DOCUAEN'T RBSUMB , ED 027 353 UD 007 702 By- Wilson, Marilyn Standard Oral English; Seventh Grade. Instructional Guide A. Los Angeles City Schools, Calif. Div. of Secondary Education.. Report No-LACS-Pub-ESEA-3-3 Pub Date 67 Note- 135p. EDRS Price.MF-S0.75 HC-$6.85 Descriptors-*Curriculum Guides, Filmstrips, *Instructional Materials, *Junior High School Students, Language Patterns, Larvauage Usage, Lesson Plans, Negro Dialects, *Negro Students, Nonstandard Dialects, *Oral English, Tape Recordings Identifiers-Elementary Secondary Education Act Title I Program, ESEA Title I Program A curriculum guide was prepared for the teaching of standard oral English in the Los Angeles junior high schools. This guide focuses particularly on the teaching of standard English to Negro itudents using a nonstandard dialect. The lessons were designed for use with accompanying, tapes and filmstrips. (See also UD 007703 for parallel program to help Mexican-American students). (NH) . .. ' ' ,- . .- : . , : . , . : z ; 'a . , , :. , . , , .. 5. .- . - . 5. I :-' ".- '7,` , - --....'.,"'-' , .; - ,. ,,, ,.. -. .., , .. :.- ... , t , , ,- , I. .. ., . ."..` . : , ... " ,,' .. :.` . .v , .. ' t;, : , . 5. " , . - , - ,... 4% . , 111w . I MI Li 0 s ELEMENTARY ANDSECONDARY a a EDUCATION ACT U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION & WELFARE OFFICE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRODUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGINATING IT.POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE OF EDUCATION POSIIION OR POLICY. STANDARD ORAL ENGLISH SEVENTH GRADE Instructional Guide A ii e( LOS ANGELES CITY SCHOOLS iCib Division of Secondary Education Specially-Funied Programs Q Publication No. ESEA 3-3 "Z 1967 a T1-'publication was developed with funds pro- .d by the federal government under Title I, E lementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965.
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