The university of Winnipeg student weekly DEC 07, 2006 vol. 61 Issue 12 e-mail » [email protected] on the web » 14 11 04 21 wesmen interimreview Making theGrade aceartinc’s Local art forChristmasthisyear Womyn’s Centrecommemorates Dec.6withbl ood art Violence againstWomenRemembered National StudentUnintrgglesclearitsname Smear Campaign orCrruptin? W inter W armer has somethingfreveryone Features Diversions 11 Comments 09 News 07 02 Sports Listings 21 17 13 Arts&Culture 13 inside 2006/12/07 SSUE I VO ♼ L U ME 61 December 7, 2006 The Uniter contact: [email protected] 0 NEWS

UNITER STAFF News Editor: Richard Liebrecht Senior Reporter: Derek Leschasin News Editor: Whitney Light E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Managing Editor News Jo Snyder » [email protected]

Business Manager James D. Patterson » [email protected] NEWS ASSIGNMENT EDITOR [email protected] U of W Student wins Richard Liebrecht »

News Production Editor Whitney Light » [email protected] prestigious scholarship

COMMENTS EDITOR Ben Wood » [email protected] Jenette Martens ing for the Rhodes scholarship. She had a variety of pride. She had recently become a yoga teacher and Volunteer Staff reasons not to. For one, she didn’t want to move to found that the experience changed her perspective Diversions EDITOR England. At the urging of her grandparents and pro- on her achievements. It was an activity done simply Matt Cohen » [email protected] fessors, however, she investigated the program and for the joy of it. “I’m most proud of my achievement ne of three Rhodes scholarships avail- realized its advantages. of not thinking so much about my achievements,” ARTS & CULTURE EDITOR able to Prairie students recently went to To apply, she collected six reference letters and she joked. Mike Lewis » [email protected] Othe University of Winnipeg’s Alana Lejoie- wrote a 900 word paper on her interests. She also re- Lejoie-O’Malley’s achievements do not end O’Malley. Next fall she will travel to Oxford University ceived a letter of recommendation from the presi- with SUNSET and yoga. Prior to the award, she had LISTINGS Coordinator dent of the University, Lloyd Axworthy, and submit- completed an Honours Bachelor of Arts from the U of Nick Weigeldt » [email protected] to study physics and philosophy. “I was excited, but it was still kind of like, ‘Gee, ted a résumé. After attending several events with W and only had a few more electives to finish before SPORTS EDITOR how come me and not somebody else?’” said Lejoie- other applicants, as well as taking part in interviews, she graduated with a Bachelor of Science. She at- Mike Pyl » [email protected] O’Malley. Lejoie-O’Malley was told she had won. tended the U of W collegiate, where she won many To be a Rhodes scholar, one must show literary A major factor in Lejoie-O’Malley’s success awards and scholarships. She was also heavily in- COPY & STYLE EDITOR and scholastic achievement, energy to develop one’s was her work with SUNSET (Sustainable University volved in extracurricular activities. Lejoie-O’Malley Brendan Johns » [email protected] talents, devotion to duty, desire to protect the weak, Now, Sustainable Earth Tomorrow) at the University speaks both English and French fluently, and has unselfishness, moral force of character, and the abil- of Winnipeg. SUNSET works to make the University worked as a tutor, researcher and teaching assistant. PHOTO EDITOR ity to lead and take an interest in one’s fellow beings. more socially and economically responsible. “I think Asked if she would recommend that others Natasha Peterson » [email protected] The scholarship is seen as one of the most prestigious (my work with SUNSET) is basically why I’m going, apply for the Rhodes scholarship, Alana cautioned in the world. Past recipients include leaders from sev- but there are so many other people who have done students to remember that even though it is presti- SENIOR REPORTER Derek Leschasin » [email protected] eral countries, for example, Bill Clinton, the former amazing work in that area and aren’t getting any rec- gious, it is still just a scholarship to study at a univer- president of the United States. The cost of studying at ognition,” said Lejoie-O’Malley. sity. Students should research Oxford and decide for STAFF Reporter Oxford is completely covered for two years, including Surprisingly, though Lejoie-O’Malley enjoyed themselves if it has the programs that they want to Kenton Smith » [email protected] travel and living expenses. her work on environmental issues, her many achieve- study, she said. For Lejoie-O’Malley, Oxford isn’t the Initially Lejoie-O’Malley didn’t consider apply- ments in that field were not her greatest source of end of the road — she has a lot of studying ahead. Beat Reporter Ksenia Prints » [email protected]

Beat Reporter Michelle Dobrovolny » [email protected] Family will remain in “benevolent PRODUCTION MANAGER & GRAPHICS EDITOR Sarah Sangster » [email protected] prison,” says Minister

t h i s w e e k ’ s contributors est, are Canadian-born citizens. Hassan Raza, the family’s father, fears what awaits the western- Michael Banias, Sam McLean, Jenette Martens, Cameron Maclean, Renee Lilley, Kelly Ross, Brooke Dmytriw, Ksenia Prints ized children in a country they have never known. Aaron Epp, Erin McIntyre, Matt Urban, Daniel Falloon, Beat reporter “Maybe my problems can be solved… But my Micheal Silicz , Josh Boulding daughter, she has a future here,” he says. “[The appeal] was turned down, no reason our months ago the Raza family ar- given,” says Rev. barb janes of the CFRUC, angered The Uniter is the official student newspaper of the University of Winnipeg and is published by Mouseland Press Inc. rived at the Crescent Fort Rouge United by the decision. The Razas themselves are “very Mouseland Press Inc. is a membership based organization Church (CFRUC) looking for sanctu- upset” and disappointed, and state that return- in which students and community members are invited F to participate. For more information on how to become a ary from deportation. On Nov. 26 the federal ing to Pakistan is not an option. They escaped the member go to, or call the office at 786-9790. The Uniter is a member of the Canadian University Press and Immigration Department denied their appeal country in 1998, victims of sectorial violence. Campus Plus Media Services. to leave sanctuary until the review of their refu- While in sanctuary, the family is unable SUBMISSION OF ARTICLES, LETTERS, GRAPHICS AND PHOTOS ARE WELCOME. Articles must be submitted in gee status applications. For now the family will to step beyond church boundaries. Volunteers text (.rtf) or Microsoft Word (.doc) format to [email protected], remain at CFRUC. attend to their needs and the children are home- or the relevant section editor. Deadline for submissions is 6:00 p.m. Thursday, one week before publication. The appeal was based on an alleged failure to schooled, separated from any peer contact. “Being Deadline for advertisements is noon Friday, six days prior to publication. The Uniter reserves the right to refuse to print account for the well being of the family’s children. in sanctuary, like this family, is basically like (being submitted material. The Uniter will not print submissions The six children, ages one to thirteen, were not all in) a benevolent prison,” said Rev. janes in a previ- that are homophobic, misogynistic, racist, or libellous. We also reserve the right to edit for length and/or style. born in Pakistan, and most do not speak Urdu, the ous Uniter interview.

regional language. Sima and Massim, the young- The family now faces two options: await a NATASHA PETERSON CONTACT US » General Inquiries: 204.786.9790 The Raza family children, living in sanctuary at Crescent Advertising: 204.786.9779 Fort Rouge United Church, are homeschooled. Editors: 204.786.9497 Fax: 204.783.7080 Email: [email protected]

LOCATION » decision on their humanitarian and compassion- Room ORM14 ate application; or hope for a compassionate inter- University of Winnipeg 515 Portage Avenue vention by Monte Solberg, minister of citizenship Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 2E9 and immigration. “We continue to lobby Monte Solberg. We have the postcard campaign, and we continue to look for any other options available,” Cover Image says Rev. janes. The postcard campaign is a coun- try-wide effort through the United Church’s web- site. People can purchase and send postcards to minister Solberg, urging him to take action on the ART CITY CHRISTMAS! family’s situation. (Photo: Natasha Peterson) “We’ve reassured [the Razas] that we’re not giving up on them, we’re continuing to work as hard as we can to let them stay in Canada,” says Rev. janes. But the process could take several more months — it doesn’t look like happy holidays are in store for the Razas. contact: [email protected] The Uniter December 7, 2006 NEWS 0

240 certified organic producers in Manitoba. EU barriers to GMOs lose strength They represent only about one percent of the total agricultural production of the province, Canadian producers speculate trade changes but agricultural producers are working hard to increase that number. Many organic producers are concerned about their industry’s chances Cameron Maclean that this amounted to an unjustified barrier to market that was cut off to our producers.” of survival in a market which is increasingly Volunteer Staff trade, and violated international agreements The WTO ruling should come as especially dominated by GMOs, where modified genes that require such procedures to be completed good news to canola producers in Manitoba. may crossbreed with other non-modified crops without undue delay. According to Dr. Ryan Cardwell of the in the wild. What is more, according to Gibson, he European Union has opened the News of the panel’s decision was greeted Department of Agribusiness and Agricultural there are serious concerns over the potential door to genetically modified organ- with enthusiasm by Canadian government of- Economics at the University of Manitoba, environmental and health impacts of genetic T isms. A World Trade Organization panel ficials. “This ruling is a big win for the Canadian almost all of the canola grown in Manitoba is modification. “There has not been enough re- ruled in favour of countries protesting the EUs agriculture industry, and in particular the bio- genetically modified and thus was affected by search done. There’s not a single study, not one previously GMO-restricting import regulations, technology sector,” Minister of Agriculture and the trade ban. The ruling from the WTO, how- single peer-reviewed study, on the impacts, and has ordered the EU to resume product ap- Agri-Food Chuck Strahl said in a media re- ever, has the potential to open up a huge new say, of genetically modified wheat on human proval proceedings. The EU has announced lease Nov. 22. Minister of International Trade market in genetically modified energy crops, health. So, in organics, we say, ‘Don’t use a that it will not appeal the decision. David Emerson agreed. “This ruling will enable such as canola seeds, which are used in the pro- method until you know it’s safe.’” Earlier this year, the WTO panel found Canadian producers to access European mar- duction of ethanol and bio-diesel. “With the in- In the end, however, the WTO ruling may that the EU and its member states had effec- kets and effectively market their products,” he crease in bio-diesel production in Europe, they change very little. “All the WTO ruling did was tively put a moratorium on GMOs and other said. do not produce enough oil seeds to meet their condemn the manner in which the EU was biotech products between Oct. 1998 and Aug. Government officials in Manitoba are also bio-diesel demands, and that will open up a going through the approval process for GM 29, 2003 (the date the panel was established). pleased with the WTO ruling. “I would see it as new market for our canola seeds to go into the products,” Dr. Cardwell said. “All they said was During this time, the EU imposed strict regula- a win,” said Minister of Agriculture, Food, and EU market,” Wowchuk said. the procedure you (the EU) used to regulate tions and standards on products approved for Rural Initiatives Rosann Wowchuk. “(Farmers) However, the WTO ruling is not good news them in the past took too long. They didn’t tell sale, and approval proceedings often dragged have been lobbying for a long time, indicating for everyone. According to Janine Gibson of the the EU that they had to lift any existing bans or on for years. The Canadian government, as well that this was an unfair practice being put on by Organic Food Council of Manitoba, a chapter that they’re not allowed to implement bans in as the United States and Argentina, complained the European Union and, of course, that was a of Canadian Organic Growers, there are about the future.”

Local rally protests violence in Palestinian territories

Renee Lilley

he International Day of Action for Israeli and international educators in the Gaza was held Dec. 2. Co-spon- struggle against the occupation. He said the Tsored by local groups, a rally met at real issues Israel must face are the Middle the Manitoba Legislature in support of the East’s poverty, corruption, and racism. Emergency Resolution to Call for a Stop to Dr. Mark Etkin, a psychiatrist and the Attacks on Gaza. member of Jews for Just Peace, also spoke Approximately 50 people attended. on his travel experience. He said that he Coinciding with the Legislature’s annual witnessed the imprisonment of Palestinian open house, their message was heard by people, who hoped he would communicate many Winnipegers. their situation to international communi- Recently in the occupied Palestinian ties. In North America we must decry the territories, there have been numerous at- violence, he said, and push the Emergency tacks on civilians, including a tank shelling Resolution towards government in order to of the town Beit Hanoun. Eighteen people make change. were killed, eight of them sleeping children. Palestinian-born peace activist Bassam These attacks have prompted Israeli Hozaima spoke about the rights of his coun- human rights organizations to reach out try’s people. Critical of Israel’s military, he to the international community. The Peace suggested that their policy appears to be Alliance Winnipeg and the Canada Palestine “when there is no force, use more force.” He Support Network, with the Jews For Just explained, “The more you push people, the Peace Organization, gathered in solidar- more they will push back.” The fact that the ity to bring awareness of the Emergency Palestinians are still fighting back is a “tes- Resolution to government in hopes of peace tament of survival instincts, the strength of in the Middle East. conviction, and the love of the land.” Howard Davidson, an associate profes- Asked if he thought Gaza will find relief sor at the U of M, spoke at the rally. He had any time soon, Hozaima said, “Unless lead- been in West Bank working with Palestinian, ership changes, it will continue.”

Renee Lilley

Protestors against violence in Gaza rally at the Legislature on Dec. 2. December 7, 2006 The Uniter contact: [email protected] News Editor: Whitney Light E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 786-9497 0 NEWS Fax: 783-7080

of students. We all hold each other accountable,” CFS combats charges of corruption she says. “The national office was open and up- Canadian front. I think it was dealt with in an appropriate manner.” Michelle Dobrovolny “That payment was to ensure that students However, another issue raised in the Global & World Beat Reporter at Douglas Students’ Union wouldn’t get cut off report was the integrity of the CFS executive from their health plan,” says Azziz. “CFS-Services board, particularly Link, who supposedly signed had no choice but to cover the premiums.” the $276,000 advance payment to Green Shield. News BriefS he Canadian Federation of Students is But the Douglas Students’ Union has itself Link’s checkered history includes two convictions under fire following the broadcast of a been accused of financial mismanagement. on mischief charges in 1986 and 1989, as well as Compiled by Brooke Dmytriw TTV news report that alleges the national The Global TV report also questions a $20,000 an assault conviction in 1989. In 1997, he was student advocacy group is corrupt and misman- loan made to a Union board member, allegedly again tried on assault charges, this time for alleg- aging funds. The story, which aired Nov. 15 on to make a down-payment on a new house. If edly attacking a female CFS executive, though he NEW DELHI—The Clinton Foundation Global TV’s BC affiliate, charges that CFS-Services the charges are true, then CFS-Services had no was acquitted. HIV/AIDS Initiative and two leading Indian pharma- executive director Philip Link improperly loaned choice but to cover the costs of a corrupt student Azziz withheld comment on Link’s employ- ceutical companies will cooperate to lower the prices $276,000 to the Douglas Students’ Union in British union board. ment at CFS. “It’s not appropriate for me to com- of antiretroviral drugs for children worldwide. The Columbia. CFS denies all charges of wrongdoing. In a statement released to media, CFS- ment on Philip’s past,” she says. “Anyway, it’s irrel- Clinton Foundation announced that the companies “Global has a different version of events,” Services claims that its health network broker will evant because [the reporter] didn’t get the story agreed to former US President Bill Clinton’s pro- says CFS national chairperson Amanda Azziz. reimburse money when and if it is recovered from right and it has nothing to do with anything.” posal to provide AIDS infected children with drugs According to Azziz, CFS-Services made the pay- the Douglas Students’ Union. Nonetheless, the CFS is clearly on the de- for a cost of 16 cents a day, working out to less than ment to Green Shield Canada, not the Douglas UWSA president Kate Sjoberg says she fensive after what Azziz describes as a “vicious $60 a year for treatment. The Associated Press re- Students’ Union, to cover premiums owed for doesn’t feel concerned that CFS or CFS-Services attack” by the Global reporter. Manitoba’s na- ported that the prices of nineteen formulas would health coverage. CFS-Services is technically a CFS is mishandling money, including funds gathered tional CFS representative, Rachel Gotthilf, would be cut by 45 per cent, helping millions of children subsidiary, and oversees programs such as Travel from member unions like the UWSA. not comment on CFS’s response to the Global in the developing world receive HIV/AIDS treatment CUTS and students’ health insurance. “It’s a bunch of students working for a bunch news story. as soon as the new year. Under the agreement, Cipla Ltd. and Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd., with fi- nancing from France, Brazil, Great Britain, Chile, Norway and the Clinton Foundation, will supply Craigslist scam reveals problems with privacy laws “The culpability of a website like Craigslist is drugs to 62 countries. Public health and preventa- often minimal and we will not know for sure until it tive programs will distribute the drugs. Earlier this is brought to court.” year Bill Clinton and several Indian firms collabo- It is also important to note that a person is rated on the price reduction of rapid HIV tests and subject to the laws of the website’s country, added antiretroviral drugs for adult treatment. Rosenberg. OTTAWA—Twelve Status of Women Craigslist officials did not reply to the Ubyssey’s offices will be closed by early spring. The request for an interview by press time. Conservative government is trying to cut costs in Gloria, a third-year arts student who requested the agency, removing $5 million form the agen- that her last name not be used, questioned the re- cy’s $23 million annual budget. The agency, which sponsibility a website like Craigslist might have in a works to improve women’s economic and social situation like this. equality and combats violence again women, will “It really opens your eyes to the holes in the see the loss of funding over the next two years. system, how helpless you are when it comes to pri- The Canadian Press reported that Heritage Canada vacy issues on the Internet and how [websites like Minister Bev Oda announced that 12 of 16 national Craigslist] can do little to truly protect you,” she said, offices would be shut down. Ottawa, Edmonton, adding that though she has never used online per- and Moncton will remain open. The CUP FILE sonals, she has bought items through Craigslist’s House of Commons Status of Women committee classifieds.

will meet this month to discuss the closures and According to Ara Norenzayan, a UBC psychol- When using the internet, is your personal information safe? their possible avoidance. ogy professor, it is difficult to determine what moti- LUANDA—Angola is making a bid to join vates people to place fake ads. OPEC. The sub-Saharan country will apply to join The controversy has raised concerns over “It could be a variety of motives, someone the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, Victor Liang Internet privacy laws and safety. could just be adventurous or have a grudge against of which it is currently an associate member. An- The Ubyssey (University of ) Laws guarding privacy on the Internet are people . . . what he is definitely doing is hurting gola has become Africa’s second largest oil pro- either poorly defined or nonexistent and there is little people,” he said. ducing country after Nigeria and its government is legal recourse for victims in these cases, according to Norenzayan added that online interaction is pursuing full membership into OPEC because of its (CUP) – Internet privacy experts Richard Rosenberg, a University of British Columbia such a recent phenomenon that experts have had growing role as China’s largest supplier. The ma- are concerned after fake “casual encounters” ads computer science professor and privacy expert. little time to study it properly. jority of Angola’s crude is produced from rigs off have been posted on popular website Craigslist. He said “you are taking your chances” with per- “Our knowledge of it is very much behind the the coast. The country produces 1.4 million barrels In early September it was reported that indi- sonal information supplied voluntarily to social net- reality of it.” of oil a day and that number is expected to increase viduals were placing ads with false identities and work sites like Craigslist, MySpace or Facebook. Rosenberg warns that people need to be more to 2 million by April 2007, reported the Associated posting the personal information of respondents on “The law is no factor there because once you conscientious of the information they make avail- Press. Gabon was the last African state to join the public websites. [have] posted information about yourself what pro- able over the Internet. monopoly in 1975 and later withdrew in the 1990s. Seattle web designer Jason Fortuny received tection you have depends on the terms of agree- “There are no easy solutions with the interna- Nigeria joined OPEC in 1971 and has remained the over a hundred responses to his fake ad – which had ment with the website on which you posted,” he tional nature of the Internet,” he said. “People need sole African member. Fortuny posing as a women seeking “ruff” sex – in said. “These websites have very loose control of how to know it is a jungle out there. You need to know VANCOUVER—A pay-as-you-go emer- one day. Fortuny then revealed the identities of the things are done because they want their clients to that you are putting yourself out there and that pres- gency clinic opened in Vancouver and may face respondents – many of whom were married or in interact, communicate and work out their relation- ently there is very little protection for you once you prosecution for violating the Canada Health lifestyles that they intended to keep private. ships on their own.” do that.” Act. The Urgent Care Centre opened its doors de- spite a flurry of controversy. B.C. Health Minister George Abbott has been speaking out about the clinic, and seeking advice from the province’s Who or what, in your opinion, Attorney-General. The provincial government man- was the newsmaker of 2006? aged to pass a cabinet order allowing provincial auditors to enter the clinic and review its activities. Under the Canada Health Act, private clinics and Catherine Molina – Third year, Sociology — The big Monica Hancharyk – Third year, Chemistry doctors cannot charge patients for medical ser- issue for Canada was the war in Afghanistan and the fact The shooting. I remember it vices that are deemed necessary and covered by our soldiers are dying there. From what I understood in the because my father was watching the news about public health insurance. The centre is charging pa- media — I’m not impressed with our Prime Minister. He it on the French CBC and he wanted to know what thinks that if we get involved with the American government was happening. It was a shock. It was scary. tients $199 for an evaluation, and additional tests it will be a good thing. But it will be a bad thing because and treatments can run $20 for vaccinations, $70 then Canada is put in the line of fire from other countries. for casts and $75 for x-rays, according to CanWest News Service. The centre has 24 emergency doc- Lynnette Navarro – Third year, Arts — Saddam Nathan Sawatzky – Third year, IDS — The tors from greater Vancouver hospitals contributing Hussein being sentenced to hanging. I think he kind of Pope’s speech that outraged Muslims. It happened shifts at the clinic. It runs 8 a.m. to 11 p.m., seven deserved it. A life sentence would be too easy…That’s when he was lecturing students at his alma mater days a week, providing patients with four chairs harsh, but it’s reality. about a month and a half ago. and ten beds. contact: [email protected] The Uniter December 7, 2006 NEWS 0

