THE FLEX SYNDROME Working conditions in the Hungarian electronics sector ACC and SOMO December 2012 COLOPHON THE FLEX SYNDROME Working conditions in the Hungarian electronics sector December 2012 AUTHORS: Zsófia Perényi (ACC), Kristóf Rácz & Irene Schipper (SOMO) RESEARCH: TÁRKI & SOMO & ACC PUBLISHED BY: SOMO – Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations COVER DESIGN: ISBN: 978-94-6207-014-1 This report is published as part of the makeITfair campaign, a European-wide project on consumer electronics. makeITfair aims to inform young consumers about human rights, social and environmental issues along the supply chain. It also addresses consumer electronics companies to contribute to change. makeITfair is coordinated by the Dutch organisation SOMO (Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations). Project partners are: SwedWatch and Fair Trade Center from Sweden; FinnWatch and Pro Ethical Trade Finland from Finland; DanWatch from Denmark; Germanwatch from Germany; Association of Conscious Consumers (ACC) from Hungary; ACIDH from the DR Congo; CIVIDEP from India; Workers Assistance Center (WAC) from the Philippines; and Civil Society Research and Support Collective (CSRSC) from South Africa. FUNDING: This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The content of this publication is the sole responsibility of SOMO and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union. CONTACT DETAILS: SOMO, Coordinator makeITfair Sarphatistraat 30, 1018 GL Amsterdam, The Netherlands Tel: +31 (0)20 639 12 91,
[email protected], SOMO: The Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations (SOMO) is a non-profit Dutch research and advisory bureau. SOMO investigates the policies of multinational enterprises and the internationalisation of business worldwide.