Background Guide

Marvel Summit DMUN-2018

Executive Board

Aditya Singh(Chair)

Kushal Mital (Co-Chair)

Arushi Tripathi (Moderator)

Committee Overview:-

24th April, The world, nay, THE UNIVERSE is in chaos. Fathers saw their sons turn to dust, Kings vanished so did friends and their family. The have never been in such a situation, dust all around them, realizing…..

They lost.

They lost half the universe. The Mad Titan has carried out the iconic snap! But that is not all, fate seems to have different plans for some. A interdimensional rift caused due to the Space Stone opened a temporary portal which caused The elite Mutant Race of the XMEN to be drawn in into the universe. The mind and Soul Gems have “enlightened” Professor Xavier and Logan with the events which took place and potentially life changing truth, a secret which could be the key to avenging the universe. So what will it be - The Mutants Untied with the Avengers or an outright war for the universe and against the Last survivor of Titan?

Remember - “United We Stand, Divided We Fall.”


Committee will take place at a freeze date of 30th April, When Anthony Stark meets Professor Xavier.

Classes of enhanced humans:-


Skill heroes are completely normal humans who have reached proficiency with a specific type of skill which could deem them a lethal weapon in their own right. Black Widow, and come under this class.


These are either machines themselves or humans in suits of armor that make them extremely powerful. They may also be tech heroes in case they are assisted by technological weapons. Tony Stark, Rhodey, Rocket Racoon and come under this class.


Anyone who received their powers as a result of earth based science. Individuals who were enhanced by lab tests, radioactive rays and other chemical alterations fall into this category. Steve Rogers and Bruce Banner fall under this.


Enhanced humans of the Cosmic class generally come from space or other Realms or have some form of godly powers. falls under this.


These individuals have powers given to them by evolution. Many mutants on Earth don’t even know that they are mutants. There are notably powerful Omega class mutants, with powers of scale, like and . There are also less powerful mutants who have powers that are used on a more individual level, such as and .


Major Events-

1) ​ With the unexpected demise of the King Of Wakanda, in a odd turn of events, the Panther God materialized to announce Shuri as the new queen of Wakanda. A mysterious substance with properties similar to that of the Purple Flower have also arisen on the periphery of Wakanda.This flower has now healed lost Wakandan soil and battlegrounds .M’Baku is now the military general for Wakanda. The nation continues to mourn for they have listed their great king. Okoye still remains in shock from watching her friend and the one she was supposed to protect die. is now a part of Wakanda’s technological development team led by Shuri herself. remains haunted by the loss of . Natasha Romanoff is still being treated to restabilize her after the battle of Wakanda.The arrival of Tony Stark had mixed responses.Many were relieved to see he was alive while some (Captain Rogers) did not really exchange words. With the reunion of the Original members, are the Avengers finally enough?

2)Earth-666(Our Earth) ​ The nations of the world have taken it upon themselves to establish a World Military Organization called the “Terrain Security Force”. Wakanda is not a part of this organisation. An interdimensional beacon for help was located to be signaling New York City’s coordinates.The outsource of this beacon has not been triangulated. Somehow the beacon seems to be originating from a pager. Meanwhile, General Thaddeus Ross has declared The Avengers as world criminals, the Terrain Security Force is now in pursuit of them. The Terrain Security Force is now also directing the United Nations to establish Martial Law on Earth.


3)Mutants ​ This odd race of “humans” has now entered our Earth. They are believed to be of an ancient race of genetically modified and advanced people capable of supernatural feats. The Terrain Force has not yet identified or even have knowledge of their presence. It seems as if they have never been part of this universe ( or were they….?)They seem to be having a connection to the Stones, especially Charles Xavier and The Wolverine. Sources suspect that perhaps they have walked this Earth as long as us, hidden in the shadows. Mutants- Stranger or Danger??

4)The Enlightenment ​ When the interdimensional drift first dragged these mutants into a brave new world, they not only gained knowledge about this Earth but became keepers of a deep secret. Some now have a deeper connection to their powers and abilities due to unexplained causes. That is not all, Professor Xavier believes that with the knowledge he has obtained , The Avengers are the last hope for recovering Humanity’s loss. With the arrival of Tony Stark much shall be revealed . Meanwhile, Erik Lehnsherr is now an official member of the X-MEN. Though skeptical, Magneto tries to find himself in this world. Perhaps this knowledge is about the existence of a previously unknown weapon, or a tool in plain site?

5) ​ This merc with a mouth is officially a part of MCU cannon. However he remains M.I.A after leaving for a mission saying “A MARVEL is on its way, thanks for the text Fury.” He is apparently in space. (Delegates please note you do NOT have Deadpool in committee for the simple reason he is a fourth wall breaking character and could kill anyone he wants).


