VOL. 13 NO. 7 LIFE IRONCOUNTYTODAY.COM WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13, 2021 Cedar man 4 Opinion named 9 Showcase 'Family 11 Life Member 22 Sports of the 26 Classifi eds 29 Comics/Puzzles Year'


STORY ON PAGE 2 COURTESY CC ROTARY CLUB 2 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13, 2021 NEWS IRON COUNTY TODAY Walmart donates to Cedar City Rotary Club for Canyon Water Park Project by Tessa DOUGLAS A PROPOSED PLAN OF THE FOR IRON COUNTY T ODAY WATER PARK PROJECT will include a water wheel, Cedar City Walmart has brought sand beaches, and a one of the Cedar City Rotary Club’s bridge connecting both largest community projects closer to sides of the park. reality with a donation of $2,250. The Canyon Water Park project, which will renovate much of the West side of Canyon Park into a fun and educational celebration of Iron County’s agricultural heritage, is currently in its fundraising phase. In total, $1.3 million needs to be raised. Including the donation from Walmart, about $250,000 has been obtained so far. Other major donors to the project include Cedar City Motor Company and Cedar City. Sue Longson, Cedar City Rotary Club board member and chair of the Canyon Water Park committee,

PHOTOS COURTESY CC ROTARY CLUB approached Walmart ates Walmart’s help!” Rotary brings together a global network about the donation. For more information on the of volunteer leaders dedicated to tackling She said “The West Canyon Water Park project, including the world’s most pressing humanitarian Canyon Water Park a video rendering of the proposed challenges. They connect 1.2 million will bene†t not only layout, visit www.cedarcityrotaryclub. members from more than 35,000 Rotary Cedar City, but all com/p/canyon-water-park.html. clubs in almost every country in the world. surrounding com- Amenities will include an all abilities Together, they work together to promote KURT HAMMOND munities. I thought park, Cha†n Grist Mill water wheel peace, ght disease, and to provide clean (CEDAR CITY WALMART Walmart, who has a replica, shallow ’ows and sand water, sanitation and hygiene. They also MANAGER) and Sue Longson (Cedar City Rotarian reputation for being a beach for toddlers, deep runnels work to support education and grow and Chair of the Canyon good corporate citizen, and interactive head-gates, a bridge local economies. For more information Water Park Committee) might like to support this connecting the East/West parks, and on becoming a member of the Cedar have been instrumental great project. The Cedar City water weirs, ’umes, pivot and City Rotary Club, email Miriam Keener at in getting the project flowing forward. Rotary club sincerely appreci- irrigation practices. [email protected]. IRON COUNTY TODAY NEWS WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13, 2021 3 Quichapa project expands water saving efforts in Cedar Valley from Jessica STAHELI The excess water in Quichapa ’ash ’ood waters away from stored and used throughout Recharge Project is the FOR IRON COUNTY T ODAY can now be used on †elds, the waterfowl habitat and into the growing season. latest in a series of recharge allowing farmers to idle wells the south end of the lake. Jessica Staheli, CICWCD projects that began in 2015 Cedar Valley o•cials and and conserve groundwater. Previously, water that Public Outreach and and now includes six recharge residents have long lamented Additionally, project funds ’owed into Lake Quichapa Conservation Specialist, said facilities. Most are along Coal the loss of Coal Creek water cover new low-elevation quickly became unusable, in 2019, when 9,990 acre-feet Creek and have been able to evaporation once it reaches sprinkler nozzles for the pivot picking up very high numbers of excess water was put into to utilize existing gravel pits Lake Quichapa. The latest that will pull from the basin, of total dissolved solids (TDS) the recharge system, a lot as water collection basins. project to help direct Coal making the water use even as it sat on the alkaline soil. It of non-’ood water was still Cedar City and CICWCD Creek water to an isolated more e•cient. was unable to soak into the going to Quichapa because have worked hard to create section of the lake for later New portions of the ground because of the many there just wasn’t room for recharge facilities within use and reduce water loss project include a conservation layers of silt and clay, so it just it in the recharge projects gravel straits of Coal Creek. to evaporation is nearing pond designed in partnership sat and evaporated. Monroe around the valley. This project The only project that is not completion. with the Bureau of Land said tests have revealed that will help with that, as it has along Coal Creek’s path Driving past Lake Management, which will be water on the north end of the a storage component that through Cedar City to Lake Quichapa on state Route 56, an ideal habitat for waterfowl. lake does not have nearly as has been missing within the Quichapa is the Enoch passersby may notice a large The pond is designed to be high TDS numbers as water Cedar Valley watershed. Graben Recharge, to the north dike being built to separate the †rst place water will ’ow on the south end, so it can be The Quichapa of Enoch in an area where the north and south ends of springs used to ’ow. This Lake Quichapa. With the help THE is a partnership project of heavy equipment, the new CONSTRUCTION OF that took place with dike will enable more fresh A NEW DIKE will help Enoch City and the allow more water to be excess water to run under retained for reuse before Worth Grimshaw the highway into a lazy river it is lost through Family. channeling system designed evaporation as it has Monroe said in to absorb water for recharg- in the past. the past †ve years ing the local aquifer and the Water District has reduce levels of evaporation. spent more than $1 million Central Iron County in conservation/recharge Water Conservancy District projects. Measuring devices (CICWCD) General Manager were added to the recharge Paul Monroe said they facilities in 2018, and since received $250,000 from then the aquifer has absorbed the Department of more than 14,000 acre-feet of Agriculture and Food through water that would otherwise the Water Optimization have gone into dry lake beds Grant, making the project and evaporated. possible. The dike has been These projects have constructed with help from been a high priority for the the county, which donated CICWCD board and sta¨ the use of equipment and because they want to be employee time. County responsible stewards and Commissioner Paul Cozzens optimize every drop of water has also donated his time to that comes into the valley, help build the dike. Monroe said. The Quichapa Recharge He said he appreciates Project is the most complex supportive landowners Brad recharge system in Cedar and a spillway holding the Schmutz and the Kirk and Valley. Construction on the water, making it the last place Craig Jones Families, as well †rst phase began in 2017 in water should be held in the as the BLM, Iron County, conjunction with Cedar City, Quichapa area. Enoch and Cedar City. Iron County, the Enterprise Before the water reaches Share your thoughts and & Iron Conservation District, the conservation pond, a large ideas about water use and and local property owners. steel gate separates the old conservation in Iron County The lazy river on the north creek bed and directs the ’ow by completing the 2021 survey side of the highway is toward the pond, but it can be (https://www.surveymonkey. designed to allow dirt and opened to let ’ash ’ood water com/r/56HSWVB). The web- debris in the water to settle ’ow into the southern portion site includes and not be taken downstream, of Lake Quichapa. Monroe information about the spring and a pump directs the water said ’ash ’ood water can Localscapes Landscape into a recharge basin. have poor quality and contain Design community education This latest phase has as much as 50 percent class, water conservation tips expanded the pipe network sediment so it is not desirable and more ways to conserve to allow water to be pumped for wildlife habitat or aquifer PHOTOS COURTESY CICWCD in your neighborhood. Email FLASH FLOOD WATERS WILL BE RE-CHANNELED INTO A "LAZY directly to an agricultural recharge. The new gating RIVER" allowing the dirt and debris in the water to settle before [email protected] for addi- operation for irrigation use. system allows for redirecting being pumped into the recharge basin. tional information. 4 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13, 2021 NEWS IRON COUNTY TODAY OPINION ADMINISTRATION One nation, under God, indivisible, R. Gail Stahle PUBLISHER [email protected] with liberty and justice for all? Deborah Martineau OFFICE MANAGER The opinions stated in this article are solely The Sore Loser egged them on, of think that Donald Duck is real and o cemanager@ those of the author and not Iron County Today. course, but he was helped by Utahns Sean swimming in your city’s pond. Reyes, Rep. Burgess Owens, and Rep. Chris The riot in Washington D.C. and ADVERTISING fter last week’s assault on the Stewart. Thankfully, Rep. John Curtis, Rep. the attack on the police may well help nation’s Capital by right-wing Blake Moore, Sen. Mitt Romney, and Gov. Democrats since many moderate and Scott Stahle rioters, one internet wag posted, Spencer Cox – men who have read the conservative Republicans, along with SALES REPRESENTATIVE “ThankA you Pres. Trump for Making Constitution and recognize the meaning swing vote independents will † nd it [email protected] America Great. You did it by electing of their oath of o• ce – didn’t join the reprehensible to align themselves with a 801.755.5999 senators in Georgia and con- political party that praised, enabled, and verting sensible Republicans to encouraged the Sore Loser. Patti Bostick vote for Democrats in upcoming And as for the Sore Loser planning on a SALES REPRESENTATIVE elections.” 2024 election comeback, the destruction [email protected] He has a great point. The vast in the nation’s capital should make any 435.592.1030 majority of Americans reacted Cyclops chance remote at best. Americans may not EDITORIAL with disgust when Trump loy- be enamored by mainstream politicians, alists destroyed property, broke but they despise those who instigate mob windows, tried to crash through action or light matches around gasoline Corey Baumgartner by Bryan GRAY MANAGING EDITOR doors, and raised Confederate pumps. I am sure the Sore Loser’s tele- [email protected] ’ ags in the Senate and House COLUMNIST phone call asking the state secretary of chambers. It made the United state to “† nd” an additional 11,000+ votes Shay Baru‰ States look like a South American banana conspiracy theorists whose claims were ended up helping Democrats win two U.S. REPORTER republic, not the citadel of democracy, all thrown out multiple time by every court Senate seats in Georgia. Tom Zulewski while the nation’s Sore Loser refused to they visited. As for the Washington D.C. rioters, SPORTS WRITER condemn the mayhem. There was no reasonable or legal we can debate their form of punishment. Let’s view this realistically…Those excuse to hold up the electoral votes. Like You might be satis† ed with a jail term for LAYOUT/DESIGN responsible were not “protestors”; they it or not, Joe Biden won the election. He their acts of sedition; I might prefer we were an illiterate mob comprised of didn’t just slip by; he won by the same boot them out of the county and send Devin Christ right-wing anarchists, white suprema- electoral college margin as the Sore Loser them to Somalia or North Korea. CREATIVE DIRECTOR cists, and motley groups that hate Jews, did four years ago and he also won the Whatever you decide, don’t label [email protected] Muslims, and anyone who can pass an IQ popular vote by some 7 million, garnering them as patriots expressing their First CIRCULATION exam. It is a misnomer to confuse them more votes than any other presidential Amendment rights. They are simply with political conservatives who herald candidate in our nation’s history. If you thugs waving a ’ ag that they really don’t law and order. Stephanie Millett don’t think Joe Biden won, you probably understand. S. CEDAR CITY [email protected] 435.272.3050 Stormee Anderson Thought of the Week N. CEDAR CITY/ENOCH [email protected] from the desk of R. Gail Stahle, publisher 435.592.5724 “Those that fail to learn Wendy Hanson from history are doomed PAROWAN/PARAGONAH [email protected] to repeat it.” 435.477.9100 » Winston Churchill

Iron County Today is distributed free of charge, thanks to our advertisers. It is hand-delivered to over Letters to the Editor 14,000 households in Cedar City, Enoch and Parowan and is available in several rack locations in Iron and Submit your letter to the Editor on our website Beaver Counties., or by emailing it to news@ or bring/mail them to 389 N 100 W, Cedar City, Utah 84721. All letters must 389 N 100 W, Suite 12 be signed, be brief (generally under 300 words Cedar City, Utah 84721 in length), list the author’s city and give the Ph: 435-867-1865 writer’s telephone number (phone number will Fax: 435-867-1866 not be printed). We reserve the right to edit all letters for length or content. For letters arriving electronically, we will use the author’s e-mail address in lieu of a signature. IRON COUNTY TODAY NEWS WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13, 2021 5 OPINION The world Why COVID-19 hates America needs by Peter J. PITTS demic because of pharmaceutical of promising compounds ever make innovation. it past clinical trials to market. innovation, FOR IRON COUNTY TODAY “ From the moment scientists Taking the failures into account, † zer and Moderna announced † rst sequenced the genome of the research and development costs and innovation that in their advanced clinical novel coronavirus, research-based for every success story run to the requires trials, Covid-19 candidate pharmaceutical companies leapt into billions of dollars. A sound policy Pvaccines have been 95 and 94.5 action. Moderna's vaccine candidate environment that promotes inno- a policy percent e¨ ective, respectively. moved to human trials just three vation has led to some of the most Federal regulators have authorized days after President Trump advanced research techniques environment the vaccines for emergency use -- declared a state of emer- of any industry – just what and healthcare workers have started gency. P† zer was ready to / we needed when COVID-19 and market receiving shots already. move into † nal-stage trials OP came calling. That's amazing. P† zer and by July. The federal government's conditions that Moderna broke the records for the No one knew which, if Ed Operation Warp Speed nurture it. fastest vaccine development by more any, vaccine candidate would identi† ed several of the most than three years. succeed. But the ecosystem for pri- promising vaccine candidates and would have been money wasted Nor are P† zer and Moderna the vate sector innovation has long been guaranteed government purchases were it not for the technological only game in town. Eight additional a powerful force in the United States in the billions of dollars. Operation capabilities and scienti† c know-how candidates are in Phase 3 clinical tri- in the development of breakthrough Warp Speed has also contributed these research companies already als. Altogether, 40 additional vaccine treatments and cures. directly to funding for research and had. Knowledge developed through candidates are in development. Pharmaceutical innovation is development. We're going to beat the pan- inherently risky. Less than 12 percent But these federal investments see COVID » 8 From the Editor The right stuff little over a month ago, on December 7, 2020, Charles Elwood Yeager (better knownA as Chuck Yeager) made his † nal ’ ight into the heavens… surely making the journey faster than the speed of light. While he was best known as a record-setting test pilot and the † rst man to break the sound COREY barrier, he also served honorably BAUMGARTNER and successfully as a “’ ying ace” MANAGING EDITOR during the World War II. He even earned the title of Brigadier General. Not bad for 97 years of life. With all the chaos of 2020 and the current chaos of 2021, we must ’ y higher. We must live our lives above the turbulence and contention that others are promoting and proliferating across our country. We cannot let our wings get clipped by those who are grounded in contention, anger and hatred. Yes, it is discouraging to see the mayhem in our country, but we must not let anything keep us from continuing to believe in and striving to live a good life of hope and peace. Don’t let irresponsible media, protestors, politicians, or anyone who doesn’t have our best interests at heart lead the way and lead us astray. We’ve each got to believe that we’ve got the right stu¨ within us to make the world a better place with our skills and talents. It really is up to each of us and we can begin right here with the good people of our Iron County. 6 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13, 2021 NEWS IRON COUNTY TODAY

