
Patented Sept. 3, 1946 2,40,149

UNITED STATES PATENT of FICE 2,40,149 STABLIZED 2-CHLOR--2 Clyde B. Gardenier, Belleviiie, N. J., assignor to Thomas A. Edison, Incorporated, West Orange, N.J., a corporation of New Jersey No Drawing. Application September 8, 1944, Serial No. 553,280 6 Claims. (C. 252-364) 2 This invention relates to novel compositions of pounds that may be added thereto for this pur matter and to methods for preparing the same. pose are , amines, and the More particularly this invention is directed to like. The compounds which are added either stabilized 2 chlor butene 2 and to ninethods for alone or in combination to the 2 chlor butene 2 preparing the Sane. 5 must be capable of forming a solution therewith In the production of , one of the by and may be in the liquid, Solid or gaseous state. product fractions contains 2 chlor buttene 2 in These alcohols may be primary, secondary or both the cis and trans forms, 3 chlor buttene 1, tertiary alcohols and they may be saturated or and 1 chlor butene 2 having the following ac unSaturated by having one or more acetylenic cepted formulas respectively, CH3CCI:CHCH3, () Or ethylenic linkage. These alcohols may be CH2:CHCHCCH3, and CH3CH:CHCH2Cl. This monohydric or polyhydric. The amines may be fraction containing Said compounds, is a black primary, Secondary, or tertiary amines. Among liquid when it is about two weeks old and to the Some of the specific compounds that are particu best of my knowledge has found no application larly Suitable for this purpose and may be used and consequently practically all of it is dumped either alone or in combination are methyl al as a waste product. In the course of my experi cohol, ethyl , propyl alcohol, isopropyl mentation with said fraction, I have found that alcohol, chloroform, triethanolamine, phenyl al said fraction containing said metameric CCIn pha naphthylamine, amino methyl propanol, di pounds may be treated to provide products which phenyl guanidine, triisopropanol amine, hexa either alone or combined with other products are methylene amine and 2 amino 2 methyl useful. diol. The ratio by Weight of the stabilizer to the According to this invention, said fraction con 2 chlor buttene 2 is dependent on the stabilizer taining said metameric compounds is treated to employed. When the amines are so employed the selectively separate the primary and secondary ratio of Stabilizer to 2 chlor butene 2 may be as halides, namely, the is chlor butene 2 and the 3 low as 1 part amine to 10,000 parts 2 chlor butene chlor butene i from the 2 chlor buttene 2. This 2 by weight. When the alcohol or chloroform separation may be accomplished by selective re is employed, the volume ratio of the alcohol or action and precipitation and the resultant or chloroform to the 2 chlor buttene 2 should be at residual 2 chlor butene 2, which is Substantially least 5 to 100. I have discovered that 2 chlor free from said primary and Secondary compounds, butene 2 may be stabilized for varying lengths I have found may be used in some fields. This of time depending on the stabilizer, or combina resultant 2 chlor butene 2 has a specific gravity tion of Stabilizers employed. below at 25 C. and a boiling range of between While one or a combination of two or more of about 60° C. to 75° C. This resultant 2 chlor said stabilizers may be added to 2 chlor butene 2 butene 2 is a mixture of 2 chlor butene 2 trans 3: 5 to stabilize the same, I prefer in certain in and 2 chlor butene 2 cis. While I have found stances, to first separate the 2 chlor buttene 2 that this resultant 2 chlor buttene 2, separated trans from the cis form and to maintain the 2 from said primary and secondary halides, has chlor buttene 2 trans in the presence of the sta certain properties, I have also found that it is bilizer in the course of and after this separation not stable and after left standing under normal 40 step thus to eliminate substantially entirely any conditions of temperature and pressure for about liability of degradation of 2 chlor butene 2 trans 24 hours, the pH thereof has decreased and it has during separation and for a substantial period become darker in color. The 2 chlor butene 2 thereafter. This I accomplish by adding to 2 exists only momentarily in the pure state due to chlor butene 2 cis and trans one or more of said the fact that it undergoes degradation due to alcohols and/or chloroform and this liquid lass hydrolysis thereof with the consequent production is then subjected to distillation and the fraction of HCl and other degradation productS. of the distillate boiling within about 59 C. and In the course of my experimentations with 2 64 C. and preferably within about 61° C. and 62 chlor buttene 2, I have discovered that the stability C. is separated and collected. These distillates I of 2 chlor buttene 2 either in the trans or cis form have found to be stable for at least 