City Councillor opposes renovating “… and put up a parking lot.” Winnipeg’s Heritage Sites Campus & NATASHA PETERSON Kenton Smith Staff Reporter Community

plan to redevelop an historical local Briefs property has enflamed debate at City A Hall over what the correct approach Compiled by WHITNEY LIGHT should be in renovating Winnipeg’s heritage sites. “Let me give you the big picture,” says Ken Zaifman, a Winnipeg lawyer who has A bomb of an issue put forth a plan to redevelop the St. Charles The Manitoba Campaign to Ban Landmines is Hotel, which he owns. The hotel, he says, calling for the Canadian government to move on the in- was “pretty run down” when he first bought ternational push to legislate against cluster munitions. it a little over a year ago, and his long-term Discussion of these air-dropped bombs, which release goal was originally to develop the hotel as a anywhere from three to 2000 submuntions over a wide youth hostel and student housing facility. area, took centre stage at the Third Review Conference Zaifman’s plan now is to develop the of the Convention on Conventional Weapons, held Nov. property as a boutique hotel along the lines 6 to 17 in Geneva. Norway put a moratorium on clus- of the Drake Hotel in . In the short ter munition use and committed to beginning work on term, he explains, he wants to upgrade the Ken Zaifman would like to demolish parts of 38-44 ½ Albert Street as part of the a treaty to ban them. Thirty other countries are coming property as a first step in redeveloping the redevelopment of the St. Charles Hotel. together on the issue, said Darryl Toews of the MBCBL, site. This would involve demolishing two but Canada is not one of them. business fronts—adjoined as a single struc- “The current government’s priorities are being es- ture—located next to the St. Charles. The Zaifman says that it his intention only to de- ful, Zaifman’s project could set a precedent tablished and we’re trying to point out that this is not a purpose is to create space for a patio along- molish the later addition, which is situated that would see further damage done to other particular party’s issue, it’s a Canadian issue.” side the hotel—but also, and more contro- in front of the actual historic residence. areas of the Exchange. Cluster munitions are targeted by activists versially, to expand an existing parking lot Gerbasi says she is unaware of this part The existing parking lot in question, lo- against landmines because of their similar impact on ci- behind the neighbouring building, which of Zaifman’s plan, but responds that the pro- cated behind 44 Albert Street, is managed by vilian populations. According to Handicap International, would involve a curb cut to allow for vehicu- posed curb cut would still mean that the in- Imperial Parking on behalf of the lot’s owner, 98 percent of cluster munitions victims are civilians. lar access off Albert Street. tegrity of the façade would be compromised, says Richard Wishnowski, City Manager of Dud submunitions become buried in fields where they Opposing this plan is Jenny Gerbasi, and the continuity of the streetscape be de- Imperial Parking Winnipeg. Wishnowski says were dropped to create a minefield effect. Day to day ac- Councillor for Fort Rouge-East Fort Garry stroyed. This, argues Gerbasi, would de- that he is not at liberty to disclose the own- tivities like gardening, farming, and herding are made and chairperson of the Historical Buildings tract from the character of the Exchange and er’s name, but did say that Imperial has been dangerous, the remnants of war causing victims even Committee, who says that “it goes against damage the “visual expanse” that makes the consulting with Zaifman with regard to how thirty years later. development principles in a heritage area to the lot could conceivably be redeveloped. Canadians have, in recent years, been promi- allow a surface parking lot at all.” Wishnowski also says that Impark pres- nent in international steps to eliminate use of landmines. In order to prevent Zaifman’s proposed ently has no other kind of partnership with Although the cause has died down to some degree, lot expansion, Gerbasi wants the business Zaifman, but that the company will retain Toews believes it is still an issue Canadians identify with block targeted for demolition—38-44 ½ Our point of view is, management of the lot if Zaifman’s develop- and that the threat posed by cluster munitions should in- Albert Street—to be placed on the Buildings ment plan is realized. spire similar activism. Some countries have suggested Conservation List as a Grade III Historical we’re trying to do what’s best Richard Morantz of Globe General creating weapons standards to improve the safety of Building. In support of this recommenda- Agencies, which represents the group that cluster munitions use. The US, for example, is work- tion, Gerbasi cites historical research done for the real estate.” actually owns 44 Albert Street, says that ing on a ‘smart-mine’ that self-destructs. But as Toews by the HBC that identifies portions of the his company also has no partnership with points out, no mine is a safe mine. Duds are inevitable complex as part of a residential building –Richard Morantz Impark, but confirms that Globe has a “con- and “once in the ground, it’s a dumb weapon.” dating back to 1878, making it the second Globe General Agencies ditional arrangement” with Zaifman wherein oldest building in downtown Winnipeg after the company will go along with his plan if he Dire states Upper Fort Garry. The HBC’s research also gets past city hall. As to who makes up the Manitoba’s branch of the Canadian Centre for cites this structure as the sole surviving ex- ownership group behind 44 Albert Street, Policy Alternatives released its 2006 State of the Inner ample from the period of residential hous- Morantz says that he cannot comment. City Report on Nov. 30. The neighbourhoods of West ing along Albert Street. At this point in time, Zaifman can boast Broadway and North Point Douglas are its focus. Both, Zaifman insists that there is absolutely area attractive to prospective film produc- some success: the HBC’s recommendation, according to the report, are facing concerns about gen- no way that his vision for the St. Charles can tions. as put forward by Gerbasi to the Lord Selkirk- trification, poverty, and rapid change. Both, however, be realized without the curb cut and pro- “The surface parking lot and the curb West Kildonan Community Committee on also have strengths. posed parking lot expansion. Gerbasi says cut is the problem,” she says. Nov. 21, was voted down by Councillors Mike “Most of those interviewed love the neighbour- that Zaifman is attempting “to portray this For his part, Zaifman characterizes the Pagtakhan and Harry Lazarenko. Councillor hood,” states the report on West Broadway. Residents as all about trying to save the St. Charles proposed curb cut as “not drastic,” and “only Mike O’ Shaughnessy was the only one to have seen a significant visual improvement due to hous- Hotel,” when in fact “a boutique hotel could enough to get a car through.” As for preserv- support the historical designation. ing initiatives. be developed without adding a surface park- ing visual continuity, Zaifman says that he is Pagtakhan’s position was that the prop- In North Point Douglas a core group of people ing lot.” willing to address this in his redevelopment erty’s deteriorated state doesn’t warrant are working for the betterment of the area. The report “Just because someone says they need plan. an historical designation. Lazarenko could points out the impact of groups such as the North Point [a surface parking lot], it doesn’t mean they “We’re not averse to saying, ‘We’ll rec- not be reached for comment by the time of Douglas Women’s Centre, Resident’s Committee, and need one,” Gerbasi argues. “It’s not like they reate the façade in some way,’” Zaifman print. the North End Housing Project. don’t have any other options.” says, explaining that the proposed court- Gerbasi may yet forestall the proposed Also featured in the report were the experiences Zaifman says that he would like to know yard would, in such a scenario, be located demolition, however; the Property and of inner city refugee women and the oft-felt divide be- just what “other options” Gerbasi is thinking behind the façade in a courtyard-type set- Development Committee will consider the tween community and police. Refugee women were in- of. Gerbasi’s response is that “there are re- ting. He said that this option first came up in issue at its Jan. 9th meeting at City Hall, and terviewed and their needs and difficulties in adapting to sources that the city has available for private discussions with Heritage Winnipeg and that a recommendation to save the Albert Street Canadian lifestyles outlined. A common problem for developers to utilize through CentreVenture the organization is looking into whether this property go from there to City Council. A women refugees was interacting with social assistance to develop a heritage property.” She also says scenario is feasible. vote on any such recommendation could workers who are insensitive to the strain and isolation that there are reports that haven’t been made Gerbasi says that still would make a result in a reconsideration of the earlier of being in a foreign place. The first recommendation of public which explore other options. gaping hole out of one third of the property Community Committee decision. Gerbasi the report was for the province to develop a more holistic CentreVenture Development front, and maintains that the “whole busi- has strongly encouraged anyone with con- service delivery model. Corporation is a City of Winnipeg agency ness block” should be designated an historic cerns about the Albert Street property to On policing, interviewees from Spence, charged with facilitating economic, phys- site. The HBC recommendation states that contact the members of the committee, Centennial, and William Whyte neighbourhoods raised ical, and social development in the city’s the “designation of the Exchange District Councillors Justin Swandel, Russ Wyatt, Dan community-building initiatives as important to promot- downtown area. by the Government of Canada as a National Vandal, and Scott Fielding. ing safety. The report suggested framing crime problems Zaifman says that there has been some Historic Site in 1996 places a responsibility For its part, Morantz says that Globe is in these areas by their “symptoms” — drugs, gangs, misunderstanding about just what it is that on the City to try to keep all significant and aware of the larger debate regarding heritage and violence — and working towards deeper solutions he wants to demolish. As Gerbasi’s research contributing structures protected and intact buildings and that they are “willing to allow than “fighting crime.” points out, the structure that makes up 38- for all Canadians.” that debate to take place” first. Finally, the report looked at the effectiveness of 44 ½ Albert Street consists of two parts: the “We’ve made a commitment to preserv- “Our point of view is, we’re trying to do community-based organizations. The full report can be nineteenth-century house, and a commer- ing the area,” Gerbasi says. She adds that what’s best for the real estate,” he says. downloaded at cial addition constructed in the mid-1920s. one of her major concerns is that, if success- December 7, 2006 The Uniter contact: [email protected] 0 NEWS

Afghanistan service pays off students’ debt Reservists say overseas tours stressful, challenging


Reservists at evening training, Ottawa.

Nadya Bell sity and college administrators across Canada are CUP Ottawa Bureau Chief signing on to a declaration of support for their stu- dents and staff in the reserve forces. The universities agree to defer exams that OTTAWA (CUP) – Cpl. Anwar Massoud is a conflict with the training schedules of student re- film student, a reservist, and like a number of other servists, and re-admit students to their programs if young Canadians, has served overseas to pay off his they take a year off to participate in overseas op- student debt. erations. In his third year of studies, Massoud had a Massoud said as an arts student it was not dif- $20,000 student loan. He left for a seven-month tour ficult to get time off school for his service. of duty in Afghanistan, earning $6,000 a month. But Lamy, currently taking a nursing program “There was no way that I would be able to at St. Lawrence College in Kingston, Ont., said sup- pay for my debt without a grand sum of money like port from her university will be important if she is that,” Massoud, 25, said in an interview at Ottawa’s to return to Afghanistan. Carleton University. “In terms of career progres- “Ever since I came back I’ve wanted to go back sion, a tour is really inevitable, and I’m committed to Afghanistan,” Lamy said. “I came back with a dif- to the military.” ferent perspective . . . not sweating the small stuff.” Massoud did a tour of duty in Afghanistan “Yes, there was a bit of anxiety on my part, from February 2005 to August 2005, before the but I felt confident with our training and our weap- Canadian Forces moved from Kabul into the more ons.” dangerous Kandahar area. As a woman in the forces, one of Lamy’s He was the orderly room clerk at the na- duties was to search females at checkpoints. tional command element – administration unit – Understanding the cultural context was an impor- in Kabul, working with the chief of command staff tant part of the operations, she said. and the brigadier-general. “Because we are conscious of the Muslim re- Although there were no casualties during ligion, I would search women, but not the men, she his service, Massoud said it was difficult and dirty said. “The women are very psychologically strong, work. He said life in the base was a constant state even though they may not appear it.” of alert, making it difficult to tell when the threat Lamy said she found the tour was emotion- was most dire. ally challenging. “When you get there, hell, you really can’t call “One day I worked 21 hours on a convoy . . . it. We had drills all the time,” he said. you do get homesick and you do miss your bed,” “Everyone knows what they’re in for – it’s not she said. hidden from you in basic training that you might “It can happen that if you’re in a convoy you get killed.” may run into a mine, but you know how to deal Massoud said the four-month pre-deploy- with it. You’re anxious and you’re a bit scared, but ment training included what happens if someone all that training helps prepare you.” gets injured or killed in an attack on a convoy, and helped prepare him mentally for the mission. “Yes, I feared for my own safety, but I knew what I was get- ting into,” he said. Master Cpl. Katherine Lamy was in Afghanistan at the same time as Massoud. She said serving overseas was important for her career, as well as a way to pay off student loans. Students make up 40 per cent of Canada’s reserve forces. Currently, 2,300 troops are serving in the NATO mis- sion in Afghanistan, including 300 reservists. Rotating troops are overlapped, and the base can have up to 4,000 people at a time. Reservists are regularly asked to volunteer for Canada’s overseas mission in Afghanistan, but the service is not manda- tory. With the higher manpower CUP FILE requirements for the Canadian Forces in Afghanistan, univer- Anwar Massoud finishes his evening shift at a reserve base in Ottawa. Comments Editor: Ben Wood contact: [email protected] The Uniter December 7, 2006 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 786-9497 Fax: 783-7080 EDITORIALS 0

Managing Editor: Jo Snyder Editorials E-mail: [email protected]

He won the race But Dion’s battle has just begun Shorts & Clichés Documenting the Land of Political Punditry Jo SNYDER sonalities; there are those we love, like Pierre the quieter ministers, and for some, an un- MANAGING Editor Trudeau, and those we love to hate, like Ralph likely successor to Paul Martin. His win was, James Patterson Klein, and for some, Jean Chrétien. And, as a frankly, a surprise. His federalism will alien- Business Manager former member of Chretien’s cabinet, Dion ate Québécois nationalists, and his less-than- iberal party members met appro- will have plenty of hurdles to jump. Can he eloquent English will alienate those who care priately in Montreal last weekend to avoid showing his sponsorship scandal scars? about that sort thing, and there are a surprising Skinning the Cat L select their leader. Where else would (Though, truly, there’s nothing sexier than a number of voters who do. their leader come from? Nevertheless, Stephan scar.) How will he reassure Canadians that the Recently, at Carleton University in Ottawa, From a peripheral level, politics has always Dion, who won on the fourth ballot, is an inter- Liberal party can once again run the coun- Justin Trudeau was fending off the strong push been about the art of managing public perception. For a government this means trumpeting their esting choice for the Liberal party. His biggest try? There is little time for him to figure it out from the audience for him to get involved in vision and making their agendas happen. For the task? Charming the pants off Canadians. as we anticipate a spring election. There’s no federal politics. “You have to run,” the audi- opposition, it means criticism and “gutter politics” What does Dion’s Canada look like? On doubt the integrity of the party will once again ence yelled. Trudeau, like his father, has the against the government until the shit finally sticks in the upside, he’s a devout environmental- be under attack during the election. It’s going charm and wit, the youth and, frankly, the sex the public’s mind. ist. The former environment minister prom- to get dirty. Putting a fresh face on the Liberal appeal (let’s be honest) that people look for in a But the real high stakes battles, displaying true political acumen, revolve around how politicians ises to make sustainability a priority, a strong Party wog n’t help Canadians to forget about its candidate to bring a teetering party back to an manage issues and their adversaries outside this and necessary move considering our rapidly rocky history. However, Dion also has a lot of upright position. However, the young Trudeau public perception. changing climate and our culture’s fascination ammo. Recently Harper has not only pushed is not a politician, not yet. Emulating some of This measure of political skill was evident in the with earth politics. Another progressive posi- reopening the debate on same sex marriage, these attribute will be precisely Dion’s chal- federal Conservative party this week. tion for Dion is his opposition to reopening the he’s also cut funding to women’s organizations lenge. It started with the Canadian Wheat Board, when the Federal Conservatives continued to make moves debate on same sex marriage — an issue he’ll across the country, and he’s pushing to abolish For those worried that the choosing of the to deregulate the public seller of grains. It started with have to fight the conservatives on right up until the single desk of the Canadian Wheat Board, new Liberal leader implies the end of the dra- changes to the board of directors, this time giving a election day. not a smart move for the farmer’s favourite. matic soap opera that has become characteris- seat to former Manitoba Tory MP Glen Findlay. Then But does Dion have what it takes to cap- Unfortunately, Dion will have a lot more tic of Canadian governmental politics, rest as- Chuck Strahl, federal Agriculture Minister, informed the CEO of the Wheat Board of a possible dismissal. tivate the collective Canadian consciousness? work to do than point out Harper’s shortcom- sured, while Dion may be a fresh new leader, This was prompted, no-doubt, from the in- We are won over by politicians with strong per- ings. We don’t know who he is. He was one of we can still look forward to an ugly election. creasing pressure of the Manitoba and Saskatchewan government’s request for a plebiscite on deregulation of Barley, involving all wheat board members. Obviously, when democracy is not the optimal way achieve a desirable outcome, there are other way to achieve the preferred outcome and the conserva- Letter to the Editor tives know this. The politics continued with the realization that The Devil is in the Details the Conservatives leaked disinformation to the press about their most feared and formidable liberal lead- Read something you ership candidate. The fake internal party memo, re- much more for it. The 60 per cent rebate will in- 60 per cent tuition fee reduction leased in October, suggested they were most afraid evitably provide a larger benefit to those who don’t agree with? Have a good idea, IF it were done right of Michael Ignatieff—and most anxious to face Rae. earn more after graduation. something to say? Write The press ate it up. The rouse was lifted after Rae’s Consider the fact that many of the students ousting that it was in-fact the exact opposite. Rae was the most feared candidate. who need the help most, and would therefore a letter to the editor! You may question the ethics of these moves Kate Sjoberg be most likely to stay in Manitoba to receive the and the perception that they create, but there is no President, UWSA benefit, make use of student loans. The reality is Please send your witty remarks denying the suggestion that the Conservatives are organized, possess a whole lot of political savvy, and that an average $19,000 student loan becomes and scathing rejoinders to $29,504 to repay when you factor in interest. are playing to win. The opportunity for doing mischief is found a wanted to take some time to respond to Thus, students who borrow to finance their ed- [email protected] hundred times a day, and of doing good once in a Jo Snyder’s editorial “A Speech to Set Your ucation, who earn less after graduation and who year. -Voltaire I Watch to” to clarify a couple of points about are forced to pay their debt off over a longer the 60 per cent education tax rebate program period of time will end up paying $10,502 in in- The Blogisphere feels Angry announced by the provincial government, and terest. For lower income students, the 60 per roots in the community, buy houses and have make clear that we believe the program to be cent tax rebate will not even cover the interest a quality of life that is not so dependent on the It was reported in late October by a small web- flawed in both it’s approach and focus. payments a low-income student will be forced debt levels when they come out of university.” site project called “We Feel Fine” that Winnipeg is One in five Manitobans live in poverty, to make on their student loan. It’s a shame to We agree—and isn’t preventing debt in the one angry city. The company’s methodology catego- which includes one in five children. Simply put, provide more public money to the banks in the first place the quickest way of all? rizes the feelings of these regions by analyzing sen- tences in blogs which contain the phrase “I feel…”., Manitoba can’t afford to wait five years to start form of interest payments. Why not reduce stu- According to their results Winnipeg ranks fifth on the lowering student debt loads. Manitoba’s youth dent debt before it starts, by reducing tuition planet in the “most angry” department. population is growing fastest in northern and fees and thus eliminating some of the need to Although it would be a stretch to say that this rural communities where many young people borrow in the first place? data is by any means scientific or statistically valid about the feelings of Winnipeggers, it may give an don’t finish high school. Retaining youth in And we don’t need to look far for a better indication of how many political and media oriented Manitoba means giving young people the abil- model. Already, the Doer government offers a blogs there are in this city. ity to access higher quality, better paying jobs, small-scale version of the 60 per cent tuition After all, if your personal or political party’s which means making post-secondary educa- fee reduction programme for medical stu- message is not getting out in the press, blogging tion accessible to a much larger group of people. dents. Instead of providing “aid” through the tax can at least make that unspun message accessible to the public realm while giving you the opportunity to With finances remaining the main barrier to ac- system, students enter into an agreement with take a couple of shots at the supposed liberal biased cessing a university or college education, the the province to practice in rural and northern media. province needs to address the up-front needs of Manitoba for a number of years in exchange for In fact, the calls against the liberal biased me- disenfranchised young people. an up-front grant. This up-front model of tuition dia have reached such a fevered pitch that the Social The reality is that if you come from a mar- fee relief was chosen because medical school is Conservatives of Canada (you know, the people who supposedly have a direct line to the PMO’s office) are ginalized background or minority community, already priced out of reach for too many po- holding a contest to find the most blatant example of you are more likely, as a result of systemic dis- tential doctors. If the up-front model works for liberal bias in the media. crimination to borrow significantly more than doctors–perhaps Manitoba’s most-needed pro- Despite the cries of political injustice from the your middle- and upper-class counterparts. Not fessionals–why not make the new 60 per cent Winnipeg blogging community, few actual tidbits of only are members of ethnic and cultural mi- rebate available to all students at the time of reg- news worthy information have been broken via the blogging community, suggesting it is still in its in- norities, newcomers, women and other mar- istration? There are thousands of households in fancy, or, as Maisonneuve magazine put it, they may ginalized populations forced to work longer Manitoba living in poverty: these young people be a bunch of pussies compared to their US coun- and borrow more to finance their education, also need some support. There is no need to terparts. but they also earn less after graduation. Lower wait 5 years. A caveat: PROPAGANDA is a soft weapon; hold it in your hands too long, and it will move earnings means that those with the highest debt In the November 16, 2006 edition of the about like a snake, and strike the other way. levels pay back their loans over longer periods, Winnipeg Free Press, Premier Doer is quoted as - Jean Anouilh and thus pay more interest on their loans. In stating that “The quicker the [student] debt is re- effect, those who can least afford education pay moved or managed the quicker people can put December 7, 2006 The Uniter contact: [email protected] 0 COMMENTS

Comments Editor : Ben Wood Comments E-mail: [email protected] In Praise of Harper... Sort Of

