MAY 2001


Nicola Crosby Kadhem Jallab

Reference: SR 01/1 Price: £15.00

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Supported jointly by Cities of Newcastle and and the Metropolitan Boroughs of , and

Income Deprivation in Tyne & Wear


KEY POINTS ……………………………………………………………………………….…… 1.0 Introduction …………………………………………………..…………………………….. 1 1.1 The IMD 2000 ……………………………………………………………………….. 1 2.0 Income Deprivation at District Level in Tyne & Wear …………………………………….. 3 2.1 Income Deprivation at Ward Level in Tyne & Wear ………………………………... 3 3.0 Child Poverty ……………………………………………………………………………….. 6 3.1 The IMD Child Poverty Index in Tyne & Wear ……………………………………... 6 4.0 Income Deprivation and Child Poverty by District ………………………………………… 13 4.1 Income Deprivation in Gateshead …………………………………………………… 13 4.2 Child Poverty in Gateshead ………………………………………………………….. 13 4.3 Income Deprivation in Newcastle …………………………………………………… 17 4.4 Child Poverty in Newcastle ………………………………………………………….. 17 4.5 Income Deprivation in North Tyneside ……………………………………………… 21 4.6 Child Poverty in North Tyneside …………………………………………………….. 21 4.7 Income Deprivation in South Tyneside ……………………………………………… 25 4.8 Child Poverty in South Tyneside …………………………………………………….. 25 4.9 Income Deprivation in Sunderland …………………………………………………... 29 4.10 Child Poverty in Sunderland ………………………………………………………… 29

TABLES: 1 Income Deprivation at District Level in Tyne & Wear …………………………………….. 3 2 Income Deprivation Scores - Number of Wards in Tyne & Wear Within Each Band …….. 4 3 Income Deprivation Ranks - Number of Wards in Tyne & Wear Within Each Band ……... 4 4 The Most Income-Deprived Wards in Tyne & Wear ………………………………………. 5 5 The Least Income-Deprived Wards in Tyne & Wear ……………………………………… 5 6 Child Poverty at District Level in Tyne & Wear …………………………………………… 7 7 Child Poverty Scores - Number of Wards in Tyne & Wear Within Each Band …………… 7 8 Child Poverty Ranks - Number of Wards in Tyne & Wear Within Each Band ……………. 7 9 The Most Deprived Wards in Tyne & Wear in Terms of Child Poverty …………………... 8 10 The Least Deprived Wards in Tyne & Wear in Terms of Child Poverty …………………... 8

MAPS: Tyne & Wear Electoral Wards Key Map …………………………………………………... 9 1 Income Deprivation Scores, Tyne & Wear ………………………………………………… 10

Tyne & Wear Research and Information i Income Deprivation in Tyne & Wear

2 Income Deprivation Ranks, Tyne & Wear …………………………………………………. 10 3 Child Poverty Scores, Tyne & Wear ………………………………………………………. 11 4 Child Poverty Ranks, Tyne & Wear ………………………………………………………... 11 5 Income Deprivation Scores, Gateshead …………………………………………………….. 14 6 Income Deprivation Ranks, Gateshead …………………………………………………….. 14 7 Child Poverty Scores, Gateshead …………………………………………………………... 15 8 Child Poverty Ranks, Gateshead …………………………………………………………… 15 9 Income Deprivation Scores, Newcastle …………………………………………………….. 18 10 Income Deprivation Ranks, Newcastle …………………………………………………….. 18 11 Child Poverty Scores, Newcastle …………………………………………………………... 19 12 Child Poverty Ranks, Newcastle …………………………………………………………… 19 13 Income Deprivation Scores, North Tyneside ………………………………………………. 22 14 Income Deprivation Ranks, North Tyneside ……………………………………………….. 22 15 Child Poverty Scores, North Tyneside ……………………………………………………... 23 16 Child Poverty Ranks, North Tyneside ……………………………………………………… 23 17 Income Deprivation Scores, South Tyneside ………………………………………………. 26 18 Income Deprivation Ranks, South Tyneside ……………………………………………….. 26 19 Child Poverty Scores, South Tyneside ……………………………………………………... 27 20 Child Poverty Ranks, South Tyneside ……………………………………………………… 27 21 Income Deprivation Scores, Sunderland …………………………………………………… 30 22 Income Deprivation Ranks, Sunderland ……………………………………………………. 30 23 Child Poverty Scores, Sunderland ………………………………………………………….. 31 24 Child Poverty Ranks, Sunderland ………………………………………………………….. 31

APPENDIX TABLES: A1 Gateshead Ward IMD Income Domain and Child Poverty Scores and Ranks …………….. 32 A2 Newcastle Ward IMD Income Domain and Child Poverty Scores and Ranks .……………. 33 A3 North Tyneside Ward IMD Income Domain and Child Poverty Scores and Ranks ..……… 34 A4 South Tyneside Ward IMD Income Domain and Child Poverty Scores and Ranks ……….. 35 A5 Sunderland Ward IMD Income Domain and Child Poverty Scores and Ranks ……………. 36

ii Tyne & Wear Research and Information Income Deprivation in Tyne & Wear


The Index of Multiple Deprivation 2000 (IMD 2000) is a ward level index, combining information from six component parts or 'domains' of deprivation: Income, Employment, Health & Disability, Education, Housing and Geographical access to services (§1.1).

This report focuses on Income deprivation and also covers the associated Child Poverty Index.

Income Deprivation is defined as dependence on the four key means-tested benefits (Income Support, Jobseekers' Allowance - Income-based, Family Credit and Disability Working Allowance) or Council Tax Benefit for non-earning, non-IS pensioner and disabled households. The majority of benefits data mainly relates to 1998. The rest relates to 1999.

The IMD scores for both Income Deprivation and the Child Poverty Index are percentage rates. Thus it is valid to say that a ward with a score of, say, 70%, is twice as deprived as one with a score of 35% (§1.1).

The rates are best quoted as whole percentages (e.g. 70%). Although the DETR quotes the scores to two decimal places, these are estimates.

Users should note that all rates depend on the accuracy of the ward population estimates. All these rates should be updateable with Census 2001 ward populations, when they become available.

The North East is the region with the highest average rank of wards suffering multiple deprivation, with a mean ward rank of 2,279 (out of 8,414). The North East also has the largest percentage of its population (56%) living in the most deprived 20% of wards in on the IMD (§2.0).

The most income deprived ward in Tyne & Wear is Walker, Newcastle, with a score of 58%. The least deprived ward is & East Boldon, South Tyneside, with a score of 7.7%. The average rate of income deprivation in Tyne & Wear is 31.5% (§2.1).

