Издательский проект Publishing project Международный институт проблем The international institute of problems of Международного института проблем The international institute of problems of устойчивого развития sustainable development устойчивого развития sustainable development

¿ÍÍ‰ËÚÓ‚‡Ì ÔË Œ„‡ÌËÁ‡ˆËË Œ·˙‰ËÌÂÌÌ˚ı Õ‡ˆËÈ Accredited by the United Nations ÃÂʉÛ̇Ó‰Ì˚È ËÌÒÚËÚÛÚ ÔÓ·ÎÂÏ ÛÒÚÓÈ˜Ë‚Ó„Ó ‡Á- The international institute of problems of sustain- »Á‰‡ÂÚÒˇ ÔË ËÌÙÓχˆËÓÌÌÓÈ ÔÓ‰‰ÂÊÍ Published with information support of the Ministry of For- ‚ËÚˡ (ûœ”–) ÔÓ‚Ó‰ËÚ ‡·ÓÚ˚ ÔÓ ÙÓÏËÓ‚‡Ì˲ ûƒ –ÓÒÒËË eign Affairs of able development (IIPSD) carries out works on the for- ‚ –ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓÈ ‘‰Â‡ˆËË Ì‡Û˜ÌÓ-ÏÂÚÓ‰ÓÎӄ˘ÂÒÍÓÈ √·‚Ì˚È ‰‡ÍÚÓ Editor in chief mation in the Russian Federation of a scientific-method- ·‡Á˚, ‚ÌÛÚË„ÓÒÛ‰‡ÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓÈ Ë ÏÂʉÛ̇Ó‰ÌÓÈ ÒË- ÇÍÒËÏ ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ӂ˘ ‘≈ƒŒ–≈ÕüŒ Maxim FEDORENKO ological base, the state and international system of co- [email protected] [email protected] ÒÚÂÏ ÒÓÚÛ‰Ì˘ÂÒÚ‚‡ ‰Îˇ ‡ÎËÁ‡ˆËË ÔÓ„‡ÏÏ ÛÒ- operation for the realization of programmes of sustain- –‰‡ÍÚÓ Editor ÚÓÈ˜Ë‚Ó„Ó ‡Á‚ËÚˡ. ¬ËÍÚÓ ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ӂ˘ ÿÀ‹÷≈¬ Victor MALTSEV able development. [email protected] [email protected] Дирекция МИПУР Directorate of IIPSD ‡ÎËÁÛÂÚ ÒÚ‡Ú„˲ ûœ”– ̇ ÛÒÚÓȘ˂Ó Зарубежные представительства журнала Foreign representatives of the magazine, realizes the strategy of IIPSD on sustainable ‡Á‚ËÚË ‚ ÍÓÌÍÂÚÌ˚ı ÔÓÂÍÚ‡ı; ‡Á‡·‡Ú˚‚‡ÂÚ «Внешнеэкономические связи» и Международного ‘External Economic Relations’ and The International Insti development in concrete projects; develops института проблем устойчивого развития tute of sustainable development problems ÏÂı‡ÌËÁÏ˚ Ë ÔË‚ÎÂ͇ÂÚ ÚÂıÌÓÎÓ„ËË, mechanisms and involves the technologies Ó·ÂÒÔ˜˂‡˛˘Ë ÛÒÚÓȘ˂Ó ‡Á‚ËÚË √ÂχÌˡ: „. üÂθÌ, »χ ‘≈ÀÀ≈–, Germany: Koln, Irma FELLER, providing sustainable development ÏÂʉÛ̇Ó‰Ì˚ı ÓÚÌÓ¯ÂÌËÈ, „ÓÒÛ‰‡ÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚ı, [email protected] [email protected] of international relationships, state, 8-10-49-221-500-68-30 +49 (221) 500-68-30 ÚÂËÚÓˇθÌ˚ı Ë ÍÓÔÓ‡ÚË‚Ì˚ı ÒËÒÚÂÏ territorial and corporate ¬ÂÎËÍÓ·ËÚ‡Ìˡ: „. ŒÍÒÙÓ‰, ›‰ œ≈“≈–—, Great Britain: Oxford, Ed PETERS, ÛÔ‡‚ÎÂÌˡ. [email protected], [email protected] systems of control. 8-10-44-7900 67 50 39 +44 7900 67-50-39 Консультативный Совет Consulting Council ÿ‚ÂˆËˇ: „. —ÚÓÍ„ÓθÏ, ’ÂÎÂ̇ “»»’ŒÕ≈Õ, Sweden: Stockholm, Helena TIIHONEN ÙÓÏËÛÂÚ ‚ –ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓÈ ‘‰Â‡ˆËË forms in the Russian Federation an international [email protected] [email protected] ÏÂʉÛ̇Ó‰ÌÛ˛ ÒËÒÚÂÏÛ ÍÓÌÒÛθÚËÓ‚‡Ìˡ Ò +46 (0) 8 761 81 81 +46 (0) 8 761 81 81 consulting system with the aim of increasing the ef- ˆÂθ˛ ÔÓ‚˚¯ÂÌˡ ˝ÙÙÂÍÚË‚ÌÓÒÚË ‡ÎËÁ‡ˆËË ”Í‡Ë̇: „. üË‚, ¬‡‰ËÏ ¬ËÍÚÓӂ˘ √¿À»÷»Õ Ukraine: Kiev, Vadim Victorovich GALYTSIN, fectiveness of the realization of state and „ÓÒÛ‰‡ÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚ı Ë ÏÂʉÛ̇Ó‰Ì˚ı ÔÓ„‡ÏÏ +380 (44) 537-03-50 +380 (44) 537-03-50 international programmes of sustainable ÛÒÚÓÈ˜Ë‚Ó„Ó ‡Á‚ËÚˡ. ‘ËÌÎˇÌ‰Ëˇ: „. BaÁa, ’ÂËÍÍË “»»’ŒÕ≈Õ, Finland: Vaasa, Heikki TIIHONEN, development. [email protected] [email protected] +358 (0) 50 402 46 02 + 358 (0) 50 402 46 02 Научный Совет Research Council ÙÓÏËÛÂÚ ‚ –ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓÈ ‘‰Â‡ˆËË Ì‡Û˜ÌÓ- —ÿ¿: „. Õ¸˛-…ÓÍ, ƒÂÌËÒ —Â„‚˘ —≈–»üŒ¬, USA: New-York, Denis SERIKOV, forms in the Russian Federation a scientific-method- [email protected], [email protected], ÏÂÚÓ‰ÓÎӄ˘ÂÒÍÛ˛ ·‡ÁÛ, Ó„‡ÌËÁÛÂÚ ological base, organises fundamental +1 (573) 449-44-26 +1 (573) 449-44-26 ÙÛ̉‡ÏÂÌڇθÌ˚ ̇ۘÌ˚ ËÒÒΉӂ‡Ìˡ, ÒÓÁ‰‡ÂÚ scientific research, forms temporary working ¡Â·ÛÒ¸: „. ÃËÌÒÍ, »„Ó¸ √ÂÓ„Ë‚˘ ◊»¡»—Œ¬ Belarus: Minsk, Igor CHIBISOV ‚ÂÏÂÌÌ˚ ‡·Ó˜Ë ÍÓÎÎÂÍÚË‚˚ ‰Îˇ ̇ۘÌÓ„Ó ÚÂÎ. +375 (17) 225-50-73 +375 (17) 225-50-73 groups for the scientific provision of the Ó·ÂÒÔ˜ÂÌˡ ‡ÎËÁ‡ˆËË ÓÒÒËÈÒÍËı Ë realization of the Russian and international ÏÂʉÛ̇Ó‰Ì˚ı ÔÓ„‡ÏÏ ÛÒÚÓÈ˜Ë‚Ó„Ó ‡Á‚ËÚˡ. “ÂÎÂÙÓÌ ‰‡ÍˆËË +7 (095) 248-2085, Editor telephone +7 (095) 248-2085, programmes of sustainable development. ˝Î. ÔÓ˜Ú‡: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] Экспертный Совет The Advisory Council ¿‰ÂÒ ËÁ‰‡ÚÂΡ Publisherís Offices ÔÓ‚Ó‰ËÚ ÍÓÏÔÎÂÍÒÌÛ˛ ˝ÍÒÔÂÚËÁÛ ÔÓÂÍÚÓ‚, Suite 109, 22/14 Smolensky Blvd., Moscow carries out complex examination of projects, „. ÃÓÒÍ‚‡, —ÏÓÎÂÌÒÍËÈ ·Û肇, 22/14, ÓÙ. 109 ÍÓ̈ÂÔˆËÈ, ‡Ì‡ÎËÚ˘ÂÒÍËı Ë ËÌ˚ı ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚÓ‚ concepts, analytical and other documents œÂ‚Ӊ ̇ ‡Ì„ÎËÈÒÍËÈ ˇÁ˚Í Translation into English by ÔÓ Ì‡Û˜ÌÓ-Ó„‡ÌËÁ‡ˆËÓÌÌ˚Ï, ˝ÍÓÌÓÏ˘ÂÒÍËÏ, √ÛÔÔ‡ ÍÓÏÔ‡ÌËÈ ´√·„ÓΪ: Glagol Translation Group: on scientific-organisational, economic, ecological, ˝ÍÓÎӄ˘ÂÒÍËÏ, ÏÂʉÛ̇Ó‰Ì˚Ï, Ô‡‚Ó‚˚Ï Ë „. ÃÓÒÍ‚‡, ÛÎ. ƒÛ·ÓÒÂÍÓ‚Ò͇ˇ, 5/6, 5/6 Dubosekov skaya st., Moscow international, legal and other questions Ú. +7 (095) 730-0137, Ù. +7 (095) 737-3743, e-mail: [email protected] +7 (095) 730-0137, f. +7 (095) 737-3743, e-mail: [email protected] ‰Û„ËÏ ‚ÓÔÓÒ‡Ï Ó·ÂÒÔ˜ÂÌˡ ÛÒÚÓÈ˜Ë‚Ó„Ó of the maintenance of sustainable development ‡Á‚ËÚˡ –ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓÈ ‘‰Â‡ˆËË. РАСПРОСТРАНЕНИЕ ЖУРНАЛА «ВЭС» В РОССИИ DISTRIBUTION OF EERMAGAZINE IN RUSSIA of the Russian Federation. VIP-Distribution: –‡ÒÔÓÒÚ‡ÌÂÌË ÔÓ VIP-ÒÔËÒÍÛ: Редакционный Совет Editorial Council œÂÁˉÂÌÚ –‘; The President of the Russian Federation; ÓÒÛ˘ÂÒڂΡÂÚ ÍÓÓ‰Ë̇ˆË˛ ËÌÙÓχˆËÓÌÌ˚ı ‡‰ÏËÌËÒÚ‡ˆËˇ œÂÁˉÂÌÚ‡ –‘; Administration of the President of the Russian Federation; provides co-ordination of informational ÂÒÛÒÓ‚ ÔÓ Ó·ÂÒÔ˜ÂÌ˲ ̇ˆËÓ̇θÌ˚ı Ë Ô‰Ò‰‡ÚÂθ œ‡‚ËÚÂθÒÚ‚‡ –‘; Head of the Government of the Russian Federation; resources on the maintenance of national ÃËÌËÒÚÂÒÚ‚Ó ËÌÓÒÚ‡ÌÌ˚ı ‰ÂÎ –‘; The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation; ˝ÍÓÌÓÏ˘ÂÒÍËı ËÌÚÂÂÒÓ‚ –ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓÈ ÃËÌËÒÚÂÒÚ‚Ó ˝ÍÓÌÓÏ˘ÂÒÍÓ„Ó ‡Á‚ËÚˡ Ë ÚÓ„Ó‚ÎË –‘; The Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the RF; and economic interests of the Russian Federation ‘‰Â‡ˆËË Á‡ Û·ÂÊÓÏ, Ó·ÂÒÔ˜˂‡ÂÚ —Ó‚ÂÚ ¡ÂÁÓÔ‡ÒÌÓÒÚË; The Security Council; abroad, provides informational —Ó‚ÂÚ ‘‰Â‡ˆËË; The Federation Council; ËÌÙÓχˆËÓÌÌÓ ÒÓÔÓ‚ÓʉÂÌË ÔÓ„‡ÏÏ Ë accompaniment to the programmes √ÓÒÛ‰‡ÒÚ‚ÂÌ̇ˇ ƒÛχ –‘; The State Duma of the Russian Federation; ÔÓÂÍÚÓ‚ ûœ”–. Ô‰ÒÚ‡‚ËÚÂÎË œÂÁˉÂÌÚ‡ –‘ ‚ Ù‰Â‡Î¸Ì˚ı ÓÍÛ„‡ı; Representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in and projects of IIPSD. ÛÍÓ‚Ó‰ËÚÂÎË ÒÛ·˙ÂÍÚÓ‚ –‘; the Federal Districts; ÔÓÒÓθÒÚ‚‡ Á‡Û·ÂÊÌ˚ı ÒÚ‡Ì ‚ –‘; Heads of the region of the Russian Federation; Ô‡‚ËÚÂθÒÚ‚Ó „ÓÓ‰‡ ÃÓÒÍ‚˚; Embassies of foreign countries in the Russian Federation; ОБЛАСТЬ ПРИМЕНЕНИЯ: RANGE OF APPLICATION: ÃÓÒÍÓ‚Ò͇ˇ „ÓÓ‰Ò͇ˇ ƒÛχ; The Government of Moscow; ï‡Á‡·ÓÚ͇ ÔÓ„‡ÏÏ ÛÒÚÓÈ˜Ë‚Ó„Ó ‡Á‚ËÚˡ ÚÂËÚÓ- ïdevelopment of programmes of sustainable development of ̇ۘÌ˚ ۘÂʉÂÌˡ Ë ‚˚үˠۘ·Ì˚ Á‡‚‰ÂÌˡ; The Moscow City Duma; ËÈ; territories; “Ó„Ó‚Ó-ÔÓÏ˚¯ÎÂÌÌ˚ ԇ·Ú˚; Scientific institutions and higher educational establishments; ï‡Á‡·ÓÚ͇ ÔÓ„‡ÏÏ ÛÒÚÓÈ˜Ë‚Ó„Ó ‡Á‚ËÚˡ Ô‰Ôˡ- ïdevelopment of programmes of sustainable development of Ô‰ÒÚ‡‚ËÚÂθÒÚ‚‡ Á‡Û·ÂÊÌ˚ı ÙËÏ Chambers of Commerce and Industry; ÚËÈ Ë ÙËÏ; Ë ÍÓÏÔ‡ÌËÈ ‚ –ÓÒÒËË. Representative Offices of foreign companies in Russia. enterprises and firms; ïËÌÙÓχˆËÓÌÌÓÂ Ë ÍÓÌÒ‡ÎÚËÌ„Ó‚Ó ӷÂÒÔ˜ÂÌË ÏÂÊ„Ó- ïinformation and consulting maintenance of interstate ne- –ÓÁÌ˘̇ˇ ÔÓ‰‡Ê‡. Retail sales. ÒÛ‰‡ÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚ı ÔÂ„ӂÓÓ‚; gotiations; Distribution by subscription –‡ÒÔÓÒÚ‡ÌÂÌË ÔÓ ÔÓ‰ÔËÒÍÂ. ïÔ·ÌËÓ‚‡ÌËÂ Ë Ôӂ‰ÂÌË ÏÂʉÛ̇Ó‰Ì˚ı ̇ۘÌ˚ı Ë ïplanning and carrying out of international scientific and РАСПРОСТРАНЕНИЕ ЗА ПРЕДЕЛАМИ РОССИИ DISTRIBUTION OUTSIDE RUSSIA: Ó·˘ÂÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚ı ÏÂÓÔˡÚËÈ, ̇Ô‡‚ÎÂÌÌ˚ı ̇ ÒÓÁ‰‡ÌË public actions directed at the creation of the internation- –‡ÒÔÓÒÚ‡ÌÂÌË ÔÓ VIP-ÒÔËÒÍÛ: VIP-Distribution ÏÂʉÛ̇Ó‰ÌÓÈ ËÌÙ‡ÒÚÛÍÚÛ˚ ÛÒÚÓÈ˜Ë‚Ó„Ó ‡Á‚ËÚˡ; al infrastructure of sustainable development; „·‚˚ „ÓÒÛ‰‡ÒÚ‚; Heads of states; ïÔӂ‰ÂÌË ÙÛ̉‡ÏÂÌڇθÌ˚ı ËÒÒΉӂ‡ÌËÈ ‚Á‡ËÏÓ‰ÂÈ- ïcarrying out of fundamental investigation of interaction of ÏÂʉÛ̇Ó‰Ì˚ Ó„‡ÌËÁ‡ˆËË; International organisations; Òڂˡ „ÓÒÛ‰‡ÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚ı, ÂÎË„ËÓÁÌ˚ı Ë Ì‡ˆËÓ̇θÌ˚ı the state, religious and national centres of authority; ÔÓÒÓθÒÚ‚‡ –‘ ‚ Á‡Û·ÂÊÌ˚ı ÒÚ‡Ì‡ı; Embassies of the Russian Federation abroad; ˆÂÌÚÓ‚ ‚·ÒÚË; ïdesigning and creation of the international organisations ‚Â‰Û˘Ë ÍÓÏÔ‡ÌËË. Leading companies. ïÔÓÂÍÚËÓ‚‡ÌËÂ Ë ÒÓÁ‰‡ÌË ÏÂʉÛ̇Ó‰Ì˚ı Ó„‡ÌËÁ‡- providing formation of the international system of sus- ‚˚ÒÚ‡‚ÍË, ÍÓÌÙÂÂ̈ËË. exhibitions, conferences. ˆËÈ, Ó·ÂÒÔ˜˂‡˛˘Ëı ÙÓÏËÓ‚‡ÌË ÏÂʉÛ̇Ó‰ÌÓÈ tainable development; ÒËÒÚÂÏ˚ ÛÒÚÓÈ˜Ë‚Ó„Ó ‡Á‚ËÚˡ; ïthe organisation of international corporate and commer- »Á‰‡ÌË Á‡„ËÒÚËÓ‚‡ÌÓ ‚ Ãœ“– –‘ œ» π 77ñ15ñ242 ÓÚ 25.04.03 „. ”˜‰ËÚÂθ ÊÛ̇·: fi–»“, „. ÃÓÒÍ‚‡ ïÓ„‡ÌËÁ‡ˆËˇ ÏÂʉÛ̇Ó‰Ì˚ı ÍÓÔÓ‡ÚË‚Ì˚ı Ë ÍÓÏÏÂ- cial interrelations; ŒÚÔ˜‡Ú‡ÌÓ ‚ ÚËÔÓ„‡ÙËË ´œËÌÚ-ÒÂ‚ËÒª: „. –ÓÒÚÓ‚-̇-ƒÓÌÛ, Ô. ÿÓÎÓıÓ‚‡, 11·. ÷Â̇ ҂ӷӉ̇ˇ. œÓÎÌÓ ËÎË ˜‡ÒÚ˘ÌÓ ‚ÓÒÔ- ˜ÂÒÍËı ‚Á‡ËÏÓÒ‚ˇÁÂÈ; ïpreparation for, and the edition of textbooks, books, mag- ÓËÁ‚‰ÂÌË ËÎË ‡ÁÏÌÓÊÂÌË ͇ÍËÏ ·˚ ÚÓ ÌË ·˚ÎÓ ÒÔÓÒÓ·ÓÏ Ï‡ÚÂˇÎÓ‚, ÓÔÛ·ÎËÍÓ‚‡ÌÌ˚ı ‚ ÊÛ̇Π´¬›—ª, ‰ÓÔÛÒ͇- ïÔÓ‰„ÓÚӂ͇ Í ËÁ‰‡Ì˲ Ë ËÁ‰‡ÌË ۘ·ÌËÍÓ‚, ÍÌË„, ÊÛ- azines and newspapers realizing the ideology of sustainable ÂÚÒˇ ÚÓθÍÓ Ò ÔËÒ¸ÏÂÌÌÓ„Ó ‡Á¯ÂÌˡ fi–»“, „. ÃÓÒÍ‚‡. –‰‡ÍˆËˇ Ì ÌÂÒÂÚ ÓÚ‚ÂÚÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓÒÚË Á‡ ÒÓ‰ÂʇÌË ÂÍ·ÏÌ˚ı ̇ÎÓ‚ Ë „‡ÁÂÚ, ‡ÎËÁÛ˛˘Ëı ˉÂÓÎӄ˲ ÛÒÚÓÈ˜Ë‚Ó„Ó development. ·ÎÓÍÓ‚. œËÒ·ÌÌ˚ χÚÂˇÎ˚ Ì ˆÂÌÁËÛ˛ÚÒˇ Ë Ì ‚ÓÁ‚‡˘‡˛ÚÒˇ. ‡Á‚ËÚˡ. WWW.MIPUR.ORG WWW.MIPUR.ORG Издательский проект Publishing project Издательский проект Publishing project Международного института проблем The international institute of problems of Международного института проблем The international institute of problems of устойчивого развития sustainable development устойчивого развития sustainable development Содержание Contents Международные отношения International relationships

Терри Дэвис ...... 8 Terry Davis ...... 8 А.В. Филипенко ...... 10 A.V. Filipenko ...... 10 Россия – Совет Европы: партнерство во имя развития Partnership between Russia and the Council of Europe В.И. Кузьмин ...... 12 V. I. Kuzmin ...... 12 Русские идут! The Russians are coming! Ханты'Мансийский автономный округ – Югра ...... 24 'Mansiysk Autonomous District – Yugra ...... 24 Участие Ханты'Мансийского aвтономного округа – Югры The Northern Forum Participation of в международной ассоциации «Северный Форум» ...... 40 Khanty'Mansiysk Autonomous District (Yugra) ...... 40 Сотрудничество между Министерством по делам индейцев Co'operation between the Department of Indian affairs и развитию Севера Канады (МДИРС) и Ханты'Мансийским and northern development (DIAND) with Khanty'Mansiysk автономным округом – Югрой (ХМАО) ...... 44 Autonomous District ...... 44 «СИБУР'Тюмень» ...... 46 SIBUR' ...... 46 «Строительная компания ВНСС» ...... 50 Building Company VNSS ...... 50 ХАНТЫ'МАНСИЙСКИЙ БАНК ...... 52 Bank of Khanty'Mansiysk ...... 52 «МТА» – история успеха ...... 54 MTA ' a history of success ...... 54 «Уралсвязьинформ» ...... 56 Uralsvyazinform ...... 56 «Северавтотранс» ...... 58 Severavtotrans ...... 58 Глобальный мир A global world ОЭСР OECD ОЭСР в системе международных организаций ...... 62 OECD in the System of International Organisations ...... 62 МЕРКОСУР MERCOSUR Главы МИД МЕРКОСУР одобрили создание The MERCOSUR Ministers of Foreign Affairs approved establishment Фонда структурной конвергенции ...... 64 of the Fund for Structural Convergence ...... 64 ООН UNITED NATIONS Юбилейная сессия Генеральной Ассамблеи будет интенсивной ...... 66 The Jubilee session of the General Assembly will be intensive ...... 66 «Вольво Восток» ...... 68 Volvo Vostok ...... 68 «Эниро Рус – М» ...... 72 Eniro Rus'M ...... 72 «Узбекинвест» – надежные гарантии для иностранных инвестиций ...... 74 Uzbekinvest – reliable guarantees for foreign investment ...... 74

WWW.MIPUR.ORG WWW.MIPUR.ORG Я удовлетворен своим визитом в Россию, особенно мне понравился балет в Большом театре. Хочу выразить свою признательность российскому Правительству, всем россиянам, в том числе читателям журнала «ВЭС».

Терри ДЭВИС, Генеральный секретарь Совета Европы. 15 февраля 2005 года

С 13 по 15 февраля Генеральный секретарь Совета Европы Терри Дэвис посетил Российскую Федерацию с официальным визитом

В ходе встреч в Москве были затронуты вопросы, касающи' еся сотрудничества между Со' ветом Европы и Россией, борь' Terry Davis, Secretary General of the European бы с терроризмом и организо' Council, paid an official visit to the Russian Federa ванной преступностью, функ' tion on 13–15 February ционирования Европейского суда по правам человека, прог' The meetings in Moscow have discussed issues related to раммы совместных мероприя' co'operation between the European Council and Russia, fight' тий в Чеченской Республике, а ing against terrorism and organised crime, the functioning также другие политические of the European Court of Human Rights, the combined ac' вопросы, представляющие tion programme in the Republic of Chechnia, and some oth' взаимный интерес. er political problems of common concern. Ханты'Мансийский автономный округ – Югра For seventy'five years of its historic background образован в далеком тридцатом году прошлого сто' the Khanty'Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug ' Yugra летия. За семьдесят пять лет своей биографии ок' has passed the way from an outlandish Siberian руг прошел путь от глухой сибирской провинции до province to the main fuel and energy base of the главной топливно'энергетической базы страны и country and has become the acknowledged leader стал сегодня признанным лидером российской эко' of the Russian economy. номики, энергетическим сердцем России. For half a century of the industrial development, За полвека промышленного освоения из недр over eight billion tons of oil have been extracted Югры извлечено более восьми миллиардов тонн неф' from the subsoils of Yugra; the quota of the Au' ти, доля автономного округа в общем объеме про' tonomous Okrug in the total output of Russia’s in' мышленного производства России превышает во' dustrial production exceeds 8 %; over 15 % of the семь процентов, более пятнадцати процентов феде' federal budget are formed by tax'payers of the Khan' рального бюджета формируют налогоплательщики ty'Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, and power engi' Ханты'Мансийского автономного округа, а энерге' neers of Yugra confidently occupy the top position тики Югры уверенно занимают лидирующие пози' in generation of electric energy. We are the second ции в производстве электроэнергии. Вторые места in Russia regarding gas production and amount of в России мы занимаем по добыче газа и объему ин' investments to the fixed capital. Putting into oper' вестиций в основной капитал. Сдача в эксплуатацию ation the highway bridge over the Irtysh river and автомобильного моста через Иртыш и строительст' construction of the «latitudinal highway corridor» во «широтного автомобильного коридора» позво' will allow us in the near future to include the west' лят нам в самом ближайшем будущем включить в ern parts of our region to the category of attractive разряд инвестиционно'привлекательных наши за' ones in respect of investments, to expand oppor' падные территории, расширить интеграционные воз' tunities for integration with industrial Urals region, можности с промышленным Уралом, начать на прак' to start the practical development of the richest re' тике разработку богатейших запасов твердых мине' serves of solid minerals at the Pre'Polar Urals. ральных ископаемых Приполярного Урала. In the Autonomous Okrug it has been created В автономном округе создан надежный фунда' the reliable base for strengthening the population’s мент для укрепления социальной защищенности social protection, for the development of produc' населения, развития производства, создания но' tion, for the creation of conditions for people’s em' вых рабочих мест, реализации масштабных и пер' ployment, for the implementation of large'scale and спективных экономических проектов, совершенст' perspective economic projects, for the improvement вования взаимоотношений органов власти всех of mutual relations among public authorities of all уровней, укрепления и расширения многосторон' the levels, for strengthening and expanding multi' них деловых, культурных и дружеских связей. lateral business, cultural and friendly relations. О нашей земле говорят: Югра – энергетическое People say about our region: Yugra is the ener' сердце России. Уверен, что таковым оно будет еще gy heart of Russia. I am confident that it will be so долгие и долгие годы. for long, long years in the future.

Губернатор Governor of Ханты'Мансийского the Khanty'Mansiysk автономного округа – Югры Autonomous District – Yugra А.В. ФИЛИПЕНКО A.V. FILIPENKO 12 INTERNATIONAL RELATIONSHIPS МЕЖДУНАРОДНЫЕ ОТНОШЕНИЯ

Директор департамента по связям с субъектами федерации, парламентом и общественно'политическими организациями МИД России Валерий Иванович КУЗЬМИН

Россия – Совет Европы: партнерство во имя развития

Сотрудничество в области федерализма, местного и регионального управления, развития межрегио' нальных и приграничных связей (1994 – 2004 годы).

—ÓÚÛ‰Ì˘ÂÒÚ‚Ó ‚ ӷ·ÒÚË Ù‰Â‡ÎËÁ- ÒÂÏË̇‡ı Ó·ÒÛʉ‡ÎËÒ¸ ‚ÓÔÓÒ˚ ‡Á- ÏÂÊ‰Û Ù‰Â‡ˆËÂÈ Ë Â ÒÛ·˙ÂÍÚ‡ÏË, χ˛Ú Û˜‡ÒÚË ‰Â΄‡Ú˚ ÓÚ ‚ÒÂı 89 ÒÛ·˙- 1997 within the framework of the χ Ë „ËÓ̇θÌÓÈ ÔÓÎËÚËÍË ‚ –ÓÒ- ‚ËÚˡ ÒËÒÚÂÏ˚ Ù‰Â‡ÎËÁχ ‚ –ÓÒÒËË, Partnership Óθ Òۉ·Ì˚ı Ó„‡ÌÓ‚ ‚ ‡Á¯ÂÌËË ÂÍÚÓ‚ –‘, ‡ Ú‡ÍÊ Ô‰ÒÚ‡‚ËÚÂÎË Ù‰Â- RUS-1 Project of the Joint Programme ÒËÈÒÍÓÈ ‘‰Â‡ˆËË ˇ‚ΡÎÓÒ¸ Ó‰ÌËÏ ËÁ Â„Ó Ô‡‚Ó‚ÓÈ ·‡Á˚, ÒÚ‡ÚÛÒ‡ ÒÛ·˙ÂÍÚÓ‚ ÒÔÓÌ˚ı ‚ÓÔÓÒÓ‚, Ò‚ˇÁ‡ÌÌ˚ı Ò ‡Á„‡- ‡Î¸Ì˚ı Ó„‡ÌÓ‚ ‚·ÒÚË, Ó·˘ÂÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚ı with the Commission of European ÔËÓËÚÂÚÓ‚ ‚Ó ‚Á‡ËÏÓ‰ÂÈÒÚ‚ËË ÏÂÊ- Ù‰Â‡ˆËË, ‡Á„‡Ì˘ÂÌˡ ÔÓÎÌÓÏÓ˜ËÈ between Ì˘ÂÌËÂÏ Ô‰ÏÂÚÓ‚ ‚‰ÂÌˡ Ë ÔÓÎÌÓ- Ó„‡ÌËÁ‡ˆËÈ Ë ÔÂÒÒ˚. ¬ 1999 „Ó‰Û ÔÓ communities) were carried out in ‰Û —Ó‚ÂÚÓÏ ≈‚ÓÔ˚ (—≈) Ë –ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓÈ ÏÂÊ‰Û ˆÂÌÚÓÏ Ë „ËÓ̇ÏË. «‡ÏÂÚÌ˚È ÏÓ˜ËÈ Ù‰Â‡ˆËË Ë Â ÒÛ·˙ÂÍÚÓ‚). ÒÎÛ˜‡˛ 50-ÎÂÚˡ —≈ ‚ ÃÓÒÍ‚Â ·˚ÎÓ ÔÓ- three directions: ‘‰Â‡ˆËÂÈ. ÂÁÓ̇ÌÒ ‚ ÓÒÒËÈÒÍËı ̇ۘÌ˚ı Ë Ó·- Russia and ¬ ˆÂΡı ‚˚ÔÓÎÌÂÌˡ ¯ÂÌËÈ II ‚‰ÂÌÓ ‰ÂÒˇÚÓ Á‡Ò‰‡ÌË ü—, ÔÓÒ‚ˇ˘ÂÌ- ï archetypes of federalism, status of sub- ƒÂˇÚÂθÌÓÒÚ¸ ÔÓ Ó͇Á‡Ì˲ ÔÓÏÓ˘Ë ˘ÂÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓ-ÔÓÎËÚ˘ÂÒÍËı ÍÛ„‡ı ÔÓÎÛ- ÃÂʉÛ̇Ó‰ÌÓÈ ÍÓÌÙÂÂ̈ËË ÔÓ ÔÓ·- ÌÓ ÒÓÚÛ‰Ì˘ÂÒÚ‚Û Ò —≈ ‚ ӷ·ÒÚË ÙÂ- jects of the Federation, hierarchy of Ë ÒÓÚÛ‰Ì˘ÂÒÚ‚Û ‚ ӷ·ÒÚË Ù‰Â‡ÎËÁ- ˜ËÎË Ôӂ‰ÂÌÌ˚ ‚ 1994-Ï Ë 1997 „Ó‰Û the Council of ÎÂÏ‡Ï Ù‰Â‡ÎËÁχ ·˚ÎË ÒÓÁ‰‡Ì˚ —Ó‚- ‰Â‡ÎËÁχ. ü— ‚ Ò‚ÓÂÏ Á‡Íβ˜ËÚÂθÌÓÏ legislative acts in the federal state, χ ÓÒÛ˘ÂÒÚ‚ÎˇÎ‡Ò¸ ‚ ÚË ˝Ú‡Ô‡: ‚ ÃÓÒÍ‚Â ÏÂʉÛ̇Ó‰Ì˚ ÍÓÌÙÂÂ̈ËË ÏÂÒÚÌ˚ ‡·Ó˜Ë „ÛÔÔ˚ Ò Û˜‡ÒÚËÂÏ ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ ÓÚÏÂÚËÎ, ˜ÚÓ ‚ –ÓÒÒËË Ò 1996 scheme of settlement for conflicts of ju- EXTERNAL ECONOMIC RELATIONS | ВНЕШНЕЭКОНОМИЧЕСКИЕ СВЯЗИ • № 3, МАРТ 2005 ïÔÂ‚˚È ˝Ú‡Ô ñ ´»ÁÛ˜ÂÌË ÓÒÌÓ‚ Ù‰Â- ÔÓ ÔÓ·ÎÂÏ‡Ï Ù‰Â‡ÎËÁχ Ò Û˜‡ÒÚËÂÏ ÓÒÒËÈÒÍËı ÒÔˆˇÎËÒÚÓ‚ Ë ˝ÍÒÔÂÚÓ‚ „Ó‰‡ ·˚Î ‰ÓÒÚË„ÌÛÚ Á‡ÏÂÚÌ˚È ÔÓ„ÂÒÒ risdiction; ‡ÎËÁχª (1994ñ1995 „Ó‰˚); Ô‰ÒÚ‡‚ËÚÂÎÂÈ —≈. Europe —Ó‚ÂÚ‡ ≈‚ÓÔ˚. ¬ 1998-2001 „Ó‰‡ı ‡- ‚ ‡Á‚ËÚËË Ù‰Â‡ÎËÁχ, „ËÓ̇θÌÓÈ ïbudgetary and tax federalism; ï‚ÚÓÓÈ ˝Ú‡Ô ñ ´Œ·ÒÛʉÂÌË Ù‰Â‡- I ÃÂʉÛ̇Ӊ̇ˇ ÍÓÌÙÂÂÌˆËˇ ÔÓ ·Ó˜Ë „ÛÔÔ˚ ÔÓ‰„ÓÚÓ‚ËÎË ‡Ì‡ÎËÚ˘ÂÒ- Ë ÏÂÒÚÌÓÈ ‰ÂÏÓÍ‡ÚËË. «‡ ÍÓÓÚÍË ÒÓ- ïinternational and foreign economic re- ÎËÁχª (1996ñ1997 „Ó‰˚); ÔÓ·ÎÂÏ‡Ï Ù‰Â‡ÎËÁχ, Ôӂ‰ÂÌ̇ˇ ‚ Co'operation in the area of federalism, ÍË ‰ÓÍ·‰˚ Ë ÂÍÓÏẨ‡ˆËË ÔÓ ÒΉÛ- ÍË ÒÓÁ‰‡Ì‡ Ë ÔÓÒÚÓˇÌÌÓ ÒÓ‚Â¯ÂÌÒÚ‚Û- lations of subjects of the Federation. ïÚÂÚËÈ ˝Ú‡Ô ñ ´—Ó‚ÏÂÒÚ̇ˇ ‡·ÓÚ‡ ÔÓ ÃÓÒÍ‚Â ‚ Ù‚‡Î 1994 „Ó‰‡, ËÏ· Ò‚Ó- local and regional government, devel' ˛˘ËÏ ‚ÓÔÓÒ‡Ï: ÂÚÒˇ Ô‡‚Ó‚‡ˇ ·‡Á‡ Ù‰Â‡ÚË‚Ì˚ı ÓÚÌÓ- Within the framework of the RUS-1 ÔÓ·ÎÂÏ‡Ï Ù‰Â‡ÎËÁχ ‚ –ÓÒÒË˪ (̇- ÂÈ ˆÂθ˛ ÔÓ‰Ó·ÌÓ ËÁÛ˜ËÚ¸ ÔÓ·ÎÂÏ˚ opment of interregional and cross'bor' ï Á‡ÍÓÌÓ‰‡ÚÂθÌ˚ ‡ÒÔÂÍÚ˚ ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓ- ¯ÂÌËÈ Ë ÏÂÒÚÌÓ„Ó Ò‡ÏÓÛÔ‡‚ÎÂÌˡ. ›ÚÓ- Project and RUSFED Programme (start- ˜Ë̇ˇ Ò 1998 „Ó‰‡). Ù‰Â‡ÎËÁχ ‚ –ÓÒÒËË ‚ ÔÂ‚Û˛ Ó˜Â‰¸ der co'operation (1994 to 2004) „Ó Ù‰Â‡ÎËÁχ (‚ ˜‡ÒÚÌÓÒÚË, ‡Á„‡- ÏÛ ÒÔÓÒÓ·ÒÚ‚Ó‚‡ÎË ËÁÛ˜ÂÌË ÓÔ˚Ú‡ „Ó- ing from 2000), various conferences, œÓ„‡ÏÏ˚ ÒÓÚÛ‰Ì˘ÂÒÚ‚‡ ‚ ӷ·Ò- ̇ ÚÂÓÂÚ˘ÂÒÍÓÏ ÛÓ‚ÌÂ. Õ‡ ÙÓÛÏ ӷ- Ì˘ÂÌË ÔÓÎÌÓÏÓ˜ËÈ Ë Ô‰ÏÂÚÓ‚ ‚Â- ÒÛ‰‡ÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓ„Ó ÒÚÓËÚÂθÒÚ‚‡ ̇ round tables and seminars have dis- ÚË Ù‰Â‡ÎËÁχ ‚ ÔÂËÓ‰ Ò 1994-„Ó ÔÓ ÒÛʉ‡ÎÒˇ ıÓ‰ ‡ÎËÁ‡ˆËË ÔË̈ËÔÓ‚ Co-operation in the area of federalism ‰ÂÌˡ ÏÂÊ‰Û ˆÂÌÚÓÏ Ë „ËÓ̇ÏË); ÔË̈ËÔ‡ı Ù‰Â‡ÎËÁχ, ̇ÍÓÔÎÂÌÌÓ„Ó cussed issues of federalist system devel- 1997 „Ó‰ (Ë, ‚ ˜‡ÒÚÌÓÒÚË, Ò 1996-„Ó ÔÓ Ôβ‡ÎËÒÚ˘ÂÒÍÓÈ ‰ÂÏÓÍ‡ÚËË, ‚ÂıÓ‚ÂÌ- and regional policy in the Russian ï ̇ÎÓ„Ó‚˚È Ù‰Â‡ÎËÁÏ; ÒÚ‡Ì‡ÏË ñ ˜ÎÂ̇ÏË —≈, ‰ÂˇÚÂθÌÓÒÚ¸ opment in Russia, its legal basis, the sta- 1997 „Ó‰ ‚ ‡Ï͇ı ÔÓÂÍÚ‡ –”—-I —Ó‚ÏÂ- ÒÚ‚‡ Á‡ÍÓ̇ Ë ÌÂÓ·ıÓ‰ËÏÓÒÚË Á‡˘ËÚ˚ Federation is a priority in the interac- ï ÏÂÊ„ËÓ̇θ̇ˇ ËÌÚ„‡ˆËˇ Í‡Í üÓÌ„ÂÒÒ‡ ÏÂÒÚÌ˚ı Ë „ËÓ̇θÌ˚ı ‚·Ò- tus of subjects of the Federation, delimi- ÒÚÌÓÈ ÔÓ„‡ÏÏ˚ Ò üÓÏËÒÒËÂÈ ≈‚ÓÔÂÈÒ- Ô‡‚ ˜ÂÎÓ‚Â͇ ‚ ‡Ï͇ı Ù‰Â‡ÚË‚ÌÓ„Ó tion between the Council of Europe Ù‡ÍÚÓ ÛÍÂÔÎÂÌˡ Ù‰Â‡ÎËÁχ ‚ ÚÂÈ ≈‚ÓÔ˚ ÔÓ ÔÓ‰‰ÂÊÍ ‡Á‚ËÚˡ ‰Â- tation of authority between the centre ÍËı ÒÓÓ·˘ÂÒÚ‚) ÓÒÛ˘ÂÒڂΡÎËÒ¸ ‚ ÚÂı ÛÒÚÓÈÒÚ‚‡ –ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓÈ ‘‰Â‡ˆËË. (CE) and the Russian Federation. –ÓÒÒËË; ÏÓÍ‡ÚËË Ì‡ „ËÓ̇θÌÓÏ Ë ÏÂÒÚÌÓÏ and the regions. The 1994 and 1997 in- ÓÒÌÓ‚Ì˚ı ̇Ô‡‚ÎÂÌˡı: II ÃÂʉÛ̇Ӊ̇ˇ ÍÓÌÙÂÂÌˆËˇ ÔÓ The assistance and co-operation ac- ï ÒÓ‚Â¯ÂÌÒÚ‚Ó‚‡ÌË ‡·ÓÚ˚ Ù‰Â‡Î¸- ÛÓ‚Ìˇı ‚ ‚ÓÔÂÈÒÍËı „ÓÒÛ‰‡ÒÚ‚‡ı, ‡- ternational Moscow-held conferences on ïÏÓ‰ÂÎË Ù‰Â‡ÎËÁχ, ÒÚ‡ÚÛÒ ÒÛ·˙ÂÍ- ÔÓ·ÎÂÏ‡Ï Ù‰Â‡ÎËÁχ ÒÓÒÚÓˇÎ‡Ò¸ ‚ tivities in the area of federalism were Ì˚ı Ó„‡ÌÓ‚ ËÒÔÓÎÌËÚÂθÌÓÈ ‚·ÒÚË; ÚËÙË͇ˆËˇ –ÓÒÒËÂÈ ≈‚ÓÔÂÈÒÍÓÈ ı‡ÚËË problems of federalism with the partici- ÚÓ‚ Ù‰Â‡ˆËË, ËÂ‡ıˡ Á‡ÍÓÌÓ‰‡- ÃÓÒÍ‚Â ‚ ‰Â͇· 1997 „Ó‰‡. ≈ ۘ‡ÒÚ- carried out in three stages: ï ÏÂÚÓ‰˚ Ë Ó„‡ÌËÁ‡ˆËÓÌÌ˚ Ôӈ‰Û- ÏÂÒÚÌÓ„Ó Ò‡ÏÓÛÔ‡‚ÎÂÌˡ. pation of CE representatives had an ap- ÚÂθÌ˚ı ‡ÍÚÓ‚ ‚ Ù‰Â‡ÚË‚ÌÓÏ „ÓÒÛ- ÌËÍË ÔËÌˇÎË ¯ÂÌËÂ Ó ÌÂÓ·ıÓ‰ËÏÓÒ- ïStage 1 ñ Study of the basics of feder- ˚ Òӄ·ÒÓ‚‡Ìˡ ËÌÚÂÂÒÓ‚ Ù‰Â‡ˆËË ¬ ‡Ï͇ı ÔÓ„‡ÏÏ ÒÓÚÛ‰Ì˘ÂÒÚ‚‡ preciable public response in the scientific ‰‡ÒÚ‚Â, ÔÓˇ‰ÓÍ Û„ÛÎËÓ‚‡Ìˡ ÍÓÎ- ÚË ‡Á‡·ÓÚÍË ÌÓ‚ÓÈ ÔÓ„‡ÏÏ˚ ÒÓ- alism (1994 to 1995); Ë Â ÒÛ·˙ÂÍÚÓ‚ ÔË ÒÓÒÚ‡‚ÎÂÌËË Á‡ÍÓ- ‡ÍÚË‚ÌÓ ‚̉ˇÎËÒ¸ ÌÓ‚˚ ÙÓÏ˚ ‡·Ó- and socio-political circles of Russia. ÎËÁËÈ Ô‡‚Ó‚˚ı ÌÓÏ; ÚÛ‰Ì˘ÂÒÚ‚‡, Ëϲ˘ÂÈ ˆÂθ˛ Á‡ÍÓÌÓ- ïStage 2 ñ Discussion of federalism ÌÓÔÓÂÍÚÓ‚ Ë ÔËÌˇÚËË Á‡ÍÓÌÓ‰‡ÚÂθ- Ú˚, ̇ÔËÏÂ, ÒÓÁ‰‡ÌË ÒÓ‚ÏÂÒÚÌ˚ı ‡- The First International conference ï·˛‰ÊÂÚÌ˚È Ë Ì‡ÎÓ„Ó‚˚È Ù‰Â‡ÎËÁÏ; ‰‡ÚÂθÌÓ ÓÙÓÏÎÂÌË Ù‰Â‡ÚË‚Ì˚ı (1996 to 1997); Ì˚ı ‡ÍÚÓ‚. ·Ó˜Ëı „ÛÔÔ ÓÒÒËÈÒÍËı Ë Â‚ÓÔÂÈÒÍËı on problems of federalism conducted in ïÏÂʉÛ̇Ó‰Ì˚Â Ë ‚̯̽ÍÓÌÓÏ˘ÂÒ- ÓÚÌÓ¯ÂÌËÈ ‚ –ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓÈ ‘‰Â‡ˆËË ïStage 3 ñ Joint work on problems of ¬ 1995 „Ó‰Û ÔË Ã»ƒ –ÓÒÒËË ·˚Î ˝ÍÒÔÂÚÓ‚ ‰Îˇ ÔÓ‰„ÓÚÓ‚ÍË ‡Ì‡ÎËÚ˘ÂÒ- Moscow in February 1994 aimed at a ÍË ҂ˇÁË ÒÛ·˙ÂÍÚÓ‚ Ù‰Â‡ˆËË. (‡Á„‡Ì˘ÂÌË ÔÓÎÌÓÏÓ˜ËÈ ÏÂÊ‰Û ÙÂ- federalism in Russia (1998 to present). ÒÓÁ‰‡Ì üÓÌÒÛθڇÚË‚Ì˚È —Ó‚ÂÚ ÒÛ·˙ÂÍ- ÍËı ‰ÓÍ·‰Ó‚ ÔÓ Ú‡ÍËÏ ‡ÍÚۇθÌ˚Ï ÚÂ- detailed study of federalism problems in ¬ ‡Ï͇ı ÔÓÂÍÚ‡ –”—-1 Ë ÔÓ„‡Ï- ‰Â‡ˆËÂÈ Ë Â ÒÛ·˙ÂÍÚ‡ÏË, ‚Á‡ËÏÌÓ ÒÓ- Programmes of co-operation in the ÚÓ‚ Ù‰Â‡ˆËË ÔÓ ÏÂʉÛ̇Ó‰Ì˚Ï Ë Ï‡Ï, ͇Í: ´”ÒËÎÂÌË ·˛‰ÊÂÚÌÓ„Ó Ù‰Â- Russia, first of all, at theoretical level. Ï˚ –”—‘≈ƒ (Ò 2000 „Ó‰‡) ̇ ‡Á΢- ÓÚ‚ÂÚÒÚ‚Ë Ù‰Â‡Î¸Ì˚ı Á‡ÍÓÌÓ‚ Ë ‰Ó- area of federalism during 1994 to ‚̯̽ÍÓÌÓÏ˘ÂÒÍËÏ Ò‚ˇÁˇÏ (ü—), ‚ ‡ÎËÁχ Ë „ËÓ̇θÌ˚ı ‡ÒÔÂÍÚÓ‚ ÔÓÎË- This forum discussed the progress of im-


democracy, the rule of law and necessity 89 ÒÛ·˙ÂÍÚÓ‚ Ù‰Â‡ˆËË Ë Ò‚˚¯Â 50 ˝ÍÒ- ü‡‚͇Á (fiÊÌ˚È Ù‰Â‡Î¸Ì˚È ÓÍÛ„). This was promoted by the study of the to protect human rights within the ÔÂÚÓ‚ ËÁ 14 „ÓÒÛ‰‡ÒÚ‚ ñ ˜ÎÂÌÓ‚ —≈. 6. –ÛÍÓ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó —≈ ‚˚ÒÓÍÓ ÓˆÂÌËÎÓ experience in the building of a state on framework of the federal structure of ¬ ‡ÎËÁ‡ˆËË ÒÓ‚ÏÂÒÚÌ˚ı ÔÓ„‡ÏÏ ÓÚÍ˚ÚÓÒÚ¸ ÓÒÒËÈÒÍËı ‚·ÒÚÂÈ, ‰ÓÒÚÛÔ- the principles of federalism accumulated the Russian Federation. ÒÓÚÛ‰Ì˘ÂÒÚ‚‡ —≈ ñ ≈— ñ –ÓÒÒˡ Ë —≈ ÌÓÒÚ¸ ‰‡Ê ÌÂÛ‰Ó·ÌÓ ‡ÒÔÓÎÓÊÂÌÌ˚ı Ë by member countries of the CE, and by The Second International confer- ñ –ÓÒÒˡ ‡ÍÚË‚ÌÓ Û˜‡ÒÚ‚Ó‚‡ÎË ¿‰ÏËÌË- ÓÚ‰‡ÎÂÌÌ˚ı ÏÂÒÚ, ‡ Ú‡ÍÊ ‚ÓÁÏÓÊÌÓÒÚ¸ the activities of local and regional au- ence on problems of federalism took ÒÚ‡ˆËˇ œÂÁˉÂÌÚ‡ –ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓÈ ‘‰Â- ÓÚÍ˚ÚÓ„Ó Ë Ò‚Ó·Ó‰ÌÓ„Ó Ó·ÒÛʉÂÌˡ. ¬ thorities of Europe in supporting the de- place in Moscow in December 1997. ‡ˆËË, ÃËÌÙ‰Â‡ˆËË –ÓÒÒËË, ûƒ ‡Ï͇ı ‰‡ÌÌÓ„Ó ÔÓÂÍÚ‡ Óı‚‡ÚËÚ¸ ÒÛ˘Â- velopment of democracy on both region- Its participants adopted a decision on –ÓÒÒËË, ÒÛ·˙ÂÍÚ˚ Ù‰Â‡ˆËË, ‡ÒÒӈˇ- ÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÛ˛ ˜‡ÒÚ¸ ÚÂËÚÓËË –ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓÈ al and local levels in European coun- the need to develop a new programme ˆËË „ËÓ̇θÌ˚ı Ë ÏÛÌˈËԇθÌ˚ı Ó·- ‘‰Â‡ˆËË Û‰‡ÎÓÒ¸ ÚÓθÍÓ ·Î‡„Ó‰‡ˇ tries, as well as by Russiaís ratification for co-operation aimed at the legisla- ‡ÁÓ‚‡ÌËÈ –ÓÒÒËË. ƒÎˇ ÓÒÛ˘ÂÒÚ‚ÎÂÌˡ ÔÓ‰Ó·ÌÓÏÛ ÔÓ‰ıÓ‰Û. of the European charter of local self- tive formalization of federal relations ˝ÚËı ‚ ÓÒÌÓ‚ÌÓÏ ÔÓÎËÚ˘ÂÒÍËı ÔÓ„‡ÏÏ 7. ¬Ò ۘ‡ÒÚÌËÍË Ôӂ‰ÂÌÌ˚ı ÏÂ- government. in the Russian Federation (the divi- Ò Ò‡ÏÓ„Ó Ì‡˜‡Î‡ Ú·ӂ‡ÎËÒ¸ Û˜‡ÒÚËÂ Ë ÓÔˡÚËÈ ·˚ÎË Â‰ËÌÓ‰Û¯Ì˚ ‚ ÚÓÏ, ˜ÚÓ The co-operation programmes ac- sion of authority between the Federa- ‚Í·‰ ˇ‰‡ ‰ÂÔ‡Ú‡ÏÂÌÚÓ‚ —Ó‚ÂÚ‡ ≈‚Ó- Ù‰Â‡ÚË‚ÌÓ ÛÒÚÓÈÒÚ‚Ó ˇ‚ΡÂÚÒˇ ‰ËÌ- tively introduced new forms of work ñ tion and its subjects, the compliance of Ô˚, ‚ ˜‡ÒÚÌÓÒÚË √ÂÌÂ‡Î¸ÌÓ„Ó ‰ÂÔ‡Ú‡- ÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓ ‚ÓÁÏÓÊÌÓÈ Ë ÔËÂÏÎÂÏÓÈ ÙÓ- for instance, the creation of joint work- federal laws with treaties and agree- ÏÂÌÚ‡ ÔÓ ÔÓÎËÚ˘ÂÒÍËÏ ‚ÓÔÓÒ‡Ï, √ÂÌÂ- ÏÓÈ „ÓÒÛ‰‡ÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓ„Ó ÒÚÓËÚÂθÒÚ‚‡ ‚ ing groups consisting of Russian and ments concluded between the Federa- ‡Î¸ÌÓ„Ó ‰ÂÔ‡Ú‡ÏÂÌÚ‡ I (ÔÓ Ô‡‚Ó‚˚Ï –ÓÒÒËË. European experts for the preparation of tion and its subjects, the role of judi- ‚ÓÔÓÒ‡Ï), ƒÂÔ‡Ú‡ÏÂÌÚ‡ ÒÓÚÛ‰Ì˘ÂÒÚ- 8. –ÓÒÒËÈÒ͇ˇ ‘‰Â‡ˆËˇ ‰ÓÎÊ̇ analytical reports on such topical issues cial bodies in the settlement of differ- ‚‡ ‚ ËÌÚÂÂÒ‡ı ‡Á‚ËÚˡ ‰ÂÏÓÍ‡ÚËË Ì‡ ÓÔË‡Ú¸Òˇ ̇ ÍÓÌÒÚËÚÛˆËÓÌÌÛ˛, ÚÓ ÂÒÚ¸ as the Enhancement of Budgetary Feder- ences related to the division of author- ÏÂÒÚÌÓÏ Ë „ËÓ̇θÌÓÏ ÛÓ‚Ìˇı, ≈‚Ó- Ô‡‚Ó‚Û˛ ÓÒÌÓ‚Û. œÓˆÂÒÒ Á‡Íβ˜ÂÌˡ alism and Regional Aspects of Taxation ity and jurisdiction of the Federation ÔÂÈÒÍÓÈ ÍÓÏËÒÒËË ÔÓ ‡Á‚ËÚ˲ ‰ÂÏÓ- ‰Ó„Ó‚ÓÓ‚ Ë Òӄ·¯ÂÌËÈ ÏÂÊ‰Û Ù‰Â‡- Policy, Legislative Initiatives on the and its subjects). Í‡ÚËË ˜ÂÂÁ Ô‡‚Ó, œ‡·ÏÂÌÚÒÍÓÈ ‡Ò- ˆËÂÈ Ë ÒÛ·˙ÂÍÚ‡ÏË ‰ÓÎÊÂÌ Î˯¸ ‰ÓÔÓÎ- Improvement of Interaction between the In order to implement the decisions ҇ϷÎÂË Ë üÓÌ„ÂÒÒ‡ ÏÂÒÚÌ˚ı Ë „ËÓ- ÌˇÚ¸ Ó·˘Ë Ô‡‚Ë·, Ô‰ÛÒÏÓÚÂÌÌ˚ Bodies of State Power of the RF and the Ì˚ ËÌˈˇÚË‚˚ ÔÓ ÒÓ‚Â¯ÂÌÒÚ‚Ó‚‡Ì˲ Ô‡‚ÎÓ‚ÒÍÂ-ü‡Ï˜‡ÚÒÍÓÏ, ≈͇ÚÂËÌ·Û„Â, of the Second International conference ̇θÌ˚ı ‚·ÒÚÂÈ ≈‚ÓÔ˚. Á‡ÍÓÌÓ‰‡ÚÂθÒÚ‚ÓÏ. Regions, Improvement of Forms and ‚Á‡ËÏÓ‰ÂÈÒڂˡ Ó„‡ÌÓ‚ „ÓÒÛ‰‡ÒÚ‚ÂÌ- –ÓÒÚÓ‚Â-̇-ƒÓÌÛ, —ÛÁ‰‡ÎÂ, œÂÚÓÁ‡‚Ó‰- on problems of federalism, joint work- œÓ‰‚Ó‰ˇ Ô‰‚‡ËÚÂθÌ˚ ËÚÓ„Ë 9. ¬ Á‡Íβ˜ÂÌˡı Ë ÂÍÓÏẨ‡ˆËˇı, Mechanisms of Interregional Integra- ÌÓÈ ‚·ÒÚË –‘ Ë Ó„‡ÌÓ‚ „ÓÒÛ‰‡ÒÚ‚ÂÌ- ÒÍÂ, flÍÛÚÒÍÂ, ◊ËÚÂ, „‰Â Ó·ÒÚÓˇÚÂθÌÓ Ó·- ing groups, with the participation of ÒÓÚÛ‰Ì˘ÂÒÚ‚‡ –ÓÒÒËË ñ —≈ ñ ≈— ‚ ÔËÌˇÚ˚ı ‚ ‡Ï͇ı ÔÓ„‡ÏÏ ÒÓÚÛ‰ÌË- tion in Russia, and others. During their ÌÓÈ ‚·ÒÚË „ËÓÌÓ‚ª, ´—Ó‚Â¯ÂÌÒÚ‚Ó- ÒÛʉ‡Î‡Ò¸ ÏÂʉÛ̇Ӊ̇ˇ Ë ‚̯̽- specialists and experts of the Council of ӷ·ÒÚË Ù‰Â‡ÎËÁχ, ÏÓÊÌÓ ÍÓÌÒÚ‡- ˜ÂÒÚ‚‡ –ÓÒÒˡ ñ —≈ ‚ ӷ·ÒÚË Ù‰Â‡- preparation, seminars in Saransk, Py- ‚‡ÌË ÙÓÏ Ë ÏÂı‡ÌËÁÏÓ‚ ÏÂÊ„ËÓ- ÍÓÌÓÏ˘ÂÒ͇ˇ ‰ÂˇÚÂθÌÓÒÚ¸ „ËÓÌÓ‚, ‡ Europe, were set up. During the years ÚËÓ‚‡Ú¸, ˜ÚÓ: ÎËÁχ, ÓÚ‡ÊÂÌ˚ ÏÌÓ„Ë ˝ÎÂÏÂÌÚ˚ ÔÓ- atigorsk, Orel, Moscow and Orenburg ̇θÌÓÈ ËÌÚ„‡ˆËË ‚ –ÓÒÒË˪ Ë ‰. ¬ Ú‡ÍÊ ۘ·Ì˚ ÔÓÂÁ‰ÍË ‰Îˇ Ô‰ÒÚ‡‚Ë- 1998-2001, the working groups pre- 1. œӂ‰ÂÌÌ˚ ‚ 1994ñ2004 „Ó‰‡ı ‚Ó‰ËÏÓÈ Ò 2000 „Ó‰‡ ‚ –ÓÒÒËË ÂÙÓÏ˚ were conducted, and regional represen- ÔÓˆÂÒÒ Ëı ÔÓ‰„ÓÚÓ‚ÍË ·˚ÎË Ôӂ‰Â- ÚÂÎÂÈ „ËÓÌÓ‚ ‚ ¡Âθ„˲, »ÒÔ‡Ì˲, pared analytical reports and recommen- ÏÂÓÔˡÚˡ ‰Ó͇Á‡ÎË ‚ÂÌÓÒÚ¸ ËÁ·‡Ì- Ù‰Â‡ÚË‚ÌÓ„Ó ÛÒÚÓÈÒÚ‚‡ (ÌÂÓ·ıÓ‰Ë- tatives made work tours of Germany, Ì˚ ÒÂÏË̇˚ ‚ —‡‡ÌÒÍÂ, œˇÚË„ÓÒÍÂ, √ÂχÌ˲, ‘‡ÌˆË˛, ¿‚ÒÚ˲, »Ú‡Î˲. dations on the following issues: ÌÓ„Ó ‚ ıӉ üÓÌÙÂÂ̈ËË 1994 „Ó‰‡ ÍÛ- ÏÓÒÚ¸ ÔËÌˇÚˡ Á‡ÍÓÌÓ‰‡ÚÂθÒÚ‚‡ Ó ‡Á- France and Belgium. The decree of the ŒÎÂ, ÃÓÒÍ‚Â, ŒÂÌ·Û„Â, ‡·Ó˜Ë ÔÓ- –‡ÁÌÓÓ·‡ÁÌÓÈ ·˚· Ô‡ÌÓ‡Ï‡ ÍÓÌ- ïlegislative aspects of Russian federal- Ò‡ ̇ ÛÒÚ‡ÌÓ‚ÎÂÌË ÔˇÏ˚ı ÍÓÌÚ‡ÍÚÓ‚ ‰ÂÎÂÌËË ÔÓÎÌÓÏÓ˜ËÈ ÏÂÊ‰Û Ù‰Â‡ˆË- RF President on plenipotentiary repre- ÂÁ‰ÍË Ô‰ÒÚ‡‚ËÚÂÎÂÈ „ËÓÌÓ‚ ‚ √Âχ- Ú‡ÍÚÓ‚ Ò —Ó‚ÂÚÓÏ ≈‚ÓÔ˚ ‚ ÒÙÂ ÔË- ism (particularly, the division of au- —Ó‚ÂÚ‡ ≈‚ÓÔ˚ Ò ÒÛ·˙ÂÍÚ‡ÏË Ù‰Â‡ˆËË ÂÈ,  ÒÛ·˙ÂÍÚ‡ÏË Ë Ó„‡Ì‡ÏË ÏÂÒÚÌÓ„Ó sentatives in the subjects of the Federa- Ì˲, ‘‡ÌˆË˛, ¡Âθ„˲. Œ‰ÌËÏ ËÁ ‚‡Ê- „‡Ì˘ÌÓ„Ó ÒÓÚÛ‰Ì˘ÂÒÚ‚‡. œË̈Ë- thority and jurisdiction between the ÔË Òӷβ‰ÂÌËË ‰ÂÈÒÚ‚Û˛˘Â„Ó ÓÒÒËÈÒ- Ò‡ÏÓÛÔ‡‚ÎÂÌˡ, ËÁÏÂÌÂÌË ÔÓˇ‰Í‡ tion was a major result. Ì˚ı ÂÁÛθڇÚÓ‚ ÒÚ‡ÎÓ ÔËÌˇÚË ”͇Á‡ ÔˇθÌÓ Á̇˜ÂÌË ËÏÂÎË ÔÓ‰ÔËÒ‡ÌË centre and the regions); ÍÓ„Ó Á‡ÍÓÌÓ‰‡ÚÂθÒÚ‚‡. ÙÓÏËÓ‚‡Ìˡ —Ó‚ÂÚ‡ ‘‰Â‡ˆËË, ̇Á- More than 40 experts from 11 mem- œÂÁˉÂÌÚ‡ –ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓÈ ‘‰Â‡ˆËË Ó Ë ‡ÚËÙË͇ˆËˇ (2002 „Ó‰) –ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓÈ ïtax federalism; 2. üÓÌÚ‡ÍÚ˚ ÏÂÊ‰Û ÒÛ·˙ÂÍÚ‡ÏË ÙÂ- ̇˜ÂÌË Ô‰ÒÚ‡‚ËÚÂÎÂÈ œÂÁˉÂÌÚ‡ ‚ ber states participated in the CE activi- ÔÓÎÌÓÏÓ˜Ì˚ı Ô‰ÒÚ‡‚ËÚÂΡı ‚ ÒÛ·˙ÂÍ- ‘‰Â‡ˆËÂÈ ´≈‚ÓÔÂÈÒÍÓÈ ‡ÏÓ˜ÌÓÈ ïinternational integration as a factor ‰Â‡ˆËË Ë ÏÂʉÛ̇Ó‰Ì˚ÏË Ó„‡ÌËÁ‡- ÒÂÏË Ù‰Â‡Î¸Ì˚ı ÓÍÛ„‡ı, ÒÓÁ‰‡ÌË √Ó- ties aimed at the development of inter- Ú‡ı Ù‰Â‡ˆËË. ÍÓÌ‚Â̈ËË Ó ÔË„‡Ì˘ÌÓÏ ÒÓÚÛ‰ÌË- of strengthening federalism in Russia; ˆËˇÏË, ‚ ˜‡ÒÚÌÓÒÚË —Ó‚ÂÚÓÏ ≈‚ÓÔ˚, ÒÛ‰‡ÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓ„Ó ÒÓ‚ÂÚ‡ Ë Ú.‰.). national and foreign economic relations ¬ ÔÓ‚Ó‰ËÏ˚ı ÔÓ ÎËÌËË —≈ ÏÂÓ- ˜ÂÒÚ‚Â ÚÂËÚÓˇθÌ˚ı ÒÓÓ·˘ÂÒÚ‚ Ë ïimproving performance of the federal Ò˚„‡ÎË ÓÔ‰ÂÎÂÌÌÛ˛ Óθ ‚ ‡ÒÔÓ- 10. —ÓÚÛ‰Ì˘ÂÒÚ‚Ó –ÓÒÒËË Ë —≈ ̇- of the subjects of the Federation, which ÔˡÚˡı, ̇Ô‡‚ÎÂÌÌ˚ı ̇ ‡Á‚ËÚË ‚·ÒÚÂȪ (1980 „Ó‰), ÍÓÚÓ‡ˇ ‚ ÓÔ‰Â- bodies of executive power; ÒÚ‡ÌÂÌËË ÔÓÁËÚË‚ÌÓ„Ó ÓÔ˚Ú‡ ‚ÓÔÂÈÒ- ıÓ‰ËÚ Ò‡ÏÛ˛ ·Î‡„ÓÔˡÚÌÛ˛ Â‡ÍˆË˛ Û had a positive impact on the adoption of