IT WAS A DARK MOMENT OPINION IN OUR NATION' HISTORY as what should have been a peaceful political Calling upon protest turned violent. our better angels

didn’t think it would mutual understanding are happen here. The divi- declining. Americans are siveness, the resentment, less likely to go to church Ithe suspicion, the anger that where they interact with pervades so many countries people from di¨ erent races seemed foreign to the people I and backgrounds. Social had met during my campaigns endeavors like the Boy and only a decade or so ago. What Girl Scouts are waning. Even impressed me face-to-face inter- most about my action has become fellow Americans less frequent as we PRESSLIGHTROCKET VIA GETTY IMAGES was the optimism, and our children the sense of disappear into our purpose and the cellphones — a Utah government leaders willingness to help trend felt even one another. The more acutely Great Recession because of the condemn riots at Nation’s capital had not made us ongoing pandemic. bitter; it seemed to Media, embod- Compiled by Corey BAUMGARTNER "I condemn, in the strongest terms, the have made us more ied by the likes of recent acts of violence at our nation’s determined to pull SEN. MITT Walter Cronkite, IRON COUNTY TODAY ROMNEY Capital Building. I pray for the safety of together and cheer once provided As chaos and crisis continue to surround law enforcement working to keep order, UNITED STATES SENATE each other on. information trusted the controversial presidential election, for legislators of all parties as well as other Something by almost all of us. several Utah leaders have spoken out about civilians who are protesting peacefully. happened to change that — Newspapers, once admired the violent protests at our nation’s capital. There is no place for violence in our polit- not for everyone, of course, for their comprehensive and May we continue to stand up for our rights ical discourse, even over the most serious but for what has become a accurate coverage, are closing while not allowing the few to dictate or issues and disagreements. We are a nation larger and larger portion of down. Now our information is de† ne the precious freedoms that have of laws. This is not how Conservatives and us. Following the recession, curated by apps and crafted been entrusted to us to honor and do our Republicans behave. This is absolutely we looked around to see who by radio and cable networks duty to protect and pass unacceptable." was to blame for the mis- that appeal to our prejudices. them on to our posterity. Senator Orrin G. fortune we had experienced. Increasingly, the most suc- The following are The Capitol Hatch spoke about Politicians and the media cessful media personalities statements from our symbolizes the “institution he has were quick to point the rile their target base. local government spent his life protecting. finger — bankers and Most disappointing representatives: the beating "Without any pause, Wall Street-types: of all, too many Congressman caveat, or equivocation, “They should go to / political † gures have “ OP John Curtis (R-UT) heart of I condemn the riots jail.” “Washington stoked these divisions. released the following taking place at the US had ‘bailed out’ the Demagogues on the statement in regard American Capitol. The Capitol guilty.” Ed left scapegoat the rich; to “Unacceptable and symbolizes the beating It was not lost on demagogues on the Un-American” riots in democracy.” heart of American people vying for our attention right scapegoat the immi- and around the United democracy. It’s where that stoking anger enhanced grant. They each scapegoat States Capitol: “The » Senator Orrin G. Hatch we convene in the their prospects. The same the other. Politicians’ language United States Capitol is spirit of civility and was known to be true from is more vulgar, bullying and the Temple of Liberty and should be treated compromise to hash out our greatest the beginning of history: o¨ ensive. Reagan, Eisenhower with respect and honor. The riots both in di¨ erences and move legislation forward. appealing to resentment and and Kennedy would not and outside the building are unacceptable The lawless incursion on our Capitol is our more base inclinations recognize today’s political and un-American. The President owes it to both a physical and spiritual attack on an could always attract a crowd. discourse. the American people to publicly call for an institution I love—an institution I spent The founders took every step My reading of history end to these riots. If this were in any other more than four decades protecting. Enough they could devise to protect suggests what can heal social country, we would be condemning these is enough. Our institutions are undergoing the republic from so-called sickness. First, a great leader actions and calling for their leaders to stop a stress test that they can only survive demagogues; their e¨ orts who “calls upon our better the violence. Those protesting say they are if our elected o• cials show unity in this worked for over 200 years. angels” can bring us together. doing so in the best interest of America— critical moment. We are a nation of laws, Several developments have Churchill rallied his nation but if that were true, they would end their not individuals—and the foremost respon- combined to threaten that to resist and defeat Nazism. assault on this sacred institution.” sibility of every member of Congress is to success. Utah Attorney General Sean D. Reyes uphold our Constitution and the integrity of Institutions that enhance see ROMNEY » 8 also condemned the violence by saying, the democratic process." IRON COUNTY TODAY NEWS WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13, 2021 7 SOUTHERN UTAH UNIVERSITY NEWS SUU to host accreditation evaluation team from David BISHOP ity standards, that credits and degrees awarded and signed. Anonymous or unsigned comments SOUTHERN UTAH UNIVERSITY by the institution are recognized by other colleges will not be accepted. All comments should be and universities, and that students enrolled at the mailed directly to: Northwest Commission on institution are eligible to receive important forms Colleges and Universities, 8060 165th Avenue NE, Southern Utah University will of † nancial assistance, including grants, scholar- Suite 200, Redmond, WA, 98052. Comments must host an evaluation team from ships, and loans. be received no later than March 14, 2021. the Northwest Commission SUU and the NWCCU invite third-party com- To learn more about accreditation, visit SUU’s on Colleges and Universities ments concerning the institution’s quali† cations website,, (NWCCU) for its seven-year, for accreditation. All comments must be in writing or the NWCCU website, cyclical, comprehensive accredi- tation review on April 14-16, 2021. Due to COVID-19, the visit and interviews will be conducted virtually, using the Zoom online platform. SUU’s last full-scale, accreditation evaluation was in March 2014. The visit resulted in rea• rmation of accreditation. Accreditation is valuable because it indicates that the institution of higher education engages in comprehensive planning and external evaluation, that its academic programs meet important qual-


didn't pan out – but Gilead our brilliant scientists and our ROMNEY COVID did uncover its broad antiviral nation's free market economy, « CONTINUED FROM PAGE 6 « CONTINUED FROM PAGE 5 properties. we are delivering relief from But then came COVID-19. this pandemic faster than Roosevelt elicited the endurance that overcame laboratory and computer work Researchers found that rem- anyone could have imagined. despair. Lincoln healed a nation torn apart by often has multiple applications. desivir could shorten hospital The research ecosystem war, insisting on “malice toward none and charity Just because research doesn't stays for those infected with is motivated as never before. for all.” I do not believe one can overstate the pan out for the medical the virus. It was the †rst Countless lives are at stake – impact the leader of a nation can have for good condition it was intended to major clinical breakthrough in and probably a Nobel Prize or or for bad. I earnestly pray that our president can treat, it doesn't mean it's a bust. developing treatments for those two. rise to the challenge. Investigators can evaluate it for COVID-19 hits the hardest. Who we choose to lead us shapes our society. other conditions. The world needs innovation, I believe that it is our national character that Take the †rst FDA approved and innovation requires a Peter J. Pitts, a former Food and made America the greatest nation on earth, that coronavirus treatment, policy environment and market Drug Administration associate the public personal character of leaders like remdesivir. Gilead originally conditions that nurture it. commissioner, is president of the Washington, Lincoln, Reagan and Truman had developed it in hopes of †nding That's what the United States Center for Medicine in the Public more in’uence on us than even the policies they a treatment for hepatitis. That brings to the table. Thanks to Interest. promoted. Today when I vote, I pay as much attention to the character of the candidate as I do to their policies. If we choose leaders who in’ame resentment and division, our nation will be angry and divided. We have a choice to make: Would we rather have our “side” win to punish the “other side” or would we rather have our nation united? But presidents and politicians are not the only leaders who in’uence society. Leaders of churches, congregations, classrooms, businesses, charities and homes can in’uence the character of the nation. When each of us encourages comity, understanding and grace, we heal. When we disparage, bully or treat others with con- tempt, we deepen the rift that divides us. I believe that we should watch and read, not just sources we tend to agree with but also sources we disagree with. If Fox is your regular diet, watch NBC, CNN or ABC now and then. Conversely, if MSNBC is your regular, don’t make it exclusive. We need to broaden our reading as well. I note that news organizations like The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times make an effort to get the facts and when they make a mistake, they acknowledge it. Social media has no fact-checkers, no editors and often doesn’t even disclose who actually wrote a post. I pray for the healing of the nation. Literally. I wish there were more faith in God, more reverence for all of his children. A brilliant leader of a respected thinktank in Washington has concluded that love is the only sure answer to what ails us. I think he’s right.

Bookings Below are bookings as reported by the Iron County Sheriff’s Department and Cedar City Police Department. Those arrested are innocent until proven guilty.

Jan. 4 Unlawful Sexual DRUG – Poss C/S Conduct w/16-17yr. Sched I/II/Analog VICTORIA N CORBIN- Jan. 6 SALL M ISON PENNINGTON CEDAR CITY, UT CEDAR CITY, UT DYLAN C SORACCO DRUG – Dist/Offer/ Drug Court Violation CEDAR CITY, UT Arrange Dstbn of C/S DRUG – Poss C/S Jan. 5 Sched I/II/Analog, Jan. 7 Drug Paraphernalia, JOSEPH M Retail Theft JIMMY D STONE SANDOVAL BEAVER, UT WEST COVINA, CA MARK C WALLACE Criminal Nonsupport CEDAR CITY, UT WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13, 2021 9 THE ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT IN IRON COUNTY SHOWCASE Parowan Sings from Cami COX VIRTUAL EVENT REPLACES ANNUAL City website, www.parowan. FOR IRON COUNTY TODAY org, the Parowan High School PAROWAN BIRTHDAY BALL website,, and the PAROWAN — Traditionally, “Friends of Parowan Theater” January has marked the annual Facebook page, www.facebook. Parowan Birthday Celebration, observed to protect the perform- members are in desperate need of com/Friends-of-Parowan- which includes the Parowan ers and crew. The production will interaction and something fun to Theater-104556677808585. Once Birthday Ball, but social distancing be made available for streaming lift their hearts, and what better the streaming link has been considerations have prompted a on Jan. 16 at 7 p.m. and will be way to celebrate our community’s published, those wishing to view new approach to this commemo- available to community members heritage than by showcasing our “Parowan Sings” may click on the ration of the city’s heritage in 2021. to access and view thereafter. local talent and honoring the rich link and view the show at their In lieu of the in-person Birthday “Under the current circum- theatrical tradition that Parowan convenience. Ball, this year Parowan will cel- stances, with COVID-19 necessi- and Iron County are famous for?” In addition to “Parowan Sings,” ebrate decades of performances tating major changes in almost “Parowan Sings” will feature Parowan City’s 2021 Birthday at its historic Aladdin Theatre every area of life, we needed a local performers presenting Celebration will also include the through “Parowan Sings,” a virtual socially distant alternative to the musical numbers from past traditional dances performed by musical revue paying homage to Birthday Ball celebration,” said theater productions that have Parowan High School students and past musical theater productions Shelley Porter, Parowan Stake taken place at the Aladdin Theatre. a celebration of Parowan’s “Citizen and featuring local talent. activity chairperson and member A link to view the production of the Year,” both presented “Parowan Sings” is being † lmed of the Parowan Community will be made available on Jan. virtually. Additional information in advance at the Aladdin Theatre Theater Board. “Community 16 at 7 p.m. on the Parowan about these events can be found at in Parowan, with social distanc- or by calling ing and safety practices strictly 435-477-8190.

PAROWAN'S HISTORIC ALADDIN THEATRE will be where the music and magic are happening (virtually) for this year's birthday celebration.

CAMI COX 10 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13, 2021 SHOWCASE IRON COUNTY TODAY BREAK OUT THOSE COUPONS by Mary Anne ANDERSEN for a bargain.” What?! With my us. If we can get a couple of foot have to be careful to buy only what CEDAR CITY ARTS COUNCIL other friends and family, crowing longs—take out, of course—and get we will actually eat. If I bought about the good deal we got is a a total of four meals out of them 24 cans of Nalley’s chili, I might started thinking about this shared cause for celebration. I for a small amount of cash outlay, not live long enough to eat the 48 when I heard a short radio piece have been known to offer such we feel we have beaten the system meals that would provide me. My about New Year’s Resolutions. information out of the blue, a kind somehow. And I am quite certain husband doesn’t eat chili. ISaving money is third behind losing of bragging about what a savvy that when we leave the restaurant, The truth is, we all have our weight and exercising in the list money-manager I am. of most popular yearly goals. Like We were eating out—remember the other two, who that: eating out?— What a comfort it is to wouldn’t want to? Save with this couple one money, I mean. And yet day and pulled out a see those 24 cans of I knew a couple who coupon that entitled were embarrassed us to a discount on chicken broth on my shelf, about appearing to our meal. When we “ make little mon- presented it to our just waiting to go into my ey-saving gestures. server along with the I was in her home bill they were embar- homemade soup. one day when she was rassed by its use. Now complimented by another guest on this couple had lived modestly the young people that served us do unique ideas of what is or is not something new she was wearing, their whole lives, careful to live not kill themselves laughing about the proper way to spend or save and I piped up and said, “And not within their means, and were never that chintzy old couple that used money. In my opinion, the only only is it really nice, it was on sale.” ones to buy anything they didn’t those stupid coupons. thing better than a brand new book (Which fact I happened to know.) really need. And yet that restaurant And here is another source of is two new books. I save up for Later when we were alone again, coupon embarrassed them. satisfaction: the case lot sales in those by washing my used alumi- she said she was embarrassed You know those green and the grocery stores. What a comfort num foil. Soak it in the sink, wipe by her friend’s knowing that she yellow Subway coupons that come it is to see those 24 cans of chicken off any clinging food, smooth it out, bought the sweater on sale. She in the mail fairly often? They are a broth on my shelf, just waiting to and re-use it. Doesn’t everybody do didn’t want to be “caught looking source of pleasant anticipation for go into my homemade soup. I just that? WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13, 2021 11 COMMUNITY & PERSONAL INTEREST IN IRON COUNTY LIFE Winter’s Fab Five + One

by Dan PICK FOR IRON COUNTY TODAY hen my family went to Disney EXPLORING UTAH'S SKIES World (that’s where most W Michigan people go for their Disney ‚ x), the “Fab Five” were Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Goofy, and Pluto. They were the characters every child (and most adults) needed to see, get autographs and have photos taken together. Our Utah winter skies has their own “Fab Five:” Orion, Gemini, Taurus, Auriga, and the Pleiades. These four constellations and one cluster dominate the winter skies. Beyond the These four constellations “ and one cluster dominate the winter skies.

