A Active Radar, 1103 Adaptive Adversary, 1259 Adaptive Dynamics
Index A G-atom, 297 Active radar, 1103 Attack strategy, 1188, 1207, 1214 Adaptive adversary, 1259 Attenuation level, 434, 437, 444 Adaptive dynamics, 477–484, 489, 490, Aubin, J.-P., 971 502, 503 Auction, 1187, 1197, 1204, 1206 asymmetric game, 502 Augmented proportional navigation, 1081 multi-dimensional, 489 Automatic generation control (AGC), 1189, Adaptive utility, 1260 1207, 1216, 1217, 1220 Additive reward and additive transitions Auxiliary problem, 438 (ARAT) game, 295 Availability, 1207 Adjoint equation, 645 Average Stackelberg cost, 43 Adjoint variable, 381 Averaging dynamics, 911–913 Admissible control, 163, 195 Avoidance, 1001 Advertising games, 869–875 Aggregative game, 589 Agreement, 637, 647–649 B Aircraft Ba¸sar, T., 1003 control, 957 Backward constructions, 953 landing, 957 Backward induction, 498 take-off, 957 Backward stochastic differential Airport security, 1250–1251 equations, 405 AK model, 180 Bankruptcy games, 829, 837–845 Algebraic Riccati equation, 1095 Barrier, see Barrier line Algebraic sum, see Minkowski sum Barrier line, 968, 970, 973, 977, 981, 986, 987, Altruism 990, 993, 995, 997 non-paternalistic, 327 Battery degradation, 1200 paternalistic, 323 Battle of the sexes, 1054 Amazon Mechanical Turk (AMT), 1257 Bayesian games, 55 Angular frequency, 1216, 1217 Bayesian Nash equilibrium, 56 Anonymous sequential games, 351 Bayesian Stackelberg game, 1229, Anti-Bourgeois, 1056 1250, 1254 Approachable set, 267, 268 Behavioral models, 1244, 1257, 1259, 1266 Approximating sets, 756 Behavioral Stackelberg equilibrium, 35 ARMOR, 1225, 1228, 1236, 1251 Behavior strategy, 750 ASPEN, 1237–1239 Belief-free equilibrium, 754 Asymmetric games, 1053 Bellman equations, 173, 176, 196, 203, Asymptotically stable, 1049 207, 646 Asymptotic uniform value, 271 Ben-Asher, J.Z., 1029 Asymptotic value, 255, 266 Bequest games, 742, 761 Asynchronous model, 921 Bernhard, P., 953, 956, 992 © Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018 1271 T.
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