — distinguished educators, The team also includes a group of and entrepreneurs, Thunderbird, world-recognized researchers, experts who are board members and The Garvin School of International entrepreneurs and award consultants to top family Management brings to Global winning authors. enterprises around the world. www.thunderbird.edu/familybusiness 60 years of educating global leaders who create sustainable prosperity worldwide from the president Donors vital to School’s success Beyond tuition, it’s donations that allow Thunderbird to focus on continuous innovation in global education. ORRECTLY ANTICIPATING future trends in global business is difficult, but this much is certain: globalization will march forward, creating opportunity and hope for Chundreds of millions of people. Globalization will also create extraordinary challenges. To seize the opportunities and manage the challenges, global leaders will have to work across cultures, create value and have a posi- tive impact on the world around them. Because of continuous innovation, Thun- derbird is ideally positioned to be at the fore- front of this evolution. In particular, our new and revised programs allow us to educate a growing spectrum of global managers pre- pared to navigate this new world. The new Master of Science in Global Management and Master of Arts in Global Affairs and Manage- ment will serve those who seek to launch careers in international or non-profit organiza- REED BRAD tions. Our new Executive MBA, which begins Donations are vital, but they are not the on- President Ángel Cabrera next fall, will connect experienced managers ly way in which alumni can contribute. Think asks alumni and other across the world in a unique global program. Thunderbird when your corporation wants to friends of Thunderbird And our new Research and Knowledge educate its managers. Think Thunderbird to keep the School in mind when companies Network will guide corporate managers in an- when your company is looking for MBA tal- want to educate their ticipating and responding to emerging trends. ent. Think Thunderbird when your business executives, need MBA Thunderbird is the market leader because of needs fresh insight into an emerging market. talent, when they meet donations from our corporate partners, alumni And think Thunderbird when you come a young person with a and friends. Tuition allows Thunderbird to op- across those young professionals who would global mindset and, of course, when consider- erate and pay our expenses, but without the benefit from the same global business educa- ing where to steer largesse of our donors, we would be unable to tion that helped you advance in your career. their donations. capitalize on the evolving demands of the busi- With the continued support of more than ness world. Donations allow us to improve our 36,000 active alumni around the world acting programs, offer scholarships for bright as our ambassadors, I feel certain in making students, invest in technology, launch new one other prediction: Thunderbird will be the learning centers and attract world-class faculty. global leader for a long time to come. Were it not for donors, Thunderbird would find it hard to maintain its position as the world’s best school of global management. investor report 3 age Alumni come home S OFTEN HAPPENS when alumni return to campus, the Thunderbird Pub was a rallying point for Homecoming Weekend and the School’s 60th Anniver- Asary Celebration that started on Nov. 2. More than 360 alumni representing 17 countries flocked to the Glendale campus. The weekend began with a well-attended reception at the Pub and continued with presentations on globalization and the corpo- rate brain drain, the 10th Annual Thunderbird Invitational Rugby Tournament, a formal dinner and alumni awards banquet, and Global Sounds 10, the reprise of a popular alumni world music concert. “Thunderbird, Taking Flight in Global Leadership,” a hard-bound coffee table book that captures the School’s 60-year history, was unveiled during the weekend, and alumni received it with excitement. The campus was a beehive of activity with not only alumni but hundreds of current students and more than 90 prospective students on campus for Hospitality Weekend. In addition, 15 Afghan women were in Glen- dale for Project Artemis, along with more than 100 rugby players in for the tournament. Read more details and see more photographs More than 360 alumni returned to campus for Homecoming Weekend, including on the celebratory weekend in the spring issue Sean Daley ’04 (left), Erin Wilson ’06 and Virgina “Ginny” Stern ’04, who, on the of Thunderbird magazine. opening night reception, reminisced with Tim Propp, Thunderbird COO and CFO. 4 fall 2006 nda Calendar Thunderbird worldwide “Thunderbird’s hours recording the ■ On the Course of School’s Leadership; Feb Global Entrepreneur- 60 years of history stories of many in the 12-15, Mar. 19-22 ship will draw more story set would have gone un- Thunderbird commu- Managers hone their than 50 family-busi- documented were it nity, then writing and leadership skills in ness owners from down for the classroom and around the world. not for the hard work editing them. on the golf course in Discounted entry for posterity and dedication of the The book received this unique certifi- alumni. At the Royal volunteers and the fi- major financial sup- cate program, with a Palms Resort & Spa. in new nancial support of port from Trustee segment taught by School friends and Barbara Barrett and golf commentator ■ Thunderbird large for- Peter Kostis.
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