Big Dipper, Orion is easily the most recognizable constellation in our sky. While we covered Orion in the Color Country – Winter Edition, its promi- nence in the winter sky still should be noted. Next, the constellation Gemini gets its name from the twin stars Castor and Pollux. Gemini is Latin for “twins.” In Greek mythology, the half-brothers shared the same mother, Leda. The constellation became part of American history when the space program chose the name, Gemini, for

see FAB FIVE » 17


DUE TO THE COMMUNITY’S RESPONSIBILITY Support Groups Service Clubs Government to help prevent the potential spread of COVID-19, please check with the event and ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS LION’S CLUB IRON COUNTY COMMISSION activity sponsors to make sure that the event (435) 635-3603 • • Tues, 12 pm • Call Pres. Roger Shurtz for mtg. 2nd & 4th Mon, 9 am is still taking place. Everyone’s patience is Helpline: John (702) 802-1332, info. Everyone welcome! (435) 590-2896 Commission Chambers greatly appreciated during this time. Kara (702) 232-6829 ROTARY CLUB 68 S 100 E, Parowan. Meetings at KKCB Club (203 E. Cobblecreek Tues, 12:15 • Southwest Tech CEDAR CITY COUNCIL Dr, Cedar City) unless otherwise listed 757 W 800 S, Cedar City • (435) 233-0244 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13 Steps and Traditions • M – Su, 7 am Wed (except 5th), 5:30 pm • City Hall CEDAR CITY ELKS LODGE #1556 10 N. Main St (435) 586-2950 Speaking From The Heart • M – Sa, Noon 111 E Freedom Blvd. Cedar City KOREAN AMERICAN DAY Misfits • M – F, 6 pm (435) 586-8332 ENOCH PLANNING COMMISSION PRECEPT UPON PRECEPT BIBLE STUDY – 6:30 Cedar Group • Tues, 8 pm MARINE CORPS LEAGUE 2nd & 4th Tues, 5:30 pm • City Hall to 8:30 pm (Thurs 1-3 pm), Cedar City Library Thank God it’s Sunday Spiritual • Sun, 11 am Detachment 1315, 2nd Wed, 6 pm 900 E Midvalley Rd • (435) 586-1119 (303 N 100 E). A 6-week study (Thru Feb 10) of My Story • Sat, 8 pm Elks Lodge, 111 E 200 N, Cedar City. ENOCH CITY COUNCIL 2nd Peter. Precept Bible studies are Women’s Meeting • Sat, 10:30 am nondenominational. Call 435-267-2234 or 435- AMERICAN LEGION AUX 1st & 3rd Wed, 6 pm • City Hall What a Way to Start the Day • Su, W, F 238-3078 for info and to register. The cost of 7-8 am • All are welcome 3rd Wed, 6 pm, Cedar Library, 303 N 100 E 900 E Midvalley Rd • (435) 586-1119 Amer. Legion Conf. Room • (435) 704-6654 the workbook is $18. Red Road to Sobriety • Mon, 6 pm Paiute PAROWAN CITY COUNCIL Indian Tribe of Utah, 440 N Paiute (435) DAR – BALD EAGLE CHAPTER 2nd & 4th Thurs, 6 pm • City Hall 586-1112 Ext. 307 2nd Tues, 4 pm, Cedar City Library 35 E 100 N • (435) 477-3331 The Great Fact • T, F, Noon. • Call for [email protected] location • (702) 802-1332 or (702) 533-7856 BIKERS AGAINST CHILD ABUSE IRON COUNTY REPUBLICAN WOMEN Red Creek Group • Wed, 7 pm • Canyon 1st Thurs 7 pm • 593 N 1450 W, Cedar City. 3rd Wed, 11:30 am. Tickets $20, https:// Park, Lions Pavilion • (435) 477-8925 Helpline: 435-559-4505 The Great Fact • T, Fri, Noon. Call (435) 559-7777 for location. AL-ANON Classes/Activities Meetings at KKCB Club (203 E. Cobblecreek Dr, Cedar City) unless otherwise listed ADULT BARRE/MODERN DANCE PICKLEBALL GROUP Easy Does It • Tues, 7-8 pm Wed, 11 am-noon, Spirit Wellness Club, Weekdays, 7 am • SUU Pickleball Courts. Community Presbyterian Church, 2279 N. 1615 N Main, Cedar City • All levels, Free to Anyone is welcome. Fee is $2 (indoors) and Wedgewood, Cedar City. (435) 559-3333 members, or $8 drop-in fee. FREE (outdoors) Al-Anon • 1st, 3rd Tues, 7-8 pm, Parowan Senior Center, 685 N 300 E (435) 477-8925 ARTHRITIS FOUNDATIONS EXERCISE ROCK CLUB MEDITATION CLASS – (EACH WED JAN 13 Wed, 1 pm, Cedar City Senior Center 1st Thurs, 6 pm • Gateway Academy, 201 thru Feb 2) Healing Tree (535 S. Main, Suite Hope for Today (Family Groups) 489 E 200 S • 435-586-0832. FREE. Trained W Thoroughbred Way, Enoch. Learn about Thurs, 6 pm • (435) 559-3333 instructors. Range-of-motion exercises, geology, find gems, fossils and minerals. 4) All experience levels welcome. Pillows, endurance-building activities, relaxation Learn to cut and polish and make jewelry. Blankets available. Cost is donation-based NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS in the spirit of Dana (generosity). Participate • (435) 635-9603 techniques, and health education topics. by zoom. Please wear a mask if attending in Most classes meet at 203 E Cobblecreek Dr, AWANA BIBLE CLUB SOUTHERN UTAH WOODTURNERS person. Info: (435) 267-0133. unless otherwise listed 7th-12th grade, Mon, 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm 2nd Sat, 9 am, Cedar High School wood Basic Text Study • Mon, 8 pm 3 yrs-6th grade, Wed, 6:30 pm - 8 pm shop, 703 W 600 S. Just for Today • Wed, 8 pm Valley Bible Church, 4780 N Hwy 91, Cedar City • (435) 586-0253 or (435) 990-1638 TAE KWON DO CLASS THURSDAY, JANUARY 14 Hope Without Dope • Thurs, 8 pm Wed, 7-8:30 pm • Cedar City Aquatic Center, Live and Let Live • Fri, 8 pm BOOK CLUB 2090 W Royal Hunte Dr. $25/mo., ages 5+, Candle Light Meeting • Sat, 9:30 pm 2nd Thurs, 7 pm • Cedar City Library 303 N any experience level (435) 865-9223. Helps DRESS UP YOUR PET DAY (Small room) 100 E. Next month (Jan) we will discuss “The benefit Canyon Creek Crisis Center. Zookeeper’s Wife” by Diana Ackerman Women Only • Sun, 11 am TAI CHI FOR ARTHRITIS Dopeless Hope Fiends • Sun, 8 pm CEDAR CHEST QUILTERS’ GUILD Wed & Fri, 9:30-10:30 am • Cedar Senior The Meeting Hall, 1067 S Main St, Cedar Thurs, 10 am • Cedar City Senior Center Center, 489 E 200 S. Free class, basic elements (877) 865-5890. 489 E 200 S • (435) 586-0832 of Tai Chi – Coordination, Balance, flexibility. Register: Maria Bailey (435) 673-3548 ALZHEIMER'S CAREGIVER CEDAR CITY RADIO CONTROL CLUB Online Meetings: 2nd Fri, 5:30 pm 4th Thurs, 7 pm • Cedar City Library TOP BAR HIVE BEE KEEPING 4th Mon, 5:30 pm • RSVP to [email protected] 303 N 100 E. 1st Tues, 7 pm • Cedar City Library or (435) 238-4998 x8773 303 N 100 E. (435) 586-6661 CEDAR CITY TOASTMASTERS 5TH ANNUAL UTAH FARM & FOOD PARKINSON’S TOPS – TAKE OFF POUNDS SENSIBLY Thurs, 7 am • The Pastry Pub CONFERENCE – A unique opportunity for 2nd Thurs, 3 pm • Cedar City Library 86 W University Blvd. Find your voice Wed • Weigh-in 9 am, mtg 9:30 am. Evening smaller-acreage producers, small commercial & shape your future. Be the leader and weigh-in 6:30 pm, mtg 7-8 pm • Cedar City CAREGIVERS speaker you want to be. (603) 731-0116 Library, 303 N 100 E. Lose weight without farmers, and homesteaders to gain insight and 1st Tues, Noon • Five County Aging buying special foods. • 586-3233 (a.m. mtg) or unite for 2 days to engage in conversations, Offices, 585 N Main St, Ste. 1, Cedar City CEDAR PROFESSIONALS 867-4784 (p.m. mtg) workshops, activities, farm tours, and meals. Tues, 7:30 am • Springhill Suites, 1477 S Info: ARP—ADDICTION RECOVERY Highway 91, Cedar City. An organization WATER AEROBICS CLASS 1st Wed, 7 pm • Parowan Seminary of business people. Stimulate business Tues, Thurs, 9 am • SUU pool, 2-56 N 600 W., building, Main & 300 N, Parowan for members through exchange of ideas, Fun, up-tempo workout to music. Intensive information and business referrals. cardio, full body muscle toning. Any fitness FRIDAY, JANUARY 15 SENIOR BLIND/VISUALLY IMPAIRED level. All ages. $3/class, including pool 3rd Thurs, 1:30 pm • Cedar City Library admission. (435) 327-2091 (no text) COLOR COUNTRY WINDS NATIONAL HAT DAY NAMI BRIDGES & FAMILY TO FAMILY Wed • Come brush up on your band skills to WEIGHTWATCHERS REIMAGINED! Thurs, 7 pm • SW Behavioral Health Center, share with the community. Call Debbie at Wed, 9:30 am • Cedar City Aquatic Center BIRTHDAY (1929) – DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING 245 E 680 S, Cedar. Free • (435) 590-7749 (435) 559-9609 for time and location. 2090 W Royal Hunte Dr. Guidance, in-person JR. is best remembered as one of the most motivation from members, trained guides infl uential civil rights leaders in the United PREGNANCY, INFANT LOSS COLOR COUNTRY PICKLEBALL and wellness coaches. (702) 832-0555. Evening States during the 1960s. Some of his most 1st Wed, 7:30 pm • Share Families of So. M-F, 7-10 am • 155 E 400 S (Cedar Stake Ctr) workshops now available. More info at remembered moments include participating Utah • 565 N Main Street, Ste. 6, Cedar City Paddles & balls supplied. (435) 586-6345 in the Montgomery Bus Boycott in 1955 and HEY CEDARS SQUARE DANCE WELLNESS PLACE his "I Have a Dream" speech at the 1963 March MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Wed • Beginner’s, 6 pm, Mainstream 583 S Main Suite #5, Cedar City. (435) on Washington. Dr. King was assassinated on 3rd Thurs, 6-8 pm • Cedar Visitor’s Center Dancers, 7-9 pm • Cedar City Senior Center 592-5308. Classes: April 4th, 1968 in Memphis, Tennessee. (www. (581 N Main) Caregivers and those with MS 489 E 200 S. (435) 531-6811 or (435) 669-4867 upcoming-classes IRON COUNTY TODAY LIFE WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13, 2021 13 CALENDAR SCHOOLS SATURDAY, JANUARY 16 MONDAY, JANUARY 18 ICSD News Nuggets NATIONAL NOTHING DAY MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. DAY GRAND OPENING – 10:30 AM @ ALA CHELLE from Le Ann WOOLSTENHULME CATERING (491 S Main St, Cedar City) IRON COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT Escalante Valley Elementary