ÏÂʉÛ̇Ó‰Ì˚ı Ë ‚̯̽ÍÓÌÓÏ˘ÂÒ- ÎÂÌÌÓÈ ÒÚÂÔÂÌË ÔÓÁ‚ÓÎËÚ ‚ÓÒÔÓÎÌËÚ¸ ïmethods and organisational procedures ÍËı „ÓÒÛ‰‡ÒÚ‚ ‚ ӷ·ÒÚË Ù‰Â‡ÎËÁχ, Ó·˘ÂÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓÒÚË Ë ‚·ÒÚÂÈ. —Ó‚ÂÚ ≈‚Ó- a number of legal acts, including the EXTERNAL ECONOMIC RELATIONS | ВНЕШНЕЭКОНОМИЧЕСКИЕ СВЯЗИ • № 3, МАРТ 2005 ÍËı Ò‚ˇÁÂÈ ÒÛ·˙ÂÍÚÓ‚ Ù‰Â‡ˆËË, ÔË- Ëϲ˘ËÂÒˇ ‚ –ÓÒÒËË ÔÓ·ÂÎ˚ ‚ Á‡ÍÓ- for co-ordinating interests of the Fed- ˜ÚÓ ÒÔÓÒÓ·ÒÚ‚Ó‚‡ÎÓ ÓÒ··ÎÂÌ˲ ÒÂÔ‡‡- Ô˚ ‡ÒÒχÚË‚‡ÂÚÒˇ ‚ ͇˜ÂÒÚ‚Â ÏÂʉÛ- Federal Law On Co-ordination of Inter- ÌˇÎË Û˜‡ÒÚË ·ÓΠ40 ˝ÍÒÔÂÚÓ‚ ËÁ 11 ÌÓ‰‡ÚÂθÒÚ‚Â, „ÛÎËÛ˛˘ÂÏ ÒÓÚÛ‰- eration and its subjects when drafting ÚËÒÚÒÍËı ̇ÒÚÓÂÌËÈ ‚ ÌÂÍÓÚÓ˚ı ÓÒ- ̇Ó‰ÌÓÈ Ó„‡ÌËÁ‡ˆËË, ӷ·‰‡˛˘ÂÈ national and Foreign Economic Rela- „ÓÒÛ‰‡ÒÚ‚ ñ ˜ÎÂÌÓ‚ —≈, ˜ÚÓ Ó͇Á‡ÎÓ Ì˘ÂÒÚ‚Ó Ò ÒÓÔ‰ÂθÌ˚ÏË „ÓÒÛ‰‡ÒÚ‚‡- laws and adopting legislative acts. ÒËÈÒÍËı „ËÓ̇ı. ÔÓÁËÚË‚ÌÓ ‚ÓÁ‰ÂÈÒÚ‚Ë ̇ ÔËÌˇÚË ˇ- ÏË. —ÓÒÚÓˇÎËÒ¸ ÒÂÏË̇˚ ‚ ¿ÒÚ‡ı‡- In 1995, the Federation subjectsí 3. ÕÂÒÏÓÚˇ ̇ ÚÓ, ˜ÚÓ ‡Á‚ËÚË ÙÂ- ‰‡ Ô‡‚Ó‚˚ı ‡ÍÚÓ‚, ‚ ˜ËÒΠÍÓÚÓ˚ı ‘Â- ÌË, ¬˚·Ó„Â, ü‡ÎËÌËÌ„‡‰Â, œÒÍÓ‚Â, Advisory Board for international and ‰Â‡ÎËÁχ ‚ –ÓÒÒËË Ì ˇ‚ΡÂÚÒˇ Ô‰- ‰Â‡Î¸Ì˚È Á‡ÍÓÌ ´Œ ÍÓÓ‰Ë̇ˆËË ÏÂÊ- —Ó˜Ë, —‚ÂÚÎÓ„ÓÒÍÂ, üÓÒÚÓÏÛÍ¯Â Ë foreign economic relations (AB) under ÏÂÚÓÏ ÏÓÌËÚÓËÌ„‡ ÒÓ ÒÚÓÓÌ˚ —≈ ‚ ÒÓ- ‰Û̇Ó‰Ì˚ı Ë ‚̯̽ÍÓÌÓÏ˘ÂÒÍËı ÙËÌÒÍÓÏ „ÓӉ üÛıÏÓ, ̇ ÍÓÚÓ˚ı Ó·- the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Rus- ÓÚ‚ÂÚÒÚ‚ËË Ò Á‡Íβ˜ÂÌËÂÏ œ‡·ÏÂÌÚ- Ò‚ˇÁÂÈ ÒÛ·˙ÂÍÚÓ‚ –ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓÈ ‘‰Â‡- ÒÛʉ‡ÎËÒ¸ ‚ÓÔÓÒ˚ ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓÈ Ë Â‚- sia was set up. Delegates from all the 89 ÒÍÓÈ ‡Ò҇ϷÎÂË π 193 (1996 „Ó‰), ÒÔÂ- ˆË˪. ¬ ƒËÔÎÓχÚ˘ÂÒÍÓÈ ‡Í‡‰ÂÏËË ÓÔÂÈÒÍÓÈ Ô‡ÍÚËÍË ÔË„‡Ì˘Ì˚ı Ò‚ˇ- subjects of the RF take part in its annu- ˆË‡Î¸ÌÓ ÒÓÁ‰‡Ì̇ˇ ÒÓ‚ÏÂÒÚ̇ˇ ‡·Ó˜‡ˇ ûƒ –ÓÒÒËË ·˚Î ‡Á‡·ÓÚ‡Ì Û˜Â·Ì˚È ÁÂÈ, Ëı Ô‡‚Ó‚ÓÈ ·‡Á˚. –ÂÁÛθڇÚ˚ ÒÂ- al sessions, as well as representatives of „ÛÔÔ‡ ËÁ ÓÒÒËÈÒÍËı ÒÔˆˇÎËÒÚÓ‚ Ë ÍÛÒ ‰Îˇ Ô‰ÒÚ‡‚ËÚÂÎÂÈ „ËÓÌÓ‚, ÓÚ- ÏË̇Ó‚ ·˚ÎË Ò Û‰Ó‚ÎÂÚ‚ÓÂÌËÂÏ ‚ÓÒÔ- federal bodies of power, non-govern- ˝ÍÒÔÂÚÓ‚ —Ó‚ÂÚ‡ ≈‚ÓÔ˚ ‰Ó·Ë·Ҹ Á̇- ‚˜‡˛˘Ëı Á‡ ‚̯ÌË ҂ˇÁË. œÓÁËÚË‚- ËÌˇÚ˚ ‚ ÓÒÒËÈÒÍËı „ËÓ̇ı. ¬ mental organisations and the press. In ˜ËÚÂθÌ˚ı ÂÁÛθڇÚÓ‚ ‚ ‚˚‡·ÓÚÍ ‚Á‡- ÌÛ˛ ÓˆÂÌÍÛ ÔÓÎÛ˜ËÎË ËÚÓ„Ë ÔÓıӉ˂- ÓÍÚˇ· 2002 „Ó‰‡ ÒÓÒÚÓˇÎ‡Ò¸ ÏÂʉÛ- 1999 on the occasion of the 50th an- ËÏÓÔËÂÏÎÂÏ˚ı ¯ÂÌËÈ Ò Û˜ÂÚÓÏ ÓÒ- ¯Ëı ‚ ÃÓÒÍ‚Â ‚ ‰Â͇· 2002-„Ó Ë ‰Â- ̇Ӊ̇ˇ ‚ÒÚ˜‡ ÔÓ ÔÓ·ÎÂÏ‡Ï ÔË„- niversary of the Council of Europe, ÒËÈÒÍÓÈ ÒÔˆËÙËÍË Ë ÂÍÓÏẨ‡ˆËÈ —Ó- ͇· 2004 „Ó‰‡, ‡ Ú‡ÍÊ ‚ ÕÓ‚ÓÒË·Ë- ‡Ì˘ÌÓ„Ó ÒÓÚÛ‰Ì˘ÂÒÚ‚‡ Ò Û˜‡ÒÚËÂÏ Moscow conducted the tenth meeting of ‚ÂÚ‡ ≈‚ÓÔ˚. ÒÍ ‚ ÓÍÚˇ· 2003-„Ó ÏÂʉÛ̇Ó‰Ì˚ı œÓθ¯Ë Ë ÀËÚ‚˚ („. ü‡ÎËÌËÌ„‡‰). the Advisory Board devoted to co-opera- 4. œÓ‚Ó‰ËÏ˚ ‚ 1994ñ2004 „Ó‰‡ı ÍÓÌÙÂÂ̈ËÈ ´œÓ‰„ÓÚӂ͇ ÒÔˆˇÎËÒ- ¬ Ó·˘ÂÈ ÒÎÓÊÌÓÒÚË Á‡ ÔÂËÓ‰ Ò 1994 tion with the CE in the area of federal- ÏÂÓÔˡÚˡ ÔÓ Ó͇Á‡Ì˲ ÒÓ‰ÂÈÒڂˡ Ë ÚÓ‚ ‚ ӷ·ÒÚË ÏÂʉÛ̇Ó‰Ì˚ı Ë ‚̯- „Ó‰‡ ÔÓ ‰Â͇·¸ 2004-„Ó ‚ ‡Ï͇ı ÔÓÂÍ- ism. The Board in its concluding docu- ‡Á‚ËÚ˲ ÒÓÚÛ‰Ì˘ÂÒÚ‚‡ ‚ ӷ·ÒÚË ÙÂ- ̽ÍÓÌÓÏ˘ÂÒÍËı Ò‚ˇÁÂÈ ‰Îˇ ÒÛ·˙ÂÍÚÓ‚ Ú‡ –”—-1, ÔÓ„‡ÏÏ –”—‘≈ƒ Ë ´ÃÂÊ- ment stated that Russia had achieved ap- ‰Â‡ÎËÁχ ÒÚ‡ÎË ‚‡ÊÌ˚Ï ÙÓÛÏÓÏ ‰Îˇ –ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓÈ ‘‰Â‡ˆË˪. ‰Û̇Ó‰Ì˚ ҂ˇÁË „ËÓÌÓ‚ –ÓÒÒËË ñ preciable progress in the development of Ó·ÏÂ̇ ÏÌÂÌˡÏË ÏÂÊ‰Û Ù‰Â‡Î¸Ì˚ÏË –‡Á‚ËÚ˲ ‚̯ÌËı ÍÓÌÚ‡ÍÚÓ‚ ÒÛ·˙- 2004ª ÒÓÒÚÓˇÎÓÒ¸ Ò‚˚¯Â 90 ÍÛÔÌ˚ı ÏÂ- federalism, regional and local democra- ‚·ÒÚˇÏË Ë ÒÛ·˙ÂÍÚ‡ÏË Ù‰Â‡ˆËË. ÂÍÚÓ‚ Ù‰Â‡ˆËË ÔÓÒÎÛÊËÎË Ô‰ÒÚ‡‚Ë- ÓÔˡÚËÈ: ÍÓÌÙÂÂ̈ËÈ, ÒÂÏË̇Ó‚, ÒÓ- cy. Within a short period of time, a 5. — ÓÒÂÌË 1999 „Ó‰‡ Ô‰ÒÚ‡‚ËÚÂÎË ÚÂθÌ˚ ÍÓÌÙÂÂ̈ËË ‚ ◊·ÓÍÒ‡‡ı, ‚¢‡ÌËÈ, ´ÍÛ„Î˚ı ÒÚÓÎÓ‚ª, ۘ·Ì˚ı ÔÓ- legal basis for federal relations and –ÓÒÒËË Ë —Ó‚ÂÚ‡ ≈‚ÓÔ˚ Û˜‡ÒÚ‚Ó‚‡ÎË ‚ ÃÛχÌÒÍÂ, ŒÂÌ·Û„Â, ’‡·‡Ó‚ÒÍÂ, ¬Ó- ÂÁ‰ÓÍ Ë Ú.‰., ‚ ÍÓÚÓ˚ı ÔËÌˇÎË Û˜‡Ò- local self-government was developed, ÔÓ‰„ÓÚÓ‚ÍÂ Ë Ôӂ‰ÂÌËË ÏÂÓÔˡÚËÈ


tions of the Subjects of the Federation. ‘‰Â‡ˆËË, √ÓÒÛ‰‡ÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓÈ ƒÛÏÓÈ ‘Â- „Ó ÔÂÒÓ̇· Ë 3000 Ô‰ÒÚ‡‚ËÚÂÎÂÈ ÏÛ- with the active participation of the Ad- The Diplomatic Academy of the Min- ‰Â‡Î¸ÌÓ„Ó —Ó·‡Ìˡ –ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓÈ ‘‰Â- ÌˈËԇθÌ˚ı ÒÎÛÊ· Ë ‚˚·ÓÌ˚ı ÛÍÓ- ministration of the President of the istry of Foreign Affairs of Russia devel- ‡ˆËË, üÓÌ„ÂÒÒÓÏ ÏÛÌˈËԇθÌ˚ı Ó·- ‚Ó‰ËÚÂÎÂÈ ÏÂÒÚÌÓ„Ó ÛÓ‚Ìˇ. Russian Federation, the Ministry of oped a training course for representa- ‡ÁÓ‚‡ÌËÈ –ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓÈ ‘‰Â‡ˆËË ÒÓ‚- œË ÔÓ‰‰ÂÊÍ —≈ ‚˚ÔÓÎÌÂÌ ˇ‰ the Federation of Russia, subjects of tives of the regions responsible for for- ÏÂÒÚÌÓ Ò —Ó‚ÂÚÓÏ ≈‚ÓÔ˚ Ôӂ‰ÂÌÓ ÏÂʉÛ̇Ó‰Ì˚ı ÔÓÂÍÚÓ‚, ÔÓÁ‚ÓÎË‚¯Ëı the Federation, associations of region- eign relations. Positive evaluation was ÓÍÓÎÓ ÒÓÓ͇ ÒÂÏË̇Ó‚ Ë ÍÓÌÙÂÂ̈ËÈ ÓÒÒËÈÒÍËÏ Ó„‡ÌËÁ‡ˆËˇÏ ÛÒÚ‡ÌÓ‚ËÚ¸ al and municipal entities of Russia. given to the results of international con- ̇ ÒÎÂ‰Û˛˘Ë ÚÂÏ˚: ÒÓÚÛ‰Ì˘ÂÒÚ‚Ó Ò Ì‡ˆËÓ̇θÌ˚ÏË ‡ÒÒÓ- From the very beginning, the imple- ferences on the preparation of specialists ï Óθ ÏÂÒÚÌ˚ı ‚·ÒÚÂÈ ‚ ˝ÍÓÌÓÏ˘ÂÒ- ˆË‡ˆËˇÏË ÏÂÒÚÌ˚ı ‚·ÒÚÂÈ «‡Ô‡‰ÌÓÈ ≈‚- mentation of these basically political in the area of international and foreign ÍÓÏ Ë ÒӈˇθÌÓÏ ‡Á‚ËÚËË ÏÛÌˈË- ÓÔ˚. œÓ ÎËÌËË ÔÓ„‡ÏÏ˚ ÀŒƒ≈ ‡Ô- programmes required the participation economic relations for the subjects of ԇθÌ˚ı Ó·‡ÁÓ‚‡ÌËÈ; Ó·ËÓ‚‡Ì‡ ÓË„Ë̇θ̇ˇ ÓÒÒËÈÒ͇ˇ and contribution of a number of de- the Russian Federation, which were ï ÍÓÌÚÓθ ÏÂÒÚÌ˚ı ‚·ÒÚÂÈ; ۘ·̇ˇ ÔÓ„‡Ïχ ÔÓ ÓÒÌÓ‚‡Ï ÏÂÒÚÌÓ- partments of the Council of Europe, conducted in Moscow in December 2002 ï ‚Á‡ËÏÓÓÚÌÓ¯ÂÌˡ ÏÂÊ‰Û Ì‡ÒÂÎÂÌËÂÏ „Ó Ò‡ÏÓÛÔ‡‚ÎÂÌˡ, ÍÓÚÓ‡ˇ Ó„‡Ì˘ÌÓ specifically, the General Department and December 2004, as well as in Ë ÏÂÒÚÌ˚ÏË Ó„‡Ì‡ÏË ‚·ÒÚË; ‚Ó·‡Î‡ ‚ Ò·ˇ Ë ÔÓÁËÚË‚Ì˚È Á‡Û·ÂÊ- for Political Issues, General Depart- Novosibirsk in October 2003. ï Óθ ËÁ·‡ÌÌ˚ı Ï˝Ó‚; Ì˚È ÓÔ˚Ú. ¬‡ÊÌÛ˛ Óθ ‰Îˇ ‡Á‚ËÚˡ ment I (legal issues), the Co-operation The development of foreign ties by ï ˛ˉ˘ÂÒ͇ˇ Á‡˘ËÚ‡ ÏÛÌˈËԇθÌ˚ı Ó„‡ÌÓ‚ ÏÂÒÚÌÓ„Ó Ò‡ÏÓÛÔ‡‚ÎÂÌˡ ‚ –ÓÒ- Department for developing democracy the subjects of the Federation was pro- Ó·‡ÁÓ‚‡ÌËÈ; ÒËË Ë„‡ÂÚ ÔËÒÓ‰ËÌÂÌË ‚ 1998 „Ó‰Û on the local and regional levels, the moted by representative conferences held ï ‰ÂˇÚÂθÌÓÒÚ¸ Ó·˙‰ËÌÂÌËÈ ÏÛÌˈË- –ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓÈ ‘‰Â‡ˆËË Í ≈‚ÓÔÂÈÒÍÓÈ European Commission for the develop- in Cheboksar, Murmansk, Orenburg, ԇθÌ˚ı Ó·‡ÁÓ‚‡ÌËÈ; ı‡ÚËË ÏÂÒÚÌÓ„Ó Ò‡ÏÓÛÔ‡‚ÎÂÌˡ. ment of democracy through law, the Khabarovsk, Vologda, Novosibirsk, ï ÏÂÊ·˛‰ÊÂÚÌ˚ ÓÚÌÓ¯ÂÌˡ; «‡ ÔÂËÓ‰ Ò 1994-„Ó ÔÓ ‰Â͇·¸ 2004 Parliamentary Assembly and the Con- Saransk, Petropavlosk-Kamchatski, ï ÛÔ‡‚ÎÂÌË ÏÛÌˈËԇθÌ˚ÏË Ó·‡ÁÓ- „Ó‰‡ ÔÓ ‰‡ÌÌÓÈ ÚÂχÚËÍ ÒÓÒÚÓˇÎÓÒ¸ ‚ gress of Local and Regional Authori- , Rostov-on-Don, Suzdal, ‚‡ÌˡÏË Ë Ú.‰. Ó·˘ÂÈ ÒÎÓÊÌÓÒÚË Ò‚˚¯Â 90 ÍÛÔÌ˚ı ties of Europe. Petrozavodsk, Yakutsk and Chita, ¬ ıӉ ‰‡ÌÌ˚ı ÏÂÓÔˡÚËÈ Û˜‡ÒÚ- ÏÂÓÔˡÚËÈ: ÒÂÏË̇Ó‚ Ë ÍÓÌÙÂÂÌ- Summarizing the preliminary re- which discussed international and for- ÌËÍË ÒÏÓ„ÎË ÓÔ‰ÂÎËÚ¸ Íβ˜Â‚˚ ÔÓ·- ˆËÈ, ‚ ÍÓÚÓ˚ı ÔËÌˇÎË Û˜‡ÒÚË ·ÓΠsults of Russia-CE-EU co-operation ÛÌË͇θÌ˚ÏË ‚ÓÁÏÓÊÌÓÒÚˇÏË ÔÓ ÔÂ- ¡˚· Ú‡ÍÊ Ôӂ‰Â̇ ˝ÍÒÔÂÚËÁ‡ Á‡- eign economic activities of the regions ÎÂÏ˚ ÏÛÌˈËԇθÌ˚ı Ó·‡ÁÓ‚‡ÌËÈ, ÛÒ- 9000 Ô‰ÒÚ‡‚ËÚÂÎÂÈ ËÁ ‚ÒÂı 89 ÒÛ·˙- in the area of federalism, it may be ‰ÓÒÚ‡‚ÎÂÌ˲ ‡Ì‡ÎËÚ˘ÂÒÍÓÈ ËÌÙÓχ- ÍÓÌÓ‰‡ÚÂθÒÚ‚‡ ÌÂÍÓÚÓ˚ı ÒÛ·˙ÂÍÚÓ‚ in detail, as well as by study trips to Ú‡ÌÓ‚ËÚ¸ ‡·Ó˜Ë ÍÓÌÚ‡ÍÚ˚ Ë Ì‡˜‡Ú¸ ‰Ë- ÂÍÚÓ‚ Ù‰Â‡ˆËË, 46 ˝ÍÒÔÂÚÓ‚ —Ó‚ÂÚ‡ stated that: ˆËË Ó ÒÔÓÒÓ·‡ı ¯ÂÌˡ ‡Á΢Ì˚ı –ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓÈ ‘‰Â‡ˆËË ‚ ӷ·ÒÚË ÏÂÒÚ- Belgium, Spain, Germany, France, Aus- ‡ÎÓ„ ÏÂÊ‰Û Ô‰ÒÚ‡‚ËÚÂΡÏË ˆÂÌÚ‡Î¸- ≈‚ÓÔ˚, 160 ÓÒÒËÈÒÍËı ˝ÍÒÔÂÚÓ‚ ‚ 1. The events conducted in the period ÔÓ·ÎÂÏ, Ò ÍÓÚÓ˚ÏË ÒÚ‡ÎÍË‚‡˛ÚÒˇ ÌÓ„Ó Ò‡ÏÓÛÔ‡‚ÎÂÌˡ (̇ÔËÏÂ, –ÂÒ- tria and Italy arranged for representa- Ì˚ı, „ËÓ̇θÌ˚ı Ë ÏÂÒÚÌ˚ı ‚·ÒÚÂÈ, ‡Á΢Ì˚ı ӷ·ÒÚˇı Á̇ÌËÈ. of 1994 to 2004 proved the correctness of ÒÚ‡Ì˚ ÍÓÌÚËÌÂÌÚ‡. ÔÛ·ÎËÍË ü‡ÂÎˡ). œÓ ÔÓÒ¸·Â ˝ÚÓ„Ó tives of the regions. Ó·ÏÂÌˇÚ¸Òˇ ÏÌÂÌˡÏË Ë ‰Ó·ËÚ¸Òˇ ÎÛ˜¯Â- the course selected at the 1994 Confer- üÓÏËÚÂÚ‡ —Ó‚ÂÚ ≈‚ÓÔ˚ Ó͇Á‡Î ÍÓÌ- There has been a wide range of con- „Ó Ó·˘Â„Ó ÔÓÌËχÌˡ ÔÓ·ÎÂÏ, ÔӇ̇- СОТРУДНИЧЕСТВО СОВЕТА ЕВРОПЫ ence for establishing direct contacts be- СОТРУДНИЧЕСТВО ÒÛθڇÚË‚ÌÛ˛ ÔÓÏÓ˘¸ ÔË ‡Á‡·ÓÚÍ tacts with the Council of Europe in the ÎËÁËÓ‚‡Ú¸ ÚÂÍÛ˘Û˛ ÒËÚÛ‡ˆË˛, ‚˚‡·Ó- И КОМИССИИ Д.Н. КОЗАКА, tween the Council of Europe and the sub- В ОБЛАСТИ МЕСТНОГО √ÓÒÛ‰‡ÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓÈ ƒÛÏÓÈ ‚ 1998 „Ó‰Û area of transfrontier co-operation. Rus- Ú‡Ú¸ Ô‰ÎÓÊÂÌˡ ‰Îˇ ‚ÌÂÒÂÌˡ ‚ ÔÓ„- ГРУППЫ И.И. ШУВАЛОВА jects of the Federation while observing САМОУПРАВЛЕНИЯ ÔÓÂÍÚÓ‚ Á‡ÍÓÌÓ‚ ´Œ· Ó·˘Ëı ÔË̈Ë- siaís signing and ratification of the ‡ÏÏÛ ÒÓÚÛ‰Ì˘ÂÒÚ‚‡ ÔÓ Ì‡Ë·ÓΠ‚‡Ê- ¬ ‡Ï͇ı ÔÓ„‡ÏÏ˚ –”—‘≈ƒ ÓÒÛ˘ÂÒ- the current Russian legislation. Õ‡Î˘Ë Ó„‡ÌÓ‚ ÏÂÒÚÌÓ„Ó Ë „Ë- Ô‡ı ÒÓÁ‰‡Ìˡ Ë ËÒÔÓθÁÓ‚‡Ìˡ ÙÓ̉‡ 1998 European Outline Convention on Ì˚Ï ÔÓ·ÎÂÏ‡Ï ÏÂÒÚÌÓÈ ‰ÂÏÓÍ‡ÚËË. Ú‚ÎˇÎ‡Ò¸ ÒÓ‚ÏÂÒÚ̇ˇ ‡·ÓÚ‡ ÒÓÁ‰‡ÌÌÓÈ 2. The contacts between the subjects Ó̇θÌÓ„Ó Ò‡ÏÓÛÔ‡‚ÎÂÌˡ ˇ‚ΡÂÚÒˇ ÙË̇ÌÒÓ‚ÓÈ ÔÓÏÓ˘Ë ÏÛÌˈËԇθÌ˚ı the Transfrontier Co-operation between — 1995 „Ó‰‡ ‡ÍÚË‚Ì˚Ï ·˚ÎÓ ‚Á‡Ë- Û͇ÁÓÏ œÂÁˉÂÌÚ‡ –ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓÈ ‘‰Â‡- of the Federation and international or- Íβ˜Â‚˚Ï ˝ÎÂÏÂÌÚÓÏ ‰ÂÏÓÍ‡Ú˘ÂÒÍÓÈ Ó·‡ÁÓ‚‡ÌËÈ, ‚ıÓ‰ˇ˘Ëı ‚ ÒÓÒÚ‡‚ ÒÛ·˙- Territorial Communities or Authorities ÏÓ‰ÂÈÒÚ‚Ë –ÓÒÒËË Ë —≈ ‚ ÒÙÂ ÔÓ‰- ˆËË ‚ 2001 „Ó‰Û üÓÏËÒÒËË ƒ.Õ. üÓÁ‡Í‡ Ë ganisations, particularly the Council of ÒËÒÚÂÏ˚, ÓÒÌÓ‚‡ÌÌÓÈ Ì‡ ̇˷ÓΠÔÓÎ- ÂÍÚÓ‚ –ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓÈ ‘‰Â‡ˆË˪, ´Œ· in 2002 was principally significant „ÓÚÓ‚ÍË Í‡‰Ó‚ ‰Îˇ ÏÛÌˈËÔ‡ÎËÚÂÚÓ‚ ˝ÍÒÔÂÚÓ‚ —≈ ÔÓ ‚ÓÔÓÒ‡Ï ‡Á„‡Ì˘Â- Europe, played a certain role in the dis- ÌÓÏ Û‰Ó‚ÎÂÚ‚ÓÂÌËË ÔÓÚ·ÌÓÒÚÂÈ Ó·˘Ëı ÔË̈ËÔ‡ı ̇‰ÂÎÂÌˡ Ó„‡ÌÓ‚ enough to allow, to a certain extent, the Ë ‚‰‡˛˘Ëı ‚ÓÔÓÒ‡ÏË ÏÂÒÚÌÓ„Ó Ò‡ÏÓ- Ìˡ ÔÓÎÌÓÏÓ˜ËÈ ÏÂÊ‰Û ‡Á΢Ì˚ÏË ÛÓ‚- semination of positive experience accu- „‡Ê‰‡Ì. œÓÒΠÔËÌˇÚˡ ÌÓ‚ÓÈ üÓÌÒ- ÏÂÒÚÌÓÈ ‚·ÒÚË ÓÚ‰ÂθÌ˚ÏË „ÓÒÛ‰‡- gaps of Russian legislation regulating ÛÔ‡‚ÎÂÌˡ ‰ÓÎÊÌÓÒÚÌ˚ı Îˈ ÏÂÒÚÌÓ- ÌˇÏË ÔÛ·Î˘ÌÓÈ ‚·ÒÚË ‚ –ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓÈ ‘Â- mulated by European states in the area ÚËÚÛˆËË (1993 „Ó‰) –ÓÒÒˡ ‚Òڇ· ̇ ÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚ÏË ÔÓÎÌÓÏÓ˜ËˇÏ˪, ´Œ ÔËÌ- co-operation with the contiguous coun- „Ó Ë „ËÓ̇θÌÓ„Ó ÛÓ‚ÌÂÈ ‰Îˇ ‡·Ó- ‰Â‡ˆËË. of federalism, which contributed to the

ÔÛÚ¸ ‡Á‚ËÚˡ ÏÂÒÚÌÓÈ Ë „ËÓ̇θÌÓÈ ˆËÔ‡ı Ó„‡ÌËÁ‡ˆËË ‰ÂˇÚÂθÌÓÒÚË ÏÂÒÚ- tries to be filled. Seminars in As- Ú˚ ‚ ÌÓ‚˚ı ÛÒÎӂˡı, ÍÓ„‰‡ ˆÂÌÚ‡Î¸- EXTERNAL ECONOMIC RELATIONS | ВНЕШНЕЭКОНОМИЧЕСКИЕ СВЯЗИ • № 3, МАРТ 2005 ‰ÂÏÓÍ‡ÚËË Ë ÔËÒÚÛÔË· Í ÓÒÛ˘ÂÒÚ- Ì˚ı ‚·ÒÚÂÈ ‚ ÒӈˇθÌÓÈ ÒÙÂ –ÓÒ- trakhan, Vyborg, Kaliningrad, Pskov, Ì˚ („ÓÒÛ‰‡ÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚Â) Ë „ËÓ̇θÌ˚ ‚ÎÂÌ˲ ÒÓÓÚ‚ÂÚÒÚ‚Û˛˘Ëı ÂÙÓÏ ‚ ÒËÈÒÍÓÈ ‘‰Â‡ˆË˪, ´Œ· Ó„‡ÌËÁ‡- Sochi, Svetlogorsk, Kostomuksha and (ÒÛ·˙ÂÍÚ Ù‰Â‡ˆËË) ‚·ÒÚË ˜‡ÒÚ˘ÌÓ ˝ÚÓÈ Ó·Î‡ÒÚË. ˆËË ÍÓÌÍÛÒÓ‚ ̇ ‡ÁÏ¢ÂÌË the Finnish town, Kukhmo, were con- ‰Â΄ËÛ˛Ú Ì‡ ÏÂÒÚÌ˚È ÛÓ‚Â̸ ÔÓÎ- ¬Á‡ËÏÓ‰ÂÈÒÚ‚Ë ‚ ˝ÚÓÈ Ó·Î‡ÒÚË ÓÒÛ- ÏÛÌˈËԇθÌ˚ı Á‡Í‡ÁÓ‚ª Ë Ú. ‰. ducted, which discussed issues of Russ- ÌÓÏÓ˜Ëˇ ‚ ÒÙÂ ÛÔ‡‚ÎÂÌˡ Ó·˘ÂÒÚ- ˘ÂÒڂΡÎÓÒ¸ ÔÓ ÎËÌËË —Ó‚ÏÂÒÚÌÓÈ œӂ‰ÂÌÌ˚ ‚ ÃÓÒÍ‚Â ‚ 1997-Ï, ian and European practice of cross-bor- ‚ÂÌÌ˚ÏË ÒÎÛÊ·‡ÏË, ËÏÛ˘ÂÒÚ‚ÓÏ, ÙË- ÔÓ„‡ÏÏ˚ ÒÓÚÛ‰Ì˘ÂÒÚ‚‡ —≈ ñ ≈— ñ 1998-Ï Ë 2000 „Ó‰‡ı ÔË Û˜‡ÒÚËË —≈ der ties and their legal basis. The re- ̇ÌÒ‡ÏË Ë ÒӈˇθÌ˚ÏË ‚ÓÔÓÒ‡ÏË. –ÓÒÒˡ (ÔÓÂÍÚ –”—-2) ÔÓ ÒÎÂ‰Û˛˘ËÏ ÍÓÌÙÂÂ̈ËË ÔÓ ‚ÓÔÓÒ‡Ï ‰ÂˆÂÌÚ‡- sults of the seminars were met by Russ- Œ„‡ÌËÁÛÂÏ˚ ÏÂÓÔˡÚˡ ËÏÂÎË Ò‚Ó- ̇Ô‡‚ÎÂÌˡÏ: 1) ÏÂÒÚÌ˚ ÙË̇ÌÒ˚ Ë ÎËÁ‡ˆËË Ì‡ÎÓ„Ó‚˚ı ÔÓÒÚÛÔÎÂÌËÈ ÔÓ- ian regions with satisfaction. In Octo- ÂÈ ˆÂθ˛ ÔÓÒÚÂÔÂÌÌÛ˛ ‡ÎËÁ‡ˆË˛ ‰ÂˆÂÌÚ‡ÎËÁ‡ˆËˇ ̇ÎÓ„Ó‚; ÏÓ‰Âθ ·˛‰- ÏÓ„ÎË Ó·ÓÁ̇˜ËÚ¸ ÒÛ˘ÂÒÚ‚Û˛˘Ë ber 2002, an international meeting on ÔË̈ËÔÓ‚ ˝ÙÙÂÍÚË‚ÌÓÒÚË Ë ÔÓÁ‡˜- ÊÂÚÌ˚ı ÓÚÌÓ¯ÂÌËÈ; 2) ÛÔ‡‚ÎÂÌË ÚÂ- ÔÓ·ÎÂÏ˚, Ò‚ˇÁ‡ÌÌ˚Â Ò ‡ÒÔ‰ÂÎÂÌË- the problems of transfrontier co-opera- ÌÓÒÚË ‚ ÒÙÂ ÛÔ‡‚ÎÂÌˡ Ó·˘ÂÒÚ‚ÂÌ- ËÚÓˇθÌ˚ÏË Ó·‡ÁÓ‚‡ÌˡÏË, ÛÔ‡‚- ÂÏ Ì‡ÎÓ„Ó‚ ÏÂÊ‰Û ‡Á΢Ì˚ÏË ‡‰ÏË- tion took place in Kaliningrad with the Ì˚ÏË ÒÎÛÊ·‡ÏË, ÔË̈ËÔ‡ ÒÚ‡Ú„Ë- ÎÂÌË ӷ˘ÂÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚ÏË ÒÎÛÊ·‡ÏË Ë ÏÛ- ÌËÒÚ‡ÚË‚Ì˚ÏË ÛÓ‚ÌˇÏË, ÓÔ‰ÂÎÂ- participation of Poland and Lithuania. ˜ÂÒÍÓÈ ˆÂÎÂÒÓÓ·‡ÁÌÓÒÚË ÔËÌËχÂÏ˚ı ÌˈËԇθÌ˚Ï ËÏÛ˘ÂÒÚ‚ÓÏ; 3) ÔÓ‰„ÓÚÓ‚- ÌËÂÏ ‡‰ÂÍ‚‡ÚÌÓ„Ó ÒÓÓÚÌÓ¯ÂÌˡ ÏÂÊ- All in all, from 1994 to December ÏÂÒÚÌ˚ÏË ‚·ÒÚˇÏË ¯ÂÌËÈ. ͇ ÏÛÌˈËԇθÌ˚ı ͇‰Ó‚ Ë ‚˚·ÓÌ˚ı ‰Û ÂÒÛÒ‡ÏË ÏÛÌˈËÔ‡ÎËÚÂÚÓ‚ Ë ‚˚- 2004, the RUS-1 Project, RUSFED Pro- ¡Î‡„Ó‰‡ˇ Ôӂ‰ÂÌÌÓÈ ‡·ÓÚ ÓÒ- Ô‰ÒÚ‡‚ËÚÂÎÂÈ Ì‡ ÏÂÒÚÌÓÏ ÛÓ‚ÌÂ. ÔÓÎÌˇÂÏ˚ÏË ËÏË ÙÛÌÍˆËˇÏË, Ô‡‚ÓÏ grammes and the International Rela- ÒËÈÒÍË ˝ÍÒÔÂÚ˚ ÔËÓ·ÂÎË ÌÂÓ·ıÓ‰Ë- ›ÍÒÔÂÚ˚ —Ó‚ÂÚ‡ ≈‚ÓÔ˚ Û˜‡ÒÚ‚Ó- ÏÛÌˈËԇθÌ˚ı Ó·‡ÁÓ‚‡ÌËÈ Ò‡ÏÓ- tions of Russiaís Regions 2004 Pro- Ï˚ Á̇Ìˡ Ë ‚ Ò‚Ó˛ Ó˜Â‰¸ Ó·Û˜ËÎË ‚‡ÎË ‚ ‡Á‡·ÓÚÍ Á‡ÍÓÌÓÔÓÂÍÚÓ‚, ÒÚÓˇÚÂθÌÓ ÓÔ‰ÂΡڸ ÔÂ‚ÓÓ˜Â‰- gramme conducted over 90 major ÛÍÓ‚Ó‰ËÚÂÎÂÈ Û˜Â·Ì˚ı ˆÂÌÚÓ‚, ÒÓÁ- Ô‰ÎÓÊÂÌÌ˚ı üÓÏËÚÂÚÓÏ ÔÓ ‚ÓÔÓ- Ì˚ ‡ÒıÓ‰˚, ÔÓθÁÓ‚‡Ú¸Òˇ Í‰ËÚÓÏ, events: conferences, seminars, round ta- ‰‡ÌÌ˚ı ‚ ÃÓÒÍ‚Â, —‡ÌÍÚ-œÂÚÂ·Û„Â, Ò‡Ï ÏÂÒÚÌÓ„Ó Ò‡ÏÓÛÔ‡‚ÎÂÌˡ √ÓÒÛ‰‡- ÛÒڇ̇‚ÎË‚‡Ú¸ ÏÂÒÚÌ˚ ̇ÎÓ„Ë. bles, study tours, etc., in which more “ÓθˇÚÚË, ÕÓ‚„ÓÓ‰Â, ÃÓÒÍÓ‚ÒÍÓÈ Ó·- ÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓÈ ƒÛÏ˚ ‘‰Â‡Î¸ÌÓ„Ó —Ó·‡- Œ‰ÌËÏ ËÁ ‚‡ÊÌ˚ı ̇Ô‡‚ÎÂÌËÈ ÒÓ- than 5,000 representatives from 89 sub- ·ÒÚË, ¬Î‡‰ËÏËÂ Ë Ú.‰. ¬ÔÓÒΉÒÚ‚ËË Ìˡ –ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓÈ ‘‰Â‡ˆËË, ‚ ˜‡ÒÚÌÓÒ- ÚÛ‰Ì˘ÂÒÚ‚‡ Òڇ· ÔÓ‰„ÓÚӂ͇ ÛÔ‡‚- jects of the Federation and over 50 ex- ·˚ÎË ‡Á‡·ÓÚ‡Ì˚ ÒÔˆˇθÌ˚ ۘ·Ì˚ ÚË ‘‰Â‡Î¸ÌÓ„Ó Á‡ÍÓ̇ ´Œ ÙË̇ÌÒÓ- ÎÂ̘ÂÒÍËı ͇‰Ó‚ ‰Îˇ ÏÛÌˈËԇθÌ˚ı perts from 14 member states of the EC ÔÓ„‡ÏÏ˚, ÔÓÒ‚ˇ˘ÂÌÌ˚ ≈‚ÓÔÂÈÒÍÓÈ ‚˚ı ÓÒÌÓ‚‡ı ÏÂÒÚÌÓ„Ó Ò‡ÏÓÛÔ‡‚ÎÂÌˡ Ó·‡ÁÓ‚‡ÌËÈ –ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓÈ ‘‰Â‡ˆËË. participated. ı‡ÚËË ÏÂÒÚÌÓ„Ó Ò‡ÏÓÛÔ‡‚ÎÂÌˡ. Õ‡ ‚ –‘ª Ë ‘‰Â‡Î¸ÌÓ„Ó Á‡ÍÓ̇ ´Œ· ÓÒ- «‡ ÔÂËÓ‰ Ò 1995-„Ó ÔÓ 2000 „Ó‰ ¿‰- The joint CE-EU-Russia co-opera- ·‡Á 15 ۘ·Ì˚ı ˆÂÌÚÓ‚ Û‰‡ÎÓÒ¸ ÔÓ‰-


weakening of separatist tendencies in Ò˜ÂÚ. œÓÎÂÁ̇ˇ ‰ËÒÍÛÒÒˡ Ò Û˜‡ÒÚËÂÏ ¬‡ÊÌ˚È ÔÓÎËÚ˘ÂÒÍËÈ ÂÁÓ̇ÌÒ ËÏÂ- tions to different problems facing the some Russian regions. Ô‰ÒÚ‡‚ËÚÂÎÂÈ ¿‰ÏËÌËÒÚ‡ˆËË œÂÁË- ÎÓ Ôӂ‰ÂÌË Ó„‡ÌËÁÓ‚‡ÌÌÓÈ üÖ¬≈ countries of the continent. 3. Although the development of feder- ‰ÂÌÚ‡ –‘, √ÓÒÛ‰‡ÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓÈ ƒÛÏ˚, ÏÂÒÚ- ÒÓ‚ÏÂÒÚÌÓ Ò √ÓÒÛ‰‡ÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚Ï —Ó‚ÂÚÓÏ alism in Russia is not subject to monitor- Ì˚ı ‚·ÒÚÂÈ, ˝ÍÒÔÂÚÌ˚ı ÍÛ„Ó‚ ‚ ÒÙÂ- –ÂÒÔÛ·ÎËÍË “‡Ú‡ÒÚ‡Ì ÍÓÌÙÂÂ̈ËË ´Œ COOPERATION IN THE AREA OF LO ing by the CE according to the statement  ÏÛÌˈËԇθÌÓ„Ó Ë „ËÓ̇θÌÓ„Ó ‡Á- ÍÓÌÒÚËÚÛˆËÓÌÌÓÏ ÒÚ‡ÚÛÒ „ËÓÌÓ‚ ‚ CAL SELFGOVERNMENT of the Parliamentary Assembly No. 193 ‚ËÚˡ ÒÓÒÚÓˇÎ‡Ò¸ ‚ ‡Ï͇ı Ó„‡ÌËÁÓ‚‡Ì- –ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓÈ ‘‰Â‡ˆËË Ë ‰Û„Ëı „ÓÒÛ- Local and regional bodies of self-gov- (1996), a special commission consisting ÌÓ„Ó œ‡Î‡ÚÓÈ ÏÂÒÚÌ˚ı ‚·ÒÚÂÈ ‰‡ÒÚ‚‡ı ≈‚ÓÔ˚ª (ü‡Á‡Ì¸, 11ñ12 ˲Ρ ernment are the key elements of a demo- of Russian specialists and experts of the ´ÍÛ„ÎÓ„Ó ÒÚÓ·ª ´ÃÛÌˈËԇθ̇ˇ ÔÓ- 2003 „Ó‰‡). cratic system based on the fullest possi- Council of Europe achieved significant ÎËˆËˇ ‚ ≈‚ÓÔª („. ÿ‡ÎÂÛ‡, 22ñ23 ›Ú‡ÔÓÏ ÒÓÚÛ‰Ì˘ÂÒÚ‚‡ –ÓÒÒËË Ò ble satisfaction of the needs of the peo- results in the development of mutually ac- ÌÓˇ·ˇ 2002 „Ó‰‡). üÖ¬≈ Òڇ· ÔÓ‰„ÓÚӂ͇ ‚ 2003ñ2004 ple. After adopting the new Constitu- ceptable solutions with Russian specific —ÓÒÚÓˇ‚¯‡ˇÒˇ 20ñ22 χˇ 2003 „Ó‰‡ „Ó‰‡ı ‰ÓÍ·‰‡ Ó ÒÓÒÚÓˇÌËË ÏÂÒÚÌÓÈ Ë tion in 1993, Russia has set off on the conditions and recommendations of the ‚ —Ú‡Ò·Û„ X œÎÂ̇̇ˇ ÒÂÒÒˡ „ËÓ̇θÌÓÈ ‰ÂÏÓÍ‡ÚËË ‚ –ÓÒÒËË, ‚˚- path of development of local and re- Council of Europe taken into account. üÖ¬≈ Òڇ· Á‡ÏÂÚÌ˚Ï ÒÓ·˚ÚËÂÏ. ≈ ÌÂÒÂÌÌÓ„Ó Ì‡ ‡ÒÒÏÓÚÂÌË XI ÔÎÂ̇- gional democracy and begun to imple- 4. The 1994-2004 events aimed at ˛·ËÎÂÈÌ˚È ı‡‡ÍÚÂ, ‚˚ÒÓÍËÈ ÛÓ‚Â̸ ÌÓÈ ÒÂÒÒËË üÓÌ„ÂÒÒ‡ ‚ χ 2004 „Ó‰‡. ment the respective reforms in this area. providing assistance and developing co- Ô˄·¯ÂÌÌ˚ı Û˜‡ÒÚÌËÍÓ‚, ÒÂ‰Ë ÍÓÚÓ- ¬ ‡·ÓÚ XI ÔÎÂ̇ÌÓÈ ÒÂÒÒËË The interaction in this area was operation in the area of federalism be- ˚ı ñ Ô‰Ò‰‡ÚÂθ —Ó‚ÂÚ‡ ‘‰Â‡ˆËË üÖ¬≈ (25ñ27 χˇ 2004 „Ó‰‡) ÔËÌˇÎ‡ carried out within the framework of came an important forum for exchang- ‘‰Â‡Î¸ÌÓ„Ó —Ó·‡Ìˡ –‘ —.Ã. ÃË- Û˜‡ÒÚË ӷÌÓ‚ÎÂÌ̇ˇ ÓÒÒËÈÒ͇ˇ ‰ÂÎÂ- the joint CE-EU-Russia co-operation ing opinions between the federal author- ÓÌÓ‚, ‚ˈÂ-ÔÂϸÂ ¬ÂÎËÍÓ·ËÚ‡ÌËË „‡ˆËˇ, ÛÚ‚ÂʉÂÌ̇ˇ Û͇ÁÓÏ œÂÁˉÂÌ- programme (RUS-2 Project) in the ities and the subjects of the Federation. ƒÊ. œÂÒÍÓÚÚ, ‡ÍÚۇθÌÓÒÚ¸ ÔÓ‚ÂÒÚÍË Ú‡ ‚ χ 2004 „Ó‰‡. ≈ ÛÍÓ‚Ó‰ËÚÂÎÂÏ following directions: 1) local fi- 5. Since the autumn of 1999, repre- ‰Ìˇ Ô‰ÓÔ‰ÂÎËÎË ÛÌË͇θÌÓÒÚ¸ ˝ÚÓ- ËÁ·‡Ì‡ Á‡ÏÂÒÚËÚÂθ Ô‰Ò‰‡ÚÂΡ —Ó- nances and decentralization of taxes; sentatives of Russia and the Council of „Ó ÙÓÛχ ‚ ‰ÂÒˇÚËÎÂÚÌÂÈ ËÒÚÓËË üÓÌ„- ‚ÂÚ‡ ‘‰Â‡ˆËË —.fi. ŒÎÓ‚‡. Œ‰ÌËÏ ËÁ model of budgetary relations, 2) ad- Europe have participated in arranging ÂÒÒ‡. –ÛÍÓ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó ÔÓ‰Ó·ÌÓ ÓÚ˜ËÚ‡- ̇˷ÓΠ‚‡ÊÌ˚ı ‚ÓÔÓÒÓ‚ ÔÓ‚ÂÒÚÍË ‰Ìˇ ministration of territorial entities, and conducting steps to study the situa- ÎÓÒ¸ ÔÓ ËÚÓ„‡Ï ÔӉ·ÌÌÓÈ ‡·ÓÚ˚, ÙÓÛχ ÒÚ‡ÎÓ ‡ÒÒÏÓÚÂÌË ‰ÓÍ·‰‡ ´Œ administration of social services and ¬ 2001ñ2002 „Ó‰‡ı ‚ ÃÓÒÍ‚Â Ë —Ú‡Ò- (üÖ¬≈), Û˜ÂʉÂÌÌÓ„Ó üÓÏËÚÂÚÓÏ ÃË- tion in the Northern Caucuses (the ÒÙÓÏÛÎËÓ‚‡ÎÓ Á‡‰‡˜Ë ̇ ÔÂÒÔÂÍÚË- ÒÓÒÚÓˇÌËË ÏÂÒÚÌÓÈ Ë „ËÓ̇θÌÓÈ ‰Â- municipal property, 3) preparation of ·Û„ ÔÓ¯ÂÎ ˇ‰ Òӂ¢‡ÌËÈ ÏÂÊ‰Û ˝ÍÒ- ÌËÒÚÓ‚ —≈ ‚ 1994 „Ó‰Û Ë ˇ‚Ρ˛˘Â„ÓÒˇ Southern federal district). ‚Û, ÏÌÓ„Ë ËÁ ÍÓÚÓ˚ı, ÒÍÓ ‚Ò„Ó, ÔÂ- ÏÓÍ‡ÚËË ‚ –ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓÈ ‘‰Â‡ˆË˪. ¬ municipal personnel and elected rep- ÔÂÚ‡ÏË —≈ Ë ˜ÎÂ̇ÏË üÓÏËÒÒËË Ò ˆÂθ˛ ÍÓÌÒÛθڇÚË‚Ì˚Ï Ó„‡ÌÓÏ —≈, Ô‰ÒÚ‡‚- 6. The CE leadership highly evalu- ¯ÎË ÔÓ ˝ÒÚ‡ÙÂÚ ‚ ‡·Ó˜ËÈ „‡ÙËÍ ÌÓ- ÔËÌˇÚ˚ı ÔÓ ËÚÓ„‡Ï Ó·ÒÛʉÂÌˡ ˝ÚÓ„Ó resentatives at local level. ‡Ì‡ÎËÁ‡ ÚÂı ËÎË ËÌ˚ı Ô‰ÎÓÊÂÌËÈ ÔÓ Îˇ˛˘ËÏ Ë ÓÚ‡Ê‡˛˘ËÏ ÚÓ˜ÍÛ ÁÂÌˡ ated the openness of Russian authori- ‚˚ı ÎˉÂÓ‚, ËÁ·‡ÌÌ˚ı ‚ ıӉ XI ÒÂÒ- ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ ÂÁÓβˆËË Ë ÂÍÓÏẨ‡ˆËË Experts of the Council of Europe ÒÓ‚Â¯ÂÌÒÚ‚Ó‚‡Ì˲ ÙÛÌ͈ËÓÌËÓ‚‡Ìˡ „ËÓ̇θÌ˚ı Ë ÏÂÒÚÌ˚ı Ó„‡ÌÓ‚ ‚·Ò- ties and accessibility of even hard-to- ÒËË ‚ χ 2004 „Ó‰‡. ÒÓ‰ÂÊËÚÒˇ ‚Á‚¯ÂÌ̇ˇ, Ó·˙ÂÍÚ˂̇ˇ participated in the development of ‡Á΢Ì˚ı ÛÓ‚ÌÂÈ ÔÛ·Î˘ÌÓÈ ‚·ÒÚË ‚ ÚË „ÓÒÛ‰‡ÒÚ‚ ñ ˜ÎÂÌÓ‚ —≈. üÓÏËÚÂÚ ÃË- reach and remote localities, as well as «‡ÏÂÚÌ˚Ï ÒÓ·˚ÚËÂÏ Òڇ· ËÌˈËËÓ- ÓˆÂÌ͇ ÔÓ‚Ó‰ËÏ˚ı ‚ ÒÚ‡Ì ÂÙÓÏ ‚ draft laws suggested by the Commit- –ÓÒÒËË. ¬ ‡ÔÂΠ2002 „Ó‰‡ ‚ —‡ÌÍÚ-œÂ- ÌËÒÚÓ‚ (üÃ) Ë œ‡·ÏÂÌÚÒ͇ˇ ¿Ò҇Ϸ- an opportunity to discuss issues openly ‚‡Ì̇ˇ ÛÍÓ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚ÓÏ üÖ¬≈ üÓÌÙÂÂÌ- ӷ·ÒÚË Ù‰Â‡ÚË‚Ì˚ı ÓÚÌÓ¯ÂÌËÈ Ë tee for local self-government issues of ÚÂ·Û„ ÒÓÒÚÓˇÎ‡Ò¸ Ô‰ÒÚ‡‚ËÚÂθ̇ˇ Ρ (œ¿) —≈ ÍÓÌÒÛθÚËÛ˛ÚÒˇ Ò üÖ¬≈ and freely. It was only due to this ap- ˆËˇ ÔÓ ÔÓ·ÎÂχÚËÍ ‚Ó„ËÓÌÓ‚ Ë ÏÂÒÚÌÓ„Ó Ò‡ÏÓÛÔ‡‚ÎÂÌˡ. the State Duma of the Federal Assem- ÏÂʉÛ̇Ӊ̇ˇ ÍÓÌÙÂÂÌˆËˇ, ÍÓÚÓ‡ˇ ÔÓ ‚ÓÔÓÒ‡Ï, ÍÓÚÓ˚ ÏÓ„ÛÚ Á‡Ú‡„Ë‚‡Ú¸ proach that it became possible to cover ‚ÓÔÓÒ‡Ï ÒÓÚÛ‰Ì˘ÂÒÚ‚‡ ÏÂÊ‰Û ÏÂÒÚ- œ‰ÎÓÊÂÌˡ œÂÁˉÂÌÚ‡ –ÓÒÒËË bly of the Russian Federation, partic- ÔÓ‰‚· Ô‰‚‡ËÚÂθÌ˚ ËÚÓ„Ë ÒÓ‚ÏÂ- ÍÓÏÔÂÚÂÌˆË˛ Ë ÓÒÌÓ‚Ì˚ ËÌÚÂÂÒ˚ ÏÂÒÚ- an essential part of the territory of the Ì˚ÏË Ë „ËÓ̇θÌ˚ÏË ‚·ÒÚˇÏË „ÓÒÛ- ¬.¬. œÛÚË̇ ÔÓ ËÁÏÂÌÂÌ˲ ÔÓˇ‰Í‡ ËÁ·- ularly, the Federal Law On Financial ÒÚÌÓÈ ‰ÂˇÚÂθÌÓÒÚË ‚ ˝ÚÓÈ Ó·Î‡ÒÚË. Ì˚ı Ë „ËÓ̇θÌ˚ı Ó„‡ÌÓ‚ ‚·ÒÚË, Russian Federation. ‰‡ÒÚ‚ ¡‡ÎÚËÈÒÍÓ„Ó ÏÓˇ, ÍÓÚÓÛ˛ ‡Ìˡ „·‚ ËÒÔÓÎÌËÚÂθÌÓÈ ‚·ÒÚË ÒÛ·˙- Basis of Local Self-Government in the œË Û˜‡ÒÚËË ˝ÍÒÔÂÚÓ‚ —≈ Ë ˜ÎÂÌÓ‚ üÓ- Ô‰ÒÚ‡‚ΡÂÏ˚ı üÖ¬≈. 7. All participants in the events üÓÌ„ÂÒÒ ÔÓ‚ÂÎ ‚ —‡ÌÍÚ-œÂÚÂ·Û„ ‚ ÂÍÚÓ‚ –ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓÈ ‘‰Â‡ˆËË ·˚ÎË ‚ÓÒÔ- RF and the Law On the Fundamentals ÏËÒÒËË ‡Á‡·ÓÚ‡Ì˚ ÔÓÂÍÚ˚ ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚÓ‚, –ÓÒÒËÈÒÍËÈ Ô‰ÒÚ‡‚ËÚÂθ ¿.». —‡Î- were unanimous in that the federal sys- ‡Ï͇ı Ô‡Á‰ÌÓ‚‡Ìˡ 300-ÎÂÚˡ ÓÒÌÓ‚‡- ËÌˇÚ˚ ÛÍÓ‚Ó‰ËÚÂΡÏË üÖ¬≈ Ò ÌÂÍÓ- of Municipal Service in the RF. ‚ ÍÓÚÓ˚ı Ò ÌÓ‚˚ı ÔÓÁˈËÈ ËÁÎÓÊÂÌ˚ ·‡- Ú˚ÍÓ‚ ÌÂÓ‰ÌÓÍ‡ÚÌÓ ËÁ·Ë‡ÎÒˇ ‚ˈÂ-ÔÂ- tem was the only possible and acceptable Ìˡ „ÓÓ‰‡. ÚÓÓÈ ÓÁ‡·Ó˜ÂÌÌÓÒÚ¸˛. ¬ ˝ÚÓÈ Ò‚ˇÁË ‰Îˇ Also, experts examined the legisla- ÁÓ‚˚ ÔË̈ËÔ˚ Ó„‡ÌËÁ‡ˆËË ÏÂÒÚÌÓ„Ó Ò‡- ÁˉÂÌÚÓÏ Ë ˜ÎÂÌÓÏ ·˛Ó üÖ¬≈, ˜ÚÓ form of state structure in Russia. tion of some subjects of the Russian ÏÓÛÔ‡‚ÎÂÌˡ, Á‡ÍÓÌÓ‰‡ÚÂθÌ˚ı (Ô‰ÒÚ‡- ÒÚ‡ÎÓ ÔËÁ̇ÌËÂÏ ÛÒËÎËÈ ÏÂÒÚÌ˚ı Ë Â- 8. The Russian Federation must rely Federation in the area of local self-

‚ËÚÂθÌ˚ı) Ë ËÒÔÓÎÌËÚÂθÌ˚ı Ó„‡ÌÓ‚ „Ó- „ËÓ̇θÌ˚ı ‚·ÒÚÂÈ ÔÓ ‡Á‚ËÚ˲ ÔÓ- on the constitutional, that is legal, basis. government (for instance, the Repub- EXTERNAL ECONOMIC RELATIONS | ВНЕШНЕЭКОНОМИЧЕСКИЕ СВЯЗИ • № 3, МАРТ 2005 ÒÛ‰‡ÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓÈ ‚·ÒÚË ÒÛ·˙ÂÍÚÓ‚ Ù‰Â‡- ˆÂÒÒÓ‚ ‰ÂÏÓÍ‡ÚËÁ‡ˆËË ‚ –ÓÒÒËË. The process of concluding treaties and lic of Karelia). On request from this ˆËË, ‡Á„‡Ì˘ÂÌˡ ÔÓÎÌÓÏÓ˜ËÈ ÏÂÊ‰Û — Û˜‡ÒÚËÂÏ üÓÌ„ÂÒÒ‡ ‚ –ÓÒÒËË agreements between the Federation and Committee, the Council of Europe Ù‰Â‡Î¸Ì˚ÏË Ó„‡Ì‡ÏË „ÓÒÛ‰‡ÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓÈ ·˚Î ÓÒÛ˘ÂÒÚ‚ÎÂÌ ˇ‰ ÔÓÎÂÁÌ˚ı ËÌˈË- its subjects should complement the gener- rendered advisory assistance to the ‚·ÒÚË, Ó„‡Ì‡ÏË „ÓÒÛ‰‡ÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓÈ ‚·ÒÚË ‡ÚË‚, ‚Íβ˜‡ˇ üÓÌÙÂÂÌˆË˛ ÔÓ ‡Á- al rules provided by the legislation. State Duma in 1998 in the develop- ÒÛ·˙ÂÍÚÓ‚ Ù‰Â‡ˆËË Ë Ó„‡Ì‡ÏË ÏÂÒÚÌÓ„Ó „‡Ì˘ÂÌ˲ ÔÓÎÌÓÏÓ˜ËÈ ÏÂÊ‰Û ‡Á- 9. The conclusions and recommen- ment of draft laws: On General Prin- Ò‡ÏÓÛÔ‡‚ÎÂÌˡ ÔÓ Ó·˘ËÏ ‚ÓÔÓÒ‡Ï Ó„‡- ΢Ì˚ÏË ÛÓ‚ÌˇÏË ÔÛ·Î˘ÌÓÈ ‚·ÒÚË dations adopted within the framework ciples of the Formation and Use of ÌËÁ‡ˆËË Ó„‡ÌÓ‚ „ÓÒÛ‰‡ÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓÈ ‚·ÒÚË Ë ‚ –ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓÈ ‘‰Â‡ˆËË (—‡ÌÍÚ-œÂ- of Russia-CE co-operation in the area the Fund of Financial Support for ÏÂÒÚÌÓ„Ó Ò‡ÏÓÛÔ‡‚ÎÂÌˡ. »ÚÓ„ÓÏ ˝ÚÓÈ ÚÂ·Û„, 23ñ24 ‡ÔÂΡ 2002 „Ó‰‡), of federalism reflect many elements of Municipal Entities within the Sub- χүڇ·ÌÓÈ ‡·ÓÚ˚ ÒÚ‡ÎË ‡Á‡·ÓÚ͇ Ë ÏÂʉÛ̇Ó‰Ì˚È ÙÓÛÏ ´›ÌÂ„ÂÚË͇ Ë the reform conducted by Russia in the jects of the Russian Federation; On ÔËÌˇÚË ‰‚Ûı ‚‡ÊÌÂȯËı Á‡ÍÓÌÓ‚: ´Œ· ÛÒÚÓȘ˂Ó ‡Á‚ËÚ˪ (ŒÏÒÍ, 10ñ11 countryís federal set-up (the need to General Principles of Delegating Ó·˘Ëı ÔË̈ËÔ‡ı Ó„‡ÌËÁ‡ˆËË ÏÂÒÚÌÓ„Ó Ë˛Ìˇ 2002 „Ó‰‡), ÏÂʉÛ̇Ó‰Ì˚È ÒËÏ- adopt laws on the division of authority Certain State-Managed Powers to Ò‡ÏÓÛÔ‡‚ÎÂÌˡ ‚ –ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓÈ ‘‰Â‡ˆË˪ ÔÓÁËÛÏ ÔÓ ‚ÓÔÓÒ‡Ï ÍÛθÚÛÌÓ„Ó ÏÌÓ- between the Federation its subjects and Local Authorities; On Principles of ÓÚ 6 ÓÍÚˇ·ˇ 2003 „. π 131-‘« Ë ´Œ ‚ÌÂ- „ÓÓ·‡Áˡ ‚ ËÒÚÓ˘ÂÒÍËı „ÓÓ‰‡ı (ü‡- bodies of local self-government, to Organising the Activities of Local ÒÂÌËË ËÁÏÂÌÂÌËÈ Ë ‰ÓÔÓÎÌÂÌËÈ ‚ ‘‰Â‡Î¸- Á‡Ì¸, 20ñ24 Ë˛Ìˇ 2002 „Ó‰‡). change the system of formation of the Authorities in the Social Sphere of Ì˚È Á‡ÍÓÌ ´Œ· Ó·˘Ëı ÔË̈ËÔ‡ı Ó„‡ÌË- ¬ ÍÓÌÚÂÍÒÚ ‡ÎËÁ‡ˆËË ÍÓÏÔÎÂÍÒ- Federation Council, the nomination of the Russian Federation; On Organis- Á‡ˆËË Á‡ÍÓÌÓ‰‡ÚÂθÌ˚ı (Ô‰ÒÚ‡‚ËÚÂθÌ˚ı) ÌÓ„Ó ÔÓ‰ıÓ‰‡ Í ÔÓÚË‚Ó‰ÂÈÒڂ˲ ÚÂÓ- representatives of the President for the ing Tenders for Placement of Munic- Ë ËÒÔÓÎÌËÚÂθÌ˚ı Ó„‡ÌÓ‚ „ÓÒÛ‰‡ÒÚ‚ÂÌ- ËÒÚ˘ÂÒÍÓÈ Û„ÓÁ üÓÌ„ÂÒÒ ÔÓ‰ÓÎ- seven federal districts, the formation ipal Orders; and so on. ÌÓÈ ‚·ÒÚË ÒÛ·˙ÂÍÚÓ‚ –ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓÈ ‘‰Â‡- ÊËÎ ÛÒËÎˡ ÔÓ ÔÓ‚˚¯ÂÌ˲ ÒÓ·ÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓ- of the State Council, etc.). The conferences conducted in ˆË˪ ÓÚ 4 ˲Ρ 2003 „. π 95-‘«. „Ó ‚Í·‰‡ ‚ ‡ÌÚËÚÂÓËÒÚ˘ÂÒÍÛ˛ ·Ó¸- 10. Co-operation between Russia Moscow in 1997, 1998 and 2000 with ·Û. —ÓÒÚÓˇ‚¯‡ˇÒˇ 20ñ21 ÒÂÌÚˇ·ˇ 2002 and the CU has had a most favourable the participation of the CE on issues of РОССИЯ И КОНГРЕСС МЕСТНЫХ „Ó‰‡ ‚ À˛ÍÒÂÏ·Û„ ÏÂʉÛ̇Ӊ̇ˇ response among the public and author- decentralization of taxes provided assis- И РЕГИОНАЛЬНЫХ ВЛАСТЕЙ ЕВРОПЫ ÍÓÌÙÂÂÌˆËˇ Ó ÓÎË ÏÂÒÚÌ˚ı ‚·ÒÚÂÈ ‚ ities. The Council of Europe is viewed tance in identifying the existing prob- ƒÂ΄‡ˆËˇ –ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓÈ ‘‰Â‡ˆËË Û˜‡ÒÚ- ·Ó¸·Â Ò ÚÂÓËÁÏÓÏ ÔÓÁ‚ÓÎË· as an international organisation with lems related to the distribution of taxes ‚ÛÂÚ ‚ ‰ÂˇÚÂθÌÓÒÚË üÓÌ„ÂÒÒ‡ ÏÂÒÚÌ˚ı Ô‰ÒÚ‡‚ËÚÂθÌÓÈ ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓÈ ‰Â΄‡ˆËË unique capabilities of providing ana- among various administrative levels, de-


ÔÓÎÛ˜ÂÌˡ ‡Á˙ˇÒÌÂÌËÈ ÓÚÌÓÒËÚÂθÌÓ Â- between resources of municipalities and devoted to the European charter of local ment and adoption of two major laws: On 22-23 November, 2002), organised by of power of the regional level in Russia. ÙÓÏ˚ „ËÓ̇θÌÓ„Ó ÛÓ‚Ìˇ ‚·ÒÚË ‚ their functions, the right of municipal self-government were developed. Fifteen General Principles of Organising Local the Chamber of local authorities. Russian representatives provided –ÓÒÒËË 28ñ29 ÓÍÚˇ·ˇ 2004 „Ó‰‡ ‚ ÃÓÒÍ- entities to independently define their training centres made it possible to train Self-Government in the Russian Federation The 10th Plenary session of the exhaustive reasoning which helped the ‚ ̇ıӉ˷Ҹ ‰Â΄‡ˆËˇ üÖ¬≈ ‚Ó „·- high-priority expenses, as well as make about 300 instructors and 3,000 represen- as of 6 October, 2003 No. 131-F«, and On CLRAE, which took place on 20-22 May, CLRAE leadership assess the situation ‚Â Ò Ô‰Ò‰‡ÚÂÎÂÏ ƒÊ. ƒË —Ú‡ÁË. use of loans and establish local taxes. tatives of municipal services and elected Amending the Federal Law ëOn General 2003 in Strasbourg, was a notable event. more clearly. –ÓÒÒËÈÒÍË Ô‰ÒÚ‡‚ËÚÂÎË ‰‡ÎË ËÒ- A major direction for co-opera- leaders at local level. Principles of Organising Legislative (Rep- Its jubilee nature, the high level of the in- At the autumn session of the ˜ÂÔ˚‚‡˛˘Û˛ ‡„ÛÏÂÌÚ‡ˆË˛, ÍÓÚÓ‡ˇ tion has become personnel training The assistance of the Council of Eu- resentative) and Executive Bodies of State vited participants, including the Chairman CLRAE (3-5 November, 2004), the ÔÓÏӄ· ÛÍÓ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Û üÖ¬≈ ·ÓΠ˜ÂÚ- for the municipal entities of the Russ- rope contributed to the implementation Power of the Subjects of the Russian Feder- of the Federation Council of the RF Fed- Russian delegation had to conduct diffi- ÍÓ ÓˆÂÌËÚ¸ ÒËÚÛ‡ˆË˛. ian Federation. of a number of international projects ation as of 4 July, 2003 No. 95-F«. eral Assembly, S. M. Mironov, the deputy cult discussions on the situation con- Õ‡ ÓÒÂÌÌÂÈ ÒÂÒÒËË üÖ¬≈ (3ñ5 ÌÓ- From 1995 to 2000, the Adminis- which allowed Russian organisations to prime minister of Great Britain, J. cerning the local and regional democra- ˇ·ˇ 2004 „Ó‰‡) ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓÈ ‰Â΄‡ˆËË tration of the President of the Russian establish co-operation with national asso- RUSSIA AND THE CONGRESS Prescott and the topicality of the agenda cy in Russia. S.N. Samoilov, an advisor Ô˯ÎÓÒ¸ ‚ÂÒÚË ÒÎÓÊÌ˚ ‰ËÒÍÛÒÒËË Ó ÒË- Federation, the State Duma of the Fed- ciations of local authorities of Western OF LOCAL AND REGIONAL predetermined the ëunique natureí of this to the President of Russia, made a re- ÚÛ‡ˆËË Ò ÏÂÒÚÌÓÈ Ë „ËÓ̇θÌÓÈ ‰ÂÏÓÍ- eral Assembly of the Russian Federa- Europe. The LODE programme tested an AUTHORITIES OF EUROPE forum in the ten-year history of the Con- port on the progress of implementation ‡ÚËÂÈ ‚ –ÓÒÒËË. — ÓÚ˜ÂÚÓÏ Ó ıӉ ‚˚ÔÓÎ- tion, the Congress of Municipal Enti- original Russian training programme for The delegation of the Russian Federation gress. The leadership made a detailed re- of the recommendations related to this ÌÂÌˡ ÂÍÓÏẨ‡ˆËÈ, ÔËÌˇÚ˚ı ÔÓ ˝ÚÓÏÛ ties of the Russian Federation in co-op- teaching local self-government basics, has been participating in the activities of port on the results of its work and formu- issue, which were adopted in May 2004. ‚ÓÔÓÒÛ ‚ χ 2004 „Ó‰‡, ‚˚ÒÚÛÔËÎ ÒÓ‚ÂÚ- eration with the Council of Europe which incorporated positive and foreign the Congress of Local and Regional Au- lated objectives for the future, many of ÌËÍ œÂÁˉÂÌÚ‡ –ÓÒÒËË —.Õ. —‡ÏÓÈÎÓ‚. conducted about forty seminars and experience. Russiaís joining the Euro- thorities of Europe (CLRAE) set up by the which were passed to the work schedule of PARTICIPATION OF RUSSIAN conferences on the following topics: pean charter of local self-government in Committee of Ministers of the CE in 1994. the new leaders elected in the course of the REPRESENTATIVES IN THE ACTIVITIES УЧАСТИЕ РОССИЙСКИХ ïrole of local authorities in the eco- 1998 plays an important role for the de- The CLRAE is an advisory body of the CE 11th session in May 2004. OF THE MANAGING COMMITTEE OF THE ПРЕДСТАВИТЕЛЕЙ В ДЕЯТЕЛЬНОСТИ nomic and social development of mu- velopment of local bodies of self-govern- and represents and reflects the points of Another notable event was the COUNCIL OF EUROPE FOR LOCAL AND РУКОВОДЯЩЕГО КОМИТЕТА СОВЕТА nicipal entities; ment in Russia. view of local and regional authorities of CLRAE-initiated Conference on prob- REGIONAL DEMOCRACY (MCLRD) ЕВРОПЫ ПО ВОПРОСАМ МЕСТНОЙ ïcontrol over local authorities; All in all, over ninety major events re- member states of the CE. The Committee of lems of euro-regions and issues of co-op- Russian representatives have been working И РЕГИОНАЛЬНОЙ ДЕМОКРАТИИ ïrelations between people and local bod- lated to this topic took place from 1994 to Ministers (CM) and the Parliamentary As- eration between local and regional au- actively in the Managing Committee of the (РКМРД) ies of power; December 2004: seminars and confer- sembly (PA) of the CE hold consultations thorities of the Baltic Sea states, which CE on issues of local and regional democra- –ÓÒÒËÈÒÍË Ô‰ÒÚ‡‚ËÚÂÎË ‡ÍÚË‚ÌÓ ‡- ïrole of elected mayors; ences, in which more than 9,000 represen- on issues which may concern the jurisdic- was conducted by the Congress in St. Pe- cy and sub-committees. With their participa- ·ÓÚ‡˛Ú ‚ ÒÓÒÚ‡‚ –ÛÍÓ‚Ó‰ˇ˘Â„Ó ÍÓÏË- ïlegal protection of municipal entities; tatives from all 89 subjects of the Federa- tion and main interests of local and region- tersburg within the framework of the tion, the Committee has developed recom- ÚÂÚ‡ —≈ ÔÓ ‚ÓÔÓÒ‡Ï ÏÂÒÚÌÓÈ Ë „Ë- ïactivities of associations of municipal tion, 46 experts of the Council of Europe al authorities represented by the CLRAE. cityís 300-year anniversary. mendations ñ Legal Instrument for Region- Ó̇θÌÓÈ ‰ÂÏÓÍ‡ÚËË Ë ÔÓ‰ÓÚ˜ÂÚÌ˚ı entities; and 160 Russian experts in various areas The Russian representative The CLRAE in co-operation with the al Self-Government ñ for the 12th, 13th and ÂÏÛ ÍÓÏËÚÂÚ‡ı. “‡Í, ÔË Ëı Û˜‡ÒÚËË ïinter-budgetary relations; of knowledge participated. A.I. Saltykov has been repeatedly elected State Council of the Republic of 14th Europe-wide conferences of ministers ·˚ÎË ‡Á‡·ÓÚ‡Ì˚ ÂÍÓÏẨ‡ˆËË Í 12- ïadministration of local entities and so on. as vice-president and member of the bu- Tatarstan conducted a conference On responsible for issues of local and regional È, 13-È Ë 14-È Ó·˘Â‚ÓÔÂÈÒÍËÏ ÍÓÌ- These events allowed participants to COOPERATION BETWEEN THE COUNCIL reau of CLRAE, which is an acknowledge- Constitutional Status of the Regions in administration. A collection of documents ÙÂÂÌˆËˇÏ ÏËÌËÒÚÓ‚, ÍÛËÛ˛˘Ëı determine the key problems of municipal OF EUROPE AND THE COMMISSION OF ment of the efforts of local and regional the Russian Federation and other States has been prepared on the status of local and ‚ÓÔÓÒ˚ ÏÂÒÚÌÓ„Ó Ë „ËÓ̇θÌÓ„Ó ÛÔ- entities and establish working contacts as D. N. KOZAK/GROUP OF I. I. SHUVALOV authorities in the development of the of Europe, which had a wide political re- regional democracy in Russia, which was ‡‚ÎÂÌˡ, ´fiˉ˘ÂÒÍËÈ ËÌÒÚÛÏÂÌÚ well as begin a dialogue between repre- The RUSFED programme involved the processes of democratization in Russia. sponse (Kazan, 11-12 July, 2003). distributed among all member states of the ÔÓ „ËÓ̇θÌÓÏÛ Ò‡ÏÓÛÔ‡‚ÎÂÌ˲ª. sentatives of central, regional and local joint work of the Commission of D. N. With the participation of the Con- The preparation of a report during CE. A number of analytical reports were de- œÓ‰„ÓÚÓ‚ÎÂÌ Ò·ÓÌËÍ Ó ÒÓÒÚÓˇÌËË authorities, exchange views to achieve a Kozak, which was set up by a decree of gress, Russia has implemented a number 2003 and 2004 on the status of local and veloped ñ on cross-border co-operation in ÏÂÒÚÌÓÈ Ë „ËÓ̇θÌÓÈ ‰ÂÏÓÍ‡ÚËË better understanding of problems, ana- President of the Russian Federation in of useful initiatives, including a Con- regional democracy in Russia, which was protecting cultural heritage, on the develop- ‚ –ÓÒÒËË, ÍÓÚÓ˚È ·˚Î ‡ÁÓÒÎ‡Ì ‚ÒÂÏ lyze the current situation, and develop 2001, and experts of the Council of Eu- ference on the division of authority be- submitted for consideration at the 11th ment of cross-border co-operation in the „ÓÒÛ‰‡ÒÚ‚‡Ï ñ ˜ÎÂÌ‡Ï —≈. –‡Á‡·Ó- proposals to be introduced into the pro- rope in issues of the division of authority tween different levels of public power in plenary session of the Congress in May sphere of mass media and so on.

Ú‡Ì ˇ‰ ‡Ì‡ÎËÚ˘ÂÒÍËı ‰ÓÍ·‰Ó‚: Ó gramme of co-operation in the most im- between various levels of public power in the Russian Federation (St. Petersburg, 2004, marked another stage of co-opera- The events conducted within the frame- EXTERNAL ECONOMIC RELATIONS | ВНЕШНЕЭКОНОМИЧЕСКИЕ СВЯЗИ • № 3, МАРТ 2005 ÔË„‡Ì˘ÌÓÏ ÒÓÚÛ‰Ì˘ÂÒÚ‚Â ‚ ‰ÂΠportant problems of local democracy. the Russian Federation. 23-24 April, 2002), an international tion between Russia and CLRAE. work of co-operation with the CE are pub- Óı‡Ì˚ ÍÛθÚÛÌÓ„Ó Ì‡ÒΉˡ, Ó ‡Á- Since 1995, Russia and the CU ac- From 2001 to 2002, Moscow and forum, Energy and Stable Development A new Russian delegation approved by licized in Russiaís central and local mass ‚ËÚËË ÔË„‡Ì˘ÌÓ„Ó ÒÓÚÛ‰Ì˘ÂÒÚ‚‡ tively interacted in the sphere of train- Strasbourg conducted a number of discus- (Omsk, 10-11 June, 2002), and an in- a Presidential decree in May 2004 took media, which contributes to sound under- ‚ ÒÙÂ —û Ë ‰. ing municipal personnel and officials sions between experts of the Council of Eu- ternational symposium on issues of cul- part in the work of the 11th plenary ses- standing by wide sections of the public of œÓ‚Ó‰ËÏ˚ ‚ ‡Ï͇ı ÔÓ„‡ÏÏ ÒÓÚ- responsible for local self-government rope and members of the Commission in tural diversity in historic cities (Kazan, sion of the CLRAE (25-27 May, 2004). tendencies and priority mechanisms for Û‰Ì˘ÂÒÚ‚‡ Ò —≈ ÏÂÓÔˡÚˡ ÓÒ‚Â˘‡- at local and regional levels, so that order to analyze various proposals for the 20-24 June, 2002). S.Y. Orlova, Deputy Chairman of the Fed- taking decisions on the defined issues. ˛ÚÒˇ ‚ ÓÒÒËÈÒÍËı ˆÂÌÚ‡Î¸Ì˚ı Ë ÏÂÒÚ- they could work in the new conditions improvement of performance of different In the context of implementing the eration Council, was elected its leader. The leaders of the Council of Europe Ì˚ı Ò‰ÒÚ‚‡ı χÒÒÓ‚ÓÈ ËÌÙÓχˆËË, when the central (state-managed) and levels of public power in Russia. In April complex approach for combating the ter- The report On Local and Regional Democ- and the Russian Federation attach particu- ˜ÚÓ ÒÔÓÒÓ·ÒÚ‚ÛÂÚ Ô‡‚ËθÌÓÏÛ ÔÓÌËχ- regional (subjects of the Federation) 2002, an international conference of repre- rorist threat, the Congress has contin- racy in the Russian Federation became one lar importance to co-operation in the Ì˲ ÒÂ‰Ë ¯ËÓÍËı ÒÎÓ‚ ̇ÒÂÎÂÌˡ authorities partially delegate powers sentatives took place in St. Petersburg, ued its efforts to enhance its contribu- of the most important issues of the forumís above-mentioned areas and assume that ÚẨÂ̈ËÈ Ë ÔËÓËÚÂÚÌ˚ı ÏÂı‡ÌËÁÏÓ‚ for managing public services, proper- which summarized the results of joint ef- tion to the anti-terrorist struggle. The agenda. Resolutions and recommendations further effective interaction will have a ¯ÂÌˡ Ó·ÓÁ̇˜ÂÌÌ˚ı ‚ÓÔÓÒÓ‚. ty, finances and social issues to local forts in this area. With the participation of international conference conducted in adopted as a result of the consideration of positive impact on the formation of a new –ÛÍÓ‚Ó‰ËÚÂÎË —Ó‚ÂÚ‡ ≈‚ÓÔ˚ Ë –ÓÒ- level. The arranged events aimed at a experts of the CE and members of the Com- Luxembourg on 20-21 September on the this document contain a measured and - model of state administration in Russia, on ÒËÈÒÍÓÈ ‘‰Â‡ˆËË Ôˉ‡˛Ú ‚‡ÊÌÓ gradual implementation of the princi- mission, a package of documents was draft- role of local authorities in the struggle jective evaluation of the reforms conducted strengthening federalism, local and region- Á̇˜ÂÌË ÒÓÚÛ‰Ì˘ÂÒÚ‚Û ‚ ‚˚¯ÂÔÂÂ- ples of efficiency and transparency in ed to formulate new basic principles for or- with terrorism allowed representatives in the country in the area of federal rela- al democracy in the Russian Federation, ˜ËÒÎÂÌÌ˚ı ӷ·ÒÚˇı Ë ËÒıÓ‰ˇÚ ËÁ ÚÓ„Ó, managing public services, and the ganising local self-government, legislative of the Russian delegation to clearly de- tions and local self-government. and on the development of interregional ˜ÚÓ ÔÓ‰ÓÎÊÂÌË ˝ÙÙÂÍÚË‚ÌÓ„Ó ‚Á‡Ë- principle of strategic expediency for (representative) and executive bodies of lineate its approaches for this account. The proposal of President of the and cross-border co-operation. ÏÓ‰ÂÈÒڂˡ ‚ ·Û‰Û˘ÂÏ ·Û‰ÂÚ Ó͇Á˚‚‡Ú¸ decisions adopted by local authorities. state power of the subjects of the Federa- A useful discussion with the participa- Russian Federation, V.V. Putin, to ÔÓÁËÚË‚ÌÓ ‚ÎˡÌË ̇ ÙÓÏËÓ‚‡ÌË This work allowed Russian experts tion, the division of authority between Fed- tion of representatives of the Adminis- amend the procedure for electing heads of V. I. KUZMIN, ÌÓ‚ÓÈ „ÓÒÛ‰‡ÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓÈ ÏÓ‰ÂÎË ÛÔ‡‚- to acquire the necessary expertise and eral bodies of state power, bodies of state tration of the President of the RF, the executive power was received by the lead- director of the Department ÎÂÌˡ ‚ –ÓÒÒËË, ÛÍÂÔÎÂÌË Ù‰Â‡ÎËÁ- train, in their turn, the heads of train- power of the subjects of the Federation and State Duma, local authorities and ex- ers of the CLRAE with some concern. In of communications with χ, ÏÂÒÚÌÓÈ Ë „ËÓ̇θÌÓÈ ‰ÂÏÓÍ‡- ing centres created in Moscow, St. Pe- bodies of local self-government, and gener- perts in the sphere of municipal and re- this regard, the CLRAE delegation head- the regions of the Federation, ÚËË ‚ –ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓÈ ‘‰Â‡ˆËË, ‡Á‚ËÚË tersburg, Toliatti, Novgorod, the al issues of the organisation of bodies of gional development took place within ed by its Chairman, J. K. Stasi, made a parliament and the political ÏÂÊ„ËÓ̇θÌÓ„Ó Ë ÔË„‡Ì˘ÌÓ„Ó Moscow region, Vladimir and so on. Af- state power and local self-government. This the framework of the Round table, Mu- visit to Moscow on 28-29 October to re- organisations of the Ministry

EXTERNAL ECONOMIC RELATIONS | ВНЕШНЕЭКОНОМИЧЕСКИЕ СВЯЗИ • № 3, МАРТ 2005 | ВНЕШНЕЭКОНОМИЧЕСКИЕ EXTERNAL ECONOMIC RELATIONS ÒÓÚÛ‰Ì˘ÂÒÚ‚‡. terwards, special training programmes large-scale work resulted in the develop- nicipal Police in Europe (Charleroi, ceive explanations related to the reform of Foreign Affairs of Russia –ÛÒÒÍË ˉÛÚ! The Russians are coming!