In eight of the 113 wards in Tyne & Wear over 50% of the population are income deprived. Income deprivation is 50% or over in six of Newcastle's wards and one each in North Tyneside and Sunderland. South Tyneside and Gateshead have no wards with an income deprivation score of 50% or over (§2.1).

The North East region has the highest percentage of children (42%) in families that claim means- tested benefits (§3.1).

In Tyne & Wear, the ward with the highest rate of child poverty (85%) is West City (Newcastle). The least deprived ward is (Newcastle). There is an 80 percentage point difference between the child poverty scores of these two wards. The average rate of child poverty in Tyne & Wear is 45% (§3.1).

In fourteen wards in Tyne & Wear over 65% of children are living in poverty. Child poverty is over 65% in seven wards in Newcastle. Sunderland (4), North Tyneside (2), Gateshead (1) and South Tyneside no wards (§3.1).

41 wards in Tyne & Wear are in the top 10% most deprived wards in England, in terms of child poverty. Child poverty is within the most deprived 10% of wards in England, in ten Newcastle wards, nine Gateshead wards, almost one third of Sunderland wards (8), seven wards in North Tyneside and seven wards in South Tyneside (§3.1).

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Income Deprivation in Tyne & Wear


This report presents an analysis of the Income Deprivation domain of the Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) 2000 at ward level in Tyne & Wear. The IMD 2000 was published by the DETR, in August 2000. It reveals the extent of poverty, and particularly child poverty in Tyne & Wear.

Townsend (19791) provided a definition of poverty in terms of relative deprivation: 'Individuals, families and groups can be said to be in poverty if they lack the resources to obtain the types of diet, participate in the activities and have the living conditions and amenities which are customary, or at least widely encouraged or approved in the societies to which they belong'. From this, and other work, Townsend has laid down the foundation for articulating multiple deprivation as an accumulation of single deprivations - this concept is further developed in the design of the IMD 2000.

Income deprivation is considered one of the most important aspects of deprivation. In the UK, the number of people with relatively low incomes has more than doubled between the end of the 1970s and the beginning of the 1990s. This increase followed a period in the 1960s and 1970s during which the proportion of people with relatively low incomes remained broadly constant2. One of the main reasons for the increase has been the growth in the number of working-age households where no one is in employment. This has doubled since the end of the 1970s. The proportion peaked in 1996 at 18.9% but by spring 1998 had declined to 17.7%3. The growth of these ‘work-less households’ has been driven by a decline in male employment rates and also by an increase in the number of single adult, including lone parent, households. In addition, employed people have become concentrated in fewer households; the rise in women's employment has occurred largely in households where the partner is already in work4.

An 'ideal' indicator of income deprivation would be to measure the proportion of households below a particular low-income threshold. This is one of a set of national indicators included in the Government's Poverty and Social Exclusion Report Opportunity for All (2000)5, and is based on Households Below Average Income (HBAI) data. The headline measure used is the proportion of households living below 60% of the median income. This measure has also been adopted by Eurostat, for comparisons across the EU. However data is not currently available at the small-area level.

1.1 THE IMD 2000

The Index of Multiple Deprivation 2000 is a ward-level index based on 1998 English ward boundaries, describing each ward in terms of deprivation. Information from six component parts or 'domains' of deprivation are combined: Income, Employment, Health & Disability, Education, Housing and Geographical Access to Services. Each domain reflects a particular and distinct aspect of deprivation, consisting of a series of predominantly ward-based indicators.

The indicators used for the IMD 2000 were converted into scores. Deprivation has been scored independently of the size of administrative area (e.g. district). For Income Deprivation and

1 Townsend, P., Poverty in the (1979). Penguin, pp31.

2 Family Expenditure Survey, Institute of Fiscal Studies, 30 years of Households Below Average Income.

3 ONS, Labour Force Survey Spring 1998, in Labour Market Trends May 1999

4 Opportunity for all - Tackling Poverty and Social exclusion. First Annual Report 1999 DSS.

5 Opportunity for all - One year on: making a difference. Second Annual Report 2000 DSS. Tyne & Wear Research and Information 1 Income Deprivation in Tyne & Wear

Child Poverty these scores are percentage rates. By using rates, a standard form of measurement, areas of widely different size can be compared. The size of the administrative area is not a determinant of the IMD itself. An important implication of basing indicators upon rates is the need for appropriate denominators. Hence, a set of population estimates were generated (by Oxford University) at ward-level for the whole of England.

The six domains were weighted and combined to produce an overall Index of Multiple Deprivation, such that a ward's overall score would be: (0.25 x Income score) + (0.25 x Employment score) + (0.15 x Education score) + (0.15 x Health score) + (0.10 x Housing score) + (0.10 x Access score). A supplementary Child Poverty Index has also been produced.

The ward scores for the six domains, the overall IMD score and the Child Poverty Score were each assigned a rank in England. The most deprived ward for each index was given a rank of 1, and the least deprived ward was given a rank of 8414. The ranks show how a ward compares to all the other wards in the country. The scores, by contrast, indicate the distance between each rank position, as these vary.

The purpose of the IMD Income Domain is to capture the extent of income deprivation in a small area. This is done by measuring in a ward the number of people in households on the key benefits. The number of income deprived people was simply summed and divided by a suitable denominator to create the area rate.

Within the income domain, the absence of low income should not be taken to imply high incomes. The index deals with relative conditions secondly, a low deprivation score in one domain, for example income, can be consistent with a range of overall deprivation scores.

Hence for the IMD Income Domain, the following 9 indicators (including four pairs) were chosen: • Adults in Income Support households (DSS) for 1998 • Children in Income Support households (DSS) for 1998 • Adults in Income Based Job Seekers Allowance households (DSS) for 1998 • Children in Income Based Job Seekers Allowance households (DSS) for 1998 • Adults in Family Credit households (DSS) for 1999 • Children in Family Credit households (DSS) for 1999 • Adults in Disability Working Allowance households (DSS) for 1999 • Children in Disability Working Allowance households (DSS) for 1999 • Non-earning, non-IS pensioner and disabled Council Tax Benefit recipients (DSS) for 1998 apportioned to wards

The 9 indicators are in the form of non-overlapping counts, of individuals in receipt of means- tested benefits or dependent on them. The indicators were summed in order to generate the percentage of the total population living in such families.

The Child Poverty Index is the proportion of children under 16 living in households receiving the above means-tested benefits. It is therefore a direct derivative of the IMD's Income Domain.

2 Tyne & Wear Research and Information Income Deprivation in Tyne & Wear


The North East is the region with the highest average level of multiple deprivation, with a mean ward rank of 2,279. The North East also has the largest percentage of its population (56%) living in the most deprived 20% of wards in England on the IMD.