72 hours and or a mixture thereof in said different forms Inay the 2 chlor butene 2 therein is substantially con be considerably improved. I have found that 2 pletely in the trans form and will remain for at chloributene 2 may be maintained substantially least 72 hours in that form free from degrada free from degradation products thereof for con tion products as evidenced by lack of any change siderable periods of time. Among the many con 55 of color or pH in that period. While the quantity 2,407,149 3 4. by volume of said alcohols or chloroform in said mass being distilled may vary, it should be at Table II least 5% by Volume of the mass and its maximum Parts (volume) limit may be of any desired value depending 2 chlor butene 2------00 upon the end product desired. When one of said ------5 to 25 alcohols or chloroform is used alone with said 2 chlor butene 2 to separate the trans from the cis Table III as above set forth, I have found that the stabil Parts (volume) ity of the 2 chlor buttene 2 in the distillate is lin 2 chlor butene 2------1.00 ited in time and that the time of stability may 10 Chloroform------10 to 1000 be greatly increased by adding thereto a quantity Isopropyl alcohol at least 5% to the combined of an amine which is soluble therein and exam volumes of 2 chlor butene 2 and chloroform, ples of which have been heretofore set forth. the upper limit being dependent upon the dilu The quantity of said amine added to said distill tion with isopropyl alcohol desired late may be as low as 1 part by Weight of the 5 Instead of employing isopropyl alcohol, any of amine to 10,000 parts by weight of the distillate, the other alcohols and preferably methyl, ethyl and of Course it may be much higher if desired. or propyl alcohol may be substituted therefor in By adding Such small amounts of one or more Tables II and III and the proportions are main Said amines to said distillates, the time of stabil tained as set forth in said tables. However, I ity of the 2 chlor butene 2 trans therein may be 20 prefer to employ isopropyl alcohol as the alcohol. Considerably increased. When one or more of While the products of Tables I and II are stable the alcohols and chloroform are employed to for a period of at least a week, the products of gether With the 2 chlor butene 2, I have found Table III are stable for months and apparently that the resulting distillate is stable for a longer for an indefinite period of time without adversely period of time than the distillate containing no 25 affecting the anesthetic properties thereof. chloroform. In accordance with my novel method, the In the practice of this invention; I prefer that aforementioned by-product fraction containing the ratio of the 2 chlor butene 2, whether in the the metameric compounds 2 chlor butene 2 in trans or cis form or as a mixture of the trans and both the trans and cis forms, 3 chlor buttene 1 cis forms, to the chloroform whether used alone 30 and 1 chlor buttene 2 may be employed as the or in combination with one or more of the alco starting raw material. To said by-product frac hols and preferably methyl, ethyl, propyl and tion is added a quantity of an alcoholic Solution isopropyl alcohol, be between about 10 to 1 and 1 of sodium or potassium hydroxide. I prefer to to 10 parts by volume and to the alcohol whether employ sodium hydroxide and the quantity there Used alone or in combination with the chloro 35 of in ethyl alcohol is between 25% to 50% form be no greater than about 20 to 1, with the in excess of that required to react with all of the lower limit being any desirable amount depend primary and secondary halides present in said ing upon the dilution required with the alcohol. fraction. Upon the addition of said alcoholic so This invention accordingly comprises the sev lution of sodium hydroxide to said fraction, there eral steps and relation of one or more of such 40 is a reaction between the Sodium hydroxide and steps with respect to each of the others, and com the primary halide whereupon the sodium de positions of matter possessing the characteristics, rivative of the primary halide precipitates out. properties and relation of components, all of The entire mass is heated to boiling and main which will be exemplified in the following de tained in this state of boiling under a reflux con tailed disclosure, and the scope of the invention 45 denser until substantially all of the primary and Will be indicated in the claims. Secondary halides have reacted. With the SOdiural The following are specific examples which are hydroxide to form a precipitate. The imaSS is Set forth merely to illustrate the invention and filtered through an appropriate iiltering me are not to be construed by way of limitatition. dium to separate the precipitate from the liquid In the practice of this invention, I prefer that 50 which is recovered as the filtrate. The filtrate the