The power of Russia will grow thanks to . M.V. Lomonosov 24 REGIONS OF RUSSIA РЕГИОНЫ РОССИИ ЮГРА YUGRA 25

Ханты Мансийский автономный

¬ ÒÓÒÚ‡‚ ÓÍÛ„‡ ‚ıÓ‰ˇÚ: ï9 ‡ÈÓÌÓ‚ (¡ÂÎÓˇÒÍËÈ, ¡Â∏ÁÓ‚ÒÍËÈ, üÓ̉ËÌÒÍËÈ, ÕÂÙÚ²„‡ÌÒÍËÈ, ÕËÊÌÂ- округ – Югра ‚‡ÚÓ‚ÒÍËÈ, ŒÍÚˇ·¸ÒÍËÈ, —Ó‚ÂÚÒÍËÈ, The ter- —Û„ÛÚÒÍËÈ, ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒÍËÈ); rain represents a combi- ï16 „ÓÓ‰Ó‚ (’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒÍ, ¡ÂÎÓ- nation of plains, foothills ˇÒÍËÈ, üÓ„‡Î˚Ï, À‡Ì„ÂÔ‡Ò, ÄË- On 7 October, 1977, in compliance and mountains. For the Ural part of the ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒÍËÈ ‡‚ÚÓÌÓÏÌ˚È ÓÍÛ„ 7 ÓÍÚˇ·ˇ 1977 „Ó‰‡, ‚ ÒÓÓÚ‚ÂÚÒÚ‚ËË ÓÌ, ÕÂÙÚ²„‡ÌÒÍ, ÕËÊÌ‚‡ÚÓ‚ÒÍ, with the newly adopted Constitution of District the typical terrain pattern is an (ËÒÚÓ˘ÂÒÍÓ ̇Á‚‡ÌË Í‡ˇ ñ fi„‡) Ò ÔËÌˇÚÓÈ üÓÌÒÚËÚÛˆËÂÈ ———–, ’‡Ì- Õˇ„‡Ì¸, œÓ͇˜Ë, œ˚Ú¸-flı, –‡‰ÛÊ- the USSR, the Khanty-Mansiysk Na- average mountainous one. The average Ó·‡ÁÓ‚‡Ì 10 ‰Â͇·ˇ 1930 „Ó‰‡ ÔÓÒÚ‡- Ú˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒÍËÈ Ì‡ˆËÓ̇θÌ˚È ÓÍÛ„ ÔÓ- Ì˚È, —Û„ÛÚ, ”‡È, fi„ÓÒÍ, ÀˇÌÚÓ, tional District was granted the status temperature in January varies from -18∞C ÌÓ‚ÎÂÌËÂÏ ¬÷»ü Í‡Í ŒÒÚˇÍÓ-¬Ó„ÛθÒ- ÎÛ˜ËÎ ÒÚ‡ÚÛÒ ‡‚ÚÓÌÓÏÌÓ„Ó Ë ÒڇΠËÏÂ- —Ó‚ÂÚÒÍËÈ). of an autonomous territory and accord- to -24∞C, while in July the average temper- ÍËÈ Ì‡ˆËÓ̇θÌ˚È ÓÍÛ„ Ò ˆÂÌÚÓÏ ‚ ÌÓ‚‡Ú¸Òˇ ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒÍËÏ ‡‚ÚÓÌÓÏ- ŒÍÛ„ ‡ÒÔÓÎÓÊÂÌ ‚ ÒÂ‰ËÌÌÓÈ ˜‡Ò- ingly was renamed the Khanty-Man- ature is 15.7∞C to 18.4∞C. Ò. —‡Ï‡Ó‚Ó. Ì˚Ï ÓÍÛ„ÓÏ. ÚË –ÓÒÒËË. ŒÌ Á‡ÌËχÂÚ ˆÂÌÚ‡Î¸ÌÛ˛ siysk Autonomous District. 17 ˇÌ‚‡ˇ 1934 „Ó‰‡ ÓÍÛ„ ‚Íβ˜ÂÌ ‚ 25 ˲Ρ 2003 „Ó‰‡ ‚ ÒÓÓÚ‚ÂÚÒÚ‚ËË Ò ˜‡ÒÚ¸ «‡Ô‡‰ÌÓ-—Ë·ËÒÍÓÈ ‡‚ÌËÌ˚. Õ‡ On 25 July, 2003 in accordance THE RIVER NET ÒÓÒÚ‡‚ Œ·¸-»Ú˚¯ÒÍÓÈ Ó·Î‡ÒÚË. ”͇ÁÓÏ œÂÁˉÂÌÚ‡ –ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓÈ ‘‰Â‡- Ò‚Â ÓÍÛ„ „‡Ì˘ËÚ Ò flχÎÓ-ÕÂ̈- with the Decree of the President of the The river net of the District is formed by the 7 ‰Â͇·ˇ 1934 „Ó‰‡ ÓÍÛ„ ‚Íβ˜ÂÌ ‚ ˆËË π 841 ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒÍËÈ ‡‚ÚÓÌÓÏ- ÍËÏ ‡‚ÚÓÌÓÏÌ˚Ï ÓÍÛ„ÓÏ, ̇ Ò‚ÂÓ-Á‡- Russian Federation, No. 841, the rivers Ob and Irtysh complemented by a mul- ÒÓÒÚ‡‚ ŒÏÒÍÓÈ Ó·Î‡ÒÚË. Ì˚È ÓÍÛ„ ÔÂÂËÏÂÌÓ‚‡Ì ‚ ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌ- Ô‡‰Â ñ Ò –ÂÒÔÛ·ÎËÍÓÈ üÓÏË, ̇ ˛„Ó-Á‡- Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous District titude of minor rivers. The total number of 23 ÓÍÚˇ·ˇ 1940 „Ó‰‡ ”͇ÁÓÏ œÂÁË- ÒËÈÒÍËÈ ‡‚ÚÓÌÓÏÌ˚È ÓÍÛ„ ñ fi„‡. Ô‡‰Â ñ ÒÓ —‚Â‰ÎÓ‚ÒÍÓÈ Ó·Î‡ÒÚ¸˛, ̇ was renamed the Khanty-Mansiysk Au- rivers in the District is about 30 thousand. ‰ËÛχ ¬ÂıÓ‚ÌÓ„Ó —Ó‚ÂÚ‡ –—‘—– ŒÒÚˇ- œÎÓ˘‡‰¸ ÓÍÛ„‡ ñ 534,8 Ú˚Ò. Í‚. ÍÏ. ˛„ ñ Ò “Ó·ÓθÒÍËÏ Ë ”‚‡ÚÒÍËÏ ‡ÈÓ- tonomous District ñ Yugra. There are about 290 thousand lakes ÍÓ-¬Ó„ÛθÒÍËÈ Ì‡ˆËÓ̇θÌ˚È ÓÍÛ„ ÔÂÂ- ◊ËÒÎÂÌÌÓÒÚ¸ ÔÓÒÚÓˇÌÌÓ„Ó Ì‡ÒÂÎÂÌˡ ̇ 1 ̇ÏË “˛ÏÂÌÒÍÓÈ Ó·Î‡ÒÚË, ̇ ˛„Ó-‚ÓÒ- The Areaís territory covers in the District. Ones like Kondinsky Sor, ËÏÂÌÓ‚‡Ì ‚ ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒÍËÈ. ˇÌ‚‡ˇ 2004 „Ó‰‡ ñ 1456,5 Ú˚Ò. ˜ÂÎÓ‚ÂÍ. ÚÓÍÂ Ë ‚ÓÒÚÓÍ ñ Ò “ÓÏÒÍÓÈ Ó·Î‡ÒÚ¸˛ Ë 543,800 sq. km, the resident popula- Leushinsky Tuman, Vandemtor and 14 ‡‚„ÛÒÚ‡ 1944 „Ó‰‡ ÓÌ ‚Ó¯ÂÎ ‚ ÒÓÒÚ‡‚ ¿‰ÏËÌËÒÚ‡ÚË‚Ì˚È ˆÂÌÚ ÓÍÛ„‡ ñ KhantyMansiysk ü‡ÒÌÓˇÒÍËÏ Í‡ÂÏ. tion as of 1 January, 2004 numbers Tromemtor fall into the category of larg-

‚ÌÓ‚¸ Ó·‡ÁÓ‚‡ÌÌÓÈ “˛ÏÂÌÒÍÓÈ Ó·Î‡ÒÚË. „. ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒÍ. 1,456,500 people. er lakes with areas exceeding 100 sq. km. EXTERNAL ECONOMIC RELATIONS | ВНЕШНЕЭКОНОМИЧЕСКИЕ СВЯЗИ • № 3, МАРТ 2005 Autonomous РЕЛЬЕФ The Districtís administrative centre –ÂθÂÙ Ô‰ÒÚ‡‚ÎÂÌ ÒÓ˜ÂÚ‡ÌËÂÏ ‡‚ÌËÌ, is the town of Khanty-Mansiysk. District – Yugra Ô‰„ÓËÈ Ë „Ó. ƒÎˇ Û‡Î¸ÒÍÓÈ ˜‡ÒÚË Administratively the District con- ÓÍÛ„‡ ı‡‡ÍÚÂÂÌ Ò‰Ì„ÓÌ˚È Âθ- sists of: The Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous ÂÙ. üÎËÏ‡Ú ÂÁÍÓ ÍÓÌÚËÌÂÌڇθÌ˚È. 9 districts (Beloyarsky, Berezovsky, District (the historical name of the —Â‰Ìˇˇ ÚÂÏÔÂ‡ÚÛ‡ ˇÌ‚‡ˇ ñ ÓÚ -18 Kondinsky, Nefteyugansky, Nizhnevar- territory is Yugra) was established on ‰Ó -24 „‡‰ÛÒÓ‚ ÔÓ ÷ÂθÒ˲, ÒÂ‰Ìˇˇ tovsky, Oktyabrsky, Sovetsky, - 10 December, 1930 by the Decree of ÚÂÏÔÂ‡ÚÛ‡ ˲Ρ ñ ÓÚ +15,7 ‰Ó +18,4 sky, Khanty-Mansiysky); the Presidium of the RCEC (Russian „‡‰ÛÒÓ‚ ÔÓ ÷ÂθÒ˲. 16 townships (Khanty-Mansiysk, Be- Central Executive Committee) origi- loyarsk, , , , nally as the Ostyako-Vogulsk National РЕЧНАЯ СЕТЬ , , , District with the territorial centre at –˜ÌÛ˛ ÒÂÚ¸ ÓÍÛ„‡ ÙÓÏËÛ˛Ú ÂÍË , Pyt-Yakh, Raduzhny, Surgut, the village of Samarovo. Œ·¸ Ë »Ú˚¯, ‡ Ú‡ÍÊ ÏÌÓÊÂÒÚ‚Ó ÏÂÎ- , , , Sovetsky). Geo- Later, on 17 January, 1934 it was ÍËı ˜ÂÍ. Œ·˘Â ˜ËÒÎÓ ÂÍ ‚ ÓÍÛ„Â ñ graphically the District is situated in the incorporated into the Ob-Irtysh Re- ÓÍÓÎÓ 30 Ú˚Ò. middle part of Russia. It is located in the gion, then on 7 December, 1934 ñ into ¬ ÓÍۄ ̇ҘËÚ˚‚‡ÂÚÒˇ ÓÍÓÎÓ 290 central part of the West Siberian Plain. the Omsk Region. Ú˚Ò. ÓÁÂ. ü ͇Ú„ÓËË ·Óθ¯Ëı (ÔÎÓ- In the north the District borders the Ya- On 23 October, 1940 by the Decree ˘‡‰¸˛ Ò‚˚¯Â 100 Í‚. ÍÏ) ÓÚÌÓÒˇÚÒˇ üÓÌ- malo-Nenetsky Autonomous District, in of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet ‰ËÌÒÍËÈ —Ó, ÀÂÛ¯ËÌÒÍËÈ “ÛχÌ, ¬‡Ì- the north-west ñ the Republic of Komi, of the RSFSR the Ostyako-Vogulsk Na- ‰˝ÏÚÓ Ë “ÓÏ˝ÏÚÓ. in the south-west ñ the Sverdlovsk Re- tional District was renamed the Khan- gion, in the south ñ the Tobolsk and ty-Mansiysk National District. РАСТИТЕЛЬНОСТЬ Uvatsky Districts of the Tyumen Region, Henceforth, on 14 August, 1940 ÀÂÒËÒÚÓÒÚ¸ ÚÂËÚÓËË ÓÍÛ„‡ ÒÓÒÚ‡‚Ρ- in the south-east and in the east ñ the it became part of the newly formed ÂÚ 52,1 %. ƒÓÏËÌËÛÂÚ ÁÓ̇ Ò‰ÌÂÈ Ú‡È- Tomsk Region and Krasnoyarsky Kray

EXTERNAL ECONOMIC RELATIONS | ВНЕШНЕЭКОНОМИЧЕСКИЕ СВЯЗИ • № 3, МАРТ 2005 | ВНЕШНЕЭКОНОМИЧЕСКИЕ EXTERNAL ECONOMIC RELATIONS Tyumen Region. „Ë. ŒÌ‡ Ô‰ÒÚ‡‚ÎÂ̇ ÚÂÏÌÓı‚ÓÈÌ˚ÏË, (territory). Ò‚ÂÚÎÓı‚ÓÈÌ˚ÏË, ÏÂÎÍÓÎËÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚ÏË Ë THE FLORA Òϯ‡ÌÌ˚ÏË ÎÂÒ‡ÏË. ¬ ÌËı ÔÓËÁ‡ÒÚ‡- The woodiness of the Districtís terri- ˛Ú Âθ, ͉, ÎËÒÚ‚ÂÌÌˈ‡, ÔËıÚ‡, ÒÓÒ̇. tory amounts to 52.1%. Average ü ÔÓÈÏ‡Ï ÂÍ, ÌËÁËÌ‡Ï ÔËÛÓ˜Â̇ ÎÛ- taiga zone prevails. It is represented „Ó‚‡ˇ ‡ÒÚËÚÂθÌÓÒÚ¸. ¬ Ò‚ÂÌ˚ı ‡ÈÓ- by dark coniferous, light coniferous, ̇ı ‡ÒÔÓÒÚ‡ÌÂÌ˚ Î˯‡ÈÌËÍÓ‚˚ ÒÓÓ·- small-leaved deciduous and mixed ˘ÂÒÚ‚‡, ËÒÔÓθÁÛÂÏ˚ ‚ ͇˜ÂÒÚ‚Â ÓÎÂ̸- forests. Fir, cedar, larch, silver fir Ëı Ô‡Òڷˢ. ÀÂÒ‡ Ë ·ÓÎÓÚ‡ ·Ó„‡Ú˚ ÔÎÓ- and pine trees abound. The flood- ‰Ó‚Ó-Ôˢ‚˚ÏË ‚ˉ‡ÏË ‡ÒÚËÚÂθÌÓÒÚË. lands and lowlands attract meadow vegetation. Lichen combinations used ЖИВОТНЫЙ МИР as reindeer pastures are spread in the ÀËÒˈ‡, ÔÂÒˆ, ·ÂÎ͇, ÒÓ·Óθ, ÍÛÌˈ‡, northern areas. Forests and marshes „ÓÌÓÒÚ‡È, ÍÓÎÓÌÓÍ, ıÓ¸, ÌÓ͇, ·Ò- are rich in berries and other edible ͇, ‚˚‰‡, Á‡ˇˆ, ÍÓÚ, ·ÛÛ̉ÛÍ, ‰ËÍËÈ fruit vegetation. Ò‚ÂÌ˚È ÓÎÂ̸, ÎÓÒ¸ Ë ‰. œÚˈ‡: „Û- ÒË, ͇Á‡ÍË, „ÎÛı‡Ë, ÚÂÚÂ‚‡, ˇ·˜Ë- THE FAUNA ÍË, ÍÛÓÔ‡ÚÍË, ÛÚÍË, ÍÛÎËÍË. ¬ ‚Ó‰ÓÂ- Fox, arctic fox, squirrel, marten, er- χı Ó·ËÚ‡ÂÚ 42 ‚ˉ‡ ˚·, ‚ ÚÓÏ ˜ËÒΠmine, Siberian weasel, polecat, mink, ‚˚ÒÓÍÓˆÂÌÌ˚ ÔÓÏ˚ÒÎÓ‚˚ ñ ÓÒÂÚ, weasel, otter, hare, mole, chipmunk, ÒÚÂΡ‰¸, ÌÂθχ, ÏÛÍÒÛÌ, ˜Ë (˘ÓÍÛ), reindeer, elk, etc. Avifauna: goose, ÔÂΡ‰¸ Ò˚ÓÍ, ÒË„ (Ô˚ʸˇÌ), ÒÓÒ¸‚ËÌÒ- brand goose, wood-grouse, black- ͇ˇ ÒÂθ‰¸ (ÚÛ„ÛÌ). grouse, hazel-grouse, partridge, wild duck, sandpiper. Water reservoirs are ПОЛЕЗНЫЕ ИСКОПАЕМЫЕ inhabited by 42 kinds of fish, includ- ŒÒÌÓ‚Ì˚ÏË ÔÓÎÂÁÌ˚ÏË ËÒÍÓÔ‡ÂÏ˚ÏË ˇ‚- ing highly valued commercial brands: Ρ˛ÚÒˇ ÌÂÙÚ¸ Ë „‡Á. Շ˷ÓΠÍÛÔÌ˚ sturgeon, starlet, white salmon, ÏÂÒÚÓÓʉÂÌˡ ÌÂÙÚË Ë „‡Á‡ ñ —‡ÏÓÚ- white-fish and some local salmon va- ÎÓÒÍÓÂ, ‘‰ÓÓ‚ÒÍÓÂ, ÇÏÓÌÚÓ‚ÒÍÓÂ, rieties (Chir, Pelyad Syrok, Tugun). œËÓ·ÒÍÓÂ. ¬ ÓÍÛ„Â ‰Ó·˚‚‡˛ÚÒˇ ÓÒÒ˚ÔÌÓ ÁÓ- EXTRACTABLE ÎÓÚÓ, ÊËθÌ˚È Í‚‡ˆ Ë ÍÓÎÎÂ͈ËÓÌÌÓ NATURAL RESOURCES Ò˚¸Â. ŒÚÍ˚Ú˚ ÏÂÒÚÓÓʉÂÌˡ ·ÛÓ„Ó The main extractable natural re- ıÓÁˇÈÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓÈ Ë Ôˢ‚ÓÈ ÔÓ‰Û͈ËË Á‡- œÂ‚Ó ÔËÒ¸ÏÂÌÌÓ ÒÓÓ·˘ÂÌËÂ Ó Ì‡Ó- for 2.7%, woodworking for 0.4%, Ë Í‡ÏÂÌÌÓ„Ó Û„Îˇ. Œ·Ì‡ÛÊÂÌ˚ Á‡ÎÂÊË sources are oil and gas. The largest ‚ÓÁËÚÒˇ ËÁ ‰Û„Ëı „ËÓÌÓ‚ –ÓÒÒËË. ‰Â, Ó·ËÚ‡˛˘ÂÏ ´Ì‡ ÔÓÎÛÌÓ˘Ì˚ı ÒÚ‡- construction materials for 0.4%, ÊÂÎÂÁÌ˚ı Û‰, ωË, ˆËÌ͇, Ò‚Ë̈‡, ÌË- oil and gas deposits are Samot- ̇ıª, ·˚ÎÓ Á‡ÔËÒ‡ÌÓ ‚ ´œÓ‚ÂÒÚË ‚Â- food-processing for 0.2%, and oil-re- ӷˡ, Ú‡Ìڇ·, ÔÓˇ‚ÎÂÌˡ ·ÓÍÒËÚÓ‚ Ë lorskoye, Fedorovskoye, Mamon- ТРАНСПОРТ ÏÂÌÌ˚ı ÎÂÚª ‚ 1096 „Ó‰Û. ÀÂÚÓÔËÒ¸ fining for 0.1%. ‰. Õ‡ıÓ‰ˇÚÒˇ ‚ ÒÚ‡‰ËË ÔÓ‰„ÓÚÓ‚ÍË Í ‡Á- tovskoye and Priobskoye. ¬ ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒÍÓÏ ‡‚ÚÓÌÓÏÌÓÏ ÓÍÛ- ‡ÒÒ͇Á˚‚‡ÂÚ Ó ÌÂËÁ‚ÂÒÚÌÓÏ Ì‡Ӊ ۄ- ‡·ÓÚÍ ÏÂÒÚÓÓʉÂÌˡ ‰ÂÍÓ‡ÚË‚ÌÓ„Ó The mining of alluvial gold, vein „ ÓÒÌӂ̇ˇ ÔÂ‚ÓÁ͇ „ÛÁÓ‚ ÔËıÓ‰ËÚ- ˚ ñ (ÓÒÚˇÍË (ı‡ÌÚ˚), ‚Ó„ÛÎ˚ (χÌÒË) AGRICULTURE ͇ÏÌˇ, ÍËÔ˘ÌÓ-ÍÂ‡ÏÁËÚÓ‚˚ı „ÎËÌ, ÔÂÒ- quartz and minerals for collection is Òˇ ̇ ‚Ó‰Ì˚È Ë ÊÂÎÂÁÌÓ‰ÓÓÊÌ˚È Ú‡ÌÒ- ñ Ò ÍÓÚÓ˚Ï ÒÚÓÎÍÌÛÎËÒ¸ ÛÒÒÍË ÔÂ- The Districtís natural and climatic con- ÍÓ‚ ÒÚÓËÚÂθÌ˚ı. ¬ Ô‰Â·ı ”‡Î‡ ̇ carried out in the District. On the ter- ÔÓÚ, 29 % ÔÂ‚ÓÁËÚÒˇ ‡‚ÚÓÏÓ·ËθÌ˚Ï ‚ÓÔÓıÓ‰ˆ˚. ditions are not favourable for agricul-

ÚÂËÚÓËË ÓÍÛ„‡ ‚˚ˇ‚ÎÂÌ˚ ÔÓÓ‰˚, Ó·- ritory of the District reservoirs of Ú‡ÌÒÔÓÚÓÏ Ë 2 % ñ ‡‚ˇˆËÓÌÌ˚Ï. Œ·- XII ñ XIII ‚Â͇ ÓÚϘÂÌ˚ ‚ ÎÂÚÓÔË- tural development. That is why agricul- EXTERNAL ECONOMIC RELATIONS | ВНЕШНЕЭКОНОМИЧЕСКИЕ СВЯЗИ • № 3, МАРТ 2005 ·‰‡˛˘Ë ‚˚ÒÓÍËÏË ÙËθÚ‡ˆËÓÌÌ˚ÏË brown and black coal have been discov- ˘‡ˇ ÔÓÚˇÊÂÌÌÓÒÚ¸ ÊÂÎÂÁÌÓ‰ÓÓÊÌ˚ı Òˇı ‰ÓÒÚ‡ÚÓ˜ÌÓ ˜‡ÒÚ˚ÏË ÔÓıÓ‰‡ÏË ÌÓ‚- tural and food products are mostly de- Ë ÒÓ·ˆËÓÌÌ˚ÏË Ò‚ÓÈÒÚ‚‡ÏË. ü Ëı ˜ËÒ- ered. Iron-ore deposits, copper, zinc, ÔÛÚÂÈ ñ 1106 ÍÏ. œÓÚˇÊÂÌÌÓÒÚ¸ ‡‚ÚÓ- „ÓÓ‰ˆÂ‚ ‚ fi„Û ‰Îˇ Ò·Ó‡ ‰‡ÌË ñ ÏÂ- livered from other regions of Russia. ÎÛ ÓÚÌÓÒˇÚÒˇ ˆÂÓÎËÚÒÓ‰Âʇ˘Ë ÔÓÓ- lead, niobium, tantalum, manifesta- ÏÓ·ËθÌ˚ı ‰ÓÓ„ ñ ·ÓΠ18 Ú˚Ò. ÍÏ, ËÁ ı‡ ÒÓ·ÓÎÂÈ, „ÓÌÓÒڇ‚, ÔÂÒˆÓ‚ Ë ·ÂÎÓÍ. ‰˚, ‚ÛÎ͇Ì˘ÂÒÍË ӷ‡ÁÓ‚‡Ìˡ Ë ‰. –‡Á- tions of bauxite, etc. have been discov- ÌËı Ò Ú‚Â‰˚Ï ÔÓÍ˚ÚËÂÏ ñ ·ÓΠ11 Ú˚Ò. ŒÍÓ̘‡ÚÂθÌÓ —Ë·Ë¸ ·˚· ÔËÒÓ- TRANSPORT ‚‰‡Ì˚ Ë ÛÚ‚ÂʉÂÌ˚ ˝ÍÒÔÎÛ‡Ú‡ˆËÓÌÌ˚ ered as well. The preparatory works on ÍÏ. œÓÚˇÊÂÌÌÓÒÚ¸ ÒÛ‰ÓıÓ‰Ì˚ı ‚Ó‰Ì˚ı ‰ËÌÂ̇ Í ÃÓÒÍÓ‚ÒÍÓÏÛ „ÓÒÛ‰‡ÒÚ‚Û In the Khanty-Mansiysk District freight Á‡Ô‡Ò˚ ÏËÌÂ‡Î¸Ì˚ı (ÈÓ‰Ó-·ÓÏÌ˚ı) ‚Ó‰. the deposits of decorative stone, brick- ÔÛÚÂÈ ÒÓÒÚ‡‚ΡÂÚ 5544 ÍÏ, ËÁ ÍÓÚÓ˚ı ÔÓÒΠ΄Ẩ‡ÌÓ„Ó ÔÓıÓ‰‡ ≈χ͇ ‚ services are mainly rendered by water- claydite clays, and torpedo sand are 3600 ÍÏ ñ ·ÓÍÓ‚˚Â Ë Ï‡Î˚ ÂÍË. Œ·˘‡ˇ 1582ñ1583 „Ó‰‡ı. borne and railway transport with road СПЕЦИФИКА ЭКОНОМИКИ underway for commercial mining. ÔÓÚˇÊÂÌÌÓÒÚ¸ χ„ËÒÚ‡Î¸Ì˚ı ÌÂÙÚÂ- œÓÒΠÒÏÂÚË ≈χ͇ ÓÒÂ̸˛ 1585 transport accounting for 29% and air- —ÔˆËÙË͇ ˝ÍÓÌÓÏËÍË ÓÍÛ„‡ Ò‚ˇÁ‡Ì‡ Ò Beds with high filtering and absorbent ÔÓ‚Ó‰Ó‚ ̇ ÚÂËÚÓËË ÓÍÛ„‡ ÒÓÒÚ‡‚- „Ó‰‡ ͇Á‡ÍË ÔÓ‰ ÛÍÓ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚ÓÏ ‚Ó‚Ӊ˚ freight for 2%. The total railway extent ÓÚÍ˚ÚËÂÏ Á‰ÂÒ¸ ·Ó„‡ÚÂȯËı ÌÂÙÚˇÌ˚ı properties have been discovered in the ΡÂÚ 6283 ÍÏ, „‡ÁÓÔÓ‚Ó‰Ó‚ ñ 19 500 ÍÏ. »‚‡Ì‡ ÇÌÒÛÓ‚‡ ÓÒÌÓ‚‡ÎË ‚ ÛÒڸ »- is 1,106 km. The motorway extent is Ë „‡ÁÓ‚˚ı ÏÂÒÚÓÓʉÂÌËÈ. ¬ ÓÚ‡ÒÎÂ- territory adjacent to the Urals. Among Ú˚¯‡ ̇ Ô‡‚ÓÏ ·ÂÂ„Û Œ·Ë ÔÂ‚Ó ÛÒ- over 18,000 km, including over 11,000 ‚ÓÈ ÒÚÛÍÚÛ ÔÓÏ˚¯ÎÂÌÌÓÈ ÔÓ‰ÛÍ- them are zeolite-containing beds, vol- ВНЕШНЕЭКОНОМИЧЕСКАЯ ÒÍÓ ÛÍÂÔÎÂÌÌÓ ÔÓÒÂÎÂÌË ñ Œ·ÒÍÓÈ km of hard surface. The length of navi- ˆËË ÌÂÙÚ„‡ÁÓ‰Ó·˚‚‡˛˘‡ˇ ÔÓÏ˚¯ÎÂÌ- canogenic units and other specimens. ДЕЯТЕЛЬНОСТЬ „ÓÓ‰ÓÍ. “‡ÍËÏ Ó·‡ÁÓÏ, χÌÒËÈÒÍËÂ Ë gable waterways of the Khanty-Man- ÌÓÒÚ¸ ÒÓÒÚ‡‚ΡÂÚ 85,8 %, ˝ÎÂÍÚÓ˝ÌÂ- The exploitable reserves of mineral ŒÒÌÓ‚Ì˚ ÔÓ‰ÛÍÚ˚ ˝ÍÒÔÓÚ‡: ÌÂÙÚ¸, ı‡ÌÚ˚ÈÒÍË ÁÂÏÎË Ó͇Á‡ÎËÒ¸ ‚ ÒÓÒÚ‡‚ siysk Autonomous District is 5,544 km, „ÂÚË͇ ñ 7,2 %, ÏÂÚ‡ÎÎÓÓ·‡·ÓÚ͇ ñ 3 %, (iodide-bromine) waters are being ÔÓ‰ÛÍÚ˚  ÔÂÂ‡·ÓÚÍË, ÚÓÔÎË‚Ó, ‰Â- –ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓ„Ó „ÓÒÛ‰‡ÒÚ‚‡, ˜ÚÓ ·˚ÎÓ including 3,600 km of lateral and small „‡ÁÓÔÂÂ‡·‡Ú˚‚‡˛˘‡ˇ ñ 2,7 %, ÎÂÒÓÁ‡- prospected and attested. ‚ÂÒË̇, ËÁ‰ÂÎˡ ËÁ ÌÂÂ Ë Ú.Ô. »ÏÔÓÚ ÓÍÓ̘‡ÚÂθÌÓ Á‡ÍÂÔÎÂÌÓ ‚ 1592 „Ó‰Û ÓÒ- rivers. The total length of the oil trunk „ÓÚÓ‚ËÚÂθ̇ˇ Ë ‰Â‚ÓÓ·‡·‡Ú˚‚‡˛˘‡ˇ ÓÍÛ„‡ ÒÓÒÚ‡‚Ρ˛Ú ‚˚ÒÓÍÓÚÂıÌÓÎӄ˘- ÌÓ‚‡ÌËÂÏ „ÓÓ‰Ó‚ œÂÎ˚χ, ¡ÂÂÁÓ‚‡, ‡ pipelines in the District territory is ñ 0,4 %, ÔÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó ÒÚÓËÚÂθÌ˚ı χ- THE ECONOMIC SPECIFICS ÌÓ ӷÓÛ‰Ó‚‡ÌË ‰Îˇ Ô‰ÔˡÚËÈ ‚ 1594 „Ó‰Û ñ —Û„ÛÚ‡. 6,283 km, and 19,500 km of gas ÚÂˇÎÓ‚ ñ 0,4 %, Ôˢ‚‡ˇ ñ 0,2 %, ÌÂÙ- The economic specifics of the District “›ü, ËÁ‰ÂÎˡ ËÁ ˜ÂÌ˚ı ÏÂÚ‡ÎÎÓ‚, ÚÂ- ”͇ÁÓÏ œÂÚ‡ I ‚ 1708 „Ó‰Û ·˚· Û˜- pipelines. ÚÂÔÂÂ‡·‡Ú˚‚‡˛˘‡ˇ ñ 0,1 %. are mainly influenced by rich oil and ÎÂÍÓÏÏÛÌË͇ˆËÓÌÌÓÂ Ë ÍÓÏÔ¸˛ÚÂÌÓ ÂʉÂ̇ —Ë·ËÒ͇ˇ „Û·ÂÌˡ (‚ Ì ‚Ó¯- gas deposits discovered here. In the Ó·ÓÛ‰Ó‚‡ÌËÂ, ‡‚ÚÓÏÓ·ËÎË Ë Ú.Ô. ÎË „ÓÓ‰‡ ¡ÂÂÁÓ‚, —Û„ÛÚ). ¬ 1775 „Ó- FOREIGN ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES СЕЛЬСКОЕ ХОЗЯЙСТВО industrial output structure the oil- ‰Û Û͇ÁÓÏ ≈͇ÚÂËÌ˚ II ÒÓÁ‰‡Ì‡ “Ó- The main export items are: crude oil œËÓ‰Ì˚ ÛÒÎӂˡ ÓÍÛ„‡ Ì ·Î‡„ÓÔ- and gas-producing sector accounts for ИСТОРИЯ СОЗДАНИЯ ·ÓθÒ͇ˇ „Û·ÂÌˡ. and oil refinery products, fuel, wood ˡÚÒÚ‚Û˛Ú ‡Á‚ËÚ˲ ÒÂθÒÍÓ„Ó ıÓÁˇÈ- 85.8%, the power industry for 7.2%, »ÒÚÓ˘ÂÒÍÓ ̇Á‚‡ÌË ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌ- «‡ ËÒÚÓËÂÈ Í‡ˇ Á‡ÍÂÔË·Ҹ Ò·‚‡ and timber, wood products, etc. The ÒÚ‚‡. œÓ˝ÚÓÏÛ ·Óθ¯‡ˇ ˜‡ÒÚ¸ ÒÂθÒÍÓ- metal-working for 3%, gas-processing ÒËÈÒÍÓ„Ó ‡‚ÚÓÌÓÏÌÓ„Ó ÓÍÛ„‡ ñ fi„‡. ÏÂÒÚ‡ ÒÒ˚ÎÍË „ÓÒÛ‰‡ÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚ı ÔÂÒÚÛÔ- Districtís imports are mainly high 28 REGIONS OF RUSSIA РЕГИОНЫ РОССИИ ЮГРА YUGRA 29

ÌËÍÓ‚. ¬ ¡ÂÂÁÓ‚ÒÍÓÏ ‡ÈÓÌ ÓÚ·˚‚‡ÎË ÌËÁ‡ˆËË Ì‡ˆËÓ̇θÌ˚ı Ó·˙‰ËÌÂÌËÈ ‚ tech equipment for the oil and gas in- XIX century, was growing intensively. ͇̇Á‡ÌË ÍÌˇÁ¸ ƒÏËÚËÈ –ÓÏÓ‰‡ÌÓ‚ÒÍËÈ, ‡ÈÓ̇ı ‡ÒÒÂÎÂÌˡ χÎ˚ı ̇Ó‰ÌÓÒÚÂÈ dustry, steel products, telecommunica- In 1859 the rivers Ob and Irtysh were ‚ 1742 „Ó‰Û ñ „‡Ù ¿Ì‰ÂÈ ŒÒÚÂχÌ, ‚ —‚Â‡ª. œÓÒÚ‡ÌÓ‚ÎÂÌËÂÏ Ô‰ÛÒχÚË- tion equipment and computers, motor serviced by 7 steamers, in 1904 there 1798 „Ó‰Û ñ ÏÌÓ„Ó˜ËÒÎÂÌÌÓ ÒÂÏÂÈÒÚ‚Ó ‚‡ÎÓÒ¸ ÒÓÁ‰‡ÌË ‚ÓÒ¸ÏË Ì‡ˆËÓ̇θÌ˚ı vehicles, etc. were 107 of them, and in 1913 there ÍÌˇÁÂÈ ƒÓ΄ÓÛÍÓ‚˚ı. ¬ ÁÂÏΠ¡ÂÂÁÓ‚Ò- ÓÍÛ„Ó‚, ‚ ÚÓÏ ˜ËÒÎÂ Ë ŒÒÚˇÍÓ-¬Ó„ÛθÒ- were already 220. ÍÓÈ ÔÓÍÓËÚÒˇ Ô‡ı ÒÓÒ·ÌÌÓ„Ó ‚ ˝ÚË ÏÂÒ- ÍÓ„Ó (’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒÍÓ„Ó). HISTORICAL REFERENCE A telegraph line was installed in Ú‡ ÍÌˇÁˇ ÃÂ̯ËÍÓ‚‡ Ë Â„Ó ‰Ó˜ÂË Ã‡ËË. The historical name of the District is Samarovo in 1909; it reached Berezovo œÓÒΠÒÓ·˚ÚËÈ Ì‡ —Â̇ÚÒÍÓÈ ÔÎÓ˘‡‰Ë МАЛОЧИСЛЕННЫЕ НАРОДЫ, Yugra. The first written mention of the and Surgut in 1913. Á‰ÂÒ¸ ÓÚ·˚‚‡ÎË ÒÒ˚ÎÍÛ ‰Â͇·ËÒÚ˚. ПРОЖИВАЮЩИЕ НА ТЕРРИТОРИИ people living in ëmidnight countriesí In 1918 the Tobolsk government ¿‰ÏËÌËÒÚ‡ÚË‚ÌÓ ÛÔ‡‚ÎÂÌËÂ Ë ХАНТЫМАНСИЙСКОГО was made in The Book of the Chronicles was renamed the Tyumen government, ‚˚ÔÓÎÌÂÌË Òۉ·Ì˚ı ÙÛÌ͈ËÈ Û Ì‡- АВТОНОМНОГО ОКРУГА – ЮГРЫ back in 1096. The annals tell about the and the province centre was trans- Ó‰ÌÓÒÚÂÈ —‚Â‡ ÓÒÛ˘ÂÒڂΡÎËÒ¸ ̇ ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒÍËÈ ‡‚ÚÓÌÓÏÌ˚È ÓÍÛ„ ñ unknown Yugra people ñ the Ostyaks ferred to Tyumen. In 1923 govern- ÓÒÌÓ‚Â ÛÒÚ‡‚‡ —ÔÂ‡ÌÒÍÓ„Ó ´Œ· ÛÔ‡‚- fi„‡ ˇ‚ΡÂÚÒˇ ËÒÍÓÌÌ˚Ï ÏÂÒÚÓÏ ÔÓ- (Khanty) and the Voguls (Mansi) ñ ments, counties and sub-districts were ÎÂÌËË ËÌÓÓ‰ˆÂ‚ —Ë·Ë˪, ÛÚ‚ÂʉÂÌ- ÊË‚‡Ìˡ ÍÓÂÌÌ˚ı χÎÓ˜ËÒÎÂÌÌ˚ı ̇- who were met by Russian trailblazers. abolished. The Ural Region, Tobolsk ÌÓ„Ó ‚ 1822 „Ó‰Û. Ó‰Ó‚ ñ ı‡ÌÚ˚, χÌÒË, ÎÂÒÌ˚ı ÌÂ̈‚. XII ñ XIII centuries are marked District and such districts as Bere- ’‡‡ÍÚÂ ˝ÍÓÌÓÏËÍË Œ·¸-»Ú˚¯ÒÍÓ- ”ÒÚ‡‚ ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒÍÓ„Ó ‡‚ÚÓÌÓÏ- in the annals by frequent outings of zovsky, Surgutsky, Samarovsky and „Ó —‚Â‡ ̇ Û·ÂÊ XIXñXX ‚‚. ÓÔÂ- ÌÓ„Ó ÓÍÛ„‡ „‡‡ÌÚËÛÂÚ Á‡˘ËÚÛ Ô‡‚ ÍÓ- the Novgorod people to the Yugra land Kondinsky were established. ‰ÂΡÎÒˇ Í‡Í ÓÒÓ·ÂÌÌÓÒÚˇÏË ÔËÓ‰ÌÓ- ÂÌÌ˚ı χÎÓ˜ËÒÎÂÌÌ˚ı ̇Ó‰Ó‚, ‚ ÒÚ. 18. for tax contribution, represented then On 10 December, 1930 the Presidi- ÍÎËχÚ˘ÂÒÍËı ÛÒÎÓ‚ËÈ, Ú‡Í Ë ÓÚÌÓÒË- „Î. 2 Ò͇Á‡ÌÓ, ˜ÚÓ ´Ó„‡Ì˚ „ÓÒÛ‰‡ÒÚ‚ÂÌ- by furs of sables, ermines, polar foxes um of the RCEC (Russian Central Exec- ÚÂθÌÓ ÌËÁÍÓÈ ÔÎÓÚÌÓÒÚ¸˛ ̇ÒÂÎÂÌˡ. ÌÓÈ ‚·ÒÚË ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒÍÓ„Ó ‡‚ÚÓÌÓÏ- and squirrels. utive Committee) adopted the Decree On ŒÒÌÓ‚Ì˚Ï Ò‰ÒÚ‚ÓÏ ÒÓÓ·˘ÂÌˡ ÒÎÛÊËÎ ÌÓ„Ó ÓÍÛ„‡ ÓÒÛ˘ÂÒڂΡ˛Ú ÏÂ˚ ÔÓ ‚ÓÁ- Finally Siberia was annexed to the Foundation of National Associations in ˜ÌÓÈ Ú‡ÌÒÔÓÚ. Õ‡˜‡‚¯ÂÂÒˇ ‚ ÒÂ‰Ë- ÓʉÂÌ˲, ÒÓı‡ÌÂÌ˲ Ò‡ÏÓ·˚ÚÌÓÒÚË Ë Moscow State after the legendary cam- the Areas of Northern Minor Ethnic Ì XIX ‚. ‰‚ËÊÂÌË ԇÓıÓ‰Ó‚ ÒÚ‡ÌÓ‚Ë- Ò‚Ó·Ó‰ÌÓÏÛ ‡Á‚ËÚ˲ ÍÓÂÌÌ˚ı χÎÓ˜ËÒ- paign of Ermak in 1582-83. Group Residence. The establishment of 8 ÎÓÒ¸ ‚Ò ·ÓΠËÌÚÂÌÒË‚Ì˚Ï. ¬ 1859 „Ó- ÎÂÌÌ˚ı ̇Ó‰Ó‚ —‚Â‡, ÔÓÊË‚‡˛˘Ëı Later, after the death of Ermak, in national districts, including the ‰Û ÔÓ Œ·Ë Ë »Ú˚¯Û ıÓ‰ËÎÓ ÒÂϸ Ô‡Ó- ̇ ÚÂËÚÓËË ‡‚ÚÓÌÓÏÌÓ„Ó ÓÍÛ„‡ª. the autumn of 1585, the Cossacks com- Ostyako-Vogulsk (Khanty-Mansiysk) ıÓ‰Ó‚, ‚ 1904 „Ó‰Û ñ 107, ‡ ‚ 1913 „Ó‰Û —Â„Ó‰Ìˇ ˜ËÒÎÂÌÌÓÒÚ¸ ÍÓÂÌÌÓ„Ó Ì‡ÒÂ- manded by voevode (war-leader) Ivan District was stipulated in the Decree. ñ ÛÊ 220. ÎÂÌˡ ÓÍÛ„‡ ñ 30 150 ˜ÂÎÓ‚ÂÍ ñ 2 % ÓÚ Mansurov founded the first Russian for- ï‡Á‚ËÚË Ú‡‰ËˆËÓÌÌ˚ı ÓÚ‡ÒÎÂÈ ıÓ- ÒÚ‡‚ΡÂÚ 52 % ÓÚ Ó·˘Â„Ó ÔÓ„ÓÎÓ‚¸ˇ ÓÎÂ- ¬ 1909 „Ó‰Û ‚ —‡Ï‡Ó‚Ó ·˚· ÔÓ- ‚ÒÂÈ ˜ËÒÎÂÌÌÓÒÚË Ì‡ÒÂÎÂÌˡ ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌ- tified settlement, Ob tower, in the firth ÁˇÈÒÚ‚Ó‚‡Ìˡ Ë Ó·ÂÒÔ˜ÂÌË Á‡ÌˇÚÓÒ- ÌÂÈ. ¬ ̇ÒÚÓˇ˘Â ‚ÂÏˇ ÓÎÂÌ‚ӉÒÚ‚ÓÏ NATIVE MINORITIES INHABITING ÎÓÊÂ̇ ÚÂ΄‡Ù̇ˇ ÎËÌˡ, ‚ 1913 „Ó‰Û ÒËÈÒÍÓ„Ó ‡‚ÚÓÌÓÏÌÓ„Ó ÓÍÛ„‡, ËÁ ÌËı ÓÍÓ- of Irtysh, on the right bank of the river ÚË ÍÓÂÌÌÓ„Ó Ì‡ÒÂÎÂÌˡ; Á‡ÌËχ˛ÚÒˇ 480 ÒÂÏÂÈ ÍÓÂÌÌÓÈ Ì‡ˆËÓ- THE TERRITORY OF Ó̇ ‰ÓÒÚ˄· ¡ÂÂÁÓ‚‡ Ë —Û„ÛÚ‡. ÎÓ 17 Ú˚Ò. ÔÓÊË‚‡ÂÚ ‚ ÒÂθÒÍÓÈ ÏÂÒÚÌÓÒ- Ob. Thus, the lands of Mansi and Khan- ïÔÓ‚˚¯ÂÌË ÔÓÙÂÒÒËÓ̇θÌÓ„Ó Ë Ó·- ̇θÌÓÒÚË. THE KHANTYMANSIYSK ¬ 1918 „Ó‰Û “Ó·ÓθÒ͇ˇ „Û·ÂÌˡ ÔÂ- ÚË, ‚ ÚÓÏ ˜ËÒΠ3600 ˜ÂÎÓ‚ÂÍ Ì‡ ÚÂËÚÓ- ty became part of the Russian State, and ‡ÁÓ‚‡ÚÂθÌÓ„Ó ÛÓ‚Ìˇ ÍÓÂÌÌ˚ı ÊË- ¬ ‡Ï͇ı œÓ„‡ÏÏ˚ ´ƒÂÚË —‚Â‡ª AUTONOMOUS DISTRICT – YUGRA ÂËÏÂÌÓ‚‡Ì‡ ‚ “˛ÏÂÌÒÍÛ˛, „Û·ÂÌÒÍËÈ ˡı Ú‡‰ËˆËÓÌÌÓ„Ó ÔËÓ‰ÓÔÓθÁÓ‚‡Ìˡ. that was finally justified by the founda- ÚÂÎÂÈ ÓÍÛ„‡; (ÔÓ‰ÔÓ„‡Ïχ ´Œ„‡ÌËÁ‡ˆËˇ ÓÚ‰˚ı‡, ÓÁ- The Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Dis- ˆÂÌÚ ÔÂÂÌÂÒÂÌ ‚ „ÓÓ‰ “˛ÏÂ̸. ¬ 1923 „. ¬ «‡ÍÓÌ ‡‚ÚÓÌÓÏÌÓ„Ó ÓÍÛ„‡ ´Œ tion of towns of Pelym and Berezovo in ïÛÎÛ˜¯ÂÌË ÊËÎˢÌ˚ı ÛÒÎÓ‚ËÈ; ‰ÓÓ‚ÎÂÌˡ, Á‡ÌˇÚÓÒÚË ‰ÂÚÂÈ, ÔÓ‰ÓÒÚÍÓ‚ trict ñ Yugra is the native place for ÛÔ‡Á‰ÌÂÌ˚ „Û·ÂÌËË, ÛÂÁ‰˚, ‚ÓÎÓÒÚË. ÔÓ„‡ÏÏ ÒӈˇθÌÓ-˝ÍÓÌÓÏ˘ÂÒÍÓ„Ó 1592, and Surgut in 1594. ïÒÓı‡ÌÂÌËÂ Ë ‡Á‚ËÚË Ú‡‰ËˆËÓÌÌÓÈ Ë ÏÓÎÓ‰ÂÊË ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒÍÓ„Ó ‡‚ÚÓ- small indigenous ethnic groups like Œ·‡ÁÓ‚‡Ì˚ ”‡Î¸Ò͇ˇ ӷ·ÒÚ¸, “Ó·ÓθÒ- ‡Á‚ËÚˡ ÍÓÂÌÌ˚ı χÎÓ˜ËÒÎÂÌÌ˚ı ̇- In 1708 the Siberian government ÍÛθÚÛ˚. ÌÓÏÌÓ„Ó ÓÍÛ„‡ª) ‡ÎËÁÛ˛ÚÒˇ ÒÎÂ‰Û˛- Khanty, Mansy and the forest Nentsy. ÍËÈ ÓÍÛ„ Ë ‡ÈÓÌ˚: ¡ÂÂÁÓ‚ÒÍËÈ, —Û- Ó‰Ó‚ ̇ 2002ñ2006 „Ó‰˚ª ÓÔ‰ÂÎÂÌ˚ was established in accordance with a ¬ ËÌÚÂÂÒ‡ı ÍÓÂÌÌ˚ı χÎÓ˜ËÒÎÂÌ- ˘Ë ÔÓÂÍÚ˚ Ë ÏÂÓÔˡÚˡ: ŒÍÛÊÌ˚ The Charter (Basic Law) of the „ÛÚÒÍËÈ, —‡Ï‡Ó‚ÒÍËÈ, üÓ̉ËÌÒÍËÈ. ÔËÓËÚÂÚÌ˚ ̇Ô‡‚ÎÂÌˡ ‰ÂˇÚÂθÌÓÒ- Decree of Peter I (the towns of Berezov Ì˚ı ̇Ó‰Ó‚ ‚ ӷ·ÒÚË „ÛÎËÓ‚‡Ìˡ ÒÂÏË̇˚ ÔÓ ÔÓ·ÎÂÏ‡Ï ÒÓı‡ÌÂÌˡ Ë ËÒ- Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous District 10 ‰Â͇·ˇ 1930 „Ó‰‡ œÂÁˉËÛÏ ÚË Ó„‡ÌÓ‚ „ÓÒÛ‰‡ÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓ„Ó ÛÔ‡‚ÎÂ- and Surgut included). In 1775 in ac- ‚Á‡ËÏÓÓÚÌÓ¯ÂÌËÈ Ò ÂÒÛÒÓ‰Ó·˚‚‡˛˘Ë- ÔÓθÁÓ‚‡Ìˡ ÙÓθÍÎÓÌ˚ı Ú‡‰ËˆËÈ, ŒÍ- guarantees protection of the rights for ¬÷»ü ÔËÌˇÎ ÔÓÒÚ‡ÌÓ‚ÎÂÌË ´Œ· Ó„‡- Ìˡ. »ÏË ˇ‚Ρ˛ÚÒˇ: cordance with a Decree of Ekaterina II ÏË ÍÓÏÔ‡ÌˡÏË ÓÍÛÊÌ˚Ï Á‡ÍÓÌÓ‰‡- ÛÊ̇ˇ ´ÿÍÓ· ÙÓθÍÎÓ‡ª, ´ÿÍÓ· the small indigenous ethnic groups;

the Tobolsk government was established. ÚÂθÒÚ‚ÓÏ ÓÔ‰ÂÎÂÌ˚ ÏÂı‡ÌËÁÏ˚ ÒÓ- ÂÏÂÒÂΪ, Õ‰ÂΡ χÒÚÂ‡, “‚Ó˜ÂÒÍË Art. 18 Chapter 2 states that ëthe state EXTERNAL ECONOMIC RELATIONS | ВНЕШНЕЭКОНОМИЧЕСКИЕ СВЯЗИ • № 3, МАРТ 2005 The region has been historically „·ÒÓ‚‡Ìˡ ÏÂÒÚ ÔÓÏ˚¯ÎÂÌÌÓÈ ‰ÂˇÚÂθ- ··Ó‡ÚÓËË, œ‡·ÏÂÌÚ ÏËÓ‚˚ı ̇Ó- administration bodies of the Khanty- glorified as the place of state crimi- ÌÓÒÚË Ë ‚ÓÁÏ¢ÂÌˡ Û·˚ÚÍÓ‚ ˜ÂÂÁ ÛÒ- ‰Ó‚, ÿÍÓ· ÏËÓ‡Á‚ËÚˡ Ë Ú. ‰., ̇Ô‡‚- Mansiysk Autonomous District shall nalsí exile. Prince Dmitry Ro- Ú‡ÌÓ‚ÎÂÌˡ Ó·ˇÁ‡ÌÌÓÒÚË ÒÛ·˙ÂÍÚÓ‚ ÎÂÌÌ˚ ̇ ‚ÓÁÓʉÂÌË ÏÛÁ˚͇θÌÓ„Ó, take measures for revival, preservation modanovsky was exiled to Berezov dis- ÔÓÏ˚¯ÎÂÌÌÓÈ ‰ÂˇÚÂθÌÓÒÚË ÓÒÛ˘ÂÒÚ- ÔÂÒÂÌÌÓ-ڇ̈‚‡Î¸ÌÓ„Ó Ë ‰ÂÍÓ‡ÚË‚ÌÓ- of the uniqueness and free development trict, in 1742 Count Andrey Osterman ‚Ρڸ Ëı ‚ ‚ˉ ÍÓÏÔÂÌÒ‡ˆËÈ. Õ‡ ÚÂË- ÔËÍ·‰ÌÓ„Ó ËÒÍÛÒÒÚ‚‡ Ó·ÒÍËı Û„Ó‚. of the small northern indigenous ethnic was deported there, and in 1798 it was ÚÓËË ‡‚ÚÓÌÓÏÌÓ„Ó ÓÍÛ„‡ ‚˚‰ÂÎÂÌÓ 477 üÓÏÔÎÂÍÒÌ˚È ÔÓ‰ıÓ‰ Í ‚ÓÒÔÓËÁ‚Ó‰- groups inhabiting the Autonomous Dis- Prince Dolgorukov with all his numer- Ó‰Ó‚˚ı Û„Ó‰ËÈ, „‡Ìˈ˚ Ë ‡ÁÏÂ˚ ÍÓ- ÒÚ‚Û ÍÛθÚÛÌ˚ı Ó·‡ÁˆÓ‚ ÓÒÛ˘ÂÒڂΡ- trictís territory'. ous family. The soil of Berezovo bears ÚÓ˚ı ÓÔ‰ÂΡÎËÒ¸ ËÒıÓ‰ˇ ËÁ ÂÒÛÒ- ÂÚÒˇ ̇ ·‡Á ‰ÂÚÒÍËı ˝ÚÌÓ-ÓÁ‰ÓÓ‚ËÚÂθ- Today the aboriginal population of the ashes of Prince Menshikov and his ÌÓ-˝ÍÓÌÓÏ˘ÂÒÍÓÈ ÓˆÂÌÍË Ô‰ÓÒÚ‡‚Ρ- Ì˚ı ˆÂÌÚÓ‚. ƒÎˇ ‡·ÓÚ˚ ‚ ˆÂÌÚ‡ı the District numbers 30,150 people ñ daughter Maria. After the famous ÂÏ˚ı ÁÂÏÂθ, ‡ Ú‡ÍÊÂ Ò Û˜ÂÚÓÏ ÒÎÓÊË‚- ÔË‚ÎÂ͇˛ÚÒˇ ÌÓÒËÚÂÎË Ú‡‰ËˆËÓÌÌÓÈ 2% of the Districtís total population events on Senate square, the Decem- ¯ËıÒˇ ÁÂÏÂθÌ˚ı ÓÚÌÓ¯ÂÌËÈ Ë Ó·˚˜‡Â‚ ÍÛθÚÛ˚, Û˜ÂÌ˚Â Ë Ô‡ÍÚËÍË ËÁ ‡ÁÌ˚ı with about 17,000 people living in the brists were exiled here. ‡·ÓË„ÂÌÓ‚ fi„˚. ¬ ̇ÒÚÓˇ˘Â ‚ÂÏˇ ÒÙÂ ‰ÂˇÚÂθÌÓÒÚË. ŒÔ˚Ú ‡·ÓÚ˚ ‰ÂÚÒ- countryside, including 3,600 people on Administration and judicial man- ÔÎÓ˘‡‰¸ Ó‰Ó‚˚ı Û„Ó‰ËÈ ‡‚̇ 13,825 ÍËı ˝ÚÌ˘ÂÒÍËı ÒÚÓÈ·Ë˘ ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒ- traditional tribal lands. agement has been carried out by the peo- ÏÎÌ „‡, ˜ÚÓ ÒÓÒÚ‡‚ΡÂÚ 24 % ÓÚ ‚ÒÂÈ ÚÂ- ÍÓ„Ó ‡‚ÚÓÌÓÏÌÓ„Ó ÓÍÛ„‡ ÔÓÎÛ˜ËÎ ‡ÒÔ- The Autonomous Districtís Law, ples of the North on the basis of the ËÚÓËË ‡‚ÚÓÌÓÏÌÓ„Ó ÓÍÛ„‡. Շ˷Óθ- ÓÒÚ‡ÌÂÌË ‚ ‰Û„Ëı „ÓÓ‰‡ı –ÓÒÒËË. The Socio-Economic Development of Speransky Charter, On Governing Non- ¯Â ÍÓ΢ÂÒÚ‚Ó Ó‰Ó‚˚ı Û„Ó‰ËÈ Ì‡ıÓ- ¬ ÔÓÒΉÌË „Ó‰˚ Ôӂ‰Â̇ ·Óθ- Small Indigenous Ethnic Groups for the Russians in Siberia, adopted in 1822. ‰ËÚÒˇ ‚ „‡Ìˈ‡ı ÕËÊÌ‚‡ÚÓ‚ÒÍÓ„Ó ¯‡ˇ ‡·ÓÚ‡ ÔÓ ÒÓı‡ÌÂÌ˲ Ë ‚ÓÁÓʉÂ- Years of 2002-2006, defines the fore- On the boundary of the XIX-XX (143) Ë —Û„ÛÚÒÍÓ„Ó (107) ‡ÈÓÌÓ‚. Ì˲ ˇÁ˚ÍÓ‚ χÎÓ˜ËÒÎÂÌÌ˚ı ̇Ó‰Ó‚ —Â- ground of the state governmentís activi- centuries, the nature of the Ob-Irtysh œËÓËÚÂÚÌ˚Ï ‚ˉÓÏ ıÓÁˇÈÒÚ‚Ó‚‡- ‚Â‡, ˜ÂÏÛ ‚Ó ÏÌÓ„ÓÏ ÒÔÓÒÓ·ÒÚ‚Ó‚‡ÎË ties. These are as follows: Northís economy was determined by Ìˡ ‚ „‡Ìˈ‡ı ‰‡ÌÌ˚ı Û„Ó‰ËÈ ˇ‚ΡÂÚ- ÔËÌˇÚ˚ ƒÛÏÓÈ ÓÍÛ„‡ «‡ÍÓÌ˚ ´Œ ˇÁ˚- ïto support of the traditional branches both natural and climatic features, and Òˇ ÓÎÂÌ‚ӉÒÚ‚Ó. Œ·˘Â ÍÓ΢ÂÒÚ‚Ó ÔÓ- ͇ı ÍÓÂÌÌ˚ı χÎÓ˜ËÒÎÂÌÌ˚ı ̇Ó‰Ó‚ of economy and provide employment by the low density of population. Water- „ÓÎÓ‚¸ˇ ÓÎÂÌÂÈ ‚ ΢Ì˚ı ÓÎÂÌ‚Ӊ˜ÂÒ- —‚Â‡ª Ë ´Œ ÒÓı‡ÌÂÌËË ÙÓθÍÎÓ‡...ª. for the aboriginal population; borne transport was the main way of ÍËı ıÓÁˇÈÒÚ‚‡ı ÂÊ„ӉÌÓ ‡ÒÚÂÚ. Õ‡ 1 «‡ÌˇÚˡ ÔÓ Ó‰ÌÓÏÛ ˇÁ˚ÍÛ ÔÓ‚Ó‰ˇÚÒˇ ïto increase professional and educa- communication. The navigation of ˇÌ‚‡ˇ 2004 „. ‚ ΢ÌÓÏ ÔÓθÁÓ‚‡ÌËË Ì‡- ‚ ‰ÂÚÒÍËı Ò‡‰‡ı, ̇ˆËÓ̇θÌ˚ı ¯ÍÓ·ı, tional levels of the indigenous people steamers, started in the middle of the ıÓ‰ËÎÓÒ¸ ÔÓˇ‰Í‡ 16 Ú˚Ò. „ÓÎÓ‚, ˜ÚÓ ÒÓ- ‡ Ú‡ÍÊ ‚ ÒÚ‡¯Ëı Í·ÒÒ‡ı Ë ‚ÛÁ‡ı. in the District; ÎÓ„Ó‡Á‚‰Ә̇ˇ ÒÍ‚‡ÊË̇ ‚ Ô. ¡ÂÂÁÓ- ïto provide improvement of the housing ‚Ó ‰‡Î‡ ÏÓ˘Ì˚È „‡ÁÓ‚˚È ÙÓÌÚ‡Ì, ˜ÚÓ conditions; ÔÓÒÎÛÊËÎÓ Ì‡˜‡ÎÓÏ ËÁÏÂÌÂÌˡ ÊËÁÌË ïthe preservation and development of Í‡ˇ Ë ˝ÍÓÌÓÏËÍË ‚ÒÂÈ ÒÚ‡Ì˚. œÎ‡ÌÓ- traditional culture. ÏÂÌÓ Ôӂ‰ÂÌË „ÂÓÙËÁ˘ÂÒÍËı Ë ·Û- In the interests of small indigenous Ó‚˚ı ‡·ÓÚ Ì‡˜‡ÎÓÒ¸ ‚ 1954 „Ó‰Û. ethnic groups the Districtís legislation 25 ÒÂÌÚˇ·ˇ 1959 „Ó‰‡ ‚·ÎËÁË Ò· regulates their relationship with the nat- ÿ‡ËÏ (‡ÈÓÌ ÒÓ‚ÂÏÂÌÌÓ„Ó „. ”‡ˇ) ural resource extracting companies, ·˚Î ÓÚÍ˚Ú ÌÂÙÚÂÌÓÒÌ˚È Ô·ÒÚ Ò Ó·˙- whereby the reconciliation procedures ÂÏÓÏ ÒÛÚÓ˜ÌÓÈ ‰Ó·˚˜Ë ÌÂÙÚË Ò‚˚¯Â are established for the determination of Ó‰ÌÓÈ ÚÓÌÌ˚. areas for industrial activity and for 25 ‡ÔÂΡ 1960 „Ó‰‡ ËÁ ÒÍ‚‡ÊËÌ˚ damage refund through the statutory re- –-7 ̇ ÃÛÎ˚ϸËÌÒÍÓÈ ÔÎÓ˘‡‰Ë ÔÓÎÛ- sponsibility of the industrial enterprise ˜Â̇ ÔÂ‚‡ˇ ÔÓÏ˚¯ÎÂÌ̇ˇ ÌÂÙÚ¸ (ÒÛ- to effect it in the form of compensation. ÚÓ˜Ì˚È ‰Â·ËÚ ñ ·ÓΠ10 ÚÓÌÌ). On the Districtís territory 477 tribal es- ¬ ˲Ì 1960 „Ó‰‡ ËÁ ÒÍ‚‡ÊËÌ˚ –-6 tates are allocated, the boundaries and ÿ‡ËÏÒÍÓÈ ÌÂÙÚÂ‡Á‚‰ӘÌÓÈ ˝ÍÒÔ‰Ë- sizes of which were determined on the ˆËË Û‰‡ËÎ ÙÓÌÚ‡Ì ÌÂÙÚË Ò ÒÛÚÓ˜Ì˚Ï basis of the resources and economical ‰Â·ËÚÓÏ 300 ÚÓÌÌ. ¡˚ÎÓ ÓÚÍ˚ÚÓ ÔÂ- value of the allocated land as well as ‚Ó ‚ —Ë·ËË ÏÂÒÚÓÓʉÂÌË ÔÓÏ˚¯- with due consideration of the existing ÎÂÌÌÓÈ ÌÂÙÚË. land relations and customs of the Yugra «‡ÚÂÏ ·˚ÎË ÓÚÍ˚Ú˚ ”ÒÚ¸-¡‡Î˚ÍÒ- aborigines. At present the tribal land ÍÓÂ, «‡Ô‡‰ÌÓ-—Û„ÛÚÒÍÓÂ, œÓÍÛÒÍÓÂ, area amounts to 13,825 mln. ha, which ¬‡ÚËÌÒÍÓÂ, ÇÏÓÌÚÓ‚ÒÍÓÂ, —‡Î˚ÏÒÍÓÂ, accounts for 24% of the total of the Dis- œ‡‚‰ËÌÒÍÓÂ Ë ÏÌÓ„Ë ‰Û„Ë ÏÂÒÚÓ- trictís territory. The greater part of the –ÓÒÒËË Ë Ó‰ÌËÏ ËÁ ÍÛÔÌÂȯËı ÌÂÙÚÂ- ï‰ÂÎÓ‚ÓÈ ‰‚ÂÒËÌ˚ ñ 1683,4 Ú˚Ò. In the last few years great efforts ÓʉÂÌˡ. ¬ 1965 „Ó‰Û ÒÚ‡ÎÓ ËÁ‚ÂÒÚÌÓ tribal estates is located in the Nizh- ‰Ó·˚‚‡˛˘Ëı „ËÓÌÓ‚ ÏË‡, ÓÚÌÓÒËÚÒˇ ÍÛ·ÓÏÂÚÓ‚ (94 %); have been made to preserve and revive Ó· ÓÚÍ˚ÚËË —‡ÏÓÚÎÓÒÍÓ„Ó ÏÂÒÚÓÓÊ- nevartovsky (143) and Surgutsky (107) Í „ËÓ̇Ï-‰ÓÌÓ‡Ï –ÓÒÒËË Ë ÎˉËÛÂÚ ïÔËÎÓχÚÂˇÎÓ‚ ñ 399,8 Ú˚Ò. the languages of the small northern na- ‰ÂÌˡ, ÍÓÚÓÓ ÔÓ Á‡Ô‡Ò‡Ï ÌÂÙÚË ‚ıÓ- districts. ÔÓ ˆÂÎÓÏÛ ˇ‰Û ÓÒÌÓ‚Ì˚ı ˝ÍÓÌÓÏ˘ÂÒ- ÍÛ·ÓÏÂÚÓ‚ (88,1 %). tive groups, and that has been to a large ‰ËÚ ‚ ÔÂ‚Û˛ ‰ÂÒˇÚÍÛ ÍÛÔÌÂȯËı ÏÂÒ- Reindeer breeding is the dominant ÍËı ÔÓ͇Á‡ÚÂÎÂÈ: ¬ 2004 „Ó‰Û Ì‡ ÚÂËÚÓËË ‡‚ÚÓÌÓÏ- extent facilitated by the Laws adopted ÚÓÓʉÂÌËÈ ÏË‡. economic occupation within the limits I ÏÂÒÚÓ ñ ÔÓ Ó·˙ÂÏÛ ÔÓÏ˚¯ÎÂÌÌÓ„Ó ÌÓ„Ó ÓÍÛ„‡ ‰Ó·˚Ú‡ ‚ÓÒ¸ÏËÏËÎΡ‰Ì‡ˇ by the regional Duma, e.g. On the lan- ¬ 1964 „Ó‰Û Ì‡˜‡Î‡Ò¸ ÔÓÏ˚¯ÎÂÌ- of the abovementioned estates. The total ÔÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚‡; ÚÓÌ̇ ÌÂÙÚË, ˜ÚÓ ÒÓÒÚ‡‚ΡÂÚ ÔˇÚÛ˛ ˜‡ÒÚ¸ guages of the small northern aboriginal ̇ˇ ˝ÍÒÔÎÛ‡Ú‡ˆËˇ ÌÂÙÚˇÌ˚ı ÏÂÒÚÓÓÊ- reindeer stock in private facilities is I ÏÂÒÚÓ ñ ÔÓ ‰Ó·˚˜Â ÌÂÙÚË; ÓÚ ÔÓ„ÌÓÁÌ˚ı Á‡Ô‡ÒÓ‚ „ËÓ̇, ‚‚‰Â- native groups and On the preservation ‰ÂÌËÈ ÓÍÛ„‡. ¬ 80- „Ó‰˚ ̇ ÚÂËÚÓ- growing from year to year. As of 1 Jan- I ÏÂÒÚÓ ñ ÔÓ ÔÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Û ˝ÎÂÍÚÓ˝- ÌÓ ‚ ÔÓÏ˚¯ÎÂÌÌÛ˛ Ë ÔÓ·ÌÛ˛ ˝ÍÒÔÎÛ- of folklore... Lessons in native lan- ËË ÓÍÛ„‡ Âʉ̂ÌÓ ‰Ó·˚‚‡ÎÓÒ¸ ÓÍÓ- uary, 2004 the privately-owned stock ÌÂ„ËË; ‡Ú‡ˆË˛ ‚ÓÒÂϸ ÌÓ‚˚ı ÏÂÒÚÓÓʉÂÌËÈ. guages are held in kindergartens and ÎÓ ÏËÎÎËÓ̇ ÚÓÌÌ ÌÂÙÚË. numbered about 16,000 which accounts II ÏÂÒÚÓ ñ ÔÓ ‰Ó·˚˜Â „‡Á‡; œÓ ÂÁÛÎ¸Ú‡Ú‡Ï ËÌ‚ÂÒÚˈËÓÌÌÓÈ ‰Â- national schools, as well as in high ¬˚ÒÓÍË ÚÂÏÔ˚ ‡Á‚ËÚˡ ÌÂÙÚˇÌÓÈ for 52% of the total reindeer stock. At II ÏÂÒÚÓ ñ ÔÓ Ó·˙ÂÏÛ ËÌ‚ÂÒÚˈËÈ ‚ ÓÒ- ˇÚÂθÌÓÒÚË ‚ ‡‚ÚÓÌÓÏÌÓÏ ÓÍÛ„Â Á‡ 2004 schools and colleges. ÔÓÏ˚¯ÎÂÌÌÓÒÚË, ÒÚÓËÚÂθÒÚ‚‡, ˝ÌÂ- present, there are 480 families of abo- ÌÓ‚ÌÓÈ Í‡ÔËÚ‡Î; „Ó‰ Ó·˙ÂÏ ËÌ‚ÂÒÚˈËÈ ‚ ÓÒÌÓ‚ÌÓÈ Í‡ÔË- At present there are 1,653 students „ÂÚËÍË Ó·ÛÒÎÓ‚ËÎË ·˚ÒÚ˚È ÓÒÚ Ì‡ÒÂ- riginals engaged in reindeer breeding. II ÏÂÒÚÓ ñ ÔÓ ÔÓÒÚÛÔÎÂÌ˲ ̇ÎÓ„Ó‚ ‚ ڇΠÁ‡ Ò˜ÂÚ ‚ÒÂı ËÒÚÓ˜ÌËÍÓ‚ ÙË̇ÌÒËÓ- representing the Districtís aboriginals ÎÂÌˡ (·ÓΠ˜ÂÏ Ì‡ Ó‰ËÌ ÏËÎÎËÓÌ ˜Â- The following projects and events ·˛‰ÊÂÚÌÛ˛ ÒËÒÚÂÏÛ. ‚‡Ìˡ ÒÓÒÚ‡‚ËÚ 191,6 ÏÎ‰ Û·ÎÂÈ, ËÎË in the countryís education institutions,

