St. Peter's in the Vatican Edited
Cambridge University Press 0521640962 - St. Peter’s in the Vatican Edited by William Tronzo Index More information INDEX Pages referring to figures are in italic. Augustine, 25, 29, 158 bust of Savior by, 223 Augustus, 26 canonization ceremony and, 251, 256, “Additional Observations” (Poleni), 109 257–8 aedicula (little building), 7, 8, 12 Baldacchino, 5, 229, 276, 280 Christ’s figure by, 217 africano marble, 21–2 bronze of, 120 colonnades of, 149 columns of, 40 crown of, 128 Constantine’s monument by, 159–74 agulia (needle), 23 first project as, 126f crossing piers by, 137–41 Alberti, Alberto, 39 perspective view of, 129 death and, 135 Alberti, Leon Battista, 16, 70 prototype of, 125–7, 129–30 divine intervention and, 161–6 Albertini, Francesco, 83 view of, 118, 123, 125 Greek inspiration for, 161 Alfarano, Tiberio, 2, 6, 16, 53, 54 view through, 111, 112 honorific medal of, 116 altar “wholistic” view of, 120 impact of, 111–12 baldachins, ciboria in, 114–16 baldachins, 233n16 light and, 172–3 columns of, 23, 36 in altars, 114–16 longevity of, 111 of Corpus Christi, 36 design of, 116–19 Michelangelo and, 230 problems of, 113–14 symbolism of, 119–20 nave decoration, spandrels by, 147 remaking of, 23 temporary, 120 Ponte Sant’Angelo and, 191–2, 194–209 Altar of the Holy Sacrament, 209–17, 210, Baldinucci, Filippo, 111 popes during, 232f 211, 212, 216, 219 balustrades Poussin’s art and, 163–4, 166, 236n98 angels in, 212–15, 213 on Ponte Sant’Angelo, 198 Sacrament altar by, 209–17 development of, 211 Bandinelli, Baccio, 186 sculptural studies of, 207 materials of, 215–16 Barberini, Cardinal Francesco, 50, 100 St.
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