Majestic Whale Encounters


Sep 16th-23rd Sep 23rd- 30th 2 0 2 2


Are you inspired to go somewhere that not many other people have been? Does an untouched paradise with very little tourists sound like your idea of heaven? We have found the perfect place for you! Rurutu is an idyllic little gem in the that combines a rugged and stunning landscape with our favourite activity...whale swimming! Join us on the most amazing adventure to Rurutu as we explore and discover what this amazing place has to offer. Swim with the Majestic humpback whales and other incredible sea creatures in crystal clear waters surrounding the island. Hike, climb and explore the fascinating limestone caves and spend your free time lazing about on the beautiful beaches. At Majestic Whale encounters our mission is to protect the W H Y U S ? world's oceans and all that's in it. We believe if you love the ocean it will love you back. We promote responsible whale watching and dolphin watching worldwide.

We aim to run our trip with maximum interaction and minimal impact and we feel very honored to share this incredible experience with like minded people.

As soon as you decide to join this epic journey, we are here for you every step of the way. We are a family run eco friendly business that prides ourselves on a high level of customer service and you can feel free to email us or call us with as many questions as you like. Besides a truly unforgettable trip, you will also make friends for life.

MAJESTIC AWe always endeavour where possible to give back to the animals and the countries we are privledged to visit. By G I V E S B A C K choosing Majestic you can rest assured that you will be part of helping communities, the animals ad environments -as the countries we visit allow us into their homes, villages and lives... we take home a very special lifelong memory and new appreciation and leave a little behind in return

For more information on our other projects, please click here..... Rurutu is the northern most island in the Austral archipelago of French . It is situated 572 km (355 mi) south of Tahiti. Its land area is 32.7 km2 (12.6 sq mi) It is 10.8 km long and 5.3 km wide. Its highest point W H E R E I S (Manureva) is 389 m (1,276 ft) It has an estimated population of 2,466.

RURUTU? Geologically, Rurutu was initially formed 12 million years ago by the Macdonald , a hotspot associated with the Macdonald . Over the next 10 million years, erosion shrank the island until it was almost an atoll. Then, just over a million years ago, Rurutu passed over the Arago hotspot, which lifted it roughly 150 metres. Steep sea cliffs of ancient lifted by the event — called makatea — now largely encircle the island. These are riddled with caves filled with concretions. Rurutu is largely unique among islands in French Polynesia in that its historic inhabitants were cave-dwelling. In the months of August and October Rurutu also turns into a humpbackwhale nursery and breeding grounds where a lucky few people come to swim with the whales within the protection of the fringing reef and enjoy interacting with them without the crowds of Tahiti. Because Rurutu is endowed with a fringing reef, it has in recent W H Y D O T H E years become known for whale watching and swimming. Humpback whales come and give birth here between July and October within WHALES easy sighting distance from the beach. C O M E H E R E ? Because it does not have a lagoon, Rurutu can be approached easily from seaward. It is therefore a popular destination for humpback whales to come by each year to stop, rest and teach their calves before the big trip back to the Antarctic. The island has also managed to avoid all manner of pollution, including ocean noise. Tourism is minimal, making conditions perfect for these mammals. The water is also at a colder temperature in the Austral islands which the whales seem to prefer as a place to give birth. VAITUMU LODGE

Vaitumu Village offers 7 traditional coral stone bungalows with private bathrooms. The young and dynamic team, native to the island, will share their daily life with you in a warm and friendly atmosphere. Enjoy the vast bar-restaurant area with free Wi-Fi and outdoor terrace, where you can admire spectacular sunsets and watch the whales go by, whilst enjoying tasty family cuisine based on local products. The only pool on the island is an added luxury, where you can relax after a day of sightseeing.

