Congressional Record—Senate S6930

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Congressional Record—Senate S6930 S6930 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 31, 2017 MERKLEY, Mr. TILLIS, Mr. KING, Mr. and contributions of Native Americans and the Providence Park venue with spirit and FRANKEN, Mr. ROUNDS, Mr. TESTER, Ms. their ancestors: Now, therefore, be it pride, are the best fans in the NWSL; STABENOW, and Mr. HEINRICH) sub- Resolved, That the Senate— Whereas the Portland Thorns FC holds the mitted the following resolution; which (1) recognizes the month of November 2017 record for highest average game attendance as ‘‘National Native American Heritage was considered and agreed to: in the NWSL in 2017 and has held that record Month’’; in each year since the establishment of the S. RES. 316 (2) recognizes the Friday after Thanks- NWSL in 2013; Whereas, from November 1, 2017, through giving as ‘‘Native American Heritage Day’’ Whereas the goalkeeper of the Portland November 30, 2017, the United States cele- in accordance with section 2(10) of the Native Thorns FC, Adrianna Franch, was named the brates National Native American Heritage American Heritage Day Act of 2009 (Public NWSL Goalkeeper of the Year for 2017; Month; Law 111–33; 123 Stat. 1923); and Whereas the Portland Thorns FC adopted Whereas National Native American Herit- (3) urges the people of the United States to the official State motto of Oregon, ‘‘Alis age Month is an opportunity to consider and observe National Native American Heritage Volat Propriis’’, meaning ‘‘She Flies with recognize the contributions of Native Ameri- Month and Native American Heritage Day Her Own Wings’’, to capture the independent cans to the history of the United States; with appropriate programs and activities. spirit of Oregon; Whereas Native Americans are descendants f Whereas the Portland Thorns FC holds of the original, indigenous inhabitants of community service events to inspire and in- what is now the United States; SENATE RESOLUTION 317—CELE- volve young women and men in the Portland Whereas the Bureau of the Census esti- BRATING THE 40TH ANNIVER- community through science, technology, en- mated that, in 2010, there were more than SARY OF THE SENATE BLACK gineering, mathematics, and environmental 5,000,000 individuals of Native American de- LEGISLATIVE STAFF CAUCUS education; and scent in the United States; Whereas the success of the Portland Whereas Native Americans maintain vi- AND ITS ACHIEVEMENTS IN THE SENATE Thorns FC soccer team will broaden an ap- brant cultures and traditions and hold a preciation of athletics in young people and deeply rooted sense of community; Ms. HARRIS (for herself, Mr. BOOKER, encourage Oregonians to engage in their Whereas Native Americans have moving and Mr. SCOTT) submitted the following communities: Now, therefore, be it stories of tragedy, triumph, and persever- resolution; which was considered and Resolved, That the Senate— ance that need to be shared with future gen- agreed to: (1) honors the Portland Thorns FC as the erations; 2017 champion of the National Women’s Soc- S. RES. 317 Whereas Native Americans speak and pre- cer League; serve indigenous languages, which have con- Whereas, in 1977, Jackie Parker and Ralph (2) recognizes the outstanding achievement tributed to the English language by being Everett had the vision and courage to im- of the players, ownership, and staff of the used as names of individuals and locations prove the working conditions of Black Sen- Portland Thorns FC; and throughout the United States; ate staffers; (3) respectfully requests that the Secretary Whereas Congress has consistently re- Whereas the Senate Black Legislative of the Senate transmit an enrolled copy of affirmed the support of the United States of Staff Caucus continues to promote diversity this resolution to— tribal self-governance and self-determination and inclusion within the Senate; (A) Merritt Paulson, the Chief Executive and the commitment of the United States to Whereas, for the first time in its 40-year Officer of the Portland Thorns FC; improving the lives of all Native Americans history, the Senate Black Legislative Staff (B) Gavin Wilkinson, the General Manager by— Caucus celebrates 3 African-Americans serv- of the Portland Thorns FC; and (1) enhancing health care and law enforce- ing simultaneously in the Senate; ment resources; and (C) Mark Parsons, the Head Coach of the Whereas the Senate Black Legislative Portland Thorns FC. (2) improving the housing and socio- Staff Caucus recognizes each of the 10 cur- economic status of Native Americans; rent or former Senators of African-American f Whereas the United States is committed to descent; and strengthening the government-to-govern- AUTHORITY FOR COMMITTEES TO Whereas, the Senate Black Legislative MEET ment relationship that the United States has Staff Caucus continues to fight for the jus- maintained with the various Indian tribes; tice and equality that started during the Mr. LANKFORD. Mr. President, I Whereas