ratio of the 2 chloributene 2, whether in trans is washed with water in order to remove there or cis form or as a mixture of the trans and cis from Substantially all of the alcohol and so forms, to the chloroform whether used alone or dium hydroxide. This washing is a simple op in combination with isopropyl alcohol be between eration requiring merely the addition of Water about 10 to 1 and 1 to 10 parts by volume and to 55 thereto, agitation, allowing the aqueous phase to the isopropyl alcohol whether used alone or in separate from the 2 chlor butene 2 phase and combination with the chloroform be no greater removing the aqueous phase therefrom. These than about 20 to 1, with the lower limit being any washings are continued until the washings are desirable amount depending on the dilution with Substantially free from alkali and alcohol. isopropyl alcohol that may be required. 60 The washed product is then steam distilled to The following tables, for the purposes of ill produce a clear Water white distillate. This dis lustration, show the preferable ranges when 2 tillate is washed with water a few more times to chlor butene 2 is employed with isopropyl alcohol separate therefrom any alcohol which may have and/or chloroform. The term 2 chlor buttene 2 65 become entrained therewith during said steam as employed herein and in the claims and when distillation step. After the water has been sep not qualified as to being in the trans or cis form arated therefrom following the last washing, this product is completely dehydrated. Over 'Sodium is meant to include said compound in either form sulphate or calcium chloride. The dehydrated and also the combination of said compound in product, hereinafter known as product A, is both forms. The parts as used herein are by vol 70 substantially pure 2 chlor butene 2 cis and trans, une unless otherwise indicated. has a specific gravity of about 0.906 at 25° C., Table I has a boiling point range between 60° C. and Parts (volume) 75 C., is clear, Water white, has a pH of about 2 chlor butene 2------100 6, has a mild odor, is inflammable, but under Chloroform ------10 to 1000 75 goes degradation within about 12 hours at nor 2,407,149 5 6 mal temperature and pressure with consequent fer that the ratio of the chloroform to the 2 increase of acidity and becomes darker in color. chlor butene 2 by volume be at least 1 to 0 and To a quantity of product A which is said sub the ratio of the isopropyl alcohol by volume to stantially pure 2 chlor butene 2 cis and trans, the combined volumes of isopropyl alcohol and preferably immediately after the last washing 5 2 chlor-butene 2 trans be at least about 5 to 100. and water separation, is added a quantity of In order to reduce the inflammability of the 2 chloroform and/or an alcohol, preferably iso chlor buttene 2 trans, the ratio of the chloroform propyl alcohol. The quantity of chloroform to the 2 chlor buttene 2 trans by volume may be added thereto may be between about 10 and 1000 increased above 1 to 10 without adversely affect parts by volume for each 100 parts of said 2 10 ing the stability characteristic of said product. chlor butene 2 by volume. The quantity of al . . Moreover the particular preferential ratio of cohol and preferably isopropyl alcohol added to the quantity by Volume of isopropyl alcohol to a quantity of Said 2 chlor buttene 2 is at least the combined volume of 2 chlor buttene 2 trans 5 and preferably between 5 and 25 parts by vol and chloroform is between about 7 to 100 and 8 ume for each 100 parts of said 2 chlor butene 2 5 to 100. by Volume. Said proportions are applicable in all The stabilized 2 chlor buttene 2 products here three cases. In all cases after Said additions have tofore described and examples of which are set been made, the mass is distilled under a multiple forth in Tables I, II, III and Examples 1 and 2 plate column and preferably a column having be may be employed as solvents for ethyl cellulose tween 20 and 100 plates, with a condenser at the 20 or benzyl cellulose, may be used as paint and var upper end of the column, and I collect a definite nish renover or as components thereof, may be condensate. This condensate has a boiling range employed as solvents for the so-called war chem between about 59° C. and 64° C. The major por icals, such as the sternutators, lachrymators, tion of Said condensate has a constant boiling lethals and the like; they may also be heated in range within 6 C. and 62° C. These conden the presence of an acidic condensing agent such sates contain 2 chlor buttene 2, which is present, as aluminum chloride to provide resinous con Substantially completely in only the transform. densation products which may be substituted for Constant boiling combinations of 2 chlor bu shellac; they may be reacted with allyl chloride tene 2 trans, chloroform and isopropyl alcohol in the presence of an acidic condensing