THE LIMESTONE CAVES Rurutu is part of the Austral Islands and conceals an impressive geological characteristic – its limestone caves. About thirty caves are perched on top of Rurutu’s cliffs, overlooking the ocean and some of them offer a beautiful view of the vast horizon. Born from the erosion of the sea and the rain, these limestone cavities shelter surprising stalactites and stalagmites. The coral and volcanic walls of these caves scintillate in the light for your viewing pleasure. Beyond their geological interest, the majority of these natural monuments contain tales and legends related to the island and its inhabitants, their ancestors and origins. Part of Rurutu’s soul is secretly retained there and is revived by the storytellers of this troglodyte island. ITINERARY Day 1 Arrival - Everyone makes their own way to Rurutu where you will be transfered to the beautiful Vaitumu Lodge. As you drive around the winding roads, don't forget to look out the window for humpback whales.

Day 2-7 Each day starts with a beautiful French/Rurutuan breakfast once we've had more to eat than you can manage we are then picked up for our day on the water with the whales! This tour includes 5 days of swimming with the beautiful humpback whales of Rurutu. We will be exploring the ocean and all it has to offer in the way of snorkeling, and then return for a beautiful smorgasbord lunch before our afternoon activities that will either include the limestone caves, Beach horse riding, cultural activities or simply relaxing with or without a cocktail! . Day 8 Unfortunately this will be your last day in paradise. You will be farewelled and transferred back to the airport to continue on to your next destination INCLUSIONS

-7 nights accommodation in beautiful beachfront bungalows

-5 days whale swimming with Humpback Whales fully guided

-Limestone cave expereince With optional Beach Horseriding

-Breakfast, lunch & Dinners

-Transfers to and from airport


You will be spending 5 days out searching for humpback whales upon a custom built boat that will have a tour leader, a guide and a skipper. The whales tend to stay very close into the reef surrounding the island and so you will often spot their blow fairly easily especially on a calm day! Part of the fun is keeping a look out for whales. Once you have found them, we will then observe their behaviour to make sure it is safe for both the whale and the swimmers before quietly slipping into the water to join them for what will be a memory that will last you a lifetime. Please remember that they are wild animals so there is never a guarantee on what kind of experience you will have, but this is why we have 5 days, we want to give you the best chance possible to swim with these beautiful and often very interactive creatures. How many guests in total? MWE will be taking 8 guests in this once in a lifetime trip.

FAQ'S Best time to travel to Rurutu? The Austral islands enjoy a cooler climate than their neighbours in Tahiti . Its a much more pleasant day temperature of approx 26 degrees during the whale season. With nights cooling down to allow for a better nights sleep. Days on the boat can get a little windy, though once back on land, you'll find it's a lovely temperature. September/October is the perfect time to be there if you would like to experience swimming with the Majestic South Pacific Humpback Whales which is why we have chosen these as the perfect months for MWE guests!

Will we experience the local culture? Most definitely, you will have the chance to experience the exotic culture of ancient legends told through dancing and singing Rururtu also has various plantations... coffee, pineapple, wild basil and lychees abound around these rich lands.

What kind of food will I eat? Rurutu has a very large French influence in their cooking which incorporates seasonal local foods. Baguetts can always be found as well as croissants and crepes for breakfast! FAQ'S They also offer many local Polynesian dishes making use of the abundant fish and exotic fruits, using delicate sauces made with homegrown vanilla and coconut.

How will the humpback swims compare to Tonga? Both are incredible experiences. French Polynesia is known to have incredible water clarity. The operators we use have great respect for the whales and some of them even know them by name. In Rurutu, there are approximately 4 boats in operation on the whole island. There are generally more swimmers in the water with whales at one time than you would encounter in Tonga.

Is it snorkeling or diving with the whales? Your time swimming with the humpback whales will be snorkelling.

Can you cater to my dietary requirements? Of course, just make sure you let us know at your time of booking. Limited spaces available. Please contact us ASAP to book

Dates: 16th -23rd Sep 2022 DATES 23rd Sep-30th Sep 2022 Price $4950 AUD per person based on twin share Contact us to book or for more info

T H A N K Y O U !