South Tyneside is the most income-deprived district in Tyne & Wear. 35% of the population are income deprived, 5 percentage points higher than North Tyneside, the least income-deprived district in Tyne & Wear (Table 1).

Table 1 Income Deprivation at District Level in Tyne & Wear

Income Deprivation Score

Gateshead 29.96% Newcastle 32.18% North Tyneside 28.91% South Tyneside 34.73% Sunderland 31.90%

Tyne & Wear 31.50%

Source: Tyne & Wear Research and Information (from DETR IMD Scores).


There are 8414 wards within England. Everton in Liverpool is the most income-deprived ward in England. 74% of its population are income deprived. The least income-deprived ward is Central (Oxford), where just over 1% of the population are income deprived. The median ward rank for England is 4207, which is Wallington (South Sutton), has income-deprivation of 16%.

There are 113 wards in Tyne & Wear. Walker in Newcastle is the most income-deprived ward in Tyne & Wear. 58% of the population are income deprived and it is ranked 49th out of the 8414 English wards. The least deprived ward in Tyne & Wear is Cleadon & East Boldon in South Tyneside. It is ranked 7501st and 8% of its population are income-deprived.

There are eight wards in Tyne & Wear where over 50% of the people are income-deprived (Table 2, scores in Table 4). Six of these wards are located along the northern bank of the river Tyne in Newcastle, another is close to the Tyne in North Tyneside (Chirton), with the eighth ward in Sunderland () (Map 1).

In a further 20 wards, 40% or more of the population are income-deprived. Again these wards are primarily located on the rivers , or adjacent to wards where 50% of the population are income deprived. The exceptions are in Newcastle and Cleadon Park in South Tyneside.

Wards with income scores of less than 20% are located to the periphery of the five districts, for example close to the coast or bordering Northumberland. As distance from focal points, such as the rivers and city centres increases, generally the proportion of the population income deprived Tyne & Wear Research and Information 3 Income Deprivation in Tyne & Wear

diminishes. The exceptions are in Gateshead and a cluster of wards in Newcastle (Dene, Heaton, Jesmond and South ). Wards that have an income deprivation score of 40% or more, are twice as deprived as wards with a score of 20%.

Table 2 Income Deprivation Scores - Number of wards in Tyne & Wear within each band.

Income Scores 50% and over 40 to 49.9% 30 to 39.9% 20 to 29.9% <20%

Tyne & Wear 8 20 36 34 15

Gateshead 0 5 5 9 3 Newcastle 6 2 9 3 6 North Tyneside 1 2 5 9 3 South Tyneside 0 7 9 3 1 Sunderland 1 4 8 10 2 Note: Income scores are the number of people in each ward on the key means-tested benefits, expressed as a percentage of the total population of that ward. Source: Tyne & Wear Research and Information

Two-thirds of wards in Tyne & Wear are in the top 20% most deprived wards in England (Table 3). Forty-two wards are within the top 10% most deprived wards in England and a further 34 wards are in the top 20% (Map 2). These 76 wards are concentrated along the River Tyne and River Wear, and in the former coal-mining areas of north-west North Tyneside and south Sunderland.

Table 3 Income Deprivation Ranks - Number of wards in Tyne & Wear within each band.

Income Ranks Most deprived 11 to 20% 21 to 30% 31 to 40% Least 10% wards in deprived England wards

Tyne & Wear 42 34 14 9 14

Gateshead 7 6 4 2 3 Newcastle 11 7 1 1 6 North Tyneside 6 4 4 4 2 South Tyneside 9 8 1 1 1 Sunderland 9 9 4 1 2

Source: Tyne & Wear Research and Information

4 Tyne & Wear Research and Information Income Deprivation in Tyne & Wear

Table 4 The Most Income-Deprived Wards in Tyne & Wear

Electoral Wards Score (%) Rank in England (out of 8414) 1 Newcastle Walker 57.6 49 2 Newcastle Monkchester 57.24 55 3 North Tyneside Chirton 55.25 78 4 Newcastle Elswick 54.86 84 5 Newcastle West City 53.18 104 6 Newcastle 52.11 126 7 Sunderland Thorney Close 50.97 147 8 Newcastle Scotswood 50.13 165 9 Sunderland Southwick 49.96 171 10 Sunderland 49.12 186 Source: Department of Environment, Transport and the Regions; Tyne & Wear Research and Information

Table 5 The Least Income-Deprived Wards in Tyne & Wear

Electoral Wards Score (%) Rank in England (out of 8414) 104 Newcastle Dene 16.02 4083 105 Gateshead Low Fell 14.83 4485 106 Newcastle Castle 14.75 4514 107 North Tyneside 13.28 5068 108 Gateshead South 12.39 5399 109 Sunderland Fulwell 12.28 5447 110 Newcastle Jesmond 10.06 6483 111 Newcastle South Gosforth 9.55 6712 112 North Tyneside St Mary's 8.08 7364 113 South Tyneside Cleadon & East Boldon 7.73 7501 Source: Department of Environment, Transport and the Regions; Tyne & Wear Research and Information

Tyne & Wear Research and Information 5 Income Deprivation in Tyne & Wear


In England, the proportion of children who live in households with relatively low incomes has risen threefold since 1979. Children are over-represented in the lower end of the income distribution, with dependent children making up around 20% of the population in 1997/98, but about 30% of those in the bottom section of the income distribution. Around 3.2 million children were living on incomes of less than 60% of the median in this period (before housing costs)6.

DSS evidence is that child poverty has fallen since 1998. In August 2000, 2.67 million children (20%) were living in families claiming DSS-defined ‘key benefits’. DSS key benefits differ slightly from IMD key benefits, and include Jobseekers’ Allowance, Incapacity Benefit, Severe Disablement Allowance, Disability Living Allowance and Income Support7. This figure was down 6.1% from 1998 and 3.9% from 1999. Of those children in families on a ‘key benefit’, 60% had been on benefit for at least two years.

The percentage of children living in families claiming a DSS ‘key benefit’ in August 2000, varied from 28% in the London government office region down to 13% in the South East. In the North East it was 26%, the highest behind London. 67% of ‘key benefit’ children were in families claiming Income Support only, 10% were only claiming JSA.


The most deprived ward in England is Bidston (Wirral), which has a score of 89%. The least deprived ward is Gerrards Cross North, South Bucks (0.54%). The median ranked ward in England is North Molton (North Devon), where 22% of children live in poverty.

The North East has the highest percentage of children in families that claim means-tested benefits (42%), although this region also has the lowest number of children living in families that claim means-tested benefits.

