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OCTOBER 10, 2014 Real Estate Another Glass Tower at Madison Square By ROBIN FINN In a neighborhood not yet overrun by luxury condominiums but very much in vogue with globe- trotters wishing to acquire a residence with the caliber of amenities and views only a skyscraper can reliably deliver, 45 East 22nd Street is about to as- sert itself just a stone’s throw from Madison Square Park’s only other modern glass-skinned tower, One Madison. The 65-story skyscraper will top off at 777 feet, besting One Madison by about 150 feet. But unlike other towers going up around town, the floor plate for this one will expand as the building rises. At ground level, the site measures 75 feet wide, but the glass tower incorporates a subtle 17-foot cantilever above its low-rise neighbor to the west, which allows the building to grow progressively wider as it rises, insuring that every apartment is slightly different in size. It culminates in a 7,000-square-foot duplex penthouse on the 64th and 65th floor, with the top floor measuring 125 feet wide. Paul Katz, a principal of Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates, which designed the building and is the firm behind the master plan for Hudson Yards, described the tower as “a flaring, Brancusi-esque sculptural form.” Construction at the site, cobbled together from an assemblage of air rights and de- molitions on East 22nd Street, is expected to start in February. A sales office opens this month, and the anticipated move-in date for the first wave of buyers of the 83 units, which will range from $2.5 million to $42.5 million, is December 2016.
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