ÎÓ‚ÂÍ Á‡ ÔÓÒΉÌË 30 ÎÂÚ). are realized in the framework of ëChil- üβ˜Â‚˚ÏË ÂÁÛθڇڇÏË 2004 „Ó- 101 % ‚ ÒÓÔÓÒÚ‡‚ËÏ˚ı ˆÂ̇ı Í Ô‰˚‰Û- including 1,457 students of colleges. EXTERNAL ECONOMIC RELATIONS | ВНЕШНЕЭКОНОМИЧЕСКИЕ СВЯЗИ • № 3, МАРТ 2005 ¬ ˝ÚË „Ó‰˚ ÒÚÓËÎËÒ¸ ÌÓ‚˚ „ÓÓ‰‡, dren of the Northí and ëArrangement of ‰‡ ÒÚ‡ÎË: ˘ÂÏÛ „Ó‰Û. The positive trend of the graduatesí re- ¬ ̇ÒÚÓˇ˘Â ‚ÂÏˇ ‚ ۘ·Ì˚ı Á‡‚Â- ‡Á‚Ë‚‡Î‡Ò¸ „ÂÓÎÓ„Ó‡Á‚‰͇, ÒÓÁ‰‡‚‡- Rest, Rehabilitation and Employment of ïÓÒÚ Ó·˙ÂÏÓ‚ ÔÓÏ˚¯ÎÂÌÌÓÈ ÔÓ‰ÛÍ- «‡ 2004 „Ó‰ Ò ‰Ó΂˚Ï Û˜‡ÒÚËÂÏ turning home is observed: in 2004, out ‰ÂÌˡı ÒÚ‡Ì˚ Ó·Û˜‡˛ÚÒˇ 1653 ÒÚÛ‰ÂÌ- ÎËÒ¸ ÌÂÙÚ‰ӷ˚‚‡˛˘ËÂ Ë ÌÂÙÚÂÔÂÂ‡- Children, Teenagers and Youth in the ˆËË ñ ̇ 10,5 %; Ò‰ÒÚ‚ ÓÍÛÊÌÓ„Ó ·˛‰ÊÂÚ‡ ‚‚‰ÂÌÓ of the total number of 188 graduates, Ú‡ ËÁ ˜ËÒ· ÍÓÂÌÌ˚ı ÊËÚÂÎÂÈ ÓÍÛ„‡, ·‡Ú˚‚‡˛˘Ë Ô‰ÔˡÚˡ. ¬ ÒʇÚ˚ Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Areaí ï‡θÌ˚ ‡ÒÔÓ·„‡ÂÏ˚ ‰ÂÌÂÊÌ˚ ‰Ó- Ò‚˚¯Â 100 Ó·˙ÂÍÚÓ‚ ÒÚÓËÚÂθÒÚ‚‡ Ò Ó·- 162 returned to the District ñ the home- ËÁ ÌËı 1457 ñ ‚ ‚ÛÁ‡ı. Õ‡ÏÂÚË·Ҹ ÔÓ- ÒÓÍË ÒÓÓÛʇÎËÒ¸ ÌÂÙÚ„‡ÁÓÔÓ‚Ó‰˚, programmes. Regional seminars on ıÓ‰˚ ‚˚ÓÒÎË Ì‡ 4,4 %; ˘ÂÈ ÒÚÓËÏÓÒÚ¸˛ ÓÒÌÓ‚Ì˚ı ÙÓ̉ӂ 11 land attracts young specialists who are ÎÓÊËÚÂθ̇ˇ ÚẨÂÌˆËˇ ‚ÓÁ‚‡˘ÂÌˡ ‚˚- ‡‚ÚÓÏÓ·ËθÌ˚Â Ë ÊÂÎÂÁÌ˚ ‰ÓÓ„Ë. preservation and use of the folklore tra- ïÓ·ÓÓÚ ÓÁÌ˘ÌÓÈ ÚÓ„Ó‚ÎË Û‚Â΢ËÎ- ÏÎ‰ Û·ÎÂÈ. ¬ ‡Ï͇ı „Û·Â̇ÚÓÒÍÓÈ willing to lead their life and raise their ÔÛÒÍÌËÍÓ‚, ‚ 2004 „Ó‰Û ËÁ 188 ‚˚ÔÛÒÍ- — ÔÂÂıÓ‰ÓÏ ÒÚ‡Ì˚ Í ˚ÌÓ˜Ì˚Ï ditions, a regional ëFolklore Schoolí, a Òˇ ̇ 19,3 %; ÔÓ„‡ÏÏ˚ ÔÓ ÔÓ‰‰ÂÊÍ ÒÚÓËÚÂθÒÚ‚‡ children in Yugra. ÌËÍÓ‚ ‚ ÓÍÛ„ ‚ÓÁ‚‡ÚËÎËÒ¸ 162 ñ ÓÍÛ„ ÂÙÓÏ‡Ï ‚ ̇˜‡Î 90-ı „Ó‰Ó‚ ÔÓËÒ- ëSchool of Handicraftsí, a Craftsmanís ï‡ÍÚË‚ËÁËÓ‚‡Î‡Ò¸ ËÌ‚ÂÒÚˈËÓÌ̇ˇ ‰Â- ÒÂθÒÍËı ¯ÍÓÎ ‚‚ÂÎË ÒÂϸ Û˜ÂʉÂÌËÈ. ÔË‚ÎÂ͇ÂÚ ÏÓÎÓ‰˚ı ÒÔˆˇÎËÒÚÓ‚, „Ó- ıÓ‰ˇÚ ÒÛ˘ÂÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚ ËÁÏÂÌÂÌˡ ‚ ˝ÍÓ- Week, Creative Labs, the Parliament of ˇÚÂθÌÓÒÚ¸; ¬ ÒÂÌÚˇ· 2004 „Ó‰‡ ‚‚‰ÂÌ ‚ A BRIEF HISTORY OF OIL ÚÓ‚˚ı ÒÚÓËÚ¸ Ò‚Ó˛ ÊËÁ̸ Ë ‡ÒÚËÚ¸ ‰Â- ÌÓÏËÍ ÓÍÛ„‡. ƒÓ 1996 „Ó‰‡ ̇·Î˛‰‡- the Peoples of the World, the School of ïÚÂÏÔ˚ ËÌÙΡˆËË ÒÌËÁËÎËÒ¸ ‰Ó 10,6 % ˝ÍÒÔÎÛ‡Ú‡ˆË˛ ÏÓÒÚ ˜ÂÂÁ ÂÍÛ »Ú˚¯ ‚ AND GAS DEVELOPMENT ÚÂÈ Ì‡ fi„ÓÒÍÓÈ ÁÂÏÎÂ. ÎÓÒ¸ ÒÌËÊÂÌË ӷ˙ÂÏÓ‚ ‰Ó·˚˜Ë ÌÂÙÚË. the World Development, etc., which are ‚ „Ó‰. ‡ÈÓÌ ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒ͇, ÒÚÓËÚÂθÒÚ‚Ó It is quite understandable that for many ¬ ̇ÒÚÓˇ˘Â ‚ÂÏˇ ˝ÚÓÚ ÔÓˆÂÒÒ ÒÚ‡- targeted at the revival of music, dance Œ·˙ÂÏ ÔÓÏ˚¯ÎÂÌÌÓ„Ó ÔÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚‡ ÍÓÚÓÓ„Ó ÓÒÛ˘ÂÒڂΡÎÓÒ¸ ‚ ‡Ï͇ı ÙÂ- Russians the Khanty-Mansiysk Au- ИСТОРИЯ ОСВОЕНИЯ НЕФТЯНЫХ ·ËÎËÁËÓ‚‡ÎÒˇ, Ë ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒÍËÈ and applied creative arts of the Ob ‚ 2004 „Ó‰Û, ÔÓ ÓˆÂÌÍÂ, ÒÓÒÚ‡‚ËÚ 877,8 ‰Â‡Î¸ÌÓÈ ÔÓ„‡ÏÏ˚ ´ƒÓÓ„Ë –ÓÒÒË˪. tonomous District and oil are synony- И ГАЗОВЫХ МЕСТОРОЖДЕНИЙ ‡‚ÚÓÌÓÏÌ˚È ÓÍÛ„ ÔÓ-ÔÂÊÌÂÏÛ ˇ‚Ρ- Yugra people. ÏÎ‰ Û·ÎÂÈ. »Ì‰ÂÍÒ ÔÓÏ˚¯ÎÂÌÌÓ„Ó ÃÓÒÚ ˇ‚ΡÂÚÒˇ „·‚ÌÓÈ Ò‚ˇÁÛ˛˘ÂÈ mous: the District is the main oil and Õ ÒÎÛ˜‡ÈÌÓ ‚ Ô‰ÒÚ‡‚ÎÂÌËË ÏÌÓ„Ëı ÂÚÒˇ ÓÒÌÓ‚ÌÓÈ ÚÓÔÎË‚ÌÓ-˝ÌÂ„ÂÚ˘ÂÒ- The comprehensive approach to- ÔÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚‡ Í Ô‰˚‰Û˘ÂÏÛ „Ó‰Û ÒÓÒ- ˜‡ÒÚ¸˛ Ù‰Â‡Î¸ÌÓÈ ‡‚ÚÓ‰ÓÓ„Ë ´œÂϸ gas bearing region of the country. ÓÒÒËˇÌ ÔÓÌˇÚˡ ´’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒÍËÈ ÍÓÈ ·‡ÁÓÈ ÒÚ‡Ì˚. wards cultural pattern reproduction is Ú‡‚ËÎ 110,5 %. ñ —ÂÓ‚ ñ ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒÍ ñ “ÓÏÒͪ. The existence of oil and gas re- ‡‚ÚÓÌÓÏÌ˚È ÓÍÛ„ª Ë ´ÌÂÙÚ¸ª ‚ÓÒÔË- carried out at the ethnic rehabilitation «‡ 2004 „Ó‰ Ô‰ÔˡÚˡÏË ‡‚ÚÓ- ¬ 2004 „Ó‰Û Ô‰ÔˡÚˡÏË Ë Ó„‡- sources on the territory of the District ÌËχ˛ÚÒˇ Í‡Í ÒËÌÓÌËÏ˚ ñ ÓÍÛ„ ˇ‚Ρ- centres for children. The traditional ÌÓÏÌÓ„Ó ÓÍÛ„‡ ÔÓËÁ‚‰ÂÌÓ: ÌËÁ‡ˆËˇÏË ‚ÒÂı ÙÓÏ ÒÓ·ÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓÒÚË was forecasted by the academician, ÂÚÒˇ ÓÒÌÓ‚Ì˚Ï ÌÂÙÚ„‡ÁÓÌÓÒÌ˚Ï ‡ÈÓ- Итоги 2004 года culture mediums, scientists and various ïÌÂÙÚË ñ 255,6 ÏÎÌ ÚÓÌÌ (ÓÒÚ ÒÓÒÚ‡‚ËÎ (‚Íβ˜‡ˇ Ë̉˂ˉۇθÌ˚ı Á‡ÒÚÓÈ˘Ë- I.M. Gubkin, back in 1934. ÌÓÏ ÒÚ‡Ì˚. ЭКОНОМИКА experts are engaged in work at the cen- 109,7 % Í ÛÓ‚Ì˛ 2003 „Ó‰‡); ÍÓ‚) ÔÓÒÚÓÂÌÓ ÊËθˇ Ó·˘ÂÈ ÔÎÓ˘‡‰¸˛ Test drilling works started in Õ‡Î˘Ë ÌÂÙÚË Ë „‡Á‡ ̇ ÚÂËÚÓ- ¬ 2004 „Ó‰Û ˝ÍÓÌÓÏË͇ ‡‚ÚÓÌÓÏÌÓ„Ó ÓÍ- tres. The working experience of chil- Á‡ ñ 26,2 ÏÎ‰ ÍÛ·ÓÏÂÚÓ‚ (107,2 %); 840 Ú˚Ò. Í‚. ÏÂÚÓ‚, ‚ ÚÓÏ ˜ËÒΠ͂‡- 1951. On 21 September, 1953 the ex- ËË ÓÍÛ„‡ ·˚ÎÓ Ô‰Ò͇Á‡ÌÓ ‡Í‡‰ÂÏË- Û„‡ ÒÓı‡ÌË· ÓÒÌÓ‚Ì˚ ÔÓÎÓÊËÚÂθ- drenís ethnic camps in the Khanty-Man- ï˝ÎÂÍÚÓ˝ÌÂ„ËË ñ 62,1 ÏÎ‰ ÍËÎÓ‚‡ÚÚ-˜‡- ÚË Ó·˘ÂÈ ÔÎÓ˘‡‰¸˛ 695 Ú˚Ò. Í‚. ÏÂÚ- pendable well in the village of Berezo- ÍÓÏ ».Ã. √Û·ÍËÌ˚Ï ‚ 1934 „Ó‰Û. Ì˚ ÚẨÂ̈ËË ‡Á‚ËÚˡ, ‰ÓÒÚË„ÌÛÚ˚ ‚ siysk Autonomous District has been ap- ÒÓ‚ (102,2 %); Ó‚. ¬ 2004 „Ó‰Û Á̇˜ËÚÂθÌÓ ‚ÓÁÓÒ· vo gave out a powerful gas-gusher, ¡ÛÂÌË ÓÔÓÌ˚ı ÒÍ‚‡ÊËÌ Ì‡˜‡ÎÓÒ¸ Ô‰¯ÂÒÚ‚Û˛˘Ë „Ó‰˚. ŒÍÛ„ ˇ‚ΡÂÚÒˇ preciated and spread to other parts of ïÒ‚ÂÚÎ˚ı ÌÂÙÚÂÔÓ‰ÛÍÚÓ‚ ñ 2,5 ÏÎÌ ÚÓÌÌ (ÓÒÚ 18 %) ‰ÓΡ ‚‚Ó‰‡ ÊËθˇ Á‡ Ò˜ÂÚ which provoked the beginning of ‚ 1951 „Ó‰Û. 21 ÒÂÌÚˇ·ˇ 1953 „Ó‰‡ „ÂÓ- ÓÒÌÓ‚Ì˚Ï ÌÂÙÚ„‡ÁÓÌÓÒÌ˚Ï ‡ÈÓÌÓÏ Russia. (108,2 %); Ò‰ÒÚ‚ ̇ÒÂÎÂÌˡ. changes in the Districtís life and the 32 REGIONS OF RUSSIA РЕГИОНЫ РОССИИ ЮГРА YUGRA 33

economics of the whole country. The ´ÕÓ‚˚ ËÏÂ̇ —Ë·Ë˪ (ÔÂÁÂÌÚ‡ˆËˇ ‰ÂÊÍË ÓÚ‰ÂθÌ˚ı ͇Ú„ÓËÈ „‡Ê‰‡Ì ‚ gions and is the countryís leader in systematic execution of geophysical ‚Ó ƒ‚ÓˆÂ ÏÛÁ˚ÍË Ë ÍÓÌ„ÂÒÒÓ‚; ‚ —Ó- ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒÍÓÏ ‡‚ÚÓÌÓÏÌÓÏ ÓÍÛ„Â main economic indicators: and boring works was started in 1954. ‚ÂÚ ≈‚ÓÔ˚ ‚ „ÓӉ —Ú‡Ò·Û„Â; ‚ „Ó- ñ fi„ª, ‚ ‡Ï͇ı ÍÓÚÓÓ„Ó Ô‰ÓÒÚ‡‚- I rank ñ Industrial output; On 25 September, 1959, not far Ó‰‡ı: üÓÌÚ‡ÍÒ‚Ëθ, ÿËÏÂÍ). Ρ˛ÚÒˇ ÏÂ˚ ÒӈˇθÌÓÈ ÔÓ‰‰ÂÊÍË ÚÛ- I rank ñ Crude oil production; from the village of Shaim (the region of ÊÂÌËÍÓ‚ Ú˚·, Îˈ, ÔÓÒÚ‡‰‡‚¯Ëı ÓÚ ÔÓ- I rank ñ Electric power production; the contemporary town of Uray) an oil ТРУД И СОЦИАЛЬНАЯ ЗАЩИТА ÎËÚ˘ÂÒÍËı ÂÔÂÒÒËÈ, ‚ÂÚÂ‡ÌÓ‚ ÚÛ‰‡, II rank ñ Natural gas production; stratum with daily volume of oil extrac- НАСЕЛЕНИЯ ÌÂ‡·ÓÚ‡˛˘Ëı ÔÂÌÒËÓÌÂÓ‚. II rank ñ Investments in capital assets; tion exceeding one ton was opened. ”ÒÔÂıË ‚ ˝ÍÓÌÓÏËÍ ÒÚ‡ÎË Ì‡‰ÂÊÌÓÈ Ë II rank ñ Tax revenues in the federal On 25 April, 1960, the first indus- ÔÓ˜ÌÓÈ ·‡ÁÓÈ ‰Îˇ ÒӈˇθÌÓ„Ó ‡Á‚Ë- ЗДРАВООХРАНЕНИЕ and regional budgets. trial oil from deposit P-7 in the Mulim- Úˡ fi„˚. ¬‡ÊÌ˚Ï ËÚÓ„ÓÏ 2004 „Ó‰‡ ˇ‚- ¬ 2004 „Ó‰Û Á̇˜ËÚÂθÌÓ ÛÎÛ˜¯Ë·Ҹ χ- The key results in 2004 were as fol- inskaya field was received (the daily ΡÂÚÒˇ ÓÒÚ ‡θÌ˚ı ‰ÓıÓ‰Ó‚ ̇ÒÂÎÂ- ÚÂˇθÌÓ-ÚÂıÌ˘ÂÒ͇ˇ ·‡Á‡ ÓÚ‡ÒÎË. — lows: flow exceeded 10 tons). Ìˡ, ÔÓ‚˚¯ÂÌËÂ Â„Ó Ò‰ÌÂ„Ó ÛÓ‚Ìˇ ÓÚÍ˚ÚËÂÏ Õˇ„‡Ì¸ÒÍÓÈ „ÓÓ‰ÒÍÓÈ ·Óθ- ïIndustrial output increased by 10.5%; In June, 1960 an oil gusher from ÊËÁÌË, ÒÌËÊÂÌË ÛÓ‚Ìˇ ·Â‰ÌÓÒÚË. Ìˈ˚ ‚ÓÁÓÒ· ‰ÓÒÚÛÔÌÓÒÚ¸ ÒÔˆˇÎË- ïReal disposable incomes increased by deposit P-6 of the Shaimskaya oil ex- –ÓÒÚ ‡θÌ˚ı ‰ÓıÓ‰Ó‚ ̇ÒÂÎÂÌˡ ÁËÓ‚‡ÌÌÓÈ Ë ÔÂ‚˘ÌÓÈ Ï‰ËÍÓ-Ò‡ÌË- 4.4%; ploratory expedition was struck (the ÒÓÒÚ‡‚ËÎ ‚ ÔÓ¯ÎÓÏ „Ó‰Û ·ÓΠ4 %, Ò‰- Ú‡ÌÓÈ ÔÓÏÓ˘Ë Ì‡ÒÂÎÂÌ˲ ÒÓÒ‰ÌËı ÏÛ- ïRetail turnover increased by 19.3%; daily flow was 300 tons). The first Ìˇˇ Á‡‡·ÓÚ̇ˇ Ô·ڇ Ô‚˚ÒË· 20 Ú˚- ÌˈËԇθÌ˚ı Ó·‡ÁÓ‚‡ÌËÈ. œÓÒÚÓÂÌ˚ ïInvestment activities activized; deposit of industrial oil in Siberia Òˇ˜ Û·ÎÂÈ, ÔË ˝ÚÓÏ ÌÓÏË̇θ̇ˇ Û‚Â- Ë „ÓÚÓ‚ˇÚÒˇ Í ‚‚Ó‰Û ‚ ˝ÍÒÔÎÛ‡Ú‡ˆË˛ ‚Ó- ïAnnual inflation rate fell to 10.6%. was disclosed. ΢Ë·Ҹ ̇ 16,5 %, ‡θ̇ˇ ñ ̇ 6 %. ÒÂϸ Ó·˙ÂÍÚÓ‚ Á‰‡‚ÓÓı‡ÌÂÌˡ ‚ ÕÂÙ- The industrial production volume Afterwards, Ust-Balikskoye, West- «‡‡·ÓÚ̇ˇ Ô·ڇ ‡·ÓÚÌËÍÓ‚ ·˛‰- Ú²„‡ÌÒÍÓÏ, üÓ̉ËÌÒÍÓÏ ‡ÈÓ̇ı, ‚ in 2004 is estimated at 877.8 bln. rou- Surgutskoye, Pokurskoye, Vatinskoye, ÊÂÚÌÓÈ ÒÙÂ˚ Ô‚˚¯‡ÂÚ ‰ÂÒˇÚ¸ Ú˚Òˇ˜ ÕËÊÌ‚‡ÚÓ‚ÒÍÂ. ¬ 2005 „Ó‰Û ÔÓ‰ÓÎ- bles (110.5% to previous yearís vol- Mamontovskoye, Salimskoye, Pravdin- Û·ÎÂÈ, Ò 1 ÓÍÚˇ·ˇ ÔÓ¯ÎÓ„Ó „Ó‰‡ Ó̇ ÊËÚÒˇ ÒÚÓËÚÂθÒÚ‚Ó 22 Ó·˙ÂÍÚÓ‚ Á‰‡- ume). skoye and many other deposits were Û‚Â΢Ë·Ҹ ̇ 30 ÔÓˆÂÌÚÓ‚. ‚ÓÓı‡ÌÂÌˡ. In 2004 the Districtís industrial en- opened. In 1965 the news came about –ÓÒÚ ‰ÓıÓ‰Ó‚ ̇ÒÂÎÂÌˡ ÔÓÁ‚ÓÎËÎ ÕÓ‚‡ˇ ŒÍÛÊ̇ˇ ‰ÂÚÒ͇ˇ ÏÌÓ„ÓÔ- terprises produced: the discovery of the Samotlorskoye de- Ó·ÂÒÔ˜ËÚ¸ ÒÓÍ‡˘ÂÌË ÛÓ‚Ìˇ ·Â‰ÌÓÒ- ÓÙËθ̇ˇ ·ÓθÌˈ‡ ̇ 425 ÍÓÂÍ ‚ ïcrude oil ñ 255.6 mln.tons (109.7% posit, which is one of the top ten largest ÚË Ì‡ÒÂÎÂÌˡ. ◊ËÒÎÂÌÌÓÒÚ¸ ̇ÒÂÎÂÌˡ Ò ÕËÊÌ‚‡ÚÓ‚ÒÍ ÔÓÁ‚ÓÎËÚ Ï‡ÎÂ̸ÍËÏ to the volume in 2003); deposits of the world. ‰ÓıÓ‰‡ÏË ÌËÊ ÔÓÊËÚÓ˜ÌÓ„Ó ÏËÌËÏÛ- Ô‡ˆËÂÌÚ‡Ï fi„˚, Ì ÔÓÍˉ‡ˇ ‡‚ÚÓÌÓÏ- ïnatural gas ñ 26.2 bln. m3 (107.2%); The industrial exploitation of the χ ‚ Ò‰ÌÂÏ Á‡ „Ó‰ ÓˆÂÌË‚‡ÂÚÒˇ ‚ 154,4 ÌÓ„Ó ÓÍÛ„‡, ÔÓÎÛ˜‡Ú¸ ‚˚ÒÓÍÓ͇˜ÂÒÚ- ïelectric power ñ 62.1 bln. KWh Districtís oil fields was started in 1964. Ú˚Ò. ˜ÂÎÓ‚ÂÍ, ˜ÚÓ Ì‡ 10 Ú˚Ò. ˜ÂÎÓ‚ÂÍ ‚ÂÌÌÛ˛ ÒÔˆˇÎËÁËÓ‚‡ÌÌÛ˛ ωˈË- (102.2%); In the ë80s the volume of oil extracted ÏÂ̸¯Â, ˜ÂÏ ‚ ÔÓ¯ÎÓÏ „Ó‰Û. ÌÒÍÛ˛ ÔÓÏÓ˘¸. ïlight oil products ñ 2.5 mln. tons in the territory of the District was about —‰ÌËÈ ‡ÁÏÂ ÔÂÌÒËË ÌÂ‡·ÓÚ‡˛- «Ì‡˜ËÚÂθÌÓ ‡Ò¯ËËÎÒˇ ÍÓÏÔÎÂÍÒ (108.2%); one million tons per day. ˘Ëı ÔÂÌÒËÓÌÂÓ‚ Ò Û˜ÂÚÓÏ ÓÍÛÊÌ˚ı ωˈËÌÒÍËı ÛÒÎÛ„ Θ·ÌÓÈ ÒÂÚË ÓÍÛ- ïtimber ñ 1683.4 thousand m3 (94%); The rapid development of the crude ‰ÓÔÎ‡Ú ÒÓÒÚ‡‚ËÎ 3745,1 Û·Îˇ, Û‚Â΢˂- „‡,  ‰Ë‡„ÌÓÒÚ˘ÂÒÍË ‚ÓÁÏÓÊÌÓÒÚË. ¬ ïsaw-timber ñ 399.8 thousand m3 Õ‡ÎÓ„Ó‚˚ÏË Ó„‡Ì‡ÏË ‡‚ÚÓÌÓÏÌÓ„Ó ËÏÔÓÚ‡ ñ ‡Á‚ËÚË ÔÓÏ˚¯ÎÂÌÌÓ„Ó oil industry, construction and power en- ¯ËÒ¸ ÔÓ Ò‡‚ÌÂÌ˲ Ò ÔÓ¯Î˚Ï „Ó‰ÓÏ ‡Ï͇ı ÔÓ„‡ÏÏ˚ ¬Œ« fiÕ»—≈‘ ‚ (88.1%) ÓÍÛ„‡ ÒÓ·‡ÌÓ Ë Ì‡Ô‡‚ÎÂÌÓ ‚ ÍÓÌÒÓÎË- ÔÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚‡, Ô˂ΘÂÌË ÔÂ‰ӂ˚ı gineering caused a considerable in- ÔÓ˜ÚË Ì‡ 25 %. 2004 „Ó‰Û 15 Û˜ÂʉÂÌËˇÏ Á‰‡‚ÓÓı‡- In 2004 the oil companies located in ‰ËÓ‚‡ÌÌ˚È ·˛‰ÊÂÚ –ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓÈ ‘‰Â- ÚÂıÌÓÎÓ„ËÈ, ˝ÙÙÂÍÚË‚ÌÓ„Ó ÚÂıÌÓÎÓ„Ë- crease in the population (by more than 1 –ÓÒÚ ‰ÓıÓ‰Ó‚ ̇ÒÂÎÂÌˡ ÔÓËÒıÓ‰ËÎ ÌÂÌˡ ‡‚ÚÓÌÓÏÌÓ„Ó ÓÍÛ„‡ ÔËÒ‚ÓÂÌÓ the District produced the 8th billion ton ‡ˆËË 533,9 ÏÎ‰ Û·., ˜ÚÓ ÔÓ˜ÚË Ì‡ 80 % ˜ÂÒÍÓ„Ó ÏẨÊÏÂÌÚ‡, Ì Ëϲ˘Ëı ‡Ì‡- million people over the last 30 years). ̇ ÙÓÌ ÛÒÚÓÈ˜Ë‚Ó„Ó ÒÌËÊÂÌˡ ËÌÙΡ- Á‚‡ÌË ´¡ÓθÌˈ‡, ‰Ó·ÓÊ·ÚÂθ̇ˇ Í of crude oil which makes one fifth of the ‚˚¯Â ÔÓ͇Á‡ÚÂΡ Ô‰˚‰Û˘Â„Ó „Ó‰‡. ÎÓ„Ó‚ ‚ –ÓÒÒËË. New cities were built, geological ˆËË. «‡ ˇÌ‚‡¸-‰Â͇·¸ 2004 „Ó‰‡ ËÌÙ- ·ÂÌÍÛª. üÓÏ ÚÓ„Ó, Ò 2004 „Ó‰‡ ̇ ˜Â- regional expected resources, eight new ¬ 2004 „Ó‰Û ÔÓÒÚÛÔÎÂÌË ËÌÓÒÚ‡Ì- exploration expanded, crude oil and ΡˆËˇ ̇ ÔÓÚ·ËÚÂθÒÍÓÏ ˚ÌÍ ÒÓÒÚ‡- Ú˚Âı ÚÂËÚÓˡı ÓÍÛ„‡ ̇˜‡ÚÓ ‚̉- deposits were put into commercial and ВНЕШНЕТОРГОВЫЙ ОБОРОТ Ì˚ı ËÌ‚ÂÒÚˈËÈ ‚ ˝ÍÓÌÓÏËÍÛ ÓÍÛ„‡ ÒÓ- oil refining enterprises were put into ‚Ë· 10,6 % ÔÓÚË‚ 13,98 % Á‡ ÒÓÓÚ‚ÂÚ- ÂÌË ËÌˈˇÚË‚˚ ¬Œ« fiÕ»—≈‘ ´üÎË- trial operation.

¬Ì¯ÌÂÚÓ„Ó‚˚È Ó·ÓÓÚ ÒÓÒÚ‡‚ËÎ, ÔÓ ÒÚ‡‚ËÎÓ 4,0 ÏÎ‰ ‰ÓÎÎ. —ÿ¿, ˜ÚÓ Ì‡ operation in those years. In the short- ÒÚ‚Û˛˘ËÈ ÔÂËÓ‰ 2003 „Ó‰‡. ÌËÍË, ‰ÛÊÂÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚Â Í ÏÓÎÓ‰ÂÊ˪. As a result of the investment activi- EXTERNAL ECONOMIC RELATIONS | ВНЕШНЕЭКОНОМИЧЕСКИЕ СВЯЗИ • № 3, МАРТ 2005 Ô‰‚‡ËÚÂθÌ˚Ï ‡Ò˜ÂÚ‡Ï, 19 856,9 ÏÎÌ 27,3 % ·Óθ¯Â ÔÓÒÚÛÔÎÂÌËÈ 2003 „Ó‰‡ est possible time new oil and gas œËÌˇÚ «‡ÍÓÌ ´Œ ÏÂ‡ı ÒӈˇθÌÓÈ ties in the District investments in the ‰ÓÎÎ. —ÿ¿. ¬ 2004 „Ó‰Û ˝ÍÒÔÓÚ ÒÓÒÚ‡- Õ‡ ÚÂËÚÓËË ‡‚ÚÓÌÓÏÌÓ„Ó ÓÍÛ„‡ pipelines, motorways and railway Á‡˘ËÚ˚ ÓÚ‰ÂθÌ˚ı ͇Ú„ÓËÈ Ì‡ÒÂÎÂÌˡ capital assets from all financial sources ‚ËÎ 19 522,0 ÏÎÌ ‰ÓÎÎ. —ÿ¿ (10,7 % ÓÚ ÓÒÛ˘ÂÒڂΡ˛Ú ‰ÂˇÚÂθÌÓÒÚ¸ ‚ÓÒÂϸ roads were constructed. ‚ ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒÍÓÏ ‡‚ÚÓÌÓÏÌÓÏ ÓÍÛ- will amount to 191.6 bln. roubles dur- ˝ÍÒÔÓÚ‡ –ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓÈ ‘‰Â‡ˆËË), ËÏ- Ô‰ÒÚ‡‚ËÚÂθÒÚ‚ Ë ‰Â‚ˇÚ¸ ÙËΡÎÓ‚ Transition to market reforms in the „ª, ‰ÂÈÒÚ‚ÛÂÚ ÔÓ„‡Ïχ ´—Ú‡¯Â ÔÓ- ing 2004, or 101% of the previous ÔÓÚ ñ 334,9 ÏÎÌ ‰ÓÎÎ. —ÿ¿. ›ÍÒÔÓÚ ËÌÓÒÚ‡ÌÌ˚ı ÍÓÏÔ‡ÌËÈ. ¬Â‰ÂÚÒˇ ‰ÂÎÓ‚Ó country provoked essential changes in ÍÓÎÂÌ˪ ̇ 1999ñ2005 „Ó‰˚. yearís volume in comparable prices. ‡‚ÚÓÌÓÏÌÓ„Ó ÓÍÛ„‡ ÒÓ ÒÚ‡Ì‡ÏË ≈‚Ó- ÒÓÚÛ‰Ì˘ÂÒÚ‚Ó Ò Ô‰ÔˡÚˡÏË Ë Ó- the economy of the District in the early —Â„Ó‰Ìˇ ̇ ÚÂËÚÓËË ‡‚ÚÓÌÓÏÌÓ- In 2004, with the Districtís budget ÔÂÈÒÍÓ„Ó —Ó˛Á‡ ÒÓÒÚ‡‚ΡÂÚ ÓÍÓÎÓ 30 % „‡ÌËÁ‡ˆËˇÏË ÓÍÓÎÓ 70 ÒÚ‡Ì ÏË‡. ¬ Â- ë90s. Decrease of volumes of oil extrac- „Ó ÓÍÛ„‡ ÙÛÌ͈ËÓÌËÛÂÚ ‡Á‚ÂÚ‚ÎÂÌ- money participation, over 100 build- ÓÚ Ó·˘Â„Ó Ó·˙Âχ ˝ÍÒÔÓÚ‡ ‡‚ÚÓÌÓÏÌÓ- ÂÒÚ Ô‰ÔˡÚËÈ ‡‚ÚÓÌÓÏÌÓ„Ó ÓÍÛ„‡ tion continued till 1996. At present this ̇ˇ ÒÂÚ¸ Û˜ÂʉÂÌËÈ Ë ÒÎÛÊ· ÒÓˆÓ·Ò- ing projects with the total capital asset „Ó ÓÍÛ„‡. ’‡‡ÍÚÂÌÓÈ ˜ÂÚÓÈ ‚̯ÌÂÈ Ì‡Ò˜ËÚ˚‚‡ÂÚÒˇ ÓÍÓÎÓ 130 Ô‰ÔˡÚËÈ Ò process has been stabilized, and the ÎÛÊË‚‡Ìˡ ̇ÒÂÎÂÌˡ, ̇ҘËÚ˚‚‡˛˘‡ˇ value amounting to 11 bln. roubles ÚÓ„Ó‚ÎË ˇ‚ΡÂÚÒˇ ÔÓÎÓÊËÚÂθÌÓ ҇θ- Û˜‡ÒÚËÂÏ ËÌÓÒÚ‡ÌÌÓ„Ó Í‡ÔËڇ·. Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous District 80 Ò‡ÏÓÒÚÓˇÚÂθÌ˚ı Û˜ÂʉÂÌËÈ, ‚ ÍÓ- were completed. In the framework of ‰Ó ÚÓ„Ó‚Ó„Ó ·‡Î‡ÌÒ‡. ¬ 2004 „Ó‰Û ÔÓ‰ÔËÒ‡ÌÓ —ӄ·¯ÂÌË still remains the main fuel and energy ÚÓ˚ı Ò‚˚¯Â 150 ÓÚ‰ÂÎÂÌËÈ. ≈Ê„ӉÌÓ the Governor-sponsored programme ŒÒÌÓ‚Ì˚ ‚ˉ˚ ˝ÍÒÔÓÚËÛÂÏ˚ı ÚÓ- ÏÂÊ‰Û œ‡‚ËÚÂθÒÚ‚ÓÏ ‡‚ÚÓÌÓÏÌÓ„Ó basis of the country. Ò‚˚¯Â 250 Ú˚Ò. ˜ÂÎÓ‚ÂÍ ÔÓÎÛ˜‡˛Ú ÒÓˆË- for the support of the construction of ‚‡Ó‚: ÌÂÙÚ¸, ÌÂÙÚÂÔÓ‰ÛÍÚ˚, ‰ÂÎÓ‚‡ˇ ÓÍÛ„‡ Ë ¿‰ÏËÌËÒÚ‡ˆËÂÈ ¬‡ÌÂÌÒÍÓÈ ‡Î¸Ì˚ ÛÒÎÛ„Ë. schools in rural areas seven schools ‰‚ÂÒË̇. ÕÂÙÚ¸ ÒÓÒÚ‡‚ΡÂÚ 98 % ÓÚ Ó·- ӷ·ÒÚË –ÂÒÔÛ·ÎËÍË ¡Ó΄‡ˡ Ó ÚÓ„Ó- ¬ 2004 „Ó‰Û ÔËÌˇÚ «‡ÍÓÌ ‡‚ÚÓÌÓÏ- were commissioned. ˘Â„Ó Ó·˙Âχ ˝ÍÒÔÓÚ‡ „ËÓ̇. œÓ‰ÛÍ- ‚Ó-˝ÍÓÌÓÏ˘ÂÒÍÓÏ Ë ÍÛθÚÛÌÓÏ ÒÓÚ- The main economic ÌÓ„Ó ÓÍÛ„‡ ´Œ ÔÓ„‡ÏÏ ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌ- In September, 2004 the motorway ˆËˇ ÔÓÒÚ‡‚ΡÂÚÒˇ ·ÓΠ˜ÂÏ ‚ 30 ÒÚ‡Ì Û‰Ì˘ÂÒÚ‚Â. II ÃÂʉÛ̇Ó‰ÌÓÈ ˝ÍÓ- indicators in 2004 ÒËÈÒÍÓ„Ó ‡‚ÚÓÌÓÏÌÓ„Ó ÓÍÛ„‡ ´üÓÏÔÎÂ- bridge over the river Irtysh in the vicin- ÏË‡. √·‚Ì˚ÏË ‚̯ÌÂÚÓ„Ó‚˚ÏË Ô‡Ú- Îӄ˘ÂÒÍÓÈ ‡ÍˆËË ´—Ô‡ÒÚË Ë ÒÓı‡- ÍÒ̇ˇ ‡·ËÎËÚ‡ˆËˇ ËÌ‚‡Îˉӂª ̇ 2004- ity of Khanty-Mansiysk was set into op- ÌÂ‡ÏË ˇ‚Ρ˛ÚÒˇ: œÓθ¯‡, üËÔ, ‘‡Ì- ÌËÚ¸ª ÔËÒ‚ÓÂ̇ ˝„ˉ‡ fiÕ≈—üŒ. –‡Ò- ECONOMY 2008 „Ó‰˚ª. œÓ„‡ÏÏÌ˚ ÏÂÓÔˡÚˡ eration. Its construction was carried out ˆËˇ, ÕˉÂ·̉˚, √ÂχÌˡ, ËÁ ÒÚ‡Ì ÒχÚË‚‡ÂÚÒˇ ‚ÓÔÓÒ Ó ‚Íβ˜ÂÌËË In 2004 the Districtís economic indica- ̇Ô‡‚ÎÂÌ˚ ̇ ̇˷ÓΠÔÓÎÌÓ ‚ÓÒÒÚ‡- under the federal programme The Roads —Õ√ ñ ”Í‡Ë̇, ü‡Á‡ıÒÚ‡Ì. ÔÓÂÍÚ‡ ´ÃÂʉÛ̇Ӊ̇ˇ ˝ÍÓÎӄ˘ÂÒ- tors retained the positive trend dynam- ÌÓ‚ÎÂÌË ̇Û¯ÂÌÌ˚ı ÙÛÌ͈ËÈ, ÒÓÁ‰‡- of Russia. The bridge is the main link- ¬ ÒÚÛÍÚÛ ËÏÔÓÚ‡ ÔÂӷ·‰‡˛Ú ͇ˇ ‡ÍˆËˇ ´—Ô‡ÒÚË Ë ÒÓı‡ÌËÚ¸ª ‚ ics achieved in the previous years. The ÌË ‚ ÓÍÛ„Â ËÌÙ‡ÒÚÛÍÚÛ˚ ÍÓÏÔÎÂ- ing part of the Perm-Serov ñ Khanty- ÒÎÂ‰Û˛˘Ë ÚÓ‚‡Ì˚ „ÛÔÔ˚ ÚÓ‚‡Ó‚ Ë ÔÓ„‡ÏÏÛ fiÕ≈—üŒ ´◊ÂÎÓ‚ÂÍ Ë ·Ë- District is the main oil and gas produc- ÍÒÌÓÈ ‡·ËÎËÚ‡ˆËË Îˈ Ò Ó„‡Ì˘ÂÌÌ˚- Mansiysk ñ Tomsk federal motorway. ÛÒÎÛ„: χ¯ËÌ˚ Ë Ó·ÓÛ‰Ó‚‡ÌËÂ, ÏÂÚ‡Î- ÓÒÙÂ‡ª ̇ 2005 „Ó‰. ¬ 2004 „Ó‰Û ÒÓÒ- ing region in Russia and one of the ÏË ‚ÓÁÏÓÊÌÓÒÚˇÏË. In 2004 the total volume of housing Î˚ Ë ËÁ‰ÂÎˡ ËÁ ÌËı, ÔÓ‰ÛÍˆËˇ ıËÏË- ÚÓˇÎ‡Ò¸ ÔÂÁÂÌÚ‡ˆËˇ ‡‚ÚÓÌÓÏÌÓ„Ó ÓÍ- largest oil producing regions in the œ‡‚ËÚÂθÒÚ‚ÓÏ ‡‚ÚÓÌÓÏÌÓ„Ó ÓÍÛ„‡ construction by both public and private 2


¬Ì‰ˇ˛ÚÒˇ ÌÓ‚˚ ‚˚ÒÓÍÓÚÂıÌÓÎÓ- Ë ‰ÂÚÒÚ‚‡ ‚ ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒÍÓÏ ‡‚ÚÓÌÓÏ- including residence flats of 695 thou- at the Council of Europe in Strasbourg „˘Ì˚ ‚ˉ˚ ωˈËÌÒÍÓÈ ÔÓÏÓ˘Ë. “Â- ÌÓÏ ÓÍÛ„Â ñ fi„ª. ¬ Á‡ÍÓÌ ÔËÓË- sand m2. The share of population-funded and in the towns of Contraqueseville ÔÂ¸ ͇‰ËÓıËÛ„˘ÂÒÍӠΘÂÌË Ó͇- ÚÂÚÓÏ Òڇ· ÏÌÓ„ÓÓ·‡Á̇ˇ ÔÓ‰‰ÂÊ͇ housing construction rose considerably and Chirmec). Á˚‚‡ÂÚÒˇ Ì ÚÓθÍÓ ‚ ÓÍÛÊÌÓÏ Í‡‰Ë- ÒÂϸË, Ëϲ˘ÂÈ Ó‰ÌÓ„Ó-‰‚Ûı ‰ÂÚÂÈ, Ë (an increase of 18%). ÓÎӄ˘ÂÒÍÓÏ ‰ËÒÔ‡ÌÒÂ ‚ —Û„ÛÚÂ, ÌÓ ÏÌÓ„Ó‰ÂÚÌÓÈ ÒÂϸË. The Districtís inland revenue au- LABOUR AND SOCIAL Ë ‚ ŒÍÛÊÌÓÈ ÍÎËÌ˘ÂÒÍÓÈ ·ÓθÌˈ ¬ 2004ñ2005 „Ó‰‡ı ÓÒÛ˘ÂÒڂΡÂÚÒˇ thorities collected and remitted tax rev- PROTECTION OF POPULATION ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒ͇. œÓÏËÏÓ Í‡‰ËÓıË- ‡ÎËÁ‡ˆËˇ ÔÓÂÍÚ‡ ‘Ó̉‡ ŒŒÕ ÔÓ Ì‡- enues amounting to 533.9 bln. roubles The great progress in the economy has Û„˘ÂÒÍÓÈ ÔÓÏÓ˘Ë, ÓÒ‚‡Ë‚‡˛ÚÒˇ Ë Ó‰Ó̇ÒÂÎÂÌ˲ ‚ –ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓÈ ‘‰Â‡- to the Russian Federation consolidated made a solid and strong basis for social ‚̉ˇ˛ÚÒˇ ËÌÌÓ‚‡ˆËÓÌÌ˚ ÚÂıÌÓÎÓ„ËË ˆËË ´—Ó‰ÂÈÒÚ‚Ë ‡Á‡·ÓÚÍÂ Ë ‡ÎËÁ‡- budget, showing an increase of about development in Yugra. The important ‚ Ú‡‚χÚÓÎÓ„ËË Ë ÓÚÓÔ‰ËË. œÓÒΠˆËË „ËÓ̇θÌ˚ı ÒÚ‡Ú„ËÈ ‡Á‚ËÚˡ 80% over the previous yearís level. achievement of 2004 was an increase of ÓÚÍ˚Úˡ ‚ 2004 „Ó‰Û ‚ ŒÍÛÊÌÓÈ ÍÎË- ̇Ó‰Ó̇ÒÂÎÂÌˡª. The foreign trade turnover is esti- the populationís real income, a rise in Ì˘ÂÒÍÓÈ ·ÓθÌˈ ÚÂÎÂωˈËÌÒÍÓ„Ó ŒÚ‚˜‡ˇ ̇ ¯ÂÌˡ √ÂÌÂ‡Î¸ÌÓÈ mated at USD 19,856.9 mln. In 2004 the average standard of living and a de- ˆÂÌÚ‡ ‚‡˜Ë ·ÓθÌˈ˚ ËÏÂ˛Ú ‚ÓÁÏÓÊ- ¿Ò҇ϷÎÂË ŒŒÕ Ó· Ó·˙ˇ‚ÎÂÌËË 2004 „Ó- the exports amounted to USD 19,522.0 crease in the poverty rate. ÌÓÒÚ¸ ÔÓÎÛ˜‡Ú¸ ÍÓÌÒÛθڇˆËË ÔÓ Î˜Â- ‰‡ ‰ÂÒˇÚÓÈ „Ó‰Ó‚˘ËÌÓÈ ÃÂʉÛ̇Ó‰ÌÓ- mln. (10.7% of the total exports from The populationís real earnings in Ì˲ Ò‚ÓËı Ô‡ˆËÂÌÚÓ‚ Û ÒÔˆˇÎËÒÚÓ‚ ÙÂ- „Ó „Ó‰‡ ÒÂϸË, ‚ ÓÍÛ„Â Ôӂ‰ÂÌ ÙÂÒ- RF), imports ñ USD 334.9 mln. The 2004 grew by over 4%, the average ‰Â‡Î¸Ì˚ı ÍÎËÌËÍ. ÚË‚‡Î¸-ÍÓÌÍÛÒ ´—Âϸˇ „Ó‰‡ª. Autonomous Districtís exports to EU wages exceeded 20 thousand roubles, ŒÒÌÓ‚Ì˚ÏË ÂÁÛθڇڇÏË 2004 „Ó‰‡ countries account for about 30% of the with nominal wages increasing by СЕМЬЯ, МАТЕРИНСТВО И ДЕТСТВО ˇ‚Ρ˛ÚÒˇ: Districtís total exports. The prominent 16.5% and actual wages ñ by 6%. ¬ 2004 „Ó‰Û Ì‡ ÚÂËÚÓËË fi„˚ Ó- ïÛÎÛ˜¯ÂÌË ÊËÎˢÌ˚ı ÛÒÎÓ‚ËÈ Îˈ ËÁ feature of foreign trade turnover is its The salary of the employees in the ‰ËÎËÒ¸ 20,6 Ú˚Ò. χÎ˚¯ÂÈ. ›ÚÓ Ì‡ 2 % ˜ËÒ· ‰ÂÚÂÈ-ÒËÓÚ Ë ‰ÂÚÂÈ, ÓÒÚ‡‚¯Ëı- positive balance. public sector (budget) exceeds 10,000 ·Óθ¯Â, ˜ÂÏ ‚ 2003 „Ó‰Û. ŒÍÛ„ ‚ıÓ- Òˇ ·ÂÁ ÔÓÔ˜ÂÌˡ Ó‰ËÚÂÎÂÈ; The main exported goods are: roubles; it has been increased by 30% ‰ËÚ ‚ ˜ËÒÎÓ 23 ÒÛ·˙ÂÍÚÓ‚ –‘, „‰Â ̇·- ïÓ͇Á‡ÌË ͂‡ÎËÙˈËÓ‚‡ÌÌÓÈ, ‚˚ÒÓ- crude oil, oil products and industrial from 1 October, 2004. ≇ÂÚÒˇ ÓÒÚ Ì‡ÒÂÎÂÌˡ. ¬ ÓÍÛ„Â ÍÓÚÂıÌÓÎӄ˘ÌÓÈ Ï‰ˈËÌÒÍÓÈ ÔÓÏÓ- timber. Crude oil accounts for 98% of The population income growth ÛÓ‚Â̸ Óʉ‡ÂÏÓÒÚË ÛÊ ·ÓΠ10 ÎÂÚ ˘Ë ‰ÂÚˇÏ-ËÌ‚‡Îˉ‡Ï ‚ ‚Â‰Û˘Ëı ÍÎËÌË- the regionís export value. The goods ˘ËÚ˚ Ô‡‚ ÌÂÒÓ‚Â¯ÂÌÌÓÎÂÚÌËı Ë Ëı ÓÌÌ˚ ˆÂÌÚ˚ ‰Îˇ Û˜‡˘ËıÒˇ ËÁ ˜ËÒ· ÍÓ- made it possible to decrease the pover- Ô‚˚¯‡ÂÚ ÛÓ‚Â̸ ÒÏÂÚÌÓÒÚË. ¬ 2004 ͇ı –ÓÒÒËË Ë Á‡Û·Âʸˇ; are exported to over 30 countries. The Á‡ÍÓÌÌ˚ı ËÌÚÂÂÒÓ‚; ÂÌÌ˚ı χÎÓ˜ËÒÎÂÌÌ˚ı ̇Ó‰Ó‚ —‚Â‡. ty rate. The average number of people „Ó‰Û ÂÒÚÂÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚È ÔËÓÒÚ Ì‡ÒÂÎÂÌˡ ïÚẨÂÌˆËˇ Í Û‚Â΢ÂÌ˲ ˜ËÒ· ÓÁ‰Ó- main foreign trade partners are ïÛÎÛ˜¯ÂÌË ÓÒ̇˘ÂÌÌÓÒÚË Û˜ÂʉÂÌËÈ ¬ ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒÍ ÓÚÍ˚Ú ÷ÂÌÚ with earnings below the cost of living ÒÓÒÚ‡‚ËÎ 10,5 Ú˚Ò. ˜ÂÎÓ‚ÂÍ. —‰Ì„Ó- Ó‚ÎÂÌÌ˚ı ‰ÂÚÂÈ Ë ÔÓ‰ÓÒÚÍÓ‚ ÓÍÛ„‡; Poland, Cyprus, France, the Nether- ‡Á΢Ì˚ı ÚËÔÓ‚, Ó͇Á˚‚‡˛˘Ëı ÛÒÎÛ- ËÒÍÛÒÒÚ‚ ‰Îˇ Ó‰‡ÂÌÌ˚ı ‰ÂÚÂÈ —‚Â‡. is estimated at 154.4 thousand people, ‰Ó‚‡ˇ ˜ËÒÎÂÌÌÓÒÚ¸ ÔÓÒÚÓˇÌÌÓ„Ó Ì‡ÒÂ- ïÔËÓ·˘ÂÌË ‰ÂÚÂÈ ËÁ ˜ËÒ· ÍÓÂÌÌ˚ı lands, Germany and the CIS countries „Ë ÒÂÏ¸Â Ë ‰ÂÚˇÏ; Û‚Â΢ÂÌË ÍÓ΢Â- ¬ ÒÚÛÍÚÛÛ ÷ÂÌÚ‡ ‚ıÓ‰ˇÚ: ¯ÍÓ· ñ ËÌ- i.e. 10 thousand people less than in the ÎÂÌˡ, ÔÓ Ô‰‚‡ËÚÂθÌ˚Ï ‰‡ÌÌ˚Ï, χÎÓ˜ËÒÎÂÌÌ˚ı ̇Ó‰Ó‚ —‚Â‡ Í Ú‡- ñ Ukraine and Kazakhstan. ÒÚ‚‡ Ô·ÚÌ˚ı ÛÒÎÛ„; ÚÂÌ‡Ú ËÒÍÛÒÒÚ‚, ÍÓÎÎÂ‰Ê ËÒÍÛÒÒÚ‚ Ë previous year. ÒÓÒÚ‡‚Ë· 1464,4 Ú˚Ò. ˜ÂÎÓ‚ÂÍ, Û‚ÂÎË- ‰ËˆËÓÌÌÓÈ ÍÛθÚÛÂ, ˇÁ˚ÍÛ, Ò‰ ӷË- In the importsí structure the follow- ï‡Ò¯ËÂÌË ÒÔÂÍÚ‡ Ë ÔÓ‚˚¯ÂÌË ͇˜Â- ÍÛθÚÛ˚, ÍÓ̈ÂÚÌ˚È ÍÓÏÔÎÂÍÒ, ۘ·- The average pension of the non- ˜Ë‚¯ËÒ¸ ÔÓ Ò‡‚ÌÂÌ˲ Ò ÔÓ¯Î˚Ï „Ó- Ú‡Ìˡ; ing commodity groups prevail: machin- ÒÚ‚‡ Ó͇Á˚‚‡ÂÏ˚ı ÛÒÎÛ„ ÒÂÏ¸Â Ë ‰ÂÚˇÏ; ÌÓ-ÏÂÚӉ˘ÂÒÍËÈ Í‡·ËÌÂÚ. Œ·Û˜ÂÌË ‚Â- working pensioners with extras paid ‰ÓÏ Ì‡ 1,2 %. ïÒÓÁ‰‡ÌË ÛÒÎÓ‚ËÈ ‰Îˇ ‡Á‚ËÚˡ ÒËÒÚÂ- ery and equipment, metals and metal ï‡ÍÚË‚ÌÓ Ô˂ΘÂÌË ÒÔÓÌÒÓÒÍËı ‰ÂÚÒˇ ̇ ÚÂı ÓÚ‰ÂÎÂÌˡı: ÏÛÁ˚͇θÌÓÏ, from the Districtís public money ¬ 2004 „Ó‰Û ÔËÌˇÚ Á‡ÍÓÌ ´Œ ÔÓ‰- Ï˚ ÔÓÙË·ÍÚËÍË ·ÂÁ̇‰ÁÓÌÓÒÚË, products, chemical products. The prin- Ò‰ÒÚ‚, Ò‰ÒÚ‚ Ô‰ÔˡÚËÈ Ë Ó„‡- ıÓÂÓ„‡Ù˘ÂÒÍÓÏ Ë ıÛ‰ÓÊÂÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓÏ. amounted to 3,745.1 roubles which rep- ‰ÂÊÍ ÒÂϸË, χÚÂËÌÒÚ‚‡, ÓÚˆÓ‚ÒÚ‚‡ Ô‡‚Ó̇Û¯ÂÌËÈ Ë ÔÂÒÚÛÔÎÂÌËÈ, Á‡- cipal tasks of the imports are the devel- ÌËÁ‡ˆËÈ Í ‡ÎËÁ‡ˆËË ÔÓ„‡ÏÏ˚ ´ƒÂ- resents an almost 25% increase over the opment of industrial production, attrac- ÚË fi„˚ª. КУЛЬТУРА previous year. tion of advanced technologies and effec- ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒÍËÈ ‡‚ÚÓÌÓÏÌ˚È ÓÍÛ„ The population income growth took tive production management surpassing ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ ñ fi„‡ ÛÒÔ¯ÌÓ ‡ÎËÁÛÂÚ ·Óθ¯ÓÈ place with a consistent inflation rate de- the existing levels in Russia. Œ·‡ÁÓ‚‡ÚÂθ̇ˇ ÔÓÎËÚË͇ ‡‚ÚÓÌÓÏÌÓ- ÍÛθÚÛÌ˚È ÔÓÚÂÌˆË‡Î Í‡Í Ó‰ËÌ ËÁ Â- crease in the background. The consumer In 2004 foreign investments into the „Ó ÓÍÛ„‡ ‡ÎËÁÛÂÚÒˇ ÔÓÒ‰ÒÚ‚ÓÏ ÙÂ- ÒÛÒÓ‚ ‡Á‚ËÚˡ ÚÂËÚÓËË. sector inflation rate in January ñ De-

Districtís economy amounted to USD ‰Â‡Î¸Ì˚ı Ë ÓÍÛÊÌ˚ı ÔÓ„‡ÏÏ. ¬ ıÓ- cember, 2004 was registered at 10.6% EXTERNAL ECONOMIC RELATIONS | ВНЕШНЕЭКОНОМИЧЕСКИЕ СВЯЗИ • № 3, МАРТ 2005 4.0 bln., i.e. 27.3% more than in 2003. ‰Â ËÒÔÓÎÌÂÌˡ ÓÍÛÊÌ˚ı ÒÚÓËÚÂθÌ˚ı compared with 13.98% in 2003. There are 8 representative offices ÔÓ„‡ÏÏ ‚ 2004 „Ó‰Û Ò‰‡ÌÓ ‚ ˝ÍÒÔÎÛ‡- The law, On Measures of the Social and 9 subsidiaries of foreign compa- Ú‡ˆË˛ 18 Ó·˙ÂÍÚÓ‚. —Â‰Ë ÌËı ‰ÂÚÒÍË Protection of Individual Categories in nies operating on the Districtís terri- Ò‡‰˚, ÒÂθÒÍË ¯ÍÓÎ˚, ÷ÂÌÚ ‚˚Ò¯Â„Ó the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Dis- tory. Business relations are main- Ë Ò‰ÌÂ„Ó ÔÓÙÂÒÒËÓ̇θÌÓ„Ó Ó·‡ÁÓ- trict ñ Yugra, was adopted, the Pro- tained with companies and organisa- ‚‡Ìˡ, ÌÓ‚˚È ÍÓÔÛÒ ÕËÊÌ‚‡ÚÓ‚ÒÍÓ- gramme, The Older Generation, for tions from about 70 countries. There „Ó Ô‰‡„ӄ˘ÂÒÍÓ„Ó ËÌÒÚËÚÛÚ‡. 1999-2005 is being implemented. are about 130 enterprises with the par- — 2003 „Ó‰‡ ‚ ÓÍÛ„Â ‰ÂÈÒÚ‚ÛÂÚ Ó·- At present there is a wide spread of ticipation of foreign capital registered ‡ÁÓ‚‡ÚÂθÌ˚È ÔÓÚ‡Î, ‚Ò ۘÂʉÂÌˡ social security institutions and services on the territory of the District. ÔÓÙÂÒÒËÓ̇θÌÓ„Ó Ó·‡ÁÓ‚‡Ìˡ ÓÍÛ- for the population which includes 80 in- In 2004 an Agreement between the „‡ Ë 33 % Ó·˘ÂÓ·‡ÁÓ‚‡ÚÂθÌ˚ı Û˜ÂÊ- dividual institutions with over 150 Districtís government and the Varna ‰ÂÌËÈ ÓÒ̇˘ÂÌ˚ ÔÓ‰Íβ˜ÂÌËÂÏ Í ÒÂÚË branches. Annually over 250,000 people Region (Bulgaria) administration was ËÌÚÂÌÂÚ. are social services recipients. signed for trade-economic and cultural “ÂÚËÈ „Ó‰ ÓÍÛ„ ÔËÌËχÂÚ Û˜‡Ò- In 2004 the District legislature co-operation. The II International Eco- ÚË ‚ ˝ÍÒÔÂËÏÂÌÚ ÔÓ ‚‚‰ÂÌ˲ ≈‰ËÌÓ- passed the law, On the Programme, logical Action Save and Preserve project „Ó „ÓÒÛ‰‡ÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓ„Ó ˝ÍÁ‡ÏÂ̇. ¬ 2004 Complex Rehabilitation of Disabled was given UNESCO auspices. The II In- „Ó‰Û 93 % ω‡ÎËÒÚÓ‚ ÔÓ‰Ú‚Â‰ËÎË Ò‚ÓË Persons, for the Years 2004-2008 in the ternational Ecological Action Save and Á̇Ìˡ. œÓ ËÚÓ„‡Ï ÂÈÚËÌ„‡ ‚ÛÁÓ‚, ÔÓ- Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous District. Preserve project is now under consider- ‚Ó‰ËÏÓ„Ó ÃËÌËÒÚÂÒÚ‚ÓÏ Ó·‡ÁÓ‚‡Ìˡ The Programmeís arrangements are tar- ation to be made a part of the UNESCO Ë Ì‡ÛÍË –‘ ‚ 2003 „Ó‰Û, fi„ÓÒÍËÈ „Ó- geted at the fullest possible recovery of Programme, The Man and the Bios- ÒÛ‰‡ÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚È ÛÌË‚ÂÒËÚÂÚ ‚Ó¯ÂÎ ‚ 30 impaired functions, the establishment of phere in 2005. In 2004 a presentation of ÎÛ˜¯Ëı ÛÌË‚ÂÒËÚÂÚÓ‚ –ÓÒÒËË. a complex rehabilitation infrastructure the District took place in France under œË fi„ÓÒÍÓÏ Ë —Û„ÛÚÒÍÓÏ „ÓÒÛ- for disabled persons. The New Names of Siberia Programme ‰‡ÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚ı ÛÌË‚ÂÒËÚÂÚ‡ı ÓÚÍ˚Ú˚ The Autonomous District Govern-


—ÂÚ¸ Û˜ÂʉÂÌËÈ ÍÛθÚÛ˚ Ë ËÒÍÛÒ- –‡Á‚ËÚË ÔÓÙÂÒÒËÓ̇θÌÓ„Ó ËÒÍÛÒ- the Social Protection of Individual Cat- In 2004 a law, On the Support of of general education institutions are ÒÚ‚‡ ‡‚ÚÓÌÓÏÌÓ„Ó ÓÍÛ„‡ ̇ҘËÚ˚‚‡ÂÚ ÒÚ‚‡ ˜ÂÂÁ ÒËÒÚÂÏÛ „‡ÌÚÓ‚ Ë ‡‰ÂÒÌÛ˛ egories in the Khanty-Mansiysk Au- the Family, Maternity, Fatherhood equipped with access to the Internet. 249 Ó·˘Â‰ÓÒÚÛÔÌ˚ı ·Ë·ÎËÓÚÂÍ, 221 Û˜- ÔÓ‰‰ÂÊÍÛ Á̇˜ËÏ˚ı ÔÓÂÍÚÓ‚ ‰‡ÎÓ tonomous District ñ Yugra, which and Childhood in the Khanty-Man- For the third year the District par- ÂʉÂÌË ÍÛθÚÛÌÓ-‰ÓÒÛ„Ó‚Ó„Ó ÚËÔ‡, ‚ÓÁÏÓÊÌÓÒÚ¸ Ô‰ÒÚ‡‚ËÚ¸ ÊËÚÂÎˇÏ ÓÍ- forms a legal basis for the provision of siysk Autonomous District, was adopt- ticipated in the experiment on the intro- ¯ÂÒÚ¸ ÔÓÙÂÒÒËÓ̇θÌ˚ı Ú‡ÚÓ‚, 40 Û„‡ ÌÓ‚˚ ÔÓÂÍÚ˚: ´ƒÊ‡ÁÓ‚˚È Ô‡Ó- social security support to the war-time ed. According to the law, diversified duction of the Single State Examina- Û˜ÂʉÂÌËÈ ÏÛÁÂÈÌÓ„Ó ÚËÔ‡, 108 Û˜- ıÓ‰ª, ´fi„ÓÒÍËÈ Ú‡ÏÔÎË̪, ÒÚÛÌÌÓ- industrial workers, persons who suf- support is to be rendered to families tion. In 2004 93% of the medal-winning ÂʉÂÌËÈ ÍËÌÓÔÓ͇Á‡ Ë ÍËÌÓÛÒÚ‡ÌÓ- ÒÏ˚˜ÍÓ‚˚È, ÙÓÚÂÔˇÌÌ˚È ÙÓÛÏ˚ fered from political repressions, labour with one, two or more children. school graduates affirmed their knowl- ‚ÓÍ, ÒÂϸ Ô‡ÍÓ‚ ÍÛθÚÛ˚, ÚË Û˜ÂÊ- ÔÓÙÂÒÒËÓ̇θÌÓ„Ó ËÒÍÛÒÒÚ‚‡. ŒÌË ÒÚ‡- veterans and non-working pensioners. In 2004-2005 the UNFPA-spon- edge. According to the higher institu- ‰ÂÌˡ ËÒÚÓËÍÓ-ÍÛθÚÛÌÓ„Ó Ì‡ÒΉˡ, ÎË ‚‡ÊÌ˚Ï ˝Ú‡ÔÓÏ ‡Á‚ËÚˡ ÏÛÁ˚͇θ- sored project for Russia Assistance tions rating evaluation conducted by the ÚË ÍÓ̈ÂÚÌ˚ Ó„‡ÌËÁ‡ˆËË. ÌÓÈ ÍÛθÚÛ˚ fi„˚. HEALTHCARE with Forming and Implementing Re- Russian Ministry of Education and Sci- –‡ÎËÁÓ‚‡Ì˚ ÍÛθÚÛÌ˚ ÔÓÂÍÚ˚: 2004 saw a significant improvement of gional Strategies on Population De- ence in 2003 the Yugra State University ÃÂʉÛ̇Ó‰Ì˚È ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î¸ ÍËÌÂχÚÓ- ФИЗИЧЕСКАЯ КУЛЬТУРА material provision in the healthcare sec- velopment is being realized. was among the 30 best universities in „‡Ù˘ÂÒÍËı ‰Â·˛ÚÓ‚ ´ƒÛı Ó„Ìˇª; ÓÍ- И СПОРТ tor. With the inauguration of the Nya- In accordance with the UN GA Russia. ÛÊÌÓÈ ‰ÂÚÒÍËÈ ÍËÌÓÓ·‡ÁÓ‚‡ÚÂθÌ˚È ¬ ÔÓÒΉÌË „Ó‰˚ ‚ ‡‚ÚÓÌÓÏÌÓÏ ÓÍÛ„Â gan Town Hospital, the neighbouring Decision on the observance in 2004 The Yugra and Surgut State Univer- ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î¸ ´ƒÛı Ó„Ìˇ ñ ‰ÂÚˇÏª; Û˜‡Ò- ÒÙÓÏËÓ‚‡Ì‡ ÒËÒÚÂχ ÙËÁÍÛθÚÛÌÓ- populationís access to the first-aid and of the Tenth Anniversary of the In- sities opened preparatory sections and ÚË ‚ ÃÂʉÛ̇Ó‰ÌÓÈ ÍÌËÊÌÓÈ ˇχ- ÒÔÓÚË‚ÌÓ„Ó ‰‚ËÊÂÌˡ. specialized medical care has become sig- ternational Year of the Family, the adapting centres for students originat- Í ‚Ó ‘‡ÌÍÙÛÚÂ-̇-ÇÈÌÂ Ò ‚˚ÒÚ‡‚- ›ÙÙÂÍÚË‚ÌÓ ‡Á‚Ë‚‡ÂÚÒˇ ÒÔÓÚ ‚˚Ò- nificantly easier. Eight healthcare units Family of the Year festival-contest ing from the small northern ethnic ÍÓÈ ´ŒÍÌÓ ‚ ÏËÙÓÎӄ˘ÂÒÍÓ ‚ÂÏˇ. ¯Ëı ‰ÓÒÚËÊÂÌËÈ ñ ÓÒÌÓ‚Û Ò·ÓÌ˚ı ÍÓ- in the Nefteyugansk and Kondinsky dis- was held in the District. groups. —Ë·ËÒÍËÈ ¯‡Ï‡ÌËÁÏ XIXñXXI ‚‚.ª; χ̉ ÓÍÛ„‡ ÒÓÒÚ‡‚Ρ˛Ú 75 ‰ÂÈÒÚ‚Û˛- tricts and in Nizhnevartovsk have been The main achievements in 2004 A new Arts Centre for the Gifted III ÃÂʉÛ̇Ó‰Ì˚È ÏÛÁ˚͇θÌ˚È ÙÂÒ- ˘Ëı χÒÚÂÓ‚ ÒÔÓÚ‡ ÏÂʉÛ̇Ó‰ÌÓ„Ó built ready for use. The new Regional were as follows: Children of the North was opened in ÚË‚‡Î¸ ´”˜ËÚÂθ ÏÛÁ˚ÍË XXI ‚Â͇ª, Í·ÒÒ‡ Ë Á‡ÒÎÛÊÂÌÌ˚ı χÒÚÂÓ‚ ÒÔÓÚ‡. childrenís versatile hospital for 425 pa- ïimprovements in housing conditions Khanty-Mansiysk. The Centreís struc- ÔÓÒ‚ˇ˘ÂÌÌ˚È ÒÚÓÎÂÚ˲ ÒÓ ‰Ìˇ ÓʉÂ- ƒÂÒˇÚ¸ ÒÔÓÚÒÏÂÌÓ‚ ‚Ó¯ÎË ‚ ÒÓÒÚ‡‚ tients in Nizhnevartovsk will enable for orphans and children left without ture comprises of an arts boarding Ìˡ ƒ.¡. ü‡·‡Î‚ÒÍÓ„Ó. ÓÎËÏÔËÈÒÍÓÈ Ò·ÓÌÓÈ ÍÓχ̉˚ –ÓÒÒËË young Yugra patients to receive top parental custody; school, the Arts and Culture College, œӂ‰ÂÌ˚ ÂÊ„ӉÌ˚ ÙÓÛÏ˚ ÍÛθ- ‚ Ë„‡ı ÀÂÚÌÂÈ ŒÎËÏÔˇ‰˚ 2004 „Ó‰‡ ‚ quality specialized medical care without ïthe provision of qualified and high- the concert complex and training-sup- ÚÛ˚: ÃÂʉÛ̇Ó‰Ì˚È ÏÛÁ˚͇θÌ˚È √ˆËË. ¬ ÍÓÔËÎÍ ‰ÓÒÚËÊÂÌËÈ ‡‚ÚÓÌÓÏ- leaving the District. tech medical treatment for disabled port room. The students are taught in ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î¸ ´fi„‡ª, Ú‡Ú‡Î¸Ì˚È ÙÂÒ- ÌÓ„Ó ÓÍÛ„‡ ‰‚ ÁÓÎÓÚ˚ı, ÔˇÚ¸ ·ÓÌÁÓ- The range of medical and diagnos- children in leading clinics in Russia three divisions: musical, dance and ÚË‚‡Î¸ ´◊‡È͇ª, ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î¸ ñ ÍÓÌÍÛÒ ‚˚ı ω‡ÎÂÈ ŒÎËÏÔËÈÒÍËı Ë„. ¡Ë‡ÚÎÓÌ, tic services of the Districtís healthcare and abroad; artistic. Ήӂ˚ı ÒÍÛθÔÚÛ ´∆Ë‚ÓÔËÒ¸ Ë Î‰ª, ‰Á˛‰Ó, ·ÓÍÒ, Ô·‚‡ÌËÂ, ‚ÓÎÂÈ·ÓÎ ñ ‚Ë- network has been considerably extended. ïthe trend towards the increase of the ÃÂʉÛ̇Ó‰Ì˚È ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î¸ ‰ÛıÓ‚˚ı Ó- ‰˚ ÒÔÓÚ‡, „‰Â ÒÔÓÚÒÏÂÌ˚ fi„˚ ÓÒ‚‡- In 2004 under a UNICEF Programme number of rehabilitated children and CULTURE ÍÂÒÚÓ‚ ´60-ˇ Ô‡‡ÎÎÂθª, ÔÎÂÌ˝ ̇ Ë‚‡˛Ú ÏËÓ‚ÓÈ Ô¸Â‰ÂÒÚ‡Î. 15 healthcare institutions were awarded ¬ „ÓӉ ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒÍ „Û- teenagers in the District; The Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Dis- ÚÂËÚÓËË ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒÍÓ„Ó ‡‚ÚÓ- Õ‡˜Ë̇ˇ Ò ÎÂÚÌÂÈ ŒÎËÏÔˇ‰˚-96 the title Child-friendly Hospital. More- ΡÌÓ ÔÓ‚Ó‰ˇÚÒˇ ÒÓ‚ÌÓ‚‡Ìˡ ÔÓ ·Ë- ïthe introduction of the children of trict ñ Yugra is consistently realizing its ÌÓÏÌÓ„Ó ÓÍÛ„‡ ñ fi„˚ ‚ ‡Ï͇ı ¬ÒÂ- ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒÍËÈ ‡‚ÚÓÌÓÏÌ˚È ÓÍÛ„ over, starting in 2004 the WHO ‡ÚÎÓÌÛ ñ ‚ 2003 „Ó‰Û ÔÓ¯ÂÎ ˜ÂÏÔËÓ- the small northern ethnic groups to great cultural potential as one of the terri- ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓ„Ó ıÛ‰ÓÊÂÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓ„Ó ÙÂÒÚË‚‡- ·˚Î Ô‰ÒÚ‡‚ÎÂÌ Ò‚ÓËÏË ‡ÚÎÂÚ‡ÏË ñ UNICEF-sponsored initiative Youth- Ì‡Ú ÏË‡, ‚ 2004 „Ó‰Û ñ ÒÓ‚ÌÓ‚‡Ìˡ their traditional culture, language toryís development resource. Ρ ´–ÓÒÒˡ ñ ¿–“ ñ fi„‡ª. ÓÎËÏÔËȈ˚ —Â„ÂÈ ƒ‡Ì˜, fiËÈ üÓͯ‡- friendly Clinic is being implemented in ´IBU Grand-Prixª, ‚ 2005 ñ ÙË̇θ- and habitat; The network of arts and cultural insti- ¬ÔÂ‚˚ ‚ –ÓÒÒËË ‡ÎËÁÓ‚‡Ì ÍÛÔ- Ó‚ Ë ≈‚„ÂÌËÈ –‰¸ÍËÌ. all four territories of the District. Ì˚È ˝Ú‡Ô ü۷͇ ÏË‡. ¬ „ÓӉ ÕËÊ- ïthe laying-down of the foundations tutions in the District consists of 249 pub- Ì˚È ÏÛÁÂÈÌ˚È ÔÓÂÍÚ ñ I fi„ÓÒ͇ˇ ·Ë- Õ‡ ÒÂ„Ó‰Ìˇ¯ÌËÈ ‰Â̸ „ÛΡÌÓ Á‡- New high-tech medical care services Ì‚‡ÚÓ‚ÒÍ „ÛΡÌÓ ÔÓıÓ‰ËÚ ÏÂÊ- for the development of a preventiative lic libraries, 221 facilities for rest and ÂÌ̇ÎÂ, ÍÓÚÓ‡ˇ ÔÓ‰‚· ËÚÓ„Ë ÏÛÁÂÈÌ˚ı ÌËχ˛ÚÒˇ ÙËÁ˘ÂÒÍÓÈ ÍÛθÚÛÓÈ Ë ÒÔÓ- are being introduced. Now, cardio- ‰Û̇Ó‰Ì˚È ÚÛÌË ·ÓÍÒÂÓ‚ ÌÂÙÚÂ- system against child neglect, delin- recreation, 6 professional theatres, 40 mu- ÔÓ΂˚ı ËÒÒΉӂ‡ÌËÈ ÒÂÁÓ̇ 2004 „Ó‰‡. ÚÓÏ ÓÍÓÎÓ 13 % ̇ÒÂÎÂÌˡ ÓÍÛ„‡. surgery is available not only in the Re- ‰Ó·˚‚‡˛˘Ëı ÒÚ‡Ì; ‚ ÔÓÒ. œÓÈÍÓ‚Ò- quency and crimes, for the protection seums, 108 cinema halls and film demon- gional Cardio Dispensary in Surgut, ÍÓÏ ñ ÏÂʉÛ̇Ó‰Ì˚È ÚÛÌË ÔÓ of minorsí legal rights and interests; stration facilities, 3 institutions of histori-

but in the Regional Clinical Hospital in ¯‡ıÏ‡Ú‡Ï Ì‡ ÔËÁ ˜ÂÏÔËÓ̇ ÏË‡ ü‡- ïthe improvement in the equipment sup- cal and cultural heritage, and 3 concert EXTERNAL ECONOMIC RELATIONS | ВНЕШНЕЭКОНОМИЧЕСКИЕ СВЯЗИ • № 3, МАРТ 2005 Khanty-Mansiysk as well. Apart from ÔÓ‚‡. ¬ „. ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒÍ ‚ 2004 „Ó- ply of various institutions rendering organisations. cardiosurgery innovative technologies ‰Û ‚ÔÂ‚˚ Ôӂ‰ÂÌ üÛ·ÓÍ –ÓÒÒËË ÔÓ services to families and children; the The following important cultural are introduced in traumatology and ÒÌÓÛ·Ó‰Û. increase of the scope of chargeable projects have been realized: the Interna- prosthesis. After the opening of the ¬ 2004 „Ó‰Û Ô‰ÒÚ‡‚ËÚÂÎË ‡‚ÚÓÌÓÏ- services; tional Cinema Debut Festival, The Spirit TeleMedical Centre at the Regional ÌÓ„Ó ÓÍÛ„‡ ÔËÌˇÎË Û˜‡ÒÚË ·ÓΠ˜ÂÏ ïthe expansion of the range of services of Flame; the Districtís Film-educational Clinical Hospital in 2004 the hospitalís ‚ 250 ‚ÒÂÓÒÒËÈÒÍËı Ë 90 ÏÂʉÛ̇Ó‰- rendered to families and children and Festival for Children, The Spirit of doctors can get consultations on medical Ì˚ı ÒÓ‚ÌÓ‚‡Ìˡı. Õ‡ ˝ÚËı ÚÛÌË‡ı enhancement of their quality; Flame ñ for Children; participation in treatment of their patients from federal Á‡‚Ó‚‡ÌÓ ·ÓΠ800 ω‡ÎÂÈ. ïthe attraction of sponsorsí money, of the International Book Fair (Frank- clinicsí experts. ¡‡ÁÓÈ ‰Îˇ ‡ÎËÁ‡ˆËË Á‡‰‡˜ ˇ‚ΡÂÚ- companiesí and enterprisesí funds for furt/Maine) with the exposition The Òˇ ÒÂÚ¸ ÒÓÓÛÊÂÌËÈ ÙËÁÍÛθÚÛÌÓ-ÒÔÓ- the realization of the Programme The Window into the Time of Myths. The FAMILY, MATERNITY ÚË‚ÌÓ„Ó Ì‡Á̇˜ÂÌˡ, ÍÓ΢ÂÒÚ‚Ó ÍÓÚÓ- Children of Yugra. XIX-XXI Centuriesí Siberian Shaman- AND CHILDHOOD ˚ı ÔÓÒÚÓˇÌÌÓ ‡ÒÚÂÚ. ism; the III International Music Festival, In 2004 20.6 thousand babies were born ¬ ÓÍÛ„Â ÓÒÛ˘ÂÒڂΡ˛Ú Ò‚Ó˛ ‡·Ó- EDUCATION The Music Teacher of the XXI Century, on the territory of Yugra, being 2% ÚÛ ÷ÂÌÚ Î˚ÊÌÓ„Ó ÒÔÓÚ‡ („. ’‡ÌÚ˚- The Districtís educational policy is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the more than in 2003. The District falls ÇÌÒËÈÒÍ), Ήӂ˚ ‰‚Óˆ˚ ‚ üÓ„‡Î˚- based on federal and local programmes. composer, D. B. Kabalevskyís, birth. into the 23 federal subjects in Russia ÏÂ, –‡‰ÛÊÌÓÏ, ¡ÂÎÓˇÒÍÓÏ, Á‡Î ÏÂÊ- In 2004 18 construction projects were The following annual cultural fo- where population growth is observed. ‰Û̇Ó‰Ì˚ı ‚ÒÚ˜ ‚ ÕËÊÌ‚‡ÚÓ‚ÒÍÂ, commissioned under the Districtís rums were conducted: the International The birth rate in the District has been ÛÌË͇θÌ˚È ÒÔÓÚË‚Ì˚È ÍÓÏÔÎÂÍÒ ‚ building programmes. Among them are Music Festival Yugra; the theatre festi- exceeding the death rate for the last 10 fi„ÓÒÍÂ Ë ‰Û„Ë ӷ˙ÂÍÚ˚. kindergartens, rural schools, the Centre val, the Seagull; the Ice Figures Festi- years. In 2004 the natural growth of —Â„Ó‰Ìˇ ‚ ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒÍÓÏ ‡‚ÚÓ- for higher secondary professional edu- val-competition, The Painting and the population was 10.5 thousand people. ÌÓÏÌÓÏ ÓÍÛ„Â ñ fi„ ÒÓÁ‰‡Ì‡ ÒËÒÚÂ- cation, and a new home for the Nizh- Ice; the International Brass Band Festi- The annual average population was esti- χ ‡Á‚ËÚˡ ÙËÁ˘ÂÒÍÓÈ ÍÛθÚÛ˚ Ë nevartovsk teachersí training institute. val, Latitude 60 North; the open-air mated at 1,464.4 mln. people, thus ÒÔÓÚ‡, ÍÓÚÓ‡ˇ Ó·ÂÒÔ˜˂‡ÂÚ ÙÓÏËÓ- Since 2003 the Districtís education- part of the All-Russia Arts Festival Rus- showing an increase of 1.2% over the ‚‡ÌË ÔÓÚ·ÌÓÒÚÂÈ ÊËÚÂÎÂÈ Í ‡ÍÚË‚ÌÓ- al portal has been displayed; all profes- sia-ART-Yugra in the Khanty-Mansiysk


