Genealogical Library Collection Czech & Slovak American Genealogy Society of Illinois
Genealogical Library Collection Czech & Slovak American Genealogy Society of Illinois 1848: Turning Point for Chicago, Turning Point for the Region by Conzen, Knox, Cremin, 1998 55ti Leteho Jubilea Radu Jungmann, C.S.P.S., 1877-1932, Chicago Across America on an Emigrant Train by Jim Murphy, 1993 *Adresar A Almanach (Bohemian Population, Chicago), 1915 Adresar, Ceske Chicago, 1900 A Hidden Impact, The Czechs & Slovaks of Louisiana From the 1720s to Today by James Hlavac, 2006 A Surgeon’s World by Max Thorek, 1943 A Thousand Years of Czech Culture, Riches from the National Museum in Prague, Salem, N. Carolina, 1996 Album Representantu Vsech Oboru Verejneho Zivota Cesko Slovenskeho, (1204 pages) Prof. Fr. Sekanina, 1927 Alice Garrigue Masaryk, 1879 - 1966, compiled by Ruth Crawford Mitchell, 1980 Almanach Nejvetsi Ceske Osady v Americe, Plzen, 1904, photocopy Alphons Mucha, Galeria Bratislavy, 2003 America in the Struggle for Czechoslovak Independence by Charles Pergler, 1926 American Czech and Slovak Telephone Directory, 1941-42, Chicago and Suburbs American Immigration by Maldwyn A. Jones, 1960 American Military History 1607-1958 by Headquarters, Department of the Army, ROTC Manual, 1959 American Naturalization Records 1790 - 1990, What They Are and How to Use Them by John J. Newman American Sokol Centennial, 1865 - 1965, XI National Slet, American Sokol Organization, 1965 America’s Siberian Adventure by William S. Graves, 1931 Anglicko Cesky, Cesky Anglicky Dictionary, 1974 Anglicko-Cesky (English-Czech) Technical Dictionary, Praha 1992 Anglicko-Slovensky, Slovensko-Anglicky Slovnik, 1997 Vyroci (110th) Skoly Sudomerice u Bechyne, 1998 Anton . the Martyr by H. K. Barnard, 1933 Antonin Dvorak, My Father by Otakar Dvorak, 1993 Archives in International Context by Statni ustredni archiv v Praze, 2004 Area Handbook for Czechoslovakia by Foreign Area Studies, 1972 *Atlas, Czech Republic / Slovakia, 1998 Atlas of Medieval and Modern History by William R.
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