The Willow Scab Fungus, Fusicladuim Saliciperdum
BULLETIN 302 MARCH, 1929 THE WILLOW SCAB FUNGUS Fusicladium saliciperdum THE WILLOW SCAB FUNGUS Fusicladium saliciperdum G. P. CLINTON AND FLORENCEA. MCCORMICK The Bulletins cf this Station are mailed free to citizens of Connecticut who apply for them, and to other applicants as far as the editions permit. CONNECTICUT AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION OFFICERS AND STAFF BOARD OF CONTROL His Excellency, Governor John H. Trumbull, ex-oficio President George A. Hopson, Secretary. ............................Mt. Carmel Wm. L. Slate, Director and Treasurer. ................... .New Haven osephW.Alsop .............................................Avon klijah Rogers.. .......................................Southington Edward C. Schneider. ..................................Middletown Francis F. Lincoln. .......................................Cheshire STAFF. E. H. JENKINS,PH.D., Direclor Emerilus. Administration. WM. L. SLATE,B.Sc., DCeclor and Treasurer. MISS L. M. BRAUTLECHT,Bookkeeper and Librarian. G. E. GRAHAM,In charge of Buildings and Grounds. Chemistry: E. M. BAILEY,PH.D., Chemist in Charge. Analytical C. E. SHEPARD Labcratory. OWENL. NOLAN HARRYJ. FISHER,A.B. Assklanl Chemists. W. T. MATHIS 1 DAVID C-WA~DEN,B.S. j FRANKC. SHELDONLaboratory Assislanl. V. L. CHURCHILI.,&ling Agenl. MRS. A. B. VOSBURGH,Secretary. Biochemical H. B. VICKERY,PH.D., Biochemist in Charge. Laboratory. GEORGEW. PUCHERPH.D Research Assistanl. MISS HELENC. CA~NON,S.S.,Dielilion. Botany. G P CI.~TONSc.D Bolanist in Charge. E: M. STODDADB S" Pomoiogist MISS FLORENCE'A. 'M;~coRMIcK,~H.D., Palhologisr. HAROLDB. BENDER.B.S., Gradwale Assistant. A. D MCDONNELLGeneial Assislanl. MRS.' W. mr. KELSLY,Secrelary. Entomology. 'A'. E. BRITTONPH.D Enlomologisl in Charge: Stale Enlomologisl. B. H. WALDEI;,B.A~R. M. P. ZAPPE,B.S. Assislanl Enlomologisls. PHILIPGARMAN, PH.D. ROGERB.
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