ОХРАНА ОКРУЖАЮЩЕЙ An important museum project was loyarsky, the international sport competi- In 2004 the Districtís Government niques for exploration, extraction and ПРИРОДНОЙ СРЕДЫ pioneered in Russia ñ the 1st Yugra tion hall in Nizhnevartovsk, the unique worked out and approved environmental transportation of oil and gas. –¯ÂÌË ÔËÓ‰ÓÓı‡ÌÌ˚ı ÔÓ·ÎÂÏ ñ Biennial, which summarized the re- Sports Complex in Yugorsk and other fa- quality standards: The Maximum Ad- The target complex programme The Ӊ̇ ËÁ ÔËÓËÚÂÚÌ˚ı Á‡‰‡˜ œ‡‚Ë- sults of the 2004 museum-exhibit field cilities in the District. missible Contents of Oil and Oil Prod- Ecological Recovery in the Khanty-Man- ÚÂθÒÚ‚‡ ‡‚ÚÓÌÓÏÌÓ„Ó ÓÍÛ„‡. explorations. Nowadays the Khanty-Mansiysk Au- ucts in Bottom Sediments of Surface siysk Autonomous District ñ Yugra in —Ó‚ÂÏÂÌÌÓ ÒÓÒÚÓˇÌË ÓÍÛʇ˛- The professional arts development tonomous District ñ Yugra possesses a sys- Water Bodies in the Khanty-Mansiysk 2005-2010 has been adopted in the District. ˘ÂÈ Ò‰˚ ‚ ÓÍÛ„Â Ò‚ˇÁ‡ÌÓ Ò ‰ËÒ·‡Î‡Ì- through grants and target support of im- tem for the development of sport and phys- Autonomous District ñ Yugra; The Ad- The programmeís tasks implementation will ÒÓÏ ÏÂÊ‰Û ËÌÚÂÌÒË‚ÌÓÒÚ¸˛ ‡ÌÚÓÔÓ„ÂÌ- portant projects made it possible to in- ical culture activities which gives great missible Residual Contents of Oil and contribute to the stabilization of environ- ÌÓ„Ó ‚ÓÁ‰ÂÈÒڂˡ Ë ‚ÓÁÏÓÊÌÓÒÚˇÏË ˝ÍÓ- troduce new projects to the Districtís impetus to the populationís striving for ac- Oil Products in the Soil after Reclaiming mental contamination levels and improve- ÒËÒÚÂÏ˚ Í ÂÒÚÂÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓÏÛ Ò‡ÏÓ‚ÓÒÒÚ‡- population: The Jazz Steamer, the tive and healthy way of life. and Other Restoring Works on the Terri- ment of the overall environmental situation ÌÓ‚ÎÂÌ˲. “ÓÔÎË‚ÌÓ-˝ÌÂ„ÂÚ˘ÂÒÍËÈ Yugra Spring-Board, and professional tory of the Khanty-Mansiysk Au- on the Districtís territory. ÍÓÏÔÎÂÍÒ ÔÓ-ÔÂÊÌÂÏÛ ÓÒÚ‡ÂÚÒˇ „·‚- string and piano workshops. They made ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION tonomous District ñ Yugra; The Princi- The implementation of the pro- Ì˚Ï Ù‡ÍÚÓÓÏ Ì„‡ÚË‚ÌÓ„Ó ‚ÓÁ‰ÂÈÒڂˡ a landmark in the development of Yugra Protection of the environment is one ples of Assessment of Environmental gramme The Ecological Education of the ̇ ÔËÓ‰ÌÛ˛ Ò‰Û. musical culture. of the top priorities of the Districtís Damage Caused through Infringement of Population of the Khanty-Mansiysk Au- ¬ 2004 „Ó‰Û œ‡‚ËÚÂθÒÚ‚ÓÏ ‡‚ÚÓ- Government. Environmental Legislation. tonomous District ñ Yugra has raised ÌÓÏÌÓ„Ó ÓÍÛ„‡ ‡Á‡·ÓÚ‡Ì˚ Ë ÛÚ‚Â- PHYSICAL CULTURE AND SPORT The present state of environmental In the last years practically all oil the District into the top ten subjects of ʉÂÌ˚ ÌÓχÚË‚˚ ͇˜ÂÒÚ‚‡ ÓÍÛʇ- In the last few years a system of sports conditions is related to the misbalance be- and gas producing enterprises have the Russian Federation which possess and ˛˘ÂÈ ÔËÓ‰ÌÓÈ Ò‰˚: ´œ‰ÂθÌÓ and physical culture activity was formed tween the anthropogenic impact intensity achieved waste volume reduction via in- actively develop a system of permanent ‰ÓÔÛÒÚËÏ˚È ÛÓ‚Â̸ ÒÓ‰ÂʇÌˡ ÌÂÙ- in the District. and the ecosystemís ability for self-recov- troduction of sumpless drilling equip- ecological education and made it the ex- ÚË Ë ÌÂÙÚÂÔÓ‰ÛÍÚÓ‚ ‚ ‰ÓÌÌ˚ı ÓÚÎÓ- The top international achievement ery. The fuel and energy complex remains ment. The decisive significance lies in the perimental floor for the introduction of ÊÂÌˡı ÔÓ‚ÂıÌÓÒÚÌ˚ı ‚Ó‰Ì˚ı Ó·˙- sport is widely represented ñ the Dis- the main factor of the negative impact on introduction of wasteless and low-waste a regional component to the educational ÂÍÚÓ‚ ̇ ÚÂËÚÓËË ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒ- trictís combined teams include 75 acting the natural environment. technologies, and the use of modern tech- ëEcologyí standard. ÍÓ„Ó ‡‚ÚÓÌÓÏÌÓ„Ó ÓÍÛ„‡ ñ fi„˚ª; International Class Masters of Sport ´ƒÓÔÛÒÚËÏÓ ÓÒÚ‡ÚÓ˜ÌÓ ÒÓ‰ÂʇÌË and Honoured Masters of Sport. Ten ÌÂÙÚË Ë ÌÂÙÚÂÔÓ‰ÛÍÚÓ‚ ‚ ÔÓ˜‚‡ı sportsmen were members of the Russian ÔÓÒΠÔӂ‰ÂÌˡ ÂÍÛθÚË‚‡ˆËÓÌÌ˚ı Olympic Team at the 2004 Summer Ë ËÌ˚ı ‚ÓÒÒÚ‡ÌÓ‚ËÚÂθÌ˚ı ‡·ÓÚ Ì‡ Olympic Games in Greece. The Dis- ÚÂËÚÓËË ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒÍÓ„Ó ‡‚- trictís athletes won 2 Olympic Gold and ÚÓÌÓÏÌÓ„Ó ÓÍÛ„‡ ñ fi„˚ª, ´ÃÂÚÓ- 5 Bronze medals. Biathlon, judo, box- ‰ËÍË ËÒ˜ËÒÎÂÌˡ ‚‰‡, Ô˘ËÌÂÌÌÓ- ing, swimming, volleyball ñ these are „Ó ÓÍÛʇ˛˘ÂÈ Ò‰ ̇Û¯ÂÌËÂÏ Á‡- the sports that Yugra sportsmen repre- ÍÓÌÓ‰‡ÚÂθÒÚ‚‡ ‚ ӷ·ÒÚË Óı‡Ì˚ ÓÍ- sent at the worldís top level. Ûʇ˛˘ÂÈ Ò‰˚ª. Starting from the ë96 Olympiad the ¬ ÔÓÒΉÌË „Ó‰˚ Ô‡ÍÚ˘ÂÒÍË ‚Ò Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous District ÌÂÙÚ„‡ÁÓ‰Ó·˚‚‡˛˘Ë Ô‰ÔˡÚˡ was represented by its own athletes: ‰Ó·Ë‚‡˛ÚÒˇ ÒÌËÊÂÌˡ Ó·˙ÂÏÓ‚ Ó·‡- Sergei Danch, Yuri Koshkarov and ÁÓ‚‡Ìˡ ÓÚıÓ‰Ó‚ Á‡ Ò˜ÂÚ ‚̉ÂÌˡ Evgeni Redkin. ÍÓÏÔÎÂÍÒÓ‚ ·ÂÁ‡Ï·‡ÌÓ„Ó ·ÛÂÌˡ. –Â- At present 13% of the Districtís ¯‡˛˘Â Á̇˜ÂÌË ËÏÂÂÚ ‚̉ÂÌË χ- population are engaged in sport and ÎÓÓÚıÓ‰Ì˚ı Ë ·ÂÁÓÚıÓ‰Ì˚ı ÚÂıÌÓÎÓ- physical culture activities. „ËÈ, ËÒÔÓθÁÓ‚‡ÌË ÔÂ‰ӂ˚ı ÏÂÚÓ- The town of Khanty-Mansiysk is the ‰Ó‚ Ë ÚÂıÌÓÎÓ„ËÈ ÔÓËÒ͇, ‰Ó·˚˜Ë Ë site for regular competitions in the Ú‡ÌÒÔÓÚËÓ‚ÍË ÌÂÙÚË Ë „‡Á‡. biathlon: the World Championships in ¬ ÓÍÛ„Â ÔËÌˇÚ‡ ÍÓÏÔÎÂÍÒ̇ˇ ˆÂ- 2003, the IBU Grand-Prix ñ in 2004, the ΂‡ˇ ÔÓ„‡Ïχ ´ŒÁ‰ÓÓ‚ÎÂÌË ˝ÍÓ- final stage of the World Championships Îӄ˘ÂÒÍÓÈ Ó·ÒÚ‡ÌÓ‚ÍË ‚ ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌ- ñ 2005. The International Boxing Tour- ÒËÈÒÍÓÏ ‡‚ÚÓÌÓÏÌÓÏ ÓÍÛ„Â ñ fi„ nament of Oil-Producing Countries is ‚ 2005ñ2010 „Ó‰‡ıª. –‡ÎËÁ‡ˆËˇ ÏÂ- regularly held in Nizhnevartovsk; the in- ÓÔˡÚËÈ ÔÓ„‡ÏÏ˚ ÔÓÁ‚ÓÎËÚ ÒÚ‡- ternational chess tournament for the prize ·ËÎËÁËÓ‚‡Ú¸ ÛÓ‚Â̸ Á‡„ˇÁÌÂÌˡ ÓÍ- of the World Champion, E.Karpov, is Ûʇ˛˘ÂÈ Ò‰˚ Ë ÛÎÛ˜¯ËÚ¸  ÒÓÒ- held in the village of Poykovsky. In 2004 ÚÓˇÌËÂ, Ó·ÂÒÔ˜ËÚ ·Î‡„ÓÔˡÚÌÛ˛ the competition for the Cup of Russia in ˝ÍÓÎӄ˘ÂÒÍÛ˛ Ó·ÒÚ‡ÌÓ‚ÍÛ Ì‡ ÚÂË- snowboarding was held in Khanty-Man- ÚÓËË ÓÍÛ„‡. siysk for the first time in Russia. –‡ÎËÁ‡ˆËˇ ÔÓ„‡ÏÏ˚ ´›ÍÓÎÓ„Ë- In 2004 the Districtís representa- ˜ÂÒÍÓ ӷ‡ÁÓ‚‡ÌË ̇ÒÂÎÂÌˡ ’‡ÌÚ˚- tives took part in more than 250 all- ÇÌÒËÈÒÍÓ„Ó ‡‚ÚÓÌÓÏÌÓ„Ó ÓÍÛ„‡ ñ fi„- Russian and 90 international competi- ˚ª ÔÓÁ‚ÓÎË· ÓÍÛ„Û ‚ÓÈÚË ‚ ‰ÂÒˇÚÍÛ tions and won over 800 medals. ÒÛ·˙ÂÍÚÓ‚ –ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓÈ ‘‰Â‡ˆËË Í‡Í The foundation for the realization Ëϲ˘ÂÏÛ Ë ‰Ë̇Ï˘ÌÓ ‡Á‚Ë‚‡˛˘ÂÏÛ of goals is laid in the constantly grow- ÒËÒÚÂÏÛ ÌÂÔÂ˚‚ÌÓ„Ó ˝ÍÓÎӄ˘ÂÒÍÓ„Ó ing network of sport and physical cul- Ó·‡ÁÓ‚‡Ìˡ, ÒÚ‡Ú¸ ˝ÍÒÔÂËÏÂÌڇθÌÓÈ ture facilities. ÔÎÓ˘‡‰ÍÓÈ ÔÓ ‚̉ÂÌ˲ „ËÓ̇θÌÓ- There are the Skiing Centre (in „Ó ÍÓÏÔÓÌÂÌÚ‡ Ó·‡ÁÓ‚‡ÚÂθÌÓ„Ó ÒÚ‡Ì- Khanty-Mansiysk), the Ice Skating ‰‡Ú‡ ´›ÍÓÎӄˡª. Palaces in Kogalym, Raduzhny and Be- 40 REGIONS OF RUSSIA РЕГИОНЫ РОССИИ ЮГРА YUGRA 41

ОТНОШЕНИЯ ÚÂıÌÓÎӄ˲ ÔÓ ÏÓ·ËθÌÓÈ ÔÂÂ‡·ÓÚÍÂ Ïˇ- Following are some examples of С АРКТИЧЕСКИМ СОВЕТОМ Ò‡, ÏÂʉÛ̇Ó‰Ì˚ ÔÓ·ÎÂÏ˚ ÚÂıÌËÍË ·Â- the direct benefits Khanty-Mansiysk ï¬ ¿ÍÚ˘ÂÒÍËÈ —Ó‚ÂÚ ‚ıÓ‰ËÚ ‚ÓÒÂϸ ‡Í- ÁÓÔ‡ÒÌÓÒÚË Ë Óı‡Ì˚ ÚÛ‰‡. Œ·Û˜ÂÌË ÔÓ- AD has accrued from its active Ú˘ÂÒÍËı ÒÚ‡Ì. ƒÓÔÓÎÌËÚÂθÌÓ ÍÓÂÌ- ‚Ó‰ËÚÒˇ ‚ »Ì‡Ë, À‡ÔÎ‡Ì‰Ëˇ (‘ËÌÎˇÌ‰Ëˇ). membership in and participation in Ì˚ ̇Ó‰˚ Ô‰ÒÚ‡‚ÎÂÌ˚ Í‡Í Û˜‡ÒÚÌË- ”˜‡ÒÚË ‚ ˝ÚÓÏ ÔÓÂÍÚ ÏÓ„ÎÓ ·˚ Ó·ÂÒÔÂ- the Northern Forum. ÍË œ‡·ÏÂÌÚ‡ ÔÛÚÂÏ Û˜‡ÒÚˡ ‚ Ú‡ÍËı ˜ËÚ¸ ÏÂÒÚÌÓ ̇ÒÂÎÂÌË ҂ÂÊËÏ ÏˇÒÓÏ. Ó„‡ÌËÁ‡ˆËˇı, Í‡Í ¿ÒÒӈˇˆËˇ üÃÕ——, üÓÏ ÚÓ„Ó, ÔÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó ·ËÓÎӄ˘ÂÒÍËı KHANTYMANSIYSK —Ó‚ÂÚ —‡‡ÏË, œËÔÓΡ̇ˇ üÓÌÙÂÂÌ- ÔÓ‰ÛÍÚÓ‚ Ë ˝ÍÓÚÛËÁÏ, ÒÓÔÛÚÒÚ‚Û˛˘Ë AD BENEFITS FROM MEMBERSHIP ˆËˇ »ÌÛËÚÓ‚ Ë ‰. —‚ÂÌ˚È ‘ÓÛÏ ˇ‚- ‡Á‚‰ÂÌ˲ ÓÎÂÌÂÈ, Ò‡ÏË ÔÓ Ò· ˇ‚Ρ˛Ú- IN THE NORTHERN FORUM ΡÂÚÒˇ ÔÓÒÚÓˇÌÌ˚Ï Õ‡·Î˛‰‡ÚÂÎÂÏ ¿Í- Òˇ ËÒÚÓ˜ÌË͇ÏË ˝ÍÓÌÓÏ˘ÂÒÍÓ„Ó ‡Á‚ËÚˡ. The framework from which to Ú˘ÂÒÍÓ„Ó —Ó‚ÂÚ‡, Í‡Í Ë ÌÂÒÍÓθÍÓ ‰Û- ”ÒÚÓȘ˂Ó ‡Á‚ËÚË Ò‚ÂÌÓ„Ó ÚÛ- strengthen existing bilateral rela- Участие ХантыМансийского „Ëı ÏÂʉÛ̇Ó‰Ì˚ı Ó„‡ÌËÁ‡ˆËÈ. ËÁχ. ›ÚÓÚ ÔÓÂÍÚ ‡Á‚Ë‚‡ÂÚ ÔÓÒÚÓˇÌ- tionships and expand into other ïŒÚÌÓ¯ÂÌˡ ÏÂÊ‰Û —‚ÂÌ˚Ï ‘ÓÛÏÓÏ ÌÓ ÒÓÚÛ‰Ì˘ÂÒÚ‚Ó ‚ ӷ·ÒÚË ÍÛθÚÛ˚ Northern Regions Ë ¿ÍÚ˘ÂÒÍËÏ —Ó‚ÂÚÓÏ ‰ÓÒÚ‡ÚÓ˜ÌÓ Ë ˝ÍÓÚÛËÁχ ̇ —‚ÂÂ. ŒÒÓ·ÂÌÌÓ ‚˚‰Â- ïFriendships and strong personal re- ÔÓ˜Ì˚. ‘ÓÛÏ ˇ‚ΡÂÚÒˇ ËÌÒÚÛÏÂÌÚÓÏ ÎˇÂÚÒˇ ̇Ô‡‚ÎÂÌË ÒÂθÒÍÓ„Ó Ë ÍÛθÚÛ- lationships - the basis for construc- aвтономного округа – Югры ÔÂ‰‡˜Ë ËÌÙÓχˆËË Ò Ì‡ˆËÓ̇θÌÓ„Ó ÌÓ„Ó ÚÛËÁχ. œÓÂÍÚ ‚Íβ˜‡ÂÚ Ó·Û˜ÂÌË tive international relations - have de- ÛÓ‚Ìˇ ̇ „ËÓ̇θÌ˚È Ë ÏÂÒÚÌ˚È. ·ËÁÌÂÒÏÂÌÓ‚ Ë Ó·˘ÂÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚ı ‰ÂˇÚÂÎÂÈ ÛÒ- veloped among many Northern Fo- ï—‚ÂÌ˚È ‘ÓÛÏ ÔÓ‰‚Ë„‡ÂÚ ËÌÚÂÂÒ˚ ÚÓȘ˂ÓÏÛ ‡Á‚ËÚ˲ ÚÛËÁχ Ë Ô‰Ó- rum members. These relationships re- ÊËÚÂÎÂÈ —‚Â‡, ‚Íβ˜‡ˇ ÊËÚÂÎÂÈ ’‡Ì- ÒÚ‡‚ΡÂÚ ‚ÓÁÏÓÊÌÓÒÚ¸ ‡Á‚Ë‚‡Ú¸ Ô‡ÚÌÂ- sult in direct benefit to в международной ассоциации Ú˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒÍÓ„Ó ¿Œ, ‚ ÏÂʉÛ̇Ó‰ÌÓÏ ÒÚ‚Ó ‰Îˇ ÔÓ‰‚ËÊÂÌˡ Ò‚ÂÌÓ„Ó ÚÛËÁ- Khanty-Mansiysk AD in the form of ÒÓÓ·˘ÂÒÚ‚Â. ¿ÍÚ˘ÂÒÍËÈ —Ó‚ÂÚ Ô‰ÒÚ‡‚- χ. üÓÏ ÚÓ„Ó, Ó·˘ÂÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚ ‰ÂˇÚÂÎË, business expansion, jobs, manufac- ΡÂÚ ËÌÚÂÂÒ˚ Ë ÔÓÎËÚ˘ÂÒÍË ÔÓÁˈËË Á‡ËÌÚÂÂÒÓ‚‡ÌÌ˚ ‚ ‡Á‚ËÚËË ÚÛËÁχ, turing, and the sale of goods and Õ‡ˆËÓ̇θÌ˚ı Ô‡‚ËÚÂθÒÚ‚, ‡ ‘ÓÛÏ ÏÓ„ÛÚ Û˜‡ÒÚ‚Ó‚‡Ú¸ Ë ÔÓÎÛ˜ËÚ¸ Á̇Ìˡ Ë services. «Северный Форум» ÒÎÛÊËÚ „ÓÎÓÒÓÏ ÊËÚÂÎÂÈ —‚Â‡, ‚ ÚÓÏ ÔÓÌËχÌË ÚÓ„Ó, Í‡Í Ó„‡ÌËÁÓ‚‡Ú¸ Ë ‡Á- ïKhanty-Mansiysk ADís bilateral re- ˜ËÒΠÊËÚÂÎÂÈ ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒÍÓ„Ó ¿Œ. ‚Ë‚‡Ú¸ ÚÛËÁÏ ‚ Ò‚ÓÂÏ ÒÂÎÂ. Œ·Û˜ÂÌË ·Û- lationships with its northern neigh- —‚ÂÌ˚È ‘ÓÛÏ Ô‰ÒÚ‡‚ΡÂÚ ’‡ÌÚ˚- ‘ÓÛχ. ›ÚÓ ÓÚÍ˚‚‡ÂÚ ‚ÓÁÏÓÊÌÓÒ- ïœ‰Ò‰‡ÚÂθÒÚ‚Ó ‚ ¿ÍÚ˘ÂÒÍÓÏ —Ó‚Â- ‰ÂÚ ÔÓıÓ‰ËÚ¸ ‚ 2005-Ï Ë 2006 „Ó‰Û Ë ÒÂ- bours are strengthened through the ÇÌÒËÈÒÍÓÏÛ ‡‚ÚÓÌÓÏÌÓÏÛ ÓÍÛ„Û Ë ÚË ‰Îˇ ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒÍÓ„Ó ‡‚ÚÓÌÓÏ- The Northern Ú ÔÂ‰‡ÌÓ –ÓÒÒËË, ˜ÚÓ Ô‰ÓÒÚ‡‚ΡÂÚ ÏË̇ ÔÓ ÎÛ˜¯ËÏ ÏÂÚÓ‰‡Ï ‡Á‚ËÚˡ ÒÂ- Forum; such relationships could be Â„Ó „‡Ê‰‡Ì‡Ï ·Óθ¯Ë ‚ÓÁÏÓÊÌÓÒÚË ÌÓ„Ó ÓÍÛ„‡ ‚ ‡Ò¯ËÂÌËË ·ËÁÌÂÒ‡, ÛÌË͇θÌÛ˛ ‚ÓÁÏÓÊÌÓÒÚ¸ ‰Îˇ ’‡ÌÚ˚- ‚ÂÌÓ„Ó ÚÛËÁχ ÔÓȉÂÚ ‚ 2006 „Ó‰Û. developed elsewhere among Forum ÛÍÂÔËÚ¸ Ò‚ÓË ÔÓÁˈËË ‚ ÏË ÔÓ ‚ÓÔ- ˚Ì͇ ÚÛ‰‡, ÔÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚‡, ÔÓ‰‡ÊË Forum ÇÌÒËÈÒÍÓ„Ó ¿Œ ‡Á‚Ë‚‡Ú¸ ÓÚÌÓ¯ÂÌˡ members where Khanty-Mansiysk ÓÒ‡Ï —‚Â‡, ‡Ò¯ËËÚ¸ ÒÓÚÛ‰Ì˘Â- ÚÓ‚‡Ó‚ Ë ÛÒÎÛ„. ‚ ÏÂʉÛ̇Ó‰ÌÓÏ ¿ÍÚ˘ÂÒÍÓÏ —ÓÓ·˘Â- ПРОГРАММА ADís current economic presence is ÒÚ‚Ó ‚ ÒÙÂ ˝ÍÓÌÓÏ˘ÂÒÍÓ„Ó ‡Á‚ËÚˡ ï‘ÓÛÏ ‰‡ÂÚ ‚ÓÁÏÓÊÌÓÒÚ¸ ‡Á‚Ë‚‡Ú¸ Participation of ÒÚ‚Â. ◊ÂÂÁ ‡·ÓÚÛ —‚ÂÌÓ„Ó ‘ÓÛχ ПО ОКРУЖАЮЩЕЙ СРЕДЕ not strong. —‚Â‡, ÔÂ‰‡Ú¸ ÚÂıÌÓÎÓ„ËË, ‡Á‡- Ì ÚÓθÍÓ ‰‚ÛÒÚÓÓÌÌË ÓÚÌÓ¯ÂÌˡ ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒÍËÈ ¿Œ ÏÓÊÂÚ ÔÓ‰‚Ë- —‡ÏÏËÚ ÔÓ ËÁÏÂÌÂÌ˲ ÍÎËχڇ. —‚Â- ïThese relationships can be translated ·ÓÚ‡ÌÌ˚ ‚ ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒÍÓÏ ‡‚ÚÓ- ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒÍÓ„Ó ‡‚ÚÓÌÓÏÌÓ„Ó KhantyMansiysk „‡Ú¸ ‚ÓÔÓÒ˚ ÓÒÓ·ÓÈ ‚‡ÊÌÓÒÚË ‰Îˇ ÊË- Ì˚È ‘ÓÛÏ ÒÎÛÊËÚ Ò‰ÒÚ‚ÓÏ ÔÂ‰‡˜Ë into very tangible benefits, such as: ÌÓÏÌÓÏ ÓÍÛ„Â, ‰Û„ËÏ Ò‚ÂÌ˚Ï Â- ÓÍÛ„‡ Ò Â„Ó Ò‚ÂÌ˚ÏË ÒÓÒ‰ˇÏË, ÚÂÎÂÈ Ë Ô‰ÔËÌËχÚÂÎÂÈ „ËÓ̇. ËÌÙÓχˆËË Ò ÏÂʉÛ̇Ó‰ÌÓÈ ‡ÂÌ˚ ‚ ñ Expanded economic relations „ËÓÌ‡Ï Ò ‚Á‡ËÏÌÓÈ ‚˚„Ó‰ÓÈ, ËÁÛ˜ËÚ¸ ÌÓ Ë Ò ÚÂÏË ˜ÎÂ̇ÏË ‘ÓÛχ, Ò ÍÓ- Autonomous ï–ÓÒÒˡ ‚ÒÂÏÂÌÓ ÔÓ‰‰ÂÊË‚‡ÂÚ ÒÓ‚ÏÂÒÚ- Ò‚ÂÌ˚ „ËÓÌ˚. ‘ÓÛÏ ÔÓ‚ÂÎ —‡ÏÏËÚ with Alaska, USA, and Alber- ÓÔ˚Ú Ò‚ÂÌ˚ı ÒÓÒ‰ÂÈ ‚Ó ‚ÒÂı ӷ·Ò- ÚÓ˚ÏË ˝ÍÓÌÓÏ˘ÂÒÍË ҂ˇÁË ’‡Ì- ÌÛ˛ ‡·ÓÚÛ Ò —‚ÂÌ˚Ï ‘ÓÛÏÓÏ ÔÓ „Û·Â̇ÚÓÓ‚ ÔÓ‰ ̇Á‚‡ÌËÂÏ ´»ÁÏÂÌÂÌË ta, Canada in the oil and gas Úˇı ‰ÂˇÚÂθÌÓÒÚË. ƒÂˇÚÂθÌÓÒÚ¸ ‘ÓÛ- Ú˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒÍÓ„Ó ¿Œ ¢ Ì ‰ÓÒÚ‡- District (Yugra) ÔÓÂÍÚ‡Ï, Ëϲ˘ËÏ ÓÒÓ·˚È ËÌÚÂÂÒ ‰Îˇ ÍÎËχڇ —‚Â‡: ‚ÓÁ‰ÂÈÒÚ‚Ë ̇ ˝ÍÓÌÓÏË- support sector; χ ÔÓÏÓ„‡ÂÚ ÊËÚÂÎˇÏ ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒ- ÚÓ˜ÌÓ ‡Á‚ËÚ˚. ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒÍÓ„Ó ¿Œ, Ú‡ÍËı, Í‡Í ÔË- ÍÛ „ËÓÌÓ‚ª ‚ ˲Π2004 „Ó‰‡. ŒˆÂÌ͇ ñ Transferring telemedicine ÍÓ„Ó ‡‚ÚÓÌÓÏÌÓ„Ó ÓÍÛ„‡ ÒÓÁ‰‡Ú¸ ÌÓ- ï›ÚË ÓÚÌÓ¯ÂÌˡ ÏÓ„ÛÚ ·˚Ú¸ ÔÂ‚‰ÂÌ˚ The Northern Forum presents the ÔÓΡ̇ˇ ËÌÙ‡ÒÚÛÍÚÛ‡, ‡„ËÓ‚‡ÌË ‚ÓÁ‰ÂÈÒڂˡ ̇ ÍÎËÏ‡Ú ¿ÍÚËÍË, Ô‰- technology from Alaska to

‚˚ ‡·Ó˜Ë ÏÂÒÚ‡, ÛÎÛ˜¯ËÚ¸ ÒËÒÚÂÏÛ ‚ ‡θÌ˚ ÔÂËÏÛ˘ÂÒÚ‚‡, Ú‡ÍËÂ, ͇Í: Khanty-Mansiysk AD and its citi- ̇ ˜ÂÁ‚˚˜‡ÈÌ˚ ÒËÚÛ‡ˆËË, Á‰ÓÓ‚˚È Ó·- ÒÚ‡‚ÎÂÌ̇ˇ ̇ ˝ÚÓÈ ‚ÒÚ˜Â, ·˚· ÔÂ‚ÓÈ Khanty-Mansiysk AD will pro- EXTERNAL ECONOMIC RELATIONS | ВНЕШНЕЭКОНОМИЧЕСКИЕ СВЯЗИ • № 3, МАРТ 2005 Á‰‡‚ÓÓı‡ÌÂÌˡ, ÒÓ‚Â¯ÂÌÒÚ‚Ó‚‡Ú¸ ï‡Ò¯ËÂÌË ˝ÍÓÌÓÏ˘ÂÒÍÓ„Ó ÒÓÚÛ‰- zens with many opportunities to en- ‡Á ÊËÁÌË Ë ˝ÍÓÌÓÏ˘ÂÒÍÓ ‡Á‚ËÚËÂ. ÔÓÔ˚ÚÍÓÈ ‚ÒÂÒÚÓÓÌÌ ӈÂÌËÚ¸ ËÁÏÂÌÂÌË vide increased health care to ÒËÒÚÂÏÛ ÛÔ‡‚ÎÂÌˡ Ò‰ÓÈ ÔÓÊË‚‡- Ì˘ÂÒÚ‚‡ Ò ¿ÎˇÒÍÓÈ, —ÿ¿ Ë ¿Î¸·Â- hance its global leadership in north- ï–‡·ÓÚ‡ˇ Ò ¿ÍÚ˘ÂÒÍËÏ —Ó‚ÂÚÓÏ, ‘ÓÛÏ: ÍÎËχڇ Ë Â„Ó ‚ÎˡÌË ̇ ¿ÍÚËÍÛ. ∆Ë- rural or remote communities. Ìˡ, ÔÓ‰ÌˇÚ¸ ÛÓ‚Â̸ „ÓÚÓ‚ÌÓÒÚË Í ÚÓÈ, ü‡Ì‡‰‡, ‚ ÌÂÙÚ„‡ÁÓ‚ÓÏ ÒÂÍÚÓÂ; ern affairs, expand its co-operation ñ ÔÓÏÓ„ Ô˂Θ¸ ‚ÌËχÌË ¿ÍÚ˘ÂÒÍÓ- ÚÂÎË ÔËÔÓΡÌÓ„Ó —‚Â‡ ˇ‚Ρ˛ÚÒˇ Ò‚Ë- Opportunities for the Khanty-Man- ÔËÓ‰Ì˚Ï Í‡Ú‡ÒÚÓÙ‡Ï, ÒÓı‡ÌËÚ¸ ïÓ·ÏÂÌ ÚÂıÌÓÎÓ„ËÂÈ ÔÓ ÚÂÎÂωˈËÌ in economic development in the „Ó —Ó‚ÂÚ‡ Í ÛÒÚÓȘ˂ÓÏÛ ˝ÍÓÌÓÏ˘ÂÒÍÓ- ‰ÂÚÂΡÏË Ú‚ÓÊÌ˚ı ËÁÏÂÌÂÌËÈ ÍÎËχڇ siysk AD to influence international ÛÌË͇θÌÛ˛ ÍÛθÚÛÛ Í‡ˇ Ë Ò‰Â·ڸ ÏÂÊ‰Û ¿ÎˇÒÍÓÈ Ë ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒÍËÏ north, transfer technology developed ÏÛ ‡Á‚ËÚ˲, ÓÒÓ·ÂÌÌÓ Ï‡Î˚ı ÒÂθÒÍËı Ë ˝ÍÓÎÓ„ËË. —‡ÏÏËÚ ÓÔ‰ÂÎËÎ ÌÂÒÍÓθ- policy. ·Ó„‡˜Â ÊËÁ̸ ÊËÚÂÎÂÈ ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌ- ¿Œ, ˜ÚÓ Ó·ÂÒÔ˜ËÚ ÛÎÛ˜¯ÂÌË Á‰‡- in Khanty-Mansiysk AD to other ÒÓÓ·˘ÂÒÚ‚; ÍÓ ÔÓ·ÎÂÏ, ÍÓÚÓ˚ ‚ ÔÓÒÎÂ‰Û˛˘Ë „Ó- ïThe Board members of the Northern ÒËÈÒÍÓ„Ó ¿Œ. ‚ÓÓı‡ÌÂÌˡ ÒÂθÒÍËı Ë Û‰‡ÎÂÌÌ˚ı northern regions for mutual benefit, ñ Ó͇Á‡Î ÒÓ‰ÂÈÒÚ‚Ë ÔÓÂÍÚ‡Ï, ÍÓÚÓ˚ ‰˚ ÌÂÓ·ıÓ‰ËÏÓ ·Û‰ÂÚ ‡ÒÒÏÓÚÂÚ¸ ̇ Â- Forum - a group of 20 governors from ÕËÊ ÔË‚Ó‰ˇÚÒˇ ÌÂÒÍÓθÍÓ ÔË- ̇ÒÂÎÂÌÌ˚ı ÔÛÌÍÚÓ‚. and to learn from our neighbours in ÔËÌÓÒˇÚ ÌÂÔÓÒ‰ÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÛ˛ ÔÓθÁÛ ÊË- „ËÓ̇θÌÓÏ ÛÓ‚ÌÂ. «‡‰‡˜‡ ‘ÓÛχ ñ ËÒ- ten countries - unified on any issue of ÏÂÓ‚ ÌÂÔÓÒ‰ÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓÈ ‚˚„Ó‰˚, ÍÓ- the north in all fields of endeavour. ÚÂÎˇÏ —‚Â‡; ÒΉӂ‡Ú¸ ‚ÓÁ‰ÂÈÒÚ‚Ë ˜ÂÎÓ‚Â͇ ̇ ÍÎË- importance to Northerners, yields sig- ÚÓÛ˛ ÔÓÎÛ˜‡ÂÚ ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒÍËÈ ¿Œ ВОЗМОЖНОСТЬ Khanty-Mansiysk AD and its citi- ñ Ó·ÂÒÔ˜ËÎ ÔËÔÓΡÌ˚È ´√ÓÎÓÒ —‚Â- Ï‡Ú ÛÏÂ̸¯ËÚ¸ ˝ÚË ‚ÓÁ‰ÂÈÒڂˡ ˜ÂÂÁ nificant influence at national and in- ÓÚ Ò‚ÓÂ„Ó ‡ÍÚË‚ÌÓ„Ó Û˜‡ÒÚˡ ‚ —‚Â- ДЛЯ ХАНТЫМАНСИЙСКОГО zens benefit directly from the work Ì˚ı –„ËÓÌÓ‚ª, ‚ ÚÓÏ ˜ËÒΠÔ‰ÓÒÚ‡‚- ËÁÏÂÌÂÌË ÚÂıÌÓÎÓ„ËÈ, Ó·‡ÁÓ‚‡ÌË ÊË- ternational levels. ÌÓÏ ‘ÓÛÏÂ. АВТОНОМНОГО ОКРУГА of the Northern Forum. The Ρˇ ‚ÓÁÏÓÊÌÓÒÚË ‰Îˇ ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒ- ÚÂÎÂÈ —‚Â‡ Ë ‚̉ÂÌË ·ÓΠÒÓ‚Â¯ÂÌ- ïThe Northern Forum provides an or- ÕÂÔÓÒ‰ÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚ ÔÂËÏÛ˘ÂÒÚ‚‡ ВЛИЯТЬ НА МЕЖДУНАРОДНУЮ Forumís activities provide jobs for ÍÓ„Ó ¿Œ Ë ‰Û„Ëı Ò‚ÂÌ˚ı „ËÓÌÓ‚ Ì˚ı ÏÂÚÓ‰Ó‚ ÛÔ‡‚ÎÂÌˡ, ÓÚ ˜Â„Ó ‚˚Ë„‡- ganised venue for enhancing the effec- ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒÍÓ„Ó ‡‚ÚÓÌÓÏÌÓ„Ó ÓÍ- ПОЛИТИКУ citizens of Khanty-Mansiysk AD; Ô‰ÒÚ‡‚ËÚ¸ Ò‚ÓË Ë‰ÂË Ë ÏÌÂÌˡ. ˛Ú ‚Ò Ò‚ÂˇÌÂ. œÓ ÏÂ ËÒ˜ÂÁÌÓ‚ÂÌˡ tiveness of the Khanty-Mansiysk ADís Û„‡ ÓÚ Û˜‡ÒÚˡ ‚ —‚ÂÌÓÏ ‘ÓÛÏÂ. ïœ‡‚ÎÂÌË ˜ÎÂÌÓ‚ —‚ÂÌÓ„Ó ‘ÓÛχ enhance health care in Khanty-Man- ‚˜ÌÓÈ ÏÂÁÎÓÚ˚, ÓÊˉ‡ÂÚÒˇ, ˜ÚÓ ˝ÚÓ ÔË- bilateral and multilateral internation- ñ „ÛÔÔ‡ ËÁ 20 „Û·Â̇ÚÓÓ‚, Ô‰ÒÚ‡‚- siysk AD; promote enhanced habitat Конкретная ‚‰ÂÚ Í ‡ÁÛ¯ÂÌ˲ ıÓÁˇÈÒÚ‚‡ Ë ËÌÙ‡- al activities. СТРУКТУРА, КОТОРАЯ ПОЗВОЛЯЕТ Îˇ˛˘Ëı ‰ÂÒˇÚ¸ ÒÚ‡Ì, ñ Á‡ÌËχÂÚÒˇ ‚ÒÂ- management; increase knowledge ÒÚÛÍÚÛ˚ Ò‚ÂÌ˚ı ÒÓÓ·˘ÂÒÚ‚ Ë Á̇˜Ë- Relationship with the Arctic Council. УСИЛИТЬ СУЩЕСТВУЮЩИЕ ÏË ‚ÓÔÓÒ‡ÏË, ‚‡ÊÌ˚ÏË ‰Îˇ Ò‚ÂˇÌ, and preparedness for natural disas- деятельность ÚÂθÌÓÏÛ ‚ÎˡÌ˲ ̇ ÔËÓ‰ÌÛ˛ ÒÂ‰Û Ë ïThe Arctic Council is composed of ДВУСТОРОННИЕ ОТНОШЕНИЯ ËÏÂÂÚ Á̇˜ËÚÂθÌÓ ‚ÎˡÌË ̇ ̇ˆËÓ- ters such as river flooding; preserve по проектам ÊË‚Û˛ ÔËÓ‰Û. —‚ÂÌ˚È ‘ÓÛÏ Ô‰ÓÒ- the eight Arctic nations. Addition- И РАСШИРИТЬ ИХ Ì‡Î¸ÌÓÏ Ë ÏÂʉÛ̇Ó‰ÌÓÏ ÛÓ‚Ìˇı; cultures unique to Khanty-Mansiysk Ú‡‚ΡÂÚ ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒÍÓÏÛ ¿Œ ͇̇Πally indigenous peoples are repre- С ДРУГИМИ РЕГИОНАМИ ï—‚ÂÌ˚È ‘ÓÛÏ Ó·ÂÒÔ˜˂‡ÂÚ Ó„‡- AD and enrich the lives of the resi- ПРОГРАММА Ò‚ˇÁË Ò ‰Û„ËÏË Ò‚ÂÌ˚ÏË Ó·Î‡ÒÚˇÏË, sented as Permanent Participants ïƒÛÊ·‡ Ë ÍÂÔÍˠ΢Ì˚ ÓÚÌÓ¯ÂÌˡ ÌËÁÓ‚‡ÌÌÛ˛ ·‡ÁÛ ‰Îˇ Û‚Â΢ÂÌˡ ˝Ù- dents of Khanty-Mansiysk AD by УСТОЙЧИВОГО РАЗВИТИЯ „‰Â ÔÓıÓÊË ËÁÏÂÌÂÌˡ ÍÎËχڇ ‚˚Á˚‚‡- through the participation of organ- ñ ÓÒÌÓ‚‡ ‰Îˇ ÍÓÌÒÚÛÍÚË‚Ì˚ı ÏÂÊ- ÙÂÍÚË‚ÌÓÒÚË ‰‚ÛÒÚÓÓÌÌÂÈ Ë ÏÌÓ„Ó- sharing the cultures and traditions ŒÎÂÌ‚Ӊ˜ÂÒÍÓ ıÓÁˇÈÒÚ‚Ó. œÓÂÍÚ ÔÓ ÓÎÂ- ˛Ú ‡Á΢Ì˚ ÔÓ·ÎÂÏ˚. ¡Î‡„Ó‰‡ˇ ‡- izations such as RAIPON, the ‰Û̇Ó‰Ì˚ı ÓÚÌÓ¯ÂÌËÈ ñ ÒÎÓÊËÎËÒ¸ ÒÚÓÓÌÌÂÈ ÏÂʉÛ̇Ó‰ÌÓÈ ‰ÂˇÚÂθ- of our northern neighbours in Khan- Ì‚Ӊ˜ÂÒÍÓÏÛ ıÓÁˇÈÒÚ‚Û ÓÚÍ˚‚‡ÂÚ ÊËÚÂ- ·ÓÚ ‘ÓÛχ ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒÍËÈ ¿Œ ·Û- Saami Council, the Inuit Circum-


‡„ËÓ‚‡ÌËË Ì‡ „ˇ‰Û˘Ë ËÁÏÂÌÂÌˡ. üÓ- ОБЩЕСТВЕННАЯ И КУЛЬТУРНАЯ ern Forum is a permanent observer mobile meat processing technology, ing problems. Through the work of the comprehensive work plan has been devel- Ï ÚÓ„Ó, ˜ÂÂÁ ÂÊ„ӉÌ˚ ÏÂÓÔˡÚˡ ‚ ПРОГРАММА of the Council, as are several other and international health and safety is- Forum, Khanty-Mansiysk will receive oped for future co-operation, including ‡Ï͇ı ˝ÍÓÎӄ˘ÂÒÍÓÈ ‡ÍˆËË ‚ ’‡ÌÚ˚- «‰ÓÓ‚˚È Ó·‡Á ÊËÁÌË. ›ÚÓÚ ÔÓÂÍÚ international organisations. sues. Training is conducted in Inari, information and assistance in respond- extensive work with the Yugra Institute ÇÌÒËÈÒÍ ‚Ò ÊËÚÂÎË „ËÓ̇ ÛÁ̇˛Ú Ó Ô‰ÓÒÚ‡‚ΡÂÚ ‚ÓÁÏÓÊÌÓÒÚ¸ Ó·ÏÂÌˇÚ¸- ïThe relationship between the Lapland, Finland. Participation in ing to the changes forthcoming. In ad- for Information Technologies, in Khan- ÔÓ·ÎÂχı ÓÍÛʇ˛˘ÂÈ Ò‰˚, ËÁÏÂÌÂ- Òˇ Á̇ÌˡÏË Ë ÛÁ̇ڸ ÓÚ ÏÂʉÛ̇Ó‰- Northern Forum and the Arctic this project could provide a source for dition, through the annual Ecological ty-Mansiysk. Ìˡı ‚ ÌÂÈ Ë Ó ÚÓÏ, Í‡Í ˜ÂÎÓ‚ÂÍ ÏÓÊÂÚ Ì˚ı ˝ÍÒÔÂÚÓ‚ ̇ËÎÛ˜¯Ë ÏÂÚÓ‰˚ Â- Council is very strong with the fresh meat for local residents. Addi- Action events in Khanty-Mansiysk, all ÔÓÏÓ˜¸ ‚ Á‡˘ËÚÂ Ë ÒÓı‡ÌÂÌËË Ì‡¯ÂÈ ¯ÂÌˡ ÔÓ·ÎÂÏ Ì‡ÍÓχÌËË, ÚÓÍÒËÍÓ- Forum seen as the communication tionally, bi-products and eco-tourism citizens of the region learn about the SOCIETY AND ıÛÔÍÓÈ Ò‚ÂÌÓÈ ÓÍÛʇ˛˘ÂÈ Ò‰˚. —Â- χÌËË Ë ‡ÎÍÓ„ÓÎËÁχ ÒÂ‰Ë ÏÓÎÓ‰ÂÊË. tool - or mechanism - to transfer associated with reindeer herding is environment, changes to the environ- CULTURE PROGRAMME ‚ÂÌ˚È ‘ÓÛÏ ‡‰ ‚Íβ˜ËÚ¸ ˝ÍÓÎӄ˘ÂÒ- ‘ÓÛÏ ÒÔÓÌÒËÛÂÚ ÒÂÏË̇ ÔÓ ÎÛ˜¯ËÏ information from the national level also a source of economic development. ment, and how man can help to protect Healthy Lifestyles. This project pro- ÍÛ˛ ‡ÍˆË˛ ‚ ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒÍ ‚ ÔÓ„- ÏÂÚÓ‰‡Ï ΘÂÌˡ ̇ÍÓχÌËË, ÚÓÍÒË- to the regional and local levels. Sustainable Northern Tourism. and preserve our fragile northern envi- vides an opportunity to share knowl- ‡ÏÏÛ ‘ÓÛχ ÔÓ ÓÍÛʇ˛˘ÂÈ Ò‰Â. ÍÓχÌËË Ë ‡ÎÍÓ„ÓÎËÁχ ÒÂ‰Ë ÔÓ‰Ó- ïThe Forum promotes the opinions, This project develops sustainable cul- ronment. The Northern Forum is edge and gain best practice solutions ÃÓÎÓ‰ÂÊÌ˚È ›ÍÓ-‘ÓÛÏ (Û‘). ÒÚÍÓ‚, ÍÓÚÓ˚È ·Û‰ÂÚ ÔÓ‚Ó‰ËÚ¸Òˇ ‚ „. concerns and ideas of northern res- tural and eco-tourism partnerships in pleased to include the Ecological Ac- in youth substance abuse from interna- ‘ÓÛÏ Ô‰ÓÒÚ‡‚ΡÂÚ ÏÓÎÓ‰ÂÊË —‚Â‡ ¬‡ÈÚıÓÒÂ, fiÍÓÌ, ‚ χ 2005 „Ó‰‡. ¿Î- idents including residents of Khan- the North. Particular focus is on rural tion events of Khanty-Mansiysk as part tional experts. The Forum is sponsor- ‚ÓÁÏÓÊÌÓÒÚ¸ ÛÁ̇ڸ Ó ‚‡ÊÌÂȯËı ÔÓ·- ÍÓ„ÓÎËÁÏ Ë Ì‡ÍÓχÌˡ ÒÂ‰Ë ÏÓÎÓ‰Â- ty-Mansiysk AD within the inter- tourism and culturally sensitive of the Forumís Environment Pro- ing a workshop in best practices in ÎÂχı ÓÍÛʇ˛˘ÂÈ Ò‰˚. ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌ- ÊË —‚Â‡ ñ ˝ÚÓ ÒÂ¸ÂÁ̇ˇ ÔÓ·ÎÂχ national community. The Arctic tourism. The project involves the train- gramme. teen substance abuse treatment, to be ÒËÈÒÍËÈ ¿Œ ÔËÌˇÎ Û˜‡ÒÚË ‚ ÔÂ‚˚ı Á‰‡‚ÓÓı‡ÌÂÌˡ, ÍÓÚÓ‡ˇ Á‡Ú‡„Ë‚‡- Council represents the interests ing of business and community leaders Youth Eco-Forum (YEF). The held in Whitehorse, Yukon in May ‰‚Ûı ÃÓÎÓ‰ÂÊÌ˚ı ›ÍÓ-‘ÓÛχı Ë ‡·Ó- ÂÚ Ô‡ÍÚ˘ÂÒÍË ‚Ò Ò‚ÂÌ˚ ÒÓÓ·˘Â- and policy positions of the Nation- in sustainable tourism and provides Forum provides an opportunity for 2005. Alcoholism and drug abuse Ú‡ÂÚ ‚ Œ„‡ÌËÁ‡ˆËÓÌÌÓÏ üÓÏËÚÂÚ ‰Îˇ ÒÚ‚‡. ŒÌ‡ ÚÂÒÌÓ Ò‚ˇÁ‡Ì‡ Ò ÒÛˈˉÓÏ al governments, and the Forum opportunity to develop partnerships to youth in the North to learn about crit- among the youth in the north is a seri- Ôӂ‰ÂÌˡ ›ÍÓ-‘ÓÛÏÓ‚ ‚ ‰‡Î¸ÌÂȯÂÏ. ÒÂ‰Ë ÔÓ‰ÓÒÚÍÓ‚, ̇ÒËÎËÂÏ ‚ ÒÂϸÂ, Ë serves as a voice for the residents promote northern tourism. Training ical environmental issues. Khanty- ous health issue, affecting virtually ¡Î‡„Ó‰‡ˇ ÛÒËÎËˇÏ „ËÓÌÓ‚ ‚ ˝ÍÓÎÓ„Ë- Ó͇Á˚‚‡ÂÚ ‚ÎˡÌË ̇ ‚ÒÂı ˜ÎÂÌÓ‚ of the north, including Khanty- modules have been developed that are Mansiysk AD has participated in the every community in the north. It is ˜ÂÒÍÓÏ Ó·‡ÁÓ‚‡ÌËË ÏÌÓ„Ë ÒÚÛ‰ÂÌÚ˚ ÛÁ- ÒÂÏ¸Ë Ë Ó·˘ÂÒÚ‚‡. Õ‡ ÒÂÏË̇ ÔÓÈ- Mansiysk citizens. useable by ecotourism companies. Ad- first two Youth EcoForums, and serves linked to teen suicides, spousal abuse, ̇˛Ú Ó· ÓÍÛʇ˛˘ÂÈ ÒÂ‰Â Ë ÔÓȉÛÚ ‰ÂÚ Ó·ÏÂÌ ËÌÙÓχˆËÂÈ ÔÓ Î˜ÂÌ˲ Ë ïThe Chairmanship of the Arctic ditionally, community leaders interest- on the Steering Committee for the im- and affects all members of a family ÓÚ·Ó ̇ Û˜‡ÒÚË ‚ ›ÍÓ-‘ÓÛÏ —‚Â- ÏÂÚÓ‰ËÍ‡Ï ‚ÓÁ‰ÂÈÒڂˡ, ÍÓÚÓ˚ ÛÒ- Council has transferred to Russia ed in promoting sustainable tourism plementation of future EcoForums. and community. The workshop will ÌÓ„Ó ‘ÓÛχ. ÃÓÎÓ‰˚ β‰Ë ËÁ ’‡ÌÚ˚- Ô¯ÌÓ ÔËÏÂÌˇ˛ÚÒˇ ‚ ‰Û„Ëı „ËÓ̇ı presenting a unique opportunity to can participate and gain the knowledge Through the districtís efforts in envi- share information on treatment and in- ÇÌÒËÈÒ͇, ÍÓÚÓ˚ ÔËÒÛÚÒÚ‚Ó‚‡ÎË Ì‡ —‚Â‡. ”˜‡ÒÚÌËÍË ËÁ ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒ- expand Khanty-Mansiysk ADís re- and understanding of how to organise ronmental education, many students tervention techniques, and community- ÔÂ‚˚ı ‰‚Ûı ›ÍÓ-‘ÓÛχı, ‚ÂÌÛÎËÒ¸ ‚ ͇ ÛÁ̇˛Ú, Í‡Í ‡Á‡·ÓÚ‡Ú¸ Ë ‚̉ËÚ¸ lations within the international and promote tourism in their village. learn about the environment, and com- based wellness programmes that are „ËÓÌ Ò ÌÓ‚˚ÏË Á̇ÌˡÏË Ë ÒÂȘ‡Ò ÔÓ‰- Ó·˘ÂÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚ ÔÓÙË·ÍÚ˘ÂÒÍË ÔÓ„- Arctic Community. Through the Training will take place in 2005 and pete to be chosen to attend the North- successful in other areas of the north. ‰ÂÊË‚‡˛Ú ‰ÛÊÂÒÍË ÓÚÌÓ¯ÂÌˡ, ÒÎÓ- ‡ÏÏ˚ Ë ‚˚ÒÚÓËÚ¸ Ô‡ÚÌÂÒÍË ÓÚÌÓ- work of the Northern Forum, 2006, and a workshop on best practices ern Forum EcoForum. The youths Khanty-Mansiysk participants will ÊË‚¯ËÂÒˇ ‚ ÔÓˆÂÒÒ Ëı Û˜‡ÒÚˡ ‚ ÙÓÛ- ¯ÂÌˡ Ò ÔÓ„‡ÏχÏË, ‰ÂÈÒÚ‚Û˛˘ËÏË Khanty-Mansiysk AD can promote in northern tourism development will from Khanty-Mansiysk who have at- learn how to develop and implement ÏÂ. ›ÚË ÏÓÎÓ‰˚ β‰Ë ÔÓÎÛ˜ËÎË ·ÓΠ‚ ‰Û„Ëı „ËÓ̇ı —‚Â‡. –ÂÁÛθڇÚ˚ issues of specific concern to the res- take place in 2006. tended the first two EcoForums have community-driven prevention programs ¯ËÓÍÓ ÔÓÌËχÌË ҂ˇÁÌ˚ı ÓÚÌÓ¯ÂÌËÈ ˝ÚÓ„Ó ÒÂÏË̇‡ ÔËÌÂÒÛÚ ·Óθ¯Û˛ idents and businesses in the region. returned to the district with new and build partnerships with pro- ÓÍÛʇ˛˘ÂÈ Ò‰˚ —‚Â‡ Ë „ÎÓ·‡Î¸Ì˚ı ÔÓθÁÛ ‰ÂÎÛ ÒÓı‡ÌÂÌˡ Á‰ÓÓ‚¸ˇ ÔÓ‰- ïRussia strongly supports work with ENVIRONMENT knowledge and have continued friend- grammes operating in other areas of ÔÓ·ÎÂÏ. ÃÓÎÓ‰˚ ۘ‡ÒÚÌËÍË ËÁ ’‡ÌÚ˚- ÓÒÚÍÓ‚ ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒ͇, ÔË̇‰ÎÂ- the Northern Forum on projects of PROGRAMME ships developed from their participa- the north. Results from the workshop ÇÌÒËÈÒÍÓ„Ó ¿Œ Ô‰ÒÚ‡‚ΡÎË Í‡Í „Ó- ʇ˘Ëı Í „ÛÔÔ ËÒ͇ ËÎË ÒÚ‡‰‡˛˘Ëı specific interest to Khanty-Mansiysk Climate Change Summit. The North- tion. The youths gained additional un- and follow-up activities will have a di- Ó‰ÒÍÓÂ, Ú‡Í Ë ÒÂθÒÍÓ ÒÓÓ·˘ÂÒÚ‚Ó. ‡ÎÍÓ„ÓÎËÁÏÓÏ Ë Ì‡ÍÓχÌËÂÈ. AD such as circumpolar infrastruc- ern Forum serves as a vehicle to trans- derstanding of the connected relation- rect benefit to the health and care of Û‘ 2005 „Ó‰‡ ·Û‰ÂÚ ÔÓ‚Ó‰ËÚ¸Òˇ ‚ ¿ÍÛ- “ÂÎÂωˈË̇. —ÔˆˇÎËÒÚ˚ ÔÓ ÚÂ- ture, emergency response, healthy fer information from the International ship of the environment in the North Khanty-Mansiysk teens at risk, or ÂÈË, »ÒÎ‡Ì‰Ëˇ, ‡ Û‘ 2006 „Ó‰‡ ñ ‚ ÎÂωˈËÌÂ Ë ÍÓÏÏÛÌË͇ˆËË ËÁ ’‡Ì- lifestyles and economic development. arena to the regions in the north. The and a broader understanding of global abusers of alcohol and drugs. ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒÍÂ. Ú˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒ͇ ‡·ÓÚ‡˛Ú ‚ÏÂÒÚÂ Ò ¿ÎˇÒ- ïWorking with the Arctic Council, Forum conducted a Summit of Gover- issues. Youth participants from Khan- Telemedicine. Khanty-Mansiysk –‡·Ó˜‡ˇ „ÛÔÔ‡ ÔÓ Ô‡‚Ӊ͇Ï. ≈˘Â ÍÓÈ Ë –ÂÒÔÛ·ÎËÍÓÈ —‡ı‡ ̇‰ ‚̉Â- the Forum has: nors in July 2004 entitled, ëNorthern ty-Mansiysk AD have represented both telemedicine and communication spe-

Ó‰ËÌ ÔËÏÂ ÒÓÚÛ‰Ì˘ÂÒÚ‚‡ ‚ ̇ۘÌÓÈ ÌËÂÏ ÚÂıÌÓÎÓ„ËË ÚÂÎÂωˈËÌ˚ ‚ Û‰‡- ñ Helped to raise the Arctic Coun- Climate Change: Impact on Regional urban and rural communities. The cialists are working with Alaska and EXTERNAL ECONOMIC RELATIONS | ВНЕШНЕЭКОНОМИЧЕСКИЕ СВЯЗИ • № 3, МАРТ 2005 ÒÙÂ ñ ˝ÚÓ ‡·Ó˜‡ˇ „ÛÔÔ‡ ÔÓ ÍÓÌÚÓβ ÎÂÌÌ˚ı ӷ·ÒÚˇı „ËÓ̇. ƒ‚‡ ÔÓÒÂÎ͇ cilís attention to sustainable eco- Economies.í The Arctic Climate Im- YEF for 2005 will be held in the Sakha Republic to implement Ô‡‚Ó‰ÍÓ‚˚ı ÒËÚÛ‡ˆËÈ. ›Ú‡ „ÛÔÔ‡ Û˜ÂÌ˚ı ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒÍÓ„Ó ‡‚ÚÓÌÓÏÌÓ„Ó ÓÍ- nomic development, especially in- pact Assessment presented at the meet- Akureyri, Iceland and the YEF for telemedicine technology in remote ËÁ ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒ͇, ¿ÎˇÒÍË, fiÍÓ̇, Û„‡ Ë ‰‚‡ ‚ Û‰‡ÎÂÌÌ˚ı ‡ÈÓ̇ı –ÂÒ- volving small rural communities; ing was the first effort to comprehen- 2006 will be held in Khanty-Mansiysk. areas of the region. Two villages in ¿Î¸·ÂÚ˚ Ë –ÂÒÔÛ·ÎËÍË —‡ı‡ ÚÂÒÌÓ ‡·Ó- ÔÛ·ÎËÍË —‡ı‡ ·Û‰ÛÚ ÔÓ‰ÒÓ‰ËÌÂÌ˚ Í ñ Promoted projects that have a di- sively examine the climate change and Flood Work Group. Another exam- Khanty-Mansiysk and two in remote Ú‡ÂÚ ÔÓ Ó·ÏÂÌÛ Ì‡Û˜Ì˚ÏË ËÒÒΉӂ‡Ìˡ- ÔÂ‰ӂÓÏÛ ‰Ë‡„ÌÓÒÚ˘ÂÒÍÓÏÛ Ï‰ˈË- rect benefit to the residents of the its impacts in the Arctic. Residents of ple of co-operation in a scientific field regions of the Sakha Republic will be ÏË Ë ‚̉ÂÌ˲ ÎÛ˜¯Ëı ËÁ ÒÛ˘ÂÒÚ‚Û˛˘Ëı ÌÒÍÓÏÛ Ó·ÓÛ‰Ó‚‡Ì˲. »ÌÙÓχˆËˇ, north the Circumpolar North are witnessing is the work of the Flood Management linked with advanced medical diagnos- ÚÂıÌÓÎÓ„ËÈ ÔÓ ÍÓÌÚÓβ ˜Ì˚ı ÒËÒÚÂÏ. ÔÓÎÛ˜ÂÌ̇ˇ Ò ÔÓÏÓ˘¸˛ ˝ÚÓ„Ó Ó·ÓÛ- ñ Provided a strong circumpolar disturbing climatic and ecological Working Group. This group of scien- tic equipment. Information from the ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒÍ ‚ÁˇÎ ̇ Ò·ˇ Óθ ÎˉÂ- ‰Ó‚‡Ìˡ ÔË ‰Ë‡„ÌÓÒÚËÍ Á‡·Ó΂‡Ìˡ, ëVoice for the Northern Regionsí, change. This summit identified some tists from Khanty-Mansiysk, Alaska, use of this equipment in diagnosing ‡ ‚ ÓˆÂÌÍ ËÒÍÓ‚ Ë √»—-͇ÚËÓ‚‡ÌËË. ·Û‰ÂÚ Ì‡Ô‡‚ÎˇÚ¸Òˇ ˜ÂÂÁ ÒÔÛÚÌËÍ ‚ including providing opportunities of the issues that will need to be ad- Yukon, Alberta and the Sakha Republic, disease conditions will then be sent via ›ÚË Ò‚ÂÌ˚ „ËÓÌ˚ Ó·ÏÂÌË‚‡˛ÚÒˇ ÓÔ˚- ·ÓθÌˈ˚ „ÓÓ‰Ó‚ ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒ͇ for residents of Khanty-Mansiysk dressed in coming years at the regional work closely to share research and use satellite to hospitals in Khanty-Man- ÚÓÏ, ÔÓ‚Ó‰ˇÚ Ó·Û˜ÂÌËÂ Ë ÒÓ‚ÏÂÒÚÌ˚ ÔÓ- Ë flÍÛÚÒ͇. ›Ú‡ ÚÂıÌÓÎӄˡ ÔÓÁ‚ÓÎËÚ AD and other northern regions to level. The work of the Forum is to in- of best available technology in the man- siysk and Yakutsk. This technology ΂˚ ËÒÒΉӂ‡Ìˡ Ë, ÒÓÓÚ‚ÂÚÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓ, ÊËÚÂÎˇÏ ÓÚ‰‡ÎÂÌÌ˚ı ÔÓÒÂÎÂÌËÈ ÔÓÎÛ- present their ideas and opinions. vestigate impacts from climate change agement of river systems. Khanty-Man- will enable citizens in remote commu- ÔËÌÓÒˇÚ ÔÓθÁÛ ‚ÒÂÏ Ò‚ÂˇÌ‡Ï. ƒ‡ÌÌÓ ˜‡Ú¸ ÛÒÎÛ„Ë Á‰‡‚ÓÓı‡ÌÂÌˡ ÓÚ ‚‡- and address these impacts through ex- siysk has taken a leadership role in risk nities to receive the health care servic- ÒÓÚÛ‰Ì˘ÂÒÚ‚Ó, Ó·Û˜ÂÌËÂ Ë ÔÂ‰‡˜‡ ÚÂı- ˜ÂÈ ·Óθ¯Ëı „ÓÓ‰Ó‚. œÓÎÛ˜ÂÌÌ˚È change of technology, education of assessment and GIS mapping. These re- es of doctors in the larger cities. The ÌÓÎÓ„ËË ÓÚ ˝ÚÓÈ ‡·Ó˜ÂÈ „ÛÔÔ˚ ÔËÌÂÒÂÚ ÓÔ˚Ú ·Û‰ÂÚ ÔÂ‰‡Ì ‰Û„ËÏ ÔÓÒÂÎÍ‡Ï Specific northern residents, and the implemen- gions of the north are sharing their ex- lessons learned will be transferable to ÔÓθÁÛ Ú˚Òˇ˜‡Ï ÊËÚÂÎÂÈ ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒ- ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒÍÓ„Ó ¿Œ Ë ‰Û„ËÏ ÒÂ- tation of best practices will benefit all pertise, providing training and co-oper- other communities in Khanty-Mansiysk ͇, ÍÓÚÓ˚ ÔÓÊË‚‡˛Ú ‚‰Óθ ÍÛÔÌ˚ı ‚ÂÌ˚Ï „ËÓ̇Ï. Project northerners. As the permafrost disap- ative field research and commensurate and other areas of the north. ˜Ì˚ı ÒËÒÚÂÏ. ”˜ÂÌ˚ ËÁ ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒ- ƒÂÚÒÍËÈ Í‡ÎẨ‡¸ ËÒÍÛÒÒÚ‚ —‚Â- Activities pears, northern communities are ex- benefit to all northerners. The co-opera- Northern Forum Childrens Art ͇ ÔÓÒÂÚËÎË Ù‚‡Î¸ÒÍËÈ ÒÂÏË̇ ‚ ÌÓ„Ó ‘ÓÛχ. —‚ÂÌ˚È ‘ÓÛÏ Í‡Ê‰˚È pected to experience the destruction of tion, training and transfer of technolo- Calendar. The Northern Forum pub- „. ¬‡ÈÚıÓÒÂ, fiÍÓÌ. –¯ËÚÂθÌ˚È Ë ˜ÂÚ- „Ó‰ ÔÛ·ÎËÍÛÂÚ Í‡ÎẨ‡¸ ‰ÂÚÒÍÓ„Ó ËÒÍÛ- SUSTAINABLE property and infrastructure and signif- gy from this working group will benefit lishes a calendar of childrenís art each ÍËÈ ÔÎ‡Ì ‰ÂÈÒÚ‚ËÈ ·˚Î ÒÓÒÚ‡‚ÎÂÌ ‰Îˇ ·Û- ÒÒÚ‚‡. “ÂÏ˚ ͇ÎẨ‡ˇ ËÁÏÂÌˇ˛ÚÒˇ ËÁ DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME icant impacts to natural environments thousands of Khanty-Mansiysk citizens year. The theme varies from year to ‰Û˘Â„Ó ÒÓÚÛ‰Ì˘ÂÒÚ‚‡, ‚Íβ˜‡ˇ ‚ ÚÓÏ ˜ËÒ- „Ó‰‡ ‚ „Ó‰. ü‡ÎẨ‡¸ ̇ 2005 „Ó‰ ·˚Î Reindeer Management. The Rein- and wildlife. The Northern Forum who reside along the major river sys- year. The 2005 calendar, which was Πӷ¯ËÌÛ˛ ‡·ÓÚÛ Ò fi„ÓÒÍËÏ Ì‡Û˜ÌÓ- ËÁ‰‡Ì ‚ ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒÍÂ Ë ÒÓ‰ÂÊËÚ deer Management Project provides provides Khanty-Mansiysk a communi- tems. A February workshop in White- published in Khanty-Mansiysk, in- ËÒÒΉӂ‡ÚÂθÒÍËÏ ËÌÒÚËÚÛÚÓÏ ËÌÙÓχ- ËÒÛÌÍË ‰‚Ûı ڇ·ÌÚÎË‚˚ı ÏÓÎÓ‰˚ı β- training opportunities for residents cation link to other Northern areas horse, Yukon, was attended by Khanty- cludes entries from two talented youths

EXTERNAL ECONOMIC RELATIONS | ВНЕШНЕЭКОНОМИЧЕСКИЕ СВЯЗИ • № 3, МАРТ 2005 | ВНЕШНЕЭКОНОМИЧЕСКИЕ EXTERNAL ECONOMIC RELATIONS ˆËÓÌÌ˚ı ÚÂıÌÓÎÓ„ËÈ ‚ ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒÍÂ. ‰ÂÈ ËÁ ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒ͇. to learn about Reindeer Husbandry, where similar climatic change is caus- Mansiysk scientists. An aggressive and from Khanty-Mansiysk. 44 REGIONS OF RUSSIA РЕГИОНЫ РОССИИ ЮГРА YUGRA 45