Derek Leschasin severe human rights abuses. most human rights and labour advocacy groups charge the rights of workers in China. This may in fact be easier Senior Reporter It would indeed be hypocritical not to offer some that they are poorly enforced. Child labour, forced to accomplish than attempting to change the way the praise Harper’s way. He’s hardly a vocal crusader for labour, low wages, safety issues and discrimination “communists” run their government. human rights, but his comments in recent months are still issues in the Chinese workplace. So long as in- At this stage, it probably isn’t feasible to refuse to t seems that as of late, the left has some reason to surely seem like a step in the right direction. The ques- vestment flows in and restive workers can be neutral- trade with China over their neglect of worker’s rights. commend Prime Minister Harper. The national tion is, are Harper’s comments all sound and fury, or will ized, the Chinese government has little reason to enact But neither is it acceptable to seek out investment op- I (and international) press has been full of head- we see meaningful action that might actually influence substantive change especially when corporations from portunities blindly, and allow companies to make a kill- lines laden with words like “human rights”, “China”, the Chinese government to change the way it treats countries like Canada can continue to stuff their pock- ing off the backs of mostly impoverished people. This and “Canadian Prime Minister.” Harper has even been Chinese citizens? Talk is, as they say, cheap—no matter ets with extra dollars made from some of the cheapest seems to have been the policy of past governments, quoted as saying that Canada will not “sell out” its what Chamber of Commerce types might have you be- labour around. both Liberal and Conservative. The Prime Minister can, values for the sake of “the almighty dollar” when deal- lieve about the repercussions of speaking up for human Meanwhile, thanks to this cozy arrangement, at the very least, encourage investors to push for an en- ing with China. That’s not something you might expect rights in the face of important trade relationships. some of the best blue-collar jobs in Canada are being forcement of minimum labour standards in overseas to hear from the leader of one of Canada’s ‘pro-busi- It also seems to me that in the talk of religious lost. According to UNITE, a union representing clothing factories. There are multilateral alternatives as well, in ness’ parties. and political rights, an important third concern is being and textile workers in Canada, employment in the gar- which Canada could become a leader. The WTO, for ex- Harper’s recent criticisms of China revolve around sidelined: the rights of workers. ment industry here has decreased by 25 per cent since ample, has the potential to be used to sanction coun- the case of Huseyincan Celil, a member of a repressed China and Canada are becoming ever more quotas limiting increases in Chinese imports were lifted tries that don’t enforce even basic rights for workers. Muslim ethnic minority in China’s Xinjiang region and, closely linked through international trade. China is by the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2004. That’s Along with political and religious freedoms, pro- since 2001, a Canadian citizen. On a trip to Uzbekistan Canada’s fourth-largest export market, and second- just one example, and to that we can add the pressure tection for workers is surely among the ‘Canadian this spring, Celil was arrested and extradited to China, largest import market. As foreign investment from the from industry to ‘modernize’ regulations in order to values’ that purports to be represent- where he is accused of being a terrorist—charges that developed world has poured into China over recent de- compete with countries like China. Essentially those ing in his criticisms of China. If we believe the Chinese his friends and family as well as Amnesty International cades, the country is becoming an economic power- demands mean scaling back the gains made in social people should be entitled to the first two rights, just as allege to be fabricated. The only thing exceptional about house. justice and environmental policies. Canadians are, then the third should follow as well. It this case is that Celil is a citizen here—anyone familiar And why not invest in China? The rights of work- In light of all this, it is fortunate that Prime will be interesting if such concerns become an issue with the behaviour of China’s so-called ‘Communist’ ers barely exist, at least in the way we think of them in Minister Harper has begun to take an interest in human for the Federal government in its approach to foreign government acknowledges that this is just another item Canada. Free trade unions are not permitted, and while rights in China. In addition to advocating political and policy, but I’m not holding my breath. to add to the list of arbitrary detentions and even more on paper there do exist some protections for workers, religious rights, the Prime Minister should advocate for

forefront. I really do love the intentions of our University constantly new masses of students, impressed with this A Stable Ground for Critique to be an integral part of the community and a welcom- “free space” that was ignored in other aspects of life, that ing space for all ideas, however I expect that it may forget the quality of education keeps being ignored. can understand how there needs to be a proper ratio be- its main purpose. Our green initiatives and revitalization At this time, students are overwhelmed with Ben Wood tween them and the students. of a crumbling downtown are all great aspects of this course and professor evaluations and while it may be Comments Editor While this issue is important it really highlights a institution but what about a limited number of classes assumed that our one attempt to provide feedback problem within universities. It is not so much about this being offered in a department due to lack of professors? goes unanswered, if a real problem exists complaints particular lack of teaching assistants as it is about these Is there too much money being spent on address- shouldn’t stop here. Maybe it needs to be clarified that it ate last month a group of students from the institutions being able to critique all other institutions in ing all the needs of students outside the classroom that is our right to protest for a better learning experience at University of Ottawa filed a case against their society but is hesitant to admit its own faults. there is little left to spend on professors, teaching assis- the same time as any social issue on our mind. L school claiming that their class was not pro- Universities are very good at responding to stu- tants, or anything else effective to the learning process; The case filed against the University of Ottawa vided with an adequate number of teaching assistants dents in all areas of life outside the classroom. Here at too much money spent on being a stable ground where provides inspiration in that not all become so con- despite letters from the professor of the class to the de- the University of Winnipeg there are countless move- students can criticize all other institutions except the tent with this “free space” that they ignore the quality partment dean, the vice-president and the president of ments that attempt to bring attention to any number of one that lacks the adequacy to provide the means for a of teaching; that they went beyond a verbal complaint the University. Their request was for a partial reimburse- marginalized group or issue and while these are incred- proper education? among friends and had the courage to face the daunting ment of their tuition for the course. ibly important it seems easy to forget the primary func- It may be or it may become that the function of bureaucracy of a University. A lack of teaching assistants may not seem like it tion of the University. Or maybe its primary function has the University is changing, if not changed already. The It is important to remind universities, such as would hold the ability to disrupt the proper functioning been replaced? University may be becoming too much of a commu- these students in Ottawa did, that this “free space” might of a class however in many large classes, ones that are The University as the ultimate “free space” for new nity and less of a school. “Professional” students aside, be used to criticize them, to remind them of their forgot- in limited number here at the University of Winnipeg, I ideas or movements seems to have been brought to the most are not here longer than 4 or 5 years so there are ten function.

uation in the first place. term, it is about a career prospects in the long term; and Laughing All the Way to the Bank By interfering with the supply and demand of the there are very few career opportunities for graduates in labour market via governmental incentives, the NDP Manitoba. A tax rebate to grads will never change that. keeping graduates in the province. Caught between the will ultimately fail to reach its goal of retaining students. Yet as futile as this plan is, it is still great news Michael Silicz sprawling metropolis around Toronto to the east, and When governments try to outplay market forces, gov- for those of us who will nonetheless remain here in the rapidly expanding economy in Alberta to the west, ernments far more often than not lose. The simple re- the province. And on behalf of those of us who will be most graduates are drawn out of province simply out of ality is that any job, from burger flipping to the practice enduring Manitoba’s long, cold, NHL-teamless win- he provincial NDP government recently an- economic necessity. The commendable goal of the pro- of medicine, pays far more out east or west. A grad in ters, I say thank you Mr. Doer. Thank you for once put- nounced an initiative that should make any posed plan is to attract students to Manitoba and retain either Ontario or Alberta working full time over the same ting me—a needy, hungry, student—at the front of the T student planning to stay in Manitoba happy— them as graduates. Yet even with a higher cost of living, period as their tax claim would make far more money trough of poorly spent tax dollars. a tuition rebate program. In the NDP’s throne speech, the same jobs pay far more out west or east than they working out of province than they would receive back The New Democrats should spend the absurd Lieutenant-Governor John Harvard promised a tuition do here in Manitoba. As such, retaining educated and from this proposed rebate. amount of money this plan will cost on fixing the real rebate plan for U of M grads based on a similar pro- productive graduates is vital to improving the province’s Worse, the most economically potent graduates problem—a poor economic sector that is not utilizing gram founded in New Brunswick. If successfully imple- woeful economic situation. Thus, Gary Doer’s plan to that this provinces needs the most—those with ad- its comparative advantages—instead of trying to band- mented next year, the Manitoba plan would give gradu- entice graduates to stay is simple: offer cash-strapped vanced training with master, doctoral, medicine, law, aid the aforementioned problem’s consequences of de- ates a tax rebate of up to 50per cent of their university tu- students a tax break following their graduation, and they and business degrees—are going to be the ones who parting grads. This plan will not entice people to stay in ition, up to a maximum value of $10 000. A graduate will will stay. If only the problem were that simple. are the least effected by the program. Is $10 000 over Manitoba. In the end, all this program will do is pay back be able to deduct up to a maximum of $2 000 per year off Unfortunately, the proposed plan is counter- five years really going to persuade a doctor to practice in those of us who were going to stay in Manitoba anyways. their taxes over five years. Alternatively, a graduate will productive and misdiagnoses the real problem behind Manitoba when he or she could make double the salary And for that, Mr. Doer, I’ll be laughing all the way to have up to 20 years to claim the full benefits of half their Manitoba’s economic dilemma. Thus, the plan will ulti- east, west, or south of the province? the bank. tuition costs depending on their tax bracket. If all goes mately fail at its goal of keeping graduates in the prov- Ultimately, a tax rebate is not going to entice grads according to plan, if a graduate stays in Manitoba, he or ince. First, the plan attempts to interfere with the market to stay here, because only a strong, vibrant, and inno- Michael Silicz is a first year law student at the she will receive half of their money back. forces that entice educated workers to other parts of the vative economy can do that. What is the point of earn- University of Manitoba, with a B.A(hons) in political But therein lies the problem— staying in Manitoba. country. Consequent to this, the proposal misses the ing a Bachelor degree when Manitoba has virtually no studies & history and a M.A. in political studies. It is no secret that Manitoba is having a difficult time very reason why students leave the province after grad- jobs tailored for one? It is not about money in the short contact: [email protected] The Uniter December 7, 2006 DIVERSIONS 0

Diversions Editor : Matt Cohen Comments E-mail: [email protected]

Wine On A Dime

Michael Banias method”. The wine is bottled, yeast is added, and the bottle is sealed and placed in a cellar for a second fermentation. The bottles get ro- Why are some wines called tated every once in a while to promote the Champaign and some sparkling fermentation, and you have sparkling wine. wine? It’s a question asked a lot this All Champaign is made in this way, and any time of year. Champaign is really sparkling wine that has “traditional method” expensive. Starting around $40 a or “Champaign method” on the label is made bottle and ranging to several thou- this way as well. sand. Champaign comes from Here are a few great sparklers that are the Champaign region in France much more reasonable to celebrate with: of the same name. If it does not Chamdeville Blanc de Blanc Brut - The Only One STUDENTS HELPING STUDENTS come from Champaign France, ($12.99 private wine shops) – This is a great it is sparkling wine. Sorry, Baby Canadian crisp sparkling wine from France. It has great Champaign is not Champaign, sorry to burst undertones of green apple, with a toasty UofW Peer Support your bubble. mineral flavour. This is nice and dry, and Sparkling wine is just like regular stable great before dinner, or popping at midnight family or close a friend. So give your wine, except it is carbonated. However, not all January 1st. It also comes in 3 pre-portioned My father recently passed away and self time to heal and process your emo- sparkle is the same. The least expensive is the 200ml bottle packs for $11 and change. I can’t get past this numb feeling. I just tions. You won’t feel better overnight or sparkling wine that is literally carbonated like Jacob’s Creek Pinot Noir/Chardonnay want to stay in bed all day. Where can I after one session with a counselor, but a soft drink. Basically, they make wine, put it in Sparkling Wine – (about $14 at MLCC and pri- go for help? day by day, you will feel stronger and life a big vat, and pump it full of CO2. This is how vate shops) – This is a Pinot Noir Chardonnay will go on. Remember… you’re not the Baby Duck and Baby Canadian Champagne blend sparkling wine made in the traditional The first step is to talk to someone only one. are made. Next, and perhaps a little more method. This is as close to real Champaign as about your feelings. You need support common, is the “charmalat” method. The you can get in this price range. It is a very well at a time like this. Isolating yourself will If you have any questions you wine is placed in a giant vat with yeast to made wine with chalky apple, pear, and citrus not help. The process of mourning and need help with please email us at: begin a second fermentation. This second flavours. grieving will be different for everyone. [email protected] fermentation is what creates the bubbles, It takes most people one to two years to and then the sparkling wine is bottled. This Questions or comments? fully recover from a major loss in their is how Henkell Trocken is made. Finally, the [email protected] most expensive method is the “Champaign

Mr. Smart

Sam McLean

ave you ever been in a social situation dance, avoid placing nails or sharp implements where you wish you had some com- in the punch bowl in an attempt to “spike it.” Hprehensive guide on what to say and Also, yelling “Food Fight” and hurling your do? Ask no further. Here are three simple steps plate at fellow students will not rekindle old to social etiquette success. friendships. When walking through a rough neighbor- When seated in a crowded hospital wait- hood at a late hour, stay clear of loudly pro- ing room, do not scratch your neck and arms claiming your yearly earnings, denouncing the asking, “has anyone here heard of Ebola?” And toughness of local gangs, or lighting yourself on of course, lying face down on the floor and re- fire to frighten off pursuers. maining very still will only attract the wrong When attending your high-school grad kind of attention. December 7, 2006 The Uniter contact: [email protected] 10 DIVERSIONS

Crossword puzzles provided by Used with permission.


Across Down 1- African antelope 1- Saw cut 5- Sudden pains 2- Russian range 10- Member of a largely Middle Eastern people 3- Take a meal 14- Ireland 4- Unsnarl 15- Belief involving sorcery 5- Postulate 16- Roundish projection 6- Adjoin 17- Tirade 7- Open mesh fabric 18- Collection of Hindu aphorisms 8- Clothes 19- Small yeast cake 9- Acute 20- Run-down theater 10- Deficiency in pigmentation 22- To embroider 11- Highway 24- It may be picked 12- French clergyman 25- Play on words 13- Endure 26- Big 21- Filled pastry crust 29- Tree syrup 23- Money paid 32- Excursions 26- Awkward boors 36- Opaque gemstone 27- Suspension of breathing 37- Throughout the duration of 28- Ran swiftly 39- Monetary unit of Afghanistan 29- Shrub of the cashew family 40- Informally 30- Fragrance 43- Driving peg 31- Longed 44- Tooth covering 33- Overturn 45- Ship stabilizer 34- Governs 46- Hindu ascetic 35- With cunning 48- Vulgar, ill-bred fellow 37- Lair, often for wild animals 49- Courageous 38- Naught 50- Viper 41- Employ again 52- Indian dish 42- Small guitars 53- Of that 47- Make hard 57- Erased 49- Guy’s partner 61- Unit of language 51- Mails 62- Yacht 52- Storage center 64- Bell-shaped flower 53- “____ the night before Christmas ...” 65- First-class 54- Shout in derision 66- Off-limits 55- Sea eagle 67- Scottish Gaelic 56- Antiaircraft fire 68- Type of gun 57- Entrance 69- Garment worn by women 58- Air-filled rubber hoop, become fatigued 70- Tournament favorite 59- Otherwise 60- Colored 63- Japanese sash

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You know who the hottest non-mainstream band in Canada is? Come on out to our Arts & Culture meetings every Wednesday afternoon at 12:30 p.m. in The Uniter office, room ORM14 on the mezzanine in the Bulman Centre. contact: [email protected] The Uniter December 7, 2006 FEATURES 11 Features Shedding Blood, Shedding Violence Menstrual art raises awareness about the Montreal Massacre

one where I can feel proud and excited about up on these stories. what it is capable of.” Shannon Sampert, a professor in When menstruating people become the Department of Political Studies at the aware of their moontime, as it is called in University of Winnipeg, has done extensive Indigenous traditions, they become more research on the way that the state and news- aware of their bodies and the world around papers cover sexual assault crimes. “Most them. Blood makes us real. Menstrual art often,” Sampert explains, “the state contin- allows women to make healthy connections ues rape myths.” The papers often “throw with their body, connections that our con- [rape] off as random, instead of a societal sumerist culture tries to remove with hy- problem. We need to dissect patriarchy.” giene products like too-small-to-see tam- Currently, the consequences of society’s pons and sanitary wipes. By utilizing blood unawareness of sexual assault crimes and to make art, menstruators honor that what other forms of violence against women has makes them unique. Menstrual blood be- manifested in the form of cutbacks to Status comes an artistic tool, as opposed to a dirty of Women Canada (SWC), a federal govern- inconvenience. ment agency that promotes equity and pro- And that is just the way women have vides support to women’s centers. Shelters been taught to perceive their menstruation: and women’s resource centers around the a dirty inconvenience—unhygienic, unsani- province are busy and crowded, and several tary and embarrassing. have relied on funding from this agency. Women are taught to feel the same On November 29, the Minister way about their vulvas. The media portrays Responsible for the Status of Women, Bev women, or segmented parts of women, such Oda, announced that twelve of the six- as their vulvas, lips, legs, breasts and bum, as teen regional offices for the SWC are being objects. The objectification of women is dan- shutdown, and 50 per cent of its workforce gerous because it legitimizes violence against is being laid off. According to statusreport. Photo: Natasha Peterson women. It is easier to hurt an object, which is ca, a website set up to monitor the cuts to Womyn’s Centre displays menstral art to raise awareness about violence against women. emotionless and unintelligent, than to be vi- SWC, the closures include the Winnipeg olent towards another human, a living being office. To replace the regional offices, four with ideas, emotions and blood. centers are being established, responsible Empowered women are less likely to be for larger regions of Canada. Winnipeg, for victimized by sexist violence. Empowered example, is now included in the office lo- Kelly Ross Blood as Art women think of themselves as subjects, and cated in Edmonton, which will serve all four demand that those around them treat them Western Canadian provinces, the Northwest As most would assume, menstrual art, as such. Territories and the Yukon. “It’s awesome”, says a University of whereby artists use their blood as a creative The Gallery of Empowerment (and The Montreal branch will serve Winnipeg student as she takes in The Gallery instrument, is not a very common medium. Menstrual Art) “is a declaration of empow- and Nunavut. The rates of sexual assault in of Empowerment (and Menstrual Art) just Vanessa Tiegs, is one of the pioneer of men- erment”, says one member of the Womyn’s Nunavut are astronomical, especially in com- after the artists erected the artwork. Presented strual art. Live Journal hosts a community Centre. That is why “Menstrual Art” is in- parison to other provinces and territories in by the university’s Womyn’s Centre, the gal- for menstrual artists and those interested cased in quotations; the blood is an after- Canada. In a Statistics Canada report pub- lery, which showcases the menstrual blood in the art form for which Tiegs is the mod- thought. More important than the blood art lished last month, funded by SWC, Nunavut of collective members, went up November erator. Based on posts to the community, the in the glass case is the sheet that underscores reported 982 sexual assault offences per 25 to raise awareness about the Montreal University of Winnipeg is the second post- statistics about violence against women in 100000 residents in 2004. Manitoba, to com- Massacre and violence against women. secondary institution to present blood art Canada, and the message behind the art: pare, is still high in relation to other prov- The Montreal Massacre, which this year. Sarah Lawrence College in New “the only blood that a women should shed is inces, reporting 136 offences per 100000 took place on December 6, 1989 at École York presented menstrual art at the begin- her menstrual blood.” people. Polytechnique de Montreal, a post-second- ning of November to coincide with their Marika Olynyk, the Status of Women ary engineering school, is Canada’s most Gender Fuck Symposium. director for the University of Winnipeg deadly , whereby any-and- On campus, The Gallery of Violence Against Women in Canada Student’s Association says, “Cutbacks to all women were targeted. Lepine, the 25- Empowerment (and Menstrual Art) contains Status of Women Canada highlight the year-old male shooter, entered a classroom, fifteen pieces of blood art. Fourteen of the In the centre of the Gallery of Conservative government’s ignorance and and declared “I want the women”, forcing the fifteen frames are dedicated to the fourteen Empowerment (and Menstrual Art), there is a lack of commitment to issues of sexist vio- male students out at gunpoint. He continued women that were murdered in the Montreal sign that reads “Disgusted? I guess that makes lence in the country.” SWC funds reports on to roam the halls and other rooms in the col- Massacre. Their names are attached to these two of us:…” and goes on to list some facts violence against women and supports crisis lege, killing 14 women and injuring 13 other pieces. A fifteen, as a sign in the gallery ex- about the rate of violence against womyn in shelters. Without money, SWC cannot re- people in the school. plains, “is dedicated to all other women who Canada. One of the facts, as documented by search rates of sexist violence, and there- The massacre is the most well-known are victims of sexist violence”. Statistics Canada’s “Violence Against Women fore, cannot legitimize their existence with instance of gendercide to take place on The names of the artists do not appear Survey”, reads, “51% of women in Canada hard statistics. The cutbacks discount seri- Canadian soil. In 1991, Canadian Parliament in the gallery. The artists, the majority of have experienced violence.” The statistics ous problems that exist within the border. selected December 6 as the National Day whom are Womyn’s Centre members, de- are also posted around the U of W campus. On December 8, Liberal and New of Remembrance and Action on Violence cided to remain anonymous so to not draw Despite the dominant perception, vi- Democratic MPs will be speaking in the Against Women. The date is commemorated attention away from their message: “the only olence against women is still quite promi- House against these cutbacks. on nearly all college and university campuses blood that a women should shed is her men- nent; sexist violence did not begin and end Representatives from unions and wom- across the country. strual blood.” with the Montreal Massacre. The reason why en’s centers across Manitoba are holding a This year, the University of Winnipeg In a discussion with the Womyn’s Centre it may appear as though misogyny is a fig- funeral for SWC on December 10. The tenth Womyn’s Centre staged a die-in and held members, it became quite evident that the ment of the feminist imagination is because of this month marks the 25th anniversary of a ceremony in Centennial Hall to remem- artists feel a great sense of accomplishment the vast majority of violence against women Canada’s ratification of the United Nations ber the victims of the Montreal Massacre and empowerment. One artist and active occurs in a domestic setting by someone that Convention on the Elimination of all forms and other victims of sexist violence, such as member of the campus Womyn’s Centre, the women knows, such as a family member, of Discrimination against Women. “Instead the young people that were murdered in the who asked to remain unnamed said, “partic- lover or friend. A 1999 statistic, posted on the of Celebrating this historic milestone”, says Amish community last autumn. ipating in this art project had a really posi- Sexual Assault Care Centre website and on a rallying publication from an ad hoc group The gallery of blood art was erected tive effect on me and how I anticipated my the fact sheet in the Gallery of Empowerment called womenactionfemmes, “we will be mo- nearly two weeks before December 6. cycle. I found myself looking forward to my says, “80% of sexual assaults occur in the bilizing to ensure that Prime Minister Harper period, which is somewhat new to me. The home.” respects his own election commitment to whole experience was inspiring and it helped Often, instances of domestic violence uphold women’s equality and human rights create a healthy perspective about my body, go unreported, and the media does not pick in Canada.” December 7, 2006 The Uniter contact: [email protected] 12 ARTS & CULTURE The Daily Show anOmoly Jon Stewart is changing the way we watch news y mons i ulcah M tzs Fi n vi e onrad C K