There are 41 wards in Tyne & Wear in the top 10% most deprived wards in England, in terms of IMD child poverty (Map 4). Geographically, these wards are centred along the rivers Tyne and Wear, with clusters around central Gateshead and in the East and West ends of Newcastle. The exceptions are Cleadon Park (South Tyneside), and Woolsington (Newcastle), Collingwood, and Valley (North Tyneside).

The average rate of child poverty in Tyne & Wear is 44.7% (Table 6). In fourteen wards in Tyne & Wear over 65% of children are living in poverty (Table 7). Of these 14 wards, with the highest child poverty, over 50% of the total population are considered to be income deprived in 8 wards (as shown by their income deprivation score). A further 15 wards have over 55% of children living in poverty.

There is, naturally, a strong correlation between general income deprivation within wards in Tyne & Wear and child poverty. In Longbenton (North Tyneside) and Teams (Gateshead), however, the proportion of households with children claiming means-tested benefits (over 55%) is much greater than households with overall income deprivation (Map 3). This shows that in these wards, children are over-represented in the lower end of income-distribution.

6 ONS, Social Inequalities 2000 edition.

7 Quarterly bulletin on families with children on key benefits August 2000. DSS Analytical Services Division ( This list of key benefits is slightly different from the IMD Income Deprivation list, in particular including Incapacity Benefit. 6 Tyne & Wear Research and Information Income Deprivation in Tyne & Wear

Table 6 Child Poverty at District Level in Tyne & Wear

Child Poverty Score

Gateshead 43.85% Newcastle 46.30% North Tyneside 40.11% South Tyneside 46.73% Sunderland 45.41% Tyne & Wear 44.66%

Source: Tyne & Wear Research and Information (from DETR IMD Scores).

The 28 wards in Tyne & Wear with child poverty scores of less than 35% are almost half as deprived as the 14 wards with child poverty scores in excess of 65%.

Table 7 Child Poverty Scores - Number of wards in Tyne & Wear within each band.

Child Poverty Scores 65% and over 55 to 64.9% 45 to 54.9% 35 to 44.9% <35%

Tyne & Wear 14 15 29 27 28

Gateshead 1 5 5 5 6 Newcastle 7 1 8 4 6 North Tyneside 2 3 3 3 9 South Tyneside 0 5 7 5 3 Sunderland 4 1 6 10 4 Note: Child Poverty scores are the number of children in households reliant on the key means-tested benefits, expressed as a percentage of all children within that ward. Source: Tyne & Wear Research and Information

Table 8 Child Poverty Ranks - Number of wards in Tyne & Wear within each band.

Child Poverty Ranks Most deprived 11 to 20% 21 to 30% 31 to 40% Least 10% wards in deprived England wards

Tyne & Wear 41 25 19 9 19 Gateshead 9 2 5 2 4 Newcastle 10 8 2 0 6 North Tyneside 7 1 3 4 5 South Tyneside 7 7 3 1 2 Sunderland 8 7 6 2 2 Source: Tyne & Wear Research and Information

Tyne & Wear Research and Information 7 Income Deprivation in Tyne & Wear

West City in Newcastle has the highest percentage (85%) of children aged 16 years old and under living in families that claim means-tested benefits in Tyne & Wear (Table 9). It is ranked just 7th out of the 8414 English wards. The second most deprived ward in Tyne & Wear is Walker in Newcastle, with a score of 74% and ranking of 77th.

The least-deprived ward in Tyne & Wear in terms of child poverty is Jesmond in Newcastle, with a score of 5.62% and rank of 8117th (Table 10). The second least-deprived ward in Tyne & Wear is Cleadon & East Boldon in South Tyneside, with a score of 5.81% and rank of 8090th. The Child Poverty Index scores highlight the extremes of deprivation both within Tyne & Wear and within the districts. There are 79 percentage points between the child poverty scores of the most and least deprived wards in Tyne & Wear (and hence, in Newcastle).

Table 9 The Most Deprived Wards in Tyne & Wear in Terms of Child Poverty

Electoral Wards Score (%) Rank in England (out of 8414) 1 Newcastle West City 84.74 7 2 Newcastle Walker 74.42 77 3 Newcastle Elswick 72.8 96 4 North Tyneside Riverside 71.71 117 5 Newcastle Monkchester 70.04 139 6 Sunderland Thorney Close 69.87 142 7 Sunderland Southwick 69.36 157 8 Newcastle Byker 68.37 175 9 Newcastle Moorside 67.61 190 10 Gateshead Bede 67.52 192 Source: Department of Environment, Transport and the Regions, Indices of Deprivation 2000, Tyne & Wear Research and Information

Table 10 The Least Deprived Wards in Tyne & Wear in Terms of Child Poverty

Electoral Wards Score (%) Rank in England (out of 8414) 104 Newcastle Castle 18.05 5100 105 Newcastle 17.5 5238 106 Gateshead Whickham South 14.72 5927 107 Gateshead Low Fell 13.47 6231 108 North Tyneside Monkseaton 12.98 6357 109 Sunderland Fulwell 12.55 6482 110 Newcastle South Gosforth 5.96 8066 111 North Tyneside St Mary's 5.89 8076 112 South Tyneside Cleadon & East Boldon 5.81 8090 113 Newcastle Jesmond 5.62 8117 Source: Department of Environment, Transport and the Regions, Indices of Deprivation 2000, Tyne & Wear Research and Information

8 Tyne & Wear Research and Information Income Deprivation in Tyne & Wear

TYNE AND WEAR ELECTORAL WARDS KEY MAP ident name 1Bede 2Bensham North Tyneside 3Birtley 62 26 67 4Blaydon 51 Newcastle 58 5Chopwell & 65 68 upon Tyne 6Chowdene 55 63 54 48 57 7Crawcrook & Greenside 53 64 8Deckham 30 32 50 49 59 24 60 52 South 9Dunston 46 42 56 35 27 66 70 Tyneside 10Felling 61 39 28 34 33 83 31 38 44 85 80 11High Fell 36 47 40 37 71 84 12Lamesley 78 81 86 77 16 41 29 25 69 23 45 43 82 75 13Leam 1 79 88 4 72 87 14Low Fell 7 2 10 15 9 74 19 17 8 73 15Pelaw & Heworth 21 76 18 13 22 16Ryton 14 93 91 17Saltwell 11 109 5 20 6 106 102 18Teams 113 111 89 12 90 19Whickham North 105 108 20Whickham South Gateshead 110 98 95 3 94 101 21Winlaton 112 107 103 22Wrekendyke 104 100 99 Sunderland