agent, which are particularly stable over an indefinite such as ferric chloride, in the ratio by weight of period of time may be prepared by distilling un 50 to 50 to 1 and heated under pressure of 4-5 der said multiple plate column and collecting the atmospheres for the production of resinous or condensate boiling within 61° C. and 62° C. The ganic condensation reaction products; they may following are Specific examples of the original be employed in mixture With ragweed, goldenrod mix subjected to Said distillation and disclose or the like and either allowed to stand for days the end products obtained. Or boiled thereWith after Which the resultant Eacample 1 liquid mass is fractionated and an oily liquid may be removed therefrom, said liquid having Mixture subjected to distillation: and carrot odors. Parts by volume 40 Since certain changes in carrying out the above Product A------780 process and certain modifications in the compo Chloroform ------780 sitions which embody the invention may be made Isopropyl alcohol ------98 without departing from its scope, it is intended ... The fraction boiling within the temperature that all matter contained in the above descrip range of 61° C. to 62° C. which was collected as 45 tion shall be interpreted as illustrative and not a condensate is a, constant boiling liquid, is clear, in a limiting sense. water white, stable over an indefinite period of It is also to be understood that the following time, has a pH of about 6, and 100 parts by vol claims are intended to cover all of the generic and ume thereof consisted of about 46% parts by Specific features of the invention herein described volume of 2 chlor buttene 2 trans, about 46% parts 50 and all statements of the scope of the invention, by volume of chloroform and about 7 parts by Which as a matter of language might be said to Volune of isopropyl alcohl. fall therebetween; and that they are intended to Eacample 2 be inclusive in scope and not exclusive, in that, if desired, other materials may be added to my Mixture subjected to distillation: 55 novel Composition of matter herein claimed with Parts by volume Out departing from the Spirit of the invention. Product A------1000 This application is a continuation in part of Chloroform ------310 my copending application Serial Number 508,088 Isopropyl alcohol ------250 filed October 27, 1943 and the subject matter of The fraction boiling within the temperature 60 said application is made parthereof. range of 61° C. to 62° C. which was collected as I claim: a condensate is a constant boiling liquid, is clear, 1. A composition of matter comprising 2 chlor water white, stable over an indefinite period of butene 2, chloroform and isopropyl alcohol. time, has a pH of about 6 and 100 parts by vol 2. A composition of matter comprising 2 chlor ume thereof consisted of about 78 parts by vol 65 butene 2, chloroform and isopropyl alcohol, the ume of 2 chlor buttene 2 trans, about 15 parts ratio of the quantity by volume of said 2 chlor by volume of chloroform and about 7 parts by butene 2 to the quantity by volume of said chloro volume of isopropyl alcohol. form being between about 100 to 10 and 100 to I have found that the 2 chloributene 2 trans 1000, the ratio of the quantity by volume of said may be maintained stable for an indefinite period 70 isopropyl alcohol to the combined volumes of said of time by employing both chloroform and iso 2 chlor butene 2 and said chloroform being at propyl alcohol in combination therewith and that least 5 to 100. for a matter of days said 2 chlor buttene 2 trans 3. A composition of matter comprising 2 chlor will remain stable in the presence of either butene 2, chloroform and isopropyl alcohol, the chloroform or isopropyl alcohol alone. I pre 75 ratio of the quantity by volume of said chloroform 2,407,149 7 to the quantity by volume of said 2 chloributene bined volumes of said 2 chlor buttene 2 and said 2 being at least 1 to 10 and the ratio of the quan chloroform being at least 5 to 100 and collecting a tity by volume of said isopropyl alcohol to the quantity of distillate boiling within the tem combined volunes of said 2 chlor butene 2 and perature range of 61° C. and 62 C. chloroform being within about 7 to 100 and 8 5. The method comprising heating a mass of to 100. 2 chlor buttene 2, isopropyl alcohol and chloro 4. The method comprising distilling a mass form and collecting a quantity of distillate boiling comprising 2 chloributene 2, chloroform and iso Within the temperature range of 61° C. and 62 C. propyl alcohol, the ratio of the quantity by vol 6. A composition of matter comprising 2 chlor ume of said 2 chlor butene 2 to the quantity by 0 butene 2, chloroform and an aliphatic liquid al Volume of said chloroform being between about cohol. 100 to 10 and 100 to 1000, the ratio of the quantity CLYDE B. GARDENIER, by volume of said isopropyl alcohol to the com