J Manitou Avenue Master Plan R Manitou Springs, Colorado ( I R ( L
r r I ( r ~--_.J Manitou Avenue Master Plan r Manitou Springs, Colorado ( I r ( l . O[ [ . r r r Prepared By: THK Associates, Inc. in association with ( P JF & Associates Janurary 23, 1998 'l City of Manitou Springs The Avenue Project Summary Sheet In April, 1995, the City began discussions regarding what role it could play in enhancing Downtown Manitou Springs for citizens, businesses and visitors. These discussions resulted in a Master Plan for utility, pedestrian, safety, and esthetics improvements. The Master Plan process was begun in 1997 with the assistance ofplanning consultants, THK and a steering committee made up ofover 20 citizens, Downtown business persons, Chamber ofCommerce representation and City Staff. During 1997, eleven meetings were held between the steering committee and the consultants on the various options for improving Downtown. A wide range ofcitizen and visitor input was solicited through a survey which was done during the summer. Also, a newsletter publication was sent twice to every water bill customer in Manitou Springs. All the steering committee meetings were open to the public, and many were attended by interested persons outside the committee, however eight meetings particularly emphasized public participation to obtain feedback, present the consultants' options for improvements and, subsequently, the recommendations ofthe steering committee. A week long "Design Charette" was held in April. The Steering Committee manned a Project Office on Ruxton Avenue during this week to allow additional opportunities for individuals to review the plans, speak with Committee members and give their input. During the Master Plan process the Steering Committee and Consultants also recommended thatthe project be expanded to study the entire length of Manitou Avenue and the business area of Ruxton Avenue.
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