THE NEW Zeatanb . GAZE'rte
170 THE NEW ZEAtANb .GAZE'rTE. [No. 7 MILITARY AREA No. 4 (HAMILTON)-continwea. MILITARY AREA No. 4 (HAMILTON)-continuea. 469379 Pearson, Alfred George, builder, 8 Grey St., Hamilton. 528838 Rennie, Alexander Preston, motor mechanic, Macfarlane 205122 Pearson, Claude Ernest, civil engineer, Hill St., Te Kuiti. St., Hamilton East. 617690 Pearson, Robert George, corner Hukanui Rd. and East St., 528840 Rennie, John Preston, panel-beater, 20 Anglesea St., Hamil Hamilton. ton. 497196 Pellow, Leslie Frank, dairy-farmer, Onewhero. 476530 Renwick, Jack, theatre-manager, 2 Hall St., Frankton 619588 Pennell, Thomas Noel, farm hand, Pukeroro Rural Delivery, Junction. Hamilton. 543992 Reynolds, Ernest George, surfaceman (N.Z.R.), 385 Railway 470431 Peoples, William James, grocer, Taupiri St., Te Kuiti. House, Tuhua. 531460 Perry, Francis Chaldecott, field inspector, Hill St., Te Kuiti. 474279 Reynolds, William Henry Arnold, slaughterman, Cambridge 602755 Peterson, Charles Clyde, painter, Sloane St., Te Awamutu. Rd., Te Awamutu. 619881 Phillips, John Vivian, share-milker, care of Mr. R. L. Nevill, 615706 Rhodes, Jack, butcher's assistant, Huntly South. Ten Foot Rd., Taupiri. 528851 Rice, Michael, fireman (N.Z.R.), Taupo Rd., Taumarunui. 607860 Picard, Maxwell John, signwriter, Enderley Ave., Hamilton. 539557 Rice, William Wenzel, motor salesman, 19 Grosvenor St., 619777 Pickerill, George, apprentice motor mechanic, Te Rapa, Cambridge. Frankton Junction. 617171 Richards, Edwin Albert, farm hand, Rotongaro, Huntly. 497149 Pickering, Richard Cecil, dairy-farmer; Kaipaki, Ohaupo. 616259 Richardson, Arnold Edward, engineer's apprentice, Hooper's 615648 Pike, Allan Winston, "Opawa," Clarkin· Rd., Hamilton. Rd., Hillcrest, Hamilton. 620446 Pilcher, William Charles Edward, farm hand, Whawharua, 539564 Richardson, David Clark, farmer, Ngahape, Te Kawa Rural Otorohanga.
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