ÔËÌˇÎË Û˜‡ÒÚË ‚ ۘ·ÌÓÈ ÔÓ„‡ÏÏ tricts of Yamal-Nenets and Khanty- SMALL BUSINESS TRAINING ÔÓ Ï‡ÎÓÏÛ ·ËÁÌÂÒÛ ‚ „. …ÂÎÎÓÛ̇ÈÙ ‚ Mansiysk. Co-operation Agreements Institution Building for Northern Сотрудничество между Министерством 2001ñ2003 „Ó‰‡ı. –ÂÁÛθڇÚ˚, ËÚÓ„Ë ‡- were signed between the Khanty Russian Indigenous Peoples Project ·ÓÚ˚ ÔÓ ‰‡ÌÌÓÈ ÔÓ„‡ÏÏ ·˚ÎË ÔÓ‰‚Â- Chamber and the Chambers of Com- (INRIPP 2) ‰ÂÌ˚ ‚ ÃÓÒÍ‚Â ‚ ÌÓˇ·Â-‰Â͇· 2004 „Ó- merce of NWT, Nunavut and Yukon. As part of the government component по делам индейцев и развитию Севера ‰‡. –‡ÎËÁ‡ˆËˇ ÔÓ„‡ÏÏ˚ ·˚· ÔËÁ̇- of INRIPP 2, at least 10 government In- ̇ ÛÒÔ¯ÌÓÈ. —Ú‡ÊÂ˚ ÔÓ ‚ÓÁ‚‡˘ÂÌ˲ THE SECOND PHASE terns from the Khanty Mansiysk Au- ‚ Ò‚ÓË „ËÓÌ˚ ÔËÏÂÌËÎË ËÁÛ˜ÂÌÌ˚È In 2001, DIAND, in partnership tonomous District had the opportunity to Канады (МДИРС) и ХантыМансийским ÓÔ˚Ú ‚ ÍÓÌÍÂÚÌÓÈ ‡·ÓÚÂ. with the Department of Foreign Af- participate in the Small Business training fairs and International Trade programme conducted in Yellowknife dur- КОРПОРАЦИЯ ОБЩИН (DFAIT), Natural Resources Cana- ing 2001-2003. An evaluation of the pro- автономным округом – Югрой (ХМАО) МАЛОЧИСЛЕННЫХ НАРОДОВ СЕВЕРА da, Industry Canada and their asso- gramme conducted in Moscow, November- ПО ЭКОНОМИЧЕСКОМУ РАЗВИТИЮ ciates from Aboriginal Business December 2004 revealed that the pro- ¬ ‡Ï͇ı ÔÓÂÍÚ‡ »Õ–»œœ-2 ’‡ÌÚ˚- Canada and Fednor, and the Canada gramme was a success and that interns ÇÌÒËÈÒÍÓÏÛ ‡‚ÚÓÌÓÏÌÓÏÛ ÓÍÛ„Û ·˚- Russia Business Forum (CRBF) went back and used their experience in a · Ó͇Á‡Ì‡ ÔÓ‰‰ÂÊ͇ ‚ ‡Á‡·ÓÚÍ ·ËÁ- sponsored a workshop: ëResource concrete way. ÌÂÒ-Ô·̇ ‰Îˇ ÒÓÁ‰‡ÌÌÓÈ üÓÔÓ‡ˆËË Development in the Russian North: ПРЕДЫСТОРИЯ ü‡Ì‡‰˚, ü‡Ì‡‰ÒÍÓ-–ÓÒÒËÈÒÍËÏ ‰ÂÎÓ‚˚Ï COOPERATION Ó·˘ËÌ Ï‡ÎÓ˜ËÒÎÂÌÌ˚ı ̇Ó‰Ó‚ —‚Â‡ Regional Economic Perspectivesí in COMMUNITY ECONOMIC —ÓÚÛ‰Ì˘ÂÒÚ‚Ó ÏÂÊ‰Û ÃËÌËÒÚÂÒÚ‚ÓÏ ÙÓÛÏÓÏ Ó͇Á‡ÎË ÙË̇ÌÒÓ‚Û˛ ÔÓ‰‰ÂÊ- ÔÓ ˝ÍÓÌÓÏ˘ÂÒÍÓÏÛ ‡Á‚ËÚ˲. Toronto during the Prospectors and DEVELOPMENT ÔÓ ‰ÂÎ‡Ï Ë̉ÂȈ‚ Ë ‡Á‚ËÚ˲ —‚Â‡ ÍÛ ‚ Ôӂ‰ÂÌËË ÒÂÏË̇‡ ´ŒÒ‚ÓÂÌË Â- BETWEEN Developers Annual Conference CORPORATION (CEDC) ü‡Ì‡‰˚ Ë ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒÍËÏ ‡‚ÚÓÌÓÏ- ÒÛÒÓ‚ ̇ —‚Â –ÓÒÒËË: ÔÂÒÔÂÍÚË‚˚ Â- ПРИКЛАДНОЕ ТВОРЧЕСТВО (PDAC). Through INRIPP 2, Khanty Mansiysk Ì˚Ï ÓÍÛ„ÓÏ Ì‡˜‡ÎÓÒ¸ ‚ 2000 „Ó‰Û ‚ „ËÓÌÓ‚ ‚ ÒÙÂ ˝ÍÓÌÓÏËÍ˪ ‚ “ÓÓÌÚÓ ‚Ó THE DEPARTMENT И РЕМЕСЛА The business mission report rec- was supported in developing a Business ‡Ï͇ı ÔÓÂÍÚ‡ Ó Ô‡ÚÌÂÒÚ‚Â ÏÂÊ‰Û ‚ÂÏˇ ÂÊ„ӉÌÓÈ ÍÓÌÙÂÂ̈ËË ÒÚ‡‡ÚÂ- OF INDIAN AFFAIRS — 2002 „Ó‰‡ ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒÍËÈ ‡‚ÚÓ- ommended that in addition to the Plan for their newly established ÚÓ„Ó‚˚ÏË Ô‡Î‡Ú‡ÏË Ò‚ÂÌ˚ı „ËÓÌÓ‚. ÎÂÈ Ë ‡Á‡·ÓÚ˜ËÍÓ‚. ÌÓÏÌ˚È ÓÍÛ„ ‡ÍÚË‚ÌÓ Û˜‡ÒÚ‚Ó‚‡Î ‚ long-term goal of developing a re- CEDC. ƒ‡Ì̇ˇ ËÌˈˇÚË‚‡ ‚ÓÁÌËÍ· ‚ ‡Ï͇ı ƒÎˇ ÔÓ‰ÓÎÊÂÌˡ ‰Ë‡ÎÓ„‡ ·˚ÎÓ ¯Â- AND NORTHERN ÔÓ„‡ÏÏ ÔÓ ÒÓÁ‰‡Ì˲ ‚ÓÁÏÓÊÌÓÒÚÂÈ gion-to-region co-operation strate- ÃÂÏÓ‡Ì‰Ûχ Ó ‚Á‡ËÏÓÔÓÌËχÌËË ÏÂÊ- ÌÓ ÓÒÛ˘ÂÒÚ‚ËÚ¸ ÓÚ‚ÂÚÌ˚È ‚ËÁËÚ Ì‡¯Ëı ÓÒ- ‰Îˇ ÒÓÚÛ‰Ì˘ÂÒÚ‚‡ ‚ ÒÙÂ ڂÓ˜ÂÒÚ- gy, there was a need to develop ARTS AND CRAFTS ‰Û ÃËÌËÒÚÂÒÚ‚ÓÏ ÔÓ ‰ÂÎ‡Ï Ë̉ÂȈ‚ Ë ÒËÈÒÍËı Ô‡ÚÌÂÓ‚ ‚ “ÓÓÌÚÓ, ˜ÚÓ·˚ ‚ÓÒ- DEVELOPMENT ‚‡ Ë ÂÏÂÒÂÎ ‡·ÓË„ÂÌÓ‚. «Ì‡˜ËÏ˚Ï ÏÓ- clear milestones in order to achieve Since 2002, Khanty Mansiysk has ‡Á‚ËÚ˲ —‚Â‡ ü‡Ì‡‰˚ Ë √ÓÒÍÓÏÒ‚Â- ÔÓθÁÓ‚‡Ú¸Òˇ ‚ÓÁÏÓÊÌÓÒÚˇÏË, Ô‰ÓÒÚ‡‚- (DIAND) WITH ÏÂÌÚÓÏ ‚ ÓÒÛ˘ÂÒÚ‚ÎÂÌËË ‰‡ÌÌÓ„Ó Ì‡Ô- quantifiable outcomes agreed to by been actively involved in the Aborigi- ÓÏ –ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓÈ ‘‰Â‡ˆËË ÔÓ ÎËÌËË ÎÂÌÌ˚ÏË Û˜‡ÒÚËÂÏ ‚ ÒÓ‚ÏÂÒÚÌÓÈ ‡·ÓÚ ‚ ‡‚ÎÂÌˡ ÒÓÚÛ‰Ì˘ÂÒÚ‚‡ ÒÚ‡ÎÓ Û˜‡ÒÚË both sides. To further the dialogue, nal Arts Capacity building pro- ÒÓÚÛ‰Ì˘ÂÒÚ‚‡ ‚ ÒÙÂ ‡Á‚ËÚˡ —‚Â- ‡Ï͇ı ÂÊ„ӉÌÓÈ ÍÓÌÙÂÂ̈ËË ÒÚ‡‡ÚÂ- KHANTY MANSYISK Ô‰ÒÚ‡‚ËÚÂÎÂÈ ‡‚ÚÓÌÓÏÌÓ„Ó ÓÍÛ„‡ ‚ it was decided that a follow-up visit gramme. Activities have involved par- ‡ Ë ‚ÓÔÓÒÓ‚, Ò‚ˇÁ‡ÌÌ˚ı Ò ÍÓÂÌÌ˚ÏË ÎÂÈ Ë ‡Á‡·ÓÚ˜ËÍÓ‚, ‡ Ú‡ÍÊ ‚ Ô‡ÍÚË- “Ó„Ó‚ÓÈ ‚˚ÒÚ‡‚Í ËÒÍÛÒÒÚ‚ Ë ÂÏÂÒÂÎ by our Russian partners to Toronto ticipation in the training workshop χÎÓ˜ËÒÎÂÌÌ˚ÏË Ì‡Ó‰‡ÏË —‚Â‡. ˜ÂÒÍÓÏ ÒÂÏË̇Â, ÔÓÒ‚ˇ˘ÂÌÌÓÏ ‚ÓÔÓÒ‡Ï AUTONOMOUS —‚Â‡, ÔÓ‚Ó‰ËÏÓÈ ‚ ÕÓ‚ÓÒË·ËÒÍÂ. be conducted to take advantage of conducted by Canadian experts in ÛÔ‡‚ÎÂÌˡ Ì·Óθ¯ËÏË ÍÓÏÔ‡ÌˡÏË (Á‡Ô- DISTRICT ¬ ̇ÒÚÓˇ˘Â ‚ÂÏˇ Ô·ÌËÛÂÚÒˇ ‚Íβ- the networking opportunities around Tyumen, in 2002, and participation ПЕРВАЯ ФАЗА ·ÌËÓ‚‡ÌÌÓÏ ‚ ŒÚÚ‡‚ ÓÒÂ̸˛ ÚÓ„Ó Ê ˜ËÚ¸ ‰‚Ûı Ô‰ÒÚ‡‚ËÚÂÎÂÈ ‡‚ÚÓÌÓÏÌÓ„Ó PDAC and also in a practical in the Finno-Ugric Festival, where œÂ‚‡ˇ Ù‡Á‡ ‰ÂˇÚÂθÌÓÒÚË ÓÒÛ˘ÂÒڂΡ- „Ó‰‡), ̇ ÍÓÚÓ˚ı Ó·˘Ë ˆÂÎË Ë Á‡‰‡˜Ë ÓÍÛ„‡ ‚ ۘ·ÌÛ˛ ÔÓ„‡ÏÏÛ ÔÓ ÂÏÂÒ- workshop, devoted to small compa- Khanty Mansiysk sponsored Canadian ·Ҹ ‚ ˲ÌÂ-˲Π2000 „Ó‰‡, ÍÓ„‰‡ ‰Â- ·˚ÎË ·˚ ÓÔ‰ÂÎÂÌ˚ Ë ‰ÂÚ‡ÎËÁËÓ‚‡Ì˚. BACKGROUND ·Ï, Á‡Ô·ÌËÓ‚‡ÌÌÛ˛ Í Ôӂ‰ÂÌ˲ nies management (scheduled for Ot- participants. A key activity was also ΄‡ˆËˇ “Ó„Ó‚ÓÈ Ô‡Î‡Ú˚ ü‡Ì‡‰˚ Ò –ÂÁÛθڇÚ˚ ˝ÚËı ‚ÒÚ˜ ·˚ÎË ‚ Á̇˜ËÚÂθ- Co-operation between DIAND and 18 ‡ÔÂΡ ñ 1 χˇ 2005 „Ó‰‡. œÓ„‡Ï- tawa in autumn), during which Khantyís participation in the North- Ô‰ÒÚ‡‚ËÚÂΡÏË fiÍÓ̇, ÕÛ̇‚ÛÚ‡ Ë —Â- ÌÓÈ ÒÚÂÔÂÌË ÓÚ‡ÊÂÌ˚ ‚ ÔÓ‚ÂÒÚÍÂ Ë ÔË- KMAD began in 2000 under the χ ·Û‰ÂÚ Ó„‡ÌËÁÓ‚‡Ì‡ ‘Ó̉ÓÏ ËÒÍÛÒ- these common goals and objectives ern Arts Trade Exhibition conducted ‚ÂÓ-Á‡Ô‡‰Ì˚ı ÚÂËÚÓËÈ, ‡ Ú‡ÍÊ ÓËÚÂÚ‡ı ‡·Ó˜ÂÈ „ÛÔÔ˚ ¿ÍÚËÍË Ë —Â- Northern Chambers of Commerce ÒÚ‚‡ ËÌÛËÚÓ‚ (ü‡Ì‡‰‡). will be further delineated and re- in Novosibirsk. Plans are underway

Ô‰ÒÚ‡‚ËÚÂΡÏË ÃËÌËÒÚÂÒÚ‚‡ ÔÓ ‰Â- ‚Â‡ ü‡Ì‡‰ÒÍÓ-–ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓÈ ÃÂÊÔ‡‚ËÚÂθ- Partnership Project. This initiative fined. Results of these meetings to include 2 representatives in the EXTERNAL ECONOMIC RELATIONS | ВНЕШНЕЭКОНОМИЧЕСКИЕ СВЯЗИ • № 3, МАРТ 2005 Î‡Ï Ë̉ÂȈ‚ Ë ‡Á‚ËÚ˲ —‚Â‡ ÔÓÒÂ- ÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓÈ üÓÏËÒÒËË. was conducted within the context of СЕМИНАР ПО СОУПРАВЛЕНИЮ have contributed significantly to the Arts Internship Programme scheduled ÚËÎË –ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÛ˛ ‘‰Â‡ˆË˛. ƒÂ΄‡- the Memorandum of Understanding – НОЯБРЬ 2003 ГОДА agenda and priorities of the Arctic for 18 April ñ 1 May, 2005. This ˆËˇ ÔËÌˇÎ‡ Û˜‡ÒÚË ‚ ÔÓ„‡ÏÏ –ÓÒ- КАНАДСКОРОССИЙСКИЙ ФОРУМ (MOU) between DIAND and ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒÍËÈ ‡‚ÚÓÌÓÏÌ˚È ÓÍÛ„ and North Working Group will be hosted by the Inuit Art Foun- ÒËÈÒÍÓ-ü‡Ì‡‰ÒÍÓÈ ÃÂÊÔ‡‚ËÚÂθÒÚ‚ÂÌ- ДЕЛОВЫХ ЖЕНЩИН Goskomsever concerning co-opera- ÒڇΠÏÂÒÚÓÏ Ôӂ‰ÂÌˡ ÚÂı‰Ì‚ÌÓ„Ó (ANWG) of the Canada-Russia dation (IAF). ÌÓÈ ›ÍÓÌÓÏ˘ÂÒÍÓÈ üÓÏËÒÒËË ‚ ÃÓÒÍ‚Â. ¬ 1999 „Ó‰Û Ô‰ÒÚ‡‚ËÚÂθ̇ˇ ‰Â΄‡ˆËˇ tion on Northern Development and ÒÂÏË̇‡ Ò Û˜‡ÒÚËÂÏ Í‡Ì‡‰ÒÍËı ˝ÍÒÔÂ- Inter-governmental Commission. ƒÂ΄‡ˆËˇ Ú‡ÍÊ ËÏ· ‚ÓÁÏÓÊÌÓÒÚ¸ ÔÓ- ÊÂÌ˘ËÌ ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒÍÓ„Ó ‡‚ÚÓÌÓÏÌÓ- Aboriginal issues. ÚÓ‚ Ò ˆÂθ˛ Ó·ÒÛʉÂÌˡ ÒÓ-ÛÔ‡‚ÎÂÌˡ COMANAGEMENT WORKSHOP ÒÂÚËÚ¸ ÏÂʉÛ̇Ó‰Ì˚È ‰ÂÔ‡Ú‡ÏÂÌÚ „Ó ÓÍÛ„‡ ÔËÌˇÎ‡ Û˜‡ÒÚË ‚ ÍÓÌÙÂÂ̈ËË Í‡Í ÔÓÎÂÁÌÓ„Ó ËÌÒÚÛÏÂÌÚ‡ ‚ Ó·ÂÒÔ˜Â- CANADARUSSIA – NOVEMBER 2003 “Ó„Ó‚Ó-ÔÓÏ˚¯ÎÂÌÌÓÈ Ô‡Î‡Ú˚ –ÓÒÒËÈÒ- ÊÂÌ˘ËÌ ÷ËÍÛÏÔÓΡÌÓ„Ó —‚Â‡ ‚ „. THE FIRST PHASE ÌËË Ô‡‚ ÍÓÂÌÌ˚ı ̇Ó‰Ó‚ —‚Â‡ Ë BUSINESS KMAD hosted a three-day workshop ÍÓÈ ‘‰Â‡ˆËË, “Ó„Ó‚Ó-ÔÓÏ˚¯ÎÂÌÌ˚ ¬‡ÈÚıÓÒÂ, ÔÓ‚ËÌˆËˇ fiÍÓÌ. ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌ- The first phase of activities took Ëı ÒӈˇθÌÓ-˝ÍÓÌÓÏ˘ÂÒÍÓ„Ó ‡Á‚Ë- WOMEN’S FORUM attended by Canadian experts to dis- ԇ·Ú˚ ‚ „ËÓ̇ı ñ flχÎÓ-ÕÂ̈ÍÓÏ Ë ÒËÈÒÍËÈ ‡‚ÚÓÌÓÏÌ˚È ÓÍÛ„ Ú‡ÍÊ ̇Ô‡- place in June-July 2000, at which Úˡ, ‡ Ú‡ÍÊ ӷÂÒÔ˜ÂÌËË Ô‡‚‡ ‡·ÓË- In 1999, a strong delegation of cuss co-management as a useful tool in ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒÍÓÏ ‡‚ÚÓÌÓÏÌ˚ı ÓÍÛ- ‚ËÎ ‰Â΄‡ˆË˛ ‰Îˇ Û˜‡ÒÚˡ ‚ ÍÓÌÙÂÂ̈ËË time a Canadian Chamber of Com- „ÂÌÓ‚ ̇ ÔÓθÁÓ‚‡ÌË ÙË̇ÌÒÓ‚˚ÏË Khanty women participated in the advancing the rights of Indigenous „‡ı. —ӄ·¯ÂÌˡ Ó ÒÓÚÛ‰Ì˘ÂÒÚ‚Â ·˚- ‰ÂÎÓ‚˚ı ÊÂÌ˘ËÌ —‚Â‡, ̇ ÍÓÚÓÓÈ Í‡- merce delegation from the Yukon, ·Î‡„‡ÏË, ÔÓÎÛ˜‡ÂÏ˚ÏË ÓÚ ÔÓÏ˚¯ÎÂÌ- Circumpolar womenís conference in Peoples and their social and economic ÎË ÔÓ‰ÔËÒ‡Ì˚ ÏÂÊ‰Û “Ó„Ó‚Ó-ÔÓÏ˚¯- ̇‰ÒÍË ÊÂÌ˘ËÌ˚ ÔÓ‚ÂÎË ÍÛÒ Ó·Û˜ÂÌˡ. Nunavut, and NWT, including ÌÓ„Ó ‡Á‚ËÚˡ „ËÓ̇. Whitehorse, Yukon. Svetlana Gyn- development, as well as in providing ÎÂÌÌ˚ÏË Ô‡Î‡Ú‡ÏË ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒÍÓ„Ó üÓÌÙÂÂÌˆËˇ ÔӂӉ˷Ҹ ̇ “‡ÈÏ˚Â Ë DIAND, visited the Russian Federa- dysheva then attended an internship for more equitable sharing of financial ‡‚ÚÓÌÓÏÌÓ„Ó ÓÍÛ„‡, —‚ÂÓ-Á‡Ô‡‰Ì˚ı ·˚· Ó„‡ÌËÁÓ‚‡Ì‡ ¿ÒÒӈˇˆËÂÈ ÊÂÌ˘ËÌ tion. The delegation participated in ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ programme organised by DIAND in benefits from industrial development. ÚÂËÚÓËÈ, ÕÛ̇‚ÛÚ Ë fiÍÓ̇. ñ ÔÓÏ˚¯ÎÂÌÌËÍÓ‚ ÕÓËθÒ͇. the programme of the Canada Russia —ÓÚÛ‰Ì˘ÂÒÚ‚Ó ÏÂÊ‰Û ÃËÌËÒÚÂÒÚ‚ÓÏ Vancouver and Ottawa aimed at en- Intergovernmental Economic Com- ÔÓ ‰ÂÎ‡Ï Ë̉ÂȈ‚ Ë ‡Á‚ËÚ˲ —‚Â‡ hancing skills for marketing abo- CONCLUSION ВТОРАЯ ФАЗА УЧЕБНЫЕ КУРСЫ mission (IEC) in Moscow. The del- ü‡Ì‡‰˚ Ë ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒÍËÏ ‡‚ÚÓÌÓÏ- riginal arts. Khanty Mansiysk also Co-operation between DIAND and ¬ 2001 „Ó‰Û Ãƒ»–— ÒÓ‚ÏÂÒÚÌÓ Ò ÃËÌËÒ- В СФЕРЕ МАЛОГО БИЗНЕСА egation also had the opportunity to Ì˚Ï ÓÍÛ„ÓÏ ‰‡ÎÓ ÍÓÌÍÂÚÌ˚Â Ë ‡θ- sent a delegation to attend a North- KMAD has produced concrete and tan- ÚÂÒÚ‚ÓÏ ‚̯ÌËı Ò‚ˇÁÂÈ Ë ÏÂʉÛ̇Ó‰- ü‡Í ˜‡ÒÚ¸ Ô‡‚ËÚÂθÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓ„Ó ÍÓÏÔÓÌÂÌ- visit the International Department Ì˚ ÂÁÛθڇÚ˚ ‚ ÒÙÂ ·ËÁÌÂÒ‡, ÒÔÓ- ern womenís business conference at gible results in the areas of business ÌÓÈ ÚÓ„Ó‚ÎË (ì—Ó), üÓÏËÚÂÚÓÏ ÔÓ Ú‡ ÔÓÂÍÚ‡ »Õ–»œœ-2 (»ÌÒÚËÚÛˆËÓ- of the Russian Federation Chamber ÒÓ·ÒÚ‚Ó‚‡ÎÓ ÛÎÛ˜¯ÂÌ˲ ÔÓÎÓÊÂÌˡ which Canadian women provided co-operation, the advancement of ÔËÓ‰Ì˚Ï ÂÒÛÒ‡Ï ü‡Ì‡‰˚, ÃËÌËÒÚÂ- ̇θÌÓ ÒÚÓËÚÂθÒÚ‚Ó ‰Îˇ ÍÓÂÌÌ˚ı ̇- of Commerce and Industry. The ÊÂÌ˘ËÌ, ÒÓÁ‰‡Ì˲ ‚ÓÁÏÓÊÌÓÒÚÂÈ ‰Îˇ training. The conference was held women, the creation of possibilities for ÒÚ‚ÓÏ ÔÓÏ˚¯ÎÂÌÌÓÒÚË ü‡Ì‡‰˚ Ë Ëı ÔÓ‰- Ó‰Ó‚ —‚Â‡ –ÓÒÒËË) 10 „ÓÒÛ‰‡ÒÚ‚ÂÌ- delegation visited their counterpart χÎ˚ı Ë Ò‰ÌËı Ô‰ÔˡÚËÈ, ¯Â- in Taimyr, and headed by the No- small and medium businesses, and ‚‰ÓÏÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚ÏË Û˜ÂʉÂÌˡÏË, Á‡ÌËχ- Ì˚ı ÒÎÛʇ˘Ëı ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒÍÓ„Ó ‡‚- regional Chambers of Commerce and Ì˲ ÔÓ·ÎÂÏ ÍÓÂÌÌ˚ı χÎÓ˜ËÒÎÂÌÌ˚ı rilsk Association of Industrial Aboriginal issues as well as Communi-


—Ô‡‚͇ ¬›— »„Ó¸ ¬Î‡‰ËÏËӂ˘ ¬≈–—“¿üŒ¬, √ÂÌÂ‡Î¸Ì˚È ‰ËÂÍÚÓ Œ¿Œ ´—»¡”–- “˛ÏÂ̸ª ƒ‡Ú‡ ÓʉÂÌˡ: 21 ÓÍÚˇ·ˇ 1951 „. Œ·‡ÁÓ‚‡ÌËÂ: ïÃÓÒÍÓ‚ÒÍËÈ „ÓÒÛ‰‡ÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚È ËÒÚÓË- ÍÓ-‡ıË‚Ì˚È ËÌÒÚËÚÛÚ (–√”), ÒÔˆË- ‡Î¸ÌÓÒÚ¸ ´Œ„‡ÌËÁ‡ˆËˇ ÛÔ‡‚ÎÂ̘ÂÒ- ÍÓ„Ó ÚÛ‰‡ Ë ‰ÂÎÓÔÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚‡ ‚ Ó- „‡Ì‡ı „ÓÒÛ‰‡ÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓ„Ó ÛÔ‡‚ÎÂÌˡª. ï¬˚Ò¯‡ˇ ¯ÍÓ· ü√¡ ———– (¿Í‡‰Â- Ïˡ ‘—¡). “Û‰Ó‚ÓÈ ÔÛÚ¸: ï1973ñ1974 „„. ÃËÌËÒÚÂÒÚ‚Ó Ò‰ÌÂ- „Ó Ï‡¯ËÌÓÒÚÓÂÌˡ, ËÌÊÂÌÂ. ï1974ñ1996 „„. —ÎÛÊ·‡ ‚ Ó„‡Ì‡ı „Ó- ÒÛ‰‡ÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓÈ ·ÂÁÓÔ‡ÒÌÓÒÚË. √ÂÌÂ- ‡Î-χÈÓ Á‡Ô‡Ò‡. ï1996ñ1999 „„. —Ë·ËÒÍÓ-”‡Î¸Ò͇ˇ ÌÂÙÚ„‡ÁÓıËÏ˘ÂÒ͇ˇ ÍÓÏÔ‡Ìˡ (¿ü ´—»¡”–ª). ¬ËˆÂ-ÔÂÁˉÂÌÚ ÔÓ Ó·- ˘ÂÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚Ï Ò‚ˇÁˇÏ. ï1999ñ2002 „„. √ÛÔÔ‡ ÍÓÏÔ‡ÌËÈ «¿Œ ´“≈’»Õ¬≈—“-2000ª, „ÂÌÂ‡Î¸Ì˚È Генеральный директор ОАО «СИБУР'Тюмень» ‰ËÂÍÚÓ, „. ÃÓÒÍ‚‡. ¬ÒÂÓÒÒËÈÒÍËÈ Õ‡ˆËÓ̇θÌ˚È ¬ÓÂÌÌ˚È ‘Ó̉, Ë.Ó. Игорь Владимирович ВЕРСТАКОВ „ÂÌÂ‡Î¸ÌÓ„Ó ‰ËÂÍÚÓ‡. ï2002ñ2003 „„. Œ¿Œ ´—»¡”–-“˛- ÏÂ̸ª, ÔÂ‚˚È Á‡ÏÂÒÚËÚÂθ „ÂÌÂ‡Î¸- ÌÓ„Ó ‰ËÂÍÚÓ‡, „. ÕËÊÌ‚‡ÚÓ‚ÒÍ. ï2003ñ2004 „„. Œ¿Œ ´—»¡”–-“˛- ÏÂ̸ª, ËÒÔÓÎÌËÚÂθÌ˚È ‰ËÂÍÚÓ, „. ÕËÊÌ‚‡ÚÓ‚ÒÍ. ï— 2004 „. ÔÓ Ì‡ÒÚÓˇ˘Â ‚ÂÏˇ ñ «СИБУРТЮМЕНЬ» Œ¿Œ ´—»¡”–-“˛ÏÂ̸ª, √ÂÌÂ‡Î¸- Ì˚È ‰ËÂÍÚÓ, „. ÕËÊÌ‚‡ÚÓ‚ÒÍ. Производственный комплекс по переработке попутного нефтяного газа в Западной Сибири. »ÏÂÂÚ ˇ‰ Ô‡‚ËÚÂθÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚ı ̇„‡‰. ∆Â̇Ú, ‰Ó˜¸. Œ¿Œ ´—»¡”–-“˛ÏÂ̸ª Ó·˙Â- ПРЕДНАЗНАЧЕНИЕ ÔÓ‰ÛÍÚÓÔÓ‚Ó‰Ó‚ Ë Ì‡ÎË‚Ì˚ı ˝ÒÚ‡- ‰ËÌˇÂÚ ÒÂÚ¸ „‡ÁÓÔÂÂ‡·‡Ú˚‚‡˛- ŒÒÌÓ‚ÌÓÈ ‰ÂˇÚÂθÌÓÒÚ¸˛ Œ¿Œ ´—»- ͇‰ ‰Îˇ ÓÚ„ÛÁÍË ÿ‘À” Ë —√¡. SIBURTYUMEN ˘Ëı Á‡‚Ó‰Ó‚ flχÎÓ-ÕÂ̈ÍÓ„Ó Ë ¡”–-“˛ÏÂ̸ª ˇ‚Ρ˛ÚÒˇ ÔËÂÏ Ë ÔÂ- Œ¿Œ ´—»¡”–-“˛ÏÂ̸ª ˇ‚ΡÂÚÒˇ ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒÍÓ„Ó „ËÓÌÓ‚, —˚- Â‡·ÓÚ͇ ÔÓÔÛÚÌÓ„Ó ÌÂÙÚˇÌÓ„Ó „‡Á‡ ·‡ÁÓ‚˚Ï Ô‰ÔˡÚËÂÏ ÔÓ Ó·ÂÒÔ˜ÂÌ˲ Associated Oil Gas Processing ¸Â‚‡ˇ ·‡Á‡ —Ë·ËÒÍÓ-”‡Î¸ÒÍÓÈ (œÕ√), ‰Ó·˚‚‡ÂÏÓ„Ó Ì‡ ÚÂËÚÓËË Ò˚¸ÂÏ ÌÂÙÚÂıËÏ˘ÂÒÍËı Ô‰ÔˡÚËÈ Production Complex in ÌÂÙÚÂıËÏ˘ÂÒÍÓÈ ÍÓÏÔ‡ÌËË (Œ¿Œ “˛ÏÂÌÒÍÓÈ Ó·Î‡ÒÚË, ÔÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó ¿ü ´—»¡”–ª, Ú‡ÍËı, Í‡Í ŒŒŒ ´“Ó- Western Siberia. ´¿ü ´—»¡”–ª). ÔÓ‰Û͈ËË ñ ÒÛıÓ„Ó ÓÚ·ÂÌÁËÌÂÌÌÓ„Ó ·ÓθÒÍ-ÕÂÙÚÂıËϪ, Œ¿Œ ´ÕÓ‚ÓÍÛÈ·˚- „‡Á‡ (—Œ√) ‰Îˇ ÔÓÒÚ‡‚ÍË ÔÓÚ·ËÚÂ- ¯Â‚Ò͇ˇ Õ’üª, Œ¿Œ ´—»¡”–-’ËÏ- APPLICATION ÎˇÏ ÔÓ ÒËÒÚÂÏ χ„ËÒÚ‡Î¸Ì˚ı „‡ÁÓ- ÔÓϪ (œÂϸ), Œ¿Œ ´”‡ÎÌÂÙÚÂıËϪ The primary activity of SIBUR-Tyu- ÔÓ‚Ó‰Ó‚ Œ¿Œ ´√‡ÁÔÓϪ, ¯ËÓÍÓÈ (◊‡ÈÍÓ‚ÒÍËÈ). men is the intake and processing of ÁÓÔÓ‰ÛÍÚÓÔÓ‚Ó‰Ó‚, ̇ÎË‚Ì˚ ˝ÒÚ‡- men have uninterrupted production FOUNDATION Ù‡ÍˆËË Î„ÍËı ۄ΂ӉÓÓ‰Ó‚ associated oil gas (AOG) produced ͇‰˚, ÚÓ‚‡Ì˚ ԇÍË, ·‡Á˚ Ó·ÒÎÛÊË- and technological connection: AOG BACKGROUND (ÿ‘À”) Ë ·ÂÌÁË̇ „‡ÁÓ‚Ó„Ó ÒÚ‡·Ëθ- ИСТОРИЯ within the territory of the Tyumen ‚‡Ìˡ Ë ÍÓÏÔÎÂÍÚ‡ˆËË, Ó·˙‰ËÌÂÌÌ˚ feed streams from oil and gas pro- From 1975 to 1992 gas processing ÌÓ„Ó (¡√—) ñ ·‡ÁÓ‚˚ı ‚ˉӂ Ò˚¸ˇ ‰Îˇ СОЗДАНИЯ region. The production job ñ dry ‚ ÔÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚È „‡ÁÓÔÂÂ‡·‡Ú˚- duction fields; an integrated oil and plants and compression stations were Ô‰ÔˡÚËÈ ¿ü ´—»¡”–ª. — 1975-„Ó ÔÓ 1992 „Ó‰ Ò ˆÂθ˛ ÛÚËÎË- tail gas (DTG) for consumer deliv- ‚‡˛˘ËÈ ÍÓÏÔÎÂÍÒ, ̇ ·‡Á ÍÓÚÓÓ„Ó Ò gas transportation system for AOG erected and started up with their re- √‡ÁÓÔÂÂ‡·‡Ú˚‚‡˛˘Ë Á‡‚Ó‰˚ Ë Á‡ˆËË ‰Ó·˚‚‡ÂÏÓ„Ó ‚ÏÂÒÚÂ Ò ÌÂÙÚ¸˛ ery along the main gas pipeline sys- 1999 „Ó‰‡ ‚‰ÂÚ Ò‚Ó˛ ‰ÂˇÚÂθÌÓÒÚ¸ delivery to consumers; product gional tie-in to separate groups of oil ÍÓÏÔÂÒÒÓÌ˚ Òڇ̈ËË, ÒÓÒÚ‡‚Ρ˛- ÔÓÔÛÚÌÓ„Ó „‡Á‡ Ë ËÒÍβ˜ÂÌˡ Â„Ó ÒÊË- tem of Gazprom, broad fraction of Œ¿Œ ´—»¡”–-“˛ÏÂ̸ª. pipeline systems and loading racks fields for the purpose of waste dispos- ˘Ë ˆÂÎÓÒÚÌ˚È ÚÂıÌÓÎӄ˘ÂÒÍËÈ ÍÓÏÔ- „‡Ìˡ ̇ هͷı ̇ ÚÂËÚÓËË light hydrocarbons (BFLH) and nat- for delivery of BFLH and NSG. al of associated gas produced along ÎÂÍÒ Œ¿Œ ´—»¡”–-“˛ÏÂ̸ª, ËÏÂ˛Ú «‡Ô‡‰ÌÓÈ —Ë·ËË ·˚ÎË ÔÓÒÚÓÂÌ˚ Ë ural stable gasoline (NSG) are the ПРОИЗВОДСТВЕННАЯ SIBUR-Tyumen is the primary en- with oil and exclusion of its flare ÌÂ‡Á˚‚ÌÛ˛ ÔÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÛ˛ Ë ÚÂı- ‚‚‰ÂÌ˚ ‚ ‰ÂÈÒÚ‚ËÂ Ò „ËÓ̇θÌÓÈ primary raw materials for the enter- СТРУКТУРА terprise for raw material supply of burning within Western Siberia. Con- ÌÓÎӄ˘ÂÒÍÛ˛ Ò‚ˇÁ¸: Ò˚¸Â‚˚ı ÔÓÚÓ- ÔË‚ˇÁÍÓÈ Í ÓÚ‰ÂθÌ˚Ï „ÛÔÔ‡Ï ÌÂÙ- prises of SIBUR. œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚ ӷ˙ÂÍÚ˚ Œ¿Œ ´—»- petrochemical enterprises SIBUR, such struction facilities also included over ÍÓ‚ œÕ√ Ò ÌÂÙÚ„‡ÁÓ‚˚ı ÔÓÏ˚ÒÎÓ‚; ÚˇÌ˚ı ÏÂÒÚÓÓʉÂÌËÈ „‡ÁÓÔÂÂ‡·‡- Gas processing plants and com- ¡”–-“˛ÏÂ̸ª: as Tobolsk-Neftekhim, Novokuiby- 3,000 kilometres of gas product ‰ËÌÓÈ „‡ÁÓÚ‡ÌÒÔÓÚÌÓÈ ÒËÒÚÂÏ˚ ÔÓ Ú˚‚‡˛˘Ë Á‡‚Ó‰˚ Ë ÍÓÏÔÂÒÒÓÌ˚ pression stations constituting the in- ïÕËÊÌ‚‡ÚÓ‚ÒÍËÈ √œü. ¬Íβ˜‡ÂÚ shevskaya NHKh, SIBUR-Khimprom pipelines, loading racks, tank farms,

EXTERNAL ECONOMIC RELATIONS | ВНЕШНЕЭКОНОМИЧЕСКИЕ СВЯЗИ • № 3, МАРТ 2005 | ВНЕШНЕЭКОНОМИЧЕСКИЕ EXTERNAL ECONOMIC RELATIONS ÔÓ‰‡˜Â —Œ√ ÔÓÚ·ËÚÂΡÏ; ÒËÒÚÂÏ˚ Òڇ̈ËË, ·ÓΠ3000 ÍËÎÓÏÂÚÓ‚ „‡- tegral production plant SIBUR-Tyu- ÕËÊÌ‚‡ÚÓ‚ÒÍËÈ „‡ÁÓÔÂÂ‡·‡Ú˚‚‡- (Perm), Uralneftekhim (Tschaikovsky). service and complete set bases, com-


Производственные показатели ОАО «СИБУРТюмень» WORKFORCE Принципиальная схема размещения The overall number of employees of the газоперерабатывающих комплексов по переработке нефтяного газа и производству company, SIBUR-Tyumen is 4,369 people, продукции в 1999–2005 гг. many of whom fully participated in the ОАО «СИБУРТюмень» и их взаимосвязь construction of factories and compression Production factors of oil gas processing and the production work in 1999–2005 stations and who work in the factories to this day, passing on their experience and с месторождениями нефтяных компаний being tutors for the young employees. Basic layout of allocation of the oil processing plants of SIBURTyumen DEVELOPMENT PROSPECTIVE Today SIBUR-Tyumen is capable of pro- viding further growth and optimal devel- opment of the gas processing industry of Western Siberia. The company possesses enough organizational resources to define a long-term raw fuel base for the petro- chemical enterprises of the holding.

EER Reference: Igor Vladimirovich VERSTAKOV Director General of SIBUR-Tyumen Date of Birth: 21 October 1951. Education: ïMoscow State Historical Archival Institute (HAI), qualified in ëThe Arrangement of Manage- ˛˘ËÈ Á‡‚Ó‰ (√œ«) Ë “˛ÏÂÌÒÍÛ˛ ment and Record Keeping in State ÍÓÏÔÂÒÒÓÌÛ˛ ÒÚ‡ÌˆË˛ (ü—), „. ÕË- Run Public Authoritiesí. ÊÌ‚‡ÚÓ‚ÒÍ, ’ÿŒ. ïHigh school of the USSR KGB ï¡ÂÎÓÁÂÌ˚È √œü. ¬Íβ˜‡ÂÚ ¡ÂÎÓÁÂÌ˚È (State Security Agency/FSB √œ«, ¬‡¸Â„‡ÌÒÍÛ˛ Ë ¡‡ıËÎÓ‚ÒÍÛ˛ ü—, bined into a production gas processing Academy). „„. ÕËÊÌ‚‡ÚÓ‚ÒÍ, –‡‰ÛÊÌ˚È, ’ÿŒ. complex which from 1999 has been Job-related experience: ïfiÊÌÓ-¡‡Î˚ÍÒÍËÈ √œü. √‡ÁÓÔÂÂ‡·‡- acting as a base for the operation of ï1973-1974 Ministry of Medium Ú˚‚‡˛˘ËÈ Á‡‚Ó‰ ‚ „. œ˚Ú¸-flı, ’ÿŒ. SIBUR-Tyumen. Machine Construction, engineer; ïÕˇ„‡Ì¸„‡ÁÔÂÂ‡·ÓÚ͇. √‡ÁÓÔÂÂ‡·‡- ï1974-1996 State security agency Ú˚‚‡˛˘ËÈ Á‡‚Ó‰ ‚ „. Õˇ„‡Ì¸, ’ÿŒ. PRODUCTION service. Major General in re- ïÕÓˇ·¸ÒÍÓ √œœ. ¬Íβ˜‡ÂÚ ÃÛ‡‚ÎÂÌ- STRUCTURE serve. ÍÓ‚ÒÍËÈ √œ«, ’ÓÎÏÓ„ÓÒÍÛ˛, ¬˚Ì„‡ÔÛ- Production facilities of SIBUR-Tyumen: ï1996-1999 Siberian and Ural Oil

Ó‚ÒÍÛ˛, ¬˚Ì„‡ˇıËÌÒÍÛ˛ ü— ‚ „„. ÕÓ- ïNizhnevartovsk GPC. Comprises Nizh- and Gas Chemical company EXTERNAL ECONOMIC RELATIONS | ВНЕШНЕЭКОНОМИЧЕСКИЕ СВЯЗИ • № 3, МАРТ 2005 ˇ·¸ÒÍÂ, ÃÛ‡‚ÎÂÌÍÓ, flÕ¿Œ. nevartovsk gas processing plant (GPP) (SIBUR), Vice-President of Pub- ï√Û·ÍËÌÒÍËÈ √œü, „. √Û·ÍËÌÒÍËÈ, flÕ¿Œ. and Tyumen compression station (CS), lic Relations Department.  ´—Ë·„‡ÁÚ‡ÌÒª. œ‰ÔˡÚË ÔÓ Niznevartovsk, Khanty-Mansiysk au- ï1999-2002 TEKHINVEST-2000 Ú‡ÌÒÔÓÚËÓ‚Í „‡Á‡ Ë ÿ‘À”. tonomous district. Group General Director, Moscow, ïœ‰ÔˡÚˡ ÓŒ Ë ‡‚ÚÓÚ‡ÌÒÔÓÚ‡. ïBelozerny GPC. Comprises Belozerny All-Russian National Military GPC, Variegansk and Bakhlilovsk CS, Fund, acting General director ТРУДОВОЙ КОЛЛЕКТИВ Nizhnevartovsk, Raduzhny, Khanty-Man- ï2002-2003 SIBUR-Tyumen, First Œ·˘‡ˇ ˜ËÒÎÂÌÌÓÒÚ¸ ÒÓÚÛ‰ÌËÍÓ‚ ÍÓÏ- siysk autonomous district. Deputy General Director, Nizh- Ô‡ÌËË Œ¿Œ ´—»¡”–-“˛ÏÂ̸ª ÒÓÒÚ‡‚- ïYuzhny-Balyk GPC. Gas processing nevatovsk; ΡÂÚ 4369 ˜ÂÎÓ‚ÂÍ, ÏÌÓ„Ë ËÁ ÍÓÚÓ˚ı plant in Pyt-Yakh, Khanty-Mansiysk ï2003-2004 SIBUR-Tyumen, ÔËÌËχÎË ÌÂÔÓÒ‰ÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓ ۘ‡ÒÚË ‚ autonomous district. Executive Director, Nizhne- ÒÚÓËÚÂθÒÚ‚Â Á‡‚Ó‰Ó‚ Ë ÍÓÏÔÂÒÒÓÌ˚ı ïNyagan gas processing. Gas processing vartovsk; Òڇ̈ËÈ Ë ÍÓÚÓ˚ ÔÓ ÒÂÈ ‰Â̸ ÚÛ‰ˇÚ- plant in Nyagan, Khanty-Mansiysk au- ï2004- up to present SIBUR-Tyu- Òˇ ̇ Á‡‚Ó‰‡ı, ÔÂ‰‡‚‡ˇ ÓÔ˚Ú Ë ˇ‚Ρ- tonomous district. men, General Director, Nizh- ˇÒ¸ ̇ÒÚ‡‚ÌË͇ÏË ÏÓÎÓ‰˚ı ͇‰Ó‚. ïNoyabrsk GPP. Comprises Murav- nevartovsk. lenkovsky GPP, Knolmogorskaya, Vyn- Has been granted numerous ПЕРСПЕКТИВЫ РАЗВИТИЯ gapurovskaya, Vyngayaknihskaya CS governmental awards. —Â„Ó‰Ìˇ Œ¿Œ ´—»¡”–-“˛ÏÂ̸ª ÒÔÓ- in Noyabrsk, Muravlenko, Yamalo- Married, daughter. ÒÓ·ÌÓ Ó·ÂÒÔ˜˂‡Ú¸ ‰‡Î¸ÌÂȯËÈ ÓÒÚ Ë Nenetsky autonomous district. SIBUR-Tyumen, the Raw fuel ÓÔÚËχθÌÓ ‡Á‚ËÚË „‡ÁÓÔÂÂ‡·‡Ú˚- ïGubkinsky GPC, Gubkinsky, Yamalo- base of Siberian-Ural petrochemi- ‚‡˛˘ÂÈ ÓÚ‡ÒÎË «‡Ô‡‰ÌÓÈ —Ë·ËË. üÓÏ- Nenetsky autonomous district. cal company, AK Sibur, connects a Ô‡Ìˡ ӷ·‰‡ÂÚ ‰ÓÒÚ‡ÚÓ˜Ì˚ÏË Ó„‡ÌËÁ‡- ïGas and BFLH delivery enterprise ñ network of gas procesing plants of ˆËÓÌÌ˚ÏË ÂÒÛÒ‡ÏË, ˜ÚÓ·˚ ÓÔ‰ÂΡڸ Sibgaztrans production company. the Yamalo-Nenets and Khanty- ‰Ó΄ÓÒÓ˜ÌÛ˛ Ò˚¸Â‚Û˛ ·‡ÁÛ ÌÂÙÚÂıË- ïService support and motor transport en- Mansiysk regions


SIBURTYUMEN SIBURTYUMENSIBURTYUMEN SIBURTYUMEN SIBURTYUMEN SIBURTYUMENSIBURTYUMEN SIBURTYUMEN ï Transport and haulage unit (UMR-1); ïThe Raduzhnoye airfield aerodrome re- ï Repair and maintenance unit (UMR-2). construction with the runway extension up to 2,800 metres and upgrading to sat- «Строительная PRODUCTION CAPACITY isfy international requirements. «Строительная The road-building equipment fleet has ïThe Hanty-Mansiysk-Nyagan motorway about 100 units, the truck and car fleet construction. about 290 units, which is sufficient to ïThe international class skiing centre con- secure performance of the total range of struction at Hanty-Mansiysk (the компания ВНСС» vehicular and civil construction works. Biathlon Centre). компания ВНСС» The total Building Company VNSS ïThe Hanty-Mansiysk airfield reconstruc- production sites area is 25.164 hectares tion with the runway extension up to 2,800 metres and upgrading to satisfy PRODUCTION OF MATERIALS ICAO international requirements. The total power of the Asphalt-concrete pro- ï90% of the construction of streets, «¿Œ ´—ÚÓËÚÂθ̇ˇ ÍÓÏÔ‡Ìˡ ¬Õ——ª ñ РЕСУРСЫ ïÒÚÓËÚÂθÒÚ‚Ó Ô‡ÏˇÚÌÓ„Ó Á͇̇ ´œÂ- duction unit (ABZ) is 460 tonnes per hour. boulevards, squares and roads of Khan- ˝ÚÓ ÏÓ˘ÌÓ ÏÌÓ„ÓÔÓÙËθÌÓ Ô‰ÔˡÚËÂ, ÇÚÂˇθ̇ˇ ·‡Á‡ Ô‰ÔˡÚˡ ÓÒ̇- Building ‚ÓÓÚÍ˚‚‡ÚÂÎˇÏ —Ë·Ë˪ ‚ „. ’‡ÌÚ˚- Building Company VNSS also in- ty-Mansiysk. ÒÔˆˇÎËÁ‡ˆËÂÈ ÍÓÚÓÓ„Ó ˇ‚ΡÂÚÒˇ: ˘Â̇ ÒÓ‚ÂÏÂÌÌ˚ÏË ÏÓ‰ÂΡÏË ‡‚ÚÓÏÓ- ÇÌÒËÈÒÍÂ; cludes a material construction factory ïConstruction of the memorial landmark ïÒÚÓËÚÂθÒÚ‚Ó, ÂÍÓÌÒÚÛÍˆËˇ Ë Í‡ÔË- ·ËθÌÓÈ, ‰ÓÓÊÌÓ-ÒÚÓËÚÂθÌÓÈ ÚÂıÌË- Company VNSS ïÂÍÓÌÒÚÛÍˆËˇ ˆÂÌÚ‡Î¸ÌÓÈ ÔÎÓ˘‡‰Ë which produces pavement tiles, curb- ëTo the Discoverers of Siberia' in ڇθÌ˚È ÂÏÓÌÚ ÏÂÒÚÌ˚ı Ë Ù‰Â‡Î¸Ì˚ı ÍË Ë Ó·ÓÛ‰Ó‚‡Ìˡ, ˜ÚÓ Ó·ÂÒÔ˜˂‡ÂÚ œÓ·Â‰˚ ÒÓ ÒÚÓËÚÂθÒÚ‚ÓÏ ÙÓÌڇ̇- stone and small size concrete articles Hanty-Mansiysk. ‡‚ÚÓÏÓ·ËθÌ˚ı ‰ÓÓ„ Ó·˘Â„Ó ÔÓθÁÓ‚‡- ‚ÂÒ¸ ÚÂıÌÓÎӄ˘ÂÒÍËÈ ÍÓÏÔÎÂÍÒ ‡·ÓÚ ‡‚- The VaryeganNefteSpetzStroy (VNSS) ÓÚÓ̉˚ „. ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒ͇; utilizing HESS Company (Germany) ïThe reconstruction of the centrally-locat- Ìˡ ‰Ó II ÚÂıÌ˘ÂÒÍÓÈ Í‡Ú„ÓËË; ÚÓ‰ÓÓÊÌÓ„Ó Ë „‡Ê‰‡ÌÒÍÓ„Ó ÒÚÓËÚÂθ- trust was set up for the construction of ïÂÍÓÌÒÚÛÍˆËˇ Ë ·Î‡„ÓÛÒÚÓÈÒÚ‚Ó equipment. ed Victory Square in Hanty-Mansiysk ïÒÚÓËÚÂθÒÚ‚Ó Ë ÂÍÓÌÒÚÛÍˆËˇ ‡˝Ó‰- ÒÚ‚‡. — ˆÂθ˛ Ó·ÂÒÔ˜ÂÌˡ ÌÂÓ·ıÓ‰ËÏÓ- cluster oil-drilling rigging and access rail- ÔÎÓ˘‡‰Ë —‚Ó·Ó‰˚ ‚ „. ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌ- The total construction material with erection of a rotunda-fountain. ÓÏÓ‚ ‡˝ÓÔÓÚÓ‚ Ò ‰Ó‚‰ÂÌËÂÏ Ëı ‰Ó „Ó Ì‡Û˜ÌÓ-ÚÂıÌ˘ÂÒÍÓ„Ó ÛÓ‚Ìˇ «¿Œ ´—ü ways to them, and intrafield road infra- ÒËÈÒÍÂ; output value was at 30 mln. Russian ïFreedom Square reconstruction and im- Ú·ӂ‡ÌËÈ ÏÂʉÛ̇Ó‰ÌÓ„Ó ÛÓ‚Ìˇ; ¬Õ——ª ÔË‚ÎÂ͇ÂÚ ‰Îˇ ÒÎÓÊÌ˚ı Ó·˙ÂÍ- structure construction and maintenance. ïÒÚÓËÚÂθÒÚ‚Ó Ë ·Î‡„ÓÛÒÚÓÈÒÚ‚Ó ÍÓÏÔ- roubles in 2002. provement in Hanty-Mansiysk. ï‚˚ÔÓÎÌÂÌË ÛÍÂÔËÚÂθÌ˚ı ‡·ÓÚ Ë ÚÓ‚ ‚Â‰Û˘Ë ËÒÒΉӂ‡ÚÂθÒÍË Ó„‡ÌË- Today Building Company VNSS is a ÎÂÍÒ‡ —ÔÓÚË‚ÌÓÈ Ò·‚˚ ‚ „. ’‡ÌÚ˚- ïThe Sport Complex construction and im-

ÒÚÓËÚÂθÒÚ‚Ó ÌÂÒÛ˘Ëı ÔÓ‰ÔÓÌ˚ı ÒÓ- Á‡ˆËË ÃÓÒÍ‚˚, ≈͇ÚÂËÌ·Û„‡, »ÍÛÚÒ- well-equipped multiproduct enterprise ÇÌÒËÈÒÍÂ. COOPERATION IN ENGINEERING provement in Hanty-Mansiysk. EXTERNAL ECONOMIC RELATIONS | ВНЕШНЕЭКОНОМИЧЕСКИЕ СВЯЗИ • № 3, МАРТ 2005 ÓÛÊÂÌËÈ; ͇, ŒÏÒ͇, ÃËÌÒ͇ Ë —‡ÌÍÚ-œÂÚÂ·Û„‡. specializing in: To ensure the highest engineering level for ïÓ·˘ÂÒÚÓËÚÂθÌ˚ ‡·ÓÚ˚; ï Construction, improvement and over- НАГРАДЫ the implementation of sophisticated proj- AWARDS ï‚˚ÔÛÒÍ ‡ÒهθÚÓ·ÂÚÓÌÌ˚ı ÒÏÂÒÂÈ ‚ÒÂı КРУПНЫЕ ОБЪЕКТЫ haul repairs of local and federal public œÓ ÂÁÛÎ¸Ú‡Ú‡Ï ÂÈÚËÌ„Ó‚Ó„Ó ËÒÒΉÓ- ects, Building Company VNSS consistently Based on rating ballot conducted under ‚ˉӂ Ë Ì‡Á̇˜ÂÌËÈ; СТРОИТЕЛЬСТВА motorways up to Technical Category 2. ‚‡Ìˡ, Ôӂ‰ÂÌÌÓ„Ó ‚ ‡Ï͇ı ÃÂʉÛ- involves leading research institutions and the Business Leaders Constellation ïËÁ„ÓÚÓ‚ÎÂÌË ÚÓÚÛ‡ÌÓÈ ÔÎËÚÍË, ·Ó- В ПЕРИОД С 1993ГО ПО 2004 ГОДЫ: ï Construction and improvement of air- ̇Ó‰ÌÓÈ ÔÓ„‡ÏÏ˚ ´—ÓÁ‚ÂÁ‰Ë ÎˉÂ- organisations of Moscow, Ekaterinburg, International programme in 2003 the ‰˛ÌÓ„Ó Í‡ÏÌˇ Ë ·ÂÚÓÌÌ˚ı ÏÂÎÍÓ¯- «‡ Ò‚Ó˛ 20-ÎÂÚÌ˛˛ ËÒÚÓ˲ «¿Œ ´—ü fields/airports with their upgrading to Ó‚ ·ËÁÌÂÒ‡ª ‚ 2003 „Ó‰Û, ÍÓÏÔ‡Ìˡ Irkutsk, Omsk, Minsk and St.Petersburg company was voted the rank of Busi- ÚÛ˜Ì˚ı ËÁ‰ÂÎËÈ. ¬Õ——ª ÔÓÒÚÓËÎÓ ÏÌÓ„Ó Ó·˙ÂÍÚÓ‚ international requirements. Û‰ÓÒÚÓÂ̇ Á‚‡Ìˡ ´¡ËÁÌÂÒ-ÎˉÂª. The material base of the enterprise ness Leader. √Ó‰Ó‚ÓÈ Ó·˙ÂÏ ÔÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚‡ ÒÓ- ‚‡ÊÌÓ„Ó ÒӈˇθÌÓ„Ó Ë ˝ÍÓÌÓÏ˘ÂÒÍÓ„Ó ï Reinforcement and construction of –¯ÂÌËÂÏ –ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓ„Ó ÒÓ˛Á‡ ÔÓ- employs modern auto- and road-building By decision of the Russian Union of ÒÚ‡‚ΡÂÚ 1,5ñ1,8 ÏÎ‰ Û·ÎÂÈ. ı‡‡ÍÚÂ‡, ÒÂ‰Ë ÍÓÚÓ˚ı: load-bearing and supporting structure Ï˚¯ÎÂÌÌËÍÓ‚ Ë Ô‰ÔËÌËχÚÂÎÂÈ Ë –ÓÒ- equipment. The main suppliers of road- Industrialists and Entrepreneurs and the ïÂÍÓÌÒÚÛÍˆËˇ ‡˝Ó‰Óχ ‡˝ÓÔÓÚ‡ installation works. ÒËÈÒÍÓ-ÿ‚ÂȈ‡ÒÍÓ„Ó ·ËÁÌÂÒ-ÍÎÛ·‡ ̇„- building equipment are Germany, the Russian-Swiss Business Club the company СТРУКТУРА КОМПАНИИ „. –‡‰ÛÊÌÓ„Ó Ò Û‰ÎËÌÂÌËÂÏ ‚ÁÎÂÚÌÓ-ÔÓ- ï General construction work. ‡Ê‰Â̇ ω‡Î¸˛ ´«‡ ·ÂÁÛÔ˜ÌÛ˛ ‰Â- USA, Slovakia and France. Vehicles, was awarded the medal For Immaculate ¬ ÒÓÒÚ‡‚ «¿Œ ´—ÚÓËÚÂθ̇ˇ ÍÓÏÔ‡Ìˡ Ò‡‰Ó˜ÌÓÈ ÔÓÎÓÒ˚ ‰Ó 2800 Ï Ë ‰Ó‚‰Â- ï Production of all kinds of road-con- ÎÓ‚Û˛ ÂÔÛÚ‡ˆË˛ª. parts and means of mechanisation are Business Standing. ¬Õ——ª ‚ıÓ‰ˇÚ ÔˇÚ¸ ÒÚÛÍÚÛÌ˚ı ÔÓ‰- ÌËÂÏ ‰Ó ÏÂʉÛ̇Ó‰ÌÓ„Ó ÛÓ‚Ìˇ; crete mixes. supplied by the Czech Republic, Italy, ‡Á‰ÂÎÂÌËÈ: ïÒÚÓËÚÂθÒÚ‚Ó ‡‚ÚÓÏÓ·ËθÌÓÈ ‰ÓÓ„Ë ï Production of pavement tiles, curb- Poland, Belarus and Ukraine. The suppli- ïÓ·˘ÂÒÚÓËÚÂθÌÓ ÔÓ‰‡Á‰ÂÎÂÌË „. ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒÍ ñ „. Õˇ„‡Ì¸; stone and small size concrete articles. —Ô‡‚͇ ¬›— er of GEOWEB construction technologies EER Reference: (¬——”); ïÒÚÓËÚÂθÒÚ‚Ó ÷ÂÌÚ‡ Î˚ÊÌÓ„Ó ÒÔÓÚ‡ Annual production valued at 1.5-1.8 œÂÁˉÂÌÚ «¿Œ ´—ÚÓËÚÂθ̇ˇ is Israel, Bulgaria supplies metal-cutting Alexander Mikhailovich VAISBURT ï‰ÓÓÊÌÓ-ÒÚÓËÚÂθÌÓ ÔÓ‰‡Á‰ÂÎÂÌË ÏÂʉÛ̇Ó‰ÌÓ„Ó Í·ÒÒ‡ ‚ „. ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌ- billion Russian roubles. ÍÓÏÔ‡Ìˡ ¬Õ——ª ñ ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ ÃË- machine-tools and Sweden, motor vehi- is the President of Building Company (¬ƒ–—”); ÒËÈÒÍ (¡Ë‡ÚÎÓÌÌ˚È ˆÂÌÚ); ı‡ÈÎӂ˘ ¬¿…—¡”–“. —Ú‡Ê ‡·ÓÚ˚ ‚ cles and large diameter water drain pipes. VNSS. His service record in industrial con- ï‡ÒهθÚÓ·ÂÚÓÌÌ˚È Á‡‚Ó‰ (¿¡«); ïÂÍÓÌÒÚÛÍˆËˇ ‡˝Ó‰Óχ ‡˝ÓÔÓÚ‡ ‚ THE COMPANY’S ÒÚÓËÚÂθÒÚ‚Â ñ 30 ÎÂÚ. ¿.Ã. ¬‡ÈÒ- struction has lasted 30 years. A. Vaisburt ïÚ‡ÌÒÔÓÚÌÓ Ô‰ÔˡÚË (”Ö-1); „. ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒÍ ÔÓ ÏÂʉÛ̇Ó‰- STRUCTURE ·ÛÚ Ì‡„‡Ê‰ÂÌ Ï‰‡Î¸˛ Ó‰Â̇ ´«‡ A LIST OF LARGER CONSTRUCTION has been awarded the Medal of Services to ïÂÏÓÌÚÌÓ Ô‰ÔˡÚË (”Ö-2). Ì˚Ï ÌÓÏ‡Ï »ü¿Œ, Ò Û‰ÎËÌÂÌËÂÏ Building Company VNSS comprises of Á‡ÒÎÛ„Ë ÔÂ‰ ŒÚ˜ÂÒÚ‚ÓϪ ‚ÚÓÓÈ PROJECTS REALIZED IN 19932004 the Fatherland (second degree). In the year ¬ ÒÓÒÚ‡‚ ¬Õ—— Ú‡ÍÊ ̇ıÓ‰ËÚÒˇ ÒÚÓ- ‚ÁÎÂÚÌÓ-ÔÓÒ‡‰Ó˜ÌÓÈ ÔÓÎÓÒ˚ ‰Ó 2800 Ï; the following 5 units: ÒÚÂÔÂÌË. ¬ 2002 „Ó‰Û ÂÏÛ ÔËÒ‚ÓÂÌÓ During its twenty-year history Building 2002 he was conferred with the rank of ËÚÂθÌÓ-ÔÓÏ˚¯ÎÂÌÌ˚È ÍÓÏ·ËÌ‡Ú ÔÓ ‚˚- ï‰Â‚ˇÌÓÒÚÓÔÓˆÂÌÚÌÓ ÒÚÓËÚÂθÒÚ‚Ó ï General construction unit (VSSU); Á‚‡ÌË ´«‡ÒÎÛÊÂÌÌ˚È ÒÚÓËÚÂθ Company VNSS has built a lot of objects Honoured Builder of HMAD (Hanty- ÔÛÒÍÛ ÚÓÚÛ‡ÌÓÈ ÔÎËÚÍË, ·Ó‰˛ÌÓ„Ó Í‡Ï- ÛÎˈ, ·Û肇Ó‚, ÔÎÓ˘‡‰ÂÈ Ë ‰ÓÓ„ ï Road construction unit (VDRSU); ’ÿŒª. of important social and economic char- Mansiysk Autonomous District).



complex, student hostels, a cinema, and the buildings of Yugra university EER Reference: have been built. Secondly, a Centre of Foreign Correspondent banks of KMB: ХАНТЫМАНСИЙСКИЙ БАНК the arts for gifted children of the COMMERZBANK (Germany), North, an ice palace, homes and of- DEUTSCHE BANK (Germany), JP fices are under construction. MORGAN CHASE BANK (USA) etc. Commerzbank, Bank Gesellschaft INVESTMENT PROJECTS Berlin, Donau-bank and other leading The Bank supports the main projects of foreign financial institutions have es- ternational, ÏÂʉÛ̇Ó‰ÌÓÈ Ô·ÚÂÊÌÓÈ the Yugra government: tablished a limit of pure credit lines for ÒËÒÚÂÏ˚ Europay International, Û˜‡ÒÚÌËÍ BANK OF ïthe first Russian plant for production the BANK OF KHANTY-MAN- ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓÈ Ô·ÚÂÊÌÓÈ ÒËÒÚÂÏ˚ UNION of multilayered glue bars, ëLVL- SIYSK. For instance, banks have estab- CARD. Yugraí, has recently started opera- lished short-term (up to 1.5 years) pure KHANTY tion. Apart from regional investments credit lines for the perfection of docu- СОЦИАЛЬНЫЕ ПРОГРАММЫ the Bank has additionally attracted a mented operations. A framework agree- ¡‡ÌÍ ‡ÎËÁÛÂÚ ÒÓ·ÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÛ˛ ÔÓ„‡ÏÏÛ ·ÂÒˆÂÌÌÓ„Ó ËÒÚÓ˘ÂÒÍÓ„Ó Ì‡ÒΉˡ fi„- syndicated loan for over a billion ment has been signed by the bank with ´—ӈˇθ̇ˇ Ô·ÒÚËÍÓ‚‡ˇ ͇Ú‡ª, ‚ ‡Ï- ˚. ¬˚‰ÂΡ˛ÚÒˇ Ò‰ÒÚ‚‡ ̇ ÒÚÓËÚÂθ- roubles for the plant commissioning; leading western banks for the financing ͇ı ÍÓÚÓÓÈ ÍÎËÂÌÚ˚ ÔÓÎÛ˜‡˛Ú ÔÂÌÒËË, MANSIYSK ÒÚ‚Ó Ë ÂÍÓÌÒÚÛÍˆË˛ ı‡ÏÓ‚, Ó͇Á˚‚‡- ïëPolyarny Kvarzí, a concentrating of the import of equipment over a peri- ÔÓÒӷˡ, ‰ÂÌÂÊÌ˚ ÍÓÏÔÂÌÒ‡ˆËË Î¸„ÓÚ; ÂÚÒˇ χÚÂˇθ̇ˇ ÔÓÏÓ˘¸ ËÌ‚‡Îˉ‡Ï, plant in Nyagan, quite unique for od of up to 8.5 years to the overall sum ‚˚Ë„‡Î ÚẨÂ ÔÓ ‚̉ÂÌ˲ ̇ ÚÂË- The BANK OF KHANTY-MAN- ‚ÂÚÂ‡Ì‡Ï, χÎÓÓ·ÂÒÔ˜ÂÌÌ˚Ï ÒÂϸˇÏ, Russia, designed for the annual pro- of more than 40 mln. dollars. ÚÓËË fi„˚ ‰ËÌÓ„Ó ÏÂı‡ÌËÁχ Ó͇Á‡- SIYSK is a federal multipurpose credit ‰ÂÚˇÏ-ËÌ‚‡Îˉ‡Ï. duction of 10 thousand tons of high- Standard&Poors Counterparty Ìˡ ‡‰ÂÒÌÓÈ ÒӈˇθÌÓÈ ÔÓ‰‰ÂÊÍË; institution with diversified resource œÓÒÚÓˇÌÌÓÈ ÒÔÓÌÒÓÒÍÓÈ ÔÓ‰‰ÂÊ- purity quartz concentrate; Credit Rating ´B-ª, outlook ´posi- ÔËÌËχÂÚ Û˜‡ÒÚË ‚ ÓÍÛÊÌÓÈ ÔÓ„‡Ï- base that conducts all types of opera- ÍÓÈ ¡‡Ì͇ ÔÓθÁÛ˛ÚÒˇ ÓÒÒËÈÒÍËÂ Ë ïthe furniture plant ëKrasny Octyabrí. tiveª. Auditors ñ ´Deloitte&Toucheª. Ï ËÔÓÚ˜ÌÓ„Ó Í‰ËÚÓ‚‡Ìˡ ´∆ËÎË˘Âª. tions on the financial market. 16 ÏÂʉÛ̇Ó‰Ì˚ ÒÓ‚ÌÓ‚‡Ìˡ, ÔÓ‚Ó‰Ë- ïthe printing enterprise, Sovetskaya ïde facto and postal address ñ œË ÙË̇ÌÒÓ‚ÓÈ ÔÓ‰‰ÂÊÍ ·‡Ì͇ ‚ ’‡Ì- branches and over 60 additional of- Ï˚ ‚ ÓÍÛ„Â. Sibir, (Novosibirsk); 38, Mira St, Khanty-Mansiysk, Ú˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒÍ ‚ÓÁ‚‰ÂÌ˚ ÍÂÏÔËÌ„Ó‚˚È fices of the bank operate. —Ú‡Ú„ˡ ‡Á‚ËÚˡ ¡‡Ì͇ ̇Ô‡‚ÎÂ- ïthe poultry plant, Borovskaya, 628012 ÍÓÏÔÎÂÍÒ, ÒÚÛ‰Â̘ÂÒÍËÈ „ÓÓ‰ÓÍ, ÍËÌÓ- The monthly turnover of the BANK ̇ ̇ ‰‡Î¸ÌÂȯ ÒÓ‚Â¯ÂÌÒÚ‚Ó‚‡ÌË ÒÚ‡- (Tyumen). ïtelephone and fax ñ (34671) 30-210, Ú‡Ú, Á‰‡ÌË fi„ÓÒÍÓ„Ó ÛÌË‚ÂÒËÚÂÚ‡, OF KHANTY-MANSIYSK on the in- ·ËθÌÓ„Ó Ë ‰ÓıÓ‰ÌÓ„Ó ·ËÁÌÂÒ‡, Ó·ÂÒÔÂ- (34671) 90-600; ÒÚÓˇÚÒˇ ‚ÚÓ‡ˇ Ó˜Â‰¸ ÷ÂÌÚ‡ ËÒÍÛÒ- terbank and stock markets exceeds 200 ˜Ë‚‡˛˘Â„Ó ‚˚ÒÓÍËÂ Ë ÛÒÚÓȘ˂˚ ÚÂÏÔ˚ THE BANK HAS FINANCED: ïe-mail ñ [email protected] ÒÚ‚ ‰Îˇ Ó‰‡ÂÌÌ˚ı ‰ÂÚÂÈ —‚Â‡, ΉÓ- bln roubles. ‡Á‚ËÚˡ ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒÍÓ„Ó ‡‚ÚÓÌÓÏ- ïSt. Petersburgís ëBaltiysky Zavodí ïweb site ñ www.khmb.ru ‚˚È ‰‚Óˆ, ÊËθÂ, ÓÙËÒ˚. The BANK OF KHANTY-MAN- ÌÓ„Ó ÓÍÛ„‡. factory that was engaged in a number SIYSK ranks among the thirty largest of export contracts for construction ИНВЕСТИЦИОННЫЕ ПРОЕКТЫ Russian credit institutions, is a mem- of three vessels for the naval forces of ¡‡ÌÍ ÔÓ‰‰ÂÊË‚‡ÂÚ ÓÒÌÓ‚Ì˚ ËÌ‚ÂÒÚˈË- ber of the Moscow Interbank currency —Ô‡‚͇ ¬›—: India, construction of a passenger- ÓÌÌ˚ ÔÓ„‡ÏÏ˚ Ô‡‚ËÚÂθÒÚ‚‡ fi„˚: exchange, the Siberian Interbank cur- »ÌÓÒÚ‡ÌÌ˚ ·‡ÌÍË-ÍÓÂÒÔÓ̉ÂÌÚ˚ and-freight ferry and a dry-cargo ship ïÁ‡‚Ó‰ ´LVL-fi„‡ª ÔÓ ‚˚ÔÛÒÍÛ ÍÎÂÂÌÓ„Ó rency exchange, the Association of ’á: ´COMMERZBANKª (√ÂχÌˡ), for Portugal; ¯ÔÓÌËÓ‚‡ÌÌÓ„Ó ·ÛÒ‡. ¡‡ÌÍ ‰ÓÔÓÎÌËÚÂθ- Russian banks, the Association of re- ´DEUTSCHE BANKª (√ÂχÌˡ),´JP ïone of the leading gold mining enter- ÌÓ ÔË‚ÎÂÍ Ì‡ Â„Ó Á‡ÔÛÒÍ ÒË̉ˈËÓ‚‡Ì- gional banks ëRussiaí, the internation- MORGAN CHASE BANKª (—ÿ¿) Ë prises of Russia ñ Polimetall; Ì˚È Í‰ËÚ ·ÓΠ˜ÂÏ ‚ ÏËÎΡ‰ Û·ÎÂÈ; al payment system, VISA Internation- ‰Û„ËÂ. ïthe largest Russian producer of alco- ïÓ·Ó„‡ÚËÚÂθ̇ˇ Ù‡·Ë͇ ´œÓΡÌ˚È al, the international payment system, ´Commerzbankª, ´BankGesells- holic beverages, Novosibirskís Президент, председатель правления Í‚‡ˆª ‚ Õˇ„‡ÌË, ‡ÒÒ˜ËÚ‡Ì̇ˇ ̇ ÂÊÂ- Europay International, and a partici- chaft Berlinª, ´Donau-bankª Ë ‰Û„Ë VINAP. ОАО «ХАНТЫ'МАНСИЙСКИЙ БАНК» „Ó‰ÌÓ ÔÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó 10 Ú˚Òˇ˜ ÚÓÌÌ ‚˚ÒÓ- pant of the Russian payment system, ‚Â‰Û˘Ë Á‡Û·ÂÊÌ˚ ÙË̇ÌÒÓ‚˚ ËÌÒ- Дмитрий Александрович ÍÓ˜ËÒÚÓ„Ó Í‚‡ˆÂ‚Ó„Ó ÍÓ̈ÂÌÚ‡Ú‡; UNION CARD. ÚËÚÛÚ˚ ÛÒÚ‡ÌÓ‚ËÎË Ì‡ Œ¿Œ ´’¿Õ- SPONSORSHIP AND CHARITY МИЗГУЛИН ïÏ·ÂθÌ˚È ÍÓÏ·ËÌ‡Ú ´ü‡ÒÌ˚È ŒÍÚˇ·¸ª; “¤-ÿ՗»…—ü»… ¡¿Õüª ÎËÏËÚ The Bank pays special attention to ïÔÓÎË„‡Ù˘ÂÒÍÓ Ô‰ÔˡÚË ´—Ó‚ÂÚ- SOCIAL PROGRAMMES ˜ËÒÚ˚ı Í‰ËÚÌ˚ı ÎËÌËÈ. ¡‡ÌÍË ÛÒ- support and development of ”ÌË‚Â҇θ̇ˇ Í‰ËÚ̇ˇ Ó„‡ÌËÁ‡ˆËˇ Ò͇ˇ —Ë·Ë¸ª ‚ ÕÓ‚ÓÒË·ËÒÍÂ; The Bank is improving its relations Ú‡ÌÓ‚ËÎË ˜ËÒÚ˚ Í‰ËÚÌ˚ ÎËÌËË ‰Îˇ culture and preservation of the Ù‰Â‡Î¸ÌÓ„Ó Á̇˜ÂÌˡ, Ëϲ˘‡ˇ ‰Ë‚Â- ïÔÚˈÂÙ‡·ËÍÛ ´¡ÓÓ‚Ò͇ˇª ‚ “˛ÏÂÌË. with citizens by implementing its own ÒÓ‚Â¯ÂÌˡ ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡Ì˚ı ÓÔÂ‡ˆËÈ priceless historical heritage of Yugra. ÒËÙˈËÓ‚‡ÌÌÛ˛ ÂÒÛÒÌÛ˛ ·‡ÁÛ Ë ÓÒÛ- ëSocial Plastic Cardí programme ̇ Í‡ÚÍÓÒÓ˜ÌÓÈ (‰Ó 1,5 ÎÂÚ) ÓÒÌÓ- The Bank provides funds for ˘ÂÒڂΡ˛˘‡ˇ ‚ÂÒ¸ ÒÔÂÍÚ ÓÔÂ‡ˆËÈ Ì‡ БАНК КРЕДИТУЕТ: under which the clients may receive ‚Â. ¡‡ÌÍÓÏ ÔÓ‰ÔËÒ‡Ì˚ ‡ÏÓ˜Ì˚ ÒÓ- building and reconstruction of ÙË̇ÌÒÓ‚ÓÏ ˚ÌÍÂ. ƒÂÈÒÚ‚Û˛Ú 16 ÙËÎË- ï´¡‡ÎÚËÈÒÍËÈ Á‡‚Ó‰ª ‚ —‡ÌÍÚ-œÂÚÂ·Û- their pensions, various allowances and „·¯ÂÌˡ Ò ‚Â‰Û˘ËÏË Á‡Ô‡‰Ì˚ÏË ·‡Ì- churches and grants material ‡ÎÓ‚ Ë ·ÓΠ60 ‰ÓÔÓÎÌËÚÂθÌ˚ı ÓÙËÒÓ‚. „ ÔÓ Ó·ÂÒÔ˜ÂÌ˲ ˝ÍÒÔÓÚÌÓ„Ó ÍÓÌÚ‡Í- monetary compensation of benefits. ͇ÏË ‰Îˇ ÙË̇ÌÒËÓ‚‡Ìˡ ËÏÔÓÚ‡ aid to disabled people, vet- ≈ÊÂÏÂÒˇ˜Ì˚È Ó·ÓÓÚ Ì‡ ÏÂÊ·‡ÌÍÓ- Ú‡ ̇ ÒÚÓËÚÂθÒÚ‚Ó ÚÂı Ù„‡ÚÓ‚ ‰Îˇ Besides, JSC BANK OF KHANTY- Ó·ÓÛ‰Ó‚‡Ìˡ ̇ ÒÓÍ ‰Ó 8,5 ÎÂÚ Ì‡ erans, low-income families ‚ÒÍÓÏ Ë ÙÓ̉ӂÓÏ ˚Ì͇ı Ô‚˚¯‡ÂÚ ‚ÓÂÌÌÓ-ÏÓÒÍËı ÒËÎ »Ì‰ËË, „ÛÁÓÔ‡ÒÒ‡- MANSIYSK has won the tender for im- Ó·˘Û˛ ÒÛÏÏÛ ·ÓΠ40 ÏÎÌ ‰ÓÎÎ. and handicapped children. 200 ÏÎ‰ Û·ÎÂÈ. —Â„Ó‰Ìˇ Í‰ËÚÌ˚È ÊËÒÍÓ„Ó Ô‡Óχ Ë ÏÓÒÍÓ„Ó ÒÛıÓ„ÛÁ‡ plementation of a similar but larger- ¡‡ÌÍÛ ÔËÒ‚ÓÂÌ ÏÂʉÛ̇Ó‰Ì˚È The Bank is an on-going ÔÓÚÙÂθ Ô‚˚¯‡ÂÚ 6 ÏÎ‰ Û·ÎÂÈ. ‰Îˇ œÓÚÛ„‡ÎËË; scale project organised by the KMAD Í‰ËÚÌ˚È ÂÈÚËÌ„ Standard&Poors ´B-ª, sponsor of Russian and in- œËÏÂÌÓ ‰‚ ÚÂÚË ÂÒÛÒÓ‚ ‡·ÓÚ‡- ïÔ‰ÔˡÚË ´œÓÎËÏÂÚ‡ÎΪ ñ Ó‰ÌÓ„Ó ËÁ Government. The essence of this proj- ÔÓ„ÌÓÁ ´ÔÓÁËÚË‚Ì˚Ȫ. ¿Û‰ËÚÓ ·‡Ì͇ ternational sports competi- ˛Ú ̇ ÚÂËÚÓËË ‡‚ÚÓÌÓÏËË. ÓÒÒËÈÒÍËı ÎˉÂÓ‚ ÁÓÎÓÚÓ‰Ó·˚˜Ë; ect is to implement a targeted social ñ ÍÓÏÔ‡Ìˡ Deloitte&Touche. tions in the region. ’á ‚ıÓ‰ËÚ ‚ ÒÓÒÚ‡‚ Úˉˆ‡ÚË ÍÛÔ- ïÍÛÔÌÂÈ¯Â„Ó ‚ ÒÚ‡Ì ÔÓËÁ‚Ó‰ËÚÂΡ support mechanism on the Yugra terri- ¿‰ÂÒ ·‡Ì͇: The overall strategy of ÌÂȯËı ÓÒÒËÈÒÍËı Í‰ËÚÌ˚ı Ó„‡ÌË- ‡ÎÍÓ„ÓθÌÓÈ ÔÓ‰Û͈ËË ´¬»Õ¿œª ‚ tory, which would represent a uniform ï628012, „. ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒÍ, the Bank is aimed at the fur- Á‡ˆËÈ; ˜ÎÂÌ ÃÓÒÍÓ‚ÒÍÓÈ ÃÂÊ·‡ÌÍÓ‚Ò- ÕÓ‚ÓÒË·ËÒÍÂ. system co-ordinated by regional agen- ÛÎ. ÃË‡, 38; ther improvement of sustain- ÍÓÈ ‚‡Î˛ÚÌÓÈ ·ËÊË, —Ë·ËÒÍÓÈ ÃÂÊ- cies, as well as municipal and village ïÚÂÎÂÙÓÌ Ë Ù‡ÍÒ: (34671) 30-210, able and profitable business ·‡ÌÍÓ‚ÒÍÓÈ ‚‡Î˛ÚÌÓÈ ·ËÊË, ¿ÒÒӈˇ- СПОНСОРСТВО authorities. The bank participates in (34671) 90-600; that ensures high speed and ˆËË –ÓÒÒËÈÒÍËı ·‡ÌÍÓ‚, ¿ÒÒӈˇˆËË И БЛАГОТВОРИТЕЛЬНОСТЬ the regional mortgage-lending pro- ïÂ-mail: [email protected]; stable development of the „ËÓ̇θÌ˚ı ·‡ÌÍÓ‚ ´–ÓÒÒˡª, ÏÂʉÛ- ¡‡ÌÍ Û‰ÂΡÂÚ ÓÒÓ·Ó ‚ÌËχÌË ÔÓ‰‰ÂÊ- gramme, ëZhilischeí. With the finan- ÂÒ Ò‡ÈÚ‡: www.khmb.ru. Khanty-Mansiysk Au- ̇Ó‰ÌÓÈ Ô·ÚÂÊÌÓÈ ÒËÒÚÂÏ˚ VISA In- ÍÂ Ë ‡Á‚ËÚ˲ ÍÛθÚÛ˚, ÒÓı‡ÌÂÌ˲ cial support of the bank a camping tonomous District.


