LES CAHIERS DU CIÉRA HORS -SÉRIE /SUPPLEMENTARY ISSUE OCTOBER /OCTOBRE 2012 LINGUISTIC AND CULTURAL ENCOUNTERS IN THE ARCTIC ESSAYS IN MEMORY OF SUSAN SAMMONS Edited by Louis-Jacques Dorais and Frédéric Laugrand Les Cahiers du CIÉRA Direction Martin Hébert, Director, CIÉRA Acknowledgements The publication of this issue of Les Cahiers du CIÉRA has been made possible thanks to the financial support of the following Community- University Research Alliance (CURA) projects, funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC): Inuit Leadership and Governance in Nunavut and Nunavik Yawenda – Revitalisation de la langue Huronne-Wendat We also wish to express our gratitude toward the director of the Cahiers , Professor Martin Hébert, who has accepted with enthusiasm to host this special issue. Many thanks also to Noel McDermott, who edited the Introduction, to Virginie Gilbert, who graciously provided the illustration on the cover, as well as to all the authors who accepted to share their memories and ideas in remembrance of Susan Sammons. Cover illustration Reproduction of the painting Mer de glaces (Sea of Ice), by Virginie Gilbert (2010). All rights belong to the artist. To contact us Editorial Committee, Cahiers du CIÉRA Centre interuniversitaire d’études et de recherches autochtones Pavillon De Koninck – Local 0450 1030, avenue des sciences humaines Université Laval Québec, QC Canada G1V 0A6 Tel.: (+1) 418-656-7596 Fax: (+1) 418-656-3023
[email protected] www.ciera.ulaval.ca © Éditions du CIÉRA 2012 ISSN 1919-6474 CONTENTS Introduction 3 Louis-Jacques Dorais and Frédéric Laugrand Thanks to Susan Sammons 7 Aaju Peter The Academic Legacy of Susan Sammons 9 Louis McComber The Iqaluit/Paris/Iqaluit Annual Student Exchange 15 Michèle Therrien Elders, Oral Traditions and Shamanism 19 Frédéric Laugrand and Jarich G.