97 92


ident name ident name ident name ident name 23Benwell 49Battle Hill 69All Saints 89Castletown 24Blakelaw 50Benton 70Beacon & Bents 90Central 25Byker 51Camperdown 71Bede 91Colliery 26Castle 52Chirton 72Biddick Hall 92Eppleton 27Dene 53Collingwood 73Boldon Colliery 93Fulwell 28Denton 54Cullercoats 74Cleadon & East Boldon 94Grindon 29Elswick 55Holystone 75Cleadon Park 95Hendon 30Fawdon 56Howdon 76Fellgate & Hedworth 96Hetton 31Fenham 57Longbenton 77Harton 97Houghton 32Grange 58Monkseaton 78Hebburn Quay 98Pallion 33Heaton 59North Shields 79Hebburn South 99Ryhope 34Jesmond 60Northumberland 80Horsley Hill 100St Chads 35Kenton 61Riverside 81Monkton 101St Michaels 36Lemington 62St Marys 82Primrose 102St Peters 37Monkchester 63Seatonville 83Rekendyke 103Shiney Row 38Moorside 64Tynemouth 84Tyne Dock & Simonside 104Silksworth 39Newburn 65Valley 85Westoe 105South Hylton 40Sandyford 66Wallsend 86West Park 106Southwick 41Scotswood 67Weetslade 87Whitburn & Marsden 107Thorney Close 42South Gosforth 68Whitley Bay 88Whiteleas 108Thornholme 43Walker 109Town End Farm 44Walkergate 110Washington East 45West City 111Washington North 46Westerhope 112Washington South 47Wingrove 113Washington West 48Woolsington

Tyne & Wear Research and Information 9 Income Deprivation in Tyne & Wear

Map 1. INCOME DEPRIVATION SCORES, TYNE & WEAR Index of Multiple Deprivation 2000

Income Scores

50.0% and over (8) 40.0% to 49.9% (20) 30.0% to 39.9% (36) 20.0% to 29.9% (34) < 20.0% (15)

Map 2. INCOME DEPRIVATION RANKS, TYNE & WEAR Index of Multiple Deprivation 2000

Income Ranks (wards in England)

Most deprived 10% (42) 11 to 20% (34) 21 to 30% (14) 31 to 40% (9) Least deprived (14)

Source: Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions, Indices of Deprivation 2000, Tyne & Wear Research and Information.

Footnote: Income Deprivation scores are the number of people in each ward on the key means-tested benefits, expressed as a percentage of the total population of that ward (including children).

10 Tyne & Wear Research and Information Income Deprivation in Tyne & Wear

Map 3. CHILD POVERTY SCORES, TYNE & WEAR Index of Multiple Deprivation 2000

Child Poverty Scores

65.0% and over (14) 55.0% to 64.9% (15) 45.0% to 54.9% (29) 35.0% to 44.9% (27) < 35.0% (28)

Map 4. CHILD POVERTY RANKS, TYNE & WEAR Index of Multiple Deprivation 2000

Child Poverty Ranks

Most deprived 10% (41) 11 to 20% (25) 21 to 30% (19) 31 to 40% (9) Least deprived (19)

Source: Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions, Indices of Deprivation 2000, Tyne & Wear Research and Information.

Footnote: Child poverty index scores are the number of children in households reliant on the key means-tested benefits, expressed as a percentage of all children within that ward.

Tyne & Wear Research and Information 11 Income Deprivation in Tyne & Wear

12 Tyne & Wear Research and Information Income Deprivation in Tyne & Wear



No wards in Gateshead have an income deprivation score over 50%. With scores of over 40%, five wards Bede, , , Felling, and High Fell are twice as deprived as & Greenside, Whickham South and Low Fell where less than 20% of the population are income deprived (Map 5). The five most income deprived wards are clustered in and around Gateshead town centre.

Within the most deprived 10% of wards in England, seven are in Gateshead. These include the five wards with an income deprivation score of over 40% and additional wards of Teams and Saltwell. It is the wards to the east of the District where income deprivation is more prevalent. The exception is Low Fell, which is one of the least deprived wards in Tyne & Wear (Map 6).


Over 65% of children in Bede ward are living in poverty. Six wards in Gateshead are nearly half as deprived as Bede, with a child poverty score of 35% or less (Map 7). These wards, Crawcrook & Greenside, Ryton, Whickham North, Whickham South and Winlaton are located towards the west of the District, with the exception being Low Fell.

On child poverty, half the wards in Gateshead are within the top 20% most deprived wards in England. Clustered around Gateshead town centre (with the exception of ) nine Gateshead wards are within the most deprived 10% of all English wards (Map 8). Seven of these wards are also in the top 10% of income deprived ranked wards.

Tyne & Wear Research and Information 13 Income Deprivation in Tyne & Wear

Map 5. INCOME DEPRIVATION SCORES, GATESHEAD Index of Multiple Deprivation 2000

Income Scores

50.0% and over (0) 40.0% to 49.9% (5) 30.0% to 39.9% (5) 20.0% to 29.9% (9) < 20.0% (3)

Map 6. INCOME DEPRIVATION RANKS, GATESHEAD Index of Multiple Deprivation 2000

Income Ranks (wards in England)

Most deprived 10% (7) 11 to 20% (6) 21 to 30% (4) 31 to 40% (2) Least deprived (3)

Source: Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions, Indices of Deprivation 2000, Tyne & Wear Research and Information.

Footnote: Income Deprivation scores are the number of people in each ward on the key means-tested benefits, expressed as a percentage of the total population of that ward (including children).

14 Tyne & Wear Research and Information Income Deprivation in Tyne & Wear

Map 7. CHILD POVERTY SCORES, GATESHEAD Index of Multiple Deprivation 2000

Child Poverty Scores

65.0% and over (1) 55.0% to 64.9% (5) 45.0% to 54.9% (5) 35.0% to 44.9% (5) < 35.0% (6)

Map 8. CHILD POVERTY RANKS, GATESHEAD Index of Multiple Deprivation 2000

Child Poverty Ranks (wards in England)

Most deprived 10% (9) 11 to 20% (2) 21 to 30% (5) 31 to 40% (2) Least deprived (4)

Source: Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions, Indices of Deprivation 2000, Tyne & Wear Research and Information.

Footnote: Child poverty index scores are the number of children in households reliant on the key means-tested benefits, expressed as a percentage of all children within that ward.

Tyne & Wear Research and Information 15 Income Deprivation in Tyne & Wear

16 Tyne & Wear Research and Information Income Deprivation in Tyne & Wear


There are 26 wards in Newcastle, of which six have income deprivation scores over 50%. These wards are located on the River Tyne, in the East End and West End of Newcastle; Elswick, Scotswood and West City in the West End and Byker, Monkchester and Walker in the East End. Two additional wards, and Woolsington have populations where over 40% are income deprived (Map 9). Wards with an income deprivation score of 40% and over are twice as deprived as Castle, Dene, Heaton, Jesmond, South Gosforth and Westerhope wards.