ÏÓ·ËθÌ˚È ÏÓÒÚÓ‚ÓÈ ÔÂÂıÓ‰ ˜ÂÂÁ ÂÍË Œ·¸ Ë »Ú˚¯; Ó·˙ÂÁ‰Ì˚ ‰ÓÓ„Ë ÕÂÙÚÂ- EER Reference: EER Reference: ˛„‡ÌÒ͇ Ë ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒ͇. ¬ÒÂ„Ó ‚˚‡- General Director Alexander Vladi- 21/1, 30 Let Pobedy St. Surgut, ·ÓÚ‡ÌÓ ·ÓΠ100 ÏÎÌ ÍÛ·ÓÏÂÚÓ‚ ÔÂÒ͇, mirovich MAKAROV ñ an Academ- Tyumenskaya Region, ÒÂ„Ó‰Ìˇ ÂÊ„ӉÌ˚È Ó·˙ÂÏ ÒÓÒÚ‡‚ΡÂÚ ic of the Russian Academy of Trans- Khanty-Mansiysk 14 ñ15 ÏÎÌ ÍÛ·ÓÏÂÚÓ‚. port, an honourable Doctor of trans- Autonomous District, 628403 port, an honourable transport builder, Telephone: (3462) 24 31 21 Генеральный директор «МТА» ПРОИЗВОДСТВЕННАЯ БАЗА an honourable constructor of the Khan- Fax: (3462) 24 31 14 И РЕСУРСЫ РАЗВИТИЯ Александр Владимирович МАКАРОВ ty-Mansiysk District. Alexander has E-mail:[email protected] ´Ã“¿ª ËÏÂÂÚ: ÏÓ·ËθÌ˚È Ô‡Í ËÁ 42 ÒÓ‚- been awarded with the government http://www.mtacompany.ru ÂÏÂÌÌ˚ı ÁÂÏÒ̇ˇ‰Ó‚, ÍÓÚÓ˚ ÔÓÒÚÓˇÌ- award ëFor Service to the Fatherland ÌÓ ÒÓ‚Â¯ÂÌÒÚ‚Û˛ÚÒˇ; ˜ÌÓÈ Ò‡ÏÓıÓ‰Ì˚È medalí, and the honourary French Ë ÌÂÒ‡ÏÓıÓ‰Ì˚È, ̇ÎË‚ÌÓÈ Ë ÒÛıÓ„ÛÁÌ˚È award ëThe Golden Medal of the As- ÙÎÓÚ; ÌÂÓ·ıÓ‰ËÏÓ ÍÓ΢ÂÒÚ‚Ó ‡‚ÚÓÚ‡ÌÒ- bulldozers, pipe-layers, etc. There are sociation for the Promotion of In- «МТА» – история успеха ÔÓÚ‡, ÒÔˆÚÂıÌËÍË, ·Ûθ‰ÓÁÂÓ‚, ÚÛ·ÓÛÍ- also three Dutch ëBeaversí. MTA works dustryí and the distinction mark ëFor ·‰˜ËÍÓ‚ Ë Ú.‰. œËÓ·ÂÚÂÌ˚ ÚË ´Beaverª in close co-operation with Russian scien- significant contribution in the strate- »ÒÚÓˡ ´Ã“¿ª ̇˜‡Î‡Ò¸ ‚ 1990 „Ó‰Û Û˜‡ÒÚÍÓ‚ ‚ ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒÍÂ, “˛ÏÂÌË, „Óη̉ÒÍÓ„Ó ÔÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚‡. tific organisations including the Moscow gic management fieldí. He is a laure- ÒÓ ÒÍÓÏÌÓ„Ó ÍÓÓÔÂ‡ÚË‚‡, ÒÚ‡Â̸ÍÓ- Õˇ„‡ÌË, Õ‡‰˚ÏÂ, œÂÏË Ë ‰. üÓÏÔ‡Ìˡ ´Ã“¿ª ̇ıÓ‰ËÚÒˇ ‚ ÔÓÒÚÓ- Mining Academy, the Central Research MTA  A HISTORY ate of the national prize named after „Ó ÁÂÏÒ̇ˇ‰‡, ‚ÁˇÚÓ„Ó ‚ ‡ẨÛ, Ë ˇÌÌÓÏ ÍÓÌÚ‡ÍÚÂ Ò Ì‡Û˜Ì˚ÏË Ó„‡ÌËÁ‡ˆËˇ- Institute of Transport and others. Peter the Great For significant per- „ÛÔÔ˚ ‰ËÌÓÏ˚¯ÎÂÌÌËÍÓ‚, ‚Âˇ˘Ëı ‚ ДЕЯТЕЛЬНОСТЬ ÏË –ÓÒÒËË ñ ÃÓÒÍÓ‚ÒÍÓÈ „ÓÌÓÈ ‡Í‡‰ÂÏË- OF SUCCESS sonal contribution to the development ÛÒÔÂı. —Â„Ó‰Ìˇ ´Ã“¿ª ñ ÎˉÂ ‚ Ò‚Ó- ´Ã“¿ª ÔÓËÁ‚Ó‰ËÚ ‚ÂÒ¸ ÍÓÏÔÎÂÍÒ „ˉ- ÂÈ, ÷ÂÌÚ‡Î¸Ì˚Ï Ì‡Û˜Ì˚Ï ËÒÒΉӂ‡ÚÂθÒ- CLIENTS and introduction of new production ÂÈ ÓÚ‡ÒÎË ñ ÒÚÓËÚÂθÒÚ‚Ó ÁÂÏΡÌ˚ı ÓÏÂı‡ÌËÁËÓ‚‡ÌÌ˚ı ‡·ÓÚ, ̇˜Ë̇ˇ ÓÚ MTA started in 1990 as a small co- ÍËÏ ËÌÒÚËÚÛÚÓÏ Ú‡ÌÒÔÓÚ‡ Ë ‰. Among its major customers are the Road technologies in the enterprise ÒÓÓÛÊÂÌËÈ Ë ‰Ó·˚˜‡ ÌÂÛ‰Ì˚ı ÒÚÓ- ËÁ˚Ò͇ÌËÈ Í‡¸ÂÓ‚ Ë Á‡Í‡Ì˜Ë‚‡ˇ ÂÍÛθ- operative, with an outdated leased Department of the Khanty-Mansiysk Ad-

ËÚÂθÌ˚ı χÚÂˇÎÓ‚ „ˉÓÏÂı‡ÌËÁË- ÚË‚‡ˆËÂÈ Ì‡Û¯ÂÌÌ˚ı ‚ ÔÓˆÂÒÒ ‡·ÓÚ dredge, and a group of like-minded ЗАКАЗЧИКИ ministration, Yuganskneftegaz, Tyumen- EXTERNAL ECONOMIC RELATIONS | ВНЕШНЕЭКОНОМИЧЕСКИЕ СВЯЗИ • № 3, МАРТ 2005 Ó‚‡ÌÌ˚Ï ÒÔÓÒÓ·ÓÏ. ¬ ÍÓÏÔ‡ÌËË ‚Ó- ÁÂÏÂθ, ‡Á‡·‡Ú˚‚‡ÂÚ Ë ‚̉ˇÂÚ ÚÂıÌÓ- partners. Today MTA has grown to a —Â‰Ë ÓÒÌÓ‚Ì˚ı Á‡Í‡Á˜ËÍÓ‚ Á̇˜‡ÚÒˇ: ƒÓ- transgaz, Salym Petroleum Development ÒÂϸ ‡‚ÚÓÌÓÏÌ˚ı ÔÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚ı ÎÓ„ËË Ì‡Ï˚‚Ì˚ı ‡·ÓÚ ‚ ˝ÍÒÚÂχθÌ˚ı leader in its industry - earthwork op- ÓÊÌ˚È ‰ÂÔ‡Ú‡ÏÂÌÚ ’ÿŒ, Œ¿Œ ´fi„‡Ì- logical facilities for the production of H.B., Surgutneftegas, RITEKneft, Syb- ÛÒÎӂˡı —‚Â‡ —Ë·ËË, Ì Ëϲ˘Ë erations, excavation of non-ore con- ÒÍÌÂÙÚ„‡Áª, ŒŒŒ ´“˛ÏÂ̸Ú‡ÌÒ„‡Áª, ´—‡- ground stockpiles as high as 16 m and neft and other organisations within the ‡Ì‡ÎÓ„Ó‚ ‚ ÓÚ˜ÂÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓÈ Ë ÏËÓ‚ÓÈ Ô‡Í- struction materials through imple- Î˚Ï œÂÚÓÎÂÛÏ ƒÂ‚ÂÎÓÔÏÂÌ Õ.¬.ª, Œ¿Œ increase in the depth of quarry exca- gas and oil industry. ÚËÍÂ. Õ‡ÔËÏÂ: ‡Á‡·ÓÚ͇ ÔÓÈÏÂÌÌ˚ı mentation of the hydromechanization ´—Û„ÛÚÌÂÙÚ„‡Áª, Œ¿Œ ´–»“›üÌÂÙÚ¸ª, vation to 20 m reduces the area of —Ô‡‚͇ ¬›—: ͇¸ÂÓ‚ Ò ÔÓÏÓ˘¸˛ ÔÂ‰‚ËÊÌ˚ı ÍÓÏÔ- production process. Œ¿Œ ´—Ë·ÌÂÙÚ¸ª Ë ‰Û„Ë ÌÂÙÚ„‡ÁÓ‰Ó- damaged land by more than a half. PERSONNEL √ÂÌÂ‡Î¸Ì˚È ‰ËÂÍÚÓ ñ ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ ÎÂÍÒÓ‚; ÚÂıÌÓÎӄˡ ̇Ï˚‚‡ ¯Ú‡·ÂΡ „ÛÌ- The company operates through ·˚‚‡˛˘Ë Ô‰ÔˡÚˡ. The company has created over a thousand ¬Î‡‰ËÏËӂ˘ Ç͇Ó‚. ÚÓ‚ ‚˚ÒÓÚÓÈ ‰Ó 16 ÏÂÚÓ‚ Ë Û‚Â΢ÂÌˡ eight autonomous production divisions MTA COMPLETED PROJECTS: jobs. A stable team of talented specialists, ¿Í‡‰ÂÏËÍ –ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓÈ ‡Í‡‰ÂÏËË „ÎÛ·ËÌ˚ ‡Á‡·ÓÚÍË Í‡¸Â‡ ‰Ó 20 ÏÂÚ- located in Khanty-Mansiysk, Tyumen, КОЛЛЕКТИВ A motorway from Khanty-Mansiysk to managers and heads of production, with Ú‡ÌÒÔÓÚ‡, ‰ÓÍÚÓ Ú‡ÌÒÔÓÚ‡, ÔÓ- Ó‚, ˜ÚÓ ÒÓÍ‡˘‡ÂÚ ÔÎÓ˘‡‰¸ ̇Û¯‡ÂÏ˚ı Nyagan, Nadym, Perm and other re- ¬ ´Ã“¿ª ÒÓÁ‰‡ÌÓ ·ÓΠÚ˚Òˇ˜Ë ‡·Ó˜Ëı Nyagan; motor bridges over the Ob and experience in the industry of at least 10- ˜ÂÚÌ˚È Ú‡ÌÒÔÓÚÌ˚È ÒÚÓËÚÂθ, Á‡Ò- ÁÂÏÂθ ·ÓΠ˜ÂÏ Ì‡ÔÓÎÓ‚ËÌÛ. gions of the Russian Federation. ÏÂÒÚ. —ÎÓÊËÎÒˇ ÒÚ‡·ËθÌ˚È ÍÓÎÎÂÍÚË‚, ÓÒ- Irtysh rivers; by-pass roads around 20 years, has gradually formed. Special im- ÎÛÊÂÌÌ˚È ÒÚÓËÚÂθ ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒ- ´Ã“¿ª ÔÓÒÚÓÂÌ˚: ‡‚ÚÓÏÓ·Ëθ̇ˇ ÌÓ‚Û ÍÓÚÓÓ„Ó ÒÓÒÚ‡‚Ρ˛Ú ڇ·ÌÚÎË‚˚ ÒÔÂ- Nefteyugansk and Khanty-Mansiysk. In portance is attached to improving special- ÍÓ„Ó ‡‚ÚÓÌÓÏÌÓ„Ó ÓÍÛ„‡. ‰ÓÓ„‡ ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒÍ ñ Õˇ„‡Ì¸; ‡‚ÚÓ- ACTIVITY ˆË‡ÎËÒÚ˚, ÔÓ‡·ÓÚ‡‚¯Ë ‚ ˝ÚÓÈ Ó·Î‡ÒÚË aggregate more than 100 million cubic ist qualifications and training young spe- Õ‡„‡‰˚: ω‡Î¸ Ó‰Â̇ ´«‡ Á‡Ò- The company produces the complete Ì ÏÂÌ 10 ñ 20 ÎÂÚ. ŒÒÓ·Ó ‚ÌËχÌË ۉÂ- metres of sand have been produced. cialists. ÎÛ„Ë ÔÂ‰ ŒÚ˜ÂÒÚ‚ÓϪ, Ù‡ÌˆÛÁÒ- set of hydro-mechanized works, start- ΡÂÚÒˇ ÔÓ‚˚¯ÂÌ˲ Í‚‡ÎËÙË͇ˆËË ÒÔˆˇ- Today, annual production volumes of ͇ˇ ´«ÓÎÓÚ‡ˇ ω‡Î¸ ¿ÒÒӈˇˆËË ÒÓ- ing from quarries investigation and ÎËÒÚÓ‚ Ë ÔÓ‰„ÓÚÓ‚Í ÏÓÎÓ‰˚ı ͇‰Ó‚. MTA correspond to 14-15 mln cu. m. PERSPECTIVE ‰ÂÈÒڂˡ ÔÓÏ˚¯ÎÂÌÌÓÒÚ˪ Ë Ì‡„Û‰- —Ô‡‚͇ ¬›—: finishing with reclamation of land In short term perspective the objectives are Ì˚È ÁÌ‡Í Á‡ ·Óθ¯ÓÈ ‚Í·‰ ‚ ӷ·ÒÚ¸ 628403, ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒÍËÈ ‡‚ÚÓÌÓÏ- damaged during operations; develops ПЕРСПЕКТИВЫ PRODUCTION BASE to upgrade and update the existing man- ÒÚ‡Ú„˘ÂÒÍÓ„Ó ÏẨÊÏÂÌÚ‡. À‡Û- Ì˚È ÓÍÛ„, “˛ÏÂÌÒ͇ˇ ӷ·ÒÚ¸, and introduces special technologies in “ÂıÌ˘ÂÒÍÓ ÔÂ‚ÓÓÛÊÂÌËÂ Ë Ó·ÌÓ‚- AND RESOURCES OF DEVELOPMENT agement system, introduce the ISO 9001 Â‡Ú Ì‡ˆËÓ̇θÌÓÈ ÔÂÏËË ËÏ. œÂÚ- „. —Û„ÛÚ, ÛÎ. 30 ÎÂÚ œÓ·Â‰˚, ‰. 21/1. hydraulic processes for the extreme ÎÂÌË ÒËÒÚÂÏ˚ ÛÔ‡‚ÎÂÌˡ ñ ‚̉ÂÌË MTA has a mobile fleet of 42 up-to- standard, extend the geography of opera- ‡ ¬ÂÎËÍÓ„Ó ´«‡ Á̇˜ËÚÂθÌ˚È Î˘- “ÂÎ. (3462) 24-31-21, conditions of northern Siberia, which Òڇ̉‡ÚÓ‚ »—Œ 9001. –‡Ò¯ËÂÌË „ÂÓ„- date dredges, which are constantly tions including the development of a new Ì˚È ‚Í·‰ ‚ ÓÒ‚ÓÂÌËÂ Ë ‚̉ÂÌË ÌÓ- Ù‡ÍÒ (3462) 24-31-14. are nationally and globally unique. ‡ÙËË ‡·ÓÚ ñ ÓÚÍ˚ÚË ӷ˙ÂÍÚ‡ ‚ œ‡- being improved, employs propelled and project in Paraguay based on the experi- ‚˚ı ÔÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚ı ÚÂıÌÓÎÓ„ËÈ Ì‡ E-mail: [email protected], For instance, it uses a technique for ‡„‚‡Â, „‰Â, ÔÓ ÓÔ˚ÚÛ ‡·ÓÚ˚ ‚ …ÂÏÂÌ non-propelled tankers, a bulk and dry ence accumulated in Yemen (port Salif). Ô‰ÔˡÚË˪. http: //www.mtacompany.ru excavating flood-plain quarries by (ÔÓÚ —‡ÎËÙ), Ô·ÌËÛÂÚÒˇ ̇Ï˚Ú¸ 8 ÏÎÌ cargo fleet, a large number of motor The South American project demands the

EXTERNAL ECONOMIC RELATIONS | ВНЕШНЕЭКОНОМИЧЕСКИЕ СВЯЗИ • № 3, МАРТ 2005 | ВНЕШНЕЭКОНОМИЧЕСКИЕ EXTERNAL ECONOMIC RELATIONS means of mobile facilities; the techno- ÍÛ·ÓÏÂÚÓ‚ ÔÂÒ͇. transport facilities, special equipment, treatment of 8 mln cu. m of sand 56 LARGE SCALE ECONOMICS ЭКОНОМИКА БОЛЬШОГО ФОРМАТА ЮГРА YUGRA 57

Á˘ÂÒÍË Îˈ‡. ÕÂÒÏÓÚˇ ̇ ‚˚ÒÓÍÛ˛ 80% of the telecommunication services ÍÓÌÍÛÂÌˆË˛ ‚ ÏÂÒÚÌÓÈ Ò‚ˇÁË, ÒÂϸ ËÁ in cumulative volume. ‰ÂÒˇÚË ÒÂÏÂÈ Ò‚ÂˇÌ ÔÓθÁÛ˛ÚÒˇ ÚÂ- From 1993 the largest regional ÎÂÙÓÌÓÏ ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒÍÓ„Ó ÙËΡ- telemen team has been headed by Ed- · Œ¿Œ ´”‡ÎÒ‚ˇÁ¸ËÌÙÓϪ. uard Vasilievich Lebedev, Doctor of “ÂÎÂÍÓÏÏÛÌË͇ˆËÓÌ̇ˇ ÒÂÚ¸ ’‡Ì- Economics, Honoured Communication Ú˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒÍÓ„Ó ÙËΡ· ÒÔÓÒӷ̇ Worker of the RF. In the beginning of Ó·ÂÒÔ˜ËÚ¸ Ó·ÏÂÌ Î˛·ÓÈ ËÌÙÓχˆË- the ë90s he initiated technical reequip- ÂÈ. ƒÎˇ ÊËÚÂÎÂÈ Ë Ô‰ÔˡÚËÈ ÓÍÛ- ment of the autonomous district „‡ ÔË‚˚˜Ì˚ÏË Ë ‚ÓÒÚ·ӂ‡ÌÌ˚ÏË telecommunication network based on ÒÚ‡ÎË ÛÒÎÛ„Ë ‚ˉÂÓÚÂÎÂÙÓÌËË, ËÌÚÂÎ- digital technologies. Steady partnership ÎÂÍÚۇθÌÓÈ ÒÂÚË Ò‚ˇÁË, IP-ÚÂÎÂÙÓÌËË, with Italtel, Alcatel, Nec and other ‡ ‚ ÌÂÍÓÚÓ˚ı „ÓÓ‰‡ı ñ ÏÌÓ„Ó͇̇θ- companies provided for the formation ÌÓ„Ó ˝ÙËÌÓ-͇·ÂθÌÓ„Ó ÍÓÏÏÂ˜ÂÒÍÓ- of advanced telecommunications net- „Ó ÚÂ΂ˉÂÌˡ. ¬˚ÒÚÓÂ̇ ŒÍÛÊ̇ˇ work. The company has attained and ËÌÙÓχˆËÓÌ̇ˇ ÒÂÚ¸, ÍÓÚÓ‡ˇ ÔÓÁ‚Ó- holds the leadership position among the ΡÂÚ ÓÒÛ˘ÂÒڂΡڸ ˝ÎÂÍÚÓÌÌ˚È ‰ÓÍÛ- countryís regional operators in the ÏÂÌÚÓÓ·ÓÓÚ Ì‡ ÚÂËÚÓËË ÓÍÛ„‡ Ò level of digitalisation of interconnected „Ó‡Á‰Ó ÏÂ̸¯ËÏË Á‡Ú‡Ú‡ÏË, ÌÂÊÂÎË equipment for local and federal area ÔË ËÒÔÓθÁÓ‚‡ÌËË „ÎÓ·‡Î¸ÌÓÈ ËÌÙÓ- network communications. By early Заместитель генерального χˆËÓÌÌÓÈ ÒÂÚË. 2005 the urban telephone set of the sub- ¬˚ÒÓÍÓ ͇˜ÂÒÚ‚Ó ÛÒÎÛ„ ÙËΡ· sidiary has been digitized by 100%, директора ОАО «Уралсвязьинформ», ÌÂÓ‰ÌÓÍ‡ÚÌÓ ÔÓ‰Ú‚Âʉ‡ÎÓÒ¸ ÔÂÒ- and the village telephone set by 70.5%. директор Ханты'Мансийского филиала электросвязи ÚËÊÌ˚ÏË ÓÒÒËÈÒÍËÏË Ë ÏÂʉÛ̇Ó‰- The rapidly growing demands of the Ì˚ÏË Ì‡„‡‰‡ÏË. 2004 „Ó‰ ÔËÌÂÒ ÔÓ- regional fuel and energy industry have Эдуард Васильевич ЛЕБЕДЕВ ·Â‰Û ‚ ÍÓÌÍÛÒ ÃËÌËÒÚÂÒÚ‚‡ ËÌÙÓ- predetermined the development rates for χˆËÓÌÌ˚ı ÚÂıÌÓÎÓ„ËÈ Ë Ò‚ˇÁË –‘ ‚ modern communication systems. The in- ӷ·ÒÚË Í‡˜ÂÒÚ‚‡. ◊ÂÚ˚ ÛÒÎÛ„Ë ÙË- stalled capacity of the subsidiary dial Ρ· ÓÚϘÂÌ˚ ̇„‡‰‡ÏË ÔÓ„‡Ï- central office has increased 4.8-fold Ï˚-ÍÓÌÍÛÒ‡ ´100 ÎÛ˜¯Ëı ÚÓ‚‡Ó‚ over the decade and exceeded 390 thou- –ÓÒÒË˪. sand numbers. The fixed link pack area «Уралсвязьинформ» ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒÍËÈ ÙËÎˇΠ˝ÎÂÍÚ- comprises over 350 thousand users, 90% ÓÒ‚ˇÁË Á‡ÂÍÓÏẨӂ‡Î Ò·ˇ Í‡Í ÒÓ- of which are individuals. Notwithstand- ˆË‡Î¸ÌÓ-ÓÚ‚ÂÚÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓ Ô‰ÔˡÚËÂ, ing the strong competition in the sphere ÔË ÔÓ‰‰ÂÊÍ ÍÓÚÓÓ„Ó Ú‡‰ËˆËÓÌÌÓ of local communication, 7 out of 10 Ханты'Мансийский филиал электросвязи ‡ÎËÁÛÂÚÒˇ ·Óθ¯ËÌÒÚ‚Ó Á̇˜ËÏ˚ı northern families use telephones of the ÍÛθÚÛÌ˚ı Ë ÒÔÓÚË‚Ì˚ı ÔÓÂÍÚÓ‚. Khanty-Mansiysk subsidiary of Ural- œÓ‰ Ô‡ÚÓ̇ÊÂÏ Ò‚ˇÁËÒÚÓ‚ ‡·ÓÚ‡ÂÚ svyazinform. ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒÍËÈ ‡‚ÚÓÌÓÏÌ˚È ÓÍÛ„ ‚ ̇˜‡Î 1990-ı „Ó‰Ó‚ ·˚ÎÓ Ì‡˜‡ÚÓ ÓÍÛÊ̇ˇ ‘‰Â‡ˆËˇ Î˚ÊÌ˚ı „ÓÌÓÍ, The telecommunication network of Phonevision, intelligent network, IP-

ñ fi„‡ ÔÓ ÛÓ‚Ì˛ ÚÂÎÂÙÓÌËÁ‡ˆËË ‚ıÓ- ÚÂıÌ˘ÂÒÍÓ ÔÂÂÓÒ̇˘ÂÌË ÒÂÚË Ò‚ˇ- KhantyMansiysk ÔÂÁˉÂÌÚÓÏ ÍÓÚÓÓÈ ˇ‚ΡÂÚÒˇ the Khanty-Mansiysk subsidiary can telephone services, and (in some cities) EXTERNAL ECONOMIC RELATIONS | ВНЕШНЕЭКОНОМИЧЕСКИЕ СВЯЗИ • № 3, МАРТ 2005 ‰ËÚ ‚ ÚÓÈÍÛ ÎˉÂÓ‚ ÒÂ‰Ë ÒÛ·˙ÂÍÚÓ‚ ÁË ‡‚ÚÓÌÓÏÌÓ„Ó ÓÍÛ„‡ ̇ ÓÒÌÓ‚Â ˆËÙ- ›.¬. À·‰‚. provide any information exchange. multichannel hardwire commercial tele- –ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓÈ ‘‰Â‡ˆËË. ƒÓÏËÌËÛ˛- Ó‚˚ı ÚÂıÌÓÎÓ„ËÈ. Շ·ÊÂÌÌ˚ ԇÚ- subsidiary of vision have become habitual and called ˘Ë ÔÓÁˈËË Ì‡ ÚÂÎÂÍÓÏÏÛÌË͇ˆËÓÌ- ÌÂÒÍË ÓÚÌÓ¯ÂÌˡ Ò ÍÓÏÔ‡ÌˡÏË for by regional inhabitants and compa- ÌÓÏ ˚ÌÍ „ËÓ̇ Á‡ÌËχÂÚ ’‡ÌÚ˚- ´Italtelª, ´Alcatelª, ´Necª Ë ‰. ÔÓÁ- Uralsvyazinform nies. The district information network Õ‡„‡‰˚ ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒÍÓ„Ó Ã‡ÌÒËÈÒÍËÈ ÙËÎˇΠŒ¿Œ ´”‡ÎÒ‚ˇÁ¸- ‚ÓÎËÎË ÒÙÓÏËÓ‚‡Ú¸ ÒÂÚ¸ ÒÓ‚ÂÏÂÌ- has been built to provide the region with ÙËΡ· Œ¿Œ ´”‡ÎÒ‚ˇÁ¸ËÌÙÓϪ ËÌÙÓϪ, ̇ ‰Óβ ÍÓÚÓÓ„Ó ÔËıÓ‰ËÚ- Ì˚ı ÚÂÎÂÍÓÏÏÛÌË͇ˆËÈ. œ‰ÔˡÚË Khanty-Mansi Autonomous District ñ an electronic workflow far more cost ef- Òˇ ·ÓΠ80 % ÒÛÏχÌÓ„Ó Ó·˙eχ ‚˚¯ÎÓ Ì‡ ÎˉËÛ˛˘Ë ÔÓÁˈËË ÒÂ- Yugra, is among the three leaders of ficient than the global information net- ÛÒÎÛ„ ˝ÎÂÍÚÓÒ‚ˇÁË. ‰Ë „ËÓ̇θÌ˚ı ÓÔÂ‡ÚÓÓ‚ ÒÚ‡Ì˚ the Russian Federation constituents in work can afford. — 1993 „Ó‰‡ ÍÛÔÌÂȯËÈ ‚ ÓÍÛ„Â ÔÓ ÛÓ‚Ì˛ ˆËÙÓ‚ËÁ‡ˆËË ÍÓÏÏÛÚ‡ˆË- the sphere of telephone penetration. The high quality of services rendered ÍÓÎÎÂÍÚË‚ Ò‚ˇÁËÒÚÓ‚ ‚ÓÁ„·‚ΡÂÚ ›‰Û- ÓÌÌÓ„Ó Ó·ÓÛ‰Ó‚‡Ìˡ ÏÂÒÚÌÓÈ Ë ÒËÒ- The Khanty-Mansiysk subsidiary of by the subsidiary has repeatedly been ac- ‡‰ ¬‡ÒËθ‚˘ À·‰‚, ‰ÓÍÚÓ ˝ÍÓ- ÚÂÏ ÔÂ‰‡˜ ÁÓÌÓ‚ÓÈ Ò‚ˇÁË, ÍÓÚÓ˚ Uralsvyazinform occupies the domi- knowledged by prestigious Russian and in- ÌÓÏ˘ÂÒÍËı ̇ÛÍ, «‡ÒÎÛÊÂÌÌ˚È ‡- ÒÓı‡ÌˇÂÚ ‰Ó ÒËı ÔÓ. ü ̇˜‡ÎÛ 2005 nant position on the regional telecom- ternational awards. In 2004 the subsidiary ·ÓÚÌËÍ Ò‚ˇÁË –‘. œÓ Â„Ó ËÌˈˇÚË‚Â „Ó‰‡ „ÓÓ‰Ò͇ˇ ÚÂÎÂÙÓÌ̇ˇ ÒÂÚ¸ ÙË- munication market. It accounts for won the RF Ministry of Informational Ρ· ·˚· ´ÓˆËÙÓ‚‡Ì‡ª ̇ 100 %, Technologies and Communications compe- ÒÂθÒ͇ˇ ñ ̇ 70,5 %. tition in the domain of quality. Four types —ÚÂÏËÚÂθÌÓ ‚ÓÁ‡ÒÚ‡˛˘Ë ÔÓ- of the subsidiaryís services have been —Ô‡‚͇ ¬›—: EER Reference: Ú·ÌÓÒÚË ÚÓÔÎË‚ÌÓ-˝ÌÂ„ÂÚ˘ÂÒÍÓ„Ó awarded at the programme competition œÓ˜ÚÓ‚˚È ‡‰ÂÒ: Postal address: ÍÓÏÔÎÂÍÒ‡ „ËÓ̇ Ô‰ÓÔ‰ÂÎËÎË 100 Best Goods of Russia. 628011, „. ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒÍ, 3, Kominterna St, ÚÂÏÔ˚ ÙÓÏËÓ‚‡Ìˡ ÒÓ‚ÂÏÂÌÌÓÈ The Khanty-Mansiysk telecom sub- ÛÎ. üÓÏËÌÚÂ̇, 3 Khanty-Mansiysk, 628011. ÒËÒÚÂÏ˚ Ò‚ˇÁË. ÃÓÌÚËÓ‚‡Ì̇ˇ ÂÏ- sidiary has proved to be a socially respon- “ÂÎ.: (34671) 9-10-03. Tel.: (34671) 9-10-03 ÍÓÒÚ¸ ¿“—-ÙËΡ· Á‡ ‰ÂÒˇÚËÎÂÚË sible enterprise that traditionally backs up ‘‡ÍÒ: (34671) 3-04-04. Fax: (34671) 3-04-04 Û‚Â΢Ë·Ҹ ‚ 4,8 ‡Á‡ Ë Ô‚˚ÒË· the implementation of the most significant E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] 390 Ú˚Òˇ˜ ÌÓÏÂÓ‚. ¬ ÒÂÚ¸ ÙËÍÒËÓ- cultural and sport projects. The Ski Race www.hanty.usi.ru www.hanty.usi.ru ‚‡ÌÌÓÈ Ò‚ˇÁË ‚Íβ˜ÂÌÓ ·ÓΠ350 Ú˚- Federation headed by E.V. Lebedev acts



Bus traffic monitoring purposes in СОЗДАНИЕ Ó·ÒÎÛÊË‚‡˛Ú ‚ ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒÍÓÏ ‡‚- the town of Surgut were solved by im- ƒÎˇ Ó·ÂÒÔ˜ÂÌˡ ‡Á‚ËÚˡ ‡‚ÚÓÏÓ·Ëθ- ÚÓÌÓÏÌÓÏ ÓÍÛ„Â 15 „ÓÓ‰Ó‚ Ë ·ÓΠ40 Severavtotrans plementing the ëGlonassí navigational ÌÓ„Ó Ú‡ÌÒÔÓÚ‡ Ó·˘Â„Ó ÔÓθÁÓ‚‡Ìˡ ÔÓÒÂÎÍÓ‚, ÍÓ΢ÂÒÚ‚Ó „ÓÓ‰ÒÍËı χ¯- system, the same to be introduced in ̇ Ò‚Â “˛ÏÂÌÒÍÓÈ Ó·Î‡ÒÚË ‚ 1985 „Ó- ÛÚÓ‚ ‰ÓÒÚË„ÎÓ 152, ‡ ÏÂʉۄÓÓ‰Ì˚ı FOUNDATION Nizhnevartovsk. ‰Û ÒÓÁ‰‡ÌÓ —‚ÂÓ-“˛ÏÂÌÒÍÓ„Ó ÚÂË- Ë ÔË„ÓÓ‰Ì˚ı ñ ·ÓΠ90. The Northern Tyumen Territorial Asso- The last two years have seen seen the ÚÓˇθÌÓ ӷ˙‰ËÌÂÌË ´—‚ڲÏÂ̸- √Ó‰Ó‚ÓÈ Ó·˙ÂÏ ÔÂ‚ÓÁÓÍ ÒÓÒÚ‡‚- ciation, ëSevtyumenavtotransí (later introduction of bus transportation be- ‡‚ÚÓÚ‡ÌÒª (ÔÂÓ·‡ÁÓ‚‡ÌÌÓ ‚ Œ¿Œ ΡÂÚ ·ÓΠ260 ÏÎÌ Ô‡ÒÒ‡ÊËÓ‚, ‡ Ô‡Ò- transformed into Severavtotrans) was tween the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous ´—‚Â‡‚ÚÓÚ‡ÌÒª). ¬ χ 2002 „Ó‰‡ Ò‡ÊËÓÓ·ÓÓÚ ñ 1,7 ÏÎ‰ Ô‡ÒÒ‡ÊËÓ- founded for the purpose of communal District and a number of neighbouring Œ¿Œ ´—‚Â‡‚ÚÓÚ‡ÌÒª ÂÓ„‡ÌËÁÓ‚‡- ÍËÎÓÏÂÚÓ‚. motor-service development in the North regions: Tyumen, Sverdlovsk, Omsk and ÌÓ ‚ ŒŒŒ ´—‚Â‡‚ÚÓÚ‡ÌÒª. ƒÎˇ ÍÓÌÚÓΡ Á‡ ‰‚ËÊÂÌËÂÏ ‡‚ÚÓ·Û- of the Tyumen Region in 1985. Severav- Kurgan. — 1991 „Ó‰‡ ŒŒŒ ´—‚Â‡‚ÚÓÚ‡ÌÒª ÒÓ‚ ̇ „ÓÓ‰ÒÍËı χ¯ÛÚ‡ı ‚ „ÓӉ totrans was reorganised into Severavto- According to the decision of the in- ÛÍÓ‚Ó‰ËÚ ÀÂÓÌˉ ¬ËÍÚÓӂ˘ —Í‚Ó- —Û„ÛÚ ‚̉Â̇ ̇‚Ë„‡ˆËÓÌ̇ˇ ÒËÒÚÂ- trans in May, 2002. vestment/examination board of the Khan- ÍÓ‚ÒÍËÈ ñ „ÂÌÂ‡Î¸Ì˚È ‰ËÂÍÚÓ, «‡Ò- χ ´√ÎÓ̇ÒÒª, ڇ͇ˇ Ê ÒËÒÚÂχ ‚̉- From 1991 Severavtotrans has been ty-Mansiysk Autonomous District, Sever- ÎÛÊÂÌÌ˚È ‡·ÓÚÌËÍ Ú‡ÌÒÔÓÚ‡ ’ÿŒ. ˇÂÚÒˇ Ë ‚ „ÓӉ ÕËÊÌ‚‡ÚÓ‚ÒÍÂ. managed by Leonid ViÒtorovitch SKVO- avtotrans has begun the realization of The Õ‡„‡Ê‰ÂÌ Ï‰‡Î¸˛ ´«‡ Á‡ÒÎÛ„Ë ÔÂ‰ «‡ ÔÓÒΉÌË ‰‚‡ „Ó‰‡ ·˚ÎÓ ÓÚÍ˚- RKOVSKY, general director, Honoured Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous District ŒÚ˜ÂÒÚ‚ÓϪ II ÒÚÂÔÂÌË. ÚÓ ‡‚ÚÓ·ÛÒÌÓ ÒÓÓ·˘ÂÌË ÏÂÊ‰Û ’‡ÌÚ˚- Worker of Transport, Khanty-Mansiysk transport shift to stripped gas project. ÇÌÒËÈÒÍËÏ ‡‚ÚÓÌÓÏÌ˚Ï ÓÍÛ„ÓÏ, “˛- Autonomous District. Awarded ëService to Private production facilities of Sever- ДОСТИЖЕНИЯ ÏÂÌÒÍÓÈ, —‚Â‰ÎÓ‚ÒÍÓÈ, ŒÏÒÍÓÈ Ë üÛ- Fatherlandí Medal of the 2nd degree avtotrans perform up to 60 bus overhauls œ‰ÔˡÚˡ, ‚ıÓ‰ˇ˘Ë ‚ ÒÓÒÚ‡‚ ŒŒŒ „‡ÌÒÍÓÈ Ó·Î‡ÒÚˇÏË. of different brands and modifications ´—‚Â‡‚ÚÓÚ‡ÌÒª, ̇ ÒÂ„Ó‰Ìˇ¯ÌËÈ ‰Â̸ —ӄ·ÒÌÓ ¯ÂÌ˲ ËÌ‚ÂÒÚˈËÓÌÌÓ- ACHIEVEMENTS every year. ˝ÍÒÔÂÚÌÓ„Ó —Ó‚ÂÚ‡ ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒÍÓ- The companies incorporated within „Ó ‡‚ÚÓÌÓÏÌÓ„Ó ÓÍÛ„‡ ŒŒŒ ´—‚Â‡‚- Severavtotrans LLC are now support- ÚÓÚ‡ÌÒª ÔËÒÚÛÔËÎÓ Í ‡ÎËÁ‡ˆËË ÔÓ- ing services to 15 towns and more —Ô‡‚͇ ¬›—: EER Reference: ÂÍÚ‡ ´œÂ‚Ӊ ‡‚ÚÓÏÓ·ËÎÂÈ ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌ- than 40 villages in the Khanty-Man- ¿‰ÂÒÌ˚ ÂÍ‚ËÁËÚ˚: Postal address: ÒËÈÒÍÓ„Ó ‡‚ÚÓÌÓÏÌÓ„Ó ÓÍÛ„‡ ̇ siysk Autonomous District, having 628007, „. ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒÍ, 1 Stroiteley St. ÒÊËÊÂÌÌ˚È „‡Áª. formed 152 urban and more than 90 ÛÎ. —ÚÓËÚÂÎÂÈ, 1. Khanty-Mansiysk, 628007 Õ‡ ÒÓ·ÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚ı ÔÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚ı suburban routes. “ÂÎÂÙÓÌ (34671) 2-76-55, Tel.: (34671) 27655 ÏÓ˘ÌÓÒÚˇı Ô‰ÔˡÚËÈ ŒŒŒ ´—‚Â‡‚- The annual transportation load is Ù‡ÍÒ (34671) 2-76-54. Fax: (34671) 27654 ÚÓÚ‡ÌÒª ÂÊ„ӉÌÓ ÓÒÛ˘ÂÒڂΡÂÚÒˇ ‰Ó more than 260 mln. passengers, while E-mail: [email protected] Email: [email protected] 60 ͇ÔËڇθÌ˚ı ÂÏÓÌÚÓ‚ ‡‚ÚÓ·ÛÒÓ‚ ‡Á- passenger traffic has reached 1.7 bln ΢Ì˚ı χÓÍ Ë ÏÓ‰ËÙË͇ˆËÈ. passenger kilometres. EXTERNAL ECONOMIC RELATIONS | ВНЕШНЕЭКОНОМИЧЕСКИЕ СВЯЗИ • № 3, МАРТ 2005 | ВНЕШНЕЭКОНОМИЧЕСКИЕ EXTERNAL ECONOMIC RELATIONS


¬ÂÎËÍÓÈ Ì‡ˆËÂÈ Ì‡Ò ‰Â·ÂÚ Ì ̇¯Â ·Ó„‡ÚÒÚ‚Ó, ‡ ÚÓ, Í‡Í Ï˚ Â„Ó ËÒÔÓθÁÛÂÏ. “ÂÓ‰Ó –ÛÁ‚ÂθÚ, 26-È ÔÂÁˉÂÌÚ —ÿ¿

It is not our wealth which makes us a great nation, but how we use it. Thedore Roosevelt, 26th president of the USA EXTERNAL ECONOMIC RELATIONS | ВНЕШНЕЭКОНОМИЧЕСКИЕ СВЯЗИ • № 3, МАРТ • 2005 The main decision-making body is the econo- world the of globalization With international issues, instead of the problems the of instead issues, international of economic development of the countries. Economic and social decisions within the countries have a growing impact on their ef- ëspilloverí (the partners and neighbours research international the Therefore, fect). pos- a enforce to things, other among aims, itive effect of globalization and minimize the negative effects of ëspilloverí. num- limited the for external are which lems problems the is that countries, member of ber fast-developing ëthe countries, developing of Philip- the Malaysia, (Thailand, economiesí tran- and etc.) Argentina, Singapore, pines, sient economies such as Russia and other countries of the former USSR. There is an coun- OECD the in understanding increasing more and more prosperity own their that tries depends on the welfare of these countries. ternational meetings on its basis devoted to econ- the of globalization of problems specific omy and the transition of developing coun- research This society. post-industrial to tries and these intercommunications serve as the basis for working out strategic solutions in economic and social policies. range of analytical materials. Most materi- Most materials. analytical of range There reports. or books as published are als are materials for office use accessible only members. The analyt- to the Organisationís ical materials prepared by the OECD often devel- and negotiating for basis the as serve oping financially binding decisions other international organisations. in OECD Council, which includes permanent the at countries member all of representatives rank of ambassadors and a representative of the European Union. The Council annually meets at ëthe ministerialí level (that is, with the participation of ministers of economy or foreign affairs of member countries). THE OECD AND PROBLEMS OF THE WORLD ECONOMY GLOBALIZATION my, the role of the OECD as a centre for sharing advanced economic and ëknow-howí social increases. The sponds OECD to the accelerating re- globalization processes in the following way: ïThe OECD is more and more involved in ïThe OECD looks more and more into prob- in- and research special conducts OECD ïThe Such are the obligations of the In order for discussions conducted Sessions of committees and prepara- The annual budget of the Organi- The objective of the OECD defined by growth and enhancing living standards of standards living enhancing and growth member countries with the observance of financial stability; and methods employed by member coun- tries, as well as non-member countries economic of path the along going are which development; in basis non-discriminational multilateral obligations. international with conformity OECD claimed in official terms. Howev- Organisation the of function main the er, may be defined more simply: the OECD is the place where high-ranking officials of state bodies (the so-called policy-mak- ers) may unofficially, without binding resolutions and even as individuals, dis- cuss general problems with counterparts from other countries. Thus, the value of the OECD (and its special feature) con- sists in that it is a kind of club to share advanced experience in economic and so- cial policies. This is its basic difference from other international organisations. within the framework of the Organisa- tion to be fruitful, the OECD prepares and provides its participants with a wide tion of analytical materials are arranged are materials analytical of tion by the secretariat which includes about 2,000 officers, 700 of whom belong to the general staff (mainly economists and lawyers). The secretariat incorporates 11 specialized directories, a Centre for co-operation with non-member countries of the OECD, and 6 half-independent organisations (with a separate budget and programme), among which the In- ternational Energy Agency (IEA) and International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) are most notable. sation amounts to $200 mln, 85% of which is spent on the salary of staff and advisors, 25% the is contributed by the USA, the being Japan and Germany. next contributors Article 1 of the Convention is to pursue a co-ordinated policy aimed at: ïachievement of high and stable economic ïpromotion of reasonable economic views ïdevelopment of international trade on a ŒÒÌÓ‚Ì˚Ï Ó„‡ÌÓÏ, ÔËÌËχ˛˘ËÏ ·ÓÚ˚ Œ›—– Á‡ÌËχ˛Ú Ì ‚ÓÔÓÒ˚ ˝ÍÓ- ‚ÓÔÓÒ˚ Ì Á‡ÌËχ˛Ú Œ›—– ·ÓÚ˚ ÒÚ‡Ì, ÓÚ‰ÂθÌ˚ı ‡Á‚ËÚˡ ÌÓÏ˘ÂÒÍÓ„Ó ‡ ´ÏÂÊÒÚ‡ÌÓ‚˚ª ÔÓ·ÎÂÏ˚. ›ÍÓÌÓ- Ï˘ÂÒÍËÂ Ë ÒӈˇθÌ˚ ¯ÂÌˡ, ÔË- ÌËχÂÏ˚ ÓÚ‰ÂθÌ˚ÏË ÒÚ‡Ì‡ÏË, ‚Ò Ëı ÔÓÎÓÊÂÌËË Ì‡ ÓÚ‡Ê‡˛ÚÒˇ ÒËθÌ ÒÓÒ‰ÂÈ Ë ´spilloverª). œÓ˝ÚÓÏÛ ÏÂÊÒÚ‡ÌÓ‚˚ ԇÚÌÂÓ‚ ËÒÒΉӂ‡Ìˡ ̇Ô‡‚ÎÂÌ˚ ‚ ÚÓÏ ˜ËÒΠ(˝ÙÙÂÍÚ Ì‡ ÛÒËÎÂÌË ËÒÔÓθÁÓ‚‡Ìˡ ÔÓÎÓÊË- ÚÂθÌÓ„Ó ‚ÎˡÌˡ „ÎÓ·‡ÎËÁ‡ˆËË Ë ÏË- ˝ÙÙÂÍ- ‚ÎˡÌËÈ Ì„‡ÚË‚Ì˚ı ÌËÏËÁ‡ˆË˛ Ú‡ ´spilloverª; ̇ ‚̯ÌË ‰Îˇ Ó„‡Ì˘ÂÌÌÓ„Ó ÍÛ„‡ ÒÚ‡Ì-˜ÎÂÌÓ‚ ÔÓ·ÎÂÏ˚, ÚÓ ÂÒÚ¸ ÔÓ·- ÎÂÏ˚ ‡Á‚Ë‚‡˛˘ËıÒˇ ÒÚ‡Ì, ´ÒÚ‡Ì Ò ‰Ë̇Ï˘ÌÓ ‡Á‚Ë‚‡˛˘ÂÈÒˇ ˝ÍÓÌÓÏË- ÍÓȪ (“‡Ë·̉, Ç·ÈÁˡ, ‘ËÎËÔÔË- Ì˚, —ËÌ„‡ÔÛ, ¿„ÂÌÚË̇ Ë Ú.‰.) 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ÍÓÚÓ- ‚ Œ›—–, —Ó‚ÂÚ ˇ‚ΡÂÚÒˇ ¯ÂÌˡ, ˚È ‚ıÓ‰ˇÚ ÔÓÒÚÓˇÌÌ˚ Ô‰ÒÚ‡‚ËÚÂÎË ‚ÒÂı ÒÚ‡Ì-˜ÎÂÌÓ‚ ‚ ‡Ì„ ÔÓÒÎÓ‚ –‡Á ÒÓ˛Á‡. ≈‚ÓÔÂÈÒÍÓ„Ó Ô‰ÒÚ‡‚ËÚÂθ Ë ‚ „Ó‰ —Ó‚ÂÚ ÒÓ·Ë‡ÂÚÒˇ ̇ ´ÏËÌËÒÚÂÒ- ÍÓϪ ÛÓ‚Ì (ÚÓ ÂÒÚ¸ Ò Û˜‡ÒÚËÂÏ ÏËÌË- ÒÚÓ‚ ˝ÍÓÌÓÏËÍË ËÎË ËÌÓÒÚ‡ÌÌ˚ı ‰ÂÎ ÒÚ‡Ì, ‚ıÓ‰ˇ˘Ëı ‚ Ó„‡ÌËÁ‡ˆË˛). ОЭСР И ПРОБЛЕМЫ ГЛОБАЛИЗИРУЮЩЕЙСЯ МИРОВОЙ ЭКОНОМИКИ ¬ ÒÓ‚ÂÏÂÌÌ˚ı ÛÒÎӂˡı „ÎÓ·‡ÎËÁ‡ˆËË ˝ÍÓÌÓÏËÍË Á̇˜ÂÌË Œ›—– Í‡Í ˆÂÌÚ‡ ÔÓ Ó·ÏÂÌÛ ÔÂ‰ӂ˚Ï ˝ÍÓÌÓÏ˘ÂÒÍËÏ Ë ÒӈˇθÌ˚Ï ´ÌÓÛ-ı‡Ûª ‚ÓÁ‡ÒÚ‡ÂÚ. Õ‡ ÛÒÍÓˇ˛˘ËÂÒˇ ÔÓˆÂÒÒ˚ „ÎÓ·‡ÎËÁ‡ˆËË Œ›—– Óڂ˜‡ÂÚ ÒÎÂ‰Û˛˘ËÏË ¯‡„‡ÏË: ‡- Ó·˙ÂÏ ӷ˘ÂÏ ‚ ‰Óβ ·Óθ¯Û˛ ï‚Ò ï‚Ò ·Óθ¯Â Œ›—– Ó·‡˘‡ÂÚ Ò‚ÓÈ ‚ÁÓ —– ÔÓ‚Ó‰ËÚ ÒÔˆˇθÌ˚ ËÒÒΉÓ- OECD followed the Organisation When assistance under the Mar- At present, there are 29 member for European Economic Co-operation (OEEC) in 1961. The latter co-ordi- nated American and Canadian assis- tance for European countries suffer- ing after World War II within the framework of the Marshall Plan. shall Plan was completed, governments western came to the conclusion that the accumulated potential of the OEEC would be useful for working problems to solutions joint further out of the member countries for the sake of their economic prosperity. countries in the OECD. There are no limitations to the number of member countries. In making the decision to accept a new country to the Organisa- tion, all the OECD member countries a) demonstrated: has it that agree must commitment to the principles of market economy, b) commitment to the princi- deci- The democracy. pluralistic of ples sion is adopted unanimously by Council of the OECD. the OECD in the System of International Organisations “‡ÍÓ‚˚ ˆÂÎË Œ›—–, ÔÓ‚ÓÁ„·¯‡Â- Œ›—–, ˆÂÎË “‡ÍÓ‚˚ √Ó‰Ó‚ÓÈ ·˛‰ÊÂÚ Œ„‡ÌËÁ‡ˆËË ÒÓ- ÷ÂÎË Œ›—– ÓÔ‰ÂÎÂÌ˚ ‚ ÔÂ‚ÓÈ ÏÌÓ„ÓÒÚÓÓÌÌÂÈ, ̉ËÒÍËÏË̇ˆËÓÌ- ÏÂʉÛ̇- Ò ÒÓÓÚ‚ÂÚÒÚ‚ËË ‚ ÓÒÌÓ‚Â ÌÓÈ Ó‰Ì˚ÏË Ó·ˇÁ‡ÚÂθÒÚ‚‡ÏË. ‚Á„Ρ‰Ó‚ Ë ÏÂÚÓ‰Ó‚ ‚ ÒÚ‡Ì‡ı-˜ÎÂ̇ı, ÒÚ‡Ì‡ı, Œ›—– ‚ ‚ıÓ‰ˇ˘Ëı Ì ڇÍÊ ‡ Ë‰Û˘Ëı ÔÓ ÔÛÚË ˝ÍÓÌÓÏ˘ÂÒÍÓ„Ó ‡Á- ‚ËÚˡ; ˝ÍÓÌÓÏ˘ÂÒÍÓ„Ó ÓÒÚ‡ Ë ÔÓ‚˚¯ÂÌË ÊËÁÌÂÌÌÓ„Ó ÛÓ‚Ìˇ ÒÚ‡Ì-˜ÎÂÌÓ‚ ÔË ÒÚ‡·ËθÌÓÒÚË; ÙË̇ÌÒÓ‚ÓÈ Òӷβ‰ÂÌËË ОЭСР в системе международных организаций Ï˚ ÓÙˈˇθÌ˚Ï ˇÁ˚ÍÓÏ. 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Главы МИД МЕРКОСУР одобрили создание Фонда структурной конвергенции ÃËÌËÒÚ˚ ËÌÓÒÚ‡ÌÌ˚ı ‰ÂÎ fiÊ- Ó„‡ÌËÁ‡ˆËË Ë ÍÓÏÔÂÌÒ‡ˆËË ÚÓ„Ó‚Ó- The MERCOSUR ÍÓÚÓ˚ ·Û‰ÛÚ Ì‡Ô‡‚ÎÂÌ˚ ̇ ÒÓ‚ÏÂ- ment of the Fund was an important deci- On Thursday, within the forum, ÌÓ‡ÏÂË͇ÌÒÍÓ„Ó Ó·˘Â„Ó ˚Ì͇ (Ã≈–- ˝ÍÓÌÓÏ˘ÂÒÍÓ„Ó ·‡Î‡ÌÒ‡ ‚ ‡Ï͇ı ÒÚÌ˚ ËÌ‚ÂÒÚˈËË. ¬ ÔÂ‚Û˛ Ó˜Â‰¸ sion that manifests the participantsí in- Foreign Ministers of the MERCOSUR üŒ—”–) Ó‰Ó·ËÎË ÒÓÁ‰‡ÌËÂ Ú‡Í Ì‡Á˚- Ã≈–üŒ—”–. Ministers of Foreign ÓÌË ÔÓȉÛÚ Ì‡ ‡Á‚ËÚË ÒÂθÒÍÓ„Ó ıÓ- tention to work jointly in order to over- countries conducted negotiations with ‚‡ÂÏÓ„Ó ‘Ó̉‡ ÒÚÛÍÚÛÌÓÈ ÍÓÌ‚Â„ÂÌ- ƒÓ ÍÓ̈‡ χˇ 2005 „Ó‰‡ ‚Ò ÒÚ‡- ÁˇÈÒÚ‚‡ Ë ÔÓÂÍÚ˚, Ò‚ˇÁ‡ÌÌ˚Â Ò ‡„‡- come the existing social and economic Foreign Ministers of the South African ˆËË Ì‡ Òӂ¢‡ÌËË ‚ ¡ÂÎÛ-ŒËÁÓÌÚË. Ì˚ ñ ˜ÎÂÌ˚ ˚Ì͇ ñ ¿„ÂÌÚË̇, ¡‡- Affairs approved ÌÓÈ ÂÙÓÏÓÈ ‚ ÒÚ‡Ì‡ı Ã≈–üŒ—”–. differences in the MERCOSUR countries. Customs Union and India on joint re- ÷Âθ˛ ˝ÚÓ„Ó ÙÓ̉‡ ˇ‚ΡÂÚÒˇ ÒÓ- ÁËÎˡ, œ‡‡„‚‡È Ë ”Û„‚‡È ñ ‰ÓÎÊÌ˚ establishment of the ÃËÌËÒÚ ËÌÓÒÚ‡ÌÌ˚ı ‰ÂÎ ¡‡ÁË- ëOur genuine goal is not just free duction of customs rates. As a result, Á‰‡ÌË ÙË̇ÌÒÓ‚˚ı ‡ÍÚË‚Ó‚ ‰Îˇ ´‚˚- ÒÙÓÏÛÎËÓ‚‡Ú¸ Ò‚ÓË Ô‰ÎÓÊÂÌˡ Ó ÎËË —ÂÎÒÛ ¿ÏÓËÏ Ì‡Á‚‡Î ¯ÂÌËÂ Ó trade but real integration,' said Amorim South African countries will be able to ‡‚ÌË‚‡Ìˡª ÛÓ‚ÌÂÈ ÒÚ‡Ì ñ ˜ÎÂÌÓ‚ ·˛‰ÊÂÚ ÙÓ̉‡ Ë ÓÔ‰ÂÎËÚ¸ Í‚ÓÚ˚, Fund for Structural ÒÓÁ‰‡ÌËË ÙÓ̉‡ ‚‡ÊÌ˚Ï Ë Ò‚Ë‰ÂÚÂθ- to journalists. He did not exclude influ- deliver two thousand products to the

ÒÚ‚Û˛˘ËÏ Ó Ì‡ÏÂÂÌËË Û˜‡ÒÚÌËÍÓ‚ ential structures getting involved in the MERCOSUR countries at reduced rates EXTERNAL ECONOMIC RELATIONS | ВНЕШНЕЭКОНОМИЧЕСКИЕ СВЯЗИ • № 3, МАРТ 2005 Convergence ÒÓ‚ÏÂÒÚÌÓ ‡·ÓÚ‡Ú¸ ̇‰ ÔÂÓ‰ÓÎÂÌËÂÏ Fund, such as the Inter-American Devel- from 20%, 50% and up to 100%. India ÒÛ˘ÂÒÚ‚Û˛˘Ëı ‚ ÒÚ‡Ì‡ı Ã≈–üŒ—”– opment Bank as well as national banks will be able to export 900 products at The Ministers of Foreign Affairs ÒӈˇθÌÓ-˝ÍÓÌÓÏ˘ÂÒÍËı ‡Á΢ËÈ. of social and economic development. rates from 10% to 100%. of the South American Common Mar- ´Õ‡¯‡ ËÒÚËÌ̇ˇ ˆÂθ ñ Ì ÔÓÒÚÓ ket (MERCOSUR) approved the estab- ҂ӷӉ̇ˇ ÚÓ„ӂΡ, ‡ ̇ÒÚÓˇ˘‡ˇ ËÌ- lishment of the so-called Fund of Ú„‡ˆËˇª, ñ Á‡ˇ‚ËÎ ¿ÏÓËÏ ÊÛ̇- Structural Convergence at a meeting ÎËÒÚ‡Ï. ŒÌ Ì ËÒÍβ˜ËÎ ‚ÓÁÏÓÊÌÓÒ- in Belo Horizonte. ÚË Ô˂ΘÂÌˡ Í ‡·ÓÚ ÙÓ̉‡ Ú‡ÍËı The objective of the Fund is to cre- ‚ÎˡÚÂθÌ˚ı ÒÚÛÍÚÛ, Í‡Í ÃÂʇÏÂ- ate financial assets in order to smooth Ë͇ÌÒÍËÈ ·‡ÌÍ ‡Á‚ËÚˡ, ‡ Ú‡ÍÊ ̇- the levels of member countries of the or- ˆËÓ̇θÌ˚ı ·‡ÌÍÓ‚ ÒӈˇθÌÓ-˝ÍÓÌÓ- ganisation and compensate the trade Ï˘ÂÒÍÓ„Ó ‡Á‚ËÚˡ. balance within MERCOSUR. ¬ ‡Ï͇ı ÙÓÛχ ÒÓÒÚÓˇÎËÒ¸ Ú‡Í- By the end of May 2005, all mem- Ê ÔÂ„ӂÓ˚ „·‚ ûƒ Ã≈–üŒ—”– ber countries of the market ñ Argenti- Ò ÏËÌËÒÚ‡ÏË ËÌÓÒÚ‡ÌÌ˚ı ‰ÂÎ fiÊ- na, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay ñ ÌÓ‡ÙË͇ÌÒÍÓ„Ó Ú‡ÏÓÊÂÌÌÓ„Ó ÒÓ˛Á‡ must formulate their proposals as to Ë »Ì‰ËË Ó ÒÓ‚ÏÂÒÚÌÓÏ ÒÓÍ‡˘ÂÌËË Ú‡- the budget of the Fund and determine ÏÓÊÂÌÌ˚ı Ú‡ËÙÓ‚. ¬ ËÚÓ„Â ÒÚ‡Ì˚ the quotas which will be used for joint fi„‡ ¿ÙËÍË ÒÏÓ„ÛÚ ÔÓÒÚ‡‚Ρڸ ‚ investments. In the first place, they ÒÚ‡Ì˚ Ã≈–üŒ—”– ‰‚ Ú˚Òˇ˜Ë ̇Ë- will be used for development of agri- ÏÂÌÓ‚‡ÌËÈ ÚÓ‚‡Ó‚ ÔÓ ÒÓÍ‡˘ÂÌÌ˚Ï culture and projects related to the land Ú‡ËÙ‡Ï ÓÚ 20 %, 50 Ë ‰Ó 100 %. »Ì- reforms in the MERCOSUR countries. ‰Ëˇ ÒÏÓÊÂÚ ˝ÍÒÔÓÚËÓ‚‡Ú¸ 900 ̇Ë- Selsu Amorim, Minister of Foreign ÏÂÌÓ‚‡ÌËÈ Ò‚ÓÂÈ ÔÓ‰Û͈ËË ÔÓ Ú‡Ë- Affairs of Brazil, said that the establish-

EXTERNAL ECONOMIC RELATIONS | ВНЕШНЕЭКОНОМИЧЕСКИЕ СВЯЗИ • № 3, МАРТ 2005 | ВНЕШНЕЭКОНОМИЧЕСКИЕ EXTERNAL ECONOMIC RELATIONS Ù‡Ï ÓÚ 10 ‰Ó 100 %. EXTERNAL ECONOMIC RELATIONS | ВНЕШНЕЭКОНОМИЧЕСКИЕ СВЯЗИ • № 3, МАРТ • 2005 будет интенсивной Генеральной Ассамблеи Юбилейная сессия „Ó Ê„Ӊ‡. ˆËÈ. ŒÌ ‚ÒÚÛÔËÎ ‚ ÒËÎÛ 24 ÓÍÚˇ·ˇ ÚÓ- Õ‡- Œ·˙‰ËÌÂÌÌ˚ı üÓÌÙÂÂ̈ËË ÌËË ‘‡ÌˆËÒÍÓ Ì‡ Á‡Íβ˜ËÚÂθÌÓÏ Á‡Ò‰‡- —‡Ì- ‚ „Ó‰‡ 1945 Ë˛Ìˇ 26 ÔÓ‰ÔËÒ‡Ì ·˚Î ”ÒÚ‡‚ ≈ „Ó‰Û. 1945 ‚ ÒÓÁ‰‡Ì‡ · Œ„‡ÌËÁ‡ˆËˇ Œ·˙‰ËÌÂÌÌ˚ı Õ‡ˆËÈ ·˚- ÌËÚ‡ÌÓÈ ÔÓÏÓ˘Ë. „Ûχ- ÍÓÓ‰Ë̇ˆËˇ Ë ˜ÂÎÓ‚Â͇ Ô‡‚ Ú‡ Á‡˘Ë- ‡Á‚ËÚˡ, ÛÒÚÓÈ˜Ë‚Ó„Ó ÚËÊÂÌË ÁÓÛÊÂÌËÂ, ·Ó¸·‡ Ò ÚÂÓËÁÏÓÏ, ‰ÓÒ- ‡- ÏËÂ, ‚ ·ÂÁÓÔ‡ÒÌÓÒÚË Ó·ÂÒÔ˜ÂÌË ‚ÓÔÓÒÓ‚: ¿Ò҇ϷÎÂË √ÂÌÂ‡Î¸ÌÓÈ ‰Îˇ ‰Ìˇ Ú‡ÍÊ - Ó·ÒÛʉÂÌË Ú‡‰ËˆËÓÌÌ˚ı ÊÂÌËË ÷ÂÎÂÈ “˚Òˇ˜ÂÎÂÚˡ. ¬ ÔÓ‚ÂÒÚÍ ‰ÓÒÚË- ‚ „ÓÒÛ‰‡ÒÚ‚‡ ÔÓ‰‚ËÌÛÎËÒ¸ ÍÓ ‰‡ÎÂ- Í‡Í ÔӇ̇ÎËÁËÓ‚‡Ú¸, ÒÂ¸ÂÁÌÓ Ô‰ÎÓÊËÎ ÒÂÍÂÚ‡¸ √ÂÌÂ‡Î¸Ì˚È ÏÂ ÔÓÂÙÓÏËÓ‚‡Ì˲ŒŒÕ. √ÛÔÔ‡ Ô‰ÎÓÊË· Ô‡ÍÂÚ ‡‰Ë͇θÌ˚ı ËÁ‚ÂÒÚÌÓ, ü‡Í ÔÂÂÏÂ̇Ï. Ë ‚˚ÁÓ‚‡Ï Û„ÓÁ‡Ï, ÔÓ ÛÓ‚Ìˇ ‚˚ÒÓÍÓ„Ó √ÛÔÔ˚ ÂÍÓÏẨ‡ˆËË Û˜ÚÂÚ ¿Ò҇ϷΡ ˜ÚÓ ‰Û, Ú‡¸ ŒŒÕ üÓÙË ¿ÌÌ‡Ì ‚˚‡ÁËΠ̇‰ÂÊ- ‡ˆËË Ú˚Òˇ˜ÂÎÂÚˡ. √ÂÌÂ‡Î¸Ì˚È ÒÂÍÂ- ƒÂÍ·- ÔËÌˇÚˡ ‚ÂÏÂÌË ÒÓ ‰Â·ÌÌÓÈ ÔÓ- ‡·ÓÚ˚, ÔˇÚËÎÂÚÌÂÈ ËÚÓ„Ó‚ ‰ÂÌ˲ ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ ‚‡ÊÌÓ ÏÂÒÚÓ Û‰ÂÎÂÌÓ ÔÓ‰‚Â- ¬ „Ó‰‡. 2005 ÒÂÌÚˇ·ˇ 13 ‡·ÓÚÛ Ò‚Ó˛ ̇˜ÌÂÚ ÍÓÚÓ‡ˇ ¿Ò҇ϷÎÂË, ÌÂ‡Î¸ÌÓÈ ÔÓ‚ÂÒÚ͇ ‰Ìˇ 60-È ˛·ËÎÂÈÌÓÈ ÒÂÒÒËË √Â- Ô‰‚‡ËÚÂθ̇ˇ ÓÔÛ·ÎËÍÓ‚‡Ì‡ ŒŒÕ ¬ United Nations intensive will be Assembly the General session of The Jubilee hruhy nlz te xet f the of extent the analyze thoroughly radical measurestoreformtheUN. several offered has Group is the as known, far As changes. and threats, challenges for Group Level High the of recommendations account into take will Assembly the that hope expressed UN, the of General-Secretary Annan, K. tion. Declara- Millennium the of adoption the since done been has that a work five-year of results the emphasizes document The 2005. September, 13 on start will which Assembly, General the of session jubilee 60th the of agenda preliminary The General-Secretary proposed to proposed General-Secretary The a published has Nations United The ber ofthesameyear. Nations Conference. Itcameintoforceon24Octo- United the of meeting cluding con- the at San-Francisco in 1945 June, 26 on signed was Charter Its 1945. in created ordination ofhumanitarianhelp. co- and rights human of protection ment, terrorist fighting, achieving stable develop- anti- disarmament, world, the in security of provision issues: traditional Assemblyís General the of discussion a includes also agenda The Millennium. the of Objectives the achieving in advancement countriesí The United Nations Organisation was Organisation Nations United The INSTITUTE OF SUSTAINABLE УСТОЙЧИВОГО РАЗВИТИЯ DEVELOPMENTPROBLEMS phone +7(095) ePmail: ePmail: ИНСТИТУТ ПРОБЛЕМ МЕЖДУНАРОДНЫЙ т. +7(095) 22/14, SmolenskyBlvd Смоленский бульвар [email protected] [email protected] INTERNATIONAL Россия, 22/14, оф.109 248 20 85 248 20 85 Suite 109 Moscow Москва Russia