In true Christmas spirit, Santa surprised the students of Escalante Valley by riding to school on a fire truck. As the students arrived at school on the last day before break, they were welcomed by the song Santa Claus is Coming to Town playing over the intercom. The excitement spilled over as each class had their picture taken with Santa, and each child was given a RENTWAPO-WORKS FARMERS MARKET candy-filled candy cane. We would like to thank the Iron County Beryl Fire (Saturdays and Sundays) – 9am to 2pm, Department, Dixie Power and Santa Claus for bringing Christmas cheer to (4871 N Enoch Rd.) Eggs, Fruit, Hand-crafted “WE MUST LEARN TO LIVE TOGETHER AS items, Homemade goodies, Jewelry, Clothing, brothers (and sisters) or perish together as our school! Homeopathic items, Home Décor and more. fools.” – Martin Luther King, Jr. Good weather (Above 60 degrees) – Outside. Bad weather – Inside. Follow signs above door. Info: 435-559-1657 (Linda). TUESDAY, JANUARY 19 CEDAR CITY YEAR-ROUND DOWNTOWN FARMERS MARKET, 10am to 1pm, Every NATIONAL POPCORN DAY Saturday rain or shine, in parking lot behind the Stratford Hotel, (18 S Main Street) or inside the building behind the parking lot in the cold weather months. Defi nitely worth stopping by for artwork, baked goods, crafts, custom semi-precious stone and costume jewelry, farm fresh produce, homemade brownies & candies, home style treats, homemade jams & jellies, homeopathic items and 100% real honey. Admission is FREE. New vendor meeting Feb 4th – 6:30 pm, at Bristlecone. Lite refreshments. SATURDAY FARMER’S MARKET, 9AM TO 1PM, Saturdays @ IFA, 905 S Main. Good weather outside, bad weather inside. Farmers with HISTORY (2012) – CANADIAN FREESTYLE SKIER vegetables, fruits, eggs, honey, baked goods & Sarah Burke died after sustaining a traumatic breads, meats, tamales, food vendors, hand- brain injury in Park City, Utah on January crafted items including soaps, lotions, jewelry, 11th. Burke was one of the most well-known Three Peaks Elementary clothing, home décor and gifts for all ages. For athletes in her sport and had been a top info call (435) 463-3735. contender coming up to the 2014 Winter Olympics. ( As 2021 begins and we revisit and set new goals, the faculty and staff at Three Peaks Elementary are fully committed to teach and help each SUNDAY, JANUARY 17 student learn to their full potential. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20 Our school's mission statement is: We will work collaboratively to create HOT BUTTERED RUM DAY a safe and stimulating learning environment. We will support and extend HISTORY (1961) – DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER GIVES NATIONAL CHEESE LOVER’S DAY student learning to ensure each student has the opportunity to achieve his last speech as president of the United States. GRAND OPENING – LIGHTHOUSE ART AND his/her full potential. Our vision statement is: Create an outstanding educa- In his speech he expresses his hopes of the LEARNING CENTER (1322 S Providence Center, tional environment in which students are engaged in meaningful learning future, as well as his concerns. He warns against Suite 106.) Noon to 1pm. TURN Community experiences, demonstrate personal responsibility and show respect and what he called the "military-industrial complex" Services is opening a new day-program for kindness for others. and strongly urged people to seek peace. He also individuals with developmental/intellectual used the words such as "diplomacy," "compassion," disabilities. Please join us for the ribbon- We would like to express gratitude to the parents for supporting and and "restraint" in reference to future dealings cutting in this COVID friendly, outdoor event helping us with these goals. with the Soviet Union. Eisenhower also expressed and get a sneak peek at our new day-program. sadness that at that time there was no peace. The fi rst 30 attendees will receive a grab bag MLK Holiday will be observed and no school will be held on Monday, He then ended his speech with a closing prayer. full of goodies. January 18, 2021. (


rom our musical instru- of an out of tune piano. While If they aren’t available at the ments to our means of playing an out of tune piano is moment, perhaps we can take a transportation, a good possible (it will hurts the ears few helpful notes from Norman tune-upF makes things better for mostly) living an out of tune Rockwell’s “The Piano Tuner” to our audience and our passen- life can do much more damage. assist us in a personal tune up. gers. It’s no di¨ erent when it Also, there’s nothing wrong First, even with his pocketful comes to our everyday lives. with getting a tune-up from of gadgets and gizmos and a box Yes, 2020 was certainly a year friends, family or professionals. of tools at his disposal, if the that seemed Tuner is not listening properly, ’ at and out of how will he know what tool tune. I’m sure to use? Also, he can’t discover you’d agree where the tuning is needed by that there simply staring at the piano. As were moments The Rut such, he is making a conscious when it LESS TRAVELED choice (action) to play a chord seemed more and then just listening. He is not like nails on by Corey BAUMGARTNER distracted by other sounds or a chalkboard experiences. He is creating an than sweeping IRON COUNTY TODAY environment to help him be able symphonies, to better tune in to what’s out of GETTY IMAGES including more maladies than tune. The young boy beside him melodies. There’s is also being quiet—no apparent Nevertheless, no matter how questions or qualms—just out of tune, or out of whack nothing watching, trusting the Tuner Coats For Kids we felt and perhaps still feel, it and hopefully learning for the doesn’t mean that we’re doomed wrong future. to play o¨ -key for the foresee- “ Now, if the Piano Tuner never with getting program grateful able future. It may just be that played a note, had the T.V. or we need a tune-up. a tune-up other noises, music playing in As a sidenote, pianos go out the background, he wouldn’t be of tune often as their strings from friends, able to hear what he needs to for Iron County’s become too loose or tight, hear. He wouldn’t know where mostly a¨ ected by humidity family or the problem is let alone which and altitude. Even an untrained professionals. tool would be needed to † x it. generosity ear can hear the sour notes Using what are called “Mutes” the Tuner can also isolate individual strings and then by Corey BAUMGARTNER using a “Tuning Fork” (actual or IRON COUNTY TODAY digital) he can determine the best way to get that string back In a year that could have negatively a¨ ected into harmony with the rest. contributions to the Coats For Kids program, Also, noticing that something the generous people in Iron County came is out of tune won’t do you any through with donations to the annual event good if you don’t acquire the sponsored by the Knights of Columbus. proper tools (and the training) Chairman Howard Austin, his team and all to help you use them. Sounds the Knights of Columbus want to express their like a lot of work, right? It takes gratitude to everyone who donated in any way, time and e¨ ort, but with prac- their Time, Talent and Treasure to this great tice you’ll become more e• cient cause. The success would not have been possi- and pro† cient. ble without the local businesses and organiza- Here’s some tuning tools to tions who helped by sponsoring collecting-bins help you get started. Action (play and coin-cans and also those who donated a note). Listen (does it sound, coats, etc. and/or coins and each of the valiant feel right?) Environment (create volunteers. a healthy environment to help “We know how cold the weather can get and you recognize when something if we can help the children in our community is out of tune and to help you who don’t have or can’t a¨ ord proper winter stay in tune). Tools (Patience, clothing, we’ll do whatever we can to help,” Perspective, Peace, Proper Pace, shared one of the volunteers for the program. Prayer, Presence, Purpose, a With nearly 500 coats for kids and 200 for Partner). Test (play additional adults collected, volunteers kept busy making notes, verify and readjust). sure the coats were clean and distributed to As you re-tune your ears, those in need. The collecting also included heart and life you will begin to gloves, sweaters, socks, boots and even a few create your life’s magnum opus! toys. Many miles were driven and many smiles NORMAN ROCKWELL given, thank you! IRON COUNTY TODAY LIFE WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13, 2021 17 FAB FIVE Cedar man named 'Family « CONTINUED FROM PAGE 11 its second series of capsules which held two astronauts. Remembering from an earlier article Member of the Year' that many stars are part of multiple star system, a fun fact about Gemini is that Castor is actually by Weslie STRATTON motional events and activities, Brinkerhoff was a system of six stars, with Castor being the FOR IRON COUNTY TODAY flattered by the award. brightest. "They gave me this plaque for recognition of Many people are familiar with the constella- Chairman of the Cedar City Disability all the years I've been involved," he said. "They've tion Taurus. Many ancient cultures have shared Awareness/Action Team, Charles Brinkerhoff, been really good to me." the belief these groupings of stars resembled a was named Family Member of the Year last fall The Utah Developmental Disabilities Council “bull.” The red eye of the bull is Aldebaran, the by the Utah Developmental Disabilities said on their website, "Charles has been brightest star in the constellation. It is a red Council. chosen as the Family Member of giant—44 times larger than our Sun and shines Brinkerhoff has been instru- the Year. He is a people's person 400 times as bright. Most of the stars making mental in making Cedar City and enjoys working with young up the head of the bull, the “V,” are actually more handicapped accessible people and especially those an open cluster of stars named the “Hyades” over the years and eventually KNOW with disabilities. He currently (remember a cluster of stars are gravitationally organized the Disability serves as Chairman of Cedar attracted to one another and travel through Awareness/Action Team. — YOUR — City Disability Awareness/ space as a group). While Aldebaran is not part "I taught high school for Action team, which advises of the Hyades, the cluster is made up of over 33 years," Brinkerhoff said. and makes recommendations 100 stars of which † ve are easily seen with the "Twenty of those were in NEIGHBOR to city officials about the unaided eye. special education." needs and concerns of Cedar Next, the constellation Auriga gets its Following his retirement, City residents living with name from Latin for “charioteer.” Auriga has a Brinkerhoff said he became more disabilities." rich region of open star clusters in its lower aware of uneven sidewalks and access The Cedar City Disability third. Three of these clusters are easily seen in points as he maneuvered his wheelchair Awareness/Action Team meets the second binoculars. The brightest star in Auriga, Capella, around the city and viewed mothers struggling Thursday of each month at 11:30 a.m. in Cedar is actually a system of 4 stars: two giants, and to push strollers in similar situations. City Council Chambers. Meetings are open to two smaller stars. Capella is also called the "I said, 'You know something, this city is the public. “Goat” star. It gets its name from the goat the not very handicapped accessible," Brinkerhoff charioteer is carrying. Capella, the goat, also recounted. has three “kids” which are the three bright stars He went to the City Council and told them just below Capella. that something needed to be done. The † nal grouping of stars is the Pleiades. The Pleiades is actually an open cluster of stars that is part of the constellation Taurus. The I said, 'You know Pleiades are also known and the Seven Sisters, and it is a vast region of star formation. While something, this most clusters are too distant make out individ- ual stars. The Pleiades are about 440 light years city is not very distant—in our stellar neighborhood. However, “ most people are unable to see seven individual handicapped stars, maybe six on a good night. A pair of binoculars, or small telescope, will show many accessible” more stars. Our group’s plus one is the brightest star » Charles Brinkerhoff in the night sky, Sirius. It has twice the mass of our Sun and is 25 times more luminous, and "They put me in charge of a com- is only 8.6 light years away. Sirius is also called mittee," he said. the “Dog Star” and is the brightest star in the According to the Cedar City constellation Canis Major. website, the Cedar Disability So, looking east after the sun sets, you’ll Awareness/Action Committee be able to see all of these stars, clusters, and advocates for the disable constellations. A pair of binoculars will reveal population in Cedar City. A even more wonders in these objects. Enjoy member sits on the Project exploring our Utah winter skies! Review Board to ensure that new developments are handicapped accessible. CHARLES The Committee also BRINKERHOFF holds events to promote VISIT US awareness and under- standing of different types of disabilities. ONLINE: After his years of devotion to the committee and his IRONCOUNTYTODAY.COM involvement in various pro- COURTESY RICKI WILLIAMS 18 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13, 2021 LIFE IRON COUNTY TODAY 2021 Success Tips MAKE 2021 MORE POSITIVE WITH INSPIRING IDEAS FROM TV STAR AND PSYCHIC MEDIUM MATT FRASER