6) ​Space Not even Korg can compensate for the utter desolation and despair the rest of the universe has seen. The Planet of Xandar was completely destroyed when Thanos went there determined to obtain the Power Stone.The Corps no longer exist, implying that their is currently no check or balance in measure to ensure Law and Order in the Universe, or even the Galaxy. Though no official statements have been made, after coming to know of the mobilisation of Earth many systems of the galaxy have resorted to do the same.Havoc is all around. Anthony Stark, accompanied by began his descend to Earth in the Milano.Traces of dark magic have vanished, implying that the Mystic Arts and its users have been weakened.


Portfolio Stances 1.Anthony Stark(a.k.a )

Genius, playboy, philanthropist- is there any other set of words than can better ​ explain the most likable MCU character of all time?? You could add strongest avenger to that list but that debate is for another time. The man we all know and love is the key to almost everything in the MCU. One of the only people to have predicted this “attack from out there” tony stark is undoubtedly the most important person when it comes to even having a chance at fighting Thanos, after all no one else could lay a finger on him and this guy made him bleed.But, he failed.He lost the closest person to a son. Witnessing Peter’s death has completely changed Tony.After reaching Earth Even though he knows of the dire situation they are in Tony tends to remain skeptical about forming an alliance with the X-Men and after everything that has happened to him, its quite understandable.Alongside that, he has not been able to contact Pepper after arriving to Earth. 2.Steve rogers(a.k.a Captain America) “The First avenger”, “Nomad” , “Cap” or whatever you want to call him, Steve Rogers is the undeniably the perfect and soldier. Ready to sacrifice anything for good cause or family Cap is instrumental in everything. The first avenger to see the potential of an infinity stone I think it’s safe to say Cap knows his stuff pretty well. The most well-known symbol of hope on earth, a battle against the mad titan without him would be absolutely pointless. Captain America is not only involved in every discussion that involves the avengers but always plays the biggest role in them (along with Tony of-course). Cap would do anything to make sure that the avengers have all the help that they can get in this fight against Thanos. Currently In Wakanda, Rogers is still contemplating losing his friend Bucky Barnes once again. Yet despite all that he has faced Steve Rogers there is nothing that will stop Cap from avenging his best friends Sam and Bucky. 3.Col. James Rhodes(a.k.a ) Best known for being Tony Stark’s best friend and sidekick....and well “partner” on the battlefield Rhodey is no less than Tony or any other avenger in any aspect. What he lacks in scientific knowledge when compared to Tony he makes up for with years of military experience and intelligence, and yes, he is weaker when compared to the other avengers but with his war machine suit he does put up a pretty good fight. Rhodey will play as big a role as Tony or Cap in the deliberations and as usual he sides with Tony with the fact being that they are against an alliance between these two groups.


4.Natasha Romanoff(a.k.a Black Widow) Everyone's favorite assassin and spy, Nat has cemented her place in the Avengers in spite of the fact that she has no enhancements (except a few gizmos from S.H.I.E.L.D) or any superhuman powers. Her skill set is so wide she even speaks Latin! When it comes to the fight Black Widow has never cowered from engaging in battle and has even taken on the likes of (even though it was unsuccessful it’s the grit she showed that matters). Nat has played a huge role in trying to keep the avengers from splitting apart and would definitely form an alliance with the mutants in the fight against Thanos. 5.Clint Barton(a.k.a Hawkeye) The only other shield agent alive, Clint as we all know is a master in the art of archery. Haunted by the loss of his family, he is now a man-machine with a motive- Vengeance. Some say he has taken upon a new mantle and goes by the name of Ronin. 6.Rocket Racoon This back-talking, annoying yet loveable trash panda is the only guardian to have survived the snap. Rocket has on many occasions proved his worth as a weapons specialist and is capable of building weapons with nothing but a box of scraps. He may be small and not pack as big of a punch as the other avengers but being the only guardian left he has an enormous task on his shoulders. While we know that he has joined arms with the avengers rocket will remain unsure of forming an alliance with mutants because we do know he has serious trust issues with almost anybody.... sometimes even his own team-mates! 7.Thor Odinson Arguably the strongest avenger, Thor is the most influential character throughout the MCU. Being a god his knowledge of the and their capabilities is undeniable and his strength pretty much unmatchable. As we all know thor very quickly formed an alliance with rocket and groot and would almost in the same way be ready to join hands with the mutants.However alot still remains unknown for right after the snap the God Of Thunder used the Bifrost to find THE K***(words were inaudible) and did not give any explanation on return. 8.Bruce Banner(a.k.a The ) This absolute powerhouse didn’t even show himself in infinity war after being beaten to a pulp by Thanos. Well, now his human form Bruce has a chance at proving his worth to the avengers by using his 7PHDs to assist the nation of Wakanda in taking


