Congressional Record—House H3549
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June 8, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3549 coastal areas, including coastal beaches, ma- Maintaining this level of excellence prettiest of all time, I was not going to rine coastal waters, and the Great Lakes, by over more than a decade is hard work. argue with him. Of course, I wasn’t explicitly designating them as ‘‘unusually sen- I have the highest respect for the stu- going to argue with him about much. sitive areas.’’ This will bring more stringent dents, the staff, and the administration That was my first personal exposure safety requirements to these particularly vul- at the DuBois Area Middle School. I to Muhammad Ali. He was a man who nerable areas like my community. Finally, this wish them the best of success in the fu- gained fame in a violent game, but he legislation would require a report examining ture. earned his immortality as a kind, ways to improve hazardous liquid pipeline f gentle, and caring soul. In the later years, when I got to know him better safety through integrity management actions, HONORING THE LIFE OF and spent more time around him, that including an analysis of risk factors that may MUHAMMAD ALI warrant more frequent inspections. is the one thing that always came While nothing can take us back to prevent The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under through: his wonderful soul. the Plains spill, this bill as a whole is an im- the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- I don’t know that I have ever known portant, bipartisan effort to protect my and uary 6, 2015, the gentleman from Ken- a person or seen a person who got more other communities going forward. And that is tucky (Mr. YARMUTH) is recognized for joy out of making a child smile as Mu- why I support it. We must embrace this oppor- 60 minutes as the designee of the mi- hammad Ali. And there was never a tunity for the sake of the health and safety of nority leader. time when he was in the presence of our constituents and the environment. GENERAL LEAVE children where he didn’t make an effort I would like to thank Energy and Commerce Mr. YARMUTH. Mr. Speaker, I ask to stop, joke with them, play with Committee Chairman UPTON and Ranking unanimous consent that all Members them. That was a source of incredible Member PALLONE as well as subcommittee may have 5 legislative days to revise joy for him. Ranking Member RUSH for working with me to and extend their remarks and include So, as we remember Muhammad Ali craft a bill that addresses the failures that led extraneous material on the subject of tonight, we remember not just his box- to the Plains spill. I would also like to com- my Special Order. ing prowess. We remember the courage mend staff from both the Energy and Com- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there he showed outside the ring. merce Committee and the Transportation and objection to the request of the gen- He came to age in a very, very turbu- tleman from Kentucky? Infrastructure Committee for working in a bi- lent period in American history: during There was no objection. the civil rights demonstrations, when partisan and bicameral way to get to this final Mr. YARMUTH. Mr. Speaker, one of product. America was experiencing a convulsion the great joys of representing Louis- over how to deal with the issue of race. Our constituents are relying on us. I urge ville in the House of Representatives is And then the Vietnam war—a war my colleagues to support this important legis- that I get to constantly claim that I whose opposition Ali paid a dear price lation, and I hope we are able to send S. 2276 represent Muhammad Ali and the home for in 1967—refusing to be drafted into to the President for his signature in the very of Muhammad Ali. It has always been a the armed services, knowing that it near future. source of pride not just to me, but to would cost him his boxing career, un- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The all of my fellow Louisvillians that we derstanding that he might well go to question is on the motion offered by could say that the Louisville Lip, the jail and never fight again, but willing the gentleman from California (Mr. greatest of all time, called Louisville to stand for principles. And in doing DENHAM) that the House suspend the home. rules and pass the bill, S. 2276, as Now one of the brightest lights in the that, I think he turned the country amended. world has extinguished. Muhammad Ali around and made them view the Viet- The question was taken; and (two- passed away last Friday after a long nam war in a different light. It thirds being in the affirmative) the and courageous battle with Parkin- wouldn’t have happened, but for Mu- rules were suspended and the bill, as son’s disease, and the world has experi- hammad Ali. He was not the only one, amended, was passed. enced a collective grief period. The joy of course, but he was the most promi- A motion to reconsider was laid on of his accomplishments, the recogni- nent one. Later, who can forget lighting that the table. tion of his commitment to peace, to torch in the Atlanta Olympics in 1996, f tolerance, to respect, to love, all of shaking from the Parkinson’s disease those things, have come from all over CONGRATULATIONS TO DUBOIS that he had, but inspiring millions. the world. AREA MIDDLE SCHOOL ON BEING And, again, making a statement about NAMED A ‘‘SCHOOL TO WATCH’’ b 1800 disabilities that meant so much to so (Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania So tonight, some of my colleagues many. asked and was given permission to ad- and I have come to the floor to talk So tonight, as we hear from various dress the House for 1 minute and to re- about Muhammad Ali, his life, his leg- Members about Muhammad Ali, I think vise and extend his remarks.) acy, personal stories, the impact that what will come through is not just, Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. he has had on our lives and on this again, his skills as an athlete, but his Mr. Speaker, I rise today to congratu- country’s life and on the world. He will contributions as a citizen of the world late the students and staff at the be laid to rest this Friday in Louis- and someone who has left a lasting leg- DuBois Area Middle School on being ville. Former President Clinton will acy, not just on people’s lives individ- named a Pennsylvania Don Eichhorn eulogize him, and many leaders from ually, but on the civilization as a School to Watch. This is the 12th con- around the world will be there to pay whole. secutive year that the middle school their respects. I yield to the gentleman from Ten- has earned this distinction, one of only But I go back many, many years. nessee (Mr. COHEN). two middle schools in the State to do When I was 16 years old, living in Lou- Mr. COHEN. I want to thank Mr. so. isville, having watched him—then, YARMUTH for putting together this The Schools to Watch program was Cassius Clay, an 8-to-1 underdog—upset hour. I think it is important that we started in 1999 as a national program to the great, terrifying Sonny Liston in recognize icons in our society and peo- identify exceptional middle schools Miami, and then going to the airport ple who have contributed so much, as across the country. As part of the pro- the next day to welcome him home. you well expressed, to American cul- gram, State teams observe classrooms; I stood outside the airport. There ture and to the thinking in our country interview administrators, teachers, weren’t a lot of people there that day. about war, about race, and about peo- parents, and students; and look at And as Cassius Clay emerged from that ple with disabilities. Those are three achievement data, suspension rates, terminal and looked around and drew very, very major areas that Muham- quality of lessons, and student work. himself up, I said I had never seen a mad Ali had a great impact on. DuBois Area Middle School will be more beautiful human specimen in my You related back to when you were 16 formally recognized at an event com- life. years old. I was not quite 15 years old. ing up on June 25 in Arlington at the So when he called himself not just At that time, my family had moved to national Schools to Watch Conference. the greatest of all time, but the Coral Gables, Florida. We lived there VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:01 Jun 09, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00045 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K08JN7.037 H08JNPT1 emcdonald on DSK9F6TC42PROD with HOUSE H3550 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 8, 2016 from 1961 to 1964. During that period, children and there are a lot of displays My dad loved to follow boxing. He Muhammad Ali’s second home was about what he did for children and was a big Joe Louis and Rocky Miami Beach and the 5th Street Gym. what he did for peace and his efforts Marciano fan. Of course, my dad’s gen- During that period is when Ali, as around the world. I think that is the eration, when Cassius Marcellus Clay Cassius Clay, had won the Olympic great thing about Muhammad Ali.