by Imal WAGNER matter how sad you are or how dark FOR IRON COUNTY T ODAY life feels, there’s always something beautiful in life around you. You just Matt Fraser, star of the TV Series have to open your eyes, appreciate and Meet the Frasers has done readings for feel gratitude. It might be a sunset, many celebrities in 2020 and now he or your loved one’s smile, an uplifting has clear messages on ways anyone memory or an act of kindness. can start the 2021 with a more positive Negativity can drain you and make outlook. you feel like you are sinking, but only What 2020 has taught us for a if you let it! When you say enough Better Life in 2021: is enough, and make the decision to Write a little card or note to release the pressure and heaviness everyone in your family and slip it to that you have been feeling, it can no them when you get together or email longer control you. Leave the negativ- them if they are not able to meet safely ity behind and decide that whatever with you at this time. Let them know was on your mind and caused you to COURTESY SIENA NOELLE GRIFFETH FAMILY JEREMY AND BRENDA GRIFFETH OF CEDAR CITY celebrated the new year by how much you love them and what stress will no longer be able to enter welcoming their new daughter, Sienna Noelle, into the world. makes them so special to you. Share a into your life. Instead, focus on inviting memory that you cherish. in the new; replace every negative Be “in the thought or challenge moment” when you’re with something with or communicat- When or someone more Cedar City Hospital’s “New ing via a call or zoom positive who will or facetime with your bring you joy and the people you love. compliment your life. Year Baby” 2021 born People always wish heart Just because a they’d spent more “ roadblock might be time with grandma is full of in your path, it does by Becki BRONSON Siena’s beautiful name has two or listened closer not mean you need to COMMUNICATIONS & PR MANAGER origins. “My mom was born in New to grandpa’s stories gratitude, slow down. You can CEDAR CITY HOSPITAL York, and her family is from Italy,” says Jeremy. “My wife was won- after it’s too late. Do accomplish anything Considering the big changes and yourself a favor, don’t there’s not that you set your derful to want to have a name that challenges we’ve all gone through paid homage to our ancestry. Siena’s wait till your loved mind to. Know that in 2020, Cedar City Hospital’s ones are gone to much room heaven has created a middle name, Noelle, is because we New Year Baby this year was likely were at the hospital Christmas Eve appreciate them. Ask plan for you to follow, feeling a little apprehensive to them questions, write for sadness and will lead you with strong contractions, thinking tread into 2021, not being born until we might have a Christmas baby. down their special to success if you’re January 3. And no one would blame recipes, give them a and worry.” willing to take steps And even though Siena wasn’t born her for waiting a bit! But fortunately, on Christmas, we felt really blessed hug (or virtual hug) too. If something does she decided to take on the New and tell them you love » Matt Fraser not work out do not to be expecting a child during Year as the †rst birth at Cedar City Christmastime and wanted her them. give up, because the Hospital for 2021. Don’t put o¨ enjoying your own life timing may just be o¨. Instead take a name to re’ect that.” Siena Noelle Gri¨eth weighs 7 Her parents say she’s an “angel till tomorrow. Take the time to create moment to pause, look around you, pounds, 6 ounces, and is 19" long, memories with the kids, eat that and pursue another opportunity. Some baby, such a good baby.” Siena’s born at 5:16 a.m. on January 3, after good nature sets a great tone for a cheesecake, adopt a kitten. There’s things in life fall apart so that others a di•cult pregnancy and delivery. never going to be a perfect time, so can fall together in a better way. Just brand new year that we’re hopeful However, she arrived safe and is as good, too! make today count. Life is a gift, so say because the answer is no doesn’t mean sound, and mom and baby are doing “Thank You” and appreciate it. that there is not a better opportunity very well. Siena’s proud parents Be generous with everything for you to discover. Heaven will always are Jeremy and Brenda Gri¨eth My wife was – your time, your money, and your lead you to the path that will bene†t of Cedar City. The Gri¨eth family wonderful to words. Smile and chat with people. your highest and best good. Trust came to Cedar City as Jeremy is an Be friendly with everyone. Being kind, where they are leading you. instructor of Seminary Institutes want to have helpful and positive makes every day When your heart is full of gratitude, of Religion, teaching at both Cedar “ better for you, and the people you there’s not much room for sadness and High and the SUU campus. Siena a name that interact with. This includes social worry. If you’re mourning the loss of joins her older sister, almost four- paid homage to media. someone you love, take a few minutes year-old Alia, whom her parents say When you’re feeling worried or to remember the good times, and send can’t wait for her sister to †nally our ancestry.” overwhelmed, make a list of people some love to them in Heaven, thanking come home. “She’s so excited to be and things that you’re grateful for. No them for the good times you shared. a big sister,” says Brenda. » Jeremy Griffeth IRON COUNTY TODAY LIFE WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13, 2021 19 FAITH Asking Diffi cult “Trust In You” by Questions & Truth 101.2 Lauren Daigle by Edy MEREDITH discouraged his creative thinking. PROVERBS 3:5-6 FOR IRON COUNTY TODAY When he developed an antibody technique by the 1990’s, large ast week, we introduced pharmaceutical companies would a scienti† c maverick, not back him for the testing and his week’s song is bit more Galileo, who opposed the development money needed. upbeat, but if you’re feeling beat powerfulL religious and political The 2018 Nobel Prize rec- up, these lyrics will encourage youT to keep † ghting the good † ght. establishment of his time and ognized Allison’s breakthrough su¨ ered repressive and unjust work with the “soldiers” (T cells) It is in times like these when we punishment. of the immune system that battle need to listen to, read and watch Today we will look at another abnormal cells like cancer, bacte- positive and uplifting things. Not to maverick, a modern scientist, Dr. ria, and viruses. While T cells are distract us, but to encourage us to stay James P. Allison. Brie’ y though, dedicated opponents of disease, steady and not stumble in the mists let me mention someone else. they do not battle every invader of darkness all around us. Music is a In 1847, Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis that comes along because if powerful light in such darkness. Music proposed the simple tactic of they did, the body would be in is especially helpful and healing in washing hands to eliminate a constant state of fever, rash, times like these—times when turmoil contagion and disease. He was in’ ammation, or other immune is running rampant and so many things need to cross do not part. She knows ridiculed and gossiped about system response which is in part seem confusing and chaotic. When the wars of life seem impossible to win as being crazy and perhaps a how cancer is able to develop. you † nd the right songs, the ones and you get weary from the † ght. That’s lunatic by his fellow physicians, Allison demonstrated that that move your heart, not just your when you need to trust in and rest upon with the gossip outliving him. the protein CTLA-4 found on the body, you will † nd hidden measures of the Lord. That’s when His yoke comes Until, in the 1860’s, Louis Pasteur surface of T cells acts as a brake strength and comfort. in handy—when your hands and heart con† rmed that tiny pathogens to avoid a dangerously over-re- If 2020 taught us caused disease. There are many active immune response. He then anything, it is that we need more examples. It is sad that developed an antibody to block to put our trust in the Lord throughout human history many CTLA-4’s stopping or braking even more; not just one who asked the di• cult questions action, freeing T cells to attack day a week, or when we’re GOD'S were not only laughed at and cancer in those susceptible feeling weak. Because even shunned; some of them were also patients. without a pandemic in which Playlist burned at the stake rather than Dr. Allison’s work demon- to prove our perseverance and to a• rm our need for a rewarded. strates the power of curiosity by Corey BAUMGARTNER To a scientist it is necessary and questioning as his work † rm foundation (Matthew COLUMNIST to be dedicated to observing and determination led to the 7:24-27) against the ’ oods of reality, testing hypotheses, and development of Ipilimumab, the fear and failure, there is daily persevering through disappoint- † rst in a class of drugs known power and rest (comfort and peace) in get weary. You can trust that the Lord ments and negative people to as checkpoint inhibitors. One of trusting in the Lord (Matthew 11:28-30). is right there beside you to be your reach a discovery that changes the most exciting aspects of his Who, also says that we each need to do strength, comfort, steady hand, and the outcome of the game of life work in immunotherapy is that our part by learning of Him and taking rock upon which to stand. for millions of other people, it appears to continue working His yoke upon us. Whatever waters you need parted who will receive the fruits of even after the treatment has Learning about the Lord is easy today, don’t be broken hearted. Whatever the discovery pursued by real stopped. compared to trusting Him enough to mountains you need moving, if they scientists and thinkers. If you wish to know more make Him a part of your everyday life. don’t move, stop staring and start daring The 2018 Nobel Prize in about why the traditional That’s what a yoke does; it is designed to climb them. And when your questions Medicine was awarded to immu- slash-poison-burn approach to to bring two oxen together in proximity go unanswered as you cry out in prayer, nologists Dr. James P. Allison and cancer has failed, please go to and also in pulling power. When you do not despair! Don’t misunderstand his Dr. Tasuku Honjo for the discov- the following website: pressenza. trust the Lord enough to take His yoke silence for indi¨ erence. ery of the process that stimulates com/2019/12/the-† rst-cell-dr- upon you, you immediately get extra In every moment of your wander- the immune system to attack azra-on-why-the-slash-poison- pulling power for when the burdens of ing, trust in the Lord and know that His cancer cells. It was the † rst Nobel burn-approach-to-cancer-has- life get heavy. You also get a constant ways are higher (Isiah 55:8-9). Trust Prize given for a cancer therapy failed/ companion close enough to share that His plans for you are always good in 28 years for outstanding Please understand that words of comfort and encouragement, (Jeremiah 29:11). Trust that He is not discoveries in life sciences and persistence in the pursuit of especially when life doesn’t seem to be just a mighty warrior and king of the medicine. Allison began his truth is important in all facets going to your way. † ght, He is the King of Kings and He research in the 1970’s, working of life, not just in science and That’s what Lauren is singing about. will help you in all things if you will put for years on the necessary details medicine. Next week we will start She knows sometimes the mountains your trust in Him. He loves you and of T cells, even when the senior examining important questions you need moved will not budge. She is standing beside you. Trust in Him scientists who supervised him and how persistence pays o¨ . knows that sometimes the waters you more today, always and in all ways. 20 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13, 2021 LIFE IRON COUNTY TODAY BUSINESS OBITUARIES Small towns can retain younger generations Kim Alvin Hansen Kim Alvin Hansen, age 67, returned to the loving arms of his Savior on January 3, 2021. BUILDING MAIN STREET, NOT WALL STREET Kim was born in Richfi eld, Utah on March 6, 1953 to Alvin Jay and LeahRae Hansen. He spent his early years in Monroe, evin Friend said, “Life is how you see it. The minimal price a community must pay to become an Utah, and then moved with only way to change your life is to change attractive destination for the surrounding region. his family to Cedar City where your perception of it.” In a recent survey on But while this is true, those same big boxes and he attended East Elementary Ka Spring† eld, MO news station, they indicated that chains come with inherent drawbacks as well. They and graduated from Cedar City High School. He returned to 83% of millennials wanted to own or start their further the perception of sameness that younger Richfi eld nearly every summer own business. While that is wonderful news and it is generations can live without. They provide very to spend time with his favorite great to see the entrepreniual spirit alive and well, it few living-wage jobs. Studies show the higher the grandpa, Jasper Julander. They became best friends. comes in the form of a two-edged sword percentage of big boxes and chains in a These early years instilled a love for the mountains, fi shing, hunting, and gardening that he enjoyed the rest for many smaller communities. This is smaller community, the lower average of his life. Especially his trip to Alaska where he took a due to the fact that those communities wages are within those communities. near record moose that was estimated to be 1800 lbs., have a tough time convincing the younger In other words, growing your business and a time when he took a large mountain lion ož cedar generations to stay close to home once base organically is ultimately one of the mountain. He had countless hunting trips for deer and elk. He was expert with a bow and rifl e. they graduate from high school or college. best ways to reduce poverty within your Kim enjoyed the many activities as a boy scout and Knowing this however, small and community as well. earned his Eagle Scout award. He was quoted in the mid-sized communities should use this As with anything, knowing and newspaper on the day he earned his award as saying, “I information as impetus to change or a understanding the link between home- have learned that we have a responsibility to our fellow clarion call to arms. They must seek ways grown business growth and a reduction men, our country and our God.” Many times in his life he proved this belief by the way he treated other people. It to connect and embrace their younger in poverty is critical. Once communities was a rare occasion that he could go into any store and generations. Communities should understand this connection, reaching not stop multiple times to visit with close and distant evaluate their outdated processes and JOHN A. NEWBY out and creating an environment of friends to get reacquainted. He had a genuine interest economic incentives to take advantage of entrepreneurship becomes a much in whatever they wanted to talk about. His friendly COLUMNIST personality also showed as he served in many positions this entrepreneurial-minded generation. easier community wide goal. Initially, a in church callings as a member of the Church of Jesus Doing this will allow those believing in homegrown business base need not come Christ of Latter-day Saints. themselves to be assisted in ful† lling their dreams at the expense of the big boxes and chains. It can His work throughout his life always involved some- while staying close to home. come simultaneously as communities devote equal thing to do with the mountains. He started working in How do smaller communities compete in accom- attention to both. For starters, every dollar allocated his early teen years cutting lumber on cedar mountain. He cut, hauled, and sold Christmas trees for many years. plishing this monumental e¨ ort of retaining their to those big boxes, chains or out of town entities, a Kim created his own business, “Cat Man Du” working younger generations? While not an easy task, bear dollar should be set aside for local business creation heavy equipment, creating roads, and excavating land in mind communities providing a viable pathway as well. and roads for individuals and businesses. He spent to innovation and entrepreneurial thinking have To break the cycle of poverty, communities must many hours traveling to multiple states acquiring machinery from auctions for use in his business or to a leg-up on the competition of the big city. This is allocate a percentage of their economic devel- refurbish for resale. These trips were spent many times even more true today as larger cities struggle in light opment resources to local ventures and business with one of his best friends, his brother-in-law, Bill of the recent unrest that exists in many larger cities. start-ups. Yes, the risks are higher, but the rewards Lathim, or his adventurous wife, and his many beloved Here are a few suggestions for your community to are much greater when success is found. The real dogs he had over the years. consider. bene† t comes as you then have programs in place In recent years, Kim married Heidi Warburton on September 30, 2012, she was the love of his life. He fell In general, younger generations these days aren't that attract younger generations seeking these in love with his step children and grandchildren. He into the sea of sameness that comes with big boxes, opportunities. was a strong father fi gure to them and taught them of chains and so forth. They are more interested in Smaller and medium sized communities are in his love for hard work. He and his wife purchased Otter unique experiences and living. Communities can a race against the clock. The dollars communities Creek Marina where they managed a store, a cafe, and a RV park. They shared their love for fi shing and enjoyed double down on this trend by creating more vibrant rely upon are being slowly eroded and sent to Wall working hard there together. Hard work was a constant and unique downtowns. Create the heart and soul Street, one of the drawbacks to National chains. and endearing quality all of Kim’s life. that provides the unique ambiance that younger Our younger generations are becoming even more Kim was preceded in death by his parents, his generations crave and seek. frustrated and leaving these small and medium sized brothers Eldon Scott, and Nathan David Hansen, and Many of the younger generations don’t desire communities with the belief the grass is greener sister Marianne Hansen Ford Hoagland. He is survived by his wife, Heidi, son Cody (Linzy) Hansen, step children sprawling McMansions with yards requiring major on the other side of the fence. With an aggressive Shelby (Jež ) Sorenson, Andre Rennert, Jordan Rennert, upkeep and maintenance. They would rather spend approach toward building our communities Chase Rennert, Kalei Rennert, Brett (Doug) Nelson, time traveling and doing other things. To attract organically, many believe it possible for smaller Baylee (Jaymes) Holt and 15 grandchildren. His brother the younger folks, communities should seek ways communities to reverse these trends. The window is Michael Jay (Mickie) Hansen, and his sisters Melanie (Bill) Lathim, and Lauri (Brent) Baumgartner. to create unique living options. Many of those older becoming smaller and the stakes are growing higher Funeral services were held on Friday, January 8, 2021 buildings typical in many of the downtowns are each passing year. at 1:00 pm at Southern Utah Mortuary. A viewing was literally loft-living gold mines waiting to be mined. held on Thursday, January 7, 2021 from 6:00-8:00 pm Adding loft-living options will provide unique at the Mortuary and on Friday, January 8, 2021 from and ideal living options that many of the younger John A. Newby, author of the "Building Main Street, Not 12:00-12:45pm at the Mortuary. Interment followed in the Cedar City Cemetery under the direction of Southern generations are seeking to † nd. Wall Street " column assists communities and their local Utah Mortuary. Online condolences can be made at Communities are often very quick to o¨ er TIF media companies combine synergies allowing them money, grants and tax or † nancial incentives to big to not just survive, but thrive in a world where truly- boxes and chains. As we have mentioned in recent local is lost to Amazon, Wall Street chains and others. columns, these types of businesses are simply the [email protected]. IRON COUNTY TODAY LIFE WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13, 2021 21 OBITUARIES

