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THE COLLECTIONS and RECORDS of JOSEPH BANKS and DANIEL SOLANDER from MADEIRA Arnol MACARONESIAN BOTANY AND THE ENDEAVOUR VOYAGE: THE COLLECTIONS AND RECORDS OF JOSEPH BANKS AND DANIEL SOLANDER FROM MADEIRA Arnoldo Santos-Guerra*, Mark A. Carine** & Javier Francisco-Ortega*** Abstract The efforts of Joseph Banks and Daniel Solander to document the vascular plant, bryophyte, fungal, algal, and lichen flora of Madeira during the first circumnavigation of James Cook on Her Majesty’s Bark Endeavour (1768-1771) are documented. Banks’s journal (at the State Library of New South Wales, Australia) provides accounts pertinent to the species observed in this visit and also includes a list of 330 entries that were recorded during their stay in this Portuguese island. Where possible, the species documented in this list were matched with corresponding herbarium collections held in the herbarium of the Natural History Museum, London, where the herbarium of Joseph Banks is now housed. Comparisons were made with two documents also housed in this Museum, namely: Solander’s unpublished flora of Madeira (Primitiae Florae Maderensis, sive catalogus Plantarum in Insula Madera) and an inventory of specimens that were collected and stored inside drying books during the expedition. Keywords: botanical history, Atlantic islands, plant taxonomy, botanical exploration, Enlightenment. BOTÁNICA MACARONÉSICA Y EL VIAJE DEL ENDEAVOUR: LAS COLECCIONES Y OBSERVACIONES DE JOSEPH BANKS Y DANIEL SOLANDER DE MADEIRA 165 Resumen Se examinaron, en el herbario del Museo de Historia Natural de Londres, las recolecciones de plantas vasculares, briofitas, hongos, algas y líquenes realizadas por sir Joseph Banks y Daniel Solander en Madeira durante el primer viaje de James Cook alrededor del mundo (1768-1771). El diario de Banks (en la Biblioteca Estatal de Nueva Gales del Sur, Australia) tiene detalles sobre las especies observadas en esta expedición y también tiene un registro de 330 entradas con las especies que se observaron durante su estadía en dicha isla portuguesa. Las especies de esta lista se estudiaron y cotejaron con los ejemplares de herbario. Se hicieron comparaciones de este registro con datos de dos documentos que también se encuentran en este museo, a saber: la flora inédita que Solander preparó para Madeira Primitiae( Florae Maderensis, sive catalogus Plantarum en Insula Madera) y el inventario hecho por Banks y Solander de los especímenes recolectados durante la expedición que fueron preservados dentro de los libros que se usaron para secar plantas durante el viaje. Palabras clave: historia de la botánica, islas atlánticas, taxonomía vegetal, exploración botánica, la Ilustración. REVISTA SCIENTIA INSULARUM, 165-220 PP. 3; 2020, DOI: Revista Scientia Insularum, 3; diciembre 2020, pp. 165-220; ISSN: e-2659-6644 I. INTRODUCTION The three voyages of James Cook (1768-1779) were among the most impor- tant eighteenth-century expeditions of discovery. Collectively, his trips were the first to visit all of the Macaronesian archipelagos with the exception of the Selvagen Islands (Francisco-Ortega et al. 2015). The first voyage called at Madeira between September 12 and 18, 1768. Two of the most important figures in the history of botany, Joseph (later Sir Joseph) Banks (1743-1820) from Britain and Daniel Solan- der (1733-1782) from Sweden were onboard. As part of this issue of Scientia Insu- larum devoted to the FloraMac2018 international meeting, Prof. Jordan Goodman has focused on the main historical aspects of the visit to Madeira made by these two well-known botanists (Goodman 2020); our contribution will provide a review of the plant collections and records that they made on this island. In a subsequent study we will review the influence and impact that the contributions of Banks and Solander had on botanists such as Christen Smith (1785-1816), Leopold Von Buch (1774-1853) or Richard T. Lowe (1802-1874) who studied the Macaronesian flora, particularly in the 19th century (Santos-Guerra in prep.). Sydney Parkinson (1710?-1771) also joined the expedition as the illustra- tor responsible for botany and natural history more generally with his fellow Scot Alexander Buchan (d. 1769) responsible for landscapes and figures. Both died during the voyage. On Madeira, Parkinson made drawings of Madeiran plants, 16 of which were finished as watercolors (fig. 1). The reader can find further details of these illustrations in Francisco-Ortega et al. (2015). Eleven of Parkinson’s waterco- lors from Madeira resulted in engravings that were eventually published in the 20th century as part of the work known as Banks’s Florilegium (Banks et al. 1985), long 166 after they were first painted. The herbarium collections made by Banks and Solander in Madeira are among the earliest from Macaronesia but were preceded by others made by pio- neer plant collectors such as Scottish surgeon James Cuninghame (c. 1655-1709) in La Palma in 1678-79 (Santos-Guerra et al. 2012); and the English physician and collector Sir Hans Sloane (1660-1753) in