Jon Stewart with Senator John Kerry Stewart with Cleveland Cavaliers’ LeBron James

they’re not getting the news from us; they’re nificant growth in prime-time programming – coming to us to find out what the funny is on it. when the channels are oriented toward showing If we stopped being funny, they’d stop watching features – than they did for daytime, which is ori- the next day.” ented to tracking the news. Unfortunately for cable news networks, the In a Canadian University Press story in success of “The Daily Show” highlights the failure October, Eric Szeto pointed out the emergent of the press to reach the younger audience that problem of cable news supplementing its pro- Stewart has captured. Stewart laments his suc- gramming with video news releases (VNRs). cesses as symptoms of the erosion of the press. VNRs are pre-recorded press-release segments “The news media on television has become designed by public relations companies and rep- me, an entertainer, and that’s where we’ve lost resented by the stations that broadcast them as something.” actual news stories. Local television news and network news rat- The popularity of VNRs among the net- ings have been in steady decline for a few years works is evidence of the strong corporate ties that now, according to the Nielsen ratings. Cable news, they hold with their sponsors. The patent conflict on the other hand, enjoyed a steady increase in of interest presented by VNRs is not impressed on viewership from 2004 to 2005, rising 2.5 per cent. the viewers because they are broadcast without Of the three main cable news networks in any disclaimer alongside actual stories produced the States – CNN, MSNBC and Fox News – only by the network. one was responsible for that growth: Fox News. Biased, unsourced and unaccountable,

NORMAN JEAN ROY The ratings of the other two networks suffered. VNRs do not meet even the barest standards of The most dramatic change is occurring in journalism, and yet they are presented to the prime time, with Fox’s ratings increasing by nine public as examples of such. Lars Bohr ibustering sources who talk their way around the per cent, MSNBC decreasing by two per cent and To remedy such problems, Jon Stewart has Excalibur (York University) issue they are supposed to be discussing. CNN decreasing by 11 per cent. Less dramatic is suggested “that [the press] remove themselves The focus of mainstream television news the change in daytime viewership, with Fox’s rat- from the symbiotic relationship that they have has shifted away from comprehensive, con- ings increasing by five per cent, MSNBC increas- developed with the power structures created by TORONTO (CUP) – Faux news is no longer densed news coverage so radically that programs ing by three per cent and CNN decreasing by the corporations and the political bodies,” and faux. Jon Stewart, nine-time Emmy winning like “The Daily Show” have adjusted their format seven per cent. he stresses that “mostly what I’m talking about American comedian, satirist and author, has been in response, and have begun siphoning viewers The agenda for each channel appeared to be is television, and the print media is much better called the “Walter Cronkite for a younger gener- from the networks. approximately the same, and it says in the report at providing context, but providing it a week later ation.” Many of Stewart’s viewers watch his program that “immediacy seems to be the criterion of im- and by then everybody’s moved on.” His “fake news” program, “The Daily Show”, to the exclusion of network broadcasts like CNN. portance above all others.” But why is there a dis- As an alternative to revamping the televi- has won Peabody Awards for its coverage of the Yet this is not to say that his viewers rely on him as crepancy in ratings if they are all so similar? sion news media, Stewart advocates the network- last two presidential elections. The show never their sole source of information, and Stewart him- A content analysis showed Fox’s presenta- ing of the blogosphere. could have won these awards, the oldest in the self stresses that this is not the case. tion of the news to be faster paced, better stylized “People that care about the truth, you know field of journalism, without its merits as a legiti- In an interview the morning after the 2004 and more opinionated. But over a 24-hour period, them, I know them. . . . You’ve got people on blogs mate news source. presidential debate between Bush and Kerry, it presented the same basic information as the fact-checking as things happen. Now some of The show is remarkable for its levity and its Stewart was asked by Jenny Anderson of the New other two channels. those people are conspiracy theorists; some are gravity, but most of all for its density. In less than York Post, “You’ve frequently commented on how CNN did come out ahead in the ratings really smart. Have somebody at the centre of it half an hour, Stewart packs in much of the hard scary it is that a growing number of young people survey in one respect: It had a higher number of who can be an arbiter of what’s real and what’s news that the major cable news networks stretch get their news from you. Now that you know that unique viewers watching, if only for short periods not. Have a network . . . that’s reactive to the game out over a span of 24 hours, and serves it up with for a fact, do you look at your responsibility any of time. Fox had more viewers watching longer, of strategy that’s being played in Washington.” his own brand of social criticism. This format more seriously?” but CNN watchers were still checking in for the The irony of Stewart’s situation, which has thrives on Comedy Central. “No,” Stewart replied. “We do not instruct headlines. not been lost on him, is that his show thrives on A 2006 Indiana University report entitled [viewers], and we assume a knowledge base… Ratings across the board showed a more sig- material generated by a laughably incompetent “The State of the News” found the show’s cov- administration and laughably inadequate televi- erage of the 2004 election to contain as much sion news coverage, neither of which should be a actual news as network evening news broadcasts. laughing matter. Stewart, expressly a comedian and not a reporter, In recent years, his comedy has taken on has become one of the most trusted names in some grim undertones as he is shunted into a news in America. leadership role. With an increase in his show’s The recognition of “The Daily Show” as a popularity comes an increase in Stewart’s respon- legitimate news source raises serious questions sibility to the public discourse. about the legitimacy of the established television According to Nielsen Media Research, the news media. average American home now has more televi- Be it through the rise of programs like “The sion sets than people, with the average number of Daily Show” and “The Colbert Report” or the de- people standing at 2.55 and the average number cline of the mainstream press, the television news of television sets at 2.73. The invention of flat media in the United States seem to be settling at screen sets has furthered the ubiquity of televi- the qualitative level of “infotainment.” sion, which can now be found in many public “We should probably be concerned about spaces. both because neither one is particularly substan- With the steadily increasing pervasiveness tive,” said Julia Fog, author of “The State of the of television, there may be a real – if intangible News”. – danger in allowing the cable news networks to Kevin Fitzsimons Another report, “The State of the News purport themselves to their viewers as compre- Media 2006” from the Project for Excellence in hensive, explorative objective news sources – Jon Stewart and correspondent Samantha Bee Journalism, found cable news to be sparsely re- Indecision 2006 – “Battlefield Ohio: ‘The Daily Show’s’ Midwest Midterm Midtacular” which they are plainly not. ported, highly opinionated and permissive of fil- contact: [email protected] The Uniter December 7, 2006 ARTS & CULTURE 13

Arts & Culture: Mike Lewis Staff Reporter: Kenton Smith Arts & Culture E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] ElementSircus IX Ringing in the Winter Solstice

Aaron Epp loops, keyboards, chants) and Jim Demos (drums, keyboards, chants) have helped or- ganize. Other celebrations occur during hile many people dread the summer solstice, and two have been held in winter season, Winnipeg ex- Saskatoon to celebrate fall equinox. W perimental/ambient trio The Highlights from past events have in- Absent Sound celebrate it. cluded celebrating this past summer solstice ElementSircus, the bi-annual extrava- in Old Market Square, as well as one that took ganza organized by the band and Ragpickers place at the Monastery Ruins in St. Norbert. Anti-Fashion Emporium & Books, takes place Says Fort of that event, “By the time we got on at the Pyramid Cabaret on Friday, Dec. 22. stage, the sun was coming up. That was fun.” Photo: LAURA MILES This month’s event, which coincides The press release describes with the winter solstice, features music by ElementSircus as “a costume-encouraged With all of the different things going on blend it with the rest of the crowd, for many the aforementioned Absent Sound (with spe- event.” In the past, says Menard, people have at ElementSircus and the emphasis on wear- others the night is a chance for them to show- cial guests Fubuki Daiko), as well Mahogany dressed up in everything from Halloween cos- ing a costume, do Menard and Fort think that case what they have to offer. Fort agrees. Frog, Ham and Sortie Real. In addition to the tumes to more elemental, solstice-inspired audiences long to participate more at con- “It’s inherently in us to want to par- music, there will be films, dance, fire artists, attire. Wizards, moneys and belly dancers are certs? ticipate,” he says. “It’s like when you’re a 7- games, theatrics, art, a trader’s post, and the a few of the costumes the band has seen, but “I was actually thinking about this the year-old kid wanting to perform for your now-infamous piñata smash. the one that sticks out most for them is one other day,” says Fort. “It’s kind of like when grandma at a Christmas family gathering. The festival is not derived from a hippie worn by a man calling himself Poor Andy. you’re at a club and there’s music. At first ElementSircus is an event people can come mentality, but instead goes way beyond that, “He’s based on Charlie Chaplin, and there’s no one dancing, and you need that to and say, ‘I can have a good time, I can wear says Absent Sound member Dave Fort (gui- he has a similar suit, hat and moustache,” first group of girls to start dancing. That then a costume, I can stand out here, and it’s ac- tars, keyboards, chants). says Menard. “He’s always carrying around a gives everyone else a sort of permission to cepted. It’s cool.’” “We didn’t want to restrict the event guitar or banjo, playing skiffle music.” start dancing. to just a ‘hippie’ thing when we started The Absent Sound encourages people “It’s an evolution of participation where, ElementSircus takes place at the ElementSircus,” he says. “That’s not to say to be creative with their costumes. People say, the first 100 people at an event will do Pyramid Cabaret on Friday, December 22. we’re better than hippies, but the root of the who need a little bit of help coming up with something, thereby giving the other 400 Tickets are $10 with a costume or in advance event is to bring people from all walks of life something can head to Ragpickers where people who are there permission to do it as (at Ragpickers and Into the Music) and $12 together for this celebration.” you will get 50% off the rental of a vintage well.” at the door without a costume. For more in- This is the ninth ElementSircus Fort and costume when you purchase a ticket for Menard admits that while some people formation, log on to bandmates Rob Menard (guitars, samples, ElementSircus. who attend ElementSircus prefer to simply ementsircus.

ART CITY CHRISTMAS PhotoS: NATASHA PETERSON December 7, 2006 The Uniter contact: [email protected] 14 ARTS & CULTURE From Rags to Riches Selling Artwork without Commission

Fresh Prey, an unusual and dis- As for photography, Veronica turbing collection of canned Prewedo’s church signs stand out “delicacies” that would embar- not for being works of stunning rass even the most dedicated car- photography, but for the simple nivores. smile they can bring to a person’s Two other outstanding trios lips. In another joy-filling work, are Dinubuque Rey’s Fire (I,II,III) Aston Coles takes viewers back to and Josh Dudych’s multicoloured childhood days, when we’d draw forest. Rey delivers the fantastic illustrations in the corners of progress of a building caught on notebook pages. Only difference fire, while Dudych’s representa- is, his flipbook of Box Animation tions play with nature’s hues in is amazingly original and pol- ways even Mother Nature could ished. not imagine. Betlino Assa’s untitled work Winter Warmer runs at the could just as easily be a painting aceartinc gallery, located on the of the fields of Amsterdam rather second floor of 290 McDermot, than of Manitoba’s wheat para- Dec 2-9. dise. His scenery would undoubt- edly make Van Gogh tear, or at least bleed from the ear.

Ksenia Prints opportunity of showcasing work Beat reporters without any commission at the yearly Winter Warmer. “It’s an open member show—if you’re t times, exhibitions that a member, you can show” says show anyone who is will- Garkicki. “In [this show], 100 per 95.9 FM CKUW Campus/Community A ing are the best places to cent goes to the artists—we are go scout for talent. Whether po- just the facilitators,” she proudly Radio Top 10 CD – Albums tential art buyers, enthusiasts, adds. There were no judging cri- NOVEMBER 27 – December 3, 2006 or beginners, acerartinc’s Winter teria employed for choosing the ! = Local content * = Canadian Content RE=Re Entry NE = New Entry Warmer has something for ev- displayed works, nor a limit on eryone. In this annual members the amount of submissions per show, all proceeds go to the art- artist. Throughout the rest of the ists, but the gallery reaps all the year artwork is juried. LW TW Artist Recording label fame. As expected, all styles and Aceartinc is a non-profit, art- forms can be found in Winter ists run gallery. “All members and Warmer. From Jean Bachynsky’s 1 1 *Various Artists radio 3 Sessions Mint staff are usually artists, and we beautifully plump statues to pecu- get a lot of artists who become liar doodles on paper, there is no 2 2 !Nathan casserole Nettwerk members to show their artwork,” shortage of mediums either. Lina 4 3 decemberists the Crane Wife EMI says Liz Garlicki, the gallery’s as- Pearce’s fabric applications of sistant. legs would make any foot-fetish- 8 4 Jerry Lee Lewis Last Man Standing K2 The gallery is financed ist break out in cold sweat. But if through various donations, gov- Juan Zavaletz was aiming for shock 9 5 tom Waits orphans Anti ernment grants and member- value in his haunted charcoal 7 6 *Be Good Tanyas Hello Love Nettwerk ships, which cost a meagre representation of The Angel of 10-25 dollars a year. The Death Masturbating Herself with 3 7 ivan Hrvatska Seasons of Love Party All Year coconut Dreams membership earns Winnipeg’s as- Paul the Apostle’s Head, the work piring Michelangelos and Pollocks falls short—it provokes embar- 5 8 *Kinnie Star anything Violet Inch/Maple Music access to a resource centre, rassment, but only for the artist’s 10 9 !Romi Mayes Sweet Something Steady independent a library, and help with artist re- attempt. sumes. An additional workshop Simon Hughes has the cutest 6 10 *The Dears gang of Losers Maple Music area is being planned. fishermen you’ll ever see, in a To some, the biggest bene- trio of Inuit-featuring collages. fit of a membership is the unique Another animal inspired work is Arts & Culture Editor: Mike Lewis contact: [email protected] The Uniter December 7, 2006 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 786-9497 Fax: 783-7080 ARTS & CULTURE 15 cd REviews BOOK REview

Red Blanket Sarah Slean Big Trouble in Little China Bitter Chocolate: Investigating A Southern Manitoba Murder of Crows Orphan Music Diamond Cutter the Dark Side of the World’s C12, 2006 Warner Music, 2006 No List Records, 2006 Most Seductive Sweet – Carol Off Random House Canada (336 pages) Winnipeg’s own At a time of year I’ve always Red Blanket are a four- when record com- wanted to start a Reviewed By Derek Leschasin piece instrumental band panies flood music rock band and write who are sure to start stores with “Greatest a song called “God turning heads soon, if Hits” CDs and other Bless the Zoo (and the they haven’t already. packages of previ- Royal Albert Too).” I There’s an old Their new release, A ously released mate- think that if I ever got half-joke spouted Southern Manitoba Murder of Crows, should help. rial, it’s kind of hard not to be cynical about Orphan around to forming this band, we would sound a lot sometimes, about Red Blanket play something like thrashy math- Music. The CD is a collection of 13 previously released like Big Trouble in Little China. BTILC mix rock, punk how people on the metal with a few different elements thrown in, along with songs, stripped down of their original studio flourishes and just a little bit of metal to create 8 songs that are some surprises. Comparisons with fellow locals Electro and reworked live and in the studio to focus on Slean’s left like to ‘ruin ev- raw, gritty, short, and to the point. Sometimes shout- Quarterstaff are can be made, but Red Blanket tend to voice and piano playing (augmented on a few tracks erything for the rest ing, sometimes growling, and sometimes la-la-la-ing diverge somewhat from the straight-ahead headbanger by a string quartet). It sucks paying for all of the same of us’. Cigarettes, along with the guitar parts, George McKinnon’s vocals metal that EQ do so well. songs again, but the CD does capture the spirit of a brand-name clothing, fit the music that this band makes perfectly. Standout Instrumental music can falter through repeti- Sarah Slean show as well as showcase her immense military coups—you tracks are “La Llorona,” which you can hear on the tion, but the musicianship on this record keeps the lis- talent. (Two b-sides are part of the collection as well.) band’s MySpace webpage, and “Piss Proud,” a song name it. That’s why tener hanging - the instruments sing as well as any vo- Long-time fans may be left wondering about the song I write this review calist ever could. The eleven lengthy tracks, with titles selection (did Slean really need to include two versions that starts out slow (and surprisingly emotional) and with some degree of like “Explanation Renders the Exotic Mundane”, and “The of both “Lucky Me” and “Pilgrim”?), but this CD should ends up thrashing just as hard as the other 7. This is Mutants of 2031 AD”, fit together well like an extended serve as an excellent introduction for people listening the perfect CD to listen to when you’re pre-gaming it trepidation. Who doesn’t like chocolate? It tastes delicious, jam session, yet without becoming tedious. to her for the first time. This Christmas, your ears could at your buddy’s house before going to the Albert on a makes you feel good, and it’s a no-brainer gift. It’s great. A great listen for anyone wanting to check out do a lot worse than adopt this orphan music. Saturday night. High art Diamond Cutter is not, but if But as is the case with so many other things that con- something from Winnipeg’s innovative music scene. you’re looking for mindless fun, you can find it here. sumers consume, we really don’t know much about where our chocolate comes from, prior to it being formed into bars, -Aaron Epp chips, sauces, etc etc. Veteran CBC journalist Carol Off sets -Derek Leschasin -Aaron Epp out to change that in her insightful and wide-ranging look into the ‘dark side’ of something that is as natural as a cup of coffee in the morning. Off takes us on a review through the surprisingly-

fascinating history of chocolate, and the cocoa plant from whence it comes. The story originates with the indige- nous civilizations of South America, who used cocoa beans to make a frothy drink that both fascinated and repulsed TEDIOUS MINUTIAE the Spanish Conquistadors. It wouldn’t take long before Or: Ineffectively Detailing One’s Cultural Consumption for the Uncaring Installment 2.13 Europeans recognized the potential of cocoa, and enslaved first South Americans, then Africans (once the plants were introduced to Africa) for the task of harvesting and process- On painful labours and cutting the proverbial cord ing what would become a precious commodity the world over. Essentially, the story of the path to developing what we know of as ‘chocolate’ has a parallel narrative of exploita- tion and brutality. Happy Valentine’s Day! Ben MacPhee-Sigurdson injected into the spine, if you can believe it), school, and can only imagine what an emotional Off’s writing is accessible and fast-paced, but she [email protected] begins to falter in chronicling the convoluted world of the because when the pain gets bad and the mother stalwart he must have been in the delivery room. modern chocolate industry—at times teetering on the edge is begging for pain relief, there won’t be any of losing her focus. She charts the rise of “Big Chocolate” So the first week of pre-natal classes has options left on the table other than the goodwill Anyhow, the Grits have got some damn ugly, (Hershey, Mars, etc) and its eventual close ties to Cote d’Ivoire, a war-torn country on the west coast of Africa come and gone, and overall it’s been a really good of your partner. whiny babies on their hands that wallow in the and one of the world’s biggest suppliers of cocoa. Once experience. I wore a 35 pound backpack on the stench of their own storied diapers. Yet somehow an African ‘miracle’ for its strong economy based almost front of my body for a bit, which offered insight It’s taking me a while to write this week’s all of this kind of political posturing is irresist- exclusively on the high value of cocoa beans, the coun- into the difficulty of walking around with all the installment for a couple of reasons. First of all, ible to me. It wouldn’t matter what party was try became a basket case when prices tumbled. With Big Chocolate only willing to pay the minimum market price for extra weight of pregnancy. I bounced around a bit I don’t want to come across as giving advice involved—I’d be all over it. the beans, cocoa plantations in Cote d”Ivoire take on child on a fucking birthing ball for a bit, and contem- to potential parents. Secondly, I don’t want to labourers from other countries who eventually become plated whether or not I’ll cut the umbilical cord. misrepresent my partner when talking about our But where was I? Oh yeah. Pre-natal classes. slaves—children who were looking for ways to lift them- I’m thinking since there will be trained medical experiences. Thirdly, wrap-up coverage of the You’d think in a room full of pregnant people there selves out of poverty. From West Africa to Central America, Off introduces folk on hand, I’ll take a pass. Best that I’m not near first ballot of the Liberal party leadership is on TV would be some comfortable chairs available. No us to a wide array of vividly human characters. Some are scissors as I try to refrain from passing out. in the background, so it’s hard to concentrate. dice… but really, that’s my only complaint—I immersed in the corruption and exploitation of the industry, figure the more preparation a dolt like me can others are fighting against it. Their interviews are backed It’s suggested prospective parents complete Talk about a painful birthing process. The have for something as huge as childbirth is up by her research involving an extensive list of sources. It’s really Off’s personal skills as a writer and journalist that a birth plan before heading to the hospital—that Liberal party has been in labour for the better part probably a good thing. From the hand-knit make Bitter Chocolate an intelligent and enjoyable read, de- way, there’s no chance of something happening of a few months now—I’m not sure if it’s painful replica of the uterus to the doll with the snap-on spite her occasional meanderings. In the hands of a less during the process that may go against your for them, but it sure is painful for me. It just seems umbilical cord, it just got me more excited for talented journalist or an academic, a fascinating and dis- wishes. Having said that, the variables involved in to go on and on, and no one potential leader has the real event! turbing story could be rendered boring, sensationalist, or trivial. childbirth are such that many birth plans quickly emerged that can seem to pose a credible oppo- Perhaps unfortunately, like any good journalist, Off go out the window. It’s probably not prudent to nent to Prime Minister Steven Harper. I think back E: [email protected] offers no answers to the issues she confronts. Clearly the strictly rule out an epidural (a numbing agent to him shaking his kids’ hands as they leave for W: market has failed many people yet again, and yet again we’re all complicit to some extent. Christmas cake is chocolate-free, right? December 7, 2006 The Uniter contact: [email protected] 16 ARTS & CULTURE Blood diamonds and DiCaprio Movie’s political message overshadows action elements

