Hampton Bishop Draft Neighbourhood Development Plan 2018 - 2031 (Spring 2018)
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HAMPTON BISHOP DRAFT NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2018 - 2031 (SPRING 2018) 1 HAMPTON BISHOP DRAFT NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2018 - 2031 (SPRING 2018) 2 HAMPTON BISHOP DRAFT NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2018 - 2031 (SPRING 2018) Map 1 Hampton Bishop Designated Neighbourhood Area Hampton Bishop Parish Council Licensee Licence No. 100057935 3 HAMPTON BISHOP DRAFT NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2018 - 2031 (SPRING 2018) Regulation 14 Public Consultation 18th April 2018 - 1st June 2018 This is a consultation document. Due to a technical issue, although documents relating to the Hampton Bishop NDP Regulation 14 have been on the Parish Council's website since 26th March 2018, the formal Regulation 14 Consultation commences on Wednesday 18th April 2018 and ends on Friday 1st June 2018. Please use the Representation Form which is available on the Parish Council’s website https://hamptonbishopparishcouncil.gov.uk/ or provide any comments in writing. Representation Forms and written responses should be sent to the clerk at: 5 Croome Close, Hereford, HR1 1UY or emailed to: [email protected] . Copies of all documents can be viewed at the Church, Village Hall and Bunch of Carrots Pub. A drop-in event will be held at the Village Hall in May, the date of which will be advertised in the near future. All comments received will be carefully considered by the neighbourhood plan steering group and Parish Council and used to inform the next version of the neighbourhood plan, the Submission Draft Neighbourhood Development Plan, which will be submitted to Herefordshire Council later this year and then published for a further 6 weeks, formal public consultation. Thank you for your time and interest. 4 HAMPTON BISHOP DRAFT NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2018 - 2031 (SPRING 2018) Table of Contents Chapter Page 1.0 Introduction and Background 6 2.0 Planning Policy Context 9 3.0 Key Issues for Hampton Bishop 12 4.0 Vision and Objectives 14 5.0 Neighbourhood Plan Policies 16 5.1 Reducing Flood Risk and Improving Flood Resilience 16 5.2 Protection of the Historic and Natural Environment 29 5.3 Improving Accessibility and Traffic Management 44 6.0 Next Steps 46 Appendices 47 5 HAMPTON BISHOP DRAFT NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2018 - 2031 (SPRING 2018) 1.0 Introduction and Background lies to the south of Court Farm, and the eastern cluster is focussed around the church. The majority of Parish residents therefore live in the village of Hampton Bishop itself, with the wider Parish area more sparsely populated. 1.3 The level of car ownership is higher than the County average (92.4% compared to 83.6% in Herefordshire). Very few people who live in the Parish are employed in the Parish and the majority travel to Hereford or further afield. There are several substantial farming businesses and a number of smaller varied enterprises. There are also two residential homes within the Parish which require 24 hour access. 1.4 There is no village shop, post office, school or medical practice in the village and Parishioners have to travel to Hereford or Parish Notice Board Fownhope to access these facilities. The village hall is a registered Charitable Trust. 1.1 Hampton Bishop is a small, rural Parish adjoining the western edge of the built up area of Hereford. The Parish covers an area of 838 1.5 There are a number of historic farms and farmsteads scattered hectares and has a population of 505 (2011 Census)1, of whom 184 across a traditional rural landscape of orchards, pasture and arable were over 65 years at the time of the Census and 81 were under fields. Three rivers flow through the Parish; the Wye flows south 18 years of age. There are approximately 170 households in the eastwards from Hereford along the southern boundary and then Parish and the level of home ownership is high at approximately northwards where it is joined by the River Lugg at Mordiford 83% compared with a County average of 70%. There are no Bridge. The River Frome flows south from the north east to join households living in shared ownership or socially rented the River Lugg north of the village. The rivers provide an attractive accommodation, and about 13% of households live in private riparian landscape setting for the Parish and the intrinsic issues rented housing. associated with these watercourses and poor surface water drainage are highly significant to the preparation of this 1.2 The Parish area has 178 dwellings but the majority (101) of these Neighbourhood Plan. A large portion of the Parish is in the flood houses are located in the main settlement area in two main plain with an extensive area lying within Flood Zone 3. The north clusters within the village of Hampton Bishop; the western cluster 1 See Nomis - https://www.nomisweb.co.uk/reports/localarea 6 HAMPTON BISHOP DRAFT NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2018 - 2031 (SPRING 2018) and western area of Hampton Bishop Parish are subject to areas. These powers give local people the opportunity to shape significant development pressures associated with the location on new development, as planning applications are determined in the eastern edge of the urban area. Developments in this area are accordance with the local plan and any other material upstream of the village, and the local residents and the Parish considerations including national planning policy set out in the Council are very concerned that any future development does not NPPF. Once made (adopted) by the local authority, neighbourhood exacerbate existing flooding problems in the village. plans form part of the Local Plan framework. Other new powers include Community Right to Build Orders, whereby local 1.6 The Parish includes a conservation area covering part of Hampton communities have the ability to grant planning permission for new Bishop village2 and there are 36 statutory Listed Buildings and buildings. Scheduled Monuments including the Grade I Listed Church of St Andrew.3 The village has a well-used village hall and the public 1.9 In 2012 the Parish Council made the decision to prepare a house, “The Bunch of Carrots” is located within the conservation neighbourhood development plan for the Parish and early area. A second public house, the Cock of Tupsley lies on the north preparatory work commenced. The area was formally designated western edge of the Parish, and whilst technically lying within the by Herefordshire Council on 7th May 2013 and this area is shown in Parish this public house has strong associations with Hereford City. Map 1 above. Hampton Bishop’s location on the periphery of Hereford allows 1.10 A First Draft Neighbourhood Plan (Issues and Options) was access to the range of facilities associated with a large town. prepared in 2014 building on earlier work including the 1.7 A local bus service runs on the B4224 connecting to Hereford preparation of the Parish Plan in 2006. A Steering Group of Parish (when the road is not flooded). The Parish Plan of 20064 indicated Councillors and interested local residents was established in late that the service is used by only a limited number of residents but it 2013 and regular meetings were held to discuss and agree the is highly valued. scope and content of the First Draft Neighbourhood Plan. A Neighbourhood Plan for Hampton Bishop 1.11 This First Draft Neighbourhood Plan considered the key planning Issues for Hampton Bishop and Policy Options for addressing these 1.8 The Localism Act 2011 gives Parish Councils and other relevant Issues. The document was subjected to a screening exercise bodies new powers to prepare statutory Neighbourhood undertaken by Herefordshire Council as part of the Environmental Development Plans (NDPs) to help guide development in their local Assessment process required by European legislation. The Plan 2 3 https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/ https://www.herefordshire.gov.uk/downloads/file/1380/hampton_bishop_cons ervation_area 4 Hampton Bishop Parish Plan, Hampton Bishop Parish Council 2006 7 HAMPTON BISHOP DRAFT NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2018 - 2031 (SPRING 2018) was published for informal consultation in the winter of 2014 and of the Parish Council are advertised and held when circumstances then the Parish Council agreed that work on the Plan should pause dictate. The regular meetings are bi-monthly. until the Herefordshire Local Plan Core Strategy 2011- 2031 was 1.15 Copies of the Neighbourhood Plan will be made available for adopted. The Local Plan Core Strategy was adopted by reading and downloading on the Parish Council website Herefordshire Council in October 2016 and the Neighbourhood http://hamptonbishopparishcouncil.gov.uk/ . Residents and Plan has been updated and revised to be in conformity with this businesses will be kept informed about the progress of the Plan local, strategic planning framework. through a regular newsletter which will be delivered to households 1.12 The Neighbourhood Plan will set out a planning framework for and business premises. future development. It has two overall key objectives: 1.16 We would like to hear your comments on this document by Friday • To help ensure that the future development is designed and 1st June 2018. Please submit any comments by email to managed to reduce problems associated with poor surface water [email protected] , or in writing to drainage and flooding in and around the village and Hampton Bishop Parish Clerk, 5 Croome Close, Hereford HR1 1UY. • To promote high quality design in new buildings and extensions in order to maintain and enhance the historic setting of the Conservation Area and wider rural riparian landscape of the Parish. 1.13 This is a Consultation Document. This Draft Neighbourhood Plan is published for 6 weeks formal public consultation until Friday 1st June 2018. The Parish Council will consider all the representations very carefully and then revise the Plan before submitting it to Herefordshire Council.