Community Profile 2015 EAST Area 3 Covering Porritt, Insoll, Fairview Downs, Clarkin, Claudelands and Enderley

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Community Profile 2015 EAST Area 3 Covering Porritt, Insoll, Fairview Downs, Clarkin, Claudelands and Enderley COMMUNITY PROFILE 2015 EAST AREA 3 COVERING PORRITT, INSOLL, FAIRVIEW DOWNS, CLARKIN, CLAUDELANDS AND ENDERLEY TaBLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION 3 2. DEMOGRAPHIC INFORMATION 4 2.1 Age structure 5 2.2 Cultural diversity 6 2.3 Qualifications and income 7 2.4 NZ Deprivation Index 7 2.5 Community survey – standard of living 9 3. EMPLOYMENT 11 4. HOUSEHOLDS, HOUSING AND FaMILIES 13 4.1 Home heating 15 4.2 Community survey – home condition 15 5. SAFETY 17 5.1 Community survey – perceptions of safety 18 6. GENERAL WELLBEING 19 6.1 Community survey – health and wellbeing 20 6.2 Community survey – tobacco use 21 6.3 Community survey – physical activity 23 7. SOCIAL WELLBEING 24 7.1 Access to telecommunications 25 7.2 Community survey – transport options 26 7.3 Community survey – public transport 27 7.4 Community survey – public facilities 29 7.5 Community survey – reading 30 7.6 Engagement in democracy 31 7.7 Community survey – social connections 32 8. Community profile areas - summary 36 East Area 1 West Area 1 East Area 2 Porritt Insoll Fairview Clarkin East Downs Area 3 Enderley West Claudelands Area 2 West Area 4 East West West Area 4 East Area 3 Area 5 Area 5 West Area 6 2 COMMUNITY PROFILE 2015 1 INTRODUCTION What is a community profile? Hamilton city community profiles provide information about community areas across Hamilton. The community profile will cover the following topics: § background of the area § physical description of location and boundaries § demographic and social statistics compiled from the 2013 Census. Where applicable, results will be compared with the Hamilton average § perceptions of the local community about their life experiences living in the area, compiled from the community survey § the views of residents about social services and public facilities, compiled from the community survey § community needs, compiled from the community survey. Who can use this community profile? The profile is designed to be used by individuals and organisations with an interest in the community and it is intended to provide assistance to decision making for community initiatives and projects. The profiles are also designed to be used by the residents of the community themselves, to help form a better understanding of their area and how it compares with other areas and the greater Hamilton community. sources Information has been accessed primarily from two sources: § Census 2013 (Statistics New Zealand) § Hamilton City Council community surveys, conducted in 2014. Both these sources provide a snapshot of data at the time they were taken. Data generally does not measure longitudinal trends. about east area 3 East Area 3 is located in the Central Eastern part of Hamilton. The area is predominantly residential. There are a number of facilities in the area, including Claudelands and Porritt Stadium. Enderley Community Centre and Waikato Migrant Resource Centre are also located in East Area 3. There are a number of shops and amenities at Five Cross Roads, which include a medical centre, pharmacy, and various other entertainment and dining outlets. Schools in East Area 3 include Fairfield Primary School, Insoll Avenue School, Te Kura Kaupapa Maaori or Te Ara Rima, Southwell School, Fairfield Intermediate, Woodstock School, St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, Fairfield College and St Paul’s Collegiate School. There are a number of parks in the area, including Claudelands, Fairfield and Enderley Park. EAST Area 3 CommuniTy ProfilE – Covering Porritt, insoll, fairview Downs, Clarkin, Claudelands and Enderley 3 2 DEMOGRAPHIC INFORMATION 4 2 DEMOGRAPHIC INFORMATION The population of East Area 3 is different from the Hamilton average in many ways. The average age in East Area 3 is variable compared to Hamilton, and there are more residents under the age of 16. There is a higher proportion of the population who identify as Maaori, and like the rest of Hamilton, ethnic and cultural diversity is rising. Incomes vary across the area and are significantly lower than the Hamilton average. There are also lower levels of formal qualifications. Community survey responses indicate that East Area 3 residents perceive to have a lower standard of living and do not always feel satisfied with the neighbourhood in which they live. East Area 3 is a cluster of six Census Area Units in Porrit Hamilton. These are Porritt, Insoll, Fairview Downs, 1737 Enderly 4182 Clarkin, Claudelands and Enderley. Claudelands The total population of East Area 3 is 17,283. This is 12.2 2421 per cent of the Hamilton Population. The population has grown by less than 1 per cent since 2006. Fairview Downs MALE FEMALE Insoll 3330 2565 East Area 3 48% 52% Hamilton 48% 52% Clarkin 3048 2.1 age structure East Area 3 has a variable age structure. The median age for each unit is shown in Table 1. On