DURHAM. (KE1LY's ' Butchers-Continued

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DURHAM. (KE1LY's ' Butchers-Continued 512 BUT DURHAM. (KE1LY'S ' BuTcHERS-continued. Stephenson Mrs.Mary,Easington,Castle Thompson G'eorge William, 8 'Victoria Sedgwick Leonard, 97 High st. Gateshd Eden station R.S.O square, Felling, Newcastle Seever George, 42! New Elvet, Durham Stephenson Samue!Cuthbert,2rDurham Thumpson'H.soCommercial rd.S.Shields Sewell R. go High st. Willington R.S.O road, Low Fell, Gateshead ThompsonH.2lGeorge st.We.Hartlepool SharmanF. W.HendonValley rd.Sndrlnd Stephenson T. Easington la. Fence Hos Thompson Jas.R.305 Bi~h st.Gatesbead Sharp C. 6o Butcher market, Stockton StephensonT. rGordon ter. Ryhp.Sndrlnd Thompson John, Ferry Bill , Sharp Thomas, Esh Colliery, Durham Stephenson Walton Siddle, II Church Thompson Jn.E. 335 High st.Gateshead Shaw Jn. Merrington Lane, Ferry Hill street, Seabam harbour, ~underland Thompson Jn. G. Bowesfield la.Stockton Shaw Wm. Merrington Lane, l''erry Hill Stephenson William, Easington, Castle ThompsonJ. W.33Butcher mrkt.Stoc'ktn Shearer Jas. Ivestone, Leadgate R.S.O Eden station R.S.O ThompsonMrs.M.2Dene ter.RytonR.S.O Shepherd Thomas,s Rutherford's build- Stephenson William, 147 & 149 Sodhouse Thompson Matthew, Philadelphia, New- . ings, Seaham Harbour, Sunderland bank, Sheriff Hill, Gateshead bottle, Fence Houses ' ShortJ.4Highst.South Hylton,Sundrlnd Stephenson Dixon & Son, 142 High Thompson Rt.46Butcher mrkt.Btockton Shotton Charles & Son, Green lane, Tyne street west, Sunderland ThompsonRt.Coundon,Bishop Auckland dock, South Shields Stevenson M. Hendon Valley rd.Sndrlnd 'rhompsonR.28o High st.we.Sunder)and ShottonC. F. r 4Barrington st. Sth. Shields Stevenson T. Upper hos. Lanchestr. Drhm Thompson Robert, Lanchester, Durham Shute L.3 Varna st.Southwick, Sndrlnd Stewart Jn. North Hylton, Sunderland ThompsonR.jun.~oundon,Bishp.Acklnd SibbaldR.C.1o4Stevenson st.Sth.Shields Stewart J. W. 24 High st.we. Sunderlnd Thompson Thos.Addison st.CrookR.S.O Siddall Jacob, 5 Baltic street, Hartlepl Stewart Thos. 391 High st. Gateshead Thompson T. 32 Galgate, Barnard Castle SidcUe James, 22 King street, Tudhoe Stobbs John Thomas, Angate street, ThompsonT.231&233 High st.Gateshead grange, Spennymoor Wolsingham, Darling-ton Thompson T. Leasingthrne. Bshp.Acklnd Siddle Rt. J. Croxdale colliery, Durham Stoddard Gardner,Hiil top,Esh, Durham ThompsonWm.Murton colliery,Sndrlnd Si delle 'r.Easingtn.CastleEdenStn.R.S.O Stoddart J. G.4&5Trimdon st.Sundrlnd ThurlbeckJn.S.64'fatham st.Sunderland SimpsonG.Thornly.TrimdonGrng.R.S.O Stokes Edward, 6, 7 & 8 Union row & Tidyman Christopher, Greatbam R.S.O Simpson Parkin, Lynesack & Softley, Market hall, Darlington Tillotson Samuel, 3 Main street, Shil- Butterknowle R.S.O Stokoe Thomas, Ravensworth road & don, New Shildon R.S.O Simpson R. Southwick rd. Sunderland Dunston road, Dunston, Gateshead Tindale Benjamin, 64A, Alma street Simpson T. 63 High st.Willington R.S.O Stonehouse John, 19 North Railway (Upper), Hartlepool West , Simpson Wm. Billy row, Crook R.S.O street, Seaham harbour, Sunderland Tindale Frdk.D.Newbottle,FenceHouses Sin clair Jn. N ewfield, Chester-le-Street Stones G. We.Auckland,BishopAuckland 'rind ale John, Carr