Baby cuddling Frantic rescuers digging program benefits at collapsed school B7 everyone A3 Hoops in Heartland could be a shootout B1 MOLINE, ILLINOIS Thursday, March 14, 2019 | | $2.00 River waters are on the rise THOMAS GEYER The rain will be tapering off city’s public works department.
[email protected] Thursday and Friday but cooler “Whatever the amount of flood- temperatures return with the high ing, we’re ready. We know it’s go- The Mississippi River is fore- Friday reaching 40 degrees with an ing to be challenging but our team cast to crest at 18.2 feet Sunday, overnight low into Saturday of 24 is in place,” Klipsch said. but that crest may come earlier or degrees. Alderwoman Marion Megin- be higher as the river is rising a bit Sun returns in time for the an- nis, 3rd Ward, said residents can faster than anticipated, National nual St. Patrick’s Day parade Sat- get updates about flood response Weather Service, Davenport, mete- urday with a high temperature of from the city’s website. orologist Tom Philip said Wednes- about 40 degrees. Sunday‘s forecast With the rain leaving, the re- day night. calls for sunny skies and a high of gion will have to deal with snow- Between the frozen ground, 43 degrees. melt and water runoff. According melting snow and rain, both the During the Davenport City to the National Weather Service, Mississippi River and Rock River Council meeting Wednesday, Clay portions of Minnesota already are on the rise. Merritt, with Davenport’s public have recorded the fourth snowiest The Rock River at Moline al- works department, told council February on record.