•designing and creation of the international organisations providing formation of the international system of sustainable of system international the of formation providing organisations international the of creation and •designing international •carrying outoffundamental investigationofinteractionthe state,religiousandnationalcentresofauthority; the of creation the at directed actions public and scientific international of out carrying and •planning •information andconsultingmaintenance ofinterstatenegotiations; •development ofprogrammessustainable developmentofenterprisesandfirms; •development ofprogrammessustainable developmentofterritories; RANGE OFAPPLICATION: международной формирование обеспечивающих организаций, международных создание и •проектирование национальных и религиозных государственных, взаимодействия исследований фундаментальных •проведение создание на направленных мероприятий, общественных и научных международных проведение и •планирование •информационное иконсалтинговоеобеспечениемежгосударственныхпереговоров; •разработка программустойчивогоразвитияпредприятийифирм; •разработка программустойчивогоразвитиятерриторий; ОБЛАСТЬ ПРИМЕНЕНИЯ: development; infrastructure ofsustainabledevelopment; системы устойчивогоразвития; центров власти; международной инфраструктурыустойчивогоразвития; civilization forXXIcentury Sustainable developement thetaskofhuman на XXIвек человеческой цивилизации Устойчивое развитие–задача of philosophymanagementatalllevelsinterstate,stateandcorporate. to sustainable development of human civilization demands fundamental change countries and regions separate of development fragmentary and uneven from transition mankind, of history the in problems unprecedented of solution The утйиоу автю еоеекй иииаи, требует межгосударственном, государственномикорпоративном. – цивилизации,уровнях всех на управления человеческойфилософии изменения принципиального развитию устойчивому к скачкообразного и от фрагментарного развития отдельных регионов переход и стран задачи, человечества истории в беспрецедентной Решение 15 Ù‚‡Îˇ 2005 „Ó‰‡ ‚Â‰Û˘Ë ÊÛ- On 15 February, 2005 key jour- ̇ÎËÒÚ˚ ÒÔˆˇÎËÁËÓ‚‡ÌÌ˚ı Ë ‰ÂÎÓ‚˚ı nalists of specialized business pub- ËÁ‰‡ÌËÈ ·˚ÎË Ô˄·¯ÂÌ˚ ̇ ‚ÒÚÂ˜Û Ò lishing were invited to a meeting ÛÍÓ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚ÓÏ ÍÓÏÔ‡ÌËË ´¬Óθ‚Ó ¬ÓÒ- with the management of Volvo Vos- ÚÓͪ, ÔÓıӉ˂¯Û˛ ‚ ·ËÁÌÂÒ-ˆÂÌÚ ÓÚÂ- tok Company that was held in the Ρ ´Ã‡ËÓÚÚ-“‚ÂÒ͇ˇª. business centre of the Mariott-Tver- œÓ Ú‡‰ËˆËË Ô‰ÒÚ‡‚ËÚÂÎÂÈ —û sakya hotel. ÔË‚ÂÚÒÚ‚Ó‚‡Î √ÂÌÂ‡Î¸Ì˚È ‰ËÂÍÚÓ According to the tradition, rep- ÍÓÏÔ‡ÌËË À‡Ò üÓÌÂÎËÛÒÒÓÌ, ÍÓÚÓ˚È resentatives of the mass media ̇Á‚‡Î 2004 „Ó‰ ‰Îˇ „ÛÔÔ ÍÓÏÔ‡ÌËÈ Vol- were welcomed by Lars Cornelius- vo ÂÍÓ‰Ì˚Ï Í‡Í ‚ ÏËÓ‚ÓÏ Ï‡Ò¯Ú‡- son, Director General, who called ·Â, Ú‡Í Ë ‰Îˇ ÓÒÒËÈÒÍËı ÔÓ‰‡Á‰ÂÎÂ- 2004 a ground-breaking year for ÌËÈ Volvo, ‚ıÓ‰ˇ˘Ëı ‚ ÒÚÛÍÚÛÛ ÍÓÏ- Volvo group, both on the global Ô‡ÌËË «¿Œ ´¬Óθ‚Ó ¬ÓÒÚÓͪ. market and the Russian branches Volvo Trucks ÔÓ˜ÌÓ ‰ÂÊËÚ ÔÓÁˈËË of Volvo Vostok. ÎˉÂ‡ ÔÓ ËÏÔÓÚÛ ÚˇÊÂÎ˚ı „ÛÁÓ‚˚ı ‡‚- Volvo Trucks holds a leading ÚÓÏÓ·ËÎÂÈ. ¬ 2004 „Ó‰Û „ÛÁÓ‚ÓÈ Ô‡Í Vol- position on the market of heavy vo ‚ –ÓÒÒËË ‚ÓÁÓÒ ÔÓ˜ÚË Ì‡ 4000 ‡‚ÚÓ- trucks import. In 2004 the Volvo ÏÓ·ËÎÂÈ, 717 Ëı ÍÓÚÓ˚ı ñ ÌÓ‚˚Â. truck park in Russia increased by Õ‡ ‚ÒÚÂ˜Â Ò Ô‰ÒÚ‡‚ËÚÂΡÏË —û 4,000 vehicles, of which 717 were ÛÍÓ‚Ó‰ËÚÂÎË ÓÚ‰ÂÎÓ‚ ÒÂ‚ËÒ‡ Ë Á‡Ô‡Ò- new-made. «Вольво Восток» Ì˚ı ˜‡ÒÚÂÈ ’ÓÍ‡Ì ’‡ÚÏ‡Ì Ë Ã‡ÚËÌ During the meeting with the ›ËÍÒÒÓÌ Ò‰Â·ÎË ‡ÍˆÂÌÚ Ì‡ ‚‡ÊÌÓÒÚË representatives of the mass media ‰‡Î¸ÌÂÈ¯Â„Ó ‡Ò¯ËÂÌˡ ÒÂ‚ËÒÌÓÈ ÒÂÚË Hokan Hartman, head of the serv- Volvo ‚ –ÓÒÒËË Ë ÏÓ‰ÂÌËÁ‡ˆËË Òڇ̈ËË ice department, and Martin Erics- 11 Gzen river bank ‰Ó ‰ËÌ˚ı Á‡Ô‡‰ÌÓ‚ÓÔÂÈÒÍËı Òڇ̉‡- son, head of the spare parts depart- Volvo Vostok Velikiy Novgorod 173003 ÚÓ‚. ¬ 2005 „Ó‰Û Ô·ÌËÛÂÚÒˇ ÓÚÍ˚- ment, emphasised the importance of Адреса и телефоны tel: +7-8162 115181, ÚË ˜ÂÚ˚Âı —“Œ, Ӊ̇ ËÁ ÍÓÚÓ˚ı ñ the further Volvo network exten- fax: +7-8162 115182. ‚ —‡ÌÍÚ-œÂÚÂ·Û„ ñ ·Û‰ÂÚ ÒÓ·ÒÚ‚ÂÌ- sion in Russia and on the update Addresses Ì˚Ï ÚÂıˆÂÌÚÓÏ Volvo. of the shop to meet Western Euro- представительств office 311, 86 Krasni Avenue, ¬ Ò‚ÓÂÏ ‚˚ÒÚÛÔÎÂÌËË ‰ËÂÍÚÓ ÔÓ pean standards. In 2005 it is and telephones Novosibirsk 630049 ÔÓ‰‡Ê‡Ï VTC ü‡ÂÎ √Â̇Ú ÓÒÚ‡ÌÓ- planned to launch four technical tel: +7-3832-276247, ‚ËÎÒˇ ̇ ‰ÂˇÚÂθÌÓÒÚË Á‡‚Ó‰‡ Volvo ‚ «Â- support stations, one of which, in МОСКВА НОВОСИБИРСК of representatives fax: +7-3832-276248. ÎÂÌÓ„‡‰Â (‡‰ÂÒ: ÃÓÒÍ‚‡, «ÂÎÂÌÓ„‡‰, 3-È Saint Petersburg, will be the spe- 141407, ÃÓÒÍÓ‚Ò͇ˇ ӷ·ÒÚ¸, 630049, ü‡ÒÌ˚È Ô., 86, «‡Ô‡‰Ì˚È ÔÓÂÁ‰, ‰. 8, ÚÂÎ. (095) 944 cialized tehcnical centre of Volvo. „. ’ËÏÍË, ÛÎ. œ‡ÌÙËÎÓ‚‡, ‚Î. 19, ÓÙËÒ 311, 81 Sotsialisticheskaya St. 6940). Œ·˙ÂÏ ‚˚ÔÛÒ͇ÂÏÓÈ ÔÓ‰Û͈ËË ‚ In his speech Carel Gernart, VTC ÚÂÎ.: +7-095-961 1030, ÚÂÎ.: +7-3832-276247, bldg. 19, Panfilova st., Khimki, Rostov-na-Donu 344002 2004 „Ó‰Û ñ 210 „ÛÁÓ‚˚ı ‡‚ÚÓÏÓ·ËÎÂÈ Sales Director, itemised the Volvo plant Ù‡ÍÒ: +7-095-961 1032. Ù‡ÍÒ: +7-3832-276248. Moscow region 141407 tel: +7-863 2999299, Volvo. ¡˚Î ÔÓÎÛ˜ÂÌ ÒÂÚËÙËÍ‡Ú —ËÒÚÂ- activity in Zelenograd. (8 Third West- САНКТПЕТЕРБУРГ РОСТОВНАДОНУ tel.: +7-095-961 1030, fax: +7-863 2999243. Ï˚ ÛÔ‡‚ÎÂÌˡ ͇˜ÂÒÚ‚ÓÏ ÔÓ Òڇ̉‡Ú‡Ï ern Access Way, Zelenograd, Moscow. 119004, ¬.Œ., 4-ˇ ÎËÌˡ, 13, 344002, ÛÎ. —ӈˇÎËÒÚ˘ÂÒ͇ˇ, 81, fax: +7-095-961 1032. ISO 9001: 2000. ¬ Ô·̇ı ̇ 2005 „Ó‰ ñ Tel. (095) 944 6940). The output in ÚÂÎ.: +7-812-3273322, ÚÂÎ.: +7-863 2999299, office 411, 18 Muraveva-Amurski St. ‰‚ÓÈÌÓ ۂÂ΢ÂÌË ӷ˙ÂÏÓ‚ ‚˚ÔÛÒ͇ÂÏÓÈ 2004 totaled 210 trucks. The company Ù‡ÍÒ: +7-812-3273426. Ù‡ÍÒ: +7-863 2999243. 13, 4th line, Vasilevski island, Khabarovsk 680000 ÔÓ‰Û͈ËË Ë ÔÓÎÛ˜ÂÌË ÒÂÚËÙË͇ڇ ÔÓ received the ISO 9001 quality manage- Saint Petersburg 119004 tel: +7 4212 306005, ISO 14000 (Óı‡Ì‡ ÓÍÛʇ˛˘ÂÈ Ò‰˚). ment certificate in 2000. In 2005 it is НИЖНИЙ НОВГОРОД ХАБАРОВСК tel: +7-812-3273322, fax: +7 4212 328140. ¬Ó ‚ÂÏˇ ‚ÒÚÂ˜Ë ‡ÍˆÂÌÚËÓ‚‡ÎÓÒ¸ planned to double the output and re- 603000, ÛÎ. ÇÒΡÍÓ‚‡, 5 ÓÙËÒ 49, 680000, ÛÎ. ÃÛ‡‚¸Â‚‡-¿ÏÛÒÍÓ„Ó, 18, fax: +7-812-3273426. Ô‰ÎÓÊÂÌË VTC, ÍÓÚÓÓ ‰ÂÈÒÚ‚ÛÂÚ Ò ceive the ISO 14000 certificate (envi- ÚÂÎ.: +7-8312-341800, ÓÙËÒ 411, ÍÓ̈‡ 2004 „Ó‰‡ Ë Ì‡Á˚‚‡ÂÚÒˇ ´–≈√»- ronmental protection). Ù‡ÍÒ: +7-8312-342290. ÚÂÎ.: +7 4212 306005, office 49, 5 Maslyakova St. Volvo ŒÕª. ›ÚÓ ÍÓÏÔÎÂÍÒÌÓ Ú‡ÌÒÔÓÚÌÓ Â- During the meeting special atten- Ù‡ÍÒ: +7 4212 328140. КАЛИНИНГРАД Nizhniy Novgorod, 603000 Training ¯ÂÌË ‰Îˇ ‚ÌÛÚËÓÒÒËÈÒÍËı ÔÂ‚ÓÁ˜Ë- tion was also paid to the VTC ëRE- 238310, ÛÎ. ◊ÂÌˇıÓ‚ÒÍÓ„Ó, 6, tel: +7-8312-341800, ÍÓ‚. ŒÌÓ ‚Íβ˜‡ÂÚ ‚ Ò·ˇ, ÔÓÏËÏÓ ‡‚ÚÓ- GIONí offer, which started at the end ÚÂÎ.: +7-0112-434411, Учебный центр fax: +7-8312-342290. Centre ÏÓ·ËΡ Volvo FM12 4x2, ÍÓÏÔÎÂÍÚ‡ˆËˇ of 2000. This is a complex transporta- Ù‡ÍÒ: +7-0112-436021. ÍÓÚÓÓ„Ó ÔÓ‰·Ë‡Î‡Ò¸, Û˜ËÚ˚‚‡ˇ ÔÓÚ·- tion algorithm for Russian carriers, 6 Chernyakhovski St. Office block 36, ÌÓÒÚË ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓ„Ó ˚Ì͇, ÎËÁËÌ„Ó‚˚ ÛÒ- which, in addition to Volvo FM12 4x2 ЕКАТЕРИНБУРГ Volvo Kaliningrad 238310 3 Vasiliy Petushkov St. ÎÛ„Ë, ÒÚ‡ıÓ‚‡ÌËÂ Ë ‚˚„Ó‰Ì˚ ÛÒÎӂˡ ÔÓ vehicle specialized for the Russian 620026, ÛÎ. üÛÈ·˚¯Â‚‡, 44, ÓÙËÒ 702, 123373, ÃÓÒÍ‚‡, tel: +7-0112-434411, Moscow 123373 ÒÂ‚ËÒÌÓÏÛ Ó·ÒÎÛÊË‚‡Ì˲ ̇ β·ÓÈ ÒÂ- market, includes leasing services, in- ÚÂÎ.: +7-343-3596155, ÛÎ. ¬‡ÒËÎˡ œÂÚÛ¯ÍÓ‚‡, 3, ¿ü36, fax: +7-0112-436021. tel: +7-095-491 9720, 490 2511, ‚ËÒÌÓÈ Òڇ̈ËË Volvo ‚ –ÓÒÒËË. surance and maintenance at any Russ- Ù‡ÍÒ: +7-343-3596165. ÚÂÎ.: +7-095-491 9720, 490 2511, fax: +7-095-491 9841. ¬ Á‡Íβ˜ÂÌË ‚ÒÚÂ˜Ë ·˚Î ‰‡Ì ‡ÌÓÌÒ ian Volvo service station. Finally, Ù‡ÍÒ: +7-095-491 9841. ВЕЛИКИЙ НОВГОРОД office 702, 44 Kuybishev St. ÓÒÌÓ‚ÌÓ„Ó ÒÔÓÌÒÓÒÍÓ„Ó ÔÓÂÍÚ‡ ÍÓÌ- there was an announcement of the 173003, ̇·. . √ÁÂ̸, ‰. 11, E-mail: [email protected] Ekaterenburg 620026 E-mail: [email protected] ˆÂ̇ Volvo ñ „‡Ú˚ ̇ ˇıÚ‡ı Volvo basic Volvo sponsor project ñ Volvo ÚÂÎ.: +7-8162 115181, Internet: www.volvotrucks.ru, tel: +7-343-3596155, Internet: www.volvotrucks.ru, Ocean Race, ÒÚ‡Ú ÍÓÚÓÓÈ ·Û‰ÂÚ ‰‡Ì Ocean Race yacht racing, which is to Ù‡ÍÒ: +7-8162 115182. www.volvorussia.ru fax: +7-343-3596165. www.volvorussia.ru ‚ 2005 „Ó‰Û. be started in 2005. vironemntal issues. Volvo Vostok Im- porting Company was set up in 1998. Итоги 2004 года, Its basic types of activity include: sales of (new-made and used) equipment and Volvo spare parts, marketing services. Subdivisions of Volvo Vostok in- в фокусе – 2005 год clude: Volvo trucks; Volvo automo- biles; Volvo construction equipment; technical support unit; spare parts cen- tre; administrative department; Volvo vo ‰‡‚ÌÓ Î˛·ËÏ˚ ‚Ó‰ËÚÂΡÏË Ë ÍÛÔ- training centre. Ì˚ı, Ë Ì·Óθ¯Ëı ÍÓÏÔ‡ÌËÈ. ¬˚ÒÓÍÓ ͇˜ÂÒÚ‚Ó, ·ÂÁÓÔ‡ÒÌÓÒÚ¸ Ë ˝ÍÓÎӄ˘- Volvo Vostok: VOLVO VOSTOK ÌÓÒÚ¸ ñ ÓÒÌÓ‚Ì˚ ÔÂËÏÛ˘ÂÒÚ‚‡ „Û- PRODUCTS ÁÓ‚ËÍÓ‚ Volvo. results Today Volvo offers a wide range of Volvo FL, „ÛÁÓ‚ÓÈ ‡‚ÚÓÏÓ·Ëθ products for all spheres of transporta- Ò‰ÌÂ„Ó Í·ÒÒ‡, ‰Â·˛ÚËÓ‚‡Î ̇ ÓÒ- of 2004, tion services. Volvo trucks have for a ÒËÈÒÍÓÏ ˚ÌÍ ‚ 2000 „Ó‰Û. ¬˚ÒÓ͇ˇ long time been appreciated by the driv- ˝ÙÙÂÍÚË‚ÌÓÒÚ¸, ÌËÁÍË ˝ÍÒÔÎÛ‡Ú‡ˆËÓÌ- ers of both large-scale and small-scale Ì˚ ‡ÒıÓ‰˚, ‚ÂÎËÍÓÎÂÔÌ˚ ÛÒÎӂˡ focus companies. High quality, security and ÚÛ‰‡ ‰Îˇ ‚Ó‰ËÚÂΡ Ò‰Â·ÎË Â„Ó ÔÓÔÛ- environmental safety are the basic ad- ΡÌ˚Ï. ÕÓ‚Ó ÒÂÏÂÈÒÚ‚Ó Volvo FH/FM on 2005 vantages of Volvo trucks. ·˚ÎÓ Ô‰ÒÚ‡‚ÎÂÌÓ ÓÒÒËÈÒÍËÏ ÔÂÂ- Volvo FL, a medium class truck, ‚ÓÁ˜ËÍ‡Ï ‚ ‡ÔÂΠ2002 „Ó‰‡ Ë Ò‡ÁÛ Volvo is one of the most presti- first appeared on the Russian market in Ê Á‡ÌˇÎÓ ‚ÂÒÓÏÛ˛ ‰Óβ ˚Ì͇ ÚˇÊÂ- gious world brands. It symbolizes 2000. High efficiency, low operating Î˚ı „ÛÁÓ‚ËÍÓ‚. ◊ÚÓ·˚ ÓÔÂ‡ÚË‚ÌÓ Â- high quality, safety and care for en- costs, and good working conditions for ‡„ËÓ‚‡Ú¸ ̇ ‚Ò ‚ÓÁ‡ÒÚ‡˛˘ËÈ ÒÔÓÒ, drivers made it very popular. The Ò ˇÌ‚‡ˇ 2003 „Ó‰‡ „ÛÁÓ‚˚ ‡‚ÚÓÏÓ·Ë- Volvo FH/FM family was presented to ÎË Volvo FH/FM ÔÓËÁ‚Ó‰ˇÚÒˇ ̇ Ò·Ó- Russian transporters in April 2002 and Ó˜ÌÓÏ Á‡‚Ӊ ‚ «ÂÎÂÌÓ„‡‰Â. œÓ ËÚÓ- occupied a significant share of the „‡Ï ÂÊ„ӉÌÓ„Ó ÊÛ̇ÎËÒÚÒÍÓ„Ó ÍÓÌ- heavy trucks market. For the quickest ÍÛÒ‡ ÒÂÏÂÈÒÚ‚Ó Volvo FH/FM ÔÓÎÛ˜Ë- response to growing demands, Volvo ÎÓ ÚËÚÛÎ ´ÀÛ˜¯Ë Á‡Û·ÂÊÌ˚ FH/FM trucks have been produced in ÍÓÏÏÂ˜ÂÒÍË ‡‚ÚÓÏÓ·ËÎË ‚ –ÓÒÒËË ‚ an assembly plant in Zelenograd from Генеральный директор 2003 „Ó‰Ûª. January 2003. According to the results ЗАО «Вольво Восток» ÕÓ‚˚È ‡‚ÚÓÏÓ·Ëθ Volvo FH16 ñ of the annual journalist competition, Ò‡Ï˚È ÏÓ˘Ì˚È „ÛÁÓ‚ËÍ ËÁ ‚ÒÂı ÍÓ„- the Volvo FH/FM family was awarded Ларс КОРНЕЛИУССОН ‰‡-ÎË·Ó ‚˚ÔÛÒ͇‚¯ËıÒˇ ÍÓÏÔ‡ÌËÂÈ Vol- the title of the Best Foreign Commer- vo Trucks. Œ·Î‡‰‡ˇ ÌÓ‚˚Ï 16-ÎËÚÓ‚˚Ï cial Cars in Russia in 2003. ‰‚Ë„‡ÚÂÎÂÏ, ‡Á‚Ë‚‡˛˘ËÏ ÏÓ˘ÌÓÒÚ¸ The new Volvo FH16 car is the Volvo ñ Ӊ̇ ËÁ Ò‡Ï˚ı ÔÂÒÚËÊÌ˚ı 610 Î.Ò., ÓÌ Ô‰̇Á̇˜ÂÌ ‰Îˇ ¯ÂÌˡ most powerful truck ever produced by ÏËÓ‚˚ı ÚÓ„Ó‚˚ı χÓÍ. ŒÌ‡ ÒËÏ‚Ó- ̇˷ÓΠÒÎÓÊÌ˚ı Á‡‰‡˜. Volvo. It has a new 16 litre engine ÎËÁËÛÂÚ ·ÂÁÛÔ˜ÌÓ ͇˜ÂÒÚ‚Ó, ·ÂÁÓ- with a capacity of up to 610 horse Ô‡ÒÌÓÒÚ¸ Ë ‚ÌËχÌËÂ Í ÔÓ·ÎÂÏ‡Ï Á‡- ЗАВОД power and is able to solve the most dif- ˘ËÚ˚ ÓÍÛʇ˛˘ÂÈ Ò‰˚. «ВТСЗЕЛЕНОГРАД» ficult problems. üÓÏÔ‡Ìˡ-ËÏÔÓÚÂ «¿Œ ´¬Óθ‚Ó Volvo Truck Corporation Òڇ· ÔÂ- ¬ÓÒÚÓͪ ÒÓÁ‰‡Ì‡ ‚ 1998 „Ó‰Û. ŒÒÌÓ‚- ‚˚Ï Á‡Ô‡‰Ì˚Ï ÔÓËÁ‚Ó‰ËÚÂÎÂÏ „ÛÁÓ‚˚ı VTS ZELENOGRAD Ì˚ ‚ˉ˚ ‰ÂˇÚÂθÌÓÒÚË: ÚÓ„ӂΡ Ó·Ó- ‡‚ÚÓÏÓ·ËÎÂÈ, ÍÓÚÓ˚È Ì‡˜‡Î ÔÓËÁ‚Ó‰- PLANT Û‰Ó‚‡ÌËÂÏ (ÌÓ‚˚Ï Ë ·˚‚¯ËÏ ‚ ˝ÍÒÔÎÛ- ÒÚ‚Ó ‚ –ÓÒÒËË ÔÓ‰ Ò‚ÓÂÈ Ï‡ÍÓÈ. œÓËÁ- Volvo Truck Corporation was the first ‡Ú‡ˆËË) Ë Á‡Ô‡ÒÌ˚ÏË ˜‡ÒÚˇÏË Volvo, ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚ÂÌ̇ˇ ÏÓ˘ÌÓÒÚ¸ Ô‰ÔˡÚˡ ̇ Western producer of cars, which start- χÍÂÚËÌ„Ó‚˚ ÛÒÎÛ„Ë. ̇˜‡Î¸ÌÓÏ ˝Ú‡Ô ñ 200ñ300 „ÛÁÓ‚ËÍÓ‚ ed production in Russia under its own œÓ‰‡Á‰ÂÎÂÌˡ «¿Œ ´¬Óθ‚Ó ¬ÓÒ- ‰Îˇ ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓ„Ó ˚Ì͇. brand. The capacity of the enterprise ÚÓͪ: „ÛÁÓ‚˚ ‡‚ÚÓÏÓ·ËÎË Volvo; ‡‚- —ÓÁ‰‡ÌË ÌÓ‚Ó„Ó Ô‰ÔˡÚˡ ˇ‚Ë- totaled 200-300 trucks for the Russian ÚÓ·ÛÒ˚ Volvo; ÒÚÓËÚÂθÌÓ ӷÓÛ‰Ó- ÎÓÒ¸ ÂÁÛθڇÚÓÏ ÒÓ‚ÏÂÒÚÌÓ„Ó ÔÓÂÍÚ‡ market. The setup of the new enterprise ‚‡ÌË Volvo; ÓÚ‰ÂÎ ÚÂıÌ˘ÂÒÍÓ„Ó Ó·- Ò ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓÈ ÍÓÏÔ‡ÌËÂÈ ´¿‘ü —ËÒÚÂ- was the result of a joint project imple- ÒÎÛÊË‚‡Ìˡ; ÓÚ‰ÂÎ Á‡Ô‡ÒÌ˚ı ˜‡ÒÚÂÈ; χª. ÕÓ‚˚È Á‡‚Ó‰ ‚ «ÂÎÂÌÓ„‡‰Â, ‚ —Â- mented with the Russian Company FAL ‡‰ÏËÌËÒÚ‡ÚË‚ÌÓ-ıÓÁˇÈÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚È ÓÚ‰ÂÎ; ‚ÂÌÓÏ ÓÍÛ„Â ÒÚÓÎˈ˚, ÒڇΠ‚‡ÊÌ˚Ï Sistema. The new plant in Zelenograd, ۘ·Ì˚È ˆÂÌÚ Volvo. Á‚ÂÌÓÏ ‚ ‰ÂΠ̇ÔÓÎÌÂÌˡ ‡ÒÚÛ˘Â„Ó to the North of the capital, played an ˚Ì͇ ÒÓ‚ÂÏÂÌÌ˚ı ÚˇÊÂÎ˚ı „ÛÁÓ‚Ë- important role in satisfaction of the ПРОДУКЦИЯ ÍÓ‚. œÂ‚˚ χ¯ËÌÓÍÓÏÔÎÂÍÚ˚ ·˚ÎË growing demand for heavy trucks. ЗАО «ВОЛЬВО ВОСТОК» ‰ÓÒÚ‡‚ÎÂÌ˚ ‚ «ÂÎÂÌÓ„‡‰ ‚ ‰Â͇· 2002 The first machinery sets were deliv- ¬ ̇ÒÚÓˇ˘Â ‚ÂÏˇ Volvo Ô‰·- „Ó‰‡. —·Ó͇ „ÛÁÓ‚˚ı ‡‚ÚÓÏÓ·ËÎÂÈ ËÁ ered to Zelenograd in December 2002. „‡ÂÚ ¯ËÓÍÛ˛ „‡ÏÏÛ ÔÓ‰Û͈ËË, Óı‚‡- χ¯ËÌÓÍÓÏÔÎÂÍÚÓ‚ Ò ËÒÔÓθÁÓ‚‡ÌËÂÏ The assembly of trucks with the use of Ú˚‚‡˛˘Û˛ ‚Ò ÒÙÂ˚ Ú‡ÌÒÔÓÚÌÓ„Ó ÔÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓÈ ÒıÂÏ˚ CKD ̇˜‡Î‡Ò¸ the CKD production scheme started in



ÚÂÌˡ Ë ÔÓ‰‚ËÊÂÌˡ ‚Â‰Û˘Ëı ÒÔ‡‚Ó˜- ÌÓ-ËÌÙÓχˆËÓÌÌ˚ı ËÁ‰‡ÌËÈ ÒÚ‡Ì˚. ´¬›—ª: ¬ ˜ÂÏ Á‡Íβ˜‡ÂÚÒˇ ÏËÒÒˡ ‚‡¯ÂÈ ÍÓÏÔ‡ÌËË? ñ ¡ËÁÌÂÒ-ÏËÒÒˡ ÍÓÏÔ‡ÌËË: ÒÓ‰Ë- «Эниро Рус – М» ÌˇÚ¸ ÔÓÍÛÔ‡ÚÂÎÂÈ Ë ÔÓ‰‡‚ˆÓ‚, Ô‰ÓÒ- Ú‡‚Ρˇ ËÏ ËÌÙÓχˆË˛, ӷ΄˜‡ˇ ÔÓ- ˆÂÒÒ ÔÓËÒ͇ ‰Û„ ‰Û„‡. ´¬›—ª: –‡ÒÒ͇ÊËÚÂ, ÔÓʇÎÛÈÒÚ‡, Ó ÔÓ‰ÛÍÚ‡ı, ‚˚ÔÛÒ͇ÂÏ˚ı ÍÓ̈ÂÌÓÏ. Eniro RusM ñ —Ô‡‚Ó˜ÌËÍ ´∆ÂÎÚ˚ —Ú‡Ìˈ˚ ÃÓÒÍ‚‡ª, ÎˉÂ ÏÓÒÍÓ‚ÒÍÓ„Ó ˚Ì͇, ˇ‚Ρ- Interview of Eniro Rus-M, Director ÂÚÒˇ ‚Â‰Û˘ËÏ ÔÓ‰ÛÍÚÓÏ ÍÓÏÔ‡ÌËË. ›ÚÓÚ Alexander Anatolyevich SMOLIN ÛÌË‚Â҇θÌ˚È ÒÔ‡‚Ó˜ÌËÍ (Business to Busi- with External Economic Relations ness and Business to Individual) Ô‰ÓÒÚ‡‚Ρ- EER: Alexander Anatolyevich, ÂÚ ËÌÙÓχˆË˛ Ó ÔÓ‰Û͈ËË Ë ÛÒÎÛ„‡ı could you tell us about the history of Ô‰ÔˡÚËÈ Ë Ó„‡ÌËÁ‡ˆËÈ ‰‡ÌÌÓ„Ó „ËÓ̇. the concernís setup, the year and the ¬ ̇ÒÚÓˇ˘ÂÏ ËÁ‰‡ÌËË ÒÓ‰ÂÊËÚÒˇ place that the first telephone guide- 200 000 ‰ËÌˈ ËÌÙÓχˆËË Ó· Ó„‡ÌË- book was issued? Á‡ˆËˇı Ë Ô‰ÔˡÚˡı ÃÓÒÍ‚˚ Ë ÃÓÒ- ñ Eniro International Concern is ÍÓ‚ÒÍÓÈ Ó·Î‡ÒÚË. one of the European leaders in the —Ô‡‚Ó˜ÌËÍ ‚˚ıÓ‰ËÚ ÚË‡ÊÓÏ sphere of the information business. The 250 000 Ô˜‡ÚÌ˚ı Ë ˝ÎÂÍÚÓÌÌ˚ı ‚ÂÒËÈ. companyís goods are issued in the form Œ·ÌÓ‚ÎÂÌË Ô˜‡ÚÌÓÈ ‚ÂÒËË ÒÔ‡‚Ó˜ÌË- of printed and electronic universal and ͇ ÔÓËÒıÓ‰ËÚ Ó‰ËÌ ‡Á ‚ „Ó‰, ‚ÂÒËË Ì‡ business reference books. The Eniro CD-Rom ñ ÂÊÂÍ‚‡ڇθÌÓ. concern has more than a 100-years of œÂ˜‡ÚÌ˚È ÒÔ‡‚Ó˜ÌËÍ ÔÓ‰‰ÂÊË‚‡ÂÚ- work experience. Abonent, the first tele- Òˇ ÛÌË͇θÌ˚Ï ËÌÚÂÌÂÚ-ÂÒÛÒÓÏ phone guidebook, was published in Swe- www.yellowpages.ru, ÒÓ‰Âʇ˘ËÏ ÓÍÓÎÓ den back in 1889. The company extend- 750 000 ‰ËÌˈ ËÌÙÓχˆËË Ë Ó·‡·‡Ú˚- ed the geographical boundaries of its ac- ‚‡˛˘ËÏ ·ÓΠ200 000 Á‡ÔÓÒÓ‚ ‚ ‰Â̸. tivity and gradually appeared on the —‡Ï˚Ï ÔÂÒÔÂÍÚË‚Ì˚Ï Ô˜‡ÚÌ˚Ï ËÁ- markets of Scandinavia, France, Hol- ‰‡ÌËÂÏ ÍÓÏÔ‡ÌËË ˇ‚ΡÂÚÒˇ ·ËÁÌÂÒ-ÒÔ‡- land, Austria, Poland, the Baltic coun- ‚Ó˜ÌËÍ ´›ÌËÓ Õ‡‚Ë„‡ÚÓª; ËÌÙÓχˆËˇ tries and Eastern Europe. Today the ‚ ÒÔ‡‚Ó˜ÌËÍ Ô‰ÒÚ‡‚ÎÂ̇ ·ÓΠ˜ÂÏ ‚ Eniro concern has representative offices ¯ÂÒÚËÒÚ‡ı Û·Ë͇ı, ÚË‡Ê ÒÔ‡‚Ó˜ÌË͇ in 18 countries of Europe. In 2004 we ÒÓÒÚ‡‚ΡÂÚ 150 000 ˝ÍÁÂÏÔΡÓ‚ ‚ „Ó‰. published more than 700 information ƒÎˇ Ô˜‡ÚÌÓÈ ‚ÂÒËË Í‡Ú‡ÎÓ„‡ ÓÚ·Ë‡˛Ú- bulletins with a total circulation of 27 Òˇ 80 000 Ó„‡ÌËÁ‡ˆËÈ Ë Ô‰ÔˡÚËÈ, Á‡- million copies, while the number of in- ËÌÚÂÂÒÓ‚‡ÌÌ˚ı ‚ „ËÓ̇θÌÓÏ Ë ÏÂÊ- dividual visitors to the Eniro resources ‰Û̇Ó‰ÌÓÏ ‡Á‚ËÚËË Ò‚ÓÂ„Ó ·ËÁÌÂÒ‡. came to over 150 million. The Eniro ´ENIRO üŒÕ“¿ü“!ª ñ ÛÌË‚Â҇θ- concern came on the Russian market in Ì˚È ÚÂÎÂÙÓÌÌ˚È ÒÔ‡‚Ó˜ÌËÍ ÔÓ Í‡Ê‰Ó- 1999 by way of purchasing and promot- ÏÛ ËÁ Ô‰ÒÚ‡‚ÎÂÌÌ˚ı „ËÓÌÓ‚: ´üŒÕ- terprises. The circulation of the refer- ëCONTACT! Saint Petersburgí, ing the leading reference and informa- “¿ü“! —‡ÌÍÚ-œÂÚÂ·Û„ª, ´üŒÕ“¿ü“! ence book is 250,000 printed and elec- ëCONTACT! Nizhniy Novgorodí, Директор ООО «Эниро Рус – М» tion publications of the country. ÕËÊÌËÈ ÕÓ‚„ÓÓ‰ª, ´üŒÕ“¿ü“! —‡- tronic copies. The printed version is re- ëCONTACT! Samaraí, ëCONTACT! To- Александр Анатольевич EER: What is the mission of your χ‡ª, ´üŒÕ“¿ü“! “ÓθˇÚÚ˪, ´üŒÕ- done once a year, and the CD-Rom liattií, ëCONTACT! Saratoví, ëCON- СМОЛИН company? “¿ü“! —‡‡ÚÓ‚ª, ´üŒÕ“¿ü“! ”θˇ- once a quarter. TACT! Ulyanovskí, ëCONTACT! Eka- ñ The business mission of the com- ÌÓ‚Òͪ, ´üŒÕ“¿ü“! ≈͇ÚÂËÌ·Û„ª, The printed version is supported by terinburgí, ëCONTACT! Kazaní pany is to unite the buyers and the sell- ´üŒÕ“¿ü“! ü‡Á‡Ì¸ª. a unique Internet resource, www.yel- EER: What resources are used by »ÌÚÂ‚¸˛ ‰ËÂÍÚÓ‡ ŒŒŒ ´›ÌËÓ –ÛÒ ñ ‚ ÿ‚ˆËË ‚ 1889 „Ó‰Û. –‡Ò¯Ëˇˇ „ÂÓ„‡ÙË- ers and provide them with the informa- ´¬›—ª: ü‡ÍË ÂÒÛÒ˚ ËÒÔÓθÁÛ˛Ú- lowpages.ru, which contains about the company? ê ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉‡ ¿Ì‡ÚÓθ‚˘‡ —ÃŒÀ»Õ¿ ˜ÂÒÍÛ˛ ˝ÍÒÔ‡ÌÒ˲, ÍÓÏÔ‡Ìˡ ÔÓÒÚÂÔÂÌÌÓ tion that allows the search for propos- Òˇ ÍÓÏÔ‡ÌËÂÈ? 750,000 units of information and deals ñ The Eniro company aspires to oc- ÊÛ̇ÎÛ ´¬Ì¯Ì½ÍÓÌÓÏ˘ÂÒÍË ҂ˇÁ˪. ÔÓˇ‚Ë·Ҹ ̇ ˚Ì͇ı —͇̉Ë̇‚ËË, ‘‡Ì- als to be facilitated. ñ üÓÏÔ‡Ìˡ ´›ÌËÓª ÒÚÂÏËÚÒˇ Á‡ÌˇÚ¸ with more than 200,000 requests a day. cupy the leading position on the market ´¬›—ª: ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ ¿Ì‡ÚÓθ‚˘, ‡Ò- ˆËË, √Óη̉ËË, ¿‚ÒÚËË, œÓθ¯Ë, ÒÚ‡Ì EER: Please tell us about the ÎˉËÛ˛˘Â ÔÓÎÓÊÂÌË ̇ ˚ÌÍ ÛÌË‚Â- The most perspective publication of of universal and specialised informa- Ò͇ÊËÚÂ, ÔÓʇÎÛÈÒÚ‡, Ó· ËÒÚÓËË ÒÓÁ‰‡- ¡‡ÎÚËË Ë ¬ÓÒÚÓ˜ÌÓÈ ≈‚ÓÔ˚. goods produced by the company. ҇θÌ˚ı Ë ÒÔˆˇθÌ˚ı ËÌÙÓχˆËÓÌÌ˚ı the company is the Eniro Business Nav- tional resources and to strengthen its Ìˡ ÍÓ̈Â̇, ‚ ͇ÍÓÏ „Ó‰Û Ë „‰Â ·˚Î ‚˚- —Â„Ó‰Ìˇ ÍÓ̈ÂÌ ´›ÌËÓª ËÏÂÂÚ ñ The Moscow Yellow Pages refer- ËÁ‰‡ÌËÈ Ë Á‡ÍÂÔËÚ¸ Á‡ ÒÓ·ÓÈ ÔÓÁËˆË˛ ÎË- igator; the information of the reference position as leader. In our business, ÔÛ˘ÂÌ ÔÂ‚˚È ÚÂÎÂÙÓÌÌ˚È ÒÔ‡‚Ó˜ÌËÍ? Ô‰ÒÚ‡‚ËÚÂθÒÚ‚‡ ‚ 18 ÒÚ‡Ì‡ı ≈‚ÓÔ˚. ence book, leader of the Moscow mar- ‰Â‡. ¬ ̇¯ÂÏ ·ËÁÌÂÒ ÓÒÌÓ‚Ì˚ÏË ÂÒÛ- book is represented in more than 600 correct leadership taking us to success, ñ ÃÂʉÛ̇Ó‰Ì˚È ÍÓ̈ÂÌ ´›ÌËÓª ¬ 2004 „Ó‰Û ·˚ÎÓ ËÁ‰‡ÌÓ ·ÓΠ700 ̇Ë- ket, is the principal product of the com- Ò‡ÏË, Ô‡‚ËθÌÓ ÛÔ‡‚ÎÂÌË ÍÓÚÓ˚ÏË ‚Â- sections. The circulation of the refer- and a professional team of employees, ñ Ó‰ËÌ ËÁ ÎˉÂÓ‚ ≈‚ÓÔ˚ ‚ ÒÙÂ ËÌÙÓ- ÏÂÌÓ‚‡ÌËÈ ËÌÙÓχˆËÓÌÌ˚ı ÒÔ‡‚Ó˜ÌË- pany. This universal reference book ‰ÂÚ Í ÛÒÔÂıÛ, ˇ‚Ρ˛ÚÒˇ ÔÓÙÂÒÒËÓ̇θ̇ˇ ence book totals 150,000 copies a year. are our main resources - the most im- χˆËÓÌÌÓ„Ó ·ËÁÌÂÒ‡. œÓ‰ÛÍˆËˇ ÍÓÏÔ‡ÌËË ÍÓ‚ Ó·˘ËÏ ÚË‡ÊÓÏ 27 ÏÎÌ ˝ÍÁÂÏÔΡ- (Business to Business and Business to ÍÓχ̉‡ ÒÓÚÛ‰ÌËÍÓ‚ ñ „·‚Ì˚È ‡ÍÚË‚ ÍÓÏ- The printed version includes informa- portant asset of the company is the con- ‚˚ıÓ‰ËÚ ‚ ÙÓÏ Ô˜‡ÚÌ˚ı Ë ˝ÎÂÍÚÓÌÌ˚ı Ó‚, ‡ ÍÓ΢ÂÒÚ‚Ó Ë̉˂ˉۇθÌ˚ı ÔÓÒÂ- Individual) provides information on the Ô‡ÌËË, ÔÓÒÚÓˇÌÌÓ Ó·ÌӂΡÂχˇ Ë ÔÓÔÓÎÌˇ- tion about 80,000 enterprises and Òom- stantly renewing and growing data ÛÌË‚Â҇θÌ˚ı Ë ‰ÂÎÓ‚˚ı ÒÔ‡‚Ó˜ÌËÍÓ‚. ÚËÚÂÎÂÈ ÂÒÛÒÓ‚ ´›ÌËÓª Á‡ ÚÓÚ Ê companies of the given region, their Âχˇ ·‡Á‡ ‰‡ÌÌ˚ı, ‡ Ú‡ÍÊ ÌÓ‚ÂȯË ÚÂı- panies interested in regional and inter- base, and also the newest technology in üÓ̈ÂÌ ´›ÌËÓª ËÏÂÂÚ ·ÓΠ˜ÂÏ ÒÚÓ- ÔÂËÓ‰ Ô‚˚ÒËÎÓ 150 ÏÎÌ. products and services. This edition con- ÌÓÎÓ„ËË Â ӷ‡·ÓÚÍË Ë ÔÓ‰‚ËÊÂÌˡ. national development. ëENIRO CON- its work and progress. ÎÂÚÌËÈ ÓÔ˚Ú ‡·ÓÚ˚. œÂ‚˚È ÚÂÎÂÙÓÌÌ˚È Õ‡ ÓÒÒËÈÒÍËÈ ˚ÌÓÍ ÍÓ̈ÂÌ ´›ÌË- tains 200,000 units of information »ÌÚÂ‚¸˛ ÔÓ‰„ÓÚÓ‚Ë· TACT!í is the universal telephone Prepared by


Ë „‡Á‡, ÚÂÎÂÍÓÏÏÛÌË͇ˆËË, „Ó̇ˇ ‰Ó·˚- as well as special comprehensive insur- to the Uzbek economy. Mainly invest- ˜‡, ÏÂÚ‡ÎÎÛ„ˡ, χ¯ËÌÓÒÚÓÂÌËÂ, ÔÂÂ- ance programmes by sectors. ments are directed to such export-oriented «Узбекинвест» – надежные гарантии ‡·ÓÚ͇ ÒÂθÒÍÓıÓÁˇÈÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓÈ ÔÓ‰ÛÍ- The company provides insurance industries as oil and gas extraction and ˆËË Ë ‰. —Â„Ó‰Ìˇ ‚ ”Á·ÂÍËÒڇ̠‚ ‰‡Ì- services on the following main direc- refinery, telecommunication, mining, Ì˚ı ÓÚ‡ÒΡı ‰ÂÈÒÚ‚ÛÂÚ Ò‚˚¯Â 130 ÒÓ‚- tions: metallurgy, machinery construction, agri- для иностранных инвестиций ÏÂÒÚÌ˚ı Ô‰ÔˡÚËÈ, ÒÓÁ‰‡ÌÌ˚ı Ò ïforeign investments insurance; cultural output processing and others. Û˜‡ÒÚËÂÏ ÓÒÒËÈÒÍËı ËÌ‚ÂÒÚÓÓ‚. ïindustrial and commercial activities; Today, there are more than 130 joint —ÎÂ‰Ûˇ ÓÒÌÓ‚ÌÓÈ ˆÂÎË ÒÓÁ‰‡Ìˡ, ´”Á- ïinsurance against general risks; ventures with the participation of Russian Œ‰ÌÓÈ ËÁ ÒÚ‡Ú„˘ÂÒÍËı Á‡‰‡˜, ÒÚÓˇ- ̯ÌÎ √ÛÔÔª, ˇ‚Ë‚¯‡ˇÒˇ ÒÓÛ˜‰ËÚÂÎÂÏ ·ÂÍËÌ‚ÂÒÚª Ô‰·„‡ÂÚ ÍÓÏÔÎÂÍÒÌÛ˛ ÔÓ„- ïexport insurance; capital, carrying out their activity in the ˘Ëı ÔÂ‰ –ÂÒÔÛ·ÎËÍÓÈ ”Á·ÂÍËÒÚ‡Ì, ÔÓ- —œ ´”Á·ÂÍËÌ‚ÂÒÚ »ÌÚÂ̯ÌΪ, ‰ÂÈÒÚ‚Û- Uzbekinvest ‡ÏÏÛ ÒÚ‡ıÓ‚‡Ìˡ ËÏÛ˘ÂÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚ı ËÌÚÂ- ïpersonal insurance. given industries of Uzbekistan. ‰ÓÎʇÂÚ ÓÒÚ‡‚‡Ú¸Òˇ ÙÓÏËÓ‚‡ÌË ËÒÍβ- ˛˘Â„Ó Ò 1994 „Ó‰‡ ‚ ÏÂʉÛ̇Ó‰ÌÓÏ ˆÂÌÚ- ÂÒÓ‚ ˛ˉ˘ÂÒÍËı Îˈ, Òӄ·ÒÌÓ ˝Ú‡Ô‡Ï It is worth mentioning that one of Following its main objective of estab- ˜ËÚÂθÌÓ ·Î‡„ÓÔˡÚÌÓ„Ó ËÌ‚ÂÒÚˈËÓÌÌÓ-  ÒÚ‡ıÓ‚‡Ìˡ ‚ ÀÓ̉ÓÌÂ. —Ó‰ÂÈÒÚ‚Ûˇ ÓÒÛ˘ÂÒÚ‚ÎÂÌˡ ‡Á΢Ì˚ı ÓÚ‡Ò΂˚ı ËÌ- the first partners of Uzbekinvest was lishment, Uzbekinvest offers comprehen- „Ó ÍÎËχڇ, ˜ÚÓ ˇ‚ΡÂÚÒˇ ÌÂÓÚ˙ÂÏÎÂÏ˚Ï ÛÒ- Ô˂ΘÂÌ˲ ˜‡ÒÚÌÓ„Ó ËÌÓÒÚ‡ÌÌÓ„Ó Í‡- – reliable ‚ÂÒÚˈËÓÌÌ˚ı ÔÓÂÍÚÓ‚, ‚Íβ˜‡ˇ ÒÚ‡ıÓ- American International Group that be- sive programmes for Insurance of property ÎÓ‚ËÂÏ Ôӂ‰ÂÌˡ Ó·˘ÂÈ ˝ÍÓÌÓÏ˘ÂÒÍÓÈ ÔËڇ· Ë ‡Ò¯ËÂÌ˲ ÏÂʉÛ̇Ó‰ÌÓÈ ‚‡ÌË ËÏÛ˘ÂÒÚ‚‡, ÒÚÓËÚÂθÌÓ-ÏÓÌÚ‡Ê- came a co-founder of JV Uzbekinvest In- interests of legal entities in accordance Ë ËÌ‚ÂÒÚˈËÓÌÌÓÈ ÔÓÎËÚËÍË Í‡Ê‰Ó„Ó „ÓÒÛ- ÚÓ„Ó‚ÎË, —œ Ò Ì‡˜‡Î‡ Ò‚ÓÂÈ ‰ÂˇÚÂθÌÓÒ- guarantees Ì˚ı ËÒÍÓ‚, ˝ÍÒÔÓÚÌÓ-ËÏÔÓÚÌ˚ı ÓÔÂ- ternational, which carries out its activi- with steps of implementing various branch- ‰‡ÒÚ‚‡. Õ‡ ÒÂ„Ó‰Ìˇ¯ÌËÈ ‰Â̸ ‚ ÂÒÔÛ·ÎË- ÚË ‰ÂÏÓÌÒÚËÛÂÚ ÔË‚ÂÊÂÌÌÓÒÚ¸ ”Á·Â- ‡ˆËÈ, „ÛÁÓ‚, ÓÚ‚ÂÚÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓÒÚË, ÊËÁÌË Ë ty since 1994 in London ñ Internation- wise investment projects, including proper- Í ÒÓÁ‰‡Ì˚ ·Î‡„ÓÔˡÚÌ˚ ÔÓÎËÚ˘ÂÒÍËÂ Ë ÍËÒڇ̇ ÍÛÒÛ ÒÓÁ‰‡Ìˡ ‰ÓÔÓÎÌËÚÂθÌ˚ı Á‰ÓÓ‚¸ˇ Ë Ú.‰. √˷͇ˇ ÔÓÎËÚË͇ ÔÓÁ‚Ó- al insurance centre. By assisting in the ty insurance, construction and erection ˝ÍÓÌÓÏ˘ÂÒÍË ÛÒÎӂˡ ‰Îˇ ¯ËÓÍÓ„Ó ËÌ- „‡‡ÌÚËÈ ‚ÎÓÊÂÌˡ ËÌÓÒÚ‡ÌÌÓ„Ó Í‡ÔË- for foreign ΡÂÚ, ÔÓ ‚˚·ÓÛ ÍÎËÂÌÚ‡, ÔËÏÂÌˇÚ¸ ‡Á- attraction of private foreign capital and risks insurance, export-import transac- ‚ÂÒÚËÓ‚‡Ìˡ ËÌÓÒÚ‡ÌÌ˚ı ͇ÔËÚ‡ÎÓ‚ ‚ ‡Á- ڇ· ‚ ÔÓˆÂÒÒ ÍÓÂÌÌÓ„Ó ÂÙÓÏËÓ‚‡- ΢Ì˚ ÍÓÏ·Ë̇ˆËË ÔÓÎËÒÓ‚ ËÎË ÒÔˆË- widening of international trade since tions insurance, cargo insurance, liability ΢Ì˚ ÓÚ‡ÒÎË ˝ÍÓÌÓÏËÍË. ”Á·ÂÍËÒÚ‡Ì ‡Í- Ìˡ ÒÚÛÍÚÛ˚ ˝ÍÓÌÓÏËÍË ÂÒÔÛ·ÎËÍË. investment ‡ÎËÁËÓ‚‡ÌÌ˚ ÔÓ„‡ÏÏ˚ ÒÚ‡ıÓ‚‡Ìˡ. the beginning of its activity, the Joint insurance, life and medical insurance, etc. ÚË‚ÌÓ Û˜‡ÒÚ‚ÛÂÚ ‚ ÏÂʉÛ̇Ó‰ÌÓÏ ËÌ‚ÂÒ- ´”Á·ÂÍËÌ‚ÂÒÚ »ÌÚÂ̯ÌΪ Ô‰·„‡ÂÚ “‡ÍÊ üÓÏÔ‡ÌËÂÈ Ô‰·„‡˛ÚÒˇ ÒÔˆË- Venture demonstrated the adherence of Flexible policy allows applying different ÚˈËÓÌÌÓÏ ÒÓÚÛ‰Ì˘ÂÒÚ‚Â, ËÏÂÂÚ ÂÊËÏ ÔÓÚÂ̈ˇθÌ˚Ï ÍÎËÂÌÚ‡Ï ‰ÓÒÚ‡ÚÓ˜ÌÓ ¯Ë- One of the strategic objectives that Ù˘ÂÒÍË ‰Îˇ ÓÔ‰ÂÎÂÌÌ˚ı ÓÚ‡ÒÎÂÈ ˝ÍÓ- Uzbekistan to the course of creating ad- policy combinations and specialized insur- ̇˷Óθ¯Â„Ó ·Î‡„ÓÔˡÚÒÚ‚Ó‚‡Ìˡ ÒÓ ÏÌÓ- ÓÍËÈ ÒÔÂÍÚ ÔÓÎËÒÓ‚ ÒÚ‡ıÓ‚‡Ìˡ ËÌ‚ÂÒ- still stand before the Republic of Uzbek- ÌÓÏËÍË ÍÓÏÔÎÂÍÒÌ˚ ÔÓ„‡ÏÏ˚, ‚ ˜‡ÒÚ- ditional guarantees for foreign invest- ance programmes in accordance with „ËÏË Á‡Û·ÂÊÌ˚ÏË ÒÚ‡Ì‡ÏË, ·Î‡„Ó‰‡ˇ ˜Â- ÚˈËÈ ÓÚ ÔÓÎËÚ˘ÂÒÍËı ËÒÍÓ‚. istan is forming an exceptionally ÌÓÒÚË ÔÓ ÒÚ‡ıÓ‚‡Ì˲ Ë̉ÛÒÚˇθÌ˚ı, ments in the process of undertaking fun- clientís choice. The company also offers ÏÛ ‚ ÔÓÒΉÌ ‚ÂÏˇ ÛÒËÎË‚‡ÂÚÒˇ ÔËÒÛÚ- »ÒÚÓ˘ÂÒÍË Ó‰ÌËÏ ËÁ ÍÛÔÌÂȯËı favourable investment climate, which is ˝ÌÂ„ÂÚ˘ÂÒÍËı ËÒÍÓ‚, „ÓÒÚËÌ˘ÌÓ„Ó ·ËÁ- damental reforms in the structure of the specific comprehensive programmes for ÒÚ‚Ë ËÌÓÒÚ‡ÌÌÓ„Ó Í‡ÔËڇ· ‚ ˝ÍÓÌÓÏËÍ ˝ÍÓÌÓÏ˘ÂÒÍËı Ô‡ÚÌÂÓ‚ ‰Îˇ ”Á·ÂÍËÒÚ‡- essential condition for carrying out gen- ÌÂÒ‡ Ë ·‡ÌÍÓ‚ÒÍÓÈ ‰ÂˇÚÂθÌÓÒÚË. republicís economy. Uzbekinvest Inter- certain sectors of the economy, particular- ÂÒÔÛ·ÎËÍË. »ÏÛ˘ÂÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚ Ô‡‚‡ Ë ËÌÚÂ- ̇ ‚Ò„‰‡ ˇ‚ÎˇÎ‡Ò¸ –ÓÒÒˡ. ¬ ̇ÒÚÓˇ˘Â eral economic and investment policy of ”˜ËÚ˚‚‡ˇ Ú·ӂ‡Ìˡ ËÌÓÒÚ‡ÌÌ˚ı ËÌ- national offers a wide range of products ly on insurance of industrial, energy ÂÒ˚ ËÌÓÒÚ‡ÌÌ˚ı ËÌ‚ÂÒÚÓÓ‚ ̇ ÚÂËÚÓ- ‚ÂÏˇ ‚ ‡Ï͇ı ‡ÍÚË‚ËÁ‡ˆËË ËÌ‚ÂÒÚˈË- each country. Currently, favourable po- ‚ÂÒÚÓÓ‚ Ë ÒÚÂÏÎÂÌË ÓÚ˜ÂÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚ı to its potential clients on investment in- risks, hospitality business and banking. ËË ÂÒÔÛ·ÎËÍË Ó·ÂÒÔ˜˂‡˛ÚÒˇ „ÓÒÛ‰‡- ÓÌÌÓ„Ó Ë ÚÓ„Ó‚Ó-˝ÍÓÌÓÏ˘ÂÒÍÓ„Ó ÒÓÚÛ‰- litical and economic conditions are cre- ÒÚ‡ıÓ‚˘ËÍÓ‚ Í Û‚Â΢ÂÌ˲ ÒÚ‡ıÓ‚ÓÈ ÂÏ- surance against political risks. Today, taking into account require- ÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓ-Ô‡‚Ó‚ÓÈ Ë ÒÚ‡ıÓ‚ÓÈ Á‡˘ËÚÓÈ ‚ Ì˘ÂÒÚ‚‡ ÏÂÊ‰Û ”Á·ÂÍËÒÚ‡ÌÓÏ Ë –ÓÒÒËÂÈ ated in the republic for broad invest- ÍÓÒÚË ÔË ÔËÌˇÚËË ËÒÍÓ‚, ÒÚ‡ıÓ‚‡ÌË Historically, one of the main eco- ments of foreign investors and aspiration ÒÓÓÚ‚ÂÚÒÚ‚ËË Ò ‰ÂÈÒÚ‚Û˛˘ËÏ Á‡ÍÓÌÓ‰‡ÚÂθ- ·Óθ¯Ó Á̇˜ÂÌË ÔËÓ·ÂÚ‡˛Ú ̇‰ÂÊÌ˚ ment of foreign capital into various ÍÛÔÌ˚ı ËÌ‚ÂÒÚˈËÓÌÌ˚ı ÔÓÂÍÚÓ‚ Ò„Ӊ- nomic partners of Uzbekistan was al- of local insurers to increase insurance ÒÚ‚ÓÏ ”Á·ÂÍËÒڇ̇, Òӄ·ÒÌÓ Ó·˘ÂÔËÁ̇Ì- ÒÚ‡ıÓ‚˚ „‡‡ÌÚËË ÓÒÛ˘ÂÒڂΡÂÏ˚ı ˝ÍÒ- branches of the economy. Uzbekistan ac- Ìˇ ÓÒÛ˘ÂÒڂΡÂÚÒˇ Ò Ô˂ΘÂÌËÂÏ Á‡Û- ways Russia. capacity while taking risks, insurance of Ì˚Ï ÌÓÏ‡Ï ÏÂʉÛ̇Ó‰ÌÓ„Ó Ô‡‚‡. ÔÓÚÌÓ-ËÏÔÓÚÌ˚ı ÓÔÂ‡ˆËÈ. tively participates in international in- ·ÂÊÌ˚ı Ô‡ÚÌÂÓ‚. ¬ ˝ÚÓÈ Ò‚ˇÁË ´”Á·ÂÍ- Currently, in the framework of acti- large investment projects is implemented ¬‡ÊÌ˚Ï ¯‡„ÓÏ Ì‡ ÔÛÚË ÙÓÏËÓ‚‡- flÍÓ ÒÚÂÏÎÂÌË ”Á·ÂÍËÒڇ̇ Í ·Ó- vestment co-operation, has the most ËÌ‚ÂÒÚÓϪ ‚‰ÂÚÒˇ ‡ÍÚ˂̇ˇ ‡·ÓÚ‡ ÔÓ Ì‡- vating investment, trade and economic with the attraction of foreign partners. Ìˡ ‚ ÂÒÔÛ·ÎËÍ ÒËÒÚÂÏ˚ ÒÚ‡ıÓ‚‡Ìˡ ËÌ- ΠÚÂÒÌÓÏÛ Ë ÒÚ‡Ú„˘ÂÒÍÓÏÛ ÒÓÚÛ‰- favoured nation basis with many foreign ·ÊË‚‡Ì˲ Ë ‡Ò¯ËÂÌ˲ ÍÓÌÚ‡ÍÚÓ‚ Ò co-operation between Uzbekistan and Thereupon, Uzbekinvest actively works ‚ÂÒÚˈËÈ, ÔËÁ‚‡ÌÌÓÈ ÒÓ‰ÂÈÒÚ‚Ó‚‡Ú¸ ÔË- Ì˘ÂÒÚ‚Û Ò –ÓÒÒËÂÈ ‚˚‡Ê‡ÂÚÒˇ ÔÓÁË- countries, which resulted in the increase ÍÛÔÌÂȯËÏË Á‡Û·ÂÊÌ˚ÏË ÒÚ‡ıÓ‚˚ÏË, Russia, reliable insurance guarantees on establishing and widening contacts ÚÓÍÛ ËÌÓÒÚ‡ÌÌÓ„Ó Í‡ÔËڇ·, ÔÓÒÎÛÊËÎÓ ÚË‚Ì˚ÏË ÂÁÛθڇڇÏË. “‡Í, ÔÓ ËÚÓ„‡Ï of foreign capital inflow to the economy ÔÂÂÒÚ‡ıÓ‚Ó˜Ì˚ÏË Ë ·ÓÍÂÒÍËÏË ÍÓÏ- for export-import transactions are gain- with the largest foreign insurance, rein- ÒÓÁ‰‡ÌË ‚ 1994 „Ó‰Û Õ‡ˆËÓ̇θÌÓÈ ÍÓÏ- 2004 „Ó‰‡, ”Á·ÂÍËÒÚ‡Ì ÓÒÛ˘ÂÒڂΡΠof the republic recently. Property rights Ô‡ÌˡÏË. Œ‰ËÌ ËÁ ÂÁÛθڇÚÓ‚ ‰‡ÌÌÓÈ ‡- ing a great importance. surance and broker companies. One of Ô‡ÌËË ˝ÍÒÔÓÚÌÓ-ËÏÔÓÚÌÓ„Ó ÒÚ‡ıÓ‚‡Ìˡ ‚̯ÌÂÚÓ„Ó‚˚ ÓÔÂ‡ˆËË Ò ·ÓΠ˜ÂÏ and interests of foreign investors on the ·ÓÚ˚ ñ ÓÒÛ˘ÂÒÚ‚ÎÂÌË ÒÚ‡Ú„˘ÂÒÍÓ„Ó The endeavour of Uzbekistan for the results of the given work is the real-

´”Á·ÂÍËÌ‚ÂÒÚª, ˇ‚Ρ˛˘ÂÈÒˇ ̇ ÒÂ„Ó‰Ìˇ¯- 150 ÒÚ‡Ì‡ÏË, ÒÂ‰Ë ÍÓÚÓ˚ı –ÓÒÒˡ territory of the republic are provided ÒÓÚÛ‰Ì˘ÂÒÚ‚‡ Ò ˇ‰ÓÏ ÓÒÒËÈÒÍËı ÍÓÏ- closer co-operation with Russia ization of strategic co-operation with the EXTERNAL ECONOMIC RELATIONS | ВНЕШНЕЭКОНОМИЧЕСКИЕ СВЯЗИ • № 3, МАРТ 2005 ÌËÈ ‰Â̸ Ó‰ÌÓÈ ËÁ ÍÛÔÌÂȯËı ÒÚ‡ıÓ‚˚ı Òڇ· Ò‡Ï˚Ï ÍÛÔÌ˚Ï ‚̯ÌÂÚÓ„Ó‚˚Ï with state legislative and insurance pro- Ô‡ÌËÈ, Ú‡ÍËı, Í‡Í Œ—¿Œ ´»Ì„ÓÒÒÚ‡ıª, brought its positive results. In 2004, number of Russian companies, such as ÍÓÏÔ‡ÌËÈ ”Á·ÂÍËÒڇ̇. ¬ Îˈ ´”Á·ÂÍËÌ- Ô‡ÚÌÂÓÏ. ≈ÒÎË Ê ‡ÒÒχÚË‚‡Ú¸ tection in accordance with current legis- —ü ´–Œ—ÕŒª, ´Ã‡Î‡ÍÛÚª, ´ü‡ÔËÚ‡Î⁄ Uzbekistan implemented foreign trade Ingosstrakh, ROSNO, Malakut, Capital ‚ÂÒÚ‡ª ÒÓÁ‰‡Ì‡ Ë ‡Á‚Ë‚‡ÂÚÒˇ ÔË̈ËÔË- ‚̯ÌÂÚÓ„Ó‚˚ ÓÔÂ‡ˆËË ÒÓ ÒÚ‡Ì‡ÏË lation of Uzbekistan, and in compliance œÂÂÒÚ‡ıÓ‚‡Ì˪, ´¿‚ËÍÓÒª. transactions with more than 150 coun- Perestrakhovanie, Avicos. ‡Î¸ÌÓ ÌÓ‚‡ˇ ÌÓχÚË‚ÌÓ-Ô‡‚Ó‚‡ˇ Ë ÏÂÚÓ- —Õ√, ÚÓ Á‰ÂÒ¸ ̇ ‰Óβ –ÓÒÒËË ÔËıÓ- with generally acknowledged norms of Õ‡ ÒÂ„Ó‰Ìˇ¯ÌËÈ ‰Â̸ ‚ ”Á·ÂÍËÒÚ‡ÌÂ, tries, among which Russia was the Currently, in Uzbekistan, in accor- ‰ÓÎӄ˘ÂÒ͇ˇ ÓÒÌÓ‚‡ ÒÚ‡ıÓ‚˚ı ÓÔÂ‡ˆËÈ, ‰ËÚÒˇ ·ÓΠ50 % Ó·ÓÓÚ‡. Œ·˙ÂÏ ˝ÍÒ- international law. ÒÎÂ‰Ûˇ Ó·˘ÂÔËÁ̇ÌÌ˚Ï Ú·ӂ‡ÌËˇÏ ‚Â- largest foreign trade partner. If we dance with generally acknowledged re- ÒÓÔÓÒÚ‡‚Ëχˇ Ò Ú·ӂ‡ÌˡÏË ‡Á‚Ë‚‡˛- ÔÓÚ‡ ‚ –ÓÒÒ˲ ‚ Ôӯ‰¯ÂÏ „Ó‰Û ÔÓ The important step on the way of ‰ÂÌˡ ·ËÁÌÂÒ‡, ÒÚ‡ıÓ‚Û˛ ‰ÂˇÚÂθÌÓÒÚ¸ analyze foreign trade transactions quirements of running a business, only ˘ÂÈÒˇ ˚ÌÓ˜ÌÓÈ ˝ÍÓÌÓÏËÍË Ë ËÌ‚ÂÒÚÓÓ‚, Ò‡‚ÌÂÌ˲ Ò 2003 „Ó‰ÓÏ ‚˚ÓÒ Ì‡ forming investment insurance system in ËÏÂ˛Ú Ô‡‚Ó ÓÒÛ˘ÂÒڂΡڸ ÍÓÏÔ‡ÌËË, ËÏÂ- with CIS countries, then Russia has companies, who hold a license to provide ÓÒÛ˘ÂÒڂΡ˛˘Ëı ‚ÎÓÊÂÌˡ ‚ ‡Á‚ËÚË 57,8 %, ËÏÔÓÚ‡ ñ ̇ 33 %. (œÓ ‰‡ÌÌ˚Ï the republic, called for assisting in the ˛˘Ë ÎˈÂÌÁ˲ ̇ Ó͇Á‡ÌË ÛÒÎÛ„ ‚ ÚÓÈ more than 50% turnover with Uzbek- certain types of insurance services can ÒÚ‡Ú„˘ÂÒÍË ‚‡ÊÌ˚ı ‰Îˇ ˝ÍÓÌÓÏËÍË ÂÒ- Õ»¿ ´“ÛÍËÒÚÓÌ-ÔÂÒÒª.) œÓÒÎÂÊË- attraction of foreign investments, was ËÎË ËÌÓÈ ÓÚ‡ÒÎË ÒÚ‡ıÓ‚‡Ìˡ. Õü›»— istan. During the last year, export and carry out insurance activity. Uzbekinvest ÔÛ·ÎËÍË ÓÚ‡ÒÎÂÈ. ‚‡ÂÚÒˇ ÚẨÂÌˆËˇ ‡ÍÚË‚ÌÓ„Ó ‰‚ÛÒÚÓÓÌ- the establishment of Uzbekinvest Na- ´”Á·ÂÍËÌ‚ÂÒÚª ñ ÔÂ‚‡ˇ ÒÚ‡ıÓ‚‡ˇ ÍÓÏÔ‡- import volumes with Russia as com- NEIIC is the first insurance company in Õ‡ ÒÂ„Ó‰Ìˇ¯ÌËÈ ‰Â̸ üÓÏÔ‡Ìˡ ÌÂ„Ó ÒÓÚÛ‰Ì˘ÂÒÚ‚‡ ‚ ӷ·ÒÚË ‡‚ˇÒÚ- tional Export-Import Insurance Compa- Ìˡ ”Á·ÂÍËÒڇ̇, ÔÓÎۘ˂¯‡ˇ Ú‡ÍÛ˛ ÎË- pared to 2003 results increased by Uzbekistan to obtain such license, as well Ô‰·„‡ÂÚ ·ÓΠ40 ‚ˉӂ ÒÚ‡ıÓ‚˚ı ÓÂÌˡ ‰Îˇ ÒÓ‚ÏÂÒÚÌÓ„Ó ÔÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚‡ ny in 1994, which is one of the largest ˆÂÌÁ˲, ‡ Ú‡ÍÊ ÒÂÚËÙËÍ‡Ú ÒÓÓÚ‚ÂÚÒڂˡ 57.8% and 33% respectively (Based as the certificate of compliance of its ÔÓ‰ÛÍÚÓ‚, ÒÓÓÚ‚ÂÚÒÚ‚Û˛˘Ëı ÏÂʉÛ̇- ÒÓ‚ÂÏÂÌÌ˚ı „ÛÁÓ‚˚ı Ë Ô‡ÒÒ‡ÊËÒÍËı insurance companies in Uzbekistan ÒËÒÚÂÏ˚ ÏẨÊÏÂÌÚ‡ ͇˜ÂÒÚ‚‡ Ú·ӂ‡ÌË- on the data from NIA Turkiston- quality management system to ISO Ó‰Ì˚Ï Òڇ̉‡Ú‡Ï, ‚ ÚÓÏ ˜ËÒΠÒÔˆË- ‡‚ˇ·ÈÌÂÓ‚ ̇ ·‡Á ڇ¯ÍÂÌÚÒÍÓ„Ó Á‡- nowadays. In the face of Uzbekinvest, it ˇÏ ISO 9001:2000. ƒÂÒˇÚËÎÂÚÌËÈ ÓÔ˚Ú ‡- Press). There is an observed tendency 9001:2000 requirements. 10-years of ‡Î¸Ì˚ ÍÓÏÔÎÂÍÒÌ˚ ÓÚ‡Ò΂˚ ÔÓ„- ‚Ó‰‡ “¿œŒË◊. ¬ ͇˜ÂÒڂ ̇‰ÂÊÌÓ„Ó is created and being developed princi- ·ÓÚ˚ ̇ ‚ÌÛÚÂÌÌÂÏ Ë ‚̯ÌÂÏ ˚Ì͇ı, of active mutual cooperation in the work experience in domestic and interna- ‡ÏÏ˚ ÒÚ‡ıÓ‚‡Ìˡ. ‰ÂÎÓ‚Ó„Ó Ô‡ÚÌÂ‡ ‰Îˇ ÓÒÒËÈÒÍËı pally new legislative and methodologi- „Ë·ÍÓÒÚ¸ Ë Í‡˜ÂÒÚ‚Ó ÛÒÎÛ„, ‚˚ÒÓÍÓÍ‚‡ÎË- sphere of aircraft construction for mu- tional markets, flexibility and quality of ïÒÚ‡ıÓ‚‡ˇ Á‡˘ËÚ‡ ËÌÓÒÚ‡ÌÌ˚ı ËÌ‚ÂÒ- Ô‰ÔËÌËχÚÂÎÂÈ Á‡ÂÍÓÏẨӂ‡ÎÓ ÒÂ- cal base for insurance transactions, ÙˈËÓ‚‡ÌÌ˚ ÒÔˆˇÎËÒÚ˚ ‚ ¯Ú‡Ú ÍÓÏ- tual production of modern cargo and services, highly qualified specialists ñ ÚˈËÈ; ·ˇ ¿Œ«“ ´”Áƒ›”‡‚ÚÓª. which comply with the requirements of Ô‡ÌËË ñ ‚Ò ˝ÚÓ ÔÓÒÎÛÊËÎÓ ÔËÁ̇Ì˲ passenger airliners at TAPOiChñ all these resulted in recognition of ïÒÚ‡ıÓ‚‡ÌË ÔÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓ-ÍÓÏÏÂ- ¬ÏÂÒÚÂ Ò ÚÂÏ –ÓÒÒËÂÈ ‡ÎËÁÛÂÚÒˇ ˆÂ- developing market economy and in- ´”Á·ÂÍËÌ‚ÂÒÚ‡ª, Í‡Í Ì‡‰ÂÊÌÓ„Ó ‰ÂÎÓ‚Ó„Ó Tashkent aircraft construction plant. Uzbekinvest as a reliable business partner ˜ÂÒÍÓÈ ‰ÂˇÚÂθÌÓÒÚË ÓÚ Ó·˘Ëı ËÒÍÓ‚; ÎÂ̇Ô‡‚ÎÂÌ̇ˇ ËÌ‚ÂÒÚˈËÓÌ̇ˇ ÒÚ‡ÚÂ- vestors, who target their funds into the Ô‡ÚÌÂ‡, ‡Á΢Ì˚ÏË ÓÚ˜ÂÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚ÏË Ë UzDaewooAuto Joint Stock Company by different domestic and foreign compa- ï˝ÍÒÔÓÚÌÓ ÒÚ‡ıÓ‚‡ÌËÂ; „ˡ ÔÓ ¯ËÓÍÓχүڇ·ÌÓÏÛ ‚ÎÓÊÂÌ˲ development of strategically important Á‡Û·ÂÊÌ˚ÏË ÍÓÏÔ‡ÌˡÏË. »ÏÂÌÌÓ ÔÓ˝ÚÓ- also proved itself as a reliable business nies. Therefore, Uzbekinvest will serve ïÔÂÒÓ̇θÌÓ ÒÚ‡ıÓ‚‡ÌËÂ. ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓ„Ó Í‡ÔËڇ· ‚ ÛÁ·ÂÍÒÍÛ˛ ˝ÍÓ- sectors of the republicís economy. ÏÛ ÍÓÏÔ‡Ìˡ ´”Á·ÂÍËÌ‚ÂÒÚª ˇ‚ΡÂÚÒˇ ıÓ- partner for Russian entrepreneurs. as a good guarantee for foreign investors —ΉÛÂÚ ÓÚÏÂÚËÚ¸, ˜ÚÓ Ó‰ÌËÏ ËÁ ÔÂ- ÌÓÏËÍÛ. ¬ ÔÂ‚Û˛ Ó˜Â‰¸ ‚ÎÓÊÂÌˡ ÓÒÛ- Today, the company provides more Ó¯ËÏ „‡‡ÌÚÓÏ ËÌÓÒÚ‡ÌÌ˚Ï ËÌ‚ÂÒÚÓ‡Ï, Along with these, Russia imple- who are ready to start their business in ‚˚ı Ë ‚Â‰Û˘Ëı Ô‡ÚÌÂÓ‚ ´”Á·ÂÍËÌ‚ÂÒ- ˘ÂÒڂΡ˛ÚÒˇ ‚ Ú‡ÍË ˝ÍÒÔÓÚÓÂÏÍË ÓÚ- than 40 types of insurance products that „ÓÚÓ‚˚Ï Ì‡˜‡Ú¸ ·ËÁÌÂÒ ‚ ”Á·ÂÍËÒÚ‡ÌÂ Ë ‚ÎÓ- ments its stable investment strategy on Uzbekistan and invest their capital in the

EXTERNAL ECONOMIC RELATIONS | ВНЕШНЕЭКОНОМИЧЕСКИЕ СВЯЗИ • № 3, МАРТ 2005 | ВНЕШНЕЭКОНОМИЧЕСКИЕ EXTERNAL ECONOMIC RELATIONS Ú‡ª Òڇ· ÍÓÏÔ‡Ìˡ ´¿ÏÂËÍ‡Ì »ÌÚÂ- ‡ÒÎË, Í‡Í ‰Ó·˚˜‡ Ë ÔÂÂ‡·ÓÚ͇ ÌÂÙÚË correspond to international standards, ÊËÚ¸ ͇ÔËڇΠ‚ ˝ÍÓÌÓÏËÍÛ ÂÒÔÛ·ÎËÍË. wide scale investment of Russian capital economy of Uzbekistan.