ville, Durham Sirs Wm. 57 Butcher market, Stockton Stones Mrs. Mary, 57 Church street, Tindale John, Newbottle, Fence Houses Sisson George, Bensham rd. Gateshead Shildon, New Shildon R.S.O Tindale John,Shiney row, Fence Houses Sisson J. r45High st. Wreckenton,Gatshd Storey George, r6 Frank terrace, Sun- Tindale William, John street, Het ton, Sisson John, 354A, High st. Gateshead derland road, Gateshead le-Hole, Fence Houses Skinner William,77 Dame Dorothy street Storey George, Heighing-ton R. S. 0 Tindale William, W oodstone house, & 9 Milium place, Sunderland Storey R.Walter ter.Norton rd.Stocktn Lumley, Fence Houses Slat.er W. D. 71 High st. west, Sundrlnd Stott William, Streetgate, Gateshead Tinkler Joseph, Bishop Middleham, SmallJ.2Salem st.&23High st.ea.Sndrlnd Straker Mrs.49Co.rr st.Hebburn,Newcstl Ferry Hill Station Smart Matt.76 Coronation st.Sunderlnd Straker W. 1Albert st.Hebburn,Newcstl Tinkler William A.Cornforth, Ferry Hill SmirthwaiteBrs.54Stockton st.Hrtpl. We Stubbs William, Carr ville, Durham TipladyJ.Nettlesworth,Chester-le-Street Smith A.J.35Mainsforth ter .Hartlpl. We Sturdy J.7 Henry ter. Oxbridge la.Stcktn Todd David, North street, South Shields Smith Hugh, Eighton Banks, Gateshead Suddes Matthew, Browney lane, Bran- ToddEdwd. Derwent st.lllack Rill R.S.O Smith Isaiah,n George st.Hartlepl. We don & Byshottles Todd Edward, Leadgate R.S.O, Smith J.8Hanover pl.Deptford, Sndrlnd Suggitt John, 7 Grange road & Market Todd John, 3 Butcher market, Stockton Smith John, 97 Market, Sunderland· hall, Darling-ton Todd John, Cox green, Fence Houses Smith John, Shadford, Durham Summerson Thomas, West Auckland, Todd Jas. 46 Victoria rd. South Shields Smith J.R.ro4Commercialrd.Sth.Shlds Bishop Auckland Todd Jn.T. HighSouthwick,Sunderlani Smith Joseph, Blue house; 77 Portrack Suttie Jn.Carr,320cean rd.SouthShields Todd Tbos. 42 Butcher market, Stocktn lane east& 52Butcher market, Stocktn SuttieThos.132MileEnd rd.SouthShields Todd Wm. Haverton hill, Middlesbrough Smith Joseph, St. Helen's Auckland, SwaddleJn.Wm.56Chandless'st.Gateshd Todd Jn. 26 Whitworth ter.Spennymoor Bishop Auckland SwailesT.3o&31Butch€r market,Stocktn Todds Jsph. Byers green, Spennymoor Smith Joseph W. Sleetburn, Durham Swainston John, Sacristan, Durham Todds Thc.s. Byers green, Spennymoor Smith R.27~DatneDorothy st. Sundrlnd Swainston John William, ~!Ocean ter- Tolmie George, 2 Flora st. Spennymoor Smith Wilham, Bank, Barnard Castle race, Ocean road, South Shields TomlinsonJ.S. 10Burn rd.Hartlepool We . Smith William, 88! Claypath, Durham Swainstone Francis, Church street & TownsJ.I Shakespeare st.Consett R.S.O Smith W.East end,Sedgefield,Ferry Hill Medomsley road, Consett R.S,O Trees Michael, II Parkgate, Darlington Smith Wm.7 RailwaY.st.Blaydon R.S.O Swales Jas.32WestHolborn,Sth.Shields Trenholm Frederick, Market sq. Jarrow SmithW.r7&r8Silksworth row,Sundrlnd Swinburn Anthony, Stanley R.S.O Trenholm Robert, Green lane, Tyne Smith W.jun.Easingtonla.Fence Houses Swinburn Thomas, Thornley, Trimdcin dock, South Shields Snaith William, 8 Prebend r..>w & Market Grange R.S.O Trewfoot Joseph, 4 White House cres- hall, Darlington . 