Ellsworth American Tbe Part of “White Slavers” Has Proven ELL8W0RTH’S $|)C Unfounded
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tMMOHrr-rto* raio», ft.oe pn T»A» i 111 ABVABC9, f] ,9|, \ KNTB1ID A« 8BOOND-OLAS8 MATTER ELLSWORTH, MAINE, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 3, 1913. AT THI HLL8 WORTH POSTOPPICH. LOCAL AFFAIRS. Bangor, and Mrs. Fannie Arey, in Bucks- fetjemscmnu* port. The annual of Irene WKW ADVERTISEMENTS THIS WEEK. meeting chapter, 0, E. S., will be held next Friday evening. Burrill national bank. Officers for the ensuing year will be Cimne’s hotel. The Burrill C C Burrill—'Tenement to let. elected. Circle supper at 6 30. National C L Morang—Dry good*. Ellsworth friends J A Haynes—Groceries. of Nahum H. Jordan, H C Austin Furniture. of No. 21 plantation, sympathize with him Lost—Hand bag. Maine Central Railroad. in the loss of his wife, who died Monday, William E Whiting—Insurance. after a long illness, at the age of sixty-four of Notice of foreclosure — Bank lister C Lufkin, Olivia J Lufkin. years. Safety-Service Ellsworth, The only two factors worth considering in selecting a bank Lost—Itobe. will be served at the Unitarian for the transaction of business. Admr notice—Est Eliza A Ginn. Supper your will you P*r cent, on check — •* Alvin M Rich. vestry this evening at 6 30 the Woman’s pay your balances of >500 or '* by — James Heraey. The UNION TltUSr COMPANY of Ellsworth with a •' •• Alliance. The will be followed — supper by over, crediting interest monthly. Mary W Ellis. — Frank Pierson. a general meeting of the members of the «« «• c— -aior service and — Albert Francis. #100,000 Unsurpassed monthly interest should be an parish. 8 and Bakoor: ^rplus Profit*, *100,000 Write inducement us to-day. State some amount as an Eastern Trust A Banking Co. The firemen were called out Friday Stockholder#’ Liabilities, *100,000 BOSTOR, Mass: for a fire at house of l»alauce and let us show evening chimney ttap A for of over average you what yon are losing. William Rend A Sons. protective capital depositors £500,000 with re- M Steinert & Sons Co-Pianos. Timothy Bresnahan on Liberty street. sources of over fl,500,000 provides both safety and service of the The fire was extinguished by chemicals. highest standard. This is a convenient bank for No damage. the people of Hancock and SCHEDULE OF MAILS Washington counties to do business with. Our directors are men interested in the affairs of these 83 Main St., Hours, 9 to 4; 9 to 1. AT B I. LB WORTH POSTOFF1CK. The ladies’ aid society of the Congrega- counties. Their aim is to Sat., stimulate and assist in the business interests of Hancock and In effect Sept. 28, 1913. tional church will meet at the chapel to- Washington counties. It is a home bank intended to stimulate morrow afternoon at 2. Refreshments MAILS RBCB1VBD. home industries and home enterprises. We are interested in will be served after work. A large atten- every corporation, mercantile firm and individual. As our busi- Faom West— 7.18 am: 4.14,6.25 pm. dance is requested. ness increases every year, it is proof sufficient of the satisfactory From East—11.06, tlJS7 am; 5 47, 10.52 p m. service we render. If you are not a customer already, we invite At the MAIL CLOABS AT POATOWCB forenoon service at the Metho- you to become one. church Goiso W'bat—10.30, 11.30 a m; 5.15, 9 p m. dist next Sunday, there will be Ooiso East—6.45 a m; 8.45, 6 o m. special music. There will be an evange- Union Trust of listic service in the evening. Subject, Company Ellsworth, Me. Sundays: Arrives 8.11 a m; leaves for west, “What is a Christian?” 4.50 pm. No Sunday mail after Nov.30, The sophomore class of the Ellsworth Registered mail should be at postoffice half Women high school has formed a press club. Their Who an Bank hour before mail closes. object is to furnish school news items for The American. Judging by the names of with the Eastern Trust A Hanking Co. already know HEATHER IN ELLSWORTH. some of the members, they will, if there what a splendid way it is to safeguard their funds is anything in heredity, do good work along their chosen line.