average, East Area 3 has a younger population than the Hamilton average (Fig. 1). TaBLE 1: Median AgE, East Area 3 MEDIAN AGE Porritt 31.3 Insoll 29.8 Fairview Downs 29.5 Clarkin 30.4 Claudelands 34.5 Enderley 30.9 Hamilton Average 32.2 Source: Census 2013 EAST Area 3 CommuniTy ProfilE – Covering Porritt, insoll, fairview Downs, Clarkin, Claudelands and Enderley 5 FIGURE 1: AgE Structure, EAST Area 3 AND Hamilton ¢ 15 and Under ¢ 16-64 ¢ Over 65 w East Area 4 23.8% 65.1% 11.1% Hamilton 21.5% 67.1% 11.4% Source: Census 2013 2.2 Cultural diversity A significant proportion of the population identify as European although this is lower than the Hamilton average. There is a higher proportion of the East Area 3 population who identify as Maaori or Pacific than the Hamilton average (Fig. 2). The proportion of residents living in East Area 3 who were born outside of New Zealand is lower than the Hamilton average. The area is experiencing a growth in the number of residents born outside of New Zealand (Fig. 3). Residents have a similar profile for languages spoken to the Hamilton average, with over 95 per cent speaking English. There are more Maaori language speakers compared to the Hamilton average with similar figures for Samoan and New Zealand Sign Language speakers. There are fewer people speaking other languages. Since 2006, the number of other language speakers has increased at a slower rate than the Hamilton average (Fig. 4). FIGURE 2: ETHNICITy OF Residents: EAST Area 3 AND Hamilton ¢ ¢ 69.5% East Area 3 Hamilton w 60.8% 32.3% 21.3% 13.8% 8.9% 8.3% 5.1% 3.5% 2.0% European Maaori Asian Pacific Middle Eastern / Latin American / African Source: Census 2013 FIGURE 3: PercentagE OF Residents WHO WERE FIGURE 4: “OTHER” LANguagE Speakers 2001-2013, BORN outside OF NEW Zealand, EAST Area 3 EAST Area 3 AND Hamilton AND Hamilton ¢East Area 3 ¢ Hamilton ¢ East Area 3 ¢ Hamilton 24.0% 15.8% 19.0%21.9% 20.5% 14.0% 13.4% 17.3%17.9% 12.8% 10.9%10.9% 2001 2006 2013 2001 2006 2013 Source: Census 2013 Source: Census 2013 6 COMMUNITY PROFILE 2015 2.3 Qualifications and income The percentage of East Area 4 population who have a formal qualification is 84.6 per cent, compared to the Hamilton average of 80.9 per cent. The median annual income varies across the area, although all are lower than the Hamilton average (Table 2). There are a lower proportion of people on incomes above $50,000 than the Hamilton average, and more people on incomes of less than $20,000 (Fig. 5). TaBLE 2: Median Income, EAST Area 4 MEDIAN INCOME Porritt $22,100 Insoll $16,800 Fairview Downs $28,000 Clarkin $24,000 Claudelands $27,500 Enderley $22,500 Hamilton Average: $27,700 Source: Census 2013 FIGURE 5: Annual Income, east Area 3 AND Hamilton ¢ Under $20,000 ¢ $20,000-$50,000 ¢ Over $50,000 w East Area 3 65.2% 28.2% 6.6% Hamilton 39.9% 34.5% 25.6% Source: Census 2013 2.4 new Zealand Deprivation index The New Zealand Deprivation Index is updated after each Census and uses a number of indicators to profile the country based on deprivation. Ten indicators are used to create the index, and include income, education, employment and housing figures. The country is then profiled in one of ten deprivation levels, from 1 (least deprived) to 10 (most deprived). The six units that make up East Area 3 are between 8 and 10, indicating a high level of deprivation (Fig. 6). EAST Area 3 CommuniTy ProfilE – Covering Porritt, insoll, fairview Downs, Clarkin, Claudelands and Enderley 7 FIGURE 6: MAP OF NEW Zealand DEPRIvation 2013 LEvELS for EAST Area 3 Legend 2013 deprivation Index 1 (Least deprived) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (Most deprived) Porritt Fairview Insoll Downs Clarkin Enderley Claudelands Source: Census 2013 8 COMMUNITY PROFILE 2015 2.5 Community survey – standard of living The community survey asks a variety of questions to respondents about their quality of life. A general question used to establish how participants feel about their quality of life, ranked from a line of high standard of living to low (Fig. 7). Respondents were also asked to assess how well their income meets their everyday needs. This question was asked to establish a greater understanding of the relationship between incomes and living costs, as opposed to simply measuring annual income (Fig. 8). Respondents were also asked to identify neighbourhood problems that may impact on quality of life. These ranged from distance to services and safety, to neighbourhood nuisances such as barking dogs (Fig. 9). FIGURE 7: SELF Assessed Quality OF LIFE, east Area 3 1% 3% 9% 48% ¢ High 11% ¢ Fairly high ¢ Medium ¢ Fairly low ¢ Low ¢ Don’t know Source: Results from community survey, question 22: ‘How would you rate your standard of living?’ 28% FIGURE 8: HOUSEHOLD Income’S ABILITy to MEET EvERyday NEEDS, east Area 3 ¢ Not enough ¢ Just enough ¢ Enough ¢ More than enough ¢ Don’t know z 17% 36% 31% 16% Source: Results from community survey, question 24: “Thinking about how well your household income meets your everyday needs for such things as accommodation, food, clothing and other necessities.
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