'ragg Elihn H. 215 High st. Gateshead cent, Hcndon road, Sunderland Snowdon Henry John, Ryhope street, Tate Anthony, 126 Durham st. Hartlepl Trotter Thomas, 14 High st. Stockton Ryhopecollege, Sunderland Tate Anthony,18 Katherine st.Darlngtn Trotter William, 6 Westmoreland streei Soderberg Henry, g6 Ormonde street & Tate Robt. 43~ Northgate st. Hartlepool & Market hall, Darlington 20 Drury lane, Jarrow Taylor Harrison, 112 Auckland terrace, TucherJ.I Varo ter.Oxbridge la.Stocktn Sotheran W.26 Stranton ter.l!artlpl.We Shildon, New Shildon R.S.O Turnbull A.7 Bede st.Tynedock.S.Shlds Soulsby G. J. East Moor rd.Sunderland Taylor Hy. 63i High West st. Gateshead Turnbull James Robson, 3 Cross street, Soulsby J.We.Auckland,BishopAucklnd Taylor Jas. 37 Northgate st. Hartlepool Mount Pleasant, Gateshead · South Hetton Meat Supply Co. Limited Taylor John, 86, 87 & 127 Market & 33 Turnbull John, 13 & 15 Hudson street, (M.Oswald,sec.),Sth.Hetton, Sndrlnd Stafford street, Sunderland Tyne dock, South Shields . Speed Richard, Pemberton st. Hetton- TaylorJ.C.48 Catherine st.South Shields Turnbul1Jn.jun.41Villette rd.Sunderlnd le-Hole, Fence Houses Taylor T. R. 21 Weston road, Jarrow TurnbullW. z5Corstorphine twn.S.Shlds Spence Jn. 57 Northgate st. Hartlepool Taylor Thomas Robson, Prince Consort Turnbull Wm. 413 High st. Gateshead Spence William, 105 High st. Gateshead road & 2$ Whitehall road, Gateshead Turnbull William, Whickham R.S.O Spensley Thomas,4 Norton rd. Stockton Taylorson John, 31 Stoney lane, South- Turner Benj.Colliery row, Fence Houses StainsburghJ. W.32Fowler ter.Sundrlnd wick, Sunderland Turner Jn.Andrew, 2 Hector st.Gateshd Stanger Charles Victor,12 Newmarket, TaylorsonThos.r6 High st.we.Sunderlnd Turner John William, 4 North Railway New Union street, Sunderland Teasdale Mrs. E. 104 Grange rd. Jarrow street, Seaham harbour, Sunderland Stanger C. V. 47 Southwick rd. Sndrlnd Teasdale J. St. John's chapel,Darlington Turner Wm. C. Bridge st.Blaydon R.S.O StangroomC.59Butcher market,Stocktn TelfordEdwd. Trafalgar st.ConsettR.S.O Tweddle Thomas, Front street, Winla- Staples Peter,25 Butchermarket,Stocktn Ternent John, 51 Frank terrace,Sunder- ton, Blaydon R.S.O . Starforth T. Wm.2High st.Spennymoor land road, Gateshead . TwerR.TownBall bldgs.Bishop!uckland Steel Charles,52Mile End rd.Sth.Shields Theakston J. & Son, 78 & 79 N orthgate, Tyson R. 23 Everard street, Hartlepool Stephenson William & Son, 1 Victoria Darlington I Undale Matthew, Castle Eden ~;olliery~ buildings, Low row, Sunderland Theakston George,69 Parkgate&Market1 Castle Eden Station R.S.O , , Stephenson A. 105Coronation st.Sndrlnd hall, Darlington I Usher Mrs. Ann, Chester-le-Street Stephenson G. uMusgrave st.Hrtlpl. We Thompson A. & Sons, 55 High street,· Usher Mrs. M. A. 3 Keppel st.S. Shields Stephenson Geo. Stanhope, Darlington Felling, Newcastle iVealH.75Bondgate&MarkethaU,Drlngtn Stephenson John,Easington, Castle Eden Thompson Elijah1 336 High street & 3 Veal John, 15 Nestfield st. Darlington Station R.S.O & 5 Whitehall road, Gateshead 1Veitch J.49Stoney la.Southwck.Sndrlnd Stephenson J.Easington la.FenceHouses ThompsonC.3oA,Coronation st.Sundrlnd Venus Richard Wanlaws, 4 Swarthmore Stephenson J. J. Frostcrley, Darlington ThompsonG.46Church st.nth. Sundrlnd' terrace, Mandale road, Sth. Stockton .
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