42% of wards in Newcastle (11 wards) are within the top 10% most deprived wards in England. A further 7 wards are within the top 20%. The most deprived wards are primarily located along the riverside, stretching northwards through and Fawdon to Woolsington (Map 10).


Child poverty is widespread in Newcastle with seven wards having a child poverty score over 65%. Only one additional ward has a child poverty score of 55% or over. These wards Benwell, Byker, Elswick, Monkchester, Moorside, Scotswood, West City, and Walker are located along the riverside, with the exception of Moorside, which is, however, adjacent to West City (Map 11).

Five of the six wards with a child poverty score of less than 35% are located in the North East of Newcastle and border North Tyneside. The exception is Westerhope.

There are ten wards in Newcastle within the most deprived 10% of wards in England. Nine of these wards are also within the 10% most income deprived wards. 77% of wards in Newcastle are within the 30% most deprived wards in England (Map 12). Of the remaining 6 (23%) wards five are also the least income deprived in Newcastle. The exception is Grange, which is ranked lower on child poverty than general income deprivation.

Tyne & Wear Research and Information 17 Income Deprivation in Tyne & Wear

Map 9. INCOME DEPRIVATION SCORES, NEWCASTLE Index of Multiple Deprivation 2000

Income Scores

50.0% and over (6) 40.0% to 49.9% (2) 30.0% to 39.9% (9) 20.0% to 29.9% (3) < 20.0% (6)

Map 10. INCOME DEPRIVATION RANKS, NEWCASTLE Index of Multiple Deprivation 2000

Income Ranks (wards in England)

Most deprived 10% (11) 11 to 20% (7) 21 to 30% (1) 31 to 40% (1) Least deprived (6)

Source: Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions, Indices of Deprivation 2000, Tyne & Wear Research and Information.

Footnote: Income Deprivation scores are the number of people in each ward on the key means-tested benefits, expressed as a percentage of the total population of that ward (including children).

18 Tyne & Wear Research and Information Income Deprivation in Tyne & Wear

Map 11. CHILD POVERTY SCORES, NEWCASTLE Index of Multiple Deprivation 2000

Child Poverty Scores

65.0% and over (7) 55.0% to 64.9% (1) 45.0% to 54.9% (8) 35.0% to 44.9% (4) < 35.0% (6)

Map 12. CHILD POVERTY RANKS, NEWCASTLE Index of Multiple Deprivation 2000

Child Poverty Ranks (wards in England)

Most deprived 10% (10) 11 to 20% (8) 21 to 30% (2) 31 to 40% (0) Least deprived (6)

Source: Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions, Indices of Deprivation 2000, Tyne & Wear Research and Information.

Footnote: Child poverty index scores are the number of children in households reliant on the key means-tested benefits, expressed as a percentage of all children within that ward.

Tyne & Wear Research and Information 19 Income Deprivation in Tyne & Wear

20 Tyne & Wear Research and Information Income Deprivation in Tyne & Wear


There are twenty wards in North Tyneside, but only one ward, Chirton, has an income- deprivation score over 50%. Two wards, Collingwood and Riverside, have income deprivation scores over 40%. These wards are over twice as deprived as the coastal wards of St Mary's, Monkseaton and , which all have income deprivation scores of less than 20% (Map 13). The remainder and majority of the wards in North Tyneside have income deprivation scores of between 20% and 40%.

In North Tyneside there are six wards within the most income-deprived 10% of all wards in England. These wards are again primarily located along the River Tyne. The wards include Chirton, , Riverside and , with Collingwood and Longbenton being located further from the river (Map 14). The least income-deprived wards in North Tyneside are located in the north east of the borough, on or close to the coast. They are St Mary's and Monkseaton wards.


Child poverty in North Tyneside is over 65% in Chirton and Riverside wards. This contrasts sharply to its nine wards with child poverty scores of less than 35%. These low scoring wards are primarily located near to the coast, with the exceptions of Weetslade and Northumberland wards, which border with Newcastle (Map 15). The remaining nine wards have child poverty scores between 35% and 65%.

In North Tyneside seven wards are within the most deprived 10% of English wards. They are Chirton, Collingwood, Howdon, Longbenton, Riverside, Valley and Wallsend. Only one ward, Camperdown, is within the most deprived 20% of wards (Map 16). The least deprived wards in North Tyneside are found along the coast - Cullercoats, Monkseaton, St Mary's, and .

Tyne & Wear Research and Information 21 Income Deprivation in Tyne & Wear

Map 13. INCOME DEPRIVATION SCORES, NORTH TYNESIDE Index of Multiple Deprivation 2000

Income Scores

50.0% and over (1) 40.0% to 49.9% (2) 30.0% to 39.9% (5) 20.0% to 29.9% (9) < 20.0% (3)

Map 14. INCOME DEPRIVATION RANKS, NORTH TYNESIDE Index of Multiple Deprivation 2000

Income Ranks (wards in England)

Most deprived 10% (6) 11 to 20% (4) 21 to 30% (4) 31 to 40% (4) Least deprived (2)

Source: Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions, Indices of Deprivation 2000, Tyne & Wear Research and Information.

Footnote: Income Deprivation scores are the number of people in each ward on the key means-tested benefits, expressed as a percentage of the total population of that ward (including children).

22 Tyne & Wear Research and Information Income Deprivation in Tyne & Wear

Map 15. CHILD POVERTY SCORES, NORTH TYNESIDE Index of Multiple Deprivation 2000

Child Poverty Scores

65.0% and over (2) 55.0% to 64.9% (3) 45.0% to 54.9% (3) 35.0% to 44.9% (3) < 35.0% (9)

Map 16. CHILD POVERTY RANKS, NORTH TYNESIDE Index of Multiple Deprivation 2000

Child Poverty Ranks (wards in England)

Most deprived 10% (7) 11 to 20% (1) 21 to 30% (3) 31 to 40% (4) Least deprived (5)

Source: Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions, Indices of Deprivation 2000, Tyne & Wear Research and Information.

Footnote: Child poverty index scores are the number of children in households reliant on the key means-tested benefits, expressed as a percentage of all children within that ward.

Tyne & Wear Research and Information 23 Income Deprivation in Tyne & Wear

24 Tyne & Wear Research and Information Income Deprivation in Tyne & Wear


Income-deprivation in South Tyneside is widespread rather than extremely concentrated in a few wards. No ward has an income deprivation score over 50%, but seven wards have an income deprivation score over 40%. The majority of these wards are located close to the south bank of the Tyne. The exceptions are Cleadon Park and (Map 17). In three wards in South Tyneside less than 30% of the population are income deprived - Westoe, West Park and Whitburn & Marsden. One ward, Cleadon & East Boldon, has an income deprivation score of less than 20%. This ward is half as income deprived as the most deprived wards in South Tyneside.

