THREE DAYS A WEEK POST COMMENTS AT CAPE-CORAL-DAILY-BREEZE.COM A happy CAPE CORAL angler Kids All American Fishing Derby held BREEZE — INSIDE EARLY-WEEK EDITION WEATHER: Isolated Storms • Tonight: Mostly Clear • Wednesday: Isolated Storms — 2A Vol. 50, No. 74 Tuesday, June 21, 2011 50 cents Krym: Fuel audit report shows flaws within system for Bill Towler’s report on the Towler wrote that fuel usage Findings do not prove or disprove fuel was stolen or missing city’s fuel management proce- in the city increased nearly 100 dures last year, identified the percent after FY 2006, represent- By DREW WINCHESTER has been relying on for over a “We removed the issue of who decade. said what and looked only at con- city’s fuel controls as being sus- ing 360,000 gallons.
[email protected] pect. He wrote that security meas- He also wrote that over a mil- City Auditor Margaret Krym The figure of $31,693, as trol over the system and whether identified within the report, does or not it was effective,” Krym ures were easily circumvented, lion dollars can be saved each said the much anticipated fuel deliveries were not monitored and year if the city were to revert to audit report did not prove or dis- not represent missing fuel, only said. “We found there was no the difference between what was control and the system was inef- that management controls are FY 2006 levels, but Krym said prove whether fuel was stolen or “corrupted and ineffective,” as he those were assumptions made by missing, and instead only spoke spent, and what was allocated for fective.” fuel between 2005 – 2010, she The so-called “Towler wrote in the cover letter of his Towler because of “gaps” in the to the inherent flaws within the report.