Arvilla MaNaun Foster Scott Edward Davis Dorothy Fruend

Arvilla MaNaun Foster passed Scott Edward Davis, age 50, Dorothy Fruend, 82, passed away peacefully after a long passed away on January 7, 2021, away on January 4, 2021, in battle with Alzheimer’s surrounded due to complications from COVID- Cedar City, Utah, surrounded by by her children Monday morning. 19. He was born on November family. She was born January She was born in Milford Utah 11th, 1970 in Kearns, Utah to Paul 25, 1938, in Albuquerque, New on June 4th, 1939 to Albert Huhn Davis and Clarissa Staples Davis. Mexico, to Alfonso Hernandez and Ada Bradshaw. MaNaun and He married Tami Turnbaugh Davis and Aurora Perea. Dorothy grew her younger half-sister Teresa in the St. George LDS temple on up in Albuquerque and married were taken in by Ada’s sister Lela November 25, 1994. her sweetheart Paul Fruend on Gilliam and her husband Doug Scott’s family moved to Cedar November 10th, 1955. Gilliam after her mother’s death City, Utah when he was 2 years Our beloved mom, grandma, and were raised along with the old. He grew up on Highland Drive great-grandma Dorothy was Gilliams four children. Jack (Penny) where he had tons of fun and pure love, and her love was Gilliam, Ronny (Judy) Gilliam, adventures with the whole gang unconditional. She was a giver, Douglas (Brenda) Gilliam and that lived on that street. He graduated from Cedar High and always said she wasn’t happy unless she was giving to Audrey Ray (Sid) Whitlock. MaNaun School, and then went on to serve a mission for the LDS others. She was the ultimate example of love, generosity, married Clive Foster on February church in Portugal. and kindness. She gave of herself to everyone and didn’t 16th, 1957 and they made their Scott grew up playing in the dirt and that continued hold back. Whether it was direct family members, friends, home in Cedar City, Utah. She was throughout his life. He owned his own excavation business, acquaintances, complete strangers, the homeless, or the happily welcomed into the Foster and many said he was the best heavy machinery operator drunk; she gave freely of her time, money, and her gifts. family by Clive's parents George they had ever seen. At the time of his death Scott was a We have seen her buy socks, or even cigarettes to give to and Ellen Foster who loved her supervisor for the City of St. George Street’s Dept. where those in need, she always said it didn’t matter what it was, deeply and whom she loved dearly he had made lifelong friends. He also managed a gas if that’s what the person needed, she would give it happily in return. station owned by Christensen Oil. and without judgement. MaNaun was a kind, generous, Scott loved the mountains. He always said that was Our mom loved to decorate, and she was very good at it. and devoted wife, mother, sister where he felt the closest to God. His favorite memories She saw beauty in everything and loved anything sparkly and friend. Her home and heart were made on Calio and Cedar Mountains. This past or shiny. She had a rare ability to make everyone around were always open with a cup of summer he started helping his brother-in- law build a her feel special and loved. Mom was the best cook. Some což ee and a game of cards to anyone who was in need of cabin at Fish Lake. While he was in the hospital, he said of our favorites of her dishes were enchiladas, beans, a confi dante, a surrogate mother or just a slice of peace he would just think for hours on the cabin he was looking tacos, green chili, and fried potatoes. She taught us all to from their hectic lives. Her table was always fi lled with forward to working on. Spending time with family was his see beauty all around us, to love deeply, give of ourselves, food and family. She was loved by many and her sweet greatest joy. He loved camping, fi shing, riding ATV’s, eating have a tender heart and not be afraid to cry, and to pray. spirit infl uenced all who knew her. She will be missed ice cream, or working on machines. He taught his kids so Dorothy is survived by her husband Paul Fruend, siblings profoundly by those who live on to remember her. much. Edward Hernandez (Rosalie Hernandez) Albuquerque, NM, She is survived by her three children. Clive Donald Scott was an active member of The Church of Jesus Bernie Hernandez (Dolores Hernandez) Sacramento, CA, Foster, Terry Alan Foster and Ella Marie Foster (Victor Christ of Latter-day Saints where he held many positions Lorie Smith (Gary Smith) Albuquerque, NM, Tony Jr Perea Moreno), her two grandsons Clayton Dean (Jade) Foster over the years. Albuquerque, NM, children Ted F Fruend, St. George, UT, and Brad Woodward (Shy) Foster, fi ve great-grandchildren; Scott is survived by his wife Tami, children; Keely, Laura Price (Dan Price), Cedar City, UT, Edward A Fruend Zander Aiden Cross, Zarek Dean Foster, Ayva Zailyn Foster, Lindsey, and Nate, all of St. George. His brothers (Dana Lee Fruend) Eureka, NV, Leigh Ann Chouquer Lexie Foster and Draven Allen, and her half-sister Teresa Rick (Nadine) and Todd (Cindy), St. George, and Kent (Paul Peterman) Las Vegas, NV, Kenneth D Fruend (Anna Marie Gill. (Samantha), of Richfi eld, his Dad, Kanosh, Mother-in- law Fruend) Las Vegas, NV, thirteen grandchildren, and sixteen MaNaun was proceeded in death by her husband Clive, Bonita Turnbaugh, Cedar City, Sisters-in- laws; Tori (Gary) great-grandchildren. Ada, George, Ellen, Lela, Doug, Ronny, Douglas and Audrey. Jackson, Las Vegas, Niki (Chance) Gledhill, Herriman, and She was preceded in death by her parents Aurora Special thank you to MaNaun's hospice team. Becky many nieces and nephews. and Tony Perea, and Alfonso and Rosalie Hernandez, brought a smile and laugh to MaNaun each and every time Scott is preceded in death by his Mom, Clarissa; father- Albuquerque, NM, and her sister Helen Brown Rivera, she was there. Rachel went out of her way to make sure in-law, Wally Turnbaugh and nephew Kasey Davis. Albuquerque, NM. MaNaun had everything she needed. Craig went above and The family would like to express their special thanks to Services were held Saturday, January 9th, 2021. Family beyond to help MaNaun and her family laugh and heal the doctors, nurses, and Scott’s nephew Josh Jackson, for Rosary at 10am, and graveside service at 11am at the with his terrifi c sense of humor, accordion playing and their excellent care during his last few weeks. Conaway Veterans Memorial Park in Caliente, NV under the singing. They are an amazing group of folks. Thank you Due to the COVID-19 restrictions, a private family direction of Southern Utah Mortuary. Online condolences also to all those from home health that contributed to graveside service will be held Saturday, January 16, 2021 at can be sent at MaNaun's care. Cedar City Cemetery. Family visitation was at 11am on Friday, January 8th, followed by graveside services at noon at the Cedar City Cemetery, under the direction of Southern Utah Mortuary. Online condolences can be sent at Lois (Mecham) Farney to insure her children were safe and loved. She loved to laugh, swim, practice yoga and dance and sing when no Lois (Mecham) Farney, age 83, one was looking. has gone to be in the arms of the Surviving are her four children: Rick James (Vickie) Savior this day, 6 January 2021. Barlow; Laura Lee (Marvin) Kelsey; Rebecca Ann (Tim) Born 5 May 1937, in Salina, Utah, Bingaman; and Darlene (William) Horton; two brothers: Lois was the oldest child of Max Paul (Peggy) Mecham, and Wain (Pattie) Mecham; eleven Submitting LaThell and Arlene (Gray) Mecham. grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. Lois was A graduate of Cedar City High preceded in death by James Barlow, her husband Howard an obituary… School, Lois cherished the many Farney, a sister, and her brother LaThell Gray Mecham. friends she made and held them During the last two years Lois resided at Brookdale close through her life. Lois was Cedar City Assisted Living and Memory Care Center. The employed at Cedar City Medical family would like to thank the staž for their care and There is no charge for obituaries of 400 words or less. Center where she loved the devotion in the care of their mother. Until we meet again Submissions can be made online at ironcountytoday. people she worked with and made Mom you are always with us. com, or emailed to [email protected] or lifelong friends. Private family services were held on Tuesday, January 12, 2021 at 12:30 pm at Southern Utah Mortuary. Interment was brought to 389 N 100 W, #12, Cedar City, Utah 84721. Lois was married to James Barlow with whom she had at the Cedar City Cemetery under the direction of Southern A single submission may include up to two photos. four children, later divorced. Lois later married the love of her life Howard Farney. Howard and Lois traveled to many Utah Mortuary. The services were livestreamed at www. The deadline for submission is Monday at noon. For places and loved making improvements to their home. Lois under Lois’ obituary. Online condolences pricing information for obituaries longer than 400 was a wonderful mother and sacrifi ced much in her life can be sent at words, please call 435-867-1865 ext. 5. 22 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13, 2021 SCORES & RECAPS FROM IRON COUNTY SPORTS COMPETITION REDS BOYS SWEEP WEEK

by Tom ZULEWSKI nice to see him play well at both ends.” IRON COUNTY TODAY Savage got additional help on o¨ ense from Grant, Ty Harrison and Treyton The Cedar Reds never trailed in its Tebbs, who all added 10 points to the win Region 9 opener Jan. 6, but the visiting for Cedar. Snow Canyon Warriors kept things close The Reds followed up with another through most of the game. fast start and didn’t let up on the way When Gaige Savage to a 79-53 rout over the got involved in the Hurricane Tigers. Cedar o¨ ense in the fourth Cedar raced out to a 12-0 lead quarter, Cedar got region before the game was play o¨ to a strong start. three minutes old and led Savage led four 65 by as many as 37 points players in double † gures in the second half. with 20 points, and Cedar Even with a win streak used an 18-4 run over a Snow Canyon that sits at six games, six-minute stretch of the about the only concern † nal period to put away for Esplin was Cedar’s a decisive 65-51 victory 51 play after halftime. over the Warriors to Hurricane outscored the extend its winning streak Snow Cyn. 7 17 15 12 -- 51 Reds 23-12 in the fourth Cedar 18 7 16 24 -- 65 to † ve games. quarter and 36-32 in the Snow Canyon – Polatis 14, Morrison 7, “We got o¨ to a pretty Munson 6, Simmons 18, Call 6. Totals 19 second half. good start, then we got 8-11 51. 3-pointers – Polatis 4, Morrison 1. “We didn’t close out Cedar – Savage 20, Harrison 10, Garrett caught in ‘my turn’ ball,” 3, Grant 10, Tebbs 10, Santana 8, Arm- the game in the second strong 4. Totals 25 9-12 65. 3-pointers Cedar head coach Mark – Savage 3, Harrison 2, Tebbs 1. half and we played poorly Esplin said. “We stopped defensively,” Esplin said. passing the ball and tried “You’ve got to have a putting the team on our killer instinct, and right back to carry them to Cedar now we’re having a hard victory. It’s not the way time. We were happy at you win in this region.” halftime, but I wasn’t Snow Canyon got 79 a happy person at the 18 points from Lyman end of the game. When Simmons, but the you get up by 30, you’ve Hurricane 6-foor-7 sophomore got to learn to bury the picked up two fouls in opponent.” the † rst three minutes “I’m happy with the as the Reds closed the 53 win. You can’t a¨ ord to † rst quarter with a 9-0 Hurricane 7 10 13 23 -- 53 lose at home, but we’ve run to take an 18-7 lead. Cedar 28 19 20 12 -- 79 got some things to † x The Warriors returned Hurricane – Bunn 9, Esplin 1, Larsen 3, defensively or we’re Iloa 2, Gardner 2, Reeve 20, Leavenworth the favor in the second, 7, Parker 7, Homer 2. Totals 19 10-12 53. gonna struggle.” outscoring Cedar 17-7 3-pointers – Bunn 1, Larsen 1, Reeve 1, Grant led the Reds in in the second to cut the Leavenworth 1, Parker 1. the win with 23 points, Cedar – Rogers 1, Savage 8, Harrison 5, lead to one at the half. Munson 3, Garrett 1, Grant 23, Tebbs 15, 17 coming in the † rst half When Luke Armstrong Santana 14, Armstrong 7, Campbell 2. when he matched the CEDAR'S Totals 30 11-15 79. 3-pointers – Harrison 1, DALLIN GRANT got into foul trouble, Munson 1, Grant 1, Tebbs 3, Santana 2. Hurricane team output DELIVERS Dallin Grant was by himself. Tebbs added A DYNAMIC switched to guarding 15 and Zab Santana had DUNK as the Simmons, and it paid o¨ for the Reds with 14, 12 coming in the second half. Reds win their region 9 opener the big fourth-quarter run. Cedar will play at region co-leader against the “I think Dallin may have had his best Dixie tonight in a 7:30 p.m. tipo¨ , then Snow Canyon all-around game in four years here,” Esplin host Canyon View on Friday starting at Warriors. said. “Lyman’s a † ne inside player, so it was 7 p.m. COREY BAUMGARTNER IRON COUNTY TODAY SPORTS WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13, 2021 23 Scoreboard Falcons teams drop two in region openers SCORES by Tom ZULEWSKI High School Boys Basketball 1/6 Cedar 65, Snow Canyon 51 IRON COUNTY TODAY Desert Hills 61, Canyon View 45 Crimson Cliž s 63, Pine View 46 Dixie 73, Hurricane 37 The Canyon View Falcons girls basketball team 1/8 Cedar 79, Hurricane 53 couldn’t get started early and fell to the Desert Hills Dixie 71, Canyon View 40 Thunder 60-36 on Jan. 5 in the Region 9 opener for Desert Hills 92, Crimson Cliž s 78 both teams. The Thunder led 21-7 after a quarter and Snow Canyon 59, Pine View 42 outscored the Falcons 32-16 in the second half to High School Girls Basketball secure the victory. 1/7 Hurricane 42, Cedar 41, OT Dixie 48, Canyon View 36 CV was led by 15 Desert Hills 72, Crimson Cliž s 45 points from Addie Canyon View Pine View 60, Snow Canyon 32 Newman in the loss. STANDINGS Three players † nished in double † gures for Region 9 Boys Basketball 36 REGION OVERALL Desert Hills, led by 25 points from Shailee Desert Hills (1) 2-0 10-0 Bundy. Dixie Dixie (4) 2-0 8-2 Cedar (5) 2-0 7-2 In the second Crimson Cliffs (2) 1-1 9-1 game of the week, CV Snow Canyon (7) 1-1 8-2 fell 48-36 on the road Pine View (16) 0-2 1-7 48 Canyon View (17) 0-2 1-9 to the Dixie Flyers, Hurricane (19) 0-2 1-9 dropping to 0-2 in Region 9 play. Jayda Gleave led the way for the Falcons Region 18 Boys Basketball REGION OVERALL with 10 points in the loss. Canyon View played a home game against Pine Beaver (1) 0-0 9-1 Kanab (6) 0-0 5-4 View on Tuesday that was too late for press deadline, Enterprise (3) 0-0 6-5 and they will travel across town to face Cedar for a Parowan (5) 0-0 3-3 game on Thursday that starts at 7 p.m. Millard (11) 0-0 6-6 On the boys side, Canyon View dropped two more Region 9 Girls Basketball games to start region play. The Falcons stayed close REGION OVERALL with the Desert Hills Thunder in the † rst half, but Pine View (1) 2-0 9-0 ended up on the wrong end of a 61-45 loss Jan. 6. Desert Hills (3) 2-0 6-2 Brendan Greenhalgh led CV with 16 points, including Dixie (13) 2-0 4-4 Cedar (9) 1-1 4-5 four 3-pointers, in the loss. Hurricane (12) 1-1 3-6 Two days later, the Falcons fell 71-40 on the Canyon View (16) 0-2 3-7 Crimson Cliffs (10) 0-2 2-6 road to the Dixie Flyers. The Flyers outscored Snow Canyon (19) 0-2 1-7 CV 18-1 in the third quarter to break the game CANYON VIEW'S SADIE SLACK DRIVES Region 18 Girls Basketball open in its favor. her Flyers PAST REGION OVERALL Isaac Finlinson led all scorers with 29 opponent in a tough points for the Flyers, while Hayden Zobell loss for the Falcons. Enterprise (1) 0-0 10-1 topped Canyon View with 20 points in the loss. Kanab (6) 0-0 6-2 Beaver (2) 0-0 8-3 CV lost its seventh straight and fell to 1-9 overall. Millard (5) 0-0 8-5 The Falcons will try again tonight with a road Parowan (14) 0-0 5-7 game at Pine View, then travel to face the Cedar Reds SCHEDULE on Friday. The Pine View game will tip o¨ at 7:30 p.m., but the Cedar game begins at 7 p.m. JR ROBINSON High School Boys Basketball 1/13 Cedar at Dixie Canyon View at Pine View Hurricane at Crimson Cliž s Desert Hills at Snow Canyon Kanab at Enterprise Cedar girls’ long region winning streak snapped Beaver at Millard 1/15 Canyon View at Cedar Dixie at Crimson Cliž s by Tom ZULEWSKI Haley Chesley led the way with 14 Morales added 11. Desert Hills at Pine View Hurricane at Snow Canyon IRON COUNTY TODAY points, and the Tigers survived down In the region opener Jan. 5, Cedar Enterprise at Parowan the stretch for a 42-42 overtime win rolled to a 45-28 victory over Snow Kanab at Beaver When the Cedar Lady Reds basket- over Cedar on Jan. 7. Despite senior Canyon. The Reds built a 30-15 halftime High School Girls Basketball ball team was last on the losing end of a Abby Davis’ 3-pointer with two seconds lead before cruising to the win. Braylee 1/12 Dixie at Cedar Region 9 game, Corry Nielsen was in his left that forced the extra period, Cedar Peterson led the way with 21 points, Pine View at Canyon View Crimson Cliffs at Hurricane † rst year as head coach. The Hurricane fell to 1-1 in region and 4-5 overall. the only player for either team to reach Snow Canyon at Desert Hills Tigers got a last-second shot and beat The Lady Reds were able to over- double † gures. Enterprise at Kanab the Reds on the home ’ oor, 43-41 on come a nine-point de† cit entering the Cedar returned to region play with Millard at Beaver 1/14 Canyon View at Cedar Jan. 18, 2018. fourth quarter thanks in large part to a home game against Dixie on Tuesday Pine View at Desert Hills Nearly three years to the day later, Davis’ long-range shooting. The senior that was too late for press deadline. Crimson Cliffs at Dixie the Tigers did it again in its own hit three 3-pointers on the way to They will welcome the Canyon View Snow Canyon at Hurricane Parowan at Enterprise building and ended a 34-game Reds’ run matching Chesley for game high-scor- Falcons for a Thursday night game that Beaver at Kanab through region competition. ing honors with 14 points while Grace starts at 7 p.m. 24 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13, 2021 SPORTS IRON COUNTY TODAY

