Canvas Draw, a 2D Graphics Library
CD Canvas Draw, A 2D Graphics Library Version 4.4 (cd CD (Canvas Draw) is a platform-independent graphics library. It is implemented in several platforms using native graphics libraries: Microsoft Windows (GDI) and X- Windows (XLIB). The library contains functions to support both vector and image applications, and the visualization surface can be either a canvas or a more abstract surface, such as Clipboard, Metafile, PS, and so on. This work was developed at Tecgraf/PUC-Rio by means of the partnership with PETROBRAS/CENPES. CD Project Management: Antonio Escaño Scuri Tecgraf - Computer Graphics Technology Group, PUC-Rio, Brazil Overview CD is a platform-independent graphics library. It is implemented in several platforms using native graphics libraries: Microsoft Windows (GDI and GDI+) and X-Windows (XLIB). The library contains functions to support both vector and image applications, and the visualization surface can be either a canvas or a more abstract surface, such as Clipboard, Metafile, PS, and so on. To make the Application Programmers Interface (API) simple, all data are standard C types (int, double or char). Thus the application program does not have to maintain parallel data structures to deal with the graphic library. Furthermore, the list of parameters of the CD primitive functions contains only the geometrical descriptions of the objects (line, circle, text, etc.). Where these objects should appear and what is the their color, thickness, etc. are defined as current state variables stored in the visualization surfaces. That is, the library is visualization-surface oriented, meaning that all attributes are stored in each visualization surface.
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