THE JOURNAL OF THE COMMUNITY PRACTITIONERS’ AND HEALTH VISITORS’ ASSOCIATION MAY 2018 COMMUNITYPRACTITIONER.CO.UK I waswas bornborn in the wrong body – God made a mistake 14:2727 Don’t worry, it’s just + PLANT POWER a phase...e... you’ll IS A VEGAN DIET grow out of itt RIGHT FOR CHILDREN? 14:36 PARKINSON’S THE ISSUES WHEN DIAGNOSED UNDER 40 HEALTH LITERACY POLICY, PRACTICE AND NEXT STEPS IS ANYONE LISTENING? Trans young people still face stigma & their health is suffering 01 COVER_FINAL.indd 1 27/04/2018 12:21 Cleanse and protect newborn skin from day 1 6SHFLDOO\FUHDWHGIRUGDLO\XVHRQEDE\óVGHOLFDWHVNLQ JOHNSON’S® TOP-TO-TOE®%DE\%DWKLV • Independently proven to be as mild on baby’s skin as water alone, from day one1 • pH balanced so will maintain baby’s natural skin pH • Hypoallergenic* • Free of phthalates, parabens, soap, and dye The JOHNSON’S® TOP-TO-TOE® range also includes Baby Massage Oil, Baby Massage Lotion, Moisturising Baby Cream and Baby Washcloths. The JOHNSON’S® brand is committed to developing safe, PLOGDQGHıHFWLYHEDE\SURGXFWVWKDWFRQWULEXWHWRKHDOWK\ skin development. For more information about taking care of newborn skin please visit We welcome any feedback, please email us at
[email protected] *Formulated to minimise the risk of allergies 1 Lavender T, Bedwell C, Roberts SA, et al. Randomised, controlled trial evaluating a baby wash product on skin barrier function in healthy, term neonates. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic & Neonatal Nursing. 2013; 42, 203-214.