Rams boys win fi nal pre-region matchup Parowan by Tom ZULEWSKI at 3-3 on the season. Altamont Longhorns came up with 24 55 IRON COUNTY TODAY Krue Stubbs led the Rams with 19 points in the fourth quarter and rallied points, including three 3-pointers, and for a 51-44 victory. Kynlee Rowley led The Parowan boys basketball team Shaydon Benson added 10. Parowan will Parowan with nine points in the loss as Valley † nished its pre-region schedule on a begin Region 18 play Friday with a home they fell to 5-7 overall. high note Jan. 6, pulling away in the game against the Enterprise Wolves The Rams will open Region 18 play fourth quarter for a 55-38 victory over that tips o¨ at 7 p.m. Thursday in a 7 p.m. tipo¨ at Enterprise. 38 the Valley Bu¨ aloes to break a three- The Rams’ girls team dropped The Wolves are No. 1 in the latest 2A RPI game losing streak and even its record its † nal pre-region matchup as the rankings and 10-1 overall. Thunderbirds notch ninth consecutive victory with win over Idaho by Bryson LESTER lead with 10:24 to play. SUU ATHLETICS STRATEGIC COMMUNICATION As the contest headed down the stretch, the Vandals hung around, The Southern Utah Thunderbird but they put the Thunderbirds men’s basketball team won their on the free throw line twice in ninth game in a row on Saturday the span of a minute with two afternoon inside the America First technical fouls. The T-Birds took Event Center, as advantage, and increased their lead they knocked to double digits. off the Idaho So. Utah As the closing seconds ticked Vandals 83-67. off the clock the T-Birds built up to With the their highest lead of the night, and victory, the 83 claimed a 16 point victory at home. Thunderbirds Tevian Jones finished the game are now 9-1 on as SUU’s leading scorer, as he the season and Idaho dropped in 30 points. He shot 6-of- undefeated in 11 from three and finished 6-of-6 Big Sky play from the free throw line. with a 4-0 67 This was the second contest mark. this season that Jones has hit After the 30 point threshold. breaking the school record for John Knight III was consecutive victories on Thursday, SUU'S IVAN the second leading the T-Birds extended that record to MADUNIC scorer on the team, nine on Saturday. POSTERIZES HIS finishing with 17 “It’s hard to win one Division I VANDAL DEFENDER points on 7-of-11 in the Thunderbird's game, it really is,” SUU head coach record-setting win. shooting from the Todd Simon said following the con- field. He also had five test. “And we’ve been on the other rebounds and three end searching for wins, so we don’t assists. take these for granted, but we’re Both Harrison Butler and always in the process of trying to Maizen Fausett finished the game get better. We had some guys step with 11 points. up today that we needed, and our Southern Utah will head out on zone that we’ve been working on the road next weekend, as they’ll behind closed doors has proved to take on the Eagles of Eastern be better, and that’s been a couple Washington in Cheney. EWU has good developments for us.” missed their last two weekends of For the second straight game Big Sky Conference action due to the T-Birds jumped out to a sizable COVID-19 related issues within the lead in the opening half, as they program. built their lead to as many as 12 and Follow the Thunderbirds all led by 10 at halftime. season @SUUBasketball on Twitter Over the opening nine minutes and Instagram and by liking the of the second half the Vandals Southern Utah Basketball page on climbed back, and took a two point COURTESY SUU ATHLETICS Facebook. IRON COUNTY TODAY SPORTS WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13, 2021 25 Thunderbird women fall TOM’S SPORTS TRIVIA

For the fi rst o¶ cial trivia test of 2021, it’s all about a salute to to Vandals in Moscow women in sports. Start the year o´ right…please keep your wagers in your pockets. by Kyle BIRNBRAUER Madelyn Eaton was the leading scorer for the Thunderbirds with 15 points. She was 1. The Bu´ alo Bills won its fi rst not consecutively? SUU ATHLETICS STRATEGIC COMMUNICATION playo´ game in 25 years Jan. 7-for-8 from the free throw line and also had 8, but the team is well known A. New Orleans Saints MOSCOW, Idaho — The Southern Utah † ve steals on the night. Liz Graves was the only for four straight Super Bowl B. Minnesota Vikings women’s basketball team fell to the Idaho other T-Bird in double digits with 12 points. losses. Which team defeated C. Dallas Cowboys D. Chicago Bears Vandals for the second game in a row Idaho’s Gina Marxen led all scorers with 17 Bu´ alo twice in the streak? Saturday night, dropping the contest by a points. A. Dallas Cowboys 9. The Detroit Lions have never score of 61-77. It was a wire-to-wire victory for the B. San Francisco 49ers been to a Super Bowl, but how Vandals as they opened with a three-pointer C. Seattle Seahawks many NFL championships has and never looked back. The Thunderbirds cut D. Washington Football Team it won? it to as close as one in the † rst quarter, but 2. Who was the Chicago Bears’ A. One never were able to take a lead of their own. opponent in the 1988 NFC B. Two The Vandals opened up a 13-point lead by playo´ game dubbed “the Fog C. Three D. Four the time halftime came around. Bowl?” The Thunderbirds were able to outscore A. Los Angeles Rams 10. In what year did the last Idaho in the third quarter, gaining some B. Philadelphia Eagles rematch of a Super Bowl ground on an 8-0 run. They went on another C. Green Bay Packers happen? D. Tampa Bay Buccaneers run in the fourth quarter, cutting the Vandal A. 2016 lead to just eight points, but Idaho answered 3. The Bills were involved in a B. 2017 with a big run of their own and were able to heartbreaking playo´ loss C. 2018 take home the win. to the Tennessee Titans in D. 2019 This week’s two-game Big Sky Conference 2000 by a play nicknamed the Which team was the last women’s basketball series between Southern “Music City Miracle.” How 11. many laterals were thrown to win back-to-back Super Utah and Eastern Washington has been before Kevin Dyson scored the Bowls? canceled due to COVID-19 testing protocols winning touchdown? A. Denver Broncos within Eastern Washington’s program. A. One B. San Francisco 49ers As a result, the games scheduled for B. Two C. New England Patriots Thursday, January 14 and Friday, January 15 in C. Three D. Miami Dolphins Cedar City will not be played. At this time, Big D. Four Sky Conference games that are canceled will 12. Which NFL team has the not be rescheduled. 4. Which quarterback NOT longest active NFL playo´ named John Elway led the drought? The Thunderbirds will aim to continue Denver Broncos to its only their season next week as they are scheduled A. Arizona Cardinals COURTESY SUU ATHLETICS other Super Bowl title in 2016? to host Weber State on Thursday January B. New York Jets EVEN WITH SUU'S MADELYN EATON'S POWERFUL A. Russell Wilson C. Jacksonville Jaguars PERFORMANCE (including 5 steals) the Thunderbirds 21. Any future schedule updates will be B. Kirk Cousins D. Carolina Panthers had their hopes of winning vandalized by Idaho. announced at a later date. C. Alex Smith D. Peyton Manning Last Week’s Answers 1. A: 5. At which Mountain West school did Colin Kaepernick 2. C: Six. The Utah Starzz were play his college football? one of the original WNBA Southern Utah Athletics pauses franchises and stayed until the A. UNLV 2002 season. B. San Diego State 3. D: . Laimbeer C. Nevada led the to three attendance at home events D. Boise State WNBA titles in 2003, 2006 and 2008. 6. Among the coaches in this 4. C: Three. Including the by Bryson LESTER “We are obviously anxious to get fans back year’s NFL playo´ s, which one Aces, the and in the stands for home games, but this is the are not tied SUU ATHLETICS STRATEGIC COMMUNICATION is the youngest? to an NBA city. right decision at this time,” SUU Director of A. Mike Tomlin 5. A: Karrie Webb CEDAR CITY — Southern Utah Athletics Athletics Debbie Corum said. “All decisions we B. Matt Nagy 6. B: Germany has announced a pause on fans attending make are made with the best interest of our C. Mike Vrabel 7. B: Abby Wambach. Wambach home events inside the America First Event student-athletes, coaches, sta¨ and the entire D. Sean McVay is tied with Birgit Prinz of Center until further notice. campus community at heart.” Germany with 14 goals in Out of an abundance of caution due to the All Southern Utah home games will stream 7. Among the coaches in this Women’s World Cup play year’s NFL playo´ s, which one 8. C: Tara VanDerveer rise in COVID-19 cases following the holiday live on PlutoTV and, and is the oldest? season, and to comply with requests from men’s basketball games will be available over 9. D: Phyllis George Governor Cox’s o• ce, the department has the airwaves on KSUB 590 AM. A. Pete Carroll 10. A: Ste¢ Graf. B. Andy Reid 11. C: 15. Among active LPGA decided to limit attendance at this weekend’s Track Southern Utah Athletics 24/7 by C. Ron Rivera golfers, Inbee Park of South home games to just a player’s pass list. following @SUUThunderbirds on Twitter and D. John Harbaugh Korea has won the most Announcements regarding the future plans Instagram, and by liking the Southern Utah majors with seven. of the Southern Utah Athletic Department in Athletics page on Facebook. 8. Along with the Bu´ alo Bills, 12. A: Kathrine Switzer. Switzer which NFC team has also lost became the fi rst woman to run terms of attendance will be made at a later Considering supporting SUU Athletics? the Boston Marathon in 1967. date. Visit to † nd out how. four Super Bowls – although 26 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13, 2021 FREE CLASSIFIEDS



ISO LAYING HENS, I'M IN CEDAR CITY AND HAVE THREE FREE PALLETS! CALL 867-1865 EXT. 1 FOR PICK-UP LOCA- WOODEN TABLE 36X52 & 5 CHAIRS. TWO SMALL TABLES great layers but I also have big eaters too! Merry Christmas! tion. 20x20. 2 large crockpots. 602-904-0862. [email protected] FOR SALE: 25' FIBERGLASS EXTENSION LADDER. $140. 435- ROADMASTER MOUNTAIN BIKE: 26INCH, FULL SIZE, COMBO 559-0915. design for males or females, front shocks, 21 speeds, excel- ANNOUNCEMENTS lent condition, very good tires. $50. 435-383-3099.

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GENTLEMAN WISHES TO MEET WITH A SINCERE WOMAN 24" MOUNTAIN BIKE, NEW STYLE FRAMES FOR BOTH BOYS TROY-BILT SNOW THROWER, STORM 2420. IT HAS SIX FOR- --friendship first. Let's talk and keep social distancing. Win- or girls! Ages 9-13? TREK- Very Nice: 21 speeds, front shocks: ward gears and two reverse, and an electric start. It has only ners only. 435-327-8212. $50. 435-383-3099. been used for two seasons. $500.00 Phone # 9198300151

THANK YOU!!! SANTA'S LITTLE HELPERS FOR THE WONDER- ADORABLE REVERSABLE FLANNEL BLANKETS FINISHED W/ AHHH! THAT FEELS SOOO GOOD! PAIN IS INEVITABLE. SUF- ful gifts that you gave me and the great dinner that you hand crocheted edging. Also cute hand-stitched reversable fering is optional. Natural hot/cold packs and weighted brought me on Christmas Day. Thank you So Much! The Poet. flannel blankets and burp cloths. Large variety to choose blankets. Endorsed by professionals. Give them a try. Great from. Something for everyone. Come take a look. 435-275-2834. gifts. 435-559-1657 THANKS! THANKS! CEDAR CITY & PAROWAN FOR THE great light show put on in the park by the Parowan Library. LOVE YOU TO THE MOON AND BACK GIFT WRAPPED SET HOME GROWN FRUITS/VEGETABLES, OR HOBBY TAKING Whoever did it had an eye for beauty. Bill Smith includes blanket, teddy bear, teddy blanket, board book and over your house? Sell jewelry, clothing, home decor, home basket. Pink or Green. A precious gift sure to be treasured. grown fruits/vegetables, etc. at ENOCH FARMERS MARKET. 435-275-2834. 435-559-1657 Linda for information. 2014 FORD EDGE PLUS: 4 DOOR SUV, 18,580 MILES, 3.5L V6, AWD, Navigation, back-up camera, heated leather seats, 20" premium wheels, roof rack, white, one owner, excellent condi- tion! $18,400. 435-590-1920. SERVICE DIRECTORY PRICE DROP: 57' FORD SKYLINER CONVERT WITH CONTI- nental Kit. 1965 Pontiac GTO 389 Automatic. Your Choice $26,500. Call Nick in Beaver. 801-628-7733. No Text.