Nine wards in South Tyneside are within the 10% most income deprived wards in England. They primarily correspond to the wards with income scores of 40% or over, with Harton and Beacon & Bents in addition. Three wards, & Simonside, West Park and Cleadon & East Boldon, have income ranks within the most deprived 20% of all wards in England (Map 18).


There are no wards in South Tyneside with a child poverty score of 65% or over. Five wards have child poverty scores over 55%. They are Bede, Rekendyke and Tyne Dock & Simonside located along the river Tyne, with Biddick Hall and Cleadon Park located further from the river. In three wards less than 35% of children are living in poverty - Cleadon & East Boldon, Westoe and West Park (Map 19).

On child poverty, of the most deprived 10% of wards in England, seven are located within South Tyneside. They are All Saints and Primrose wards and the five wards, which have child poverty scores of 55% or over. The wards form a cluster, with the exception of Cleadon Park. A further seven wards are within the most deprived 20% of wards in England. The least deprived wards in South Tyneside are Cleadon & East Boldon and Westoe (Map 20).

Tyne & Wear Research and Information 25 Income Deprivation in Tyne & Wear

Map 17. INCOME DEPRIVATION SCORES, SOUTH TYNESIDE Index of Multiple Deprivation 2000

Income Scores

50.0% and over (0) 40.0% to 49.9% (7) 30.0% to 39.9% (9) 20.0% to 29.9% (3) < 20.0% (1)

Map 18. INCOME DEPRIVATION RANKS, SOUTH TYNESIDE Index of Multiple Deprivation 2000

Income Ranks (wards in England)

Most deprived 10% (9) 11 to 20% (8) 21 to 30% (1) 31 to 40% (1) Least deprived (1)

Source: Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions, Indices of Deprivation 2000, Tyne & Wear Research and Information.

Footnote: Income Deprivation scores are the number of people in each ward on the key means-tested benefits, expressed as a percentage of the total population of that ward (including children).

26 Tyne & Wear Research and Information Income Deprivation in Tyne & Wear

Map 19. CHILD POVERTY SCORES, SOUTH TYNESIDE Index of Multiple Deprivation 2000

Child Poverty Scores

65.0% and over (0) 55.0% to 64.9% (5) 45.0% to 54.9% (7) 35.0% to 44.9% (5) < 35.0% (3)

Map 20. CHILD POVERTY RANKS, SOUTH TYNESIDE Index of Multiple Deprivation 2000

Child Poverty Ranks (wards in England)

Most deprived 10% (7) 11 to 20% (7) 21 to 30% (3) 31 to 40% (1) Least deprived (2)

Source: Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions, Indices of Deprivation 2000, Tyne & Wear Research and Information.

Footnote: Child poverty index scores are the number of children in households reliant on the key means-tested benefits, expressed as a percentage of all children within that ward.

Tyne & Wear Research and Information 27 Income Deprivation in Tyne & Wear

28 Tyne & Wear Research and Information Income Deprivation in Tyne & Wear


There are 25 wards in Sunderland, of which only one ward, Thorney Close, has an income deprivation score over 50%. Thorney Close does not follow the pattern of the most income- deprived wards in the other four districts, as it is not located on the river. However, the four wards with income deprivation scores of 40% and over form a cluster, two wards are located on the river, South Hylton and Southwick, with Town End Farm and Grindon adjoining these two wards. Only two wards in Sunderland have income deprivation scores of less than 20%; Fulwell and St Michael's. They are half as deprived as Grindon, South Hylton, Southwick, Thorney Close and Town End Farm (Map 21).

Out of the most deprived 10% of wards in England, nine are located in Sunderland. These wards form a 'T' shaped cluster along the river and southwards to Thorney Close. One ward, Hendon, is located away from this main cluster, on the coast (Map 22). Fulwell and St Michael's are the least deprived wards in Sunderland.


Four Sunderland wards have child poverty scores over 65%. These wards, Southwick, South Hylton, Grindon and Thorney Close are almost twice as deprived as Fulwell, St Michael's, St Peters and Washington South wards (Map 23). The majority of wards within Sunderland have child poverty scores between 35% and 55%.

84% of wards in Sunderland are within the most deprived 30% of wards in England, in relation to child poverty. The remaining four wards have a child poverty score less than 35%. Almost one third of Sunderland wards are within the most deprived 10% of wards in England, clustered around the River Wear (Map 24).

In Sunderland the wards within the most deprived 10% of English wards for child poverty, are the same as the most deprived 10% of wards for overall income deprivation. The exception is Colliery, which is within the top 20% of wards ranked on child poverty.

Tyne & Wear Research and Information 29 Income Deprivation in Tyne & Wear

Map 21. INCOME DEPRIVATION SCORES, SUNDERLAND Index of Multiple Deprivation 2000

Income Scores

50.0% and over (1) 40.0% to 49.9% (4) 30.0% to 39.9% (8) 20.0% to 29.9% (10) < 20.0% (2)

Map 22. INCOME DEPRIVATION RANKS, SUNDERLAND Index of Multiple Deprivation 2000

Income Ranks (wards in England)

Most deprived 10% (9) 11 to 20% (9) 21 to 30% (4) 31 to 40% (1) Least deprived (2)

Source: Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions, Indices of Deprivation 2000, Tyne & Wear Research and Information.

Footnote: Income Deprivation scores are the number of people in each ward on the key means-tested benefits, expressed as a percentage of the total population of that ward (including children).

30 Tyne & Wear Research and Information Income Deprivation in Tyne & Wear

Map 23. CHILD POVERTY SCORES, SUNDERLAND Index of Multiple Deprivation 2000

Child Poverty Scores

65.0% and over (4) 55.0% to 64.9% (1) 45.0% to 54.9% (6) 35.0% to 44.9% (10) < 35.0% (4)

Map 24. CHILD POVERTY RANKS, SUNDERLAND Index of Multiple Deprivation 2000

Child Poverty Ranks (wards in England)

Most deprived 10% (8) 11 to 20% (7) 21 to 30% (6) 31 to 40% (2) Least deprived (2)

Source: Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions, Indices of Deprivation 2000, Tyne & Wear Research and Information.

Footnote: Child poverty index scores are the number of children in households reliant on the key means-tested benefits, expressed as a percentage of all children within that ward.