to be a good story and there had to be compelling characters,” DiCaprio said in a phone interview. “Otherwise, [just being] a political film doesn’t translate to create any type of tan- gible change amongst people who watch the movie.” The film’s representation of issues surrounding diamonds has already sparked action from advo- cates on both sides of the conflict. The World Diamond Council has ap- parently committed up to $15 million

to a worldwide advertising campaign FILE PHOTO attempting to refute claims about the foreign practices of diamond compa- DiCaprio as Danny Archer in politics action flick, Blood Diamond nies. Director Edward Zwick recog- nizes the need for industries to pro- on the poverty faced by the people of conscientious generation.” tect their interests, but argues that Mozambique. Although the film may educate the potential to hurt someone’s repu- The shoot affected DiCaprio in a its audience regarding the conflict, tation is no reason to shelve a film. similar fashion. the filmmakers say that it does not Sana Shahram “That’s like saying that movies “Doing a movie like this, you can’t provide audiences with ways to help The Ubyssey depicting the Holocaust shouldn’t be help but be affected in many differ- relieve African nations from such a (University of British Columbia) made because Germany is now our ent ways,” he said. “Going to an or- violent conflict. ally,” he said. phanage, for example, in the middle “To have awareness that the Zwick’s film has also attracted the of Mozambique which has a horrific things we buy come from someplace VANCOUVER (CUP) – “Blood support of Amnesty International, AIDS rate and people living in pov- and that the people in those places Diamond” is set against the backdrop which is carrying out a campaign to erty, and to see the actual tangible aren’t necessarily benefiting from of the 1990’s civil war in Sierra Leone sell rubber bracelets with the film’s contributions that are put into effect, them is an important thing to begin and follows two men, Danny Archer title written across them. it makes you want to come back home to think about,” Zwick said. “By be- (Leonardo DiCaprio) and Solomon It is rare for a major Hollywood and give back.” coming an informed consumer you Mandy (Dijmon Hounsou), as their film studio to fund such a socially Unlike the Western companies can literally help strengthen a pro- lives become intertwined in respec- conscious and controversial produc- depicted in the film, the cast and cess that needs to be strengthened tive attempts to locate a rare diamond tion. Hounsou recognizes this and crew of “Blood Diamond” made sure that might prevent such things that that can save both of their lives. is extremely grateful for the support to give back. have happened from happening Solomon, a Mende fisherman, from Warner Bros. According to Zwick, “everyone there again.” needs the diamond to save his son’s “It’s very commendable, cer- among the cast and crew contrib- life while Archer, an ex-mercenary tainly, to have Warner Bros. backing uted some money and created a fund from Zimbabwe, sees the diamond as us up and spending whatever money to try to deal with the specific local his ticket out of Africa. Maddy Brown we needed to spend to see the story issues in some of those villages where (Jennifer Connelly), an idealistic told accurately,” he said. people had been exceedingly gener- American journalist, comes to Sierra DiCaprio adds, “[It’s] not often ous and gracious to us.” Leone hoping to expose the illegal di- times when films like this are financed DiCaprio explains further that amond trade and instead finds herself within the studio system, so we both in addition to the fund, every- on an adventure with the two men. jumped at this opportunity.” one became involved with Amnesty This would be the formula for a The cast and crew spent approx- International and Global Witness to conventional action-packed block- imately four months in harsh condi- help effect positive change. buster except for a number of major tions in Mozambique, as well as in “We didn’t feel right going to differences. South Africa before and during the shoot there without giving something The film’s depiction of the di- shoot. back.” amond trade, a problem that still “It’s one thing where, certainly I’d Hounsou hopes that the film will plagues many regions of Africa today, known the statistics and I had trav- be “used as an instrument to teach, is so central to the film that the ad- elled to Africa even before,” Connelly and certainly educate, people around venturous elements become second- said. “It’s another thing to live on a the world about the unfair trade rules ary to the movie’s message. The film’s daily basis for about four months in of diamonds and other minerals and Hollywood clout acts to magnify its the places like Maputo and in South oil and so forth.” politically volatile message. Africa that we were in.” Connelly shares his hopes: “I’m a “First and foremost, [Dijmon and She added that she was very grate- huge advocate of human-rights edu- I] both realized that the movie had ful for the opportunity to bring her cation for children in the hopes that to be emotionally moving and it had family along to educate her children we could foster a more politicized, Listings Coordinator: Nick Weigeldt Want to submit your listing to Uniter Listings? Email your listings to [email protected] contact: [email protected] The Uniter December 7, 2006 E-mail: [email protected] Deadline for submissions is Wednesday, eight days before the issue you’d like your Phone: 786-9497 listing to first appear in. The Uniter publishes on Thursdays, 25 times a year. @ Fax: 783-7080 LISTINGS 17

WORKSHOPS AND KAPATID IN-SCHOOL MEN- RON SEXSMITH WITH JILL WINNIPEG SYMPHONY December 7 ONWARDS TORSHIP PROGRAM Partnering BARBER Dec. 9 West End Cultural ORCHESTRA Concerts almost SEMINARS university students with Filipino Centre, 8 p.m. Tickets $27.50 at weekly during the fall. Dec. 8 new comer high school students as Ticketmaster and WECC. – 10: Holiday Express. Dec. 15 in-school mentors. Weekly Mon- – 16: An Innocent Man (Music of ON CAM PUS MATH / STATS days to Thursdays from 4:00 p.m. KWAGALA FOUNDATION Billy Joel). Dec. 17: A Flicker of STUDENTS’ to 5:00 p.m. Learn how to become BENEFIT CONCERT Dec. 17 Light on a Holiday Night, a family ASSOCIATION eligible for the UWFSA Bursary. To West End Cultural Centre, 8 p.m. concert. Call 949-3999 or visit the volunteer email the University of Featuring The Paperbacks, Sheena WSO box office at 555 Main Street. ONGOING MATH PROBLEM-SOLVING Winnipeg Filipino Students’ As- Grobb, more. Tickets $10/12 at LITERARY WORKSHOPS by Dr. J. Currie. sociation at [email protected] for WECC and the U of Winnipeg Info Every Monday, 1:30-2:20 p.m. in more information. Booth. McNALLY ROBINSON GRANT ENGLISH LANGUAGE PART- room 3C29. For students plan- PARK Dec. 7, 7 p.m.: Robert NERS needed in the Language WII CHIIWAAKANAK LEARN- MADRIGAIA HOME FOR THE Taylor signing Manitoba: Seasons ning to try either of the upcoming CINEMATHEQUE Partner Program, U of W Continu- ING CENTRE VOLUNTEER HOLIDAYS Dec. 20 West End of Beauty. Dec. 7, 8 p.m.: John math competitions or for students ‘The US vs. John Lennon’ profiles ing Education Campus, 294 Wil- OPPORTUNITIES Do you need Dankas & Richard Brignell launch simply interested in learning some Cultural Centre, 8 p.m. With Twi- the singer’s transformation from volunteer hours on your resume? liam Avenue. Language partners are techniques for solving interesting light Hotel. Tickets $17 in advance musician to antiwar activist. Small Town Glory. native (or fluent) English speaking math problems. Do you need volunteer hours for at Ticketmaster, WECC, A La Page Catch it at Cinematheque from volunteers who give ESL (English a class? Come and volunteer in and Zoma. Dec. 15 - 21 at 7 p.m. MCNALLY ROBINSON POR- as a Second Language ) students the Wii Chiiwaakanak Learning INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS TAGE PLACE Dec. 7, 7 p.m.: an opportunity to practice speaking Centre. The Community Learning CLASS At Elim Chapel (546 Por- ELEMENTSIRCUS Dec. 22 Pyra- Launch of Naturescape Manitoba, a English outside of the classroom Commons is located at 509-511 tage Ave at Spence Street). Enter mid Cabaret. A Sonic Multi-Media ELLICE CAFÉ & THEATRE 585 collaborative initiative of Manitoba and to learn more about the Ellice Ave. Please submit your from the rear parking lot. Sundays Winter Solstice Celebration featur- Ellice St 975-0800 Neighbourhood conservation groups and agencies. Canadian way of life. The day and resume to: Christine Boyes, 12 noon – 1:30 p.m. Improve your ing Absent Sound, Mahogany Frog, theatre and restaurant. Free movie Dec. 8, 11:30 a.m.: Russ Gourluck time partners meet is flexible. The RBC Community Learning English by conversing, speaking & Sortie Real, Ham and many more nights Monday – Wednesday. Dec. signing Going Downtown: A History time commitment is 1-2 hrs./week. Commons Coordinator, Wii Chi- reading and learn about Jesus and performers TBA. This is a costumed 16: Free movie A Christmas Story, of Winnipeg’s Portage Avenue. Dec. Contact Rina Monchka, 982-1151; iwaakanak Learning Centre, The Christianity; meet new Canadian event, so please make up a cool 3 p.m. 14, 1 p.m.: Henry Cullihal signing University of Winnipeg. Phone: [email protected]. friends. For information call Val & costume or rent one from Ragpick- After the Fall. 789-1431; Fax: 786-7803; Email: Veda Chacko – 257-1670. ers for 50% off with the purchase of PARK THEATRE 698 Osborne St UNIVERSITY OF WINNIPEG [email protected]. SPEAKING CROW OPEN-MIC an ElementSircus ticket. Tickets are 478-7275 Neighbourhood theatre TOASTMASTERS Meetings are POETRY First Tuesday of the $10 costumed/or in advance and and venue. Monday nights: Mon- held regularly on Friday mornings THE WRITERS’ COLLECTIVE month at Academy Bar & Eatery. $12 without, available at Ragpick- day Night Football. Fridays at 5:30 at 7:15 a.m. with the first meeting of COUNSELLING AND is always looking for contribu- ers, Into The Music, TBA. p.m. Riverview Family Night, with the year to take place Friday, Sept. tions for our bimonthly journal, CAREER SERVICES movie TBA. Dec. 21: Park Monthly AQUA BOOKS 89 Princess 8 in the UWSA Boardroom in the The Collective Consciousness. We Japanese Animation Night, 7 p.m. St The Stone Soup Storytellers’ Bulman Centre. Students, faculty, publish poetry, short fiction, short Circle, veteran Winnipeg storytell- The University of Win- and members of the community are non-fiction, screenplays, plays, ers, meets for storytelling once a welcome. It’s an opportunity to im- nipeg Career Services is articles, interviews, book reviews, offering a series of Free month on Saturdays at 7:30 p.m. prove confidence in public speaking and more. All submissions should THEATRE, DANCE & Career Workshops, open Next get together is on Dec. 9. and writing, share your creativity, include a brief (roughly 3 lines) to all students at the University of MUSICAL PERFORMANCE All are welcome. ideaExchange: meet a diverse group of people, personal biography. We prefer email Winnipeg and the Collegiate. The Aqua Books, in conjunction with and become a leader. Come and submissions to avoid inaccuracies workshops will be held in the St. Benedict’s Table, is pleased to be our guest! For more info call in retyping text for the journal. THE GRIND First Thursday of the Career Resource Centre (0GM09). present our award-winning monthly 284-5081. Submissions should be emailed month at Ellice Café & Theatre (585 To sign up, stop by the Counselling conversation series dealing with is- to writerscollective@uwinnipeg. ELEMENTSIRCUS Ellice Ave) The Grind, a venue to Services office (0GM06), email sues of faith, life, theology and pop ca with “Collective Conscious- Mahogany Frog kicks winter encourage and develop perform- [email protected], or in to gear with Absent Sound, culture. ness submission” in the subject ers and their ideas through the EVENTS phone 786-9231. Sortie Real, Ham and others at line. By mail: mark as Collective Elementsircus on Dec. 22 at presentation of scenes, sketches, OUT LOUD is an open mic op- Consciousness submissions, and the Pyramid. monologues, spoken word, short portunity for you to give your words VIRTUOSI CONCERTS presents SUMMER JOB FAIR 2007 sent to: The Writers’ Collective, film, stand-up and music in front of Many organizations will complete voice. Every two weeks a special “Classical & Latin* with Papa 4th Floor Library, University of a live audience. 7p.m., $4. guest will kick off the evening Mambo and Alma Petchersky, their Summer 2007 hiring from Winnipeg, 515 Portage Avenue, Dec. 2006 to Feb. 2007. If you after which the mic is open for your piano. Dec. 9, 8 p.m. Eckhardt- Winnipeg, MB R3B 2E9. CERCLE MOLIÈRE 340 haven’t started your summer job words of any genre in five minutes Gramatté Hall, University of Win- COMEDY Provencher Blvd.Tickets avail- search yet, the Summer Job Fair or less. Third Thursday of the nipeg. Tickets: $29 adults / $27 ART HISTORY STUDENTS’ able at 233-8053 or visit www. is the time to start! Join us at the month at the Millennium Library at seniors / $17 students. Contact ASSOCIATION All students are Until Dec. 9: ‘La Summer Job Fair on Thursday, Jan. TOAD IN THE HOLE / THE 251 Donald. Sign up is at 7 p.m. 786-9000 or welcome at our meetings, Thursdays Boutique au coin de la rue’. 18, 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. at the CAVERN 112 Osborne St – Com- Open mic at 7:50 p.m. Free. Free Parking available in the CBC at 12 p.m. Meet in the History Com- edy at the Cavern. Every second Lot, accessed via Young Street. Duckworth Centre. Speak with reps mon, Room 3rd Floor Ashdown. If Wednesday. Dec. 13: Stand up. MANITOBA THEATRE CENTRE AD LIB is an evening of improve- from dozens of organizations and you want to discuss arts & culture Dec. 27: Stand up. 174 Market Ave. Tickets available at style word games. Every night is learn about a wide range of summer and meet new friends, check us out! CAROLING FOR CANS Come 942-6537. Until Dec. 16: ‘Orpheus guaranteed to be different and full opportunities! It’s also a great opportunity to get Christmas Caroling for an hour or THE KING’S HEAD PUB 120 Descending’. of laughs. From round stories to involved in student projects, from two to support Winnipeg Harvest. King St – King’s Head Happy Hour fridge magnet poetry, from open- arts writing to campus socials. Dec. 10, 6 – 8 p.m. in Wolseley. Did APPLICATION Weekly Comedy Night, Tuesdays at MANITOBA THEATRE CEN- ing lines to creating new endings, you know 1 in 5 children in Mani- OPPORTUNITIES: 9 p.m. Dec. 12: Improv. Dec. 19: TRE WAREHOUSE 140 Rupert there’s no limit to the places these toba live in poverty? Help fight hun- JUICE JOURNAL The deadline Stand Up. St. Tickets available at 942-6537. games – or your writing – can go. ger in Manitoba and spread a little The Ultrasound Training Program at for creative writing submissions for First Thursday of the month at the holiday cheer by going Christmas Juice 7, a University of Winnipeg the Health Sciences Centre is a 12 IMPROV SHOW Dec. 9 at Pul- PRAIRIE THEATRE EX- Millennium Library at 251 Donald Caroling to gain donations of food creative writing journal is Jan. 15, month full-time post-diploma pro- ford Improv Palace (109 Pulford CHANGE Third floor, Portage at 7:30 p.m. Free. for Winnipeg Harvest. Sponsored 2007. Send us your fiction & cre- gram to train in the exciting field of St.) Comedium performs at 8:30 Place. Call 942-5483 or visit www. by AIESEC, the group will meet in ative non-fiction: 10 double-spaced diagnostic medical sonography. The p.m. and Outside Joke performs at THE LIBRARY’S WRITERS Wolseley (location TBA) and then pages maximum; poetry: 6 poems program starts at the end of August. 10 p.m. Cover $5. CIRCLE at the Millennium Library get together after caroling for hot Current intake is limited to 10 stu- maximum,; and drama: 20 script MANITOBA CHAMBER OR- presents ‘Candles in Winter’, and chocolate. dents. Applicant selection begins in page maximum. To be considered, CHESTRA Call MCO at 783-7377 evening of poetry to bring you in all submissions must include: your LAUGH RIOT Local comics take Jan.. Program details are available a crack at breaking the ever-cynical or pick up tickets at McNally Rob- from the cold. Featured readers UWMSSA BINGO BOWL Dec. name, U of W student #, complete in the program information booklet crowd at Mondragon. inson or Ticketmaster. All concerts include Sandy Stechisen, Brenda 15, 7p.m. – 9 p.m. at Academy (.pdf file) by visiting http://www. mailing address, phone number begin at 7:30 p.m. at Westminster Sciberras and Ron Romanowski. Lanes. $10 per person covers shoe and email address. All submissions United Church. Next concert is on THE CROSSEYED RASCALS Carol Shields Auditorium, Dec. 14 rental and pizza. Everyone inter- must be in 8 1/2 x 11 format, num- Jan. 17. program.htm. An application form Present: Baba’s Fruitcake – clean at 7:30 p.m. ested must sign up (by e-mailing can be obtained from the program bered & include the author’s name on every page. Submissions must improvisational comedy fundraiser, [email protected], or signing office, phone (204) 787-7846. VIRTUOSI CONCERTS presents be in.doc, .rtf, or .txt file format. NO with musical guests Secondhand- the sheet located on the 6th floor “Classical & Latin* with Papa EXCEPTIONS. Drama submissions pants. Dec. 9, with two shows at 3 GALLERIES & Lockhart Hall) before Wednesday Mambo and Alma Petchersky, must be in script format. Email p.m. and 7:30 p.m. at PTE’s Main- November 29th. Payments can be piano. Dec. 9, 8 p.m. Eckhardt- EXHIBITIONS ANNOUNCEMENTS you submissions as digital attach- stage (Third floor Portage Place). made to Julie in the math/stats Gramatté Hall, University of Win- department office. ments to [email protected]. Admission is free with a donation to Habitat for Humanity and/or a non- nipeg. Tickets: $29 adults / $27 IN PLAIN VIEW Winnipeg Studio DO YOU LIKE WORKING WITH PLEASE NOTE: we only accept perishable food item for Winnipeg seniors / $17 students. Contact Tour 2006 A group of Winnipeg VIRTUOSI CONCERTS presents NEWCOMER CHILDREN? Do submissions as digital attachments Harvest. Tickets available at Hull’s 786-9000 or artists have organized two weekend “Delicacy & Drama” with Li Wang, you believe you can change our via email. Family Bookstore (372 Graham Free Parking available in the CBC self-guided studio and gallery tours piano. Jan. 6, 8 p.m. Eckhardt- community? If so, consider volun- Ave) – 947-1365 or by contacting Lot, accessed via Young Street. to take place on the weekend of Dec. Gramatté Hall, University of Win- teering with some of our programs. [email protected]. 2 & 3 from 12 noon to 6 p.m on nipeg. Tickets: $29 adults / $27 The Citizenship Council of Manitoba VIRTUOSI CONCERTS presents these days. Visit www.inplainview- seniors / $17 students. Contact Inc. International Centre is looking AROUND TOWN “Delicacy & Drama” with Li Wang, for info. 786-9000 or for student volunteers to help new piano. Jan. 6, 8 p.m. Eckhardt- Free Parking available in the CBC arrivals to Canada learn English FILM Gramatté Hall, University of Win- ACE ART INC. 290 McDermot St Lot, accessed via Young Street. and feel welcome in our country. nipeg. Tickets: $29 adults / $27 Opportunities exist for volunteers 944-9763 Tues-Sat 12-5. Until Dec. CONCERTS CINEMATHEQUE 100 Arthur seniors / $17 students. Contact to give their time and support to 9: ‘Crumpled Darkness’ Haraldur St. Dec. 8, 7 p.m.: Food and the 786-9000 or the Centre’s Immigrant Children Jónsson and Steingrímur Eyfjörð. movies: Like Water For Chocolate, Free Parking available in the CBC and Youth Programs including THE HIDDEN CAMERAS Dec. 8 Curated / Organised by Hannes $15 includes reception. Dec. Lot, accessed via Young Street. Sports Activities for Newcomer Collective Cabaret, 9 p.m. With The Larusen and Birna Bjarnadóttir. 8-14, 9 p.m.: Bujalski’s Mutual Kids, Empowerment for Newcomer Born Ruffians. Tickets $12 at Music Until Dec. 9: 2nd annual Winter Appreciation, 2006. Dec. 9-14, 7 THE WINNIPEG SINGERS Youth, Newcomer Buddy Welcome Trader and Into the Music. Warmer, an event that encourages p.m.: Glatzer and Wastmoreland’s Call 989-6030ext1 or visit www. Program and our After Class Edu- the community to buy their work at Quinceanera, 2006. Dec. 15-21, Next concert cation Program. If you’d like to help MOMENTS OF BRILLIANCE a fair price for all. Contact gallery@ 7 & 9 p.m.: Leaf and Scheinfeld’s is Dec. 19 at Westminster United out, contact Si-il Park at 943-9158 CD RELEASE W/ THE ALIBI, for info. The US vs. John Lennon, 2006. Church. ext 285 or 688-1941. FAME Dec. 8 West End Cultural Dec. 22-23, Dec. 26-Jan. 4, 7 p.m.: Centre, 8 p.m. Tickets $7 or $10 Yimou’s Riding Alone for Thou- with a CD. sands of Miles, 2005. LDecemberistings Coordi 7, 2006nator: NickThe W eigeUniterldt contact: [email protected] Want to submit your listing to Uniter Listings? Email your listings to [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Deadline for submissions is Wednesday, eight days before the issue you’d like your P1ho8ne: 786-9497LIS TINGS @ listing to first appear in. The Uniter publishes on Thursdays, 25 times a year.