Congress has recognized the con- civil rights movement of the 1960s: Now, have 9 requests for committees to meet tributions of the Iroquois Confederacy and therefore, be it the influence of the Iroquois Confederacy on during today’s session of the Senate. Resolved, That the Senate honors the Sen- They have the approval of the Majority the Founding Fathers in the drafting of the ate Black Legislative Staff Caucus for its Constitution of the United States with the many contributions and commitment to en- and Minority leaders. concepts of— rich the Senate community. Pursuant to rule XXVI, paragraph (1) freedom of speech; 5(a), of the Standing Rules of the Sen- (2) the separation of governmental powers; f and ate, the following committees are au- (3) the system of checks and balances be- SENATE RESOLUTION 318—HON- thorized to meet during today’s session tween the branches of government; ORING THE PORTLAND THORNS of the Senate: Whereas, with the enactment of the Native FC AS THE CHAMPION OF THE COMMITTEE ON COMMERCE, SCIENCE, AND American Heritage Day Act of 2009 (Public NATIONAL WOMEN’S SOCCER TRANSPORTATION Law 111–33; 123 Stat. 1922), Congress— LEAGUE IN 2017 (1) reaffirmed the government-to-govern- The Committee on Commerce, ment relationship between the United States Mr. WYDEN (for himself and Mr. Science, and Transportation is author- and Native American governments; and MERKLEY) submitted the following res- ized to meet during the session of the (2) recognized the important contributions olution; which was referred to the Senate on Tuesday, October 31, 2017, at of Native Americans to the culture of the Committee on Commerce, Science, and 10 a.m., in room SR–253 to conduct a United States; Transportation: hearing on the following nominations: Whereas Native Americans have made dis- tinct and important contributions to the S. RES. 318 Leon A. Westmoreland, of Georgia, to United States and the rest of the world in Whereas the Portland Thorns FC won the be a Director of the Amtrak Board of many fields, including the fields of agri- National Women’s Soccer League (referred Directors, Raymond Martinez, of New culture, medicine, music, language, and art; to in this preamble as the ‘‘NWSL’’) Cham- Jersey, to be Administrator of the Fed- Whereas Native Americans have distin- pionship on October 14, 2017; eral Motor Carrier Safety Administra- guished themselves as inventors, entre- Whereas the Portland Thorns FC won the tion, Diana Furchtgott-Roth, of Mary- preneurs, spiritual leaders, and scholars; NWSL Championship, an event that has been land, to be an Assistant Secretary of Whereas Native Americans have served held for 5 years, for the second time by de- with honor and distinction in the Armed feating the North Carolina Courage by a Transportation, and Bruce Landsberg, Forces and continue to serve in the Armed score of 1 to 0; of South Carolina, to be a Member of Forces in greater numbers per capita than Whereas Portland Thorns FC midfielder the National Transportation Safety any other group in the United States; Lindsey Horan scored the only goal in the Board. Whereas the United States has recognized 2017 NWSL Championship and was named the COMMITTEE ON ENERGY AND NATURAL the contribution of the Native American Most Valuable Player of that Championship; RESOURCES code talkers in World War I and World War Whereas the Head Coach, Mark Parsons, The Committee on Energy and Nat- II, who used indigenous languages as an un- and Chief Executive Officer, Merritt breakable military code, saving countless Paulson, of the Portland Thorns FC won the ural Resources is authorized to meet lives in the United States; and NWSL Championship for the second time; during the session of the Senate on Whereas the people of the United States Whereas the Rose City Riveters and the Tuesday, October 31, 2017, at 10 a.m., in have reason to honor the great achievements fans of the Portland Thorns FC, who provide room SD–366 to conduct a hearing. VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:51 Nov 01, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00046 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A31OC6.017 S31OCPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE October 31, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6931 COMMITTEE ON HEALTH, EDUCATION, LABOR, tennial Commission: the Honorable yielding back of that time, the Senate AND PENSIONS BILL NELSON of Florida. vote on the confirmation of the Larsen The Committee on Health, Edu- f nomination; and that if confirmed, the cation, Labor, and Pensions is author- motion to reconsider be considered ized to meet during the session of the CALLING ON THE GOVERNMENT made and laid upon the table and the Senate on Tuesday, October 31, 2017, at OF IRAN TO RELEASE UNJUSTLY President be immediately notified of 2:30 p.m., in room SD–430 to conduct a DETAINED UNITED STATES CITI- the Senate’s action. hearing entitled ‘‘Implementation of ZENS AND LEGAL PERMANENT The PRESIDING OFFICER.
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