SET OF 5 INTERCO SUPER SWAMPER 33X10.5R15LT WITH 500 miles on them. Sell for 1/2 off at $750. ATV floor jack, nev- er used: $100. Creeper, like new: $35. 435-592-9564. FOR SALE

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HONEYCOMB BRAVO THROTTLE FOR FLIGHT SIMULATION, new in box. $275. Bought an extra, don't need it. John 435-867- 8063. YOUR AD WOODBURNING FIREPLACE. BARELY USED. 40" WIDE 36" High, 20" Deep. All Piping included. $400. 435-313-3682.

SETS OF SKI'S, BOOTS, BINDINGS, IN VERY GOOD CONDI- tion: $25 each set. Snowboards/Boots: $15 each. Poles $5-$10. HERE! Call/Text for pictures 702-468-6704. CALL TODAY! MOTORCYCLE: BMW R1100RT $1200. NEW ACOUSTIC GUITAR with strap: $60. Classic Sidewinder 16' Boat & trailer w/85HP motor: $1200. Please call/text for pictures 702-468-6704. 867-1865 IRON COUNTY TODAY CLASSIFIEDS WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13, 2021 27 MISCELLANEOUS LEGAL NOTICES GENTLEMAN WISHES TO MEET WITH A SINCERE WOMAN --friendship first. Let's talk and keep social distancing. Win- ners only. 435-327-8212. THE STATE OF UTAH TO ALL SUMMONS ORIGINAL OIL PAINTINGS, LANDSCAPES, PORTRAITS, WILL UNKNOWN DEFENDANTS: Westwood, Law, P.C., J. David Westwood, Counsel for paint to preferences. Call 435-867-0908. An action has been filed in the Fifth Judicial District Plaintiff, 444 S. Main Street, Suite C-8, Cedar City, Utah Court in and for Iron County, Utah, which seeks, among 84720, Telephone (435) 267-2145, david@westwoodlaw- other things, to quiet title to certain real property and In the Fifth Judicial District Court in and for improvements located in Iron County, Utah, Serial No. Iron County, State of Utah, Case No. 200500164, Judge REAL ESTATE C-0845-0001-0000, more particularly described as follows: Matthew L. Bell. Gretchen Merrill, Plaintiff vs. Henry C. Koch, Jr. and all persons unknown, claiming any legal CARTE BLANCHE REALTY YOUR RANCH, FARM, LAND, COM- COMMENCING AT THE EAST QUARTER CORNER OF SEC- or equitable right, title, estate, lien, or interest in the mercial, home, lot & water rights specialist with over 60 TION 9, TOWNSHIP 34 SOUTH, RANGE 9 WEST, SALT LAKE property rights described in the Verified Complaint which years experience. Call Bret Murie 435-559-3030 or Rich Gil- BASE AND MERIDIAN, AND RUNNING THENCE SOUTH 40 are adverse to Plaintiff’s title, or any cloud on Plaintiff’s lette 435-463-2424. RODS, THENCE WEST 80 RODS, THENCE NORTH 40 RODS, title thereto. You are summoned and required to answer THENCE EAST 80 RODS TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. the Verified Complaint filed with the court in the above EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION LYING WITHIN matter. Within 21 days after service of this summons you THE EXISTING COUNTY ROAD. must file your written answer with the clerk of the court RECREATION at the following address: Iron County Courthouse, 40 N. SUBJECT TO A RIGHT OF WAY OVER THE WEST 30 FEET OF 100 E., Cedar City, Utah 84720, and you must mail or de- POLARIS 1991 4 WHEEL DRIVE. GOOD SHAPE. NEEDS THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY FOR THE PURPOSE OF liver a copy of the Answer to Plaintiff’s attorney at the Brakes Fixed. $250. Snow Plow approx. 4' long hooks to front. A ROADWAY. address listed above. If you fail to do so judgment by Good Condition. $80. 213-805-1055. SUBJECT TO A PIPELINE RIGHT OF WAY, IN FAVOR OF THE default may be taken against you for the relief demand- GRANTORS, FROM THE PROPOSED WELL SITE SOUTH ed in the Verified Complaint. The subject matter of this TO THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE, FOR THE PURPOSE OF Verified Complaint is to quiet title to real property. The 2013 KAWASAKI: 4 SEATER, NEW OVERSIZE TIRES AND Complaint is on file with the clerk of the court. wheels, only 3000 miles, extra nice: $11,500 OBO. Call Nick St. STOCKWATERING IN THE MONTHS OF MARCH THROUGH George. 801-628-7733. No Text. MAY OF EACH YEAR. Published December 30, 2020, January 6 & 13, 2021 SITUATE IN IRON COUNTY, STATE OF UTAH. Iron County Today • ICT #0347 (THE “Property”). RENTALS The Verified Complaint is on file with the Court and is by 3 BED, 2 BATH, 2 CAR GARAGE SINGLE FAMILY HOME ON 1/2 this reference incorporated as though fully set forth herein. ANNOUNCEMENT OF If you claim any estate, right, title, lien, lease, encumbrance, an acre w/animal rights. Rent: $1500, Deposit: $2250. Pets or other interest of any type or nature whatsoever in, on, or APPOINTMENT AND NOTICE TO considered in/outside home. Call ERA Property Management to the above-identified Property, you are hereby summoned CREDITORS today! 435-867-1136 and required to file an answer in writing to the Verified Estate of Lorraine Louise Boyter Complaint, Case No. 200500190, with the Clerk of the Fifth Deceased Probate No. 203500103 2 BED, 1 BATH APARTMENT. COIN-OP LAUNDRY ON SITE. Judicial District Court in and for Iron County, Utah, 40 North 100 East, Cedar City, UT 84720, and to serve upon or mail to Rent: $750, Deposit: $1125. No pets, no smoking. Call ERA Prop- David E. Boyter, whose address is 4530 N Mule Train Dr, Jennifer E. Decker, of Fabian VanCott, 215 South State, Suite Enoch UT 84721, has been appointed Personal Repre- erty Management today! 435-867-1136. 1200, , Utah 84111, Attorneys for Plaintiff, a copy sentative of the above-entitled estate. Creditors of the of said answer within twenty-one (21) days after the date of estate are hereby notified to: (1) deliver or mail their publication of this summons by publication. If you fail to written claims to the personal representative at the ad- do so, judgment by default will be taken against you for the SERVICES dress above; (2) deliver or mail their written claims to relief demanded in the Verified Complaint. This summons the Personal Representative’s attorney of record, Tim- by publication is published by authority of the order of the LICENSED COMPUTER REPAIR *VIRUS REPAIR *DATA RECOV- othy P. Daniels, at the following address: 51 East 400 Fifth Judicial District Court in and for Iron County, Utah. ery *Networking *PC Security *Computer Cleanup *House- North Ste 1, Cedar City, UT 84721, or (3) file their writ- calls -FAST Turnaround Time and Flat Rates A+ PSYCHLONE DATED this 28th day of December, 2020. ten claims with the Clerk of the District Court in Iron COMPUTERS 435-590-2114 County, or otherwise present their claims as required FABIAN VANCOTT by Utah law within three months after the date of the /s/ Jennifer E. Decker first publication of this notice or be forever barred. JIMMIE NIC'S HANDYMAN SERVICE. LICENSED, INSURED, Jennifer E. Decker Date of first publication: January 13, 2021. Dependable. Good Rates! Quality Work! 435-238-3012. Attorneys for Plaintiff Timothy P. Daniels (10297) Published January 6, 13 & 20, 2021 Timothy P. Daniels, PC GIL'S MOBILE WELDING. I'LL COME TO YOUR HOME/BUSI- Iron County Today • ICT #0348 51 East 400 North Ste 1 ness. Repair fencing, gates, wrought-iron, utilities trailers, Cedar City UT 84721 farm equipment, cosmetic repair small/big household metal Ph: (435) 592-1235 items. Fair pricing/free estimates. Don't toss it, I'll weld/fix it. 435-383-3259. Published January 13, 20 & 27, 2021 PUBLIC NOTICE Iron County Today • ICT #0349 The Cedar City Police Department announces the dis- CLOCK REPAIR. GRANDFATHER CLOCKS, ANTIQUE CLOCKS, posal of found and unclaimed property in accordance and cuckoo clocks. Over 30-years experience. Pick-up and with UCA 77-24a-5 and UCA 45-1-101. The Cedar City Po- Delivery. Call Bill, 435-477-1211. lice department has in its possession: mountain style, BMX, road and children’s bicycles; scooters and hov- erboards; hand/power tools and tool boxes; luggage CARING COMPANION SERVICES: PROVIDES CARE AND COM- and bags w/personal property; MP3 style players, video panionship for seniors in need, including transportation, games, computers, and other electronics and comput- shopping, meal preparation, and medication reminders. Ref- ing devices; cell phones; keys; jewelry, coins and cur- VISIT US erences available. Call: Linda Peterson (435) 233-6802. rency; home, sports and other collectibles; shoes, cloth- ing and bedding; wallets, purses, backpacks; sporting, golf, skiing and camping equipment; firearms, holsters, HANDYMAN, LICENSED AND INSURED, HOME/REAL ESTATE gun cases and knives; strollers; camera equipment. All ONLINE: repairs and inspection. Painting, drywall, carpentry, stucco, unclaimed found property or other unclaimed property patio covers, electrical, doors, replacement windows, deck will be disposed of in accordance to state law and city repair, roof repair. Bobcat/Dirt work. 39 Years in business. policy after February 25, 2021. Call Ray, 435-559-7669 Published January 13, 20 & 27, 2021 IRONCOUNTYTODAY.COM Iron County Today • ICT #0350 © 2021 by Vicki Whiting, Editor Jeff Schinkel, Graphics Vol. 37, No. 6 Scientists have found that crows can solve puzzles that have up In the past, some people have tried to get rid of crows in a number of to eight steps. Can you solve this puzzle? ways – even exploding dynamite where large numbers of the birds roost. Circle the numbers But despite it all, crows have thrived and now live almost everywhere in that add up to 8. North America. Put a box around the numbers that add up to 10. The numbers must be next to each other or above and below each Do you know your crows? People haven’t always been kind other like this: to crows. Farmers put up scarecrows to keep the birds out of their elds and gardens. Some people just don’t like them. Crows are intelligent birds. They also eat a lot of pests that can damage crops. But farmers know that one of the favorite foods these birds enjoy is corn! Standards Link: Math: Solve logic puzzles. What do you call a group of crows? The letters along the correct path over the corn eld spell the answer! M DYNAMITE O A A group of crows is called: F T F MAGPIES THRIVED A I N E T I M A N Y D C S INSECTS C Y RAVENS D S T I N S E C T S L R W S J THORNS E E E L G L S I G S M B W E CROWS V R O V E D I R N N T A T TWIGS I I W O P S E N D S P TOOLS U D R NESTS R T O S L G V M W E ROOST H S H O O K A O A N This crow removed some words from the story. Can you replace them? CLOSE T H O R N S R M R T Crows are famous for STICK S T I C K C L O S E holding “funerals” when hen Gabi was four years old, she dropped some HOOK one of their kind has died. ______on the ground. Quickly, a crow flew in RID Standards Link: Letter sequencing. Recongized identical Crows will keep watch over and took off with it. Gabi then started feeding the crows words. Skim and scan reading. Recall spelling patterns. a fallen bird, sometimes for in her neighborhood by leaving out dry dog food bits. many days. Scientists wonder if they feel sad or Shortly after she started the daily feeding routine, little if they might be trying ______started getting left on the food platform. Over to figure out how the time, Gabi has ______nearly 100 little trinkets. crow died so they can learn from it. The crows have brought her buttons, a LEGO piece, charms, stones – most of the gifts are ______things they can carry in their beaks. One time she got a little piece of ______with the word, “best” on it. Was Look through the newspaper for there another piece with the word “friend” on it? Gabi likes to think so. examples of three or more tools that Crows Use and people use at work. Discuss what life would be like without those tools. Make Tools Can you make Crows have been ve squares Up in the Air Standards Link: Use the newspaper to locate information. found using sticks to by moving Look through the get insects out of small only two newspaper to find: cracks and holes. sticks? • 3 things that fly New Caledonian crows also make tools. • 3 words that Send your story to: They have been describe crows Amazing Woman seen pulling the Who is the woman leaves off a stick • 3 items crows and creating little might steal you most admire? hook-shaped tools from twigs, leaves • 3 places where Explain why. and thorns. crows are found Deadline: Published: Stumped? Answer at: Standards Link: Reading February 7 Week of Mar. 7 Comprehension: Follow Please include your school and grade. simple written directions. PostingWEDNESDAY, Date January JANUARY 11, 13, 2021 2021 29

1. MOVIES: Who was the first African Amer- ican to win the Academy Award for Best Actor? 2. ASTRONOMY: How many phases does the Moon go through each month? 3. MEDICAL: What are leukocytes? 4. TELEVISION: What are the names of the three animated “Powerpuff Girls”? 5. INVENTIONS: Who is credited with invent- ing the first battery? 6. GEOGRAPHY: What is the largest country in Africa in land area? 7. MEASUREMENTS: What does a Geiger counter measure? 8. LITERATURE: What item did the crocodile swallow in “Peter Pan”? 9. FOOD & DRINK: What is grenadine made from? 10. ANIMAL KINGDOM: What is a baby goat


9. Pomegranates; 10. A kid kid A 10. Pomegranates; 9. © 2021 King Features Synd., Inc.

clock; A 8. Radiation; 7. Algeria; 6. Volta; Alessandro 5. Bubbles; and Buttercup

Blossom, 4. cells; blood White 3. Eight; 2. 1964; in Poitier, Sidney 1.

Trivia Test Answers Test Trivia t