Tyne & Wear Research and Information 31 Income Deprivation in Tyne & Wear



Table A1: Gateshead Ward IMD Income Domain and Child Poverty Scores and Ranks Name of Ward Income Income Child Child poverty domain score domain poverty rank (out of (%) rank (out of score (%) 8414) 8414) Bede 45.22 279 67.52 192 Bensham 41.31 439 54.36 705 Birtley 25.73 1926 36.59 2199 Blaydon 35.14 855 54.77 678 and Rowlands Gill 27.17 1720 37.55 2081 Chowdene 27.31 1700 37.12 2136 Crawcrook and Greenside 18.6 3369 24.75 3813 Deckham 40.25 497 57.26 558 Dunston 27.68 1656 40.87 1751 Felling 46.58 236 64.83 256 High Fell 44.31 316 64.51 266 31.9 1167 48.24 1116 Leam 34.81 882 52.8 789 Low Fell 14.83 4485 13.47 6231 and Heworth 28.74 1520 47.12 1199 Ryton 20.93 2788 27.31 3394 Saltwell 37.04 707 59.31 463 Teams 39.73 526 60.6 406 Whickham North 22.04 2571 31.04 2831 Whickham South 12.39 5399 14.72 5927 Winlaton 22.66 2447 29.05 3133 Wrekendyke 27.74 1646 40.62 1776

Note: Ranks are in England Source: DETR

32 Tyne & Wear Research and Information Income Deprivation in Tyne & Wear

Table A2: Newcastle Ward IMD Income Domain and Child Poverty Scores and Ranks Name of Ward Income Income Child Child poverty domain score domain rank poverty rank (out of 8414) (%) (out of 8414) score (%)

Benwell 46.66 234 61.63 373 Blakelaw 36.8 724 51.84 842 Byker 52.11 126 68.37 175 Castle 14.75 4514 18.05 5100 Dene 16.02 4083 20.71 4528 Denton 34.72 890 50.97 921 Elswick 54.86 84 72.8 96 Fawdon 39.27 560 53.36 758 35.32 837 50.38 965 Grange 21.05 2765 21.18 4436 Heaton 18.41 3417 35.02 2372 Jesmond 10.06 6483 5.62 8117 Kenton 34.93 873 46.61 1244 31.19 1236 43.93 1484 Monkchester 57.24 55 70.04 139 Moorside 29.97 1367 67.61 190 33 1054 43.33 1549 Sandyford 24.67 2094 46.48 1258 Scotswood 50.13 165 66.93 199 South Gosforth 9.55 6712 5.96 8066 Walker 57.6 49 74.42 77 32.18 1137 40.11 1826 West City 53.18 104 84.74 7 Westerhope 17.09 3759 17.5 5238 Wingrove 34.15 944 48.08 1128 Woolsington 41.13 458 54.4 703

Note: Ranks are in England Source: DETR

Tyne & Wear Research and Information 33 Income Deprivation in Tyne & Wear

Table A3: North Tyneside Ward IMD Income Domain and Child Poverty Scores and Ranks Name of Ward Income Income domain Child poverty Child poverty domain score rank (out of score (%) rank (out of (%) 8414) 8414)

Battle Hill 28.58 1543 39.27 1905 Benton 29.35 1444 38.97 1926 Camperdown 31.03 1255 45.97 1298 Chirton 55.25 78 66.53 213 Collingwood 40.2 500 57.41 550 Cullercoats 18.9 3288 19.73 4747 Holystone 26.9 1758 39.92 1843 Howdon 38.96 579 58.1 521 Longbenton 35.99 788 55.04 663 Monkseaton 13.28 5068 12.98 6357 24.4 2138 29.85 2991 Northumberland 26.11 1872 33.25 2576 Riverside 48.18 204 71.71 117 Seatonville 21.43 2691 27.98 3284 St. Mary's 8.08 7364 5.89 8076 Tynemouth 21.17 2742 24.16 3920 Valley 34.02 956 52.62 801 Wallsend 39.08 568 54.81 676 Weetslade 22.11 2557 33.45 2555 Whitley Bay 26.11 1874 24.02 3949

Note: Ranks are in England Source: DETR

34 Tyne & Wear Research and Information Income Deprivation in Tyne & Wear

Table A4: South Tyneside Ward IMD Income Domain and Child Poverty Scores and Ranks Name of Ward Income Income Child Child poverty domain score domain rank poverty rank (out of (%) (out of 8414) score (%) 8414)

All Saints 41.18 451 54 727 Beacon and Bents 39.17 563 50.98 920 Bede 47.35 222 62.98 314 Biddick Hall 45.79 255 62.9 318 Boldon Colliery 30.15 1347 40.85 1753 Cleadon and East Boldon 7.73 7501 5.81 8090 Cleadon Park 45.62 264 63.74 289 Fellgate and Hedworth 34.86 878 51.18 895 Harton 36.27 764 47 1215 Quay 32.89 1060 41.54 1699 Hebburn South 33.74 987 46.84 1226 Horsley Hill 31.69 1196 42.95 1575 Monkton 35.22 843 45.4 1351 Primrose 40.38 488 52.45 811 Rekendyke 47.72 214 63.61 293 Tyne Dock and Simonside 43.21 358 56.91 572 West Park 24.38 2142 33.75 2525 Westoe 22.19 2542 23.75 3980 Whitburn and Marsden 29.88 1379 38.55 1974 Whiteleas 33.68 992 44.29 1448

Note: Ranks are in England Source: DETR

Tyne & Wear Research and Information 35 Income Deprivation in Tyne & Wear

Table A5: Sunderland Ward IMD Income Domain and Child Poverty Scores and Ranks Name of Ward Income Income Child poverty Child poverty domain score domain rank score (%) rank (out of (%) (out of 8414) 8414)

Castletown 38.94 581 53.94 735 Central 35.04 863 54.4 702 Colliery 35.97 792 48.2 1119 Eppleton 28.57 1545 40.64 1772 Fulwell 12.28 5447 12.55 6482 Grindon 44.84 292 65.33 237 Hendon 37.76 662 51.09 905 Hetton 30.91 1271 45.33 1363 Houghton 30.93 1268 43.38 1544 28.2 1586 43.6 1521 29.26 1457 40.48 1795 26.01 1887 35.84 2293 Silksworth 28.61 1537 39.08 1916 South Hylton 49.12 186 66.12 220 Southwick 49.96 171 69.36 157 St. Chad's 27.74 1647 36.68 2185 St. Michael's 16.6 3916 18.98 4909 St. Peter's 26.23 1856 30.15 2950 Thorney Close 50.97 147 69.87 142 Thornholme 30.74 1286 43.85 1490 Town End Farm 46.21 241 61.97 361 Washington East 27.17 1721 44.13 1464 Washington North 36.5 743 54.51 694 Washington South 20.52 2879 29.11 3121 Washington West 26.8 1778 36.38 2224

Note: Ranks are in England Source: DETR

36 Tyne & Wear Research and Information