Ickinstn:Y, Justus, Soldier, B. in New York About 1821. He Was Gra.Dua.Ted at the U
~IcKINSTn:Y, Justus, soldier, b. in New York about 1821. He was gra.dua.ted at the U. S. mili tary academy in 1888 and assigned to the 2d in fantry. He became 1st li eutenant, 18 April, 1841, and assistant quartermaster with the rank of cap tain on 3 March, 1847, and led a com pany of vol unteers at Contreras and Churubusco, where he was brevetted major for gallantry on 20 Aug., 1847. He participa.ted in the battle of Chapulte pec, and on 12 Jan., 1848, became captain, which post he vacated and served on quartermaster duty with the commissioners that were running the boundary-lines between the United States lind Mexico in 1849- '50, and in Califol'l1ia in 1850-'5. He became quartermaster with the ra.nk of major on 3 Aug., 1861, fl.nd was stationed at St. Louis fl. ud fl.ttac hed to the staff of Gen. John C. Fremont. He combined the duties of provost-marshal wit.h those of qUfl.rteJ'lnaster of the Depaltment of the West, on 2 Sf'pt., 1861, was appointed Lrigadier genoml of volunteers, and commanded It division on Gen. Fremont's march to Springfield. lIe was a.ccused of dishonesty in his transactions as qua.r termaster, and was arrested on 11 Nov., 1861, by Gen. Hunter, the successor of Gen. Fremont, and ordered to St. Louis, Mo., where he was closely confin ed in the arsena.1. The rigor of his impris onment was mitigated on 28 Feb., 1862, fl.nd in May he was released 0n parol e, but required to re main in St.
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