Madeira in 1687 (Menezes de Sequeira et al. 2010). Other early naturalists who contributed to the study of the Macaronesian flora included Louis Feuilleé (1660-1732), who in 1724, during his second visit to the Canaries (La Gomera, El Hierro, La Palma, and Tenerife), made the first known drawings of Macaronesian plants in their habitats (Puig-Samper and Pelayo 1997). * Calle Guaidil 16, Urbanización Tamarco, Tegueste, 38280 Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain. Corresponding author: [email protected]. REVISTA SCIENTIA INSULARUM, 165-220 PP. 3; 2020, ** Department of Life Sciences, Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD, United Kingdom. *** International Center for Tropical Botany, Kimberly Green Latin American and Caribbean Center, Cuban Research Institute, Department of Biological Sciences, Florida International University, Miami, Florida 33199, USA. & Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden, Coral Gables, Florida 33156, USA. 167 Figure 1. Watercolor of Eugenia unifloramade by Sydney Parkinson in 1768, based of material recorded in Madeira during the Endeavour voyage. Image copyright of the Natural History Museum of London. In this paper we present a study based on the manuscript that includes the REVISTA SCIENTIA INSULARUM, 165-220 PP. 3; 2020, list of Madeiran plants that Banks recorded in his two-volume expedition jour- nal housed at the State Library of New South Wales, Australia [available online in 168 Figure 2. First page of the journal of Joseph Banks, written during the first circumnavigation voyage of James Cook. Image copyright of the State Library of New South Wales, Australia. REVISTA SCIENTIA INSULARUM, 165-220 PP. 3; 2020, banks-endeavour; figs. 2-3]. The list is part of Volume 1 of the journal and is inserted after folio 33. It comprises 13 numbered folios and has a total of 330 plant entries. Banks’s journal, including the list of specimens from Madeira, was transcribed by 169 Figure 3. First page of list of plants recorded in Madeira found in the journal of Joseph Banks. Image copyright of the State Library of New South Wales, Australia. REVISTA SCIENTIA INSULARUM, 165-220 PP. 3; 2020, Beaglehole (1962b: 281-289); however, the transcription of the list included some errors. In our contribution we provide a literal transcription of this part of Banks’s journal (see full interpreted list further below). One of our main aims in this paper is to provide an updated taxonomic identification of the vascular and non-vascular plants and lichens that Banks lis- ted for Madeira in this manuscript. We matched these entries with the herba- rium collections that Banks and Solander made in Madeira housed in the Natu- ral History Museum, London (BM). As a working taxonomy we have followed Press and Short (1994), Jardim and Menezes de Sequeira (2008), and Menezes de Sequeira et al. (2012). II. BOTANICAL RECORDS IN BANKS’S JOURNAL The list of Madeiran plants found in Banks’s journal comprises 330 entries (324 taxa) that include 303 spermatophytes, twelve ferns, two mosses, two liverworts, one alga, and four lichens (see full interpreted list further below). All of the iden- tified taxa have a single entry in this list with the exception of six that have two entries each, namely: Convolvulus althaeoides (entries 65, 68), Cynoglossum creticum (entries 61, 62), Malva sylvestris (entries 203, 204), Ramalina calicaris (entries 321, 325), Olea maderensis (entries 7, 54), and Salix x rubens (entries 287, 288). Approxi- mately half of the entries recorded in this list correspond to cultivated (72 entries) or introduced taxa (67 entries). Of the remaining entries, 18 are Macaronesian ende- mics, 19 are Madeiran endemics, and 153 are non-endemic natives. For 94 of the entries (93 taxa), local Portuguese common names are indi- cated (in many cases abbreviated as “Lus.”). The abbreviations “Mscr.” or “Mss.” were used to refer to putative new taxa, 37 in total, recognized by Banks and Solander. Since they were used only in a manuscript, they are unpublished desig- 170 nations although many were subsequently published by other botanists. Banks’s manuscript also states (as “fig. pict.”) those taxa which were illustrated by Syd- ney Parkinson. Two symbols were used to further identify the recorded material: asterisks (*) refer to those species that Banks and Solander regarded as cultiva- ted or introduced (although some entries for cultivated plants are not marked) and plus symbols (+) denote entries for which they were uncertain of their taxo- nomic identification. During their short stay in Madeira, Banks and Solander only collected “in the neighborhood of the town [Funchal], never going above three miles from it” (Sep- tember 13 record in Banks’s journal). However, they were able to make an extremely rich herbarium collection including species such as Juniperus oxycedrus (= J. cedrus subsp. maderensis), Taxus baccata and Vaccinium padifolium, all of which are from inland parts of the island and do not occur naturally around Funchal.
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