ADELAIDE MCDERMOT URBAN SHAMAN 203-290 Mc- FOLK EXCHANGE 211 Ban- SHANNON’S IRISH PUB 175 GAS STATION THEATRE An- GALLERY 318 McDermot Ave Dermot Ave 942-2674. Contempo- natyne Ave. Traditional Singers’ Carlton St. Sundays: Nate Bryski. nual General Meeting on Dec. 9 at 987-3514. rary Aboriginal art. Until Jan. 6: 50 Circle (third Monday of each Mondays: Jeremy Williamez. the theatre. Doors will be open to to 500, annual members’ exhibition month, $2 at the door). Drumming Thursdays: 80s Night. Dec. 8: Ju- renewing members at 12 p.m. with THE ANNEX GALLERY 594 and sale. Circle (fourth Monday of each niper Drive. Dec. 9: The Attics. Dec. the meeting being called to order Main St 284-0673 Tues-Sat 12-5. month, $2 at the door. Folk Club 15-16: Dust Rhinos. Dec. 31: Sub at 2 p.m. For further information Contemporary art. VIDEO POOL MEDIA ARTS (first Monday of each month, $4.99 City Dwellers & The Afterbeat. please contact the theatre at 284- CENTRE 300-100 Arthur St at the door). Tickets for all Folk Ex- 9477. After the meeting there will ARTBEAT STUDIO INC. 4-62 949-9134. Contemporary media change concerts are available at the TIMES CHANGE(D) HIGH AND be an informal gathering in the Albert St 943-5194. Community- art. Until Dec. 8: Reasonable and Festival Music Store (231-1377), LONESOME CLUB Main St @ St. lobby hosted by the Board and fea- based contemporary art. Senseless: The Technical Disaster or at the door. Dec. 8: Stony Point, Mary Ave. Sundays: Blues Jam with turing live entertainment by theatre LA GALERIE by Donna Szoke. On display in $10/$12. Big Dave McLean. No cover charge. members. Enjoy Brigitte Dion’s exhibition Jazz Winnipeg’s Arthur St. window Dec. 7: Tom Waits birthday party ART CITY 616 Broadway Ave ‘Virage’ at La Galerie at the Cen- 775-9856 Mon 5-8 ,Tues-Fri 4-8, space at 100 Arthur St. GIO’S 155 Smith St. Wednesdays: hosted by Matt Allen and guests. COURTNEY SIEBRING tre culturel franco-manitobain Karaoke. Thursdays: Bump n’ Dec. 8 & 9: The Perpetrators. Dec. ‘URGENCY’ An introduction to Sat 12-4. Featuring high quality over the holidays. artistic programming for kids and WAH-SA GALLERY 302 Fort St Grynd. Fridays: DJ daNNo dance 15: Little Miss Higgins. Dec. 16: physical theatre techniques and adults. 942-5121. Aboriginal artwork. party. First Saturday of the month: Stonypoint. Dec. 21: Luke Doucet style. Courtney Siebring is an Womyn’s night. Q-Pages Book and The D. Rangers. Dec. 22: Big American-born actor/creator and a Dave McLean. Dec. 31: Nathan, An- graduate of Dell’Arte International THE EDGE ARTIST VILLAGE WAYNE ARTHUR GALLERY Club, 5 p.m. Dec. 9: Prairie Pride LA MAISON DES ARTISTES drew Neville and the Poor Choices. School of Physical Theatre. She AND GALLERY 611 Main St. 186 Provencher Blvd 477-5249. Fashion Freedom, 9:30 p.m.. Dec. 219 Provencher 237-5964 Mon-Fri recently toured her contemporary Dec. 8 – 15: First studio mem- Gallery for Manitoba-based artists. 10: Annual General Meeting, 2 p.m. 9-5. Until Jan. 16: ‘Mouvance’, a commedia one woman show on the bership group show – ‘Have you Until Dec. 30: ‘The Big Show & The Dec. 10: Love, Sex and Innuendo, 9 WEST END CULTURAL CEN- collaborative art project by two Canadian Fringe Circuit and was Seen? Hear W Are!’ including a Small Show’, annual group show. p.m. Dec. 16: Leather Circus, 9 p.m. TRE Ellice Ave @ Sherbrook St. Quebecois, Gilles Prince and Yvon hailed throughout as a “five star performance by Rik Leaf. Dec. 24: Christmas Eve at Gio’s. See Concerts for details. Dec. 2: LaFontain, and two Manitobans, performer.” On ‘Urgency’: Our pain WINNIPEG ART GALLERY 300 That 1 Guy. Dec. 8: Moments of Michel Saint Hilaire and Nathalie and our passions originate at our Memorial Blvd 786-6641. Wednes- HEMP ROCK CAFÉ 302 Notre Brilliance CD Release. Dec. 9: Ron FLEET GALLERIES 62 Albert St Dupont. core. We are visceral beings and days: Art for Lunch. 12:10 p.m. Dame Ave. Local and touring Sexsmith w/ Jill Barber. Dec. 15: 942-8026 Mon-Thur 8:30-5:30, Fri should therefore be visceral actors. – 1 p.m. Until Dec. 30: Exhibition acoustic and punk shows. Port Amoral, Subcity Dwellers, Sick 8:30-5, Sat 9:30-4:30. On now: A LABEL GALLERY 510 Portage This two day workshop will explore of Sculptures by Auguste Rodin. City, 8 p.m. Dec. 16: Dreadnaut, holiday exhibition of original paint- Ave 772-5165 Tues-Sat 12-5. the expression of urgency in all that Until Jan. 7: Exhibition of the works KEEPSAKES GALLERY 264 Coda, Lucid. Dec. 17: Kwagala ings by Ed Becenko, Mary Anne Volunteer artist-run non-profit art we do on stage. It begins in the of Christopher Pratt. Until Jan. McDermot Ave. Musical Keep- Foundation Benefit Concert. Dec. Rudy, Sandi Caputo, Jason Cyr, centre showcasing works of com- body…and resounds out from our 21: Peter Winkworth Collection sakes: Live music every Saturday 20: Madrigaia with Twilight Hotel. Bill Lobchuk, Joanne Smoley and munity artists. On now: Annual core. Dec. 9 & 10, 1 – 4 p.m. To of Canadiana: Vast New Lands evening. Dec. 21: Blue Sky Addicts, The others. Photography Show. Holidaze Craft register contact Loc Lu at 298-1980 – Canada’s Northwest. Until March Playing Cards, Perse. Dec. 22: Sale 2: Dec. 15 (7 p.m. – 11 p.m.), Quinzy, House of Doc. or email [email protected]. GALLERY 1C03 Centennial Hall, Dec. 16 & 17 (11 a.m. – 6 p.m.), 25: Mammatus – An Installation by KING’S HEAD PUB 100 King St. Max Streicher. Tuesdays: The Original Comedy of University of Winnipeg 515 Portage showcasing Winnipeg’s eclectic ar- THIRD ANNUAL ‘A VILLAGE the Kings Head. See Comedy for Ave 786-9253 Mon-Fri 12-4, Sat 1- ray of fine handmade gifts. Opening CHRISTMAS’ Free coffee, hot WOODLANDS GALLERY 535 details. Sundays: All The Kings 4. The Gallery provides the campus night with Spatula. chocolate, cartoons, carols, and Academy Rd 947-0700. Until Dec. Men. Dec. 8: The Black Aces. Dec. community and general public with cookies on Dec. 21 – 23 from 4 16: ‘Couleurs de la Belle Province’ 9: The Nods & Alverstone. Dec. 15: opportunities to learn about visual MANITOBA CRAFTS COUNCIL – 9 p.m. Visit the miniature village, featuring five artists from Quebec. JP Hoe & The Truly Richards w/ J.D. art, thereby reinforcing and empha- EXHIBITION GALLERY 214 warm yourself by an open fire and Edwards. Dec. 16: Guy Abraham sizing the educational mandate of McDermot Ave 487-6114 Tues-Fri take a minute to tell Santa what you Band. Dec. 21: Serena Postel & the University. 11-5, Sat 11-4. Contemporary arts would like under your tree. and crafts. BARS, CAFES & VENUES Jody Glenham. Dec. 22: The Perpe- PORT AMORAL GALLERY 803 - 803 Erin St 489- trators. Dec. 23: Rubbersoul. Dec. Port Amoral takes the stage with 29: Mr. Pine CD Release w/ Sortie Subcity Dwellers and Sick City at THE GAS STATION THEATRE 0872 Local artists featured. Until MARTHA STREET STUDIO 11 declares the Winnipeg party scene ACADEMY BAR & EATERY 414 Real & The Pantymelters. Dec. 30: the West End on Dec. 15. Tickets Jan. 4: Recent works by Winnipeg- Martha St 772-6253 Mon-Fri 10-5. “a practical zone” and safely sug- Academy Rd. Dec. 7: Mike Gavrail- All The Kings Men pre-New Year’s are $8 at Sk8, Into the Music gers Craig Love and Cliff Eyland. Showcasing the fine art of print- gests you Bundle, Walk, (then) off. Dec. 8: MB Songwriters Circle. Bash. Dec. 31: New Year’s Eve and Salon Venator. making. Until Dec. 25: ‘Umbrage’ Unzip & Dip for our New Year’s Dec. 9: Johnny Broadway. Dec. 14: with JFK & The Conspirators, The GALLERY LACOSSE 169 Lilac by Patrick Neufeld. Eve Party. Prizes for best bundled Shouting Ground. Dec. 15: Rob Windups. $7 in advance. St 284-0726 Tues-Fri 10-6, Sat 10- before (arrival) and unbundled after Langdon. Dec. 16: The Haste. Dec. 5. Small neighbourhood gallery. MEDEA GALLERY 132 Osborne (arrival) looks. Hot food carried 20: Delaney Barber. Dec. 22: Glenn MONDRAGON BOOKSTORE WINDSOR HOTEL 187 Garry St. Until Dec. 13: ‘Re-collection’, a new St 453-1115 Mon-Sat 10:30-5, over from the Village Fish Cafe. Buhr. Dec. 23: Paul Bergman. Dec. AND COFFEEHOUSE 91 Albert Tuesdays: Jam with Ragdoll Blues. series of prints exploring legacies Sun 1-4. Until Dec. 16: ‘Midnight Live entertainment provided by 29: Monty Yanks. St. Political bookstore and vegan Wednesdays: Jam with Big Dave by printmaker Terry Vatrt. in the Garden’ by Ainslie Davis. restaurant hosting readings, speak- McLean. Dec. 7-9: Terry Barnett. Young Lungs Dance Company, Dec. 14-16: Suzanna Martini Band. CRUMBS, and the Rep Company. THE CAVERN / TOAD IN THE ers and concerts. Wednesdays: GALLERY ONE ONE ONE Main MAWA - MENTORING ART- Dec. 21-23: Brent Parkin. Dec. 28- Reasonable spirit prices, compli- HOLE 108 Osborne St. Tuesdays: Wobbly Wednesdays. Floor Fitzgerald Building, School ISTS FOR WOMEN’S ART 611 30: Inside Out Band. mentary champagne to toast, and 3pm w/ Pat Wright, Spyder, Steve of Art U of Manitoba 474-9322. Main St 949-9490. Supporting the DJ’d stage becomes our dance Broadhurst. Second Wednesday of OSBORNE FREEHOUSE 437 Showing and collecting contem- women artists at their new home on floor after midnight! the month: Comedy at the Cavern. Osborne St. Mondays: The Cool WOODBINE HOTEL 466 Main porary and historical art at the U of Main Street. Sundays: Debra Lyn Neufeld and Monday Night Hang, 8 p.m. First set St. Historic downtown hotel bar. M. Until Jan. 5: Exhibition featuring Gord Kidder. Dec. 7: Groove Port. followed by a jam session. Acoustic Dec. Dec. 8-9: Fat Chance. Dec. works by local artists Eleanor Bond, OUTWORKS GALLERY 3rd Dec. 8: The Wind-Ups. Dec. 9: The Night every Tuesday and Thursday 15-16: Bull’s Eye. Dec. 22-23: Marc ANNOUNCEMENTS & Aganetha Dyck, Wanda Koop and Floor 290 McDermot Ave 949-0274. Morning After. Dec. 16: Andrew evening beginning at 8 p.m. Dec. Conroy Band. Dec. 29-31: Billy Joe Diana Thorneycroft. OPPORTUNITIES Artist-run studio and exhibition Neville & The Poor Choices. Dec. 7: The Nods. Dec. 9: Paper Moon. Green. space in the Exchange. Until Dec. 20: SHAM. Dec. 23: The Upsides. Dec. 12: Myles Palmquist. Dec. 13: GRAFFITI GALLERY 109 Hig- 15: ‘Innuendo’, new ceramic masks Dec. 28: Night Safari. Dec. 29: Groovy Moustache. Dec. 16: Salsa THE ZOO / OSBORNE VILLAGE DO YOU LIKE WORKING WITH gins Ave 667-9960. A not-for-profit and wall sculptures by Monica de American Flamewhip, Hot Live Party with Papa Mambo. INN 160 Osborne St. Thursdays: NEWCOMER CHILDREN? Do community youth art center, using Jong. Guys. Dec. 31: Novillero and The New Band Showcase – No Cover. you believe you can change our art as a tool for community, social, Perpetrators. 698 Dec. 7: Dearly Beloved. Dec. 8: community? If you said yes, con- economic and individual growth. THE PARK THEATRE OSEREDOK GALLERY 184 Osborne St. Mondays: Monday Godsize. Dec. 9: River City Hum, sider volunteering with some of our Until Jan. 12: In conjunction with Alexander Ave E. 942-0218. Annual CENTRE CULTUREL FRANCO- Night Football on the big-screen, Spread Ego, Killdare. Dec. 15: programs. The Citizenship Council Label Gallery, ‘‘Good Ol’ Hockey Christmas Craft Sale on Dec. 9, 10 MANITOBAIN 340 Provencher free admission. Fridays: Riverview Grindfest Presents: Metal Night. of Manitoba Inc. International Cen- Game: A look at the Canadian Past- a.m.- 4 p.m. and Dec. 10, 1-4 p.m. Blvd. Tuesdays: Le Mârdi Jazz. Family Night. Dec. 16: Big Johnson Dec. 16: The Paul Stanleys “Kiss- tre is looking for student volunteers time’. Until Feb.: ‘Simply Serendipity’ Until Dec. 22: Le Village du Père Railroad live on stage with Entropy, mas Show” with Entertainment to help new arrivals to Canada – Carolers, Madonnas, landscapes Noël. 7 p.m. Dec. 17: A Christmas Belly Death. Dec. 22-23: Zooyear’s Eve learn English and feel welcome in HIGH OCTANE GALLERY, OS- and other eclectic chefs-d’oeuvre Dance Party, 7 p.m. Disco Lights, with The Maroons. Dec. 31: Dread- our country. Opportunities exist for BORNE VILLAGE CULTURAL from Oseredok’s collections. COLLECTIVE CABARET / DIE Bookie Nights, Studio 54 at The naut, Damascus and more, $10. volunteers to give their time and CENTRE 445 River @ Osborne 108 Park Theatre at 8 p.m. – 4 a.m. support to the Centre’s Immigrant St 284-9477. Local community art MASCHINE CABARET PLATFORM (CENTRE FOR Osborne St. Thursdays: Good Tickets $24.99 and available at Children and Youth Programs gallery. PHOTOGRAPHIC AND DIGI- Form, Indie Club Night, $3. Hosted [email protected] or by calling including Sports Activities for New- TAL ARTS) 121-100 Arthur St by DJ Font Crimes and Rob Vilar. 478-7275. COMMUNITY comer Kids, Empowerment with KEEPSAKES GALLERY 264 942-8183 Tues-Sat 12-5. Photo- Fridays: Punk/Hardcore Night w/ the Girl Guides, Newcomer Buddy McDermot Ave 943-2446. A non- based media. Until Dec. 8: ‘Pripyat Welcome Program and our After Fat Mat & Scott Wade. Saturdays: PYRAMID CABARET 176 Fort profit gallery promoting handmade Floors’ by David McMillan. Dec. 13 Class Education Program. If you’d Goth/Industrial Night. Dec. 8: The St. Thursdays: The Mod Club. Dec. art, crafts, pottery, cards and more. – 15: Triple Exposure: A Fundraiser like to help out, contact Si-il Park at Hidden Cameras, Born Ruffians, 9: Icqrl (Ofield) with guests, $10. EVENTS of Multiples. Viewing on the 13-15, All Of Your Friends. Dec. 9: Asado, 943-9158ext 285 or 688-1941. KEN SEGAL GALLERY 4-433 auction on Dec. 15 at 7 p.m. Reynolds Pond. Dec. 15: Third REGAL BEAGLE 331 Smith River Ave 477-4527 Tues-Fri 10- (see also On-Campus Events) THE HEART AND STROKE Wave Productions event. Dec. 16: St. Tuesdays: Hatfield McCoy. 6, Sat 10-5. Showcase of original PLUG-IN ICA 286 McDermot Ave Infraction, Lynchpin, AMF, Angelic FOUNDATION OF MANITOBA Wednesdays: Open Mic Nite. SKYWALK CONCERTS & contemporary art. Until Dec. 22: 942-1043. Until Feb. 17: Sarinder Sorrows, Nocturnal Divinity. Dec. needs 6,300 volunteers for its an- Weekends: Blues. LECTURES 2006/07 Wednesday ‘Gardening the Planet’ by Richard Dhaliwal’s ‘Record Keeping’. 22: Fabulous Kildonans, Crack- nual door-to-door campaign during Lectures: Leading teachers and Holden. down, Savants. Heart Month in Feb., 2007. HSFM ROYAL ALBERT ARMS 48 SEMAI GALLERY Basement researchers from the University of hopes to raise almost $800,000 Albert St. Dec. 9: The Crackdown. LA GALERIE at the CENTRE Corridor, 264 McDermot Ave 943- Winnipeg will inform, engage and and warm hearts all over Manitoba ELEPHANT & CASTLE PUB 350 Dec. 15: The Get Down, Hot Live CULTUREL FRANCO-MANITOBAIN 2446. Until Dec. 16: Before-Xmas challenge you on topics of broad during the month-long event. Much St Mary Ave. Thursdays at 8p.m.: Guys, The Lonely Vulcans. Dec. 16: 340 Provencher Blvd 233-8972 Exhibition, a collection of works by historical, political and scientific of the funding HSFM receives PubStumpers. Sundays: Student Sidelined Productions Anniversary Mon-Fri 8am-10 p.m. Sat-Sun Winnipeg artists. interest. Thursday Concerts: We comes from volunteer-based events night with live entertainment. with Asado, The Crackdown, The 12 p.m. - 10 p.m. Until Jan. 21: present a showcase for some of like Door-to-Door. Ninety percent Afterbeat, The Rock Band. Dec. Brigitte Dion, ‘Virage’. Manitoba’s finest musicians - from of funds raised stay in Manitoba to UNIVERSITY OF WINNIPEG’S ELLICE CAFÉ & THEATRE 587 21: Boat, The Paperbacks. Dec. 23: jazz to folk and classical to con- support the Foundations mission ARCHIVES AND HAMILTON Ellice Ave. Neighbourhood café and Xmas Metal Bash with Port Amoral, temporary. Free admission, Carol “to improve the health of Manito- GALLERIA 4th and 5th Floors, theatre showing films and showcas- Damascus, Dia Dolor. Shields Auditorium, 2nd Floor Mil- bans by preventing and reducing Centennial Hall, University of ing local talent. Dec. 8: CD Release Winnipeg. Until Jan. 26: Photog- lennium Library downtown, 12:10- disability and death from heart dis- rapher Tyrrell Mendis captures the SALSA BAR & GRILL 500 12:50 p.m. ease and stroke through research, FINN’S PUB 210-25 Forks Market history of places of worship in his Portage Ave. Thursdays: Urban health promotion and advocacy.” Rd, Johnson Terminal. Tuesdays: solo exhibit ‘Testaments of Faith: Hip Hop. Fridays: Salsa/Top 40. To volunteer for the door-to-door Ego Spank, 10:30 p.m. Wednes- Manitoba’s Pioneer Churches’. Saturdays: Salsa. Sundays: Reggae days: Guy Abraham Band. and Calypso. Listings Coordinator: Nick Weigeldt Want to submit your listing to Uniter Listings? Email your listings to [email protected] contact: [email protected] The Uniter December 7, 2006 E-mail: [email protected] Deadline for submissions is Wednesday, eight days before the issue you’d like your Phone: 786-9497 listing to first appear in. The Uniter publishes on Thursdays, 25 times a year. @ Fax: 783-7080 LISTINGS 19 campaign, or any other Heart and Stroke Foundation event, visit AWARDS & FINANCIAL AID: INFORMATION or call toll free 1-888-473-4636.