over Queen Shuri’s Gamma ray research. Clandestinely he has also begun conversations with his counterpart the hulk to solve some issues as they say. 9.Okoye This proud Wakandan general has nothing but vengeance on her mind after losing not only her king but also her friend T’Challa in the aftermath of Wakanda. Still devastated by everything and a firm believer in her Wakandan principles Okoye would like to remain a neutral party just like her nation of Wakanda. 10.Shuri Queen Shuri the new Protector and leader of Wakanda is probably even more in shock than Okoye. She has the huge burden of leading her country without any experience or any preparation. However she is determined to follow in her brothers footsteps and maintain wakandas peace and glory. We are still unaware of her stance on mutants as she has had absolutely no contact with anybody after the events of infinity war. 11.Charles Xavier(a.k.a Professor X) Probably the most important person alive in any universe, Charles has a huge role to play. One of the only members of the X-Men who has been provided with the knowledge to potentially alter this world.He is a true believer in humanity even if it isn’t his reality.Perhaps this faith shall be re-affirmed when he meets Anthony Stark. 12.Erik Lehnsherr(a.k.a Magneto) ​ ​ The revolutionary, extremist, and most feared mutants of all- Magneto.With a history of being subjected to violence, witnessing mass genocide and segregation, He never shared Charles for an optimistic future where Mutants could live in harmony. However after moderating his point of view and finding a common stance with Charles, Magneto ultimately reached to a neutral stance with his best friend-foe. However he still remains skeptical of this new world and if it should be tended to. He also expressed the possibility of establishing a mutant colony.Much remains to be seen as this Alpha level mutant continues discovering this universe beside Charles. 13.Hank McCoy(a.k.a Beast) His very codename is an affirmation of his dominance over the field of science. Hank probably has the scientific intellect to challenge the likes of both Tony Stark and Bruce Banner. A valuable asset to the X-men both on and off the battlefield Hank will definitely play an important role in the battle against the mad Titan and would side with Charles as usual.


14.Ororo Monroe(a.k.a Storm) No less than a weather god, Storm has an insanely strong potential which have never truly been explored. Who knows what this mutant is capable of with her complete potential unlocked. Being a close friend of Charles Storm will blindly support anything Charles would say. 15.Scott Summers(a.k.a Cyclops) With perhaps the most iconic and definitely one the most dangerous yet effective abilities, he is a force to be reckoned with. Till date he has been one the most aggressive member of X-MEN also being the most sensitive one.He truly never recovered or accepted the loss of his lover Jean Grey. Still in hope of meeting Jean, Cyclops seems to be a little too optimistic about this transcendental change he went through. 16.James Howlett(Logan) You’re as dumb as a maggot if you ain’t heard o’ him. This “bub” was less than enthusiastic when he was interrupted by an interdimensional portal. Bearer of dark secrets, no one truly knows what the Wolverine has plans for. However, he has and will continue to remain loyal to his mentor of sorts, Professor Xavier. His iconic claws showed some odd metamorphosis, with them changing in physical structure. His healing factor remains unaffected by these changes.Being a core yet sometimes unaligned member of the XMEN, he not only has literal centuries of military experience to offer, but being a witness and often victim of the worst of times for humanity, he has become a true system of efficiency and perhaps would be impossible to control if he goes Rogue as his potential is one of a merciless killer with no motive.Beware of him. 17.The Rookies- Warren Worthington III,Anna Mary(Archangel,Rogue) Cheeky and hopeful prospects for the XMEN, they were more than willing to accompany the others on their mission. These two are still young and haven’t exactly found their place among the X-Men yet but they do have a lot of potential and now have an opportunity to show their worth as members of the X-Men 18.General Thaddeus Ross Former Secretary Of State and now Representative of The Terrain Security Force, he has been a firm advocate of moderation and mediation of highly advanced individuals, while often even opposing their rights or freedom to act for the benefit of humanity.It was General Ross who put forth the executive draft to declare and blacklist the members(former included) of The Avengers initiative.This is all part of his ideology of Highly advanced individuals causing absolute desolation and destruction in their so


called mission to protect the Earth. He believes the Earth’s mightiest may perhaps be its downfall. 19.Raven(Mystique) A former member of the , initially conscious of her mutant genome, learned to embrace her true self, with help from her best friends and aides Charles and Magneto, though he relationship with these gentlemen has been fragile and eventful to say the least, however she is now spearheading the training of the new recruits, teaching them to use their abilities for the greater good. Surely Raven has reformed her former extreme ways, she is still incomplete opposition to any collaboration alongside the inferior humans of this Earth.She shuns the very idea of maintaining any contact with these tyrannical beings.

Questions Committee must address- ● Will there be an alliance between the XMEN and remaining Avengers? If so of what form? ● How will Thanos be defeated? How will stability be maintained in the world? ● Establishment of an Intergalactic Space Council to bring about peace to the Galaxy. ● How will the Mutants return back to their universe? ● Is there any plausible way to reincarnate the lost? How so?

References/sources cited and compulsory studies:-

1. Avengers- Infinity War 2. Captain America- Civil War 3. X-Men- Days of Future Past 4. X-Men- Apocalypse 5. Wikia for Respective Characters(but only w.r.t the MCU and The X-MEN Cinematic Universe)


Recommended studies:- 1. Thor-Ragnarok 2. Ant Man and the 3. Black Panther 4. Avengers- Age of