Language-Independent Development Environment Support for Dynamic Runtimes Daniel Stolpe Tim Felgentreff Christian Humer Hasso Plattner Institute Oracle Labs Oracle Labs University of Potsdam Potsdam, Germany Zurich, Switzerland Potsdam, Germany
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Fabio Niephaus Robert Hirschfeld Hasso Plattner Institute Hasso Plattner Institute University of Potsdam University of Potsdam Potsdam, Germany Potsdam, Germany
[email protected] [email protected] Abstract CCS Concepts • Software and its engineering → In- There are many factors for the success of a new programming tegrated and visual development environments; Soft- language implementation. Existing language implementa- ware maintenance tools. tion frameworks such as Truffle or RPython have focused Keywords Language Server Protocol, Truffle, Graal on run-time performance and security, or on providing a ACM Reference Format: comprehensive set of libraries. Daniel Stolpe, Tim Felgentreff, Christian Humer, Fabio Niephaus, The tools that language users need to be productive are and Robert Hirschfeld. 2019. Language-Independent Development also an important factor for the adoption of a programming Environment Support for Dynamic Runtimes. In Proceedings of language. The aforementioned frameworks, however, pro- the 15th ACM SIGPLAN International Symposium on Dynamic Lan- vide limited support for creating comprehensive develop- guages (DLS ’19), October 20, 2019, Athens, Greece. ACM, New York, ment tools. This is an impediment to language adoption that NY, USA, 11 pages. can be as serious as performance issues or lack of libraries. Both Truffle and RPython already provide run-time tools 1 Introduction such as for debugging, profiling, or coverage in a language- As use-cases evolve, so do programming languages to deal independent manner, but neither support static development with the rising complexity of modern software systems.