• nancy Goodhue Lynch scholarships THE LATE LUNCH SHOW DELTA KAPPA GAMMA CANADIAN BUREAU FOR EXPLORE BURSARY TO STUDY – for outstanding undergraduate students Attention independent artists and UNIVERSITY SOCIETY INTERNATIONAL INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION FRENCH: majoring in Information Technology related producers! Beginning September WORLD FELLOWSHIP (for (CBIE): curriculum programs at eligible Datatel cli- Come to Trois-Pistoles French Immersion 15, 2006 at 1:00 p.m. Arts and OF WINNIPEG International Women): Export Development Canada International ent institutions. School and receive a credit in French from Cultural Industries Manitoba (ACI) Delta Kappa Gamma is a professional Business Scholarships (EDC) created these The University of Western Ontario. Choose presents the Late Lunch Show, a INTERNAL AWARDS: honorary society of women educators. To be scholarships through its Education and Youth Application Process: between one of two five-week sessions: series of 9 fabulous workshops eligible, you must be a women, in the re- Employment Strategy, because international The Datatel Scholars Foundation online • spring May 14-June 15, 2007 designed specifically for the self- search field of education. Value of the award UNIVERSITY OF WINNIPEG trade is critical to Canada’s economic pros- scholarship application process is as fol- employed. With topics ranging is $4000 USD, tenable at a University located INTERNATIONAL STUDENT perity. lows. • summer: July 9 – August 10, 2007 from Healing Through the Arts to BURSARY: outside your country. Applications are avail- EDC will offer 25 scholarships to under- You qualify if you are a Canadian citizen or Financial Management, each hour- able by contacting the Faculty of Graduate 1. A student attending an eligible Datatel graduate students enrolled in Canadian permanent resident and enrolled as a full- long session provides an opportu- International students who are attending The Studies at the University of Manitoba. More client institution may apply via the online universities. Selected applicants will receive time student (minimum 60% course load). nity to connect with professionals, University of Winnipeg and who have finan- information can be found at www.deltakap- application form between September 1, 2006 cial need may apply for bursary assistance. a $3000 cash award and a possible four- network with other independent Applications should be and Jan. 31, 2007. (NOTE: applicants must Applications available on the web at www. The value of the award is month work term with mentoring from artists/producers, and gain valu- submitted to: Vicki Norris, 557 Queenston submit their completed application with two More information can be leading industry experts at EDC’s head office able knowledge about the cultural $1000 - $3000 per term. Maximum of Street, Winnipeg MB, R3N 0X4. Deadline: letters of recommendation by Jan. 31, 2007 found at [email protected] or by phoning in Ottawa, worth approximately $10,000. To industry. Registration is $5.00 and $5000 over the Sept.-July academic year. Dec. 15, 2006. in order to be considered for nomination.) 519-661-3637. Deadline: Feb. 28, 2007. includes a delicious lunch, so call be eligible: Criteria includes: 2. The scholarship administrator from each 927-2787 to reserves your spot • be a Canadian citizen or permanent participating Datatel client institution re- today. • be an international student attending THE SITRIX FUND: THE ROBIN COSGROVE PRIZE FOR resident views, evaluates, and nominates applicants INNOVATIVE IDEAS FOR ETHICS the University of Winnipeg on a Student Today’s students are tomorrow’s leaders. The • enrolled in full-time studies at a Cana- between Feb. 1, 2006 & Feb. 15, 2006. IN FINANCE: ARE YOU INTERESTED IN A Authorization Sitrix Fund’s grants can make the difference dian university CAREER IN FILM? Manitoba¹s • have documented financial need – providing deserving students the financial 3. Nominated student applications are for- This prize worth $20,000USD is open to growing film industry is looking for tools they need to excel and prosper during • be in 2nd or 3rd year of an undergradu- warded to the Datatel Scholars Foundation young people, aged 35 years or younger, • registered on a full-time basis: minimum people who are hard working, self- university and after graduation. This year, ate business or economics program review committee for final evaluation and from throughout the world. It will be awarded motivated, and have strong commu- 60% course load (18 credit hours) for Fall/ registrations will be accepted until Dec. award determination in the spring. for creative papers setting out projects or nication skills to become members Winter academic year or 9 credit hours for a • returning to full-time undergraduate 31st 2006 for the 2007-2008 academic year For more information go to their website or proposals for innovative ways to promote of Manitoba¹s film crew. To learn single term studies in business or economics for the applications. Go on-line to to email scholars@datatel. Deadline: submit ethics in finance and banking, especially in more about working in Manitoba¹s 2007-2008 academic year • show satisfactory academic progress: register. Deadline date: Dec. 31, 2006. online at by Jan. 31, emerging markets. Entries for the competi- expanding film industry, attend a successfully complete at least a 60% course • keenly interested in international busi- 2007. tion for the Prize are invited to address the free Monthly Information Session load MANITOBA EDUCATION AND ness and considering a career in this field. subject of Innovation Ideas for Ethics in the first Wednesday of every month Finance. Submit your paper electronically TRAINING: YOUTH SERVES • evidence of leadership potential, from 5:30-6:30 p.m. at Film Train- • maintain satisfactory academic standing: MARITIME DAIRY INDUSTRY in English or French. Further details can be PROGRAM: competency in teamwork and academic ing Manitoba, 100-62 Albert Street. maintain regular status or a "C" average SCHOLARSHIP found a achievement. For more information call 989.9669 (2.0 GPA) Youth Serves Manitoba (YSM) encour- Students who have completed at least two Deadline Feb. 28, 2007. or visit ages post-secondary students to engage in Interested students should complete the Complete the on-line application. Go to years of post-secondary education and are meaningful, part-time community service International Student Bursay application currently enrolled in a program that has Surfing for more Dollars?: Try these websites WITH ART, a community-based form which includes a financial need as- with incorporated non-profit or registered for more possibilities! These two sites will Deadline date: Jan. 22, 2007. application to the dairy industry are eligible charitable organizations. Upon successful program for collaborative art sessment form. Applications are available to make application for this scholarship. Two lead you through Canadian based scholar- completion of at least 100 hours or service, projects between community at the Awards office located in Graham Hall, scholarships of $2000.00 will be awarded. ship searches. groups and artists in Winnipeg. approved students will receive a $500 SOROPTIMIST FOUNDATION OF Student Central located in Centennial Hall, For more information email mroy@dfc-plc. bursary towards tuition or student loans. For The program is based on the belief and the International Office at 311 Balmoral CANADA GRANTS FOR GRADUATE ca. Applications are available on-line at more information and an application form, STUDIES that WITH ART communities can Ave. Deadline: Dec. 20, 2006. Deadline: Jan. 31, explore issues, express identity and contact [email protected] or 1-800-282-8069 The Soroptimist Foundation of Canada annu- 2007. create dialogue by working with ext3560. Deadline: Jan. 9, 2007. ally offers several $7,500 grants to female MANITOBA STUDENT AID professional artists on a shared UNIVERSITY OF WINNIPEG BURSARY APPLICATIONS: graduate students in Canada to assist them PROGRAM (MSAP): goal. Artists will be matched with CANADIAN HARD OF HEARING SHASTRI INSTITUTE MOUNT with university studies that will qualify them community groups to create a ASSOCIATION: Manitoba Student Loan staff will be on cam- Application forms are now available in the ALLISON UNIVERSITY SUMMER for careers that will improve the quality of project plan with an emphasis on pus to accept completed loan documents Awards office located in Graham Hall or at PROGRAMME: women’s lives. Examples include but are The purpose of this award is to offer financial the art-making process. WITH ART Student Central in Centennial Hall. Bur- not limited to: proving medical services, assistance and recognition to hard of hear- •Place: Bulman Centre is interested in artists working in all The Shastri Institute and Mount Allison saries are small, supplementary financial providing legal counseling and assistance, ing and deafened students registered in a art forms such as visual, perform- University are pleased to announce the •Date: Jan. 2 & 3, 2007 assistance awards, normally $300 - $750 counseling mature women entering or full time program at a recognized Canadian ing and literary arts. Deadline for in value. In order to be considered, you Summer Programme in India. Students who re-entering the labour market, counseling college or university, in any area of study, •Time: 8:30a.m. - 4:30 p.m. receipt of expressions of interest have completed two years of undergraduate must prove financial need and you must be women in crisis, counseling and training with the ultimate goal of obtaining a diploma is Dec. 15, 2006. Criteria, require- study and have completed a substantial Bring one piece of ID with your signature, making satisfactory academic progress (i.e. women for non-traditional employment, and or degree. Two awards of $2000 each will ments and selection process avail- component of India Studies coursework, or and your complete bank account information maintaining a “C” average). Because funds positions in women’s centres. To be eligible be granted. Applicants are requested to read able at or call have a particular academic interest in Indian (void cheque or bank transit, institution code are limited, not everyone who qualifies will you must meet the following criteria: the criteria for eligibility and to provide all Studies may apply. The total cost of this 943-7668. receive a bursary. Many of our University the information required to complete the ap- and account numbers) with you. of Winnipeg bursaries are available to our programme is $5945 which includes applica- • a female plication. Applications are available either in Confirmation of Enrollment: This will be students in any year of their program. tion fees, tuition, airfare, room and board, PLAN YOUR WINNIPEG: Get • Canadian citizen or landed immigrant the U of W Awards Office located in Graham done electronically in the Awards & Financial Return completed applications to the Awards materials, health and field trip costs. Provide together with your class, your Hall, or on-line at Deadline: Aid Office, and an authorized loan document office in Graham Hall. Deadline date: Jan. a statement of purpose no longer than 300 • accepted registrant in a graduate studies friends or on your own, and come Jan. 31, 2007. will be mailed to you by the MSAP office in 31, 2007. words outlining how this programme will program (Masters or PhD) or professional up with the next best concept that late Dec. will forever change the city. If your benefit you, an official transcript of all program at a similar level (medicine, law) post-secondary studies and a complete ap- in an accredited Canadian University, at the ROYAL BANK ABORIGINAL Missing Information: If any documentation idea is selected, we’ll help you final- STUDENT AWARDS: ize it with all the bells and whistles plication form. Applications are available by time of the application deadline (Jan. 31). requested by the MSAP, such as summer visiting our website Deadline: income verification, has not yet been sub- including blueprints and those cool EXTERNAL AWARDS: • Pursuing a course of studies which Value: Five students will receive $4,000 for Jan. 15, 2007. mitted, electronic confirmation of your loan scale models if needed! The winner will lead to a career mainly of service to education expenses to a maximum of four document will not occur and your loan funds of each category will get $1000, women. years at university. Eligibility: with $500 for second place. The SOROPTIMIST WOMEN’S SOROPTIMIST INTERNATIONAL will not be in place at the beginning of the deadline for initial submissions is OPPORTUNITY AWARDS: OF THE AMERICAS FELLOWSHIP • intending to spend a minimum of two • a status Indian, Non-status Indian, Inuit Winter Term. Dec. 16. Visit http://plan-your-win- AWARD: years in such a career in Canada. or Metis Do you find yourself going back to school Revision to your needs assessment: You • you are a permanent resident/citizen of later in life? Do you ned financial assistant The Fellowship Award may be awarded to • intending to use the award for academic should be aware that new information, such Canada to complete your education? Women’s Op- any women who: studies in the academic year following re- as verification of your summer income, may MANITOBA WRITERS’ GUILD portunity Awards are cash awards that assist ceipt of it. • you can provide proof of acceptance increase or decrease your MSAP needs INC. Celebrating the 25th An- • resides in the Northwest Region of assessment and the resulting loan amounts women in obtaining the skills and education • Contributing to your community through (with transcript of marks)or are already niversary of the MWG, ‘Friends: A they need to improve their employment Soroptimist International of the Americas you are eligible to receive. Similarly, if your Contest for Writers’ Tell us what it volunteer service. attending a university or college listed in the status. Recipients may use the awards for • is established in business or one of the current course load is different from that means to you to be a friend. Your Directory of Canadian Universities, in a dis- any expenses related to their educational professions. • needing financial assistance. cipline relevant to the banking industry (e.g. on your Notice of Assistance letter, the original, unpublished writing amount of loan you are eligible to receive pursuits. Applicants may apply in either English or business, economics, computer science) should demonstrate the importance • Conducts her business or practices her may change. Feel free to contact Awards French. Applications are available in the of friends. Fiction and non-fiction: To be eligible you must meet the following profession • you maintain a full course workload Office staff Kathy Frankow (786-9458) or max 5000 words. Poetry: max 25 criteria: Awards office located in Graham Hall. For leading to a recognized degree, certificate • holds a Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree Tanis Kolisnyk (786-9984) if you have any lines. Submission forms may be more information contact Heather Menzies, or diploma • be a female head of household (single from an accredited college or university. questions on any of these items. downloaded, and more informa- 1204 – One Evergreen Place, Winnipeg MB, or married, with the primary responsibility of • you are in need of financial assistance to tion obtained, from www.mbwriter. • Presents a plan of worthwhile post R3L 0E9. Deadline: Jan. 31, 2007. supporting yourself and your dependents) pursue your education $15 entry fee; Deadline: graduate study at an accredited college or DO YOU KNOW… you can check the status Dec. 31, 2006. Mail entries to 206- • attend an undergraduate degree program university leading to an advanced degree or THE DATATEL SCHOLARS Process: An independent committee of ab- of your student aid application, find out what 100 Arthur St, Winnipeg, MB, R3B or a vocational/skills training program. to enhanced standing or competence in her FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIPS: original academics reviews all applications documentation is still outstanding, update 1H3. • have financial need. business or profession. and makes its final selections based on each your address information and much more on The University of Winnipeg is a new Datatel individual’s financial need. In addition, re- • Provides such other information as the line? Go to Link If you have further questions, contact client institution and as such, Datatel is of- cipients who indicate an interest in pursuing Fellowship Committee may deem necessary. to MySAO to log into your existing account. Heather Menzies, 1204 - One Evergreen fering unique scholarships ranging in value a banking career are considered for summer Place, Winnipeg MB, R3L 0E9 or phone • soroptimist members and their im- from $1,000 to $2500 to students from our and postgraduate employment at RBC. 475-2526. Applications are available in mediate families are not eligible for any institution. Apply on-line at and send your DO YOU KNOW… Manitoba Student Aid the Awards office located in Graham Hall. Soroptimist monetary awards available to • Datatel Scholars Foundation Scholar- documentation to: staff can be on campus on Fridays from 1 Deadline: Dec. 15, 2006 the public. ships – for outstanding students currently – 4 p.m. To meet with a representative, you RBC ROYAL BANK ABORIGINAL STUDENT Applications are available in the Awards attending eligible Datatel client instituitions. need to set up an appointment time. Come AWARDS RBC Royal Bank 330 Front Street to Student Services to book an appointment office located inG raham Hall. • returning Student scholarships – for West, 10th Floor, Toronto, Ontario M5V 3B5 or phone Tanis Kolisnyk at 786-9984. Deadline: Jan. 15, 2007. outstanding students currently attending Fax: (416) 348-6455 eligible Datatel client institutions, who have returned to higher education after an Deadline: Jan. 31st 2007. absence of five years or more. December 7, 2006 The Uniter contact: [email protected] 20 contact: [email protected] The Uniter December 7, 2006 sports 21

Sports Editor: Mike Pyl Sports E-mail: [email protected]

For students, December means one thing: putting aside visions of presents and pine trees aside for a few weeks for some good exam time cramming. With the school year now half over, the threat of evaluation and grading hangs in the air. If there’s Making the Grade? any bright side, however, it’s that there are still three months remaining to salvage any potential academic disaster. With their seasons half over, the Wesmen teams find themselves in a comparable position. We’ve gotten a taste of what Wesmen Midterm Review each of them can do and what they can do to improve. The Uniter doles out our official grades to the two basketball teams:

Men’s Basketball Women’s Basketball Women’s Volleyball Men’s Volleyball (4-6, 2nd in Great Plains, unranked) (6-4, 1st in Great Plains, unranked) (1-10, 11th in Canada West, unranked) (4-3, 6th in Canada West, no. 4 CIS Coaches’ Poll)

CIS Coaches' Poll Top Ten CIS Coaches' Poll Top Ten CIS Coaches' Poll Top Ten 1. Carleton 1. McMaster 1. Manitoba CIS Coaches' Poll Top Ten 2. UBC 2. UBC 2. Calgary 1. Alberta 3. Victoria 3. Simon Fraser 3. Alberta 2. Trinity Western 4. St. F Xavier 4. Saskatchewan 4. Montreal 3. Dalhousie 5. Ottawa 5. Alberta 5. Laval 4. Wesmen 6. Windsor 6. Brock 6. Trinity Western 5. Ryerson 7. Concordia 7. Cape Breton 7(T). Toronto 6(T). Manitoba 8. Brandon 8. York 7(T). UBC 6(T). UBC 9. Brock 9. Laval 9. Regina 8. Queens 10. Cape Breton 10. Manitoba 10. Sherbrooke 9. Laval 10. McMaster

CANADA WEST CANADA WEST CANADA WEST Great Plains Division Great Plains Division CANADA WEST GP W L PTS GP W L PTS Calgary 10 8 2 16 GP W L PTS Brandon 10 8 2 16 GP W L PTS Alberta 10 8 2 16 Wesmen 10 4 6 8 Alberta 9 9 0 18 Wesmen 10 6 4 12 Trinity Western 8 8 0 16 Regina 10 4 6 8 UBC 10 7 3 14 Manitoba 10 6 4 12 Manitoba 7 7 0 14 Manitoba 10 3 7 6 Trinity Western 6 5 1 10 UBC 10 5 5 10 Regina 10 3 7 6 Saskatchewan 10 4 6 8 Simon Fraser 10 4 6 8 Brandon 10 0 10 0 Thompson Rivers 8 4 4 8 Thompson Rivers 10 3 7 6 Manitoba 8 4 4 8 Regina 8 3 5 6 Interim Report: Wesmen 7 4 3 8 Saskatchewan 10 2 8 4 After coming into the season with high hopes Brandon 8 2 6 4 Brandon 8 2 6 4 with rookie Nick Lother coming into an already- Interim Report: Wesmen 11 1 10 2 Calgary 6 1 5 2 deep fold, the season opening loss to cellar-dwelling Head coach Tanya McKay’s team has been Regina 8 0 8 0 Manitoba, en route to a 4-6 record, is disappointing for plagued with inconsistency thus far. While many (in- the Wesmen. However, the team has been bitten by the cluding us) felt the Wesmen would be right in the hunt Interim Report: injury bug, with Josh Sjoberg and Matt Opalko on the among the country’s best teams, they currently sit with What more can I say? Unfortunately, the term “re- mend. Also, the first half saw the Wesmen deal with a lacklustre 6-4 record. They also recently fell out of building” has become even more literal than intended Interim Report: games against undefeated UBC (a slim 80-78 loss), 10- the Coaches’ Poll after finding themselves as high as this year. Not only is Diane Scott “re-building” her team At least the Wesmen can do something right. The 1 Victoria, and 8-2 Brandon. no. 7. It is possible the first weekend of the season set after losing four, count them (Caitlyn Jackson, Kristin men’s volleyball team started off this season strong. “We’re surviving,” said head coach Dave Crook. the tone for the rest of the half. Opening night at home, Brisebois, Lee Hrenchuk and Christa Desrochers), start- Really strong, in fact, as they demolished one of last “We thought we would have a fourth-year kid (Matt they easily handled an unspectacular Manitoba Bisons ers from last year, but now she has to find another new season’s ranking finishers, the UBC Thunderbirds in two Opalko) and a third-year kid (Josh Sjoberg) playing a squad 85-65. Two nights later, they fell 72-70. left side to replace the injured Marlee Bragg, who was matches of three straight sets. Their control slipped the lot, and they’re not playing at all (due to injury), so “Very average,” said McKay when asked to de- last year’s conference rookie of the year. After leaving week after winning a challenge against our southern we’re playing with first-year kids. It’s difficult to win scribe her team’s first ten games. “We’re not at our their third game of the season (against Manitoba) with Winnipeg rivals, the Manitoba Bisons. Falling quickly to with first year kids, unless they’re exceptional players. best right now, and we’re definitely underachieving. a torn ACL, Bragg has, and will have, nothing to do but the Alberta Golden Bears twice, left the Wesmen seem- They’re getting better, and the key is, when we need We’re not all on the same page right now. We’re not sit on the bench and take notes during games for the ingly uneasy as they could only pull off a split in the them, they’re going to be ready to play.” playing well as a team. And until we get to that point, next 12 months, give or take. And we’re only taking if next week against the then-number one ranked Trinity we’re not going to win big games.” a miracle occurs. Western. The Spartans had to fight hard against the Syllabus for Second Term: Uzo Asagwara is doing her thing, averaging a CIS- We feel bad for Nicola Dirks, who had a tough Wesmen to hold them to only five of the ten games on The second term presents the Wesmen with a bit best 24.8 ppg, including 38 points in a win over Victoria, job leading a relatively young team in the CIS league that weekend. of an easier time. After the Wesmen Classic, the squad and 37 points in the Manitoba loss. in September and is now faced with trying to hold a gets a re-match with the Bisons, as well as weaker team together with about a third of their scoring po- Syllabus for Second Term: squads in Thompson Rivers, Fraser Valley, Lethbridge Syllabus for Second Term: tential gone. It wasn’t that Bragg was scoring all the With the difficulty of the run that the men’s vol- and Calgary. On paper, it seems like there should be all the points, but more so that the loss of such a player has leyball has had to contend with, they deserve at least “[We’ll] try and get back to playing good basket- pieces here. However, it hasn’t translated into the ex- hit home mentally as well as missing the physical pres- an extra letter grade this term. Finals will be tough ball. We’re not going to make a lot of changes in terms pected results. This points to the team chemistry issue ence on the court. enough without having to worry about trying to play a of systems, because I think what we’re doing is the McKay noted. She plans to instigate, “lots of stuff off tough team before the end of January. With the Toronto stuff we want to do. We’ve got to continue to fine-tune the court” during the Wesmen’s Christmas break. Syllabus for Second Term: Invitational coming up in the first week, it will be a and hopefully we’ll be ready to play,” said Crook. “We’ve got to do team-building activities,” said It’s not fair to judge a team that was ousted from good chance to test what head coach Larry McKay has “I hope we’re going to win a lot of games, and McKay. “Do activities that foster trust in each other. the running before their third game was done. So we’ll learned from his own experiences in Japan, where he put ourselves in a position to host a game or two in the We’ll have a week together where we’ll train and do leave it at that - re-building. Hopefully this house can will be serving as an assistant with the national team. playoffs, and get a chance to get to the Canada West different activities. We’re also going to Newfoundland stay up for a little while longer, at least long enough to Look for an easier semester in the first few Final Four.” (for a Memorial University tournament). When we go, recruit some noticeable change. months of 2007. But watch out, as the finals will be we’re there for five days; we’ll do a lot of stuff as a killer once the playoffs come around. Team Grade: B team, plus we’ll play more.” Involuntary Withdrawal: Marlee Bragg Grade: B+ Grade for Erfan Nasajpour: A (whose Grade: C Grade: Incomplete 45-point game against Simon Fraser tops a long list of first-half highlights for the country’s leading scorer). - Josh Boulding - Mike Pyl - Josh Boulding