- Port land Press. “Look most to No matter how properly, and make simple, economical, and busi- For Week Ending at Midnight Tuesday, your spending. December i, 1013. Mrs. Charles E. Pio, of Portsmouth, ness-like payments. Thousands of women much comes in, if more goes out, you will be already [From observations taken at the power N. H., formerly of Ellsworth, underwent always bank with us; let ns tell you bow you can enjoy this station of the Bar Harbor A Union River Power Co., in Ellsworth. is a critical surgical operation at the Ports- mail. Full Information Precipitation poor.” privilege by cheerfully sent given in inches for the twenty four hours mouth hospital recently. The operation ending at midnight; suowfall is, of course, on request. is a and Mrs. Pio’s a Account Nowand reduced to water.! pronounced success, Start Savings Let the Interest Help You. % Weather Preclp- condition is favorable. Temperature condition* Ration At the literature club meeting Dec. 1, 4am 12 m forenoon afternoon HANCOCK CO. SAVINGS BANK interesting and instructive papers were Wed 38- 42- fair fair read— “Dikes, Canals and Windmills,” MAINE Thurs 28— 81- fair fair ELLSWORTH, Established 1873. PASTERN.. TRUST BANKING CO. Miss Gay nor, and & Frt 20— fair cloudy by “Rembrandt”, by Miss Black. The next will be BANGOR. .ME. Sat 33- *Dow rain cloudy, fair .15 meeting fair fair held with Miss Gaynor, Dec. 15. AT OLD HI “Midnight Scandal.” BRANCHES TOWN MAC AS & DF.XTER Mon 82- 38- cloudy light, rain 08 The ladies of the Methodist will society The Diriffo athletic club will an Tues 36 — 40- fair fair present have a sale and next after- supper Tuesday original one-act farce by Koy C. Haines, Total rainfall for November. 2.09 inches. noon and at the church evening, parlors. entitled and con- for November. 41.1 “Midnight Scandal”, Average temperature w ill be served at 5.30. The sale Supper taining a musical review, at Hancock hall, of and fancy articles will be held aprons Wednesday evening, Dec. 10. The cast: Haynes’ Mrs.Vbarlotte Clement is visiting rela- afternoon and evening, with a free enter- Miranda Simpkins, the hostess, in tainment in the tive# Bucksport. evening. Miss Mina Brooks Fred G. Smith is spending a few days Rev. P. A. A. Killam has accompanied Josiah Simpkins, boat and husband, “The Store” with bis brother Frank in Kittery. Rev. H. R. Whitelock, director of young Roger Higgins Quality work among the to Mary Ann Siifipkins, the loving daughter, Mrs. Fred H. returned people’s Baptists, Osgood Friday Miss Lillis Specials Winter where a school Phillips from a visit with her sisters in Boston. Harbor, Sunday Nancy Jordan, a gossip .. Miss Alice Garland a institute will be held to-day. He will go Jim received large and A fine lot of Hand-colored Wm. H. H. Kice relief corps will serve Phoebe Joy, another gossip.. Miss Edith Lord from there to Salisbury Cove for another at <». A. K. hall to-morrow evening. Lydia Perkins, gossip No. 3, The articles listed below supper institute evening. very fancy line of Bas- Maine Thursday Miss Bernice Eldridge Photographs. Herbert F. Monaghan, of Bangor, spent Carroll N. Jordan died last Thursday at Jemima Tracy, Just another gossip, are standard in and from Thanksgiving with his parents, C. K. quality kets, prices, Scones. his home in the Morrison district, aged Mrs. George Sinclair Monaghan and w ife. Charlie in love with Ann, twenty-nine years. Mr. Jordan had been North, Mary weight and will be the most Mrs. W. P. Woodward left to Earl Falvey yesterday in ill health the past three years. He Helen, Mary Ann’s friend. welcome spend the winter with her sons at Bpring- leaves a widow and one child. He is also bargains yet: 25c to 25c to Miss Margaret King $5 $2.50 vale and New York. survived by his parents—Edgar A. Jordan The scene is laid in the parlor of the Congressman John A. Peters left Friday and wife, three brothers and one sister. !t cans Armour’s Simpkips home, fifty years ago. Worked for Washington for the owning of the The ball of Senator Hale Tomato masquerade into the farce will be aotnq of the old-time Soup, 25c sixty-third Congress. hose company last Wednesday evening songs, by a choru9 of forty-live voices, The annual meetiug of the so- brought out a large crowd, with more ,‘J pkfrs. Toilet Paper.25c H. C. AUSTIN & CO. Baptist and solos, duets, trios and some dance ciety w ill be held Monday evening, Dec. 8, than the usual number in mask. The specialties.* Miss Emilie Young has Oust Telephone Connection. in the church for the prettiest costume was Bane, larjre can,.25c parlors. prize charge of the dance features. awarded to Miss Margaret King, in a Arthur Parcher, Robert King and A way-back ball will follow’ the enter- It cans Alaskan Pink Martha Washington costume, while the Clarence Tapley were at home from college tainment. 25c for the funniest costume went to Salmon, for the Thanksgiving recess. prize Walter J. Clark, jr. COMING KVKXTS. M. E. Thibodeaux, of the battleship 4 lbs. Saur Kraut, Heinz’s, 25c With the removal of the office North Carolina, is spending a week’s fur- express ELL8WOHTH.