-Dan Falloon December 7, 2006 The Uniter contact: [email protected] 22 Sports

Wesmen quarterback Nasajpour strikes once, but not twice Bobcats win catch-and-release game to avoid home-and-home sweep

Daniel Falloon way, though. They should put out their best effort [regard Josh Sjoberg. Volunteer Staff less],” said Nasajpour. In addition to Nasajpour, Ivan Saric also stood out “There’s no question. He’s always led by example, but for the Wesmen, with 18 points and an astonishing 14 re- now he’s leading in other areas, too. He’s playing so well. bounds. Wesmen guard Erfan Nasajpour’s big game heroics and You can’t fault anything he’s doing,” added Crook. “He finished some shots and got some good re- last second Hail Marys have him receiving honours outside In Saturday night’s game, Nasajpour displayed lead- bounds. He’s a little inconsistent, and we knew that he of the university, with possibly more to come. Nasajpour’s ership becoming of a fourth-year player, and while he is no would be inconsistent, because he hasn’t played in over two 20 points and 10 assists helped lead the Wesmen past the Tom Brady or Peyton Manning, showed that he is, quite lit- years,” said Crook. “It’s tough for a guy who hasn’t played Brandon Bobcats in the Wheat City Thursday evening; how- erally, the quarterback of the Wesmen attack. On several in- ball in so long to give a consistent result. His effort is good, ever, he found himself on the losing end of a 74-69 decision stances, Nasajpour displayed his mobility, instructing team- but he’s a little out of sorts… His consistency of results are at home on Saturday, despite a 21 point, 11 assist effort. mates where he wanted them to be, all the while concen- getting better, so hopefully by the end of the season, he’ll The World’s Fastest Man can pray all he wants. Nasajpour took home both Wesmen and Canada West trating on his own options to pass or search for his own be ready to go.” With or without Gatlin, the Texans will still suck. Male Athlete of the Week honours after his 45 point perfor- shot. Another weapon in Nasajpour’s arsenal was the long Dan Shynkaryk, another Wesmen key, was frustrated mance against Simon Fraser on November 25. Come sea- bomb to proven scorers Ryan Roper and Dan Shynkaryk, in the early going, racking up four of both points and fouls son’s end, Nasajpour may be up for more hardware at the though missed shots and the strong Bobcat defence pre- before hitting the bench due to those foul concerns. He re- season’s end. One game that should be taken into consid- vented the play from reaching its full potential. entered the game in the second half and got hot, finishing World’s fastest man impresses in NFL workout eration is Thursday night’s in Brandon, where Nasajpour hit After catching a delightful taste of victory Thursday with 12 points before picking up his fifth. the winning points with 2.5 seconds left to upset the eighth- night, the Wesmen hoped to land the big one Saturday to “He’s such an important part of what we do. When Seldom do midseason NFL workouts consist ranked Bobcats. sweep the division-leading Bobcats. However, the Wesmen he was on the bench, it was difficult for us, but he got back of anything more than an anonymous cast of cast- offs and former NCAA Division II hopefuls. “He’s so good. Teams have to spend so much energy fell short in a catch-and-release derby that was often close, in, and I thought he played really well. He was only on the Even less frequently do they workout world trying to stop him, and it just allows other kids to be suc- and frequently tied, but where the home team could take the floor for nineteen minutes, but he put in a pretty decent champions. The Houston Texans worked out Justin Gatlin cessful in different jobs,” said head coach Dave Crook of lead only on a couple occasions. effort,” said Crook. last week, who holds the world record for running Nasajpour’s ability to get teammates to rally around him. “I think we’re as good as Brandon, so for me it’s not Brandon’s Adam Hartman led all scorers with 25 the 100 meters in 9.76 seconds. Texans coach This season, Nasajpour has averaged 31.5 points in Wesmen a confidence booster. They’re a good team and have a lot points to go with 10 rebounds. Dany Charlery pitched in 21 Gary Kubiak described him as “very impressive”. “I’m sure it would be a big step for him to wins, compared with a season average of 22.5 points. of talent. If we were healthier, I think we would be better points, and Yuri Whyms and Chad Jacobson added 10 apiece step up and start playing football,” Kubiak said. “I think they do rally around me. It shouldn’t be that off,” said Crook, referring to the injuries of Matt Opalko and in the victory. “But that looks like it’s something that he’s inter- ested in.” Gatlin last played football in the 10th grade. He ran track at the University of Tennessee, win- ning six NCAA sprint titles. The six-foot-one, 180-pound 24-year-old Fostering an Olympian: Aspiring Bobsledders Take Their First Steps became interested in football after accepting an But is only three and a half years enough? eight-year ban from track and field last April for testing positive for the banned substance testos- terone. Josh Boulding Manitoba Regional testing through the “It was positive,” Kubiak said of the workout. Volunteer Staff Canadian Sports Centre. “He did a good job. Some of our people who were “We’re trying to identify current ath- over there watching him were amazed at how fast he ran. I don’t even know if he was full speed at letes who have the potential to crossover that time. But he did catch the ball pretty good.” Vancouver 2010. The hopes and dreams of so many ama- from either any other sport or their nat- ( teur athletes that perform their sports on snow and ice lie in the ural training to bobsleigh and skeleton,”

Detroit boxing mecca closes for good next Winter Olympics. In Beijing in the summer of 2008, those said Hurrie. From the six parameters tested, folks who participate in summer sports will compete for their three stayed on the track and three were After years of wear and tear, one of box- chance at an Olympic gold. And counting down the days are the down in the weight room. ing’s most hallowed grounds could not get up off the mat. athletes who are in the here and now, training to make the mark Running through a 60-meter sprint, a Detroit’s Kronk Gym, whose former clientele and cut-offs that will say who stays and who goes. 20-meter resisted sled pull and five double included Evander Holyfield, Lennox Lewis, Oscar De La Hoya, and Thomas Hearns, closed when its Most athletes have their ‘sport’. The one sport that they legged bounds for distance were the three owner, Emanuel Steward, could not keep up with a have invested years of their life training and competing, winning tests that Hurrie and his team looked at in budget shortfall. and losing at all levels. Many sports are old, ancient even, dating the athletes. The other three tests were to The centre had been particularly strug- gling since September, when thieves broke in a back centuries in the history of humankind. Since the first games test the maximum strength of the athletes stole copper piping, robbing the gym of running in Athens more than a millennia ago, these competitions, all vary- through lifting weights in various tech- water. The ultimate cost of replacing the plumb- ing in size and accolades have occurred. More than a century ago niques. Using only one single rep, Hurrie ing, among other repairs, made it fiscally unsus- tainable. the first Olympic Games were held in Athens and from that time was able to test that maximum load of the “It’s the oldest rec center in the city. It has lived on, the world has come to play at many cities in Canada, North athletes’ bench presses, power cleans (a a useful life,” said the deputy director of Detroit’s America and the rest of the world. lift from the floor) and front squats. Recreation Department, Lawrence Hemingway. The inner-city institution, originally es- Since the 19th century, men (and women) have risked their Each sport requires subtle differ- tablished as a place of refuge in one of North lives in one of the fastest human powered sports in the world. ences in the athletes. Bobsleigh athletes America’s most decayed cities, has produced 50 From an athlete’s perspective, perhaps one of the most are generally slightly larger than their amateur boxing champions, 30 world champi- ons and three Olympic gold medalists since it first enticing goals of an amateur career is to see competition at the skeleton counterparts, requiring more opened its doors in 1970 ( Olympic Games. For Dave Lipchen and Geoff Rosenbum, this is power and strength to push the sled in the Olympic skeleton athletes like Jeff Pain began their careers in other sports. Goodell leaves Toronto swooning one of their forerunning thoughts. Both are exceptional athletes initial 50 meter run that begins each race. in their own sports, with Lipchen having competed provincially, Both men and women can compete in the two The hottest reoccuring Toronto sports rumour nationally and internationally in triathlon and Rosembum being person categories for in both sports, while has been reignited. NFL commissioner Roger Goodell, at a a combined events athlete for the University of Manitoba track the four person bobsled is only open to men. as early identifiers, which require a lot of time and training at an Reuters Media Summit in New York City, admitted and field team. “There‘s a broad spectrum of athletes,” said Hurrie. “We early age to be successful. a new, non-American franchise beginning opera- tions within the next decade was a real possibility. Both young men have proven themselves in their own had a draw from recreational to elite level. I think there are some So if the athletes even make this first set of standards, The two candidates implicit in the announcement sports multiple times and have had success there. So why are people who have the attributes that we are looking for…[those which have been set by Bobsleigh Skeleton Canada, the national are Toronto or Mexico City. they looking to submit themselves to tests for recognition as bob- people] are at a very elite level.” organizational body, they still have to be ready for the Olympics “We can envision that,” Goodell said when a reporter asked him about growth beyond U.S. bor- sleigh or skeleton material? “Are [those athletes] deficient in some areas?” asked in less than four years. ders. “I don’t know if it will become a reality, but it “To better myself,” says Rosenbum. The Canadian Sports Hurrie. “Perhaps. I won’t know anything for certain until after the That isn’t a lot of time. is certainly a possibility.” Centre carded athlete is off to the side in the Grotto of the analysis is done.” “It is enough time if the athlete meets the parameter stan- This speculation left Toronto Blue Jays presi- dent Paul Godfrey, long the cause’s main advocate, University of Manitoba’s Frank Kennedy Centre as other athletes This type of tryouts has never really happened in Manitoba dards and is coming in a trained state,” said Hurrie, in relation to understandably giddy. take their turns attempting to lift their maximum weight (one recently, if ever. For such an open call to be placed, it requires a whether or not these athletes can possibly be at Olympic level by “I have a plan if an NFL team comes to press) in the bench press technique. certain type of sport with a very low type of specificity in the train- the time the 2010 Olympics come around. Toronto that would help the Argonauts,” Godfrey said in regards to the potential conflict with the Both Lipchen and Rosenbum are out to test their skills at ing and abilities of the athletes. Because of the style of the sports There is a steep learning curve for any athlete who meets presence of the Canadian Football League. “I’m not an open call this past fall, curious as to what might come out of a of bobsleigh and skeleton, says Hurrie, there is the possibility of those parameters that are sought by the CSC sport scientists. prepared to reveal details of that. I’m a strong sup- chance at the Canadian National Bobsleigh team. crossover from other athletic disciplines that are at least in some Once the few are picked from the seed pools from around the porter of a strong CFL. The city is big enough and if the leagues don’t completely overlap on top of But this isn’t the only place that men and women are way similar parts of the crossover sport. nation, they are offered to travel to Calgary to go through further each other, they both could co-exist in the city.” trying their best to run 60 meters, pull a weighted bobsleigh and “Weight is placed mostly on the sprint disciplines,” said testing on actual tracks and in the sport’s surroundings. Godfrey heads a group of potential owners which includes Rogers Communications owner lift weights in three ways to qualify to train in Calgary at their Hurrie. “The 60 meter sprint is the most similar to [bobsleigh Stephanie Outhwaite, a former CIS track and field athlete, Ted Rogers, and the chairman of Maple Leaf tracks and facilities. From Alberta came a call to the Canadian and skeleton] and follows through with the resisted sled pull. The who has been out for almost five years, was one of the athletes Sports & Entertainment Larry Tanenbaum. Sports Centre representatives in all regions of Canada to test for weights have some bearing, but not as much.” who came out to try the event. Toronto mayor David Miller assured the ciy would rapidly embrace a team, who are already crazy for athletes of any sport who might be willing to compete in bob- “There’s always hope of longevity,” said Hurrie. “There is “I enjoyed the running part better, because I’m better at the Buffalo Bills. sleigh and/or skeleton. In fact, most of the athletes who compete still a chance of 2010…2014 is still in our minds.” it,” she said. “It was fun to do something competitive again.” “We would welcome the NFL to Toronto with in these sports originally came from other sports. “This is more a ‘late maturation’ sport. You need time to “I’d be there [in Calgary],” says Outhwaite. “I’ve got my open arms,” said mayor David Miller in 2003, “except if the Cardinals wanted to move here of With only three and a half years until the 2010 Vancouver develop the muscle mass…sprinting abilities and neurological kids, a family…[but] I’d be there at the Olympics [if I got the course. They suck.” (, Canada. Olympics, many would it’s simply too late to start a new sport. abilities,” says Hurrie about bobsledding and skeleton as a whole. chance]. Who wouldn’t?” com, Not true, according to Daryl Hurrie, the man who’s behind the Conversely, sports such as swimming or skating could be seen

Sports Editor: Mike Pyl contact: [email protected] The Uniter December 7, 2006 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 786-9497 Fax: 783-7080 SPORTS 23


Every week hundreds of thousands of Dustin Addison-Schneider is the starting setter for the Wesmen men’s volleyball team.

fans spend hours scrutinizing the week’s Thomas Asselin is co-host of the University of Winnipeg’s only sports radio talk show, the most pivotal matchups. They scour web- Ultra Mega Sports Show, broadcasting every Monday at 4:30 p.m. on CKUW 95.9 FM. sites, watch the sports networks’ tickers Mike Pyl is The Uniter's Sports Editor and founder of the paper’s NFL Picks. The Score at the bottom of the screen, dial pricey 1- Kalen Qually is a regular contributor to Uniter Sports, and NFL Picks defending champion. 900 numbers, all in search of the particu- Dan Verville is a columnist with Red River’s Projector, as well as a regular voice

lar insight that will guarantee them a big on the Call-Ups, which can be heard Wednesdays at 7pm on 92.9 Kick FM. payday. Well, look no further. Nick Weigeldt is The Uniter’s very own Listings Coordinator. Men’s Basketball (4-6, 2nd in Great Plains, Each week we preview five of the unranked)

league’s juiciest matchups of the week. Thursday, November 30 Wesmen 76 Brandon 75 If NFL football is your Sunday religion,

Saturday, December 2 Uniter Sports will be your Bible. Our crack Brandon 74 Wesmen 69

team of analysts will show you the way. Game #2: Indianapolis

@ Jacksonville (As to which way is anybody’s Monday night results of Carolina-Philly still Women’s Basketball guess.) “Simply put, will a Peyton Manning-led pending at deadline. I expect Jake Delhomme (6-4, 1st in Great Plains, team go four games with only one win? No. Sorry to come back to form against the Eagles unranked) Jacksonville, your hopes at snaring that division and be more than ready to defeat a Giants title are going down in Week 13. Better luck next Thursday, November 30 team that will likely face another controversy year.” – Nick Weigeldt Wesmen 86 Brandon 55 between last week and this week’s game (watch for some fireworks between Strahan and Saturday, December 2 Addison-Schneider says: Indianapolis Burris). Panthers make a push for a playoff spot.” Wesmen 61 Brandon 49 Asselin says: Indianapolis – Thomas Asselin Pyl says: Indianapolis Qually says: Jacksonville Addison-Schneider says: Carolina Verville says: Indianapolis Women’s Volleyball Asselin says: Carolina Weigeldt says: Indianapolis (1-10, 11th in Canada West, Pyl says: NY Giants unranked) Qually says: NY Giants Verville says: NY Giants Friday, December 1 Game #3: New Orleans @ Dallas Weigeldt says: NY Giants Trinity Western 3 Wesmen 0 (25-11, 25-12, 25-18) “Dallas has been my darkhorse all year. And Saturday, December 2 it’s not just because of T.O. or Tony Romo or Bill Trinity Western 3 Wesmen 0 Parcells. They’ve finally come full circle and are a Game #5: Denver @ San Diego (25-19, 25-16, 25-15) force to be reckoned with. Expect Dallas to con- tinue their NFC East dominance over the Saints.” “With the return of All-Pro linebacker Game #1: Baltimore @ Kansas City – Dan Verville Shawne Merriman (2 forced fumbles last week), the San Diego Chargers (10-2) are quickly be- Men’s Volleyball (4-3, 6th Addison-Schneider says: Dallas coming the team to beat in the AFC. To prove their in Canada West, no. 4 CIS “This game boasts one of the league’s Coaches’ Poll) most dominant defences against one of the Asselin says: New Orleans worth they’ll have to topple another of the AFC’s league’s best rushers, Larry Johnson. I have Pyl says: New Orleans elite, the Denver Broncos. The Chargers hold two to go advantage KC in this game due to their Qually says: Dallas distinctive advantages in this matchup: 1) They’re stinginess at home, as well as their need to Verville says: Dallas facing rookie quarterback Jay Cutler in only his win in order to make a charge towards the Weigeldt says: Dallas second career start, and 2) They’re not playing at playoffs. In a low scoring battle the Chiefs will pull Mile High.Also, there’s 2 b) They have LaDainian COMING UP Christmas Tournaments it out.” – Dustin Addison-Schneider Tomlinson. They’ll run it hard and often while Game #4: NY Giants @ Carolina making Cutler look like the rookie quarterback he Addison-Schneider says: Kansas City is.” – Kalen Qually Asselin says: Baltimore MEN’S BASKETBALL “The Giants did what no one expected Home – Wesmen Classic – Dec. 27-30 Pyl says: Kansas City them to do this past week: play as a team Addison-Schneider says: San Diego Asselin says: San Diego Qually says: Kansas City against Dallas. The end result was the same WOMEN’S BASKETBALL Verville says: Baltimore as most predicted - a win for the Cowboys Pyl says: San Diego Away – University of Memorial Tournament Weigeldt says: Kansas City and another loss for the Giants. The Giants Qually says: San Diego – Dec. 27-30 will be going against a team that has been Verville says: San Diego WOMEN’S VOLLEYBALL in an odd little funk the last few weeks, with Weigeldt says: San Diego Away – University of Toronto Invitational – Jan. 5

Underwhelming performance still good enough against Brandon Ezirim swipes an incredible 12 steals the Wesmen break with four or five of an unbelievable, game- high 12 steals in only 25 minutes of playing time. Both teams Mike Pyl could have, either. Head coach Tanya McKay admitted there may ized on this opportunity to install and test drive a new motion of- played out the fourth with the outcome never in doubt. Sports Editor have been a bit of complacency, given the Bobcats 0-10 record fence. Ezirim was the only Wesmen to score in double figures, and Winnipeg’s convincing win two nights earlier. “It’s totally different concepts than what they’re used to,” notching 14, with others rounding out a balanced box score. Of “I could probably come up with a number of excuses,” she said when describing the adjustment. “We wanted to get a note was the play of rookie 6-foot-4 post Alex MacIver who, in The Brandon Bobcats are considered little more than the said McKay, whose team upped their record to 6-4 heading into new offence in before the second half of the season. It’s more of her first ever taste of ISC action, dropped six points and grabbed Free Space on the Canada West women’s basketball bingo card. the Christmas break. “They knew they were going to beat them, a motion offence, more of a freelance where you’re reading the two boards. The Winnipeg Wesmen certainly seemed to treat them they knew Brandon would play hard, but we also knew we were defence. I thought the kids made some good adjustments over This weekend’s games also marked the first time fourth as such, coasting to two easy wins, 86-55 in Brandon Thursday a better team. Were they complacent? They could have been. the two games, but it’s still raw.” year guard Nina Adusei faced off against her old team. The night followed by a 61-49 victory in the rubber match Saturday Probably the older players, yes. But for the younger players, they Saturday night’s game started out slow, with McKay pla- former Bobcat team MVP, who joined the Wesmen this season at the Duckworth Centre. The Wesmen’s doubleheader with the were excited to play and they played a lot.” tooning substitutions in groups of two or three every few min- since transferring from BU in 2005, found playing against her old Bobcats was characterized by average-to-underwhelming effort, “It’s a win, it’s over with. We’re on break now.” utes. At the half, the Wesmen led 29-20, with both teams strug- teammates “exciting”. Happy in Winnipeg, she admitted there vastly superior athletic talent, and an opportunity for reserve (continued from previous page) gling to get their shots dropping. were several problems holding the Brandon program back. players to gain some experience. The team set out to accomplish a number of objectives The third quarter saw much of the same, with Winnipeg en- “The money and trying to keep their players,” said Adusei Saturday’s game in particular will certainly not be a clas- that the back-to-back dates with Brandon afforded them. suring its ten-point cushion was never breached by the scrappy, of two prominent factors. “It was kind of frustrating because it sic by any means. Although the outcome was never in doubt, the “For us, our approach is to go in and play halfcourt and work on hard-working Bobcats. The game finally broke open towards the was such a rookie (dominated) team. A lot of players give it a Wesmen did not assert their undeniable dominance like they things we need to work on,” said McKay. The Wesmen capital- end of the period, as third-year point guard Jenny Ezirim ignited year, but the recruiting process… it’s just hard